Download - GATI Competition Season 1 Aerospace Innovation Challenges ss1-details-Eng-Boo… · “GATI” is a Thai term meaning coconut cream, which originates from Thai idiom “Hua Gati”.

Page 1: GATI Competition Season 1 Aerospace Innovation Challenges ss1-details-Eng-Boo… · “GATI” is a Thai term meaning coconut cream, which originates from Thai idiom “Hua Gati”.

GATI Competition Season 1 Aerospace Innovation Challenges

TRANSFORMING POTENTIAL : Spearheading the Road Beyond

sponsored by

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R V Connex is a Thai Cooperation in the field of National Defense Systems, Security, Aerospace, and the design

and development of innovative solutions. Our capabilities encompass a number of areas, including aircraft and

helicopter maintenance, upgrade and modification services, cyber security, Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)

and satellite integration.

R V Connex Co., Ltd is holding a competition as part of the “Gathering to Advance Thai Innovation” Initiative,

or GATI in short. This project was formed with the commitment to elevate Thai innovation by gathering and

joining forces between talented minds, driven individuals and institutions across a multitude of disciplines and


We, as part of the GATI Initiative, are aiming for GATI to be a center of research and development in which

we could share our knowledge and expertise to further elevate the growth potential of Thai innovation. We are

hoping to collaborate more with other partners and organizations in the future which could strengthen Thai

technology capability to promote self-reliance, stimulate the economy and eventually become a regional leader.

As part of the GATI Initiative, we have announced the start of GATI competition, Season 1, which is centred

around the theme of Aerospace Innovation Challenges. We are hoping that we will have additional participants

and organizations across the Thai landscape join us in the next season with new innovative challenges.

The purpose of this booklet is to provide details and guidelines for teams who wish to enter the competition.

It consists of R V Connex’s profile, as the main sponsor of this competition, and further details and information

on the GATI Season 1 Competition.

We hope that you enjoy completing these aerospace innovation challenges, and to learn a lot in the process of

doing so.

The GATI Initiative

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Table of Content

R V Connex Company Profile 2

1. Introduction 4

2. Competition Objectives 5

3. Challenge Themes 5

4. Eligibility Requirements 5

5. Challenge Rules and Basics 5

6. Date and Deadlines 6

7. Deliverables 6

8. Award 7

9. R V Connex Co., Ltd Copyright Ownership 7

10. Basic Evaluation Criteria 7

11. Additional Contacts 8

Proposal Template 9

Challenge Theme #1: Unmanned Aircraft System Grade Engine 13

Challenge Theme #2: Wireless Communication System for Unmanned Aircraft System 15

Challenge Theme #3: Augmented Reality (AR) Training System 19

Application Form 21

Competition poster 23

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GATI Competition Season 1: Aerospace Innovation Challenges

1. Introduction

Gathering to Advance Thai Innovation, or GATI in short, was formed with the commitment to

elevate Thai innovation by gathering and joining forces between talented minds, driven individuals

and institutions across a multitude of disciplines and sectors.

“GATI” is a Thai term meaning coconut cream, which originates from Thai idiom “Hua Gati”.

“Hua Gati” translates to “pure coconut cream”, and by extension, “the cream of the crop” or the

elites and experts.

Season 1 marks the first time a competition has been organized under the GATI initiative, in which

is centred around the theme of Aerospace Innovation Challenges. Brought into fruition by R V

Connex Co., Ltd (RVC), participants gain direct access to one of Thailand’s leading companies

with experience in the field of National Defense Systems, Security, Aviation and the development

of Innovation Solutions. In particular, RVC is passionate in supporting and backing creative ideas

and driven innovators so as to bring their ideas to life, whether it be through funding or knowledge

and experience from industry leading experts in their respective fields.

The competition will be mainly based on Aerospace Innovation Challenges which will focus

particularly on innovation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology.

Undoubtedly, the demand for UAVs have remarkably expanded over the past few decades, due to

its flexible nature and ability to conduct various types of missions, including wildfire fighting, data

collection, aerial photography, cargo delivery as well as supporting Intelligence, Surveillance,

Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions. Thus, it is crucial to elevate all areas of

relevant knowledge in research and development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in Thailand.

