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Ditch YourBirth Control!go natural with your birth control to live a

healthy, sexy, baby-free life!

By Elle Griffin

how to ditch your birth controllearn the fertility awareness methodrestart or regulate your cycleabout elle


ditch your birth control!the downsides of hormonal birth control methodsif not the pill, then what?choose your barrier method

Table of Contents




Ditch YourBirth Control!

Happy Yogis // 4Ditch Your Birth Control // 4by Elle Griffin

I hear you, you’re sick and tired of hormonal

birth control methods, but just don’t know how

to get off of them. I mean, there doesn’t really

seem to be a good alternative, does there? Trust

me, I know, I’ve been there! I was on the birth

control pill for seven years and was a basket

case for a solid two of them looking for an out.

It wasn’t until the day of my IUD appointment

that I burst into tears and decided I needed to

find an alternative. Little did I know at the time

that it would be one of the best decisions of my

life. A couple of good friends and an amazing

book later, I switched myself over to the

Fertility Awareness Method (or FAM) and never

looked back. I know what you’re thinking—

Ditch Your Birth Control!

FYI: I realize you could be using any

number of hormonal birth control

methods such as the pill, implants,

IUD’s, patches, or vaginal rings, but I’m

going to refer to them collectively as

“the pill” just for the sake of this guide.

Thanks for understanding!

Let’s get going.

natural birth control? I was skeptical too. We

grow up thinking we are ticking time bombs that

could get pregnant with the bat of an eyelash, and

yet we are never taught the science of how our

own bodies work. Choosing to use FAM set off a

ripple effect in my life, and now, years later, I have

countless friends and clients who have ditched

their birth control pills in favor of taking charge of

their fertility. Not convinced? Totally fine. That’s

why I wrote this guide! If nothing else, I want you

to know a little more about your body, how to

go pill-free if you do decide to, and how to find

a more natural means of birth control that works

for you.

The Downsides of Hormonal Birth Control Methods

Happy Yogis // 6Ditch Your Birth Control // 6by Elle Griffin

You know they’re bad. I mean, have you ever seen

a birth control commercial? They just go on for

decades thanks to all the risks they have to list

out. I used to live in denial. I thought, “I’m young!

I don’t smoke! I’m healthy. It will be fine.” But we

aren’t fine. Birth control pills mean an increased

risk of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks. In

fact1, out of 10,000 women tested, between 1

and 5 non-birth control pill users will get a blood

clot in a given year while between 40-65 birth

control pill users will get a blood clot. To make

matters worse, you could become disabled, lose a

leg, or die because of that! (I know, I got dramatic

real fast.) And yet, that didn’t stop me at all.

I threw away that pamphlet each month and

moved on with my life. I mean, what else is there

to do?

Over time, my collection of excuses began to

pile up until I just couldn’t ignore them anymore.

Study after study has shown the pill to be behind

digestive ailments, food intolerances, migraines,

illness—I could go on and on. Birth control pills

compromise your immune system until your

liver just can’t handle a whole lot more than

The Downsides of Hormonal Birth Control Methods

you’re already giving it3. Your body begins to

accumulate ailments one by one until a whole

mess of health problems tumble down on you

at once, and you come looking for someone like

me, a wellness coach.

While there are many reasons to ditch your pill,

I’m bagging the laundry list. Here are my top

reasons why you should ditch your birth control

pills. Pick whichever one rings true for you!

All this trouble for something that still

doesn’t hold up 100% of the time! Even

a tiny bit of weight gain will shift your

metabolic rate meaning you’ll need

higher levels of hormones to get the

same results. Recent studies have shown

that women on the pill weighing more

than 155 pounds are 60% more likely to

have an unplanned pregnancy.

