Download - Full Season Ticket Holder Benefits for Services/locker_room/Info... · 2009-09-16 · VIP full season ticket holders enjoy all the regular full

Page 1: Full Season Ticket Holder Benefits for Services/locker_room/Info... · 2009-09-16 · VIP full season ticket holders enjoy all the regular full

•Price Savings –Asafullseasonticketholderreceiveprice savings off gate prices equaling up to 45% off.

•Guaranteed Seat Location –Byrenewingnowyouareguaranteedyour same great seats or the first opportunity to relocate your seats before those seats are offered to the general public.

•Priority for Additional Tickets –FullSeasonticketholderscanpurchaseadditionalticketspriortopubliconsale.Basedonavailability.

•Power Pay – Option to pay for your full season tickets with our interest-free 12 month payment plan.

•Stanley Cup Playoff Ticket Guarantee –AllowsyoutopurchaseyourownseatsfortheentireStanleyCupplayoffs.Alsotakeadvantageofour“PayasWePlay”playoffpaymentprogramwhenyou renew your season ticket seats for the 2010-11 season.

•Bonus Tickets –Receivetwofreebonustickets(peraccount)forapre-selectedpre-seasonorregularseasongame.Baseduponavailability.

•My Capitals Online Account Manager – Accessyouraccountonlineforaddedconvenience.MyCapitalsAccountManagerallowsyoutorenewyourseasontickets,makepaymentsonline,forwardyourticketsviaemailtoclients,familyorfriends,donateyourticketsto charity and post your tickets for re-sale through the Capitals/Ticketmaster TicketExchange – all from your computer.

• Exclusive Season Ticket Holder Gift – (one per account)

•Season Ticket Holder Party

•Private Skate Event (Winter 2009-10)

•Chalk Talks (Monthly)

•Season Ticket Holder Savings Card (Details to follow)

•Game Program and Yearbook Name Listing (Fall 2009)

•Dedicated Guest Services Representative

•Complimentary Team Media Guide, Yearbook, E-Newsletter and more! (Fall 2009)

Full Season Ticket Holder Benefits for 2009-10


[email protected] 202.266.2350

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VIP Full Season Ticket Holder Benefits for 2009-10VIPfullseasonticketholdersenjoyalltheregularfullseasonticketholderbenefitslistedaboveinadditiontotheseexclusiveVIPbenefits:

[email protected] 202.266.2350


• VIP Team Autographed Premium Gift – Each account will receive one 2009-10TeamAutographeditem.(Estimateddeliverydate,Winter2009-10)

• VIP Seat Covers –AllVIPSeatHolderswillreceiveaCustomizedSeatCover.Ifrequested,theCapswillpersonalizeyournameor company’s name on the back of the seat cover.

• VIP Event with Ted and a special guest –AllVIPSeatHolderswillbeinvitedtoaprivateVIPeventwithTedLeonsisandspecialguest(s).

• VIP Guaranteed Giveaways –AllVIPseatholderswillreceive promotional giveaway items upon request.

•Parking –Complimentaryoff-siteparking(1passper2-4seats).

•Club Memberships – Complimentary memberships to the JohnnieWalkerCoachesClubandtheAcelaClub.

•Complimentary Game Programs

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ticket holder information

For more information, please call 202.266.2350 or email [email protected] fax form back to 202.266.2330

Season Ticket Holder Information Sheet


Account #:

Email Address:

Phone: Fax:

Please select your preferred method of communication: q Phone q E-Mail q Fax

What was the main reason you purchased your Capitals tickets?

q Family q Fan of the Capitals q Fan of Hockey q Corporate Entertaining

q Employee Incentive q Fan of a specific player(s):

Please indicate the number of games per season you attend with the following:

Family: Friends: Employees: Customers:

Do you share your ticket package? q Yes q No

Besides wins and losses, what is important to you as a Capitals Season Ticket Holder?

q Season Ticket Holder Gift q Season Ticket Holder Party q TIcketMaster Exchange Program q Personal Account Representative

q Location of Seats q Playoff Priority q Full Season Ticket Price q Other:

Please share your family’s birthdates with us:

Your birthday: Spouse (name/birthday):

Child (name/birthday): Child (name/birthday):

Child (name/birthday): Child (name/birthday):

How likely would you be to recommend someone to purchase season tickets?

Unlikely 1 2 3 4 5 LIKELY

Questions about your account:

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account manageraccount manager

[email protected] 202.266.2350

WashingtonCapitalsAccountManagerbyTicketmasterisyourone-stop shop for all online account management. Now you cantrackticketusageandupdateportionsofyourprofile,allfrom your own personal online account while at your home or office.

You will be able to get even more out of your season ticket investment by having the ability to forward your tickets to friends,co-workers,orotherguestsviae-mailfromyourowncomputer. Your seats will never have to go unused again. Access your personal account today!STEP 1 -,Clickon“TICKETS”,thenselectWashingtonCapitalsAccountManager.