In addition, Augmented Reality, or “AR” for short, is also becoming a favorable and rapidly

developing technology, which can assist raising efficiency and solving a number of issues in almost

every field. For instance, AR can be used to streamline the Manufacturing Process, or even fields

such as Education, Training, Travel and Tourism. With this in mind, GATI has also realized the

importance of research and development into AR systems, especially with regards to AR systems

that can be used in streamlining UAS training and operation.

Therefore, on behalf of the GATI initiative, we are pleased to announce the start of GATI Season 1

- Aerospace Innovation Challenges, in response to global trends of using UAS to perform valuable

missions, and the future of using AR systems for training and operation purposes. In turn, we hope

to raise the potential of Unmanned Aerial Systems and AR technology in Thailand. GATI believes

that having our own understanding and capability in such technologies will allow Thailand to

promote self-reliance, stimulate the economy and become a regional leader in aerospace innovation.

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2. Competition Objectives

2.1. To seek for collaboration with individuals and organizations across multiple disciplines to

advance Thai innovation.

2.2. To promote the recognition of the many benefits and capabilities of UAS and AR system technology.

2.3. To promote the recognition of research and development into UAS and AR system technology.

2.4. To advance the potential of researching, developing and manufacturing in the industry of UAS

and AR system technology.

2.5. To encourage people of all ages to present their hidden abilities and intelligence in researching

and developing UAS and AR system technology. 2.6. To strengthen the country’s competency and self-reliance, and to stimulate the rate of

employment and growth within the country as a result of having in-country research and

development centers dedicated to UAS and AR system technology.

2.7. To encourage research and development of these technologies into a production prototype for

UAS and AR system applications.

3. Challenge Themes

The following technical challenges await your proposal response to be part of an opportunity to be the

first to spearhead the future of the Thai Aerospace Industry, and the road beyond.

3.1. Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) Grade Engine

3.2. Wireless Communication system for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)

3.3. Augmented Reality (AR) Training System

4. Eligibility Requirements

4.1. Anyone who is interested in the following projects. 4.1.1. Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) Grade Engine

4.1.2. Wireless Communication system for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)

4.1.3. Augmented Reality (AR) Training System

4.2. Anyone with bright ideas and a passion for innovation.

4.3. There is NO age and education restriction.

4.4. There is NO citizen restriction. However, you must be able to communicate in English or Thai. 4.5. Individuals or teams with no limit to amount of members.

5. Challenge Rules and Basics

This challenge is open for everyone who is passionate or has related experience in UAS and AR training

system. We would like to request for a proposal regarding following themes.

5.1. Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) Grade Engine

5.2. Wireless Communication system for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)

5.3. Augmented Reality (AR) Training System

Competition Process

1. GATI Season 1 Competition opens for application. Teams can apply through the website.

2. Teams submit a 3-5 minute “Team Introduction Video” through the website.

3. Announcement of participants in the competition through the website.

4. Shortlisted teams submit a proposal through the website.

5. Shortlisted teams present a proposal pitching through the online portal.

6. Winner announcement.

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6. Date and Deadlines

Activity Date Note

Application period 7 August - 30 September 2019 Please find more details in

section 7.1

“Team Introduction” Video

Submission Within 30 September 2019

3-5 minutes Team Introduction

Video. Please find more details

in section 7.2

Participant Shortlist

Announcement 11 October 2019

Technical Proposal

Submission 10 January 2020

Presentation Documents

Submission 16 January 2020

Online Pitching 20-24 January 2020 Presentation period: 15-20

minutes. + 10 minutes for

questions and answers. Winner Announcement 31 January 2020

7. Deliverables

7.1. Application

One of the team members must complete the application form and attach the following

documents through the website. The application can be download from

7.1.1 Each member’s resume

7.1.2 Team reference document of previous research (if any)

7.2. “Team Introduction Video” no longer than 3-5 minutes, submit by uploading through the


Video Content must consist of

1. Team name, background and challenge theme.

2. Reasons for entering this competition and choosing this theme.

3. Team ideas and basic knowledge for the challenge theme.

4. Team experience or motivation related to the challenge theme.

7.3. Proposal (Please see proposal template on page 9)

Proposals can be written in English or Thai and can be downloaded on the website.