Happy Yogis // 7Ditch Your Birth Control // 7by Elle Griffin

Why You Should Ditch Your Birth Control

1 you could attract the wrong man

Millennia of evolution have primed our bodies to

pick our most compatible sexual partner. Who

you choose as your main man is more than just

romance, it’s chemistry. The deepness of his voice,

the smell of his skin, and even the taste of his

lips contribute deeply to whether or not you’re

aroused by a particular man. The problem is, all

this chemical attraction goes awry the second you

get fake hormones involved. Research confirms

that women choose different mates while on the

pill than while off. Some studies even go so far as

to suggest that the pill could be responsible for our

high divorce rates. “Women pick a husband when

they’re on birth control, then quit to have a baby

and realize they’ve made a mistake!”7 Yikes!

2 it kills your sex drive

I find it a tad ironic that a pill designed to put the

kibosh on babies also kills the desire to want to

make them. I mean, if you’d rather watch TV than

lather warm chocolate on each other, you may as

well just practice abstinence. The results will be

the same. How bad you want it is directly

influenced by the pill for both you and your man.

That’s right, the fatty acids (called couplins)

women secrete to spike sexual interest don’t exist

at all while on the pill9. Get off the pill, get on the

bed. It’s that simple.

3 it’s hurting your fertility

I know you don’t want little babes running around

quite yet. That’s why you are the pill right? But

what about later? Studies done in the U.K. have

shown that women who had previously taken

oral contraceptives were twice as likely to have

problems conceiving than those who previously

used condoms11. Even worse, the longer women

were on the pill, the longer it took them to

conceive. There are boatloads of women who step

off the pill expecting to start their family only to

find that it’s just not possible. Post-pill infertility is

very real, and very rampant. It could take months,

years, or decades for your body to find its groove

again. Sure, you can heal holistically (that’s what

I’m here for after all!), but why put your body

through the turmoil if you can go without it?

4 it’s stressing you out

In a natural menstrual cycle, estrogen and

progesterone work together to naturally balance

each other out. Estrogen is what gives us our

drive, creativity, ambition, and most importantly,

ovulation! But soon after ovulation, progesterone

steps in to counter that drive with tranquility,

relaxation, and serenity. If unopposed by

progesterone, estrogen irritates your nervous

system and keeps that constant state of drive and

ambition in action without allowing your cycle

the ease and rest a natural progesterone increase

would provide. Chronic stress during the pill

means your body gets a hefty dose of increased

cortisol, the hormone that helps you pull a car

off a child. Great when in danger, not so much

in everyday life. The associated cortisol backlash

Happy Yogis // 8Ditch Your Birth Control // 8by Elle Griffin

of elevated blood sugar and suppressed immune

system means you’re a prime candidate for

menstrual disturbances and hormonal imbalance10.

5 it’s ruining your health

Are you struggling with weight gain, depression, or

anxiety? Have you ever chalked up bloating, acne,

or irregular menstrual cycles to something you

ate or a face cream you used? Ever experienced

IBS, migraines, or chronic fatigue? I hate to break

it to you, but it could be your pill. Birth control

pills rework your body’s ability to metabolize

nutrients, meaning you are being robbed of

precious vitamins and minerals that are so crucial

to your health2. Most women don’t even know

how bad they felt on the pill until they get off

it. Worse still, these symptoms are only likely to

worsen over time as you become chronically

more malnourished.

6 it covers up hormonal imbalances

According to a recent study, 58% of women using

hormonal birth control use it for reasons other

than pregnancy prevention. Women are put on

the pill as a means of reducing menstrual cramps,

migraines, PMS, endometriosis and even acne!

The problem? All of these symptoms are signs

of an underlying hormonal imbalance that the

pill doesn’t actually cure. Instead it sweeps the

symptoms under a rug, masking your hormonal

imbalances and preventing you from achieving

real and vibrant health16. Later on, if you want to

get pregnant or get off the pill, your symptoms

will be right there waiting for you—and often in

a worse state than they were before. The longer a

hormonal problem exists, the more complicated it

is to treat.

7 it puts you at greater risk for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes

Breast, ovarian, and cervical cancers; heart disease,

diabetes; and osteoporosis are all disorders closely

tied to the amount of estrogen your body can

and cannot break down and move out of the

body. Because birth control pills keep estrogen

levels in your body chronically high, you are at a

much higher risk for disease, dementia, and the

big three: cancer, heart disease, and diabetes3. This

might sound hypothetical right about now. You’re

a young and vibrant being, after all! But cancer is

a slow-growing force and takes years to brew in

your body. Without your immune system there to

constantly knock misguided cells back into place,

you could be in real trouble down the line.

