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Picture this: you have just had a very long day at work or chasing the kids around the house. Your workload was insane and you can feel your body crumbling under all that pressure.

You feel tensed, stressed out, weak. What’s the �rst thing that comes to your mind?


Yes, but after food, you’ll come back to your senses and realise you need a nice, warm, relaxing massage.

But is that all massages are useful for- stress relief?

Not to be understated, because stress is a major source of many killer diseases such as hypertension and heart attacks, but stress-relief is only one of the bene�ts of a massage.

Done right, a massage can get you thinking clearly, cure physical and emotional pains and in the process, prolong your life.

All that from a half-hour rub down? Tip of the iceberg.

There is a lot more to a massage than most people are aware of, which is why we have presented this nifty little piece to help you introduce a new dimension to your health and �tness.

What Really is a Massage?Anybody can lay you on a table and start pressing your body and call it a massage. It could make you feel better, but it doesn’t make it so.

In broad terms, a massage is simply pressing, rubbing and stroking the skin, muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments to unlock the channels in your body.

Massage therapists locate stress points, swellings and blockages, then apply the right amount of pressure to get them back to normal. It requires a fair bit of mastery, in order for you to fully receive the bene�ts, without risking complications.

A common misconception is that massages can help realign dislocated bones. That is the job of an orthopaedist. Massages target soft tissues only, as applying pressure to bones can be dangerous if not done by a medical professional.

When you overuse your body physically or mentally, some parts of it get tight, blocking the normal �ow of blood, chemicals and hormones.By taking advantage of a skilled masseur, you can straighten out those kinks and boost your health considerably in a matter of minutes.

What Are TheOptions?

There are five main types of massages:

Swedish Massage1The Swedes may not have invented massages, but they sure did perfect it, although the Chinese and the Japanese beg to differ.

Nonetheless, Swedish massage is the most popular style in the western world and is often referred to as the ‘classic massage’.

It is a gentle massage intended to relax and energise the body. There is wide range of tools and techniques involved, so it’s up to you to find the one that suits you best.

Sports Massage2Besides being custom-made for athletes, most men feel comfortable with this type of massage because it sounds tough.

Bearing some similarities with Swedish massage, its intent is to help treat or prevent sporting injuries.

Deep Massage orDeep TissueMassage3

Also similar to the Swedish invention, but it is not as gentle. It targets pain in muscles hidden beneath the top layer.

It is ideal for repairing muscle damage from severe injuries.

TriggerPoint Massage4

As the name suggests, it is a more focused style of massage, targeting areas of tight muscles.

It is one of the newest and less common types of massages.

Shiatsu Massage5Straight from the ancients, this Japanese massage has been in existence the longest of this group.

It involves manipulating acupressure points to induce the flow of energy (chi) through the body.

Why Should I Bother Getting a Massage?There are so many bene�ts of massages, backed by thousands of years of research and experimentation.

Massages were a main part of treatments in older civilisations centuries ago, but were pushed aside in modern times.

But now they are back, stronger than ever. Why? Because modern science has been able to corroborate what the ancients knew: massages are magic.

Stress ReliefAs mentioned before, this is the go-to cure for a lot of people seeking massages. But more than just the feeling of calm, there is a scienti�c reason.It has been observed that people who undergo regular Swedish massages have lower stress hormones.

While some stress is useful, chronic levels can cause anxiety, depression, muscular tension, breathing di�culties and heart diseases.

So instead of bottling-up all that stress, get a massage.

Anxiety and Depressions RepellentAnxiety for any reason, be it fear-stimulated, or as a result of stress or other factors, can be dampened by a nice, soothing massage, or at least that’s what the experts say.

Touch is a strong cure for feelings of depression, particularly in women. A study of women with breast cancer showed that massages helped lower their anger and depression.

Physical contact encourages the production of serotonin in the body. Serotonin is a chemical responsible for mood balance. It makes us happy and calm. It is a natural anti-depressant.

Instant Pain ReliefRushing to the medicine cabinet every time you are in pain can be detrimental to your health. Every medication has side e�ects, including addiction and diminished e�ectiveness for some.

The pain you feel might be cured by a single massage.

A massage will enhance blood circulation and the healing hormones it carries, to sore spots. Massages have also been linked with the release of opioids in the brain, which are the body’s natural pain relievers.

Lower back pain, be it sudden or long-standing, can also be alleviated with a massage.

Healing Sore Muscles

As much as exercise is bene�cial, it still leaves us feeling a little sore, if you do it right. If you overdo it, you’ll be very sore.

As muscles get in�amed, blood circulation is hindered, which we then interpret as sore muscles. Relaxing the muscles is usually enough to let it return to normal.