STEP 2 – Login to your personal account with yourAccountI.D.numberandPassword(Firsttimelog-inswillneedtosetupanaccountprofile–ContactGuestServicesat(202)266-2350tofindoutyourAccountIDand/orPasswordifitisnotincluded)

STEP 3 – Startmanagingyourtickets–it’sthateasy!

Edit your profile!Withonlineaccesstoyourseasonaccount,youcaneasilyupdateyouraccountprofileatanytime.Byupdatingyourmostcurrentinformation,you’llbeassuredofreceivingallteamalerts,theteamnewsletter,andanyspecialonlineoffers.Besure to keep your e-mail address up to date.

Make Payments Online!WashingtonCapitalsAccountManagerwillallowyoutomakeallofyourticketinvoicepaymentsonline.Atthattime,youcan simply log-in to your personal account and select the “PayInvoice”option.Hereyouwillbeabletoviewyourpastinvoices,makepayments,renewyourticketsfortheupcomingseason,orevenpurchaseyourplayofftickets.Takeadvantageof this new option and avoid the hassles of making payments inperson,overthephone,orbymail.

Email Your Tickets!Now you can send your tickets to virtually anyone up to two hours before the game via ticket forwarding. This service allowsyoutoe-mailticketstofriends,family,clientsorotherguests when you can’t attend a game. Simply log-in to your personalaccount,selecttheticketorgroupofticketsyouwishtosend,entertherecipient’sinformationandselect“Forward”.It’seasy,andyoudon’tevenhavetohavetheticketsinhand.Avoidthehasslesandcostsofovernightorin-persondeliveryandstartenjoyingthebenefitsofthisnewservice.

How It WorksEach of your season tickets carries a unique barcode.Duringtheforwardingprocess,thebarcodeonyouroriginal season ticket is cancelled and a new one is issued electronically.Therecipientise-mailedanewTicketFastticketwithauniquebarcodethatcanbeprintedoutonan8.5x11”page with any standard computer printer.

TicketForwardingisaninexpensivealternativetootherovernight delivery and courier services and provides a secure alternative method to ensure your tickets get used.

Ticketmaster Ticket ExchangeSellyourticketsonlineviatheCapitalsOnlineAccountManager.Postyourticketsforsaleinasafeandlegitimateway. The program allows fans to have more flexibility with their ticketplans,givingthemcontroloverwhichticketstheyuseand which they choose to sell in the online forum.

Ticketholders may log-on to TicketExchange from their online CapsAccountManageraccountandposttheirticketsforsaletothegeneralpublicsafelyandeasily.Whentheticketsells,the season ticket holder receives a credit directly to his or her online account.

Onceaticketispurchased,thebarcodeontheoriginalseasonticket is cancelled and a new one is electronically delivered via TicketFast® to the buyer for printing right away.

AnycreditobtainedfromsellingyourticketsonlineviaTicketmaster Ticket Exchange will be applied towards your 2010-11 season ticket plan. Account credit accrued from the posting of 2009-10 regular season tickets cannot beused towards 2009-10 season ticket plan payments.You do have an option when you post your tickets for sale onlineto have the credit returned to you electronicallyviatheACHoptionorhaveitdepositeddirectlyinto your Capitals season ticket accountfor use on future purchases.

Ifyourticketsdonotsellbeforetheexpirationdateyouhaveset,youwillbenotifiedviaemailthatyourlistinghasbeenremoved and that your original tickets are still valid for entry.

How you can manage your tickets online with account manager

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♦ Reward for service recognition by a customer

♦ Give them to employees who schedule the most appointments

♦ Invite a customer who hasn’t ordered or done business with you recently

♦ Thank volunteers for all that they do

♦ Improve communications with key co-workers

♦ Help part-time workers feel more like part of the organization

♦ Reward suppliers and vendors who help you meet your deadline.

♦ Take a loyal customer for his or her birthday.

♦ Run a sales contest and reward the winner with tickets

♦ Boost your own career potential by networking (it’s not what you know, it’s who you know)

♦ Give tickets to the person who came in earliest or left the latest one day.

♦ Offer them to someone who has given you helpful business advice

♦ Have a drawing at work and give them to a lucky employee.

♦ Thank a neighbor who takes care of your pets, gets your mail, etc.

♦ Give them to your child’s teachers as a thank you for their help.

♦ Give thanks to your family and friends by taking them to a game.

♦ Enhance relationships with those in a position to recommend you or refer your business

♦ Take a potential customer and close a sale at the arena

♦ Give to your computer technician

♦ Take a long-term customer to say “thanks”

♦ Take one of your smaller accounts and try to enhance their business with you.

♦ Reward a customer who gave you a referral.

♦ Employee who comes up with a savings suggestion.

♦ Reward for on-time delivery ♦ Accident-free inside the shop. ♦ Attendance incentives. ♦ Win back a customer who had a

problem or a complaint with your company.