If these reasons aren’t big enough

persuaders for you, simply order up a

handy Google search to find one that

hits home. Heck, just read through the

pamphlet that comes with your method

of choice and check out the lawsuits

(my friend, there are many).

Want out yet?

If Not the Pill, Then What?

Happy Yogis // 10Ditch Your Birth Control // 10by Elle Griffin

Infertile Baby Making Zone Infertile1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

sperm survival

chart 1.0 - period - cervical fluid

Meet the Fertility Awareness MethodOk, so you want to get healthy and start living

according to your natural flow and hormonal

rhythm—but you don’t want to get knocked up.

I’m totally with you on that. So without further

ado, I’d like to introduce you to the Fertility

Awareness Method (FAM). FAM is contraception au

naturale and it’s pretty simple really: Use a barrier

method when you are fertile, go barrier-free when

you’re not! I’ve introduced countless women to

this sexy, natural method of birth control and I

can’t wait for you to be a believer too!

If Not the Pill, Then What?

So let’s go over the basics so you get a feel for

how it works: A woman only ovulates one day per

month, but in order to avoid pregnancy, we need a

nice big safety net around that date to account for

the fact that male sperm can live up to five days

once sent into action and female eggs can last one

day. We also need to add an extra day of safety

net on the off chance that a double ovulation

might have occurred (hellooo twins). This leaves

a period of about 8-10 days per month when a

woman could potentially get pregnant (see Chart

1.0 below). Simply use your barrier method of

choice during that fertile window and the rest of

the month you can go natural. Pretty great right?




Happy Yogis // 11Ditch Your Birth Control // 11by Elle Griffin

Primary SignsNow I want to be clear here since you may have looked at that chart above and thought “Ok so I’ll use a

condom days 10-18 and be golden!” That is sooo not how it works. You’re thinking of the rhythm method

and that guy has long since been debunked. Every woman’s cycle is different and can range in length

from 24-36 days (for a regular cycle). So it’s super vital for a woman to be able to know when she’s

fertile and when she’s not. Thankfully, we have two ways of being able to pinpoint exactly when you’re

ovulating, so you know when to be careful.

TemperatureYour body maintains a consistent body

temperature that is unique to you. By noting your

temperature first thing every morning with a

basal body thermometer, you will notice that your

temperature stays within a certain “low” range for a

number of days. Right at the moment of ovulation,

your temperature will shift upward and stay at an

elevated level until menstruation. If your cycle is

regular, you should notice that the amount of days

before ovulation is roughly the same each month.

If, for example, you usually ovulate on day 14, you

can expect that to be the norm most of the time.

But because stress, travel, or interrupted routine

can throw off even a regular cycle, it’s important to

note your cervical fluid as well.

chart 2.0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28





chart 3.0

Cervical FluidNoting your temperature only lets you know that

ovulation has already passed so it’s important to

note your cervical fluid, which will warn you of

impending ovulation. Cervical fluid is the white to

clear fluid your body produces as a means of lubing

you on up for ovulation. In a typical cycle, a woman

will have a number of dry days following her period

(see chart 3.0 below). As her estrogen levels start

to rise she will start to experience her first bouts

of cervical fluid in the form of sticky or crumbly

fluid that dries pretty quickly. This is followed by a

couple days of a more creamy, lotioney, or gooey

consistency as her body continues to prep for

ovulation. At peak fertility, a woman’s cervical fluid

will become clearer in color and stretchier—the

consistency of an egg white. At this time an egg

escapes through the Fallopian tubes, ready

to make magic with whatever sperm happens to

make her acquaintance on the way out. Of course,

as a dedicated FAM follower, you’ll know to keep

sperm from hanging around during this time of

the month.