But a sports massage can speed up the process. In�ammation is aided by a chemical called cytokine. When you get a massage, the productions of these tiny pests is reduced.

Not only that, but mitochondria production is increased. They are responsible for producing energy for the cells.

Getting a massage therefore not only heals you quicker, but it gives you the energy to get back out there again.

Now you know how rugby players are able to recover quickly from a long match, and why they are always hungry.

Boosts the Immune System

Really? A massage can do that? Yes, it can.

Light Swedish massages have been proven to increase white blood cell count. This on its own means an improved immune system.

But considering the other bene�ts such as improving blood circulation, reducing stress and the other hormones it encourages, the bene�ts really pile up.

Combat Digestive Disorders

Those gentle hands running all over your body are on a mission. They are out to �nd areas of tension or obstructions, hiding beneath the surface.

In the process, they are able to detect areas of the abdomen that are constricted and help relieve some of that pressure.

Massages have been used to help people with di�erent disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and some ulcers.

Symptoms such as bloating, cramps and constipation can be alleviated with a massage.

Sleep Like a Baby

Stress is a major deterrent of sleep. No stress, better sleep.

By reducing stress and improving circulation and breathing, a massage not only helps people sleep longer, but also helps those who can’t sleep at all.

It has been observed to help patients undergoing chemotherapy sleep better.

And yes, massages help actual babies sleep like, well, babies.

What are the Down Sides?

Every treatment has a side e�ect right? So what are the risks associated with massages?

So far, the associated risks of massages come when you have a pre-existing health condition – known or unknown, and if you go to a person that is untrained.

If you have any of these conditions below, you need to contact your doctor to know if a massage would be helpful:

Deep vein thrombosis Bleeding disorders Fractures Severe osteoporosis Severe thrombocytopenia Arthritis

Any blood-related disease would need to be cleared with your doctor �rst. Also, if you were in an accident, have any burns, stitches or wounds, you might also want to reconsider.

But there is a major risk to be discussed candidly.

Falling in Love

This is not a joke. Massages have been linked with the release of oxytocin. This hormone is what makes us feel closer to other people.

It is the same hormone released by a mother before she goes into labour. It makes us feel a special bond. It is also known as the ‘love hormone’.

Is it then possible that you could feel a bond with your masseur? Yes, yes you might. No one is saying the bond will be love, but hats o� to you if it does, but don’t expect the connection to be mutual.

This may or may not be the reason why couples take it upon themselves to learn some massaging techniques, and there are basic ones you can try at home. Wink.

What to Expect

It is okay to feel nervous for your �rst time. Don’t know why you should, but it is okay.

Before your session commences, your masseur will establish if you have any health problems, injuries or allergies that could a�ect the outcome of the massage.

Oils and lotions are often used as lubricants, so allergy information is very important.

Next up, you will be told the type of massage to expect, or you can choose the one you want. If the massage is medically recommended, you would have to go with whatever is prescribed.

Now you might feel nervous.

Massages require contact, which means your clothes might need to come o�. You can opt to keep your clothes on though, so don’t feel constrained.

Next, it will be time to get on that table, get covered with a sheet and begin the process.

If at any point you begin to feel pain or abnormal sensations, stop and have it addressed immediately.

As mentioned above, there are some risks involved, so keep safe.

The session lasts as long as you want it, unless you fall asleep and you don’t tell when to stop.

Finding the Right TherapistAnybody can give a massage. Anyone can claim to be a masseur and want to start poking and prodding your body, but not everyone has a license to.

Massage therapy is a billion-dollar industry globally, so, many people are looking for an opportunity to scam their way to the top.

Ensure you get a massage from a licensed masseur, in a licensed clinic.

Besides exacerbating a pre-existing condition, wrongful pressure on the spine or joints can lead to dislocation and other severe impairments.

You don’t want to risk your health just because the place is cheap.

Maintaining an Active Lifestyle

Getting a regular massage is more than merely pampering yourself or relaxing. It can be incorporated into your regular sporting or exercise activities.

By taking advantage of the bene�ts of massages, you can improve your health, quality of life, relieve stress and maybe also live longer.

There is a reason sports professionals get regular massages, and it’s not just so they’ll have someone to talk to.

There are many more bene�ts of massages, such as curing headaches, helping patients su�ering from Fibromyalgia, Myofascial pain syndrome, joint pains and other conditions.

What if I Don’t Need a Massage?

Massages are not compulsory; they are just bene�cial.

If you are exercising the right way, living a stress-free life, are very healthy and eat right, you might never need a massage.

However, it would still help in making you a happier person, thanks to the release of endorphins and oxytocin, and don’t forget that it boosts the immune system too.

If you have any more questions about massages, you can contact us any time. You probably do have one more question, and the answer is this: yes, we can �t you in!