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Page 1: Documentary Location Recce


Production title: Media Censorship: Do we need it Philistine Studios Directors: I’m clueless Productions Luis Sanchez, Kieran Gibbons 99 Langbrook RoadProducers: Luis Sanchez, LondonKieran Gibbons SE3 8RAAddress: Thomas Tallis School KidbrookPark Road London SE3 9PX

We will be filming our documentary in Thomas Tallis School in Kidbrook, South London. We chose this location because of its proximity to the storage of all of the equipment we will be using to create the video installation and because of it’s proximity to all of the cast and crew involved in the production.

Furthermore it benefits from the advantage of having first aiders on site and being only 5 miles from the Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup.

This building is structurally sound as it was only built recently in late 2011. There is a row of take always just around the corner from the school and there is a café on site so catering arrangements will be handled. We will not provide free food but food is very accessible.

I’m currently attending this school so I’m in close contact with the people who run the operations at the school and we have there signed permission to film here. This is a privately owned building that is regularly cleaned by cleaners so it’s very hygienic. We

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will be filming all of the shots in the day time across June and July so there will be a lot of natural light to work in, however we will be filming inside so consistency in weather is not essential. The building is also air conditioned so the building will be well ventilated and the so cast and crew won’t get to hot or too cold. This building also has lots of fire exits.

Broadcast studio Room 1116:


Oxford Street, London,

Greater London, W1D 1AN, UK

We will be filming a majority of the interviews in the broadcast studio as it’s easiser to control sound and light in this room than on location. All the equiptment we would use for the interviews is already there, such as the artificial lights, the cameras and tripods. Furthermore the advantage of using the cameras in the broadcast studio is unlike the Cannon 650’s we use to shoot on location you can plug a firewire into this camera and capture the footage directly to the computer as the interview is going on. The main reason however we wanted to film in the studio is because it gives off a very serious intense tone which makes the interviewee’s seem authoritative which will be likely to make their words more impactful on the audience. However the disadvantage of filming in the studio is that there is going to be lots of wires around so it will be very easy for the use to trip when filming in there. We will only need to use one wire hopefully connecting the camera to the computer so we should be able to get all the other leads packed out of the way. We also can’t bring food an drink into the studio as the equipment is very expensive and we don’t want to make it dirty or damage it. It’s also a small space so there’s a limit to how many people we can get in the room at once.

We will be filming the remainder of the full length interviews on location in classrooms. We are doing this so we get a bit of a visual variety on screen. If all the interviews were shot in the studio then it would be a bit boring. A classroom also suggests authority and like the studio will make the interviewee seem like an authority figure and give their words extra emphasis. The studio is a big room so can get a lot more people in the room and we have a lot more room to play with also. The classroom is also a more informal setting than the broadcast studio so the interviewee may be more relaxed and therefore able to think more freely. However seeing as these classrooms are someone’s work place that are used frequently we will have to move the tables and chairs and put them back where we found them. This means it will take us longer to set up which may cause the interviewee to be frustrated if he is kept waiting. Carrying tables and chairs around is also another safety hazard. It’s also harder for us to control sound and light in these locations.

We will be filming the vox pops in oxford street as it’s an affluent area near where our older more intelligent upperclass primary audience is likely to be working or use to shop or meet people. These location may also very interesting visually on screen and will give a bit of variety to the interior shootings which may make our documentary look clostraphobic if there’s too many of them. It’s also an area with good food so the crew don’t have to go hungry which may raise moral. It’s also in the center of London so it will have good transport links and be very easy to get too. However the disadvantage is that it’s outside which means we may be exposed to weather problems, such as rain which may damage the camera or grey skies which may harm our exposure. Also it’s a long way away from Thomas Tallis School where the equipment is stored so we have to take it a long way out of school which is a burden on the crew physically and it means we are under a greater risk of damaging it. We also may be unlikely to get interviews in this area as people who pass here are most usually busy going somewhere and might not have time to stop for an interview. It may also be hard to control sound in this location as it’s a well populated public place where lot of action is happening. London like New York is famed for being a noisy city.

North Greenwhich Station, Peninsula Square, SE10 0BB Here is where we’re gonna film some of the actuality footage of people consuming media such as using their phones and reading newspapers. We also we film bus advertisements here as well. We want to do this as it an area that will look interesting visually, it’s very easy accessible and of close proximity to Thomas Tallis School. Also it’s a place where it’s easy to find a lot of people using media as it’s a transport link into the city so businessmen may be checking their phones to keep up to date with the news or young people may also be using media with their friends on the way to the closely situated O2 Arena so we could represent on screen our primary and secondary target audience. This area is also well equip for food as it contains a Whsmiths where snacks are sold, there is a burger van across the road from it and it’s of close proximity to the 02 arena. It’s also got toilets which is always good incase the crew needs to go to toilet during the shoot. However it’s very hard to control sound here as like Oxford street it’s a busy area frequently used by a lot of people. Like Oxford Street this is an exterior location so we may be exposed to problems with the weather. Also being a busy area that is used by a lot of people using in a rush to get somewhere it may mean we may get bumped into a lot which is a danger to use and the equiptment. We may also run the risk of our equipment getting stolen as it’s busy area in which someone can easily run and steal a piece of equiptment and blend into the background. Furthermore the fact most people are in a run to get somewhere means it will be hard to get them to stop and sign a release form so I may just have to try to get them to agree to a verbal agreement.

The Excel Center, 1 Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London E16 1XLWe are filming here as the BVE exhibition is held here this year from the 26th to the 28th of Febuary. The BVE exhibition is an exhibition in which the top media equiptment suppliers get a chance to show off their equiptment to potential clients and in which people get to hear free lectures from top industry professionals. We are going to film some actuality footage here that goes in the intro where we talk about how the media is all around us and the potential power it has on us. We thought here would be a good opportunity to get some footage of this mass of technology to explain how powerful the media.