Download - From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Page 1: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

All Saints News January 2019

The well-known Bishop Francis de Sales once said, “Good man-ners are already half the way to holiness.” Having said that, “good manners” can also be a façade – a cover-up – for something more sinister. The devil – for instance – never comes at us “full frontal”. The devil boasts of being a mannerly individual. Even when he tempted Jesus, he presented himself as a gentleman, and even a theologian by quoting scriptures to the Master Theologian – Jesus. I was touched by a suggestion - in a recent sermon I heard - that if we practice three simple expressions in a most sincere way, and have our relations rooted in the good and a respect for the other person – our family, business and social lives will be helping us to holiness.Those three expressions are: May I? Thank you! Pardon me.Let’s examine each of them.May I?A wonderful example of this question is to be found in Revelation 3:20, which reads:“Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”Even the Lord asks permission to enter into our lives. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if in our families, and other relationships – even if we think we have every right to do so – we were to ask, “Do you mind if I do this? Would you like me to do the washing up tonight? Would you like me to cook supper tonight?The deeper, and more intimate a relationship is, the more it calls for respect for the other’s freedom and the ability to wait until the other opens the door to his or her heart.Thank you!Tragically – in our society – to say “Thank you” is often seen as a weakness, and even seems to raise suspicion in others. I recently looked at Psalm 100:4 which is one of the psalms which has these words – or similar ones: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”So often we neglect to say “Thank you” to our Creator for His creation and more often to our families when they have done things for us. One of the tragic stories in scripture is to be found in Luke 17 where Jesus heals ten lepers, and only one returns to thank Him –

and he happened to be a hated Samaritan. How often do we hear parents having to coax their children with these words: “Say thank you.” Somebody once wrote that “Gratitude is a plant that grows only in the soil of noble souls.”Will you thank your “significant other” for the things – big and small – that he/she does for you?Will you thank the lady at the till for your groceries?Will you thank your employer/employees for all that they do for you?I could go on ad infinitum – but I’m sure you “get the drift” of what I’m suggesting.Pardon me!In a recent sermon I suggested a five-word marriage counselling session:“I’m sorry please forgive me!”Why is it so difficult for us to simply acknowledge when we’ve made a mistake and to ask for forgiveness? Why is it that when the Lord taught us how to pray, He said, say “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” (Matt 6:16) Just imagine how quickly hurt, bitterness and unforgiveness could be dealt with if we uttered those few words!St Paul has some wonderful advice for us in Ephesians 4:26-27:“In your anger do not sin: Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”Oh woe is me! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! To my shame I have been guilty of – indeed – “letting the sun go down” while I am still angry, and the end result is a shocking night’s sleep – and a house which seems to have had the air sucked out of it, and to have allowed the flood waters of despair to come flooding in.A Prayer!Heavenly Father we pray that you will give us the grace to seek first your Kingdom by being deeply sensitive and non-invasive in our relationships by seeking permission. Then let us please be remind-ed of the power of thanksgiving – indeed the power to open gates and doors. And finally Lord, give us our daily dose of being able to forgive others as you have forgiven us.We pray these things in and through our Lord Jesus. Amen.

From Dennis' Desk

Page 2: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s


Combined Service17 February at 09:00

Our next combined service is coming up soon and we hope that our congregations from all services can come together during this time. Combined Services happen once a quarter, and the hope behind them is that all members of the All Saints family can meet together and share in a completely unique service together, which has both traditional and contemporary elements. Please remember, on this day, there will be no 7:30 or 18:00 service. We hope to see you there!

Volunteers appreciation braai2 March at 18:00

If you volunteer for our church in any capacity, we appreciate your hard work, and this evening is for you. From leaflet folders to soup cookers, worship lead-ers to pantry packers - we hope you will come and enjoy fellowship and food on this warm summer evening. If you would like to join us, bring along some meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s make the most of it.