7.4. Online Pitching documents

Each team has 15-20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for answering questions from

the RVC committee. Presentation script and other relevant material should be sent in order to

be followed and avoid unclear communication caused from any connectivity or noise


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8. Award

The Winner will receive 50,000 THB and will be granted a number of special privileges by


RVC will consider these privileges on a case-by-case basis, which will be further agreed after the

conclusion of the competition.


1. Potential job offers at RV Connex Co., Ltd or at key partner firms to further assist in developing

your ideas.

2. Funding for researching and prototyping.

3. Invitation to Defense & Security 2019 Exhibition.

First Runner-up will receive 30,000 THB.

All participants will receive a certificate to honor their effort in the competition.

9. R V Connex Co., Ltd Copyright Ownership

All submissions to the competition must be the original work of the participants. All participants

warrant that all information submitted does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third


Participants acknowledge that by virtue of participating in the competition, team members and

proposal authors grant R V Connex Co., Ltd the full and exclusive right, title and license to the

intellectual property as part of the proposal, and to further develop the proposal in whole or in part

as part of R V Connex Co., Ltd’s future research and development purposes. R V Connex Co., Ltd

will inform the participants where reasonably necessary when any documentation is to be used or


10. Basic Evaluation Criteria

10.1. “Team Introduction Video” Evaluation Criteria

Factor 1: Team understanding in the competition and challenge theme. (30%)

Factor 2: Team basic knowledge, conceptual design and relevant experience in challenge theme. (40%)

Factor 3: Team motivation, enthusiasm, creativity and collaboration. (30%)

10.2. Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Factor 1: Technical Content (30%)

Proposal presents clear understanding in engineering point of view.

Relevant and supporting theory should be well presented and covered.

Numerical result or other result was done correctly.

Proposal is able to answer challenge theme’s research questions.

Factor 2: Conceptual design (30%)

Proposal presents overall design requirement and consideration.

Proposal presents detailed description with support theory.

Conceptual design is initiative and has high potential growth.

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Factor 3: Feasibility (40%)

Proposal has supported tests or simulation which presents high possibility to be manufactured

or to be a production prototype.

Plan and related tasks have clear approaches and strong supported theory.

Cost estimation for the whole project is reasonable.

10.3. Presentation Criteria

Factor 1: Organization (15%)

Teams present an appropriate type of presentation for the topic and audience.

Team should present an information with a logical sequence.

Presentation content and figure should have appropriate reference.

Factor 2: Content (45%).

Introduction is clear, draw attention, state the problems well and give an overview of the rest

of the presentation.

Teams present an accurate information.

Material in the presentation is relevant to the overall message or purpose.

Teams present obvious conclusion of the presentation.

Factor 3: Presentation (40%)

Teams maintain eye contact with audience with appropriate gestures, moving around, etc.

Teams uses a clear voice and tones.

Teams should be well communicated.

Length of presentation is not exceeding the assigned time limits.

Teams can provide reasonable answer to committees.

Teams are well prepared, smooth and controlled.


Winner must have an overall proposal and presentation score no less than 80%

First-Runner must have an overall proposal and presentation score no less than 70%

11. Additional Contacts

All technical questions pertaining to this competition should be directed via e-mail to

[email protected]

Any updates to this competition will be posted on the following channels:

11.1. Website:

11.2. E-mail: [email protected]

11.3. Phone number: +(662) 090 9507 Ext. 4103

11.4. Facebook: GATI Competition - Aerospace Innovation Challenges

11.5. Twitter: GATI Competition - Aerospace Innovation Challenges

11.6. YouTube Channel: GATI Competition - Aerospace Innovation Challenges

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Proposal Template

Project title



1. Statement of problem and significance of research

Indicate research significant and necessity for studying by presenting problems and effects.



