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  • 7/29/2019 Emc Criteria


    EMC 2011-12 CRITERIA

    Category I Events (Head 6 points, Volunteer 1 point)

    1. Convocation

    2. Legala/SF/Rampart

    3. University Week

    Category II Events (Head 4 points, Volunteer 1 point)

    1. Spiritus

    2. NLS-Debate

    3. Admit One

    4. NLS MUN

    5. Consilience

    All applicants must specify the Stream under which they are

    applying. The designated streams with single vacancies are

    Invites, Transport, Infrastructure, R and R, F and B,

    Sponsorship, Finance, Rock show, Press & Publicity,

    Hospitality & Technical Logistics.


    1. Separate applications for different streams are necessary.

    2. Previous experience as a HEAD in the stream in which you

    are applying is mandatory. (This is not applicable to

    applications made to the Technical Logistics stream, for

    which points will be awarded on the following basis:

    Website Design 3 points for Category I events, 2

    points for Category II events; Design of Posters,

    Passes, Sponsorship Proposal, etc. 2 points for

    Category I events, 1 point for Category II events)

  • 7/29/2019 Emc Criteria


    3. Should a person be a HEAD for an event, then he/she is not

    entitled to claim any volunteer points in any stream for that

    particular event. Eg: If X was the Head for R and R at

    Convocation, then X is barred from claiming volunteerpoints under any stream for Convocation.

    4. The Volunteer points for a single event can be a maximum

    of 2 only.

    5. No person can claim points for being a HEAD of more than

    two streams for any event. Eg: For Legala/SF/Rampart, X

    shall only be entitled to HEAD points for being Head of

    Invites and Head of Infrastructure, even though X was

    also Head for F and B as well as Head for Rock show. X

    however is free to pick the two streams that he/she

    shall be entitled to points for.

    6. Should the person apply under a stream for which he was

    not the HEAD of, then he/she shall only be entitled to 50% of

    the points that would have been otherwise allotted. Eg: If X

    was the Head for Infrastructure at Legala/SF/Rampart

    and was applying under the stream of Infrastructure,

    then X will receive 6 points. However if X is applying

    under F and B, then X will only get 3 points.

    7. All those applying for sponsorship must specifically mention

    the deals that they have helped in or else the same shall not

    be considered and NO points will be awarded.

    8. Any misrepresentation on the application may lead to

    rejection of the application itself and may also be

    recommended for disciplinary action.

  • 7/29/2019 Emc Criteria


    9. Any Category I or II event has to be vetted by the Convenor

    or the Joint Convenor of the concerned ABC and all other rules

    for vetting of applications as put in place by the SBA continue

    to remain applicable

    10. All ties shall be broken on points obtained in

    Category I events.

    Arvind Srinivas (Convenor)

    Leeneshwari Makhijani (Joint Convenor)