♦ Thank a customer who praised your company.

♦ Give to the person who delivers your mail.

♦ Take someone who does business with the competitor.

♦ Package them in with a product to promote sales (you must work with the team on this).

♦ Give to charity and use it as a tax write-off.

♦ Say “thanks” to a retiring officer or employee.

♦ Welcome a new employee to the company.

♦ Give to a relative. ♦ Offer to your accountant/lawyer who

has done a great job. ♦ Congratulate a recent employee. ♦ Give to the person making the most

additional sales. ♦ Give them to your secretary or

assistant on Secretary’s Day. ♦ Give them to a manager whose

department exceeded its goals. ♦ Enjoy a Valentine’s treat by taking

someone special to a game.

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♦ Give them to a front-line person who

appeased an angry customer. ♦ Put a smile on an employee’s face that

is having a rough time. ♦ Give to a business person or person

whom you owe a favor. ♦ Show your appreciation to a company

intern. ♦ Offer your tickets to a service person

from another company who has “taken care of you.”

♦ Send your co-workers/subordinates to a game together, with a meeting over dinner.

♦ Give to your Real Estate agent. ♦ Give to your insurance agent. ♦ Treat a friend to an evening of

entertainment on their birthday.

♦ Give to an employee who doesn’t get commission to boost morale.

♦ Give to a representative on your local school board or union for goodwill.

♦ Offer to someone who always gives you great service.

♦ Use to thank new customers. ♦ Offer to a customer for the holiday. ♦ Give to your office cleaning crew as a

thank-you. ♦ Use as raffle gifts.

♦ Give to potential vendors to enhance your business relationships.

♦ Give to an employee who generates the most amount of new business.

♦ Give to your payroll department.

♦ Give to an employee who has worked the most overtime.

♦ Reward a department that hits their quota for the week or month.

♦ Give to your outside training service.

♦ Give them to an employee who correctly filled the most orders.

♦ Give to the employee who made the most sales calls for a particular day.

♦ Give to a team you sponsor.

♦ Give to members of a club you are in (Lion’s Club, Kiwanis, etc.).

♦ Use as an auction item.

♦ Give to an employee on his or her birthday.

♦ Use for trade opportunities.

♦ Give to an employee or customer who has been sick as a “get well soon.”

♦ Give to your customer service department.

♦ Give them to your drivers for being on time.

♦ Give them to your security guards.

♦ Donate to your church.

♦ Give them to restaurants that you frequent with clients or family members.

♦ Give to a prospective employee who might be coming to town and looking for something to do.

♦ Congratulate an employee who exceeded his or her duties.

♦ Congratulate an employee for hitting his or her yearly goal.

♦ Offer to your babysitter as a thank-you.

♦ Give to a customer who makes timely payments or pays in full.

♦ Give to an employee who is most punctual.

♦ Give to your mechanic, landscaper, dentist, doctor, etc.

♦ Give to a Boys and Girls Club.

♦ Give to an employee who makes the most cold calls in one day.

♦ Give to an employee who renews the most accounts.

♦ Use as a Christmas stocking stuffer.

♦ Use them your self.

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partner update

For more information, please call 202.266.2350 or email [email protected] fax form back to 202.266.2330

Season Ticket Holder Partner Update


Account #:



Company (if applicable)


City State Zip

Phone Fax


Who are your season ticket partners? The Capitals are seeking your assistance to identify other individuals who may be sharing in the excitement of the Washington Capitals with you.

Please complete one section below for each person who is sharing the cost of your season ticket package. We will use this information to deliver the latest team news and any ticket offers throughout the season.


Company (if applicable)


City State Zip

Phone Fax



Company (if applicable)


City State Zip

Phone Fax



Company (if applicable)


City State Zip

Phone Fax



Company (if applicable)


City State Zip

Phone Fax



Company (if applicable)


City State Zip

Phone Fax


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All the information you need to know about your season tickets

202.266.2350 | [email protected]

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Table of Contents

Letter from Ted


Arena Map

Meet the Guest Services Team

Washington Capitals A to Z Guide

Charitable Partnerships

Capitals Rink Partners

Planholder Benefits

Account Manager










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3202.266.2350 | [email protected]

What an incredible journey we took in 2008-09, winning our second consecutive Southeast Division title and witnessing some of the most exciting and explosive hockey in the NHL. We displayed a tremendous amount of passion on the ice, and it was equaled by the energy in the stands at Verizon Center. Thanks to you, we created one of the league’s most electrifying atmospheres. So from everyone within the Capitals organization, we sincerely appreciate your support and commitment, and let’s get ready to Rock the Red in 2009-10. This year every game at Verizon Center will be sold out, and we will continue to build upon our fast-growing reputation as one of the great, exciting arenas. It was amazing and extremely satisfying to hear not only our coach and players comment on the atmosphere but also opponents and media. We’ve made great strides, but we also know there is much work to be done. Our team continues to mature, learning valuable lessons the past two years and taking important steps closer to our ultimate goal, winning the Stanley Cup. We have a fabulous coach, a tremendous nucleus of players, an organizational plan designed for long-term success and an incredibly engaged fan base. We don’t underestimate your commitment, and you shouldn’t underestimate your impact. You have made Kettler Capitals Iceplex and Verizon Center refreshing and exciting facilities; it’s fun for everyone to come to the rink. We are pleased to have you on-board for the 2009-10 campaign. If you have questions, concerns or comments throughout the season, we encourage you to contact your Guest Services representative. Your feedback is important to all of us. So let’s get ready to unleash that Rock the Red fury like only Capitals fans can do. See you at the rink. Ted

