Download - ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Page 1: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELVs for Referees

13 January 2009

Page 2: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.


• IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1st August 2008

• Importance of applying current Law and Understand Application / Spirit of new ELVs

• Workshops will allow you to discuss all ELVs in more detail and apply contextual judgment

• 1st Workshop Deals with ELVs 2-3 & 6-10 & 12

Page 3: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELVs for RefereesELVs for Referees

LAW 17 - MAUL2. Remove reference to head and shoulders not being lower than hips.3. Players are able to defend a maul by pulling it down.

LAW 19 - TOUCH AND LINEOUT6. There is no restriction on the number of players from either team who

can participate in the lineout.7. The receiver at the lineout must be 2 metres away from the lineout.8. The player who is in opposition to the player throwing in the ball must

stand in the area between the 5-metre line and the touch line but must be 2 metres away from the 5-metre line.

9. Lineout players may pre-grip a jumper before the ball is thrown in.10. The lifting of lineout players is permitted.

LAW 20 - SCRUM12. Identification of scrum half offside lines.

Page 4: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 2ELV 2Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

17.2 JOINING A MAULClause (a) removed:(a) Players joining a maul must have

their heads and shoulders no lower than their hips.

Penalty: Free kick

Remove reference to head and shoulders not being lower than hips

• Failure of players to keep their heads and shoulders above their hips throughout the maul will no longer constitute an offence.

• This Experimental Law Variation is necessary because of ELV 3

Page 5: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 3ELV 3Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

Players are able to defend a maul by pulling it down to ground

• A defender MUST grasp an opposing player anywhere between shoulders & hips and then pull that player to the ground

• If a maul is brought down by any other action, it is regarded as a collapse and therefore illegal and this must be applied rigorously by referees

• Key words – “pulled down”, “collapsed” and “unsuccessful”

• Present Law must not be ignored, particularly side entry

Page 6: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 3ELV 3Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

Maul Videos Here

Page 7: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 3ELV 3Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

Maul Videos Here

Page 8: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 3ELV 3Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

Maul Videos Here

Page 9: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 3ELV 3Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

Q. Are” pulling down” and “collapsing” the same thing?A. No, pulling down (as described before) is legal whereas, collapsing (pulling legs or lying on the ground to collapse the maul)  is illegal

Q. Is it now OK to pull someone out of the maul?A. No, it was illegal last year and is still against the Law this season

Q. Can I wrap my legs around the opponent’s legs to pull down the maul?A. No, this is illegal

Q. What happens if a player appears to try to pull the maul down and intentionally goes to ground and the players in the maul fall over him?A. This is dangerous and should be penalised with a PK

Q. What happens if the maul is pulled down and the ball is not immediately available?A. The referee will give the ball some time to emerge (current law – still a maul)

Page 10: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 3ELV 3Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

Q. If a maul is pulled down but part of it is still up with players on their feet contesting the ball, then is there still a maul?A. Yes

Q. If all the opponents voluntarily unbind and leave then does a maul still exists?A. No - Open Play Laws Apply (Law Ruling #4 - 2008)

Q. If a splinter group of 3 or 4 players of the same team breaks away with no opposition and the ball is at the back of the group, what does the referee do?A. Referee to call “use it” – If it turns into T&T then judge context

Q. If a splinter group of 3 or 4 players of the same team breaks away with no opposition and the ball is at the front of the group what does the referee do?A. Nothing

Page 11: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 3ELV 3Law 17 – MaulLaw 17 – Maul

Q. What terminology will referees be using?A. Referee to use:

•“Collapsed” when there is a Penalty Kick. •“Pulled Down”  when there is no offence •“Unsuccessful” when there is a Turnover

Q. Can the scrum half help at a maul?A. Yes. Referees are being encouraged to communicate with him/her

Q. Is the “Sack” at a lineout the same as a pull down?A. No, it can be done on the legs (current law)

Q. You said not to forget current laws, anything specific we should remember?A.  Yes , referees/players/coaches must not forget that players must enter the maul legally and if the maul is stopped - use it on 2nd stoppage

Page 12: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 6ELV 6Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

• There is no restriction on the number of players from either team who can participate in the lineout

• Minimum of 2 players from each team to form a lineout

• All lineout players to fit between the 5 and the 15 metre lines

• This Experimental Law Variation is designed to allow teams more flexibility in their tactics at the lineout.

