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    eWorld Forum 2012

    J Satyanarayanaaddressing the

    inaugural sessionof eWorld Forum


    Delegates at eWorldForum 2012

    N Ravishankar, Dr M P Narayanan,J Satyanarayana, Dr Sudhir Krishna,Som Mittal and Caitlin Wiesen at theInaugural session of eWorld Forum 2012

    Rita Teaotia addressing the session on ICTfor Inclusive Growth at eWorld Forum 2012

    J S Kochar, FrederikaMeijer, S Regunathan,

    Anil Shrivastav andSrinivas HR at eWorld

    Awards 2012

    J Satyanarayana visiting theexhibitors at eWorld Forum 2012

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    Te eWorld Forum 2012, one of Indias most prestigious events on e-Governance, transpired at Le Mridien Hotel, New Delhi, on 15th and 16th June,2012. A bevy of Senior Officials representing the Centre and State governments in India and other countries attended the event along with Reprsentatives of Eminent International Institutions, Political Leaders, Industry Leaders, Tought Leaders, Policy Makers, Academicians, Researchers andechnology Vendors.Many Important Delegates from all walks of governance, business and social space arrived at the event to interact with the key speakers and to ga

    new insight into the new e-Governance ideas that are being launched and developed. Te eWorld Awards 2012, which recognises excellence in the eldof e-Governance, were distributed at the event. Te 31 winners of e-Governance awards received their trophy and citation from the hands of: S Regunathan, Advisor, National Knowledge Commission & Former Chief Secretary, Govt of Delhi Anil Shrivastav, Joint Director General, Civil Aviation & CMD Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd Frederika Meijer, Representative, United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, India, and Country Director, Bhutan

    Right to information is based on the idealthat it is the citizen who in real sense of theterm is the owner of information

    J Satyanarayana , Secretary, DeitY, Ministry of

    Communication & IT, Govt of India

    Traditionally, we have been very proudof our rural population, but this pride is

    not based on rational analysis. In order toincrease productivity of the country, people

    should migrate to urban areas

    Dr Sudhir Krishna , Secretary, Ministry of UrbanDevelopment, Government of India

    In order to build a smart nation, it is just notenough to have smart cities, we must alsohave smart villages

    N Ravishankar , Administrator, USOF, Dept of Telecom,Government of India

    The disparity and diversity of our countryposes challenges in the path of inclusive

    growth. However, the rate at which we aregrowing gives rise to aspirations

    Rita Teaotia , Additional Secretary, DeitY, Ministry of

    Communication & IT, India

    Inclusive growth can only be achievedin a sustainable manner when all the

    three dimensions of development -economic, social and environmental - are

    addressed in our policies, programmesand partnerships

    Caitlin Wiesen , Country Head, UNDP India

    Technology is not merely about automatingthings, it is really about bringing outtransformations and ensuring that theprocess we use in the government keepbecoming more efcient

    Som Mittal , President, NASSCOM

    Governance in theInformation Age

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    Public awareness is the most importantfactor in disaster management

    Anil K Sinha , Vice Chairman, Bihar State DisasterManagement Authority

    My ofce is the only commission in thewhole country where there are no paper

    les. Yet, I manage to do ample amount ofwork

    Shailesh Gandhi , Central Information Commissioner,Government of India

    In the digital age do we really need a birthcerticate, a caste certicate, school leavingcerticate, an income certicate? What isthe use of that piece of paper?

    Sanjiv Mital , CEO, National Institute for SmartGovernment

    e-Governance leads to transparency,which in turn leads to more efciency in

    governance. However, the core issue is note-Governance, it is good governance. The eis only a tool for providing good governance

    Anil Srivastava , JDG, Directorate General of CivilAviation (DGCA); and CMD, Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd

    There is a gap between conceptualisinge-Governance projects and execution of thesame. This gap comes into being as differentdepartments are not motivated to carry oute Governance projects on a large scale

    Dharmarajan Krishnan , Additional Director, DirectorateGeneral of Systems, Custom and Excise

    The latest project for providingbroadband connectivity to the village

    panchyats addresses the issue of digitaldivide. Hopefully in the coming two, three

    years there will be a solution

    Dr Rajendra Kumar , Jt. Secretary-DeitYGovernment of India

    Inclusive growth can only be a reality whenthere is empowerment of people through aprocess of data sharing

    R Shiva Kumar , CEO, NSDI, Dept. of Science andTechnology, Government of India

    ICT can provide us with ways of conductingadministrative reforms for providing better

    services to the citizens

    Hossam Ragheb , Ministers Advisor & Executive Director,National Management Institute, Ministry of State for

    Administrative Reform, Egypt

    Up till a year ago IT was looked upon asa minor department and the traditionaldepartments such as Agriculture,PWD, Public Health were given moreimportance. But things are changing now

    Anurag Goel , Secretary, Dept. of IT, Government of


    The need of the hour is to have a systemfor Coordinated, real-time communication

    between the rst responders at any incident,the public and the various organisations that

    are tasked with handling the emergency

    Dr Rajvir P Sharma , Additional Director General ofPolice, Bangalore Metropolitan Task Force, Karnataka