Happy Yogis // 12Ditch Your Birth Control // 12by Elle Griffin

Secondary SignsMost women experience a number of secondary

signs in addition to noting their basal body

temperature and cervical fluid. You might find

that your skin clears, your breasts perk, and your

sex drive kicks into gear around the time of

ovulation. And don’t think this will go unnoticed

by the men-folk. An ovulating woman has an air

of confidence that calls on the world to shower

her with attention. You might even notice your

man’s libido picking up before yours does! Your

body was made to do this.

Effectiveness Rates I’m sure you’re all worried about effectiveness

about this point, but don’t be. I’ve got you

covered. Several studies have shown that fertility

awareness based methods are 98% effective

when abstaining from sex during your fertile

phase4, 5. One study even showed it to be 99%

effective at preventing pregnancy when used

alongside continuous coaching and monthly

reviews1, 13. During your fertile phase, however,

effectiveness ratings totally depend on the

barrier method you choose to use. If, for example,

you choose to go with condoms while you’re

ovulating, you’ll have a 98% effectiveness rating

during that time.

If you decide this might be the

best option for you, sign up for

one of my workshops where we’ll

dig into the intimate details and

learn how to chart. You can find

my class schedule at


For women who use FAM correctly and

consistently, it is very effective. But as with

all birth control methods, typical use could be

a different story. The most common reason

pregnancies occur while using FAM is due to

“conscious non-compliance” (or knowingly

having unprotected sex on one of your fertile

days)5, 1. The second most common cause is due

to mistakes made while charting which means

it is absolutely critical that you receive proper

training on how to use this method. You’ll have to

be disciplined and chart your cycle every day, and

unlike hormonal birth control methods there’s

no such thing as cheating. A slip up right in the

middle of your fertile phase means baby-making

central! So long as you’re responsible, you’ll get to

enjoy amazingly natural sex whenever you want

it. And you’ll be wanting it a whole lot more now

that you’re hormone free!

Choose YourBarrierMethod

Happy Yogis // 14Ditch Your Birth Control // 14by Elle Griffin

To keep the love fest going throughout your cycle,

you’ll need to use a barrier method during your

most fertile phase. Know how to operate the

barrier method of your choice and you’ll be much

better off. Let’s take a look at which one might

work best for you.

CondomsYou think you hate them, but give them a chance.

They really aren’t so bad. And if you choose to

follow the Fertility Awareness Method, you’ll only

have to use them about 8-10 days per month.

(That means another 20 or so days of condom-

free sex!) If you can’t get your man on the FAM

plan, just stick to these guys and you’ll be safe. Get

creative about how you put them on and you’ll

both be more likely to love them.


+ The most effective of the barrier methods.

+ Keeps the semen clean and tidy after sex.

+ Best option for all the single ladies.

+ Promotes shared responsibility for birth control

by both men and women.

+ The only barrier method that also prevents

against STD’s (another common cause of

feminine disorders!)

+ King Richards’ Condoms even donates a

condom to a third world country for every

one you buy. Happy, safe sex for all!

Choose Your Barrier Method


- Sometimes you just want a little skin on skin.

- Some guys are really not into wearing them.

- Can be a bit of a mood disrupter.

- You need to carry them with you at all times in

case the mood strikes you just right.

method used efficacy with5, 12 perfect use

Fertility Awareness Method


Condoms 98%

Withdrawal 96%

Diaphragms 94%

Today Sponge 91%

Happy Yogis // 15Ditch Your Birth Control // 15by Elle Griffin

Withdrawal There are no live sperm in pre-ejaculatory fluid. So long as your man can get on out of there before

ejaculation occurs, you are in the clear. As always, I still recommend charting. While this method is 96%

effective overall, that extra 4% inevitably happens during a woman’s peak fertility.


+ Plenty of hot, uninterrupted fun. Well,

right until the end, that is.


- Messy tummies!

- Don’t have the added benefit of using his sperm to spur

your orgasm.

- Your man must be disciplined! If you are having too

much fun, the temptation alone might keep him from

pulling away in time.