Let’s Get Ready

Ted LeonsisChairman and

Majority Owner

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202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Home Game Away Game Preseason Home Game

2009-10 Season Schedule

novemberSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT


CbJ5 pm

2 3 4

nJ7 pm

5 6

FLa7:30 pm


FLa7 pm

8 9 10 11

nYi7 pm

12 13

min7 pm


nJ7 pm

15 16 17

nYr7 pm

18 19 20

mTL7 pm


Tor7 pm

22 23

oTT7:30 pm

24 25

buF7 pm

26 27 28

mTL7 pm

29 30

Car7 pm

SePTemberSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Chi8:30 pm

20 21

buF7 pm

22 23

Chi7 pm


nYr7 pm

25 26


nYr12 pm

28 29 30

deCemberSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT

1 2 3

FLa7 pm

4 5

Phi7 pm

6 7

Tb7:30 pm

8 9

buF7 pm

10 11

Car7 pm


Tor7 pm

13 14 15

CoL9:30 pm

16 17 18

van10 pm


edm10 pm

20 21 22 23

buF7 pm

24 25 26

nJ7 pm

27 28

Car7 pm

29 30

SJ10:30 pm


JanuarYSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT

1 2

La4 pm

3 4 5

mTL7 pm

6 7

oTT7 pm

8 9

aTL7 pm

10 11 12

Tb7:30 pm


FLa7:30 pm

14 15

Tor7 pm




18 19

deT7 pm

20 21

PiT7:30 pm

22 23

PhX7 pm

24 25 26

nYi7 pm


ana7 pm

28 29

FLa7 pm




marChSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT

1 2 3

buF7 pm


Tb7 pm

5 6

nYr7 pm

7 8

daL7 pm

9 10

Car7 pm

11 12

Tb7 pm



Chi3 pm

15 16

FLa7 pm

17 18

Car7 pm

19 20

Tb7 pm

21 22 23 24

PiT7 pm


Car7 pm

26 27



29 30

oTT7 pm


aPriLSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT


aTL7 pm

2 3

CbJ7 pm

4 5

boS7 pm


PiT7 pm

7 8 9

aTL7 pm




12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

oCToberSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT


boS7 pm

2 3

Tor7 pm

4 5 6

Phi7 pm

7 8

nYr7 pm

9 10

deT7 pm

11 12

nJ7 pm

13 14 15

SJ7 pm

16 17

nSh7 pm

18 19 20 21 22

aTL7 pm

23 24

nYi7 pm

25 26 27

Phi7 pm

28 29

aTL7 pm


nYi7 pm


FebruarYSun mon TueS Wed Thur Fri SaT

1 2

boS7 pm

3 4

nYr7 pm


aTL7 pm



PiT12:30 pm

8 9 10

mTL7:30 pm


oTT7 pm

12 13

STL7 pm

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27




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5202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Main Level Concourse

Upper Level Concourse

Gallery Place

F Street









Box Office / Will CallMain EntranceGallery Place/


Men’s Restroom

Women’s Restroom

Unisex Handicap Accessible Restroom





ATM Machine

Water Fountain

Guest Services

Verizon Center Arena Map

Map Legend

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6 202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Meet the Guest Services Team

Jim Van Stone – Vice President, Ticket Sales and ServiceSigned by the Capitals: August, 2007Hometown: Cinnaminson, NJSchool: BA - William Paterson College/Ed.M - Temple UniversityFavorite Caps Player: Brooks Laich Favorite Caps Moment: Winning the S.E. Division Title on our final home game in 2008 to secure a playoff spot.

Greg Monares – Director, Guest ServicesSigned by the Capitals: August 1996 Hometown: El Paso, TX School: University of Maryland Favorite Caps Player: Nicklas Backstrom Favorite Caps Moment: An opening playoff round victory and advancing to Game 7 of the 2009 Eastern Conference semifinals.

Christi Carson – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: May 2008 Hometown: Memphis, TN School: University of TennesseeFavorite Caps Player: Mike Green Favorite Caps Moment: Beating the New York Rangers in Game 7 of Round 1 in front of a sold out crowd of CAPS fans at the Verizon Center!

