Download - Eliminate


Eliminate is malicious web page which cause infection from other malware like virus, worms, ransomware etc. also reveal your private information to third parties. Thus, you should remove immediately, for this reason this article is designed to give you helpful information in this regard.

What is virus? is rogue application which is distributed by its developers through freeware and shareware packages. Users doesnt install this app intentionally in fact it gets onto users computer through freeware or shareware bundles. is termed as a browser hijacker because it controls the browser of the victim for various malicious purposes.

What Are The Negativei Effectsff Off Thisis Infectionfi On Your PC?

It provides a deceptive search tool which always leads to false web results.

Presents various commercial ads, and some of them may be contaminated from malware that could download malware contents on a vulnerable computer.

Shows various unknown sponsored links which shows you the dark side of internet in case you click any of such links.

Victims face constant redirections to insecure websites.

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