DiaphragmsSimilar to a condom but with the added benefit of being able to put it in place ahead of time, Diaphragms

sit up in your cervix (alongside some handy spermicide) to block whatever sperm comes its way.


+ Can be inserted hours ahead of time if

you’re a wily planner.

+ Only need to replace it every two years

or so.


- Funky to get used to if you haven’t explored your vagina

in a while.

- Spermicide can get messy and isn’t the most natural of

products (many women are allergic).

- You will need to schedule a doctor visit to get fitted for

your diaphragm.

- Some people just aren’t fans. Personal preference, I guess!

Today SpongeWhen you first hear the name it sounds pretty strange. But it’s actually pretty cool! And it has the added

benefit of being able to insert 24 hours ahead of time. That leaves a LOT of room for spontaneity. The

sponge is inserted alongside spermicide (for extra protection) and is placed like a little cap over your

cervix. You don’t even need a doctor’s appointment to get one. Just stop by your local pharmacy and pick

one up.


+ Can be inserted 24-hours in advance so

you can have sex anytime, anywhere!

+ Available over the counter. No more

doctor visits!


- Less effective than other barrier methods

(see chart on page 14).

- Spermicide can get messy and isn’t the most natural of

products (many women are allergic).

- Most effective for women who haven’t given birth.

- Takes practice to insert and remove.

Happy Yogis // 16Ditch Your Birth Control // 16by Elle Griffin

A Note About IUDsI realize that for some of you, fertility awareness or barrier methods might not be the best choice. If you

are uncomfortable with any of the options above, are unable to consistently chart your cycle, or are not

responsible or reliable with your birth control methods, your next best option is Paraguard, the copper

IUD. Paraguard doesn’t contain any hormones and could be a good fit for ladies in need of something a

little more permanent. It works as a physical blocker, not allowing any sperm to make its way into your

uterus. Of course, it has its own share of downsides.


+ Highest effectiveness of all non-

hormonal birth control methods.

+ Can pretty much forget about it once

it’s in.

+ Can leave it in for up to ten years.

A Note about STDsIf you are single or your partner hasn’t

been tested for STD’s, condoms are

the only way to go! STD’s are much

more prevalent today than they used

to be and even healthy individuals

have them. That puts you at an

increased risk for all kinds of feminine

disturbances and chronic disease, so it’s

best to proceed with caution. When in

doubt, use a condom!


- Requires painful insertion and removal by your doctor.

- Many women require surgical removal after it “gets stuck

up there!”

- Results in heavier periods due to your body continuously

trying to dispel the device and “cleanse it out.”

- Can hurt your future chances of getting pregnant (In

some individuals, scar tissue forms in your uterus at the

implantation site).

- In the 1% chance that a baby does result, it could

mean very serious health concerns to both you and the

little fetus.

- Has many associated risks and lawsuits. Doesn’t

everyone “know a friend who (fill in the blank)?”

How to DitchYour Birth Control

Happy Yogis // 18Ditch Your Birth Control // 18by Elle Griffin

Getting StartedI know! It’s sooooo exciting to realize that you can

ditch your hormones AND stay baby free!! Even

better, you can start right this second. Here’s how

to transition:

1 learn fam

Take one of my Ditch your Birth Control

workshops for an intimate understanding of

FAM and how to chart. You can also get the book

“Taking Charge of your Fertility” by Toni Weschler

for more information. It’s pretty much the bible

when it comes to FAM and charting.

2 choose your barrier methodBuy your sponge, diaphragm, or box of condoms

and get straight to using them. Since your cycle

might be a little off at first, it’s best not to start

using FAM right away. You’ll need to give yourself

a solid 3-4 regular cycles before you start phasing

out the barriers. If you still aren’t experiencing

regular cycles after a few months, chat me up at

[email protected].

How to Ditch Your Birth Control

3 get a thermometer and chartYou will need a basal body thermometer, a fertility

chart, and knowledge about how to use FAM

before you can transition. You can order a glass

or digital one from I have

free charts available on my website and in my

planner or you can download the FemCal app for

your iPhone.

