Download - Discover the Difference eBook

  • 8/12/2019 Discover the Difference eBook



  • 8/12/2019 Discover the Difference eBook





    1.1 PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

    1.2 THE PROBLEM-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

    1.3 MY OWN PROBLEM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

    1.4 THERE ARE SIX REASONS I ENDORSE THE SHAKLEE CORPORATION------------------------------------ 7

    1.5 BEFORE WE BEGIN-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

    1.6 WHY SUPPLEMENT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

    1.7 WHAT QUESTIONS SHOULD WE ASK OF THESE COMPANIES? ------------------------------------------ 8

    1.8 SOME KEY ISSUES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

    1.9 MISTAKES AND CONSEQUENCES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

    1.10 WHOLE NEW EXPLODING GROWTH INDUSTRY ----------------------------------------------------------- 10

    1.11 THE SALES PITCH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10


    2.1 THE NATURAL MARKET TODAY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

    2.2 THE NATURAL" MARKET TODAY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

    2.3 WHAT IS THE TRUTH? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

    2.4 A GOOD PRODUCT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

    2.4.1 NATURAL SUPPLEMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

    2.5 WHAT A GOOD PRODUCT SHOULD NOT CONTAIN-------------------------------------------------------- 12

    2.5.1 ARTIFICIAL COLORS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

    2.5.2 SYNTHETIC VITAMIN E-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

    2.5.3 BONE MEAL OR DOLOMITE AS A CALCIUM SOURCE------------------------------------------------- 13

    2.5.4 ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

    2.5.5 SYNTHETIC SWEETENERS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

    2.6 JUST ONE EXAMPLE OF SHAKLEE QUALITY------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
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    3.1 THE LAW SUIT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

    3.2 LEGALLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

    3.3. THE PHARMACISTS DISCOVERY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

    3.4 WHY SOME SUPPLEMENTS DO NOT DISSOLVE-------------------------------------------------------------- 15

    3.5 WHAT ABOUT OTHER SUPPLEMENTS? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

    3.6 WHO MAKES THIS STUFF? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

    3.7 ARE YOU SAFER WITH VITAMINS MADE BY A LARGE DRUG COMPANY? ----------------------------- 16

    3.8 THE "TODAY SHOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

    3.9 PROOF OF EXCELLENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17


    4.1 WHEN IS RESEARCH REALLY RESEARCH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

    4.2 REFEREES AND PEER REVIEW------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17

    4.3 THE MECHANICS OF PEER REVIEW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

    4.4 HOW IT WORKS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

    4.5 A ONLY THE VERY BEST QUALIFY------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

    4.6 THE IDIOT" LETTER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

    4.7 THE SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

    4.8 WHERE TO NOW? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20


    5.1 Development------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

    5.2 HOW SHOULD A PRODUCT BE DEVELOPED? --------------------------------------------------------------- 21

    5.3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21

    5.4 IN THE LABORATORY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

    5.5 CLINICAL OR HUMAN STUDIES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22

    5.6 SHAKLEE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22

    5.6.1 LITERATURE SEARCH---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22

    5.6.2 LABORATORY OR TEST TUBE RESEARCH---------------------------------------------------------------- 23
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    5.6.3 SHAKLEE BETA CAROTENE PRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------------------- 23

    5.6.4 THE CLINICAL TEST-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

    5.7 WHY ALL SUPPLEMENTS DO NOT ALWAYS WORK---------------------------------------------------------- 24

    5.8 HOW GOOD IS SHAKLEES RESEARCH?------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24

    5.9 MOVING ON---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25


    6.1 WORLD-CLASS POWER NUTRITION EVENTS------------------------------------------------------------------ 25

    6.1.1 THE U.S. SRI TEAM-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

    6.1.2 U.S. FEDERATED TEAMS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

    6.1.3 THE VOYAGER FLIGHT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

    6.1.4 MT. EVEREST---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

    6.1.5 POLE TO POLE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

    6.1.6 TEAM SHAKLEE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27

    6.1.7 THE DAEDALUS PROJECT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27

    6.2 THE NORMAN, OKLAHOMA, PLANT----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

    6.3 THE ENVIRONMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28

    6.4 THE SHAKLEE SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD------------------------------------------------------------------ 29

    6.5 CONCLUSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
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    Preventive healthcare is the wave of the future. As a society we must do all we can to

    achieve optimal wellness. We can no longer afford to abuse our health and expect the healthcare

    profession to put us back together.

    To our credit we have made some steps forward! More people are exercising regularly, and

    the numbers of smokers are down. But even though most of us know basically what foods to eat,

    and what foods to avoid, our diet is one area of our lives that needs help. Wey know we should eat

    according to the U.S. Department of Agricultures pyramid eating plan (Figure One)

    Figure 1.1- The Eating Right Pyramid, a guide to daily food choices.