Page 3: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

pancake evening5 March at 18:00

March 5th is Shrove Tuesday, and so this day is celebrated with one of our favourite fellowship events, and, of course, food. Join us for some light-heart-ed fellowship with a variety of savoury and sweet pancakes for dinner. A big thank you goes to Margy Southern, who is heading up this pancake feast with friends.

day trip to ushaka marine world20 March

We are arranging a congregational outing to uShaka Marine World in Durban as one of our fellowship events. We have hired a luxury bus (or two if needed) to transport us to Durban and back - and you are all invited - young and old. The price for the day is R300 per person, however, this does not include lunch. Lunch will have to be purchased separately as picnic baskets are not allowed on the premises. If you would like to be part of this experience, kindly send an email to [email protected], and as soon as possible, EFT the money for your ticket to us, with your name and USHAKA as a reference. This is a new kind of fellowship event, we hope you will enjoy this opportunity.


All are welcome to this annual meeting as we discuss some important issues pertaining to our church.

Page 4: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Greetings Church!It is great to be able to share a little with all of you about our new home and our new chapter in our lives. We can’t believe it has already been a month since we said goodbye to South Africa, time truly does fly. We have settled in here in the Caymans really well and have met so many awesome people and formed some great friendships. We have found a cosy little flat which is 80 metres from the beach which is really nice so needless to say we are spending every chance we get at the beach! It is not hard to witness and marvel at the beauty of Gods creation here. The sunsets are absolutely breath taking, and pictures can never fully describe the beauty of the sky and the ocean here. God has truly blessed us here. The locals are extremely friendly and helpful and surprisingly, there are lots of South Africans here which has made the transition that much easier. We have had some amazing experiences from swimming with sea turtles to visiting sting ray city where we got the chance to hold a stingray! We have found a church here on the island called Sunrise Community Church and have been welcomed into their family with open arms. All these amazing experiences and blessings in our lives don’t hide the fact that we miss those we left back in South Africa and we hope and pray that everyone in our All Saints family

is doing well and that you are all having a great start to 2019!

God Bless you all!

Tim & Justine

Staff Antics2

Page 5: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s
Page 6: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s


After having erected goal posts and netball posts at McCarthy Primary School in Tamboville, the Men’s Fellowship committee agreed to present the school with a few new soccer and netball balls. Themba Dlamini, a teacher at the school, was handed the balls after the 9.00 am service on Sunday 3 February. All costs involved in this small outreach project were met by profits made from collections relating to Men’s Fellowship breakfast gatherings.

sporting equipment for mccarthy primary schoolMen’s Fellowship Outreach

Photo: From left to right – Mal Singh, Niven Viljoen, Timothy Fasheum, Themba Dlamini at the handover of balls.

Page 7: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Members of All Saints will recall that we are in the process of implementing a new Trust Deed (Constitution) that will give All Saints members more control over the affairs of our Church.

To date, as a United Church under the Church Unity Commission (CUC), we have functioned as an unregistered Trust with two Trustees appointed by each of our parent churches, the Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational churches, as well as two representing All Saints. With the finalisation and approval by all relevant parties of the new Trust Deed, the All Saints United Church Trust will be formally registered with the Master of the Supreme court. One of the requirements that will have to be complied with is the nomination and approval of new Trustees to manage this Trust. Under the new Trust Deed the number of Trustees will be reduced to four, all of whom will be delegated by All Saints. It is therefore necessary to decide who the persons will be who will be nominated to fill these positions. This process should be finalised at the All Saints Annual General meeting to be held on Sunday the 31st of March 2019.

There is now the opportunity to propose members that might be suitable to take on the role of Trustee. Should you have anyone in mind please let Rev. Ron Hall know before the 28th of February 2019.

trust news

31 March 10:30


Page 8: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

What is Godly Play?

According to the Godly Play Foundation, Godly Play is a creative and imaginative approach to Christian nurture and spiritual guidance.

