Download - Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Page 1: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems

Albert M. K. Cheng

Real-Time Systems Laboratory

University of Houston

Page 2: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Correctness of Real-Time Systems Satisfaction of logical correctness

constraints Satisfaction of timing constraints

Page 3: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Presentation Outline Model of a real-time system Specification, analysis, and verification Explicit-state and symbolic model

checking Real-time logic and constraint-graph

analysis Analysis of real-time rule-based system

Page 4: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

A Real-Time System








Page 5: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Specification, analysis, and verification Structural/Functional Behavioral - Sequence of

events and actions

Given: Specification (SP), Safety Assertion (SA)

Goal: Relate SP to SA

Analysis - 3 cases: SA is a theorem

derivable from SP. SA is unsatisfiable

with respect to SP. Negation of SA is

satisfiable under certain conditions.

Page 6: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Analysis Techniques Simulation Testing Verification Run-time monitoring

Page 7: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Model Checking

Specificationrepresented asa labeledfinite-stateGraph (Kripkestructure)

Safety assertionwritten as temporallogic formula

Is the finite-state grapha model of the temporallogic formula?

Page 8: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Computation Tree Logic CTL Propositional,

branching-time temporal logic

Next-time operator X, Until operator U

A(E)X f : f holds in every (some) immediate successor of current state

A(E)[f1 U f2] : for every (some) computation path, there exists an initial prefix of the path such that f2 holds at the last state of the prefix and f1 holds at all other states along the prefix

Page 9: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Example; Solution to Mutual Exclusion Problem





C1,N2 T1,T2 T1,T2 N1,C2


Page 10: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

CTL abbreviations AF(f) = A[True U f]:

f holds in the future along every path from the initial state s0, so f is inevitable

EG(f) =


EF(f) = E[True U f]: there is some path from the initial state s0 that leads to a state at which f holds, so f potentially holds

AG(f) =


Page 11: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Explicit-State Model Checking

for (fi=flength; fi >= 1; fi--) labelgraph(fi,s,&correct);labelgraph (fi,s,b)short fi, s;Boolean *b;{ short i; switch(nf[fi-1][0].opcode) { case atomic: atf(fi,s,b); break;

case nt: ntf(fi,s,b); break; case ad: adf(fi,s,b); break; case ax: axf(fi,s,b); break; case ex: exf(fi,s,b); break;

Page 12: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

case au:

for (i=0; i <= numstates; i++)

marked[i] = false;

for (i=0; i <= numstates; i++)

if (!marked[i])



case eu:





Explicit-State Model Checking

Page 13: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Symbolic Model Checking Transition relation between the values of

the variables in the current and the next states can be stated as a Boolean formula

Use Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) to present this Boolean formula

Apply model checker to finite-state graph represented as BBDs

Page 14: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Real-Time CTL Existentially Bounded Until operator:

E[f_1 U[x,y] f_2] at state s_0 means there exists a path beginning at s_0 and some i such that x <= i <= y and f_2 holds at state s_i and forall j < i, f_1 holds at state s_j

Min/max delays Min/max number of condition occurrences

Page 15: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Event-Action Model Action: schedulable unit

of work primitive or composite X;Y X||Y X!N !NY State predicate: assertion

about state of the system Timing constraints

Event: temporal marker - 4 types

external: cannot be cause by system

start: begin action stop: end action transition: change in

certain state attribute

Page 16: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Timing ConstraintsPeriodic: while <state predicate> execute <action>

with period = <time1>

deadline = <time2>

Sporadic: when <event> execute <action>

with deadline = <time1>

separation = <time2>

Page 17: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Non-Real-Time Temporal Logic Conventional temporal logic: concerns with

relative ordering of events A;(B||C) means ABC or ACB Can model interleaving actions Cannot model parallel actions To deal with absolute timing, add clock variable:

clock := clock + c, execute after every action Acceptable only if actions are executed in

sequential order

Page 18: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Real-Time Logic

3 types of constants action in capital

letters: primitive or composite (partial ordering of events)

A.B B appears in composite action A

start and stop events:

^A event marking the initiation of action A

vA event marking the completion of action A

^A.B ^A.B2

Page 19: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Real-Time Logic Transition event constants: (S := T) (S := F) External event constants: omega BUTTON1 pressing

button number 1 Integer constants: @(E,W) --> W E event, W nonnegative


@(e,i) = time of the i-th occurrence of event e

Timing property can be established by showing there does not exist an occurrence function which is consistent with the specification in conjunction with the negation of the safety property under investigation

Page 20: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Examples of RTL Formulas Forall i @(E,i) = t -> t >= 0 Forall i forall j [@(E,i) = t and @(E,j)=t‘ and i < j