    This plan is low in saturated fat and in vegetables, fruits, grains, and pasta. The sad fact

    that is less than seven percent of Americans chooses to eat this way.

    In preventive healthcare we are learning that certain foods consumed at lower levels than

    accepted in the past can have a positive effect on our health. For example, cutting down on

    saturated fat and cholesterol can be beneficial in preventing heart disease. On the other hand we

    are learning that some nutrients (those contained in fruits and vegetables) consumed in larger

    amounts can be beneficial in preventing certain cancers.

    The newest wave in preventive healthcare has to do with studies showing that certainvitamins and minerals consumed in levels somewhat above the government recommended levels
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    (and above levels normally consumed in our foods) can have a positive effect on our health, New

    reports appear daily supporting the use of antioxidant nutrients, various minerals, and herbs to

    help prevent some of the diseases of the 20th century. These reports have caused many North

    Americans to turn to food supplements as a source of these nutrients.


    Anytime something new and good is introduced and accepted, unscrupulous promoters

    touting ridiculous claims and selling questionable imitations of the real thing. Let me explain with

    the example of exercise equipment.

    When physical fitness achieved mass popularity a few years ago, exercise equipment

    appeared on the market with a flood. Numerous companies surfaced literally overnight and began

    churning out equipment. A popular item was the stationary bicycle. Gullible consumers believed

    the polished advertising pitch and made purchases based on price and not quality. The purchasersof this equipment soon discovered that all that glitters is not gold. Many consumers found pieces of

    the bike falling off after short use, pedals that would not turn, and handle bars that slipped up and

    down. Some even suffered injury due to poor quality equipment. The situation is similar today in

    the massive food supplement business.

    There are hundreds of companies on the market promising to grow hair, lose weight while

    you sleep, improve your sex life, and make you smarter all at the same time.

    On the other hand there are some legitimate companies out there, just as there are quality

    athletic equipment companies. The problem is to sort through all of the claims and money-making

    schemes to find a company that can be trusted, a company whose products will perform as

    promised, a company with a record of integrity, honesty, and, most importantly, scientific accuracy.

    1.3MY OWN PROBLEMIn my own clinical practice I was faced with a dilemma. Often, after I would recommend several

    nutrients to patients, they would ask, "What brand shall l buy?" My answer was weak and given

    truly in ignorance: "Any of them will do; they are all about the same."

    I knew deep down inside that there must be at least one food supplement company that was

    better than the others. Part of my blindness, and the blindness of many professionals, has to do

    with two problems. One is that we get lots of free samples from drug companies and are

    bombarded with slick advertising. The second problem is even worst. I mentioned some of the

    obnoxious claims made by some food supplement companies. These outlandish claims are

    extremely offensive to medical people who rely on science and not testimonials. It makes the whole

    nutritional supplement industry look like a bunch of rip-off artists.

    Most physicians, trying not to be so gullible, totally disregard the use of all food supplements

    and react with predictable contempt when their patients raise questions about adding these totheir diet. Do not get mad at your doctor. Try to understand his or her valid concerns.
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    Your physician is right to be cautious. These unscrupulous companies create guilt by association

    for those who buy food supplements, and for those who advise their legitimate use in attaining

    optimal health.

    In light of all of this, I decided to set aside time to do some thorough research on the various

    companies in the business. My goal was to seek objective facts and not just advertising copy. I

    wanted to seek out the finest food supplement company available. I knew I could then recommend

    a product with confidence. This search eventually involved. . . three years of research.

    Come with me as I take you through the process of discovery, not based on fantastic claims or

    smooth advertising, but on solid, objective evidence open to proof.


    The development of these reasons will be the essence of this book. They are as follows:

    i) The products are in harmony with nature.ii) The products are created by nature and perfected by science.iii) They disintegrate in adequate time for absorption.iv) The excellence of the Shaklee Corporation is widely recognizedv) Absorption is Shaklees studies have been accepted for publication in noted scientific journals.Throughout the course of this book I hope the importance of these reasons will be clearly

    understood. Before we develop these six reasons, lets take a look at ourselves and also take a lookat some of the questions we need to answer about the food supplement industry.


    I want to make one thing crystal clear. Do not use food supplements as an excuse to justify an

    unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Food supplements are no substitute for a well-chosen diet. The most

    common problems I see in American lifestyles are in Table One.


    The only one we cannot control is exposure to environmental toxins. Its time to cleanup our act!
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    We should ask the question, "Why take food supplements of any type?" The answer is what

    I call the big six" reasons for adding food supplements to your usual diet.

    1. Many of us are realizing our foods are not as nutritious as they used to be. Manufactured" foods,nutrient-depleted soils, processing, shipping and long shelf life all take their nutritional toll. We

    need to replace the nutrients missing from our foods in one way or another.