Godly Play is founded on the Montessori practice and was introduced to All Saints United through the Pinetown Methodist Church. The curriculum models the stories, worship life and symbols of our Christian faith.Godly Play allows an understanding of how each of the stories of God’s people connects with the child’s experience and their relationship with God.


“The heart of Godly Play is that it does not depend on knowledge, but on personal

response and spiitual engagement with God’s word within a supportive, safe community of friends. Consequently it ‘works’ with all ages,

including adults, and it works well in groups with a wide age or ability range. It began as an approach for very young children – aged 3-6. However, it lends itself to the most sophisticate

theological reflection too; I use it with ordinands. The challenge now is to ensure that

children are still included in Godly Play, as increasingly those working with adults are finding it has such deep potential to reach people directly, simply, ‘where they are’.” Dr Rebecca Nye

Page 9: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

All Saints experience

Our children have enjoyed the parables, sacred stories from the Old Testament and liturgical lessons. We have three groups participating in Godly Play, namely Gr R – 2, Gr 3 – 5 and Gr 6 – 7. Our children spend time listening to the story in the circle, followed by our wondering questions, where we unpack the story. We offer the children an opportunity to respond to what they have listened to through a creative outlet (e.g. crafts, play-doh, or working with other stories). We share a snack together and then read the story from the Bible. Our smaller ‘saints’ (ages 3 - 4) who are fondly called ‘the Bears’ do not participate in Godly Play but follow similar Bible stories.

Left: The Ark and the Temple.

right: The Story of Abraham.Bottom-left: Elements from the Garden of Eden - The Second Creation Story. Bottom-Right: The Good Shephard and His sheep.

Page 10: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Day #1: Mar 04 Fly Turkish Airlines overnight from King Shaka to Ben Gurion Airport via Istanbul.

Day #2: Mar 05First, we will make our way quietly up the Mediterranean Coast to Caesarea Maritima. Caesarea Maritima is best known for St Paul’s trial by Festus (Acts 25), as well as the conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10). We will also visit Muhraqa – the site of the spiritual battle between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. We then proceed to Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee.

Day #3: Mar 06First up is the Yardenit Baptismal site for those who would like the privilege of going through the waters of the Jordan River. Then we will backtracking to Nazareth – Jesus’ hometown and spend time on the Mt of the Precipice and then take in the beautiful Church of the Annunciation and visit the Old Town of Nazareth. After lunch we will tour the fascinating and historically accurate Nazareth Village – where the style and culture of the time of Jesus has been developed.

israel tour 2019an adventure through the holy landHere is a glimpse into the daily activities about to be experienced!


Page 11: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Day #4: Mar 07Today is the day for the Sea of Galilee! We start the morning on the beach at the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish at Tabgha. We then make our way to the Cloister of the Beatitudes church overlooking the Sea of Galilee also known as the tradi-tional site of the Sermon on the Mount. After lunch we proceed to the “Jesus Boat” mu-seum displaying a 2000 year old boat similar to the one that Jesus would have used on the Sea. After shopping, we move from the museum to our cruise on the Sea of Galilee

Day #5: Mar 08With an early start we make our way to down to the Dead sea. On route we visit an ar-chaeological wonder called Beit Shean, a magnificently restored Roman village. Then we will visit Qumran – where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Then onto Masada one of Herod’s Winter Palaces and a place of tragedy for a Jewish community where 960 Jews committed suicide rather than be killed by the Romans. Then it’s lunch and an afternoon dip in the Dead Sea.

Day #6: Mar 09The allure of Jerusalem beckons. We start on the top of Mt Scopus to take in the most spectacular view of the Old City of Jerusalem. We will partake in an ancient bread and salt ceremony as a welcome. Next stop is the Mt of Olives and a walk down the Palm Sunday walkway to the Garden of Gethsemane and into the old City to pop in at the Pool of Bethesda. Then onto the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (traditional site of the cruci-fixion and burial of Jesus) and do the Via Dolorosa (the way of sorrows). After lunch it’s onto the Garden Tomb.