Julie Bohling – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: May 2008Hometown: Scottsdale, AZSchool: Northern Arizona UniversityFavorite Caps Player: Mike GreenFavorite Caps Moment: Round 1 Game 7 comeback, allowing the CAPS to advance to Round 2.

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7202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Justin Fenlon – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: May 2008Hometown: Chatham, NJ & Winthrop, MASchool: Springfield College Favorite Caps Player: Alex OvechkinFavorite Caps Moment: Being at Madison Square Garden in New York City, December 23, 2008 for Shaone Morrisonn’s Overtime goal. Caps were down 4-0 and made an incredible comeback to win 5-4 in OT.

Kirk Madsen – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: May 2008Hometown: Davison, MISchool: Central Michigan University/West Virginia University Favorite Caps Player: Nicklas Backstrom Favorite Caps Moment: Ovechkin’s unbelievable goal at home versus Montreal.

Pat Jeffries – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: October 2007Hometown: West Chester, PASchool: Elon UniversityFavorite Caps Player: Karl Alzner Favorite Caps Moment: Game 1 of the 2008 playoffs vs. Philadelphia Flyers. The Capitals victory comes from a 3rd period goal by Alex Ovechkin.

Rick Olivieri – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: August 2007 Hometown: Rome, Italy School: B.S. Temple University/ M.S. Florida State University Favorite Caps Player: Mike Green Favorite Caps Moment: Clinching the Southeast Division title and a playoff berth in the last home game of the 2007-08 season.

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202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Ryan Kronebusch – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: June 2008 Hometown: Owatonna, MNSchool: Winona State UniversityFavorite Caps Player: Nicklas BackstromFavorite Caps Moment: Fedorov’s game winner in game 7 of the 2009 Eastern conference quarterfinals.

Scott Haberle – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: December 2008Hometown: Pittsburgh, PASchool: Indiana University of Pennsylvania Favorite Capitals Player: Alex Ovechkin Favorite Caps Moment: Sergei Fedorov’s game winning goal in Game 7 of the 2009 Eastern Conference Quarter Finals.

Sean Goodman – Guest Services SpecialistSigned by the Capitals: January 2008Hometown: Gaylord, MISchool: Western Michigan UniversityFavorite Caps Player: Nicklas BackstromFavorite Caps Moment: Sergei Fedorov’s game winning goal in Game 7 of the 2009 Eastern Conference Quarter Finals.

Meet the Guest Services Team

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9202.266.2350 | [email protected]

AnnouncementsRequests for Game Day announcements on the matrix boards in the arena must be made 48 hours in advance to guarantee that they will be shown. A $25 donation made payable to Washington Capitals Charities is required. The Caps Charity accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Visit our website to sign up on-line and make your announcement request. Payment must be received at the time of the request. Contact the Capitals Guest Services Team for more information or log on to Please call 202-266-2350 or e-mail [email protected] with any questions.

Building PoliciesFor the safety of our players and guests, the following items cannot be brought into the Verizon Center, including but not limited to: tape recording equipment, flash photography, alcoholic beverages, bottles and cans, luggage, backpacks and any large bags. Verizon Center will not store any bags during the event. Personal items cannot be larger than 13 inches, taller than 9.5 inches and wider than 6 inches. All bags and purses brought into the Verizon Center are subject to search. No outside food or beverages are allowed inside the Verizon Center.

Capitals Guest Services TeamOur Capitals Guest Services representatives are available to assist you with any questions or concerns during your visit with the Washington Capitals. During Capitals games, representatives can be found patrolling the concourses or at the Guest Services booths behind Section 102 and 113 on the Main Concourse and Section 402 on the Upper Concourse. Throughout the week you may contact the Capitals Guest Services Team by calling 202-266-2350 or e-mailing [email protected]. Capitals Guest Services office hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., however on game days the Capitals offices will close at 3 p.m. during the regular work week. Caps NewsletterSign up now for Ice Chips, our weekly Caps newsletter with the latest news and notes on the team. Visit

ChildrenAll children age 3 and over require a ticket for admission to Capitals games and other ticketed events. Children who have not yet reached their 3rd birthday may enter the Verizon Center without a ticket and may sit on the lap of an adult.

Capitals A to Z Guide

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202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Contact UsWashington Capitals627 N. Glebe Road, Suite 850Arlington, VA 22203Front Office 202-266-2200Capitals Sales 202-266-CAPSCapitals Guest Services 202-266-2350 Email: [email protected]

Game NotesAll planholders will be eligible to sign up for game notes delivered via e-mail. Provide the Captials Guest Services Team with a valid e-mail address and we will e-mail the official game notes to you on home game days. Please call Capitals Guest Services at 202-266-2350 or e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Fan CommentsThe Capitals are always looking for ways to improve the fan experience at our games and welcome your suggestions and comments. Comment sheets are available at our Guest Services windows, located near Sections 102 and 113 on the Main Concourse and Section 402 on the Upper Concourse.

