Download - From the Pastor’s Desk · 2019-09-27 · Sue Waller Eddie Willis Prayer Concerns Methodist Men To Resume Meetings After taking the summer months off, the Methodist Men will resume

Page 1: From the Pastor’s Desk · 2019-09-27 · Sue Waller Eddie Willis Prayer Concerns Methodist Men To Resume Meetings After taking the summer months off, the Methodist Men will resume


From the Pastor’s Desk Rev. Stephen Nance

“Church Attendance”

Is it important for Christians to attend a organized church on a regular basis? I’m asked that question occasionally. Let me respond with this illustration:

A certain church member who had been previously attending services regularly suddenly stopped coming to church. After some weeks the minister decided to visit the absent member. I was a chilly evening and the minister found the man alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the for his pastor’s visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a big chair by the fire, and waited. The minister made himself comfortable and said nothing. After a bit of staring into the flames, he took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning piece of wood and placed it to one side of the hearth. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet fascination. As the ember’s flame diminished, there was a momentary glow, but then the fire was no more and it was cold and dead. Not a word has been spoken since the initial greetings. But as the minister rose to leave, the host said, “Thank you so much for visit-and especially for your fiery sermon. I shall be at church next Sunday.”

The man understood that worshiping together helps to keep us glowing warmly in God’s love and presence. Separated and isolated from God’s people often produces a mere smoldering or even cold block of wood. If you need to warmed up a bit, plan to attend church this Sunday and the next and the next. God will meet you there!

For Christ’s Sake,

Pastor Steve Nance May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole,

make you holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul, and body –

and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ

Hebrews 10:23-25 (NASB)

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

A Newsletter Publication of First United Methodist Church, Groesbeck, Texas

October 2019

First United Methodist Church 203 W. State Street

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 150 Groesbeck, TX 76642


Pastor: Rev Steve Nance [email protected]

9:45 a.m. Deep Blue (3yrs to 3rd Grade-Upstairs )

9:45a.m. Tejas Sunday School Class (Adults—Fellowship Hall)

9:45a.m. The Seekers Sunday School Class (Adults—MAC Building)

10:50a.m. Worship

Nursery Provided 9:45-Nooon

Page 2: From the Pastor’s Desk · 2019-09-27 · Sue Waller Eddie Willis Prayer Concerns Methodist Men To Resume Meetings After taking the summer months off, the Methodist Men will resume


Our First Newsletter

This is the first edition of the monthly newsletter for the Groesbeck First United Methodist Church.

It is hoped to mail and distribute the monthly newsletter near the end of each month. The purpose of the newsletter is to keep the church family informed of upcoming and ongoing events of the church.

The newsletter staff wishes to have news from each Sunday School Class, Wings, the Methodist Men, the choir, and the youth. Please keep us informed of your group’s projects. If your church group is planning a particular study or project, let your church family know.

The newsletter staff would appreciate having all newsletter items by 15th or 16th of the month.

We hope this first newsletter is informative to you. Let’s keep our church family in prayer.


October 14, 2019 @ 2 pm

Bible Trivia: Genesis:1

Greeters: Ida Stewart & Jerri O’Docharty

Devotional: Betty Blackstock

Program: Fishes and Loaves’-Janis Hughes and

Volunteer, Ginger Fritz

Hostesses: Bobbie Muhlinghause,

Betty Blackstock & Melanie Lockwood

Service Project: Church-wide Food Drive for

Fishes & Loaves

Lord’s Acre Information 3

Church Organizations 4 & 5

Birthdays 6

Anniversaries 6

Prayer Concerns 6

Calendar of Events 7

Message from the Pastor 8

This issue

At A Glance

Friendship Luncheon

Everyone is reminded that the Friendship

Luncheon is held the first Thursday of each

month. The luncheon begins shortly before 12

p.m. Come enjoy good food, fellowship and an

interesting program.

August Giving 17,216.00

August Expenses 17,519.68

August Attendance

August 4 94

August 11 117

August 18 99

August 25 129

Deadline for November

Newsletter is October 15


October 2 ............................................................... Wednesday Fellowship Meal-5-6-Fellowship Hall

............................... What it means to be a United Methodist-Thomas Q. Robbins-6 p.m.-Sanctuary

............................................................................................................ Choir Practice –5:30-6:30 p.m.

October 4 ............................................................... Friendship Luncheon-11:30 a.m.-Fellowship Hall

October 5 ................................................................................ Lord’s Acre Fish Fry-5-6-Mac Building

October 7.......................................................................... Intercessory Prayer-5 p.m.-Fellowship Hall

...................................................................................................... Stitchers– Fellowship Hall @1 p.m.

....................................................................... Joy of Living Bible Study-Fellowship Hall-6-7:30 p.m.

October 9 ............................................................... Wednesday Fellowship Meal-5-6-Fellowship Hall

............................... What it means to be a United Methodist-Thomas Q. Robbins-6 p.m.-Sanctuary

............................................................................................................ Choir Practice –5:30-6:30 p.m.

October 11 ...................................................................... Fishes & Loaves-310 W. Navasota St-10 a.m.