4 ditch your birth control pillSince your body isn’t actually cycling, it doesn’t

matter what time of the month you quit. Just do

it! Once the hormones are out of your system,

you’ll receive your usual withdrawal period. Count

day one of your post-pill bleeding as day one of

your cycle.

5 start charting

Start charting your cycles right away. I’d be happy

to look over your chart for a few months to make

sure you’ve got the hang of it! Find out more at

Happy Yogis // 19Ditch Your Birth Control // 19by Elle Griffin

Common Post-Pill SymptomsNow we’re at the part you’ve been dreading—the

part where you have to bid adieu to the hormones

and brace for the chaos that is bound to ensue. It’s

true, sometimes getting off the pill can feel like

adolescence coming back for round two, but it’s

completely different for everyone. Some of you

might find your cycles have no problem picking

up where they left off. For others, the pill’s

hormonal shutdown will take considerably

more time to heal.

Here are a few of the most common post-pill

symptoms. This list is not exhaustive and differs

person to person.

- Cravings

- Oily skin/ acne

- Bloating/ water retention

- Greasy hair

- Excess facial or body hair

- Body odor

- Breast reduction

- Mood swings

- Nausea or upset tummy

- Heavy or light periods

- Spotting

- Short, long, or non-existent menstrual cycles

Post-pill symptoms differ from person to person. Don’t worry, most of

them are only temporary!

Happy Yogis // 20Ditch Your Birth Control // 20by Elle Griffin

Ease the TransitionNo need to fret just yet! There are a few things

you can do to shorten this little episode. In the

name of trying to keep this post-pill era short and

sweet, here are a few things you can do to ease

the transition:

1 eat avocados

Natural hormone balancers

and a good source of quality


2 take maca

Another hormone balancer,

maca can be eaten plain or

taken as a supplement and has

the added benefit of ramping up your sex drive.

3 take black cohosh or vitex berry supplements Both are hormone balancers and can keep you

more even-keeled during the transition.

4 reduce conventionally raised meat and dairy products

Conventionally raised meat

and dairy products are a major

source of hormones that will only

exacerbate the problem! Go grass-

fed, free-range, and organic.

5 reduce sugar, alcohol and caffeine

All disturb your blood sugar balance,

crucial to balancing your hormones!

6 reduce soy

Soy behaves like excess estrogen to your hormonal

system. Leave it alone for the time being.

7 get outside!

Nothing combats the doom and

gloom like a few rays of sun on

the skin.

8 go easy on your workouts

Keep the cardio to a minimum and emphasize

walking or stretching. (Think yin, not power yoga).

The key is to not put too much physical stress on

an already taxed out endocrine system.

Happy Yogis // 21Ditch Your Birth Control // 21by Elle Griffin

9 use salicylic acid

If your skin goes the acne route, it can help to

have a combat team on hand. I like Aveda’s Acne

Relief Pads.

10focus on stress relief Your body is used to chronically

elevated levels of estrogen (and

thus chronically high levels of

stress). When getting off the

pill, your natural tendency will

be to keep that over-stressed,

busy lifestyle going which will

only hinder your hormones

from getting back into gear. Build an hour or two

into each day strictly for R&R. Your body needs it

to heal!

11 treat yourself!

Allow yourself to splurge

on cute little bras you’ve

never been able to wear

before. You might need

a new swimsuit too.

Get yourself measured

while you’re at it. Your

bra size will probably

have changed.

12 get support!

Since you may be a little emotionally off kilter,

it’s best that whoever’s living with you be in

on the action. Tell your husband, roommate,

or family that you’ll be

undergoing a transition and

that you’ll need their support.

There’s nothing worse than a

husband caught in the middle

of a hormonal crossfire!

Learn the Fertility Awareness Method

Happy Yogis // 23Ditch Your Birth Control // 23by Elle Griffin

This guide is the perfect first step in discovering which options are available to you, but it certainly isn’t

all-inclusive. If you are interested in using FAM, I strongly recommend seeking additional help or guidance

as you begin tracking your cycle. Every woman’s body is different and you don’t want an “oops” to

become a baby! Contact me or a FAM educator near you to make sure you are on the right track!