Page 13: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 6ELV 6Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

Page 14: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 6ELV 6Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

Q. Will referees call “numbers” like they did last year?A. Not needed -  but it is  worth the referee identifying if there is a receiver

Q. If the ball throwing in side is slow to form or have a huddle, what will the referee do? A. S/he will allow time to adjust (current management)

Page 15: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 7 & 8 ELV 7 & 8 Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

• Receiver at the lineout must be 2 metres away from the lineout

• Receiver cannot move until the ball leaves the thrower’s hands

• Team not throwing in must have a player standing between the 5 m line and on that team’s side of touch when the lineout is formed

• That player must be at least 2 m from the 5 m line and not move towards the lineout until the ball leaves the thrower’s hands

Page 16: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 7 & 8 ELV 7 & 8 Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

Page 17: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 7 & 8 ELV 7 & 8 Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

Q. Do both sides need a receiver?A. No

Q. Can the Receiver enter before LO commences?A. No, s/he must remain 2m

Q. When can the Receiver enter the lineout?A. Once the  ball leaves the hooker’s hands

Q. Can the Receiver go in and (a) lift and (b) be lifted?A. Yes to both

Q. Can we send the Receiver in on a dummy?A. No , s/he must remain 2 m back until the ball leaves the hooker’s hands

Page 18: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 7 & 8 ELV 7 & 8 Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

Q. As the non throwing in side must we  have a “hooker”A. Yes

Q. What is penalty for not having a hooker?A. Free Kick – but referees should manage this initially by identifying the hooker and reminding teams of their obligations under law.

Page 19: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 9ELV 9Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

Lineout players may pre-grip a jumper before the ball is thrown in

• Players cannot pre-grip below shorts from behind and below thigh from front

• Responsibility of lifters/supporters to ensure their player are returned to ground safely as per existing law

• Existing law regarding padding applies

Page 20: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 10ELV 10Law 19 – Touch and LineoutLaw 19 – Touch and Lineout

The lifting of lineout players is permitted

• Remain strict on:

• “dummy” jumping by attacking and defending side

• early lift by defenders and attackers

• jumping/stepping into the gap

• management of the throw in

• “Sacking” still legal (ball carrier)

Page 21: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 12ELV 12Law 20 – ScrumLaw 20 – Scrum

• Identification of scrum half offside lines

• Defending scrum half must be in direct opposition to his opponent at the commencement of the scrum (or back 5m with other backs)

• Non-ball-winning scrum half must not move away from scrum and then remain in front of offside line i.e. hindmost feet

• Recommended distance scrum half can move away from scrum is 1 metre

• Existing Law regarding back rows and attacking scrum half still applies

Page 22: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 12ELV 12Law 20 – ScrumLaw 20 – Scrum

Page 23: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 12ELV 12Law 20 – ScrumLaw 20 – Scrum

Example aThe non-ball-winning scrum half can follow the ball. The scrum half must stay behind the ball which is the offside line.

Example bThe non-ball-winning scrum half may also move to the offside line at the hindmost foot of the scrum but mustnot move away from the scrum and must not overstep that offside line.The non-ball-winning scrum half can move between the positions a and b.

Page 24: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 12ELV 12Law 20 – ScrumLaw 20 – Scrum

Example cThe non-ball-winning scrum half may decide to move to or beyond the offside line 5 metres behind the hindmost foot of that player’s team,but once there, must remain behind the offside line until the scrum is over.

Page 25: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 12ELV 12Law 20 – ScrumLaw 20 – Scrum

• Blue #9 can move away to receive pass from #8

• Green #9 MUST stay close (<1m) even if Blue #9 moves away

• Equitable?