2. Purpose of Research

List of purposes and goals for this research in order of importance.



3. Expected Results

Indicate research expected knowledge, development (if any), productivity (if any) result.



4. Literature review/ Patent search

Review existing patents and published research that are related to team’s research title.

Team should present a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish the credibility of

your work.

Team should present the summary of previous researches, explain how is linked to your

research and what is known about a research.

Team should demonstrate and emphasize that your research is outstanding.



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5. Research Methodology

5.1 Team should list the following requirements.

5.1.1 Mission requirements

5.1.2 Functional requirements

5.1.3 Performance requirements

5.1.4 Constraint requirements



5.2 Conceptual Design

After doing background research and specifying requirements, teams required to generate their

conceptual design. Teams are not allowed to copy the existing product with patent.

Teams should decide on a solution to present their conceptual design by explaining design

consideration, characteristics, configuration and function.

Teams should present and justify reason behind the design e.g. what make the design better

compare to other designs (Teams can present by using trade study analysis).



5.3 Design Verification

Team can present experiment procedure, numerical method or other methods that strongly

support teams’ conceptual design.



5.4 Result and discussion

Team can include laboratory results, numerical results or other results to support the design.

Team should interpret and explain the result, answer research questions, justify your approach

and evaluate the study.



5.5 Conclusion

Summarize teams’ conceptual design, verification, result and plan.

Team should include growth potential for the design.



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6. Cost Estimation

Team should list relevant cost in the project which include

o Material cost

o Manufacturing cost

o Wages

o Miscellaneous expenses

Activity Cost (THB)

Raw material


3D printing material


Part manufacturing

CNC service cost


Technician wages



7. Research Schedule

Estimate research period by providing starting to ending month and year.

Provide related tasks to complete research in teams’ challenge topic with task description and

expected outcome for each task.

Team should also include expected outcome during a project period e.g. what are the expected

outcomes after 6 months, 12 months, etc.

Team should indicate manufacturing process for any related hardware. Hardware and/or

software supplier and required facility.

Team should also include a Gantt Chart.



8. Roles and Responsibility

Present each member roles and responsibility for this project.



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Proposal Format Guideline

1. One (1) Electronic copy of proposal from each team.

2. Proposal can be in English or Thai.

3. Number of pages is not limited. However, it is recommended to be concise and cover all related


4. The body text font to be 12-point Times New Roman.

5. The proposal text to be A4 paper size.

6. Figures and table shall be labeled and referenced within the text.

Proposal Expectations

1. Teams should present basic knowledge and understanding about existing patents and research

on their challenge theme.

2. Teams should be able to emphasize the outstanding points of their proposal response.

3. Team must not copy any product from existing patents or research.

4. Teams should present their design consideration by setting suitable requirements.

5. Teams’ conceptual design should consist of justification, characteristics, configuration and


6. Teams should describe a proposed system in term of user operation.

7. Teams should present clear research schedule which includes detail tasks and expected outcome

in a specific period.

8. In research schedule, team should clearly express proposed design manufacturing process,

which should include hardware and/or software, suppliers, material and required facility.

9. Gantt chart for project schedule is preferred.

10. Teams should present cost estimation that covers the whole project period.

11. Teams should prove the proposed design by experiments, numerical method or other methods

and present their results in order to verify the design.

12. Teams should discuss the results, clearly interpret that their design is able to answer research


13. Teams clearly express proposed design’s growth potential.

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Challenge Theme #1: Unmanned Aircraft System Grade Engine

Challenge Theme #1 Mission

It is RVC’s hope that a UAV engine can be designed and built in Thailand in order to showcase as

well as further existing Thai capabilities and potential. It could help minimize the need to import

parts from overseas as well as stimulate income generation in our economy. Due to the relatively

high manufacturing capabilities in Thailand which are in alignment with international standards,

this can lead to a successful production of UAV grade engines.

The aforementioned engine will be used in a UAV application to perform different kinds of missions

such as wildfire fighting, data collection aerial photography, cargo delivering as well as supporting

Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions. RVC

expects this research to be the initiation for further research and development to be able to release

various types of UAV grade engines for a specific purposes and design.