October 12 ................................................................. United Methodist Men –Fellowship Hall-9 a.m.

October 14 ................................................................................ UMWinGS-Fellowship Hall-2:30 p.m.

...................................................................................................... Stitchers– Fellowship Hall @1 p.m.

....................................................................... Joy of Living Bible Study-Fellowship Hall-6-7:30 p.m.

October 16 .............................................................. Wednesday Fellowship Meal-5-6-Fellowship Hall

............................... What it means to be a United Methodist-Thomas Q. Robbins-6 p.m.-Sanctuary

............................................................................................................ Choir Practice –5:30-6:30 p.m.

............................................................................................................................................................... .

October 21 ........................................................................ Intercessory Prayer-5 p.m.-Fellowship Hall

...................................................................................................... Stitchers– Fellowship Hall @1 p.m.

....................................................................... Joy of Living Bible Study-Fellowship Hall-6-7:30 p.m.

October 23 ............................................................. Wednesday Fellowship Meal-5-6-Fellowship Hall

............................... What it means to be a United Methodist-Thomas Q. Robbins-6 p.m.-Sanctuary

............................................................................................................ Choir Practice –5:30-6:30 p.m.

........................................................................................ Council Meeting-Fellowship Hall-6:30 p.m.

October 28 ....................................................................... Intercessory Prayer-5 p.m.-Fellowship Hall

...................................................................................................... Stitchers– Fellowship Hall @1 p.m.

....................................................................... Joy of Living Bible Study-Fellowship Hall-6-7:30 p.m.

October 30 ............................................................. Wednesday Fellowship Meal-5-6-Fellowship Hall

............................... What it means to be a United Methodist-Thomas Q. Robbins-6 p.m.-Sanctuary

............................................................................................................ Choir Practice –5:30-6:30 p.m.

Calendar of Events

Page 3: From the Pastor’s Desk · 2019-09-27 · Sue Waller Eddie Willis Prayer Concerns Methodist Men To Resume Meetings After taking the summer months off, the Methodist Men will resume


Trace Baldwin October 2

Johnny McMillan October 2

Sue Waller October 2

Dan Blackstock October 5

Don Stevens October 5

Bob Bosch October 6

Mary Johnson October 6

Susan Johnson October 8

Chad Feeney October 10

Bubba Stone October 12

Tana Nance October 15

Tom Onda October 17

Billy Tepe October 17

Judy Etheredge October 18

Barrett Lockwood October 18

Gary Williams October 23

Kenneth Wise October 23

Cody Buck October 28

Cody Bruner October 29

Steve Nance October 29

Alicia Logan October 31

October Birthdays

Sherrod, Danny & Wendy October 3 Years Married: 26 Russell, John & Mary October 12 Years Married: 26 Collins, Dan & Linda October 16 Years Married: 53 Burkhart, Jake & Kimberly October 30 Years Married: 19



Our Church Family

Mike Arney

Jean Bosch

Penny Gray

Leah Hidde-Gregory

Angelique Harkin

Nancy Harrell

Jim Linnstaedter

Maxine Roberts

Jimmy & Noma Nell Thomas

Sue Waller

Eddie Willis

Prayer Concerns

Methodist Men To Resume Meetings

After taking the summer months off, the Methodist Men will resume their monthly meetings on Saturday, October 12. The group will meet at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Refreshment and coffee will be served. It is also hoped to have some interesting programs. The men had a very successful 4th of July Pancake Breakfast.

Pancake Breakfast And Pep Rally

Our church sponsored another very successful Pancake Breakfast and Pep Rally on Friday, August 30 before the first varsity football game. A large crowd was present. The football players were introduced. The GHS cheerleaders led yells, and the GHS Band played some great music. Rev. Steve Nance gave a fine devotional. Jerry Bomar, GISD athletic director and head football, delivered an inspiring pep talk.


Lord’s acre , a special events season time of the year for First United Methodist Church Groesbeck is

fast approaching! Lord’s Acre provides a wide range of opportunities for the attainment and

enrichment of the mission of the church, not only for our church family but also for the community

in which we live. Various projects and activities will provide funding for out reach opportunities,

facility improvements, and recommended materials for Bible studies and other areas of Christian

growth. The most important aspect of our Lord’s Acre activities is the many opportunities to

strengthen friendships, get know new members to our church family, and to let our actions be a

witness to our faith.

For a number of years, our church has dedicated 10% (up to $1000) of our Lord’s Acre blessings to

one of our community’s service organizations. The 2019 Lord’s Acre planning committee has

selected the Limestone Medical Center Foundation as the recipient. This selection was made to aid

the foundation in providing funds for medical equipment for the hospital’s new branch clinic.


The opening event is a fish fry on Saturday , October 5, doors opening at 4:30, meal served 5:00-

7:00 p.m. The meal will include fried fish, hush puppies, cole slaw, dessert and a drink. Meal tickets

bought in advance or at the door will be $10. In addition to the meal, plans are being made to

include a silent auction, country store, bake sales, sign-up sheets for casseroles and 3-5 item live

auction. Donations to the silent auction or Country Store may be brought to the church office by

Friday, October 4 or call Martha Stone @729-0269 or 254-760-5330 by Wednesday, October 2.