Learn the Fertility Awareness Method

Ditch your Birth Control Workshops My Ditch your Birth Control workshops offer an

in-depth guide to charting and a chance for you to

ask any questions you might have.

+ Take the Workshop: Learn how to effectively

chart your cycles so you can avoid babies

naturally using the Fertility Awareness Method.

Find out more on my website at


One-on-One Charting SupportWhen you are first setting out on your charting

journey it can be really helpful to have a FAM

educator provide personalized charting support

for you and your man. I’d love to review your

charts, answer any questions you might have,

and make sure you are on the right track for safe,

effective birth control.

+ Personalized Charting Support: I’d love

to review your charts and answer all

your questions!

Restart or Regulate your


Happy Yogis // 25Ditch Your Birth Control // 25by Elle Griffin

Enroll in my three-month program!If you’ve ditched your birth control only to

discover your cycle is a little less than stellar, you

might need a reboot. Many women come off the

pill only to find they now have short, long, or

even non-existent periods! It’s ok. All those fake

hormones stopped your real ones from working

and they’ll need some time to heal. If your cycles

don’t regulate after 3-4 months or if you are

experiencing any or all of the symptoms below,

my three-month program will get you back on

the road to hormonal harmony.

- Irregular or absent menstrual cycles

- Menstrual cycles that are shorter than 25 days

or longer than 36 days.

- Lack of sex drive

- Weight gain

- Depression or anxiety

- Irritability or mood swings


- Acne

- Fatigue

Restart or Regulate your Cycle

Get Cycle SavvyIf your menstrual cycle is absent, irregular, or

less than stellar, join my three-month fertility

reboot! We’ll work together to bring balance to

your hormones, and life, so you can heal your

cycle, fix your fertility, and reconnect with your

feminine vitality. So how will we accomplish all

this hormonal harmony? Most women don’t

realize that hormonal balance and life balance

go hand-in-hand. Because endocrine imbalances

are hypothalamic in nature (meaning heightened

levels of cortisol are messing with your brain’s

ability to balance your hormones), both diet

and emotional stressors directly affect ovarian

function. My program is designed to target both

simultaneously so you can heal your body and

your life.

+ Balance your Hormones: Hormone by hormone,

my three month program will go through

exactly what you need to find hormonal

harmony. We’ll talk insulin, oxytocin, cortisol,

estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone and

how you can bring them to balance through

a newfound connection with your beautiful

Happy Yogis // 26Ditch Your Birth Control // 26by Elle Griffin

body. Each week will include all the science and

strategies you need to jump start that whole

health and happiness thing.

+ Balance your Life: So many women come to me

because they’ve tried the diet and exercise thing

to no avail. Sure we know we need to eat better

and find movement in our lives, but there is so

much more to it than that. A woman’s endocrine

system is intimately tied to her emotional well-

being, in particular, her own femininity. Through

personalized coaching we can work together to

find your fierce feminine vitality!

Find out more on my website at


Happy Yogis // 28Ditch Your Birth Control // 28by Elle Griffin

About ElleNice to meet you! I am a wellness coach on a

mission to help women ditch their birth control

pills and heal hormonal imbalances holistically!!

That’s right, I went au naturale with my birth

control and now live a sexy, healthy, happy, and

baby-free life as a result. You can too!

I live in gorgeous Marin County, California with

my amazing husband who has somehow gotten

over the fact that I talk about our sex lives all

over the internet. We love to get up early, drink

espresso from tiny cups, watch the sunrise, and

tune into some Jack Johnson as we boot up

our laptops for some co-working action in our

jammies. It’s a good life.

Apart from my day job, I’m also a harp player,

youth minister, dress designer, French speaker,

trail runner, and want-to-be gardener.

I hope this guide has been helpful to you in your

search for more natural methods of birth control.

Thanks so much for reading and being part of my

growing little community! Lots of love in your

direction. Stay in touch!

About Elle


Happy Yogis // 30Ditch Your Birth Control // 30by Elle Griffin

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