] -> t < t‘ forall x @(TrainApproach, x) <= @(^Downgate,

x) and

@(vDowngate, x) <= @(TrainApproach, x) + 30

forall y @(^Downgate, y) + 15 <= @(vDowngate, y)

Page 21: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Example: Safety Assertion in RTLforall t forall u

@(TrainApproach, t) + 45 <= @(Crossing, u) and

@(Crossing,u)<@(TrainApproach, t) + 60 -> @(vDowngate, t) <= @(Crossing, u) and

@(Crossing, u) <= @(vDowngate, t) + 45

Page 22: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Analysis of Rule-Based Systems The RULES section is composed of a finite set of

rules each of which is of the form: a1 := b1 ! a2 := b2 ! … ! am := bm IF enabling condition VAR = set of variables on left-hand side of the

assignment, i.e., the ai’s VAL = expressions on right-hand side of

assignment, i.e., the bi’s EC = enabling condition

Page 23: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Simple Rule-Based Program(* 1 *) object_detected := true IF sensor_a =

1 AND sensor_a_status = good (* 2 *) []object_detected := true IF sensor_b

= 1 AND sensor_b_status = good(* 3 *) []object_detected := false IF sensor_a

= 0 AND sensor_a_status = good(* 4 *) []object_detected := false IF sensor_b

= 0 AND sensor_b_status = good

Page 24: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

State Space RepresentationA















Page 25: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Problem Complexity In general, the analysis problem is

undecidable if the program variables can have infinite domains, i.e., there is no general procedure for answering all instances of the decision problem.

Page 26: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Proof Outline Any two-counter machine can be encoded by an

equational rule-based program that uses only `+' and `-' as operations on integer variables and `>', `=' as atomic predicates such that a two-counter machine accepts an input if and only if the corresponding equational rule-based program can reach a fixed point from an initial condition determined by the input to the two-counter machine.

Page 27: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Analysis Problem is Solvable for some Cases All the variables of an equational rule-

based program range over finite domains. Set of variables in VAR and set of

variables in VAL and EC are disjoint.

Enabling conditions are mutually exclusive.

Only constants are assigned to variables in VAR.

Page 28: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Compatibility of RulesLet L_x denote the set of

variables appearing in LHS of rule x.

Two rules a and b are said to be compatible iff at least one of the following conditions holds:

(CR1) Test a and test b are mutually exclusive.

(CR2) L_a and L_b are disjoint.

(CR3) Suppose L_a and L_b are not disjoint . Then for every common variable v in L_a and L_b, the same expression must be assigned to v in both rule a and b.

Page 29: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Special Form ALet L and T be sets of variables in VAR and

EC of rules. A set of rules are in special form A if the following conditions hold:

(1) Constant terms are assigned to all the variables in L.

(2) All of the rules are compatible pairwise.

(3) L and T are disjoint.

Page 30: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Example1. a1 := true IF b = true AND c = true 2. [] a1 := true IF b = true AND c = false 3. [] a2 := false IF c = true

Rules 1 and 2 are compatible by conditions CR1 and CR3. Rules 1 and 3 are compatible by condition CR2. Rules 2 and 3 are compatible by condition CR2.

Page 31: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

General Analysis StrategyRule-based program

Simpler programs

Rule rewriterState-space analyzer

Special formrecognizer

No independentruleset in special form

Independent rulsetsin special form(s)

Page 32: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Exampleinput: read(b, c)1. a1 := true IF b = true AND c

= true2.[]a1 := true IF b = true

AND c = false3.[]a2 := false IF c = true4.[]a3 := true IF a1 = true

AND a2 = false 5.[]a4 := true IF a1 = false

AND a2 = false6.[]a4 := false IF a1 = false

AND a2 = true

input: read(b, c)

1. a1 := true IF b = true AND c = true

2.[]a1 := true IF b = true AND c = false

3.[]a2 := false IF c = true

Page 33: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

Applications of Analysis Tools Cryogenic Hydrogen Pressure Malfunction

Procedure in the Pressure Control System of the Space Shuttle Vehicle

Integrated Status Assessment Expert System

Fuel Cell Expert System Orbital Maneuvering and Reaction Control


Page 34: Formal Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Systems Albert M. K. Cheng Real-Time Systems Laboratory University of Houston.

New Textbook Albert Cheng - Real-Time Systems: Scheduling,

Analysis, and Verification (John Wiley & Sons) ISBN # 0471-184063, 2002.

For senior-level undergraduate/first-year graduate courses in real-time systems, embedded systems (software and hardware) engineering, and formal methods. Serves as a supplement to courses in operating systems and system design, as well as a reference for practitioners and researchers.