Challenge Theme #1 Objectives

This challenge requires teams to present a research with the following research questions.

1. Which engine design is the most suitable for UAV application?

2. What hardware and software are used in the proposed UAV grade engine design?

3. What manufacturing processes are the most suitable for the proposed design?

UAV Engine Requirements

1. To design the engine and manufacturing process for UAV application.

2. UAV is assumed to be a push back configuration total mass of 140 kg (including payload).

3. UAV should be able to operate at approximately 3,000 m. above sea level.

4. UAV shall be able to operate at least 8 hours.

The given engine characteristics is a guideline for designing the UAV grade engine. Example of Engine characteristic for UAS Application

Type opposed two-cylinder two stroke boxer

Output 25Hp at 7000 rev/min

Total displacement 312 cm3

Cooling system air > 25 m/sec

Max rpm 7000 rev/min

Min rpm 1800 to 2800 rev/min

Bore 65 mm

Stroke 47mm

Bore/stroke ratio 1.382

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Compression ratio 10.7:1

Cylinders light alloy metal ceramic plated castings

Cylinder heads light alloy castings

Crankcase part of the cylinder

Connecting rods forged steel with caged needle bearings at both ends

Crankshaft forged steel supported by special ball bearings

Fuel metering fuel injection on throttle body

Ignition system Double- programmed inductive discharging system managed

by ECU

Operating temperatures:

Temperature under spark plug (CHT) min 140 – max 220°C

Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) max 600°C


Operating (engine working) launch 15g. along propeller axis

Operating (engine working) operation 7g. along vertical and 1g. alongside


Non-operating (engine non-working) ±15g along all axes

Rotation counterclockwise (when looking on propeller side)

Fuel >=95 Oct. petrol/oil mixture 2% synthetic oil

for 2 stroke engines

Engine Weight complete of ECU, 10.8Kg

regulator and generator

Weight/power ratio 0.432

Specific consumption better than 350 gr./HP/h

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Challenge Theme #2: Wireless Communication System for Unmanned Aircraft System

Challenge Theme #2 Mission

This challenge requires teams to propose a design for wireless communication system between

ground control station and UAV. This system will be used for UAV missions such as wildfires

fighting, data collection, aerial photography, cargo delivery as well as supporting Intelligence,

Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions. RVC expects this

research to be the initiation for further research and development to be able to release various types

of UAS communication systems for specific purposes and design.

Challenge Theme #2 Objectives

This challenge requires teams to present a research with the following research questions.

1. Which design of wireless communication systems is the most suitable for UAV application?

2. What hardware and software are used in the proposed UAV wireless communication system


3. What manufacturing processes are the most suitable for the proposed design?

Wireless Communication System Requirements

1. To design a wireless communication system and manufacturing process for UAV application.

2. Expected UAV communication distance between ground control station and UAV shall be from

0 to 200 km or greater in Line of Sight.

3. Wireless communication system shall be able to support the operation at an altitude of 3,000 m

(10,000 ft.).

4. The communication link shall have capability to carry user data rate at least 50 Mbps.

5. A wireless communication system shall be able to manage quality of service by categorizing

data and low latency video; video bandwidth channel between 128 kbps – 2 Mbps and data

channel 50 Hz at 50 kbps.

6. A wireless communication system shall be able to interface both digital and analog video.

7. Hardware for airborne unit shall not exceed 500 g* (exclude antenna and transmission line).

8. A wireless communication system shall be able to provide a “C frequency band” or “S

frequency band”.

9. A wireless communication system shall be designed from commercial off-the-shelf components

and technology.

* “Hardware for airborne unit shall not exceed 500g.” is the requirement for final stages of

development. For the proposal stage, it is acceptable if the weight is exceeded. However, teams

are also encouraged to consider this requirement.