Page 26: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 12ELV 12Law 20 – ScrumLaw 20 – Scrum

Q. Where does the defending SH have to stand at start of a  scrum?

A. S/he has to be onside, so (a)  by the throw in and follow the ball round just like last year (b) within 1 m of the scrum but not in front of the back feet of his #8 (c) 5m back

Page 27: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

ELV 12ELV 12Law 20 – ScrumLaw 20 – Scrum

Q. What can the defending SH do once the opposition have won the ball?A. S/he can retreat to within 1m of scrum or drop back to 5m

Q. If SH goes back 5m can s/he re-advance?A. No, not until the ball leaves the scrum

Q. If the SH drops back how far can s/he go around the other side of the scrum?A. Within 1m but cannot advance in front of back feet of his/her #8

Page 28: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Rejected ELVsRejected ELVs

1.1. Tackle and RuckTackle and Ruck2.2. ScrumScrum3.3. MaulMaul4.4. Lineout and Quick Throw Lineout and Quick Throw 5.5. Into 22 Into 22 6.6. SanctionsSanctions7.7. Incorrect Kick offs and RestartIncorrect Kick offs and Restart8.8. Assistant Referees Assistant Referees 9.9. Corner PostsCorner Posts


Page 29: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Comparative Statistics - 1Comparative Statistics - 1











S14 S14 0707

3N 3N 0707

6N 6N 0707

RWC RWC 0707

6N 086N 08

ScrumsScrums 2020 1919 1717 2020 1616 1717 1919 1616

LineoutsLineouts 2626 2222 3434 3131 3030 3131 3131 2828

Rucks/MaulsRucks/Mauls 158158 172172 137137 137137 167167 167167 144144 179179

Penalties/FKPenalties/FK 2828 2929 2525 2121 1818 2121 1919 1818



Penalties %Penalties %1212










Free KicksFree Kicks


Free kicks %Free kicks %1616









TriesTries 55 44 33 55 33 44 66 33

Yellow CardsYellow Cards 0.90.9 0.50.5 0.50.5 -- 1.01.0 0.50.5 0.70.7 0.50.5

Page 30: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Comparative Statistics - 2Comparative Statistics - 2











S14 S14 0707

6N 6N 0707

3N 3N 0707


07076N 6N


Scrum Scrum

Success %Success %95%95% 95%95% 88%88% 90%90% 94%94% 87%87% 89%89% 92%92%

Lineout Lineout

Success %Success %81%81% 82%82% 65%65% 80%80% 84%84% 80%80% 80%80% 83%83%

Ruck/Maul Ruck/Maul

Success %Success %91%91% 89%89% 91%91% 92%92% 95%95% 93%93% 92%92% 94%94%

R/M R/M Unplayables Unplayables


11 00 00 -- 11 22 11 11

Pen option Pen option

Tap%Tap%39%39% 53%53% 4%4% -- 22%22% 16%16% 23%23% 14%14%

Pen option Pen option Scrum%Scrum%

14%14% 8%8% 4%4% -- 0%0% 0%0% 3%3% 2%2%

Ball in Play Ball in Play

Time %Time %46%46% 49%49% 39%39% 36%36% 46%46% 46%46% 44%44% 50%50%

Page 31: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Comparative Statistics - 3Comparative Statistics - 3

Page 32: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Comparative Statistics - 3Comparative Statistics - 3

Page 33: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Law of Unintended Law of Unintended ConsequencesConsequences

• “Even if the ball is marginally more in play, that's not much use when it's 50 metres up in the air.” – ARU player

• “The reason that laws are constantly changing is because they’re not refereed well in the first place” – Clive Norling

Page 34: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

Don’t Forget the “Old” Laws!

Tackle and Ruck must be refereed according to Law– Sealing– Handling in the Ruck– Dangerous Charging

Page 35: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.

The Next StepThe Next Step Go To The Site and read the resource material Go To The Site and read the resource material

before the season beginsbefore the season begins Attend the next ERURS Training Night:Attend the next ERURS Training Night:

February Training Night - ELVs for February Training Night - ELVs for ARs & the 6Ps of RefereeingARs & the 6Ps of Refereeing

Tuesday, February 10th Tuesday, February 10th St Albert Clubhouse (Riel Drive) 7-9 PMSt Albert Clubhouse (Riel Drive) 7-9 PM

Ball in Touch/Touch-in-Goal/Quick Throw-insBall in Touch/Touch-in-Goal/Quick Throw-ins Scrum Offside Lines Scrum Offside Lines Duties of ARs and TJs Duties of ARs and TJs Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor

Performances (Pre-game protocols for 2009)Performances (Pre-game protocols for 2009)

Page 36: ELVs for Referees 13 January 2009. Introduction IRB Council approved global trial of 13 ELVs at ALL levels of the Game, effective from 1 st August 2008.
