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Our Film ConceptJessie & Molly

Page 2: Film concept powerpoint.

Main Idea- ‘The Story of Us

Our chosen film genre is Romantic Comedy.

The main storyline follows a teenage couple through their relationship.

It’s a simple concept but the way in which we will present it will be lighthearted with an artistic edge.

The opening itself will be a tracking shot of the Female Character, Katy, as she sorts through some books in her room. While this is going on there will be credits showing the Film Company Names. Katy will then drop a book and pick it up to find a scrapbook she made of her and the Male Character, Luke’s relationship. She turns it over to reveal the front cover which displays the film title, The Story Of Us. She then opens it and reminisces about their relationship by looking through the pages.

Page 3: Film concept powerpoint.


Legally Blonde 2

Blue Valentine

Scrapbook InspirationPhotograph Compilation Inspiration

Concept Inspiration

(500) Days of Summer

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Inspiration…Blue valentine: We got our Idea of compilation of photos from the end credits of Blue Valentine. We saw this and realized that we wanted to portray our couple’s relationship similarly to how the couple in the photos is portrayed.

Legally Blonde 2 was our inspiration to include a scrapbook and possible voiceover in our opening. The scrapbook included in Legally Blonde 2 tells the story of the previous film in the series. The idea of informing the audience of past events was grasped from this.

500 Days of summer was our concept inspiration because although it is not about a typical ‘fairytale’ storyline, it still is portrayed in a lighthearted and artistic way that captures the hearts of the audience.

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Target Audience

Our Target Audience will be (predominantly female) teenagers from the ages of 12. Although research shows that the audience for Romantic Comedies ranges greatly in age, our aim of the film would be to produce something that teenagers can relate to and enjoy because they understand and have a significant connection to. Our choices of Actors, costumes, location and music reflect this.

We, as teenage girls, also fit into the specific target audience, which gives us and advantage in that we ourselves will enjoy it!

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The Actors

Dex Elkington & Amelia WalkerWe chose these two students to be our characters because they both

have individual quirky styles, which ties in with the concept of our film. They also have good acting abilities and confidence in front of the camera as well as being good friends, making their chemistry realistic.For costumes, our actors will wear their own clothes because they come across as having the style that our costumes would be modeled around. For the outside scenes, we will dress our actors appropriately with their own autumn clothes and for the bedroom scenes we have asked them to bring their pajamas!

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Location/ Style of CharactersPark



All of our chosen locations are ‘natural’ places for a teenage couple to be to create a sense of realism in the film. The couples photographed look similar to the way we will stage our shots on our locations. We will use a park in Wroxton (which we need no permission for), my bedroom and my local café- which we need permission to film in.

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Lighting & SoundFor lighting, we will shoot mainly outside and in the daytime, where the light will be naturally good. We are aware that we cannot depend on the weather, so our shooting will revolve around whether the conditions are right for filming or not; on rainy days, we will shoot the inside scenes in the café and bedroom.

On the inside scenes, although the room we will be shooting in will have a big window to provide a lot of natural light, however I am sure we will need extra lighting, which we will be able to provide lamps for.

We have chosen to use a voiceover and music playing with the clips, so we will not need to worry about background noise in the clips. This is very convenient because in the past we had a lot of problems with background noise drowning out the dialogue. We have done research into what music to include, and have experimented making our own music with ‘Soundtrack Pro’ as well as finding un-copyrighted music clips to include to enhance the bright, romantic and quirky tone of the opening.

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Font StyleWe plan to use a font that looks as if it has either been written, typed or printed, to tie in with the scrapbook theme.

As well as the film titles, there will be other text appearing in the scrapbook, the font of which also needs to be considered.

We really like these fonts because of their ‘thrown together’ quality that is common for a teenager to create and like. The quirkiness is essential as an image we want our film opening to portray.