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The given wireless communication system characteristics is a guideline for designing. Example of Communication system for UAS Application


Digital Video:

» HD-SDI (2); mini BNC connectors

Analog Video:

» NTSC, PAL, CCIR and RS-170 monochrome input

» Composite video (4), or Y/C (2) selectable; SMA type connectors

» Adjustments for brightness, contrast, tint, saturation

Digital Interface: Ethernet 100 Base-T for IP-based data sources

Other Inputs:

» Asynchronous ports (6): RS-232 up to 115.2 kbaud or RS-422 up to 921.6 kbaud

» Synchronous ports (clock and data): up to 10 Mbps, RS-422 or TTL, 2 ports in downlink

» Audio (2): line levels (source), line levels (destination). Toll quality



» 1 to 2 simultaneous HD channels

» 1 to 4 simultaneous SD channels

» Baseline Profile Codec (level 3), I and P frames

» HD Formats: 1080p30; 720p60

» SD Formats: NTSC 720x480; PAL 720x576

» Automatically adjusts video bit rate to fill available multiplex bandwidth METADATA

» KLV format MISB Standard 0604.1 synchronization to H.264 video MULTIPLEXED DATA

» Dynamic allocation of bandwidth transporting any combination of: Compressed Video (1 to 4

channels H.264)

» IP Data

» Supports IP gateway or proxy bridge between an aircraft subnet and a ground subnet

» Asynchronous Data

» Synchronous Data

» Audio: 2 channels


Turbo Product Code FEC: user-selectable options for:

» Uncoded operation

» Rates 4/5, 2/3 or 1/2

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Interleaving: row column interleaver for burst interference mitigation

» Row length equal to one FEC code block

» Options for numbers of rows up to 1 Mbit total interleaver depth

» Option for interleaver off

Modulation: Gaussian-filtered Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK).

User-selectable modulation bit rates from 50 kbps to 11Mbps in 1 bps increments

Optional Encryption: AES-256


User selectable in 500 kHz steps

L/S band: 1700 to 1850 MHz (L-band) and 2200 to 2500 MHz (S-band)

C-band: 4400 to 4950 MHz (lower C-band) and 5250 to 5850 MHz (upper C-band) Either band

can be used for uplink or downlink

RF Bandwidth: Scales with modulation bit rate (<12 MHz at -20 dBc, <24 MHz, -50 dBc at 10


Receiver Sensitivity (dBm at LNA input):


» GUI via web-based interface over Ethernet or Command line interface via serial port or USB

» Airborne system can be accessed and controlled from the ground


Airborne System:

» Cooling by conduction to the mounting baseplate

» Operating Temp: -20° to +70°C baseplate temperature

» Non-operating Temp: -40° to +85°C

» Altitude: 70,000 feet

» Humidity: to 95% non-condensing

» Shock and Vibration: consistent with fixed-wing and helicopter environments in MIL-STD-810F

» Submersible in 1-meter water per MIL-STD-810F

Ground System:

» Fanless chassis

» Operating Ambient Air Temperature: 0° to 60°C

» Non-operating Temp: -40° to +85°C

» Vibration: consistent with section 514.4 category 20 of MIL-STD-810F Procedure 1, Figure

514.5 C-3 (wheeled vehicles)

» Submersible in 1-meter water per MIL-STD-810F

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Airborne unit: 7.5˝ x 5˝ x 1.8˝

Ground unit: 7.9˝ x 10.5˝ x 3.2˝


Airborne unit: 1.45 kg.

Ground unit: 3.86 kg.


Airborne System

» 28 VDC (per MIL-STD-704) normal operation

» Power consumption < 34 watts

Ground System

» 24 VDC +/-4 V

» Power consumption < 38 watts

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Challenge Theme #3: Augmented Reality (AR) Training System

Challenge Theme #3 Mission

Augmented Reality is an attractive technology that has benefits in various businesses, such as in

retail businesses that allow people to experience virtual products through online shopping. For

example, people can choose the right size by using a virtual fitting room or choosing a color for

furniture that matches your house. Moreover, AR systems are useful for manufacturing process,

education, training as well as Travel and Tourism, among others. An example of an AR system

consists of Snapchat lenses and the game Pokemon Go.