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    I want to see a cloud that rains governmentservices, which could eventually becomepay-as-you-use model. It is a long journey

    Renu Budhiraja , Scientist-G, DeitY, Government of India

    The initiative of Delhi Trafc Police to makeuse of social networking sites like Facebook

    for reaching out to the people has beenquite successful

    Satyendra Garg , Joint Commissioner of Police, DelhiTrafc Police

    Delivery of information and servicesare important aspects of e-Governanceinitiatives. Most of the information is prepackaged and is created from a singularperspective

    Dr Neeta Verma , Senior Technical Director, NIC,

    Government of India

    Empowering people through technologyhelps them in improving their earnings,

    making them more responsive totheir family, to their society and to the


    A K Jain, Managing Director, Rajasthan Electronics and

    Instruments Ltd

    With so many e-Governance initiativesbeing undertaken, management of e-wastebecomes imperative

    Dr Sandip Chatterjee , Additional Director, DIT

    Financial Inclusion means bringing bankingservices to the unbanked millions and to the

    underserved areas. 51 percent of the ruralhouseholds are nancially excluded

    A V V Prasad , Additional Commissioner, (admin, IT,Smart Cards), Government of Andhra Pradesh

    Our government does not have technicallyequipped manpower to build cloud services

    for different departments

    Rajan Raj Pant , Controller, Ministry of Science andTechnology, Govt. of Nepal

    For me as a Police Ofcer IT is nothing buta tool for providing better law and order

    Purushottam Sharma , Additional Director General ofPolice, Madhya Pradesh

    In GIS the information that comes forth ismuch more detailed as compared to what

    we can have from any normal map

    Maj Gen R C Padhi , Addl Surveyor General, Military

    Survey, Government of India

    Financial Inclusion has to be one of themain thrust of the policy. People needempowerment, access to nance, and thebasic forms of transfer of transactions

    Santanu Sengupta , Director, Corporate Affairs and

    Finance, ACMFI

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    A cyber democracy is a democracy intrue sense, because everyone is on sameplatform, has the same choices and canshare their opinion at the same level

    Nishant Baranwal , Director (Development & PolicyResearch), Ofce of Sh. Naveen Jindal, Member ofParliament, Lok Sabha

    Internet is required, people want to be apart of Internet to understand what the

    government is doing but accessibility is notas much

    Vaishali Ali , District Convenor NGO Cell - Uttar PradeshMahila Congress

    Whether you like it or not we are allpoliticians, and ultimately it is politics thatbrings change to society

    Prabir Purkayastha , Research Unit of CPM

    Social Media is very democratic medium,one that is capable of inspiring social


    Shivendra Singh Chauhan , Team Anna

    The main challenges being faced ine-Governance projects are usually relatedto technical issues, economic or nancialissues and social issues

    Jagdeep S Kochar , Executive Director IT, (n)CodeSolutions- A division of GNFC Ltd

    After the rollout of 77 Passport SevaKendras, it has become much easier for

    citizens to gain access to passport relatedservices

    Golok Kumar Simli , Principal Consultant and Head -

    Technology, Ministry of External Affairs, Government ofIndia

    e-Governance is all about delivery ofelectronic services in a timely manner

    Prakash B Rane , Managing Director, ABMKnowledgeware

    Our budget allocation fore-Governance is increasing by the day,

    yet we are telling our citizens to beinline and not online

    Vikas Aggarwal , Director, KPMG

    India already has RTI in place, but opendata is about creating economic value outof the information you receive

    Waltraut Ritter , Director, Knowledge Dialogues,

    Hong Kong

    We are close to 1000 million mobileconnections in the country. Governmentis the major force behind introducing the

    technology, sustaining the technology andtaking the technology to the people

    Anil Kumar Jain , Sr. GM, BSNL

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    In order to be successful, any business hasto be connected to the livelihoods of the


    Sanjay Panigrahi , CEO, SREI Sahaj

    Essentially e-Governance is adopted forensuring that there is good governance andthere is a certain degree of improvement inthe quality of peoples lives

    Dr Jaijit Bhattacharya , Director, GovernmentAffairs, HP India

    There are ve key drivers of visualcommunications that will shape where,when, with whom, and how we work.The rst driver is mobile devices, the 2nddriver is network readiness, the 3rd driveris cloud delivery, the 4th driver is socialconnectedness, the 5th driver is the factthat the latest generation has been raisedon video

    Gagan Verma , National Head- Government Business forPolycom India

    Knowledge sharing is critical forinclusive growth, particularly at the

    grassroots level. Through knowledgesharing those at the grassroots level

    have wider choices

    Dr Ramesh Kumar Jalan , Climate ChangeCommunity, Solution Exchange, United Nations

    Development Programme

    Modern digital technology has changed theway we live, we work and the way we practiceour politics

    Paranjoy Guhathakurta , Senior Journalist

    India is lled with young people who arecomfortable with new technology. Studentsstudying in village schools are now gettingeducated through digital means

    Arvind Mehrotra , President-APAC & Middle East, NIITTechnologies Ltd

    People use a wallet while doing transactionat a retail shop. There is a certain time

    and motion associated with it. We had toreplicate the same in our service

    Abhishek Sinha , EKO Services



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