Guest BehaviorThe goal of the Washington Capitals is to provide a fan-centric atmosphere for all guests. Please be considerate of other guests. Guests displaying inappropriate behavior will be subject to ejection without refund. Remember, account holders are responsible for the actions of any individual using their tickets. Inappropriate behavior by anyone using an account holder’s ticket(s) is cause for cancellation of ticket privileges.

Lost or Stolen TicketsReplacement tickets are one of the benefits of being a Capitals season ticket holder. The Washington Capitals will replace tickets only when the request is made in writing or in person by the account holder. Only the account holder may request and receive replacement tickets. You may go online to the My Capitals Account section of to reissue or e-mail your own tickets.


SEPT. 26, 200910 A.m. – 8 P.m.

Don’t Miss the total Caps experienCe!

Panel discussions featuring Majority Owner Ted Leonsis,

coaches, players, team executives and others


Skills Clinics and Interactives

History of the Capitals and the NHL

Game used authentics and equipment sale


Capitals A to Z Guide

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11202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Lost or Stolen Tickets ContinuedThe Washington Capitals reserve the right to refuse replacement of lost or stolen tickets. Before entering Verizon Center visit our Planholder Priority Window at the Main Box Office for assistance. Valid ID is required. Please e-mail you requests for reprints to [email protected] or fax to 202-266-2330. Requests must be made at least 5 hours before game time.

MostValuableKids.orgThe Washington Capitals direct affiliation with allows ticket holders to donate unused tickets allowing underprivileged children form the Washington, DC metropolitan are the opportunity to attend a game. Donations can be made online via the My Capitals Account section of Since MostValuableKids distributes donations to local charities and non-profits, donations must be made 48 hours prior to game time.

Your hard tickets may be donated via mail to:Most Valuable Kids, Inc.C/O The Washington Capitals627 N. Glebe Road, Suite 850Arlington, VA 22203

Planholder Priority WindowFor all your planholder needs, please enter through the F street entrance of Verizon Center to the main box office. The planholder priority window is exclusively for planholder use throughout the Capitals season. Use this window to solve ticket problems or ask questions about your season ticket account. Planholder Update via emailAs a full season ticket holder you will receive weekly updates, offers and information from the Capitals. Please make sure that you have an updated and correct email address so that we can keep you informed.

Puck AlertDespite enhanced spectator shielding measures, pucks may be propelled into spectator areas at any time during warm-ups, or after play stops. To avoid injury from a puck entering the seating area, stay alert whenever you are in the stands. If you are struck, immediately ask the nearest usher for directions to the medical station.

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202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Select a Seat eventInvitation to the annual “Select-A-Seat” event (date TBD) where you will have the opportunity to upgrade or relocate your seats after seats have been renewed for the following season. Full season ticket holders will be invited to the Verizon Center for a private event to view available seat locations. This event is typically held at the conclusion of the playoffs. (Based upon availability)

Ticketmaster TicketexchangeSell your tickets online via the Capitals Online Account Manager. Post your tickets for sale in a safe and legitimate way. The program allows fans to have more flexibility with their ticket plans, giving them control over which tickets they use and which they choose to sell in the online forum.

Ticketholders may log-on to TicketExchange from their online Caps Account Manager account and post their tickets for sale to the general public safely and easily. When the ticket sells, the season ticket holder receives a credit directly to his or her online account.

Once a ticket is purchased, the barcode on the original season ticket is cancelled and a new one is electronically delivered via TicketFast® to the buyer for printing right away.

If your tickets do not sell before the expiration date you have set, you will be notified via email that your listing has been removed and that your original tickets are still valid for entry.• Gamedayanalysis• Playerchats• Lockerroomaudio• Videopressconferences• Messageboards• Gamehighlights• Scoresandstats• MyCapitalsAccountfeatureforplanholders

On the move but need your

Caps info?Caps Mobile lets you use

your mobile phone to stay connected with the

Caps! Receive text alerts, win prizes, download ringtones, and more!

For more information on all Caps Mobile offerings,

visit the Fan Zone section of

Stay Caps Connected with

Caps Mobile

Capitals A to Z Guide

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13202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Capitals Charitable Partnerships

WASHINGTON CAPITALS CHARITIESThe Washington Capitals make a positive impact in the local community through the team’s nonprofit arm,

Washington Capitals Charities. The Washington Capitals are dedicated to the enhancement and development of the community that has supported them for so many years. Since its creation in 2000 Washington Capitals Charities has raised more than $3.25 million through various fundraisers, auctions, raffles and fan donations. The foundation has also donated nearly $2.75 million to numerous charities. Some of the worthy nonprofit organizations that Washington Capitals Charities has given to include: Children’s National Medical Center, The Children’s Inn at NIH, the Foundation Fighting Blindness, Fisher House Foundation, Susan G. Komen National Race for the Cure and local youth hockey leagues and schools throughout the D.C. area.