RVC expects to create an innovation based on AR systems. We are aiming to use AR systems to

assist in any operation and maintenance training for UAV application. With an AR training system,

this would help to significantly reduce the duration of the maintenance program, reduce pressure

and stress while working, improve technician performance and ensure technicians to follow

instructed procedure to comply with standard. The system can be freely designed or integrated in

order to present and display operation and maintenance procedures for any scenario within an

augmented reality environment. Teams are encouraged to design any feature that could be beneficial

to operation and training application. However, team should consider possibility and technology

readiness. RVC expects this research to be the initiation for further research and development which

could be applied to UAV operation and maintenance training.

Challenge Theme #3 Objectives

This challenge requires teams to present a research with the following research questions.

1. Which AR system design is the most suitable for operation and maintenance training?

2. What hardware and software are used in the proposed AR training system?

3. What manufacturing processes are the most suitable for the proposed AR training system


AR Training System Requirements

1. To design an AR system and manufacturing process for operation and maintenance training.

2. AR training system shall be able to give instruction, maintenance procedures, warning and

groups of knowledge for technician in operation and training process by visually projecting the

action that must be performed on the object and optional audio for instruction.

3. AR platform shall be able recognize objects at a specific location with variation of object

translation, rotation, scale, viewing direction and lightning condition.

4. AR training system shall be able to match reference objects with the algorithm in the camera.

5. AR platform can be freely designed; no restriction in mobile, glasses or other platform.

However, team need to evaluate which platform is the most suitable for operation and

maintenance training.

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Table 1 shows an example of AR scenario to guild teams in designing in order to meet the expected

result. Teams are encouraged to create other AR scenarios; slightly complex of scenario will be

advantage. Teams are also encouraged to include additional features from teams’ idea in the system.

Other AR scenario example: watch repair training, motorbike operation or maintenance, etc.

AR scenario: Computer Installation

Figure 1: Computer components for AR scenario example (left), example of AR animation for computer installation

scenario (right). and

Table 1: Example of computer installation AR scenario.

Item Procedure AR information

1. Install power supply in a

computer case.

An animation framing the location where to install a power supply.

An animation presents the method to install a power supply.

2. Install a mainboard in a

computer case.

An animation framing the location where to install a mainboard.

An animation presents the method to install a mainboard.

3. Install CPU on a


An animation framing the location where to install a CPU.

An animation presents the method to install a CPU.

4. Install a RAM disk on a


An animation framing the location where to install a RAM disk.

An animation presents the method to install a RAM disk.

5. Install hard disk in a

computer case.

An animation framing the location where to install a hard disk.

An animation presents the method to install a hard disk.

6. Install a graphic card in a

computer case.

An animation framing the location where to install a graphic card.

An animation presents the method to install a graphic card.

7. Perform test after


An animation indicating what to prepare for testing.

An animation presents the method to perform a test after installation.

8. Install both side panels. An animation framing the location where to install both side panels.

An animation presents the method to install both side panels.

Note: Company reserves the right to change terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

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GATI Competition Season 1

Aerospace Innovation Challenges

Application Form

1. Team Information

Team Name


Team Institute/Company


Team challenge Topic


2. Team Member



Current Position


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3. Team representative contact information

1. Name: ……………………………………………………………….............................

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Mobile Number: ……………………………………………………………………….

2. Name: ………………………………………………………………..............................

Email: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Mobile Number: ………………………………………………………………………..

4. Attach each team member’s resume to this application.

Each resume should include the following topics.

4.1. Experience (if any)

Describe your related experience to the selected challenge theme. State any previous

research you have done, the research title, purposes, period, results, and briefly explain

how previous research can support this challenge.






4.2. Reference documents (if any)

Please attach any relevant document of previous research to this application, if any


One (1) electronic copy of application and each team member’s resume must be

combined into one (1) file and submitted within 30 September 2019 through

Teams need to ensure to submit “Team Introduction” video within 30 September 2019.

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Competition poster

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GATI Competition - Aerospace Innovation Challenges

+(662) 090 9507 Ext.4103

GATI Competition - Aerospace Innovation Challenges

GATI Competition - Aerospace Innovation Challenges

E-mail: [email protected]