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Page 2: Evaluation of Music Video

For my A2 Media Coursework I have created a concept music video which involves a toy VW camper van embarking on a journey around a house, when the owner goes out to band practice. The video is for a song called ‘What I Want’ by 8 Track Stereo and the lyrics inspired me to create this story where everything goes wrong for the camper van when the line ‘not getting what I want’ is sung. Along his journey the camper van has a run in with some falling spaghetti, almost drowns, discovers he actually has a moustache and gets lost amongst a pile of leaves. Overall the video has a playful and comical narrative which should appeal to a wide audience of both young and old along with the particular genre of music. Footage of a performance have also been included to create a mixture of a concept and performance along with the narrative of the whole story.

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The notion of looking is first introduced with the use of googly eyes. These help to give the camper van its own personality and allows it to create the illusion that it is looking at the audience.

Goodwin’s principles were used to ensure I matched the forms and conventions of music videos in my own. In many ways my video also challenges these forms and conventions. Below are examples of where I have used, developed and challenged Goodwin’s principles.

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Close ups are predominately used in music videos, so close ups of the camper van feature throughout mine.

There is a constant relationship between the music and visuals, because I used stop frame animation the picture changes exactly on the beat of the music, and the fast pace of the music matches the theme and story of the video.

I also created a relationship between the lyrics and visuals by basing the story of my video on the lyrics of the song. For example, where it says ‘not getting what I want’, everything starts to go wrong for the camper van on its journey.

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I challenged the forms and conventions of music videos by using a mixture of stop frame animation and filmed footage, with the stop frame predominating.

By using a concept instead of a performance as the main part of the video, this is also challenging. Not many music videos are concept based, and the inspiration for the camper van’s journey actually came from an advert which involved a garden gnome travelling around London. Ok Go are a band who often make concept based videos, unlike most other artists and bands. Below are some examples of images from their videos.