Day #7: Mar 10 This day is set aside for the Old City of Jerusalem. We start early by saying a prayer at the wall and then doing the Western wall tunnel tour. We will also visit David’s City.

Day #8: Mar 11 We end our time in Israel with a leisurely morning followed by pack up, check out and a visit to the Israel museum. Then its onto Ben Gurion and fly back to South Africa

Day #9: Mar 12Arrive back in Durban.


Page 12: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

surrender.Isaiah 64:8But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.

Psalm 37:7Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

Mark 10:28Peter began to say to Him, “Behold, we have left everything and followed You.”

Matthew 16:24-25Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

Romans 12:1Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

Galatians 2:20“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Hands &feet6

Page 13: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Romans 12:1 to 2 speaks of a transformation, a change that comes about us when we give our lives to Christ. God calls everyone to a total surrendering to Him, but why does He do this, and what does it mean? Surrender in this context means allowing God to become the Lord and ruler of your life. Don’t be intimidated by the word, we surrender on a daily basis, to traffic laws, surgeons, and the vehicles we travel in. The devil might be telling you that a life with Je-sus is tough, all crucifixion without the resurrection. But God’s plans are plans to prospers us and not to harm us. He wants to change our lives for the better, and although this may include some trials, God at the wheel is always a better idea. Let go of control. Allow God to mould a beautiful path for your life, one that will go beyond your dreams. Let Him be the God of your life.

- Surrender your hopes and dreams. God knows best, and He can be trusted with the things you desire most. Surrender these desires to Him, and resist the lies of the devil. - Surrender your will. What does God want from you? How does this differ from your own will? - Surrender your fears. Again, resist the devil. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deut 31:6

“I am simply not enough in myself, but in Him I am. This surrender is not weakness,

but the only true measure of strength any of us have.”

Aaron W. Matthews

Adapted from www. /

Page 14: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

RATATOUILLEThis is such a versatile recipe and can be used in so many ways :- Use as a side vegetable- Pour over sausages or meat balls as a “gravy”- Place eggs into the ratatouille, cover with cheese and bake- Spread onto a piece of toast and top with eggs for breakfast

2 red onions2 aubergines3 courgettes3 red / yellow peppers

1. Heat olive oil & butter & fry the onions until golden2. Add chopped courgettes, aubergines, peppers & tomatoes and fry altogether for a good 15 mins.3. Add the tinned onion & tomato (remember to add a tsp sugar as this takes the acidity out of the tomatoes & gives a good flavour when cooked)4. Finely add basil, thyme and seasoning.5. Cover the pan and simmer for 30 mins. Delicious !

nourishingnosh with lolly


6 ripe tomatoes1 tin onion & tomatoBasil, thyme, salt & pepper, garlic

Page 15: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Two very easy chicken recipes for those of us that work!

APRICOT CHICKEN1 pkt brown onion soup1 apricot liquifruit4 chicken breasts 1. Roll chicken pieces in the brown onion soup2. Pour over the liquifruit3. Bake at 350 for an hour

CHUTNEY CHICKEN1 cup hot fruit chutney1 cup cream4 chicken breasts 1. Lay breasts in a casserole2. Mix together the cream and chutney & pour over the chicken3. Bake at 350 for an hour