These items may be brought to the MAC on Sunday, September 27 between 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Items can also be brought to the first Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal on Wednesday October 2 at

5:00 p.m.


We will soon be taking orders for casseroles. We have chosen casseroles that freeze will and two

sizes will be offered.

Chicken Spaghetti King Ranch Chicken Chicken Rotel Mexican Beef Casserole

Containers of homemade chili will also be available. As requested by some of our casserole cooks,

the MAC kitchen will be available for small group baking. Recipes are available for those who wish

to bake at home at their own convenience. Dates for group baking will be available soon.


A Mexican dinner will be held on Friday, November 15 and will be chaired by Diana Jones. I will be

held in the MAC from 11:00 am to 1:00 p.m. Cost is $7.

Possible activities accompanying the Mexican dinner include a silent auction, country store,

casserole sales and bake sale. More information about these activities will be forthcoming in the

November newsletter.

Plans are being made for a Souper Sunday meal on Sunday, February 2, 2020!

We encourage all of our church families to participate in the Lord’s Acres! It is hoped that every

family will donate at least one item to the silent auction or the country store. And, of course

everyone will be looking forward to those delicious cakes, pastries, and other baked goods prepared

by our fantastic cooks.

Lord’s Acre

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To all of the ladies in our church and in our community:

On behalf of WinGS (Women in God’s Service), I’d like to invite you to join our organization.

We meet the second Monday of each month from September through May at 2 PM in the

Fellowship Hall. Some of the things we do are:

1. Fellowship and devotionals at our meetings.

2. Various service projects. This year we are collecting school supplies for missionaries in

Mexico, food for Fishes and Loaves, donations for the Waco Family Crisis Center, Valentines

gifts for local senior resident homes, donations to LARAS House, and other projects that

arise during the year.

3. We support our church in its community outreach, such as Lord’s Acre, prayers for

individuals and our church, and other projects.

4. WinGS has an annual field trip. Last year we visited some of the painted churches in the Hill

Country. This year we will be visiting the Brookwood Community in Brookshire, Texas for

developmentally challenged individuals.

5. We hold the church services one Sunday in January for Women’s Sunday.

6. We support Craft Days and the Book Club at Liberty Square.

7. We honor a different group of workers and volunteers in our church each spring with an

after-church luncheon.

8. We often give a small scholarship to a worthy student at Groesbeck High School.

9. We are planning a Christian women’s retreat in the spring.

10. And…we enjoy each other’s company and support.

An Invitation to Join WinGS

Tejas Sunday School

Tejas Sunday School is currently looking at Pauls' journeys as recorded in Acts.

Class starts at 09:45. a.m. Doughnuts and fellowship starts at 09:00. a.m.

We meet in the fellowship hall and we look forward to seeing you there.

Seekers Sunday School

Seeker’s Sunday School is currently studying with WESLEY: Mission-Oriented, Holiness Emphasis

Adult Study curriculum. Relevant to everyday life challenges and choices. This quarter is on

Hebrews. We meet at 9:45 in the MAC building.

All are Welcome!


Intercessory prayer is prayer that does not give up. It is prayer that endures all setbacks. It is prayer

that “presses on” until we receive God’s will.

Our group meets on Monday afternoon at 5:00 in Fellowship Hall to pray, for the request of

individuals, who are facing problems that cry out for the hand of God.

We follow the three “C’s” of Prayer. Commit to pray daily. Conform to privacy. Connect to the

person for whom we are praying.

Then Jesus said,: “Everyone who asks will receive, everyone who searches will find, and the door

will be opened for everyone who knocks. (Luke 11:10)

We will keep on asking, keep on seeking, and keep on knocking until God’s will be done.

The prayer boxes and prayer notes are located at the doors of the church facing West State Street.

Write the request and drop it into the box. All of God’s children are welcome to join the prayer

group. We are looking for willing hearts who want to see God’s will come to pass. All you have to do

is turn to the Lord in prayer.

What is intercessory prayer?

Each Monday, a group of committed Christian women comes together to praise God, lift up people

in prayer and learn more about His Word. Joy of Living is a non-denominational Bible Study. It

speaks powerfully to those who may not yet believe, but want to learn more about Christ; those who

are new to the faith and want to grow in spiritual maturity; and to those who have studied His Word

for years, but realize that there is always more to learn.

Each lesson has a week's worth of daily study questions that lead students through Scripture,

explaining the Biblical and historical context of verses and encouraging us to apply God's Word to

our daily lives. We come together to discuss our answers to the questions and share the truths that

God's Holy Spirit reveals. A weekly commentary provides further insights from renowned Biblical


This year, we are starting with a brand new study, Jesus B.C. It shows how the life, death and

resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the promises of Old Testament prophets. Then we'll continue in the

Old Testament with Psalms of Faith, which covers seventeen of the psalms and praises God's

unfailing goodness to us in all circumstances.

We've been so blessed that our group continues to grow, but there's always room for one more. We

would love to welcome you! Joy of Living meets at 6:00 pm on Monday evenings in the Fellowship

Hall at First United Methodist Church of Groesbeck.

Discover the Joy of Living!