Monetary donations can be made online at or by sending a check or money order made payable to Washington Capitals Charities to: Washington Capitals Charities 627 N. Glebe Road, Suite 850 Arlington, VA 22203

Tips & TricksKeep an eye out for special Caps Care fundraisers taking place at Verizon Center. Silent auctions, Fall and Spring Puck Surprises and Pick-A-Stick are just a few of the events that will take place during Capitals home games and benefit Washington Capitals Charities.

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202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Rock the Red All Year

LongSign up for a Caps

Virginia license plate today and you could

win Caps prizes!

The Washington Capitals need your help to establish

the Caps license plate in Virginia. The cost is $25

annually or $35 a year for a personalized plate.

For more information and to find out how you can win Caps

autographed memorabilia, go to If you have any

questions, please contact the Caps License Plates Program by

email at [email protected] or by phone at


Most Valuable KidsThe Washington Capitals team up with Most Valuable Kids, Inc. to provide a unique opportunity for Caps planholders to donate unused game tickets to underserved children, recuperating soldiers and active military

and their families in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Tickets that would otherwise go unused are redistributed by Most Valuable Kids to either injured soldiers or active military and their families; or to boys and girls, 18 and younger, through various local nonprofit organizations. Most Valuable Kids’ mission is to provide an unparalleled reward system for local underprivileged children and children’s organizations that show exemplary behavior, spirit and community service. In offering children the opportunity to come face to face with athletic and entertainment role models, Most Valuable Kids’ program fosters the development of self-esteem and a deeper understanding of the benefits of hard work and perseverance during adolescent and teenage years. For more information on Most Valuable Kids go to

How do I donate?Via MailMost Valuable Kids, Inc.C/O: The Washington Capitals627 N. Glebe Road, Suite 850Arlington, VA 22203

OnlineTickets can be donated online using Account Manager. You can access your account by visiting Tickets can be donated up to 48 hours prior to the event.

Capitals Charitable Partnerships

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15202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Capitals Rink Partners

Kettler Capitals Iceplex627 N. Glebe Road, 8th FloorArlington, VA 22203(571)

Ashburn Ice House 21595 Smith Switch Road Ashburn, VA 20146 (703) 858-0300

Rockville Ice Arena 50 Southlawn Court Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 294-8101

Ft. Dupont Ice Arena 3779 Ely Place, SE Washington, DC 20014 (202) 584-5007

Gardens Ice House13800 Old Gunpowder RoadLaurel, MD 20707(301)

SkateQuest Reston1800 Michael Faraday CourtReston, VA 20190(703)

Prince William Ice Center5180 Dale Blvd.Woodbridge, VA 22193(703)

Skate Frederick 1288 Riverbend Way Frederick, MD (301)

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202.266.2350 | [email protected]

ViP Benefits – on the Glass VIP full season ticket holders enjoy all the regular full season ticket holder benefits listed above in addition to these exclusive VIP benefits:

Power Play Club BenefitsPower Play Club Member Benefits also include all season ticket holder benefits

• VIP Team Autographed Premium Gift – Each account will receive one 2009-10 Team Autographed item.

• VIP Seat Covers – All VIP Seat Holders will receive a Customized Seat Cover. If requested, the Caps will personalize your name or company’s name on the back of the seat cover.

• VIP Event with Ted and a special guest – All VIP Seat Holders will be invited to a private VIP event with Ted Leonsis and special guest(s).

• VIP Guaranteed Giveaways – All VIP seat holders will receive all promotional giveaway items.

• Parking – Complimentary off-site parking (1 pass per 2-4 seats).

• Club Memberships – Complimentary memberships to the Johnnie Walker Coaches Club and the Acela Club.

• Complimentary Game Programs

• Travel to Away Game (one for each seat in your plans) – Travel to one pre-selected away game per year. Travel includes airfare, lodging at team hotel for two nights, private reception with special guests, golf outing and game tickets.

• Complimentary Acela Club Access – with gourmet buffet meal and one drink coupon (draft beer, house wine or soda) on a nightly basis.

• VIP Team Autographed Premium Gift – Each account will receive one 2009-10 team autographed item.

• 2009-10 Team Autographed item – (Estimated delivery date, Fall 2009)

• VIP Event with Ted and a special guests – All VIP Seat Holders will be invited to a private VIP event with Ted Leonsis and a special guest(s).

• VIP Guaranteed Giveaways – All VIP seat holders will receive all promotional giveaway items.

• VIP Parking – Complimentary off-site parking (1 pass per 2-4 seats).

• Club Memberships – Complimentary memberships to the Johnnie Walker Coaches Club and the Acela Club.

• Complimentary Game Programs



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Season Ticket Holder Benefits• Price Savings – As a full season ticket holder receive

significant price savings off gate prices.

• Guaranteed Seat Location – You are guaranteed your same great seats for all 44 home games.

• Priority for Additional Tickets – Full season ticket holders can purchase additional tickets prior to public onsale.

• Power Pay – Option to pay for your full season tickets with our interest-free 12 month payment plan.