nourishingnosh with lolly

Page 16: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

“the choice”edith eger Review by Michelle Gevers

This book is a gift to humanity”, these words are spoken by Desmond Tutu and ring so true. This book is a poignant memoir of Auschwitz survivor, Edith Eger. Edith and her family live in Hungary and are taken to Auschwitz in 1944 when Edith is only 16. Whilst on the truck Edith’s mother tells her that only circumstances can be controlled by others, not her mind. Edith holds onto this throughout the most horrific period of her life. Edith is separated from her parents on arrival at the camp. Edith is called to dance for Dr Death, Josef Mengele, which earns her a meagre loaf of bread which she shares with her bungalow mates. This act of kindness later saves her life. Her memoirs are harrowing and tell of the psychological impact of this period in her life. The camp is finally liberated and she is saved from a pile of bodies barely alive. This is when a different journey begins, Edith marries Frankl Eger , also a survivor , and the two of them emigrate to America, Here Edith learns English and studies psychology, as she understands more of human behaviour she then journeys back and works through all conversations, choices and actions . This is an incredibly intimate journey of the deepest, darkest part of her mind . There were times where I needed to put this book down to regain my breath and just to breathe through the trauma. Her story is told in such a manner that she walks you through the ashes to see beauty. She heals with her patients and aids patients who themselves have suffered trauma. Her personal journey eventually takes her back to Auschwitz where she allows the final stages of her journey and healing of her mind to take place.I did find this book a gift to humanity as it reminded me that we all have choices and make choices on a daily basis .Dr Edith Eger held onto her faith and she openly acknowledges where God protects even in the most gruelling circumstances. Dr Eger is now 89 years old and is a world renown speaker.

the reading reportoire8

Page 17: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Some Good


“The inwardjourney”

gene edwards

“Everyone Always”

Bob Goff

“The pilgrims progress” John Bunyan

“the reason for god” tim keller

“A resilient life”Gordon macdonald

Page 18: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

lent 2019The Reason for

GodThis year we are trying something new - Lent Season will be a time to foster community in our church, so we have decided to host a Community Home Group course looking at Tim Kellers

book and DVD on - “The Reason for God”.

Each session will include a short screening of some dynamic speakers in conversations on the topic, followed by

an in-depth teaching by either one of our Ministers. Each participant will receive a discussion study guide to take home,

and research further.

We hope that this will be a time for all of our All Saints Home Groups to come together and learn together. The content

is both challenging and intriguing and we are excited for the growth

opportunity for our church.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their Commitment

and Tithing forms from our Why Church series. If you would like

to fill in a form to help us get you involved in a place that you feel comfortable, please contact

us or visit the Info Desk after the services.


Page 19: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

Don’t Forget your donuts!

Donuts (and now muffins too!) will con-tinue to be on sale after the 7:30 and

09:00 services every Sunday! To book yours, call the Church Office

in the week and we will place your order. The funds raised from this

venture will be shared soon! Watch this space.

Volunteers appreciation

evening02 March

This is our time to thank all of our hard-working and dedicated

volunteers who serve this church as convenors, welcomers, musicians,

cooks, counters and more. Please do join us for this time of fellowship.

GLS 2019Ticket sales are open!

1-2 November 2019R450 pp

The Church Office is available to assist you with your purchase.

Sunday Service

Volunteers Needed

We are needing more volunteers to assist at

Sunday Services once a month. If you can help in

this way, please send us an email at:

[email protected]

or alternatively, call the Church Office, or visit the

Info Desk after the services.

Men’s fellowshipLast Saturday of every month

at 7:30 for breakfast.

women’s fellowship

Third Thursday of the month at 10:15.


Page 20: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s


Shrove Tuesday Pancake Evening

5th March

20th MarchR300 pp

To find out more, please collect a notice at the Info Desk.

Become a member

Of our ASUC family.


MEN’S SHOES WANTEDWe are collecting unwanted closed

shoes in good condition to give to the men in need that visit the church during

the week. If you have some closed shoes that are no longer needed, we

can find them a new home where they will be greatly appreciated.

Page 21: From Dennis Desk · meat to braai and something to drink, we will provide some rolls, salads and sauces. It’s rare for such hard working people to all be off-duty at once! Let’s

033 347 3177

[email protected]

73 Montgomery DrPietermaritzburg, 3201

classifieds “Our purpose, under God, is to transform the world by allowing Jesus Christ to work in us, among us,

and through us.”