• Stanley Cup Playoff Ticket Guarantee – Allows you to purchase your own seats for the entire Stanley Cup playoffs. Also take advantage of our “Pay as We Play” playoff payment program when you renew your season ticket seats for the 2010-11 season.

• Bonus Tickets – Receive two free bonus tickets (per account) for a pre-selected pre-season or regular season game. Based upon availability.

• My Capitals Online Account Manager – Access your account online for added convenience. My Capitals Account Manager allows you to renew your season tickets, make payments online, forward your tickets via email to clients, family or friends, donate your tickets to charity and post your tickets for re-sale through the Capitals/Ticketmaster TicketExchange – all from your computer.

• Exclusive Season Ticket Holder Gift – (one per account)

• Season Ticket Holder Party

• Private Skate Event

• Chalk Talks (Monthly)

• Season Ticket Holder Savings Card

• Game Program and Yearbook Name Listing

• Dedicated Guest Services Representative

• Complimentary Team Media Guide, Yearbook, E-Newsletter and more!

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202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Washington Capitals Account Manager by Ticketmaster is your one-stop shop for all online account management. Now you can track ticket usage and update portions of your profile, all from your own personal online account while at your home or office.

You will be able to get even more out of your season ticket investment by having the ability to forward your tickets to friends, co-workers, or other guests via e-mail from your own computer. Your seats will never have to go unused again. Access your personal account today!STEP 1 - Go to , Click on “TICKETS”, then select Washington Capitals Account Manager.

STEP 2 – Login to your personal account with yourAccount I.D. number and Password (First time log-ins will need to set up an account profile – Contact Guest Services at (202) 266-2350 to find out your Account ID and/or Password if it is not included)

STEP 3 – Start managing your tickets – it’s that easy!

Edit your profile!With online access to your season account, you can easily update your account profile at any time. By updating your most current information, you’ll be assured of receiving all team alerts, the team newsletter, and any special online offers. Be sure to keep your e-mail address up to date.

Make Payments Online!Washington Capitals Account Manager will allow you to make all of your ticket invoice payments online. At that time, you can simply log-in to your personal account and select the “Pay Invoice” option. Here you will be able to view your past invoices, make payments, renew your tickets for the upcoming season, or even purchase your playoff tickets. Take advantage of this new option and avoid the hassles of making payments in person, over the phone, or by mail.

Account Manager

AOL Capitals ToolbarDownload your official Caps

toolbar now, powered by AOL for FREE and keep up with team news, buy

tickets, and log on to your AOL affinity email.

AOL Capitals EmailWith your Caps email you can share your favorite hockey team with your firends, apply contacts

from other email apps and access your Capitals email

from anywhere.

You can choose from these email addresses:



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19202.266.2350 | [email protected]

Email Your Tickets!Now you can send your tickets to virtually anyone up to two hours before the game via ticket forwarding. This service allows you to e-mail tickets to friends, family, clients or other guests when you can’t attend a game. Simply log-in to your personal account, select the ticket or group of tickets you wish to send, enter the recipient’s information and select “Forward”. It’s easy, and you don’t even have to have the tickets in hand. Avoid the hassles and costs of overnight or in-person delivery and start enjoying the benefits of this new service.

How It WorksEach of your season tickets carries a unique barcode.During the forwarding process, the barcode on your original season ticket is cancelled and a new one is issued electronically. The recipient is e-mailed a new TicketFast ticket with a unique barcode that can be printed out on an 8.5 x 11” page with any standard computer printer.

Ticket Forwarding is an inexpensive alternative to other overnight delivery and courier services and provides a secure alternative method to ensure your tickets get used.

Ticketmaster TicketExchangeSell your tickets online via the Capitals Online Account Manager. Post your tickets for sale in a safe and legitimate way. The program allows fans to have more flexibility with their ticket plans, giving them control over which tickets they use and which they choose to sell in the online forum.

Ticketholders may log-on to TicketExchange from their online Caps Account Manager account and post their tickets for sale to the general public safely and easily. When the ticket sells, the season ticket holder receives a credit directly to his or her online account.

Once a ticket is purchased, the barcode on the original season ticket is cancelled and a new one is electronically delivered via TicketFast® to the buyer for printing right away.

Any credit obtained from selling your tickets online via Ticketmaster Ticket Exchange will be applied towards your 2010-11 season ticket plan.Account credit accrued from the posting of 2009-10 regular seasontickets cannot be used towards 2009-10 season ticket plan payments.You do have an option when you post your tickets for sale online to have thecredit returned to you electronically via the ACH option or have it depositeddirectly into your Capitals season ticket account for use on future purchases.

If your tickets do not sell before the expiration date you have set, you will be notified via email that your listing has been removed and that your original tickets are still valid for entry.

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Membership includes:Exclusive Member Kit

Game Day Activities

Special Events

Free Open Skates

Monthly Contests

Player Meet & Greets

Members Only Slapshot Bobblehead