    2. Potentially harmful and untested chemicals are being added to our foods in increasing numbers.

    We dont yet know the long-term effects of these chemicals on our bodies, but we do know that

    certain nutrients can help protect us against some of the damage they cause.

    3. Pollutants are being released into our air and water on a level unheard of in the past. Today we

    talk casually about acid rain, fish kills, and toxic waste. What is this pollution doing to our health?

    Optimal nutrition may help protect us against some of the effects of widespread pollution.

    4. Some of the diseases we used to blame on age itself are now being related to a lifetime of poor

    nutrition. Osteoporosis which we have already mentioned is a good example. Women who are

    physically active and have adequate calcium intake today may not have to face the prospect of

    brittle bones, broken hips, and other breaks and fractures tomorrow.

    5. Our food choices and eating habits have changed dramatically in the past couple of decades.

    Very few of us eat three nutritious, home-cooked meals a day. The new food pyramid is an

    excellent guide to a healthy diet, but less than seven percent of us eat way. With our fast-pacedlifestyle it has become harder---not easier---to insure nutrition for ourselves and our families.

    6. The massive accumulation of evidence in recent years has shown that same extremely vital

    nutrients needed for protection from various diseases (the antioxidants) cannot be obtained easily

    from our commonly selected diets. Vitamin E at the generally recommended levels of 200 to 800

    International Units is impossible to obtain from your diet. You cannot get it from foods alone.

    Supplementation is strongly recommended. Now, on to food supplement companies.


    How can we make a wise choice in the midst of all the products available? Is there a way

    through the confusion? Does one companys product work better than anothers? How can we

    make an objective decision? Is evidence available to help us?

    The purpose of this book is to answer these questions in a clear, concise, and intelligent way.

    We will show you ways to cut through the confusing and sometimes conflicting claims made by

    various food supplement manufacturers. You need not be confused; the answers are contained in

    the following pages.
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    A basic question is this: Is there a difference in food supplements? For example, one

    company makes a "time-released multiple vitamin," another company has a "stress multiple,while

    still another offers one that dissolves under the tongue. In other words, there are different delivery

    systems, and all make some interesting claims, but which is the best? Some companies offer a

    plain" iron supplement; others have vitamin C with iron; does this make a difference? Will both

    products give your body the same amount of iron, or is one better than the other? Ill answer this

    one now Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of iron. A product with iron and C is superior to

    a plain iron.

    Does the method of manufacturing make a difference? What are the other chemicals in the

    products in addition to the nutrients? Are they for our health? Why do some manu facturers

    supplements cost more than anothers? Is there any real reason to pay more for a similar product?

    Finally, we need to take a close look at product development and methods of research.

    Many companies offer "research," but is it valid? What is true, honest research? How can we

    identify this type of research? The answers to these and other questions are the ones I sought in

    trying to find the best food supplement company in America. The data of my quest are contained in

    this book. I have attempted to present hard facts to enable you to draw your own conclusions

    concerning the many food supplement products and companies available. Where appropriate, I

    have stated some personal opinions and conclusions.


    Choosing a food supplement is a more difficult selection process than buying, for instance,

    television set. We can pretty well tell when our television set is not working properly. If it

    malfunctions, we can have it fixed. We can probably get a "loaner" to replace it while it is in repair.

    There is some inconvenience to be sure, but it certainly doesnt affect ourhealth or well-being.

    A mistake in purchasing food supplements can have some long-term, possibly painful

    consequences in the years to come. Take calcium for an example. Suppose you are one of the

    people who cannot tolerate milk products, or just do not care for them. When you supplement with

    calcium, you must trust the manufacturer for much of your calcium intake. What if the deliverysystem is improper, or the tablet doesnt even dissolve, or the form is difficult to absorb? Most of

    us would have no real way to determine if the supplement is adequate for our needs until a

    problem occurs. The possible problem in this case could be osteoporosis (porous or brittle bones).

    Your first knowledge of a problem could be the breaking of a bone. An X-ray of the fracture would

    indicate the break and also the osteoporotic condition. Low calcium intake can be a problem of

    significant proportions. Some 20 million Americans have osteoporosis. More than 50 thousand

    older women and many older men die each year in the United States as a result of hip fracture

    complications. Many of these tragic problems could be prevented with a proper calcium

    supplement and weight-bearing exercise.
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    A-major reason for taking food supplements in the first place is prevention. It makes sense

    to take the best supplements you can buy. The American Heart Association tells us that one in four

    Americans has some form of cardiovascular disease. Many health professionals are now advising a

    high intake of the three main antioxidant vitamins: beta carotene, and E. These are thought to

    reduce the build-up of plaque in the arteries. The American Cancer Society tells us that mostcancers occur as we grow older. Along with a low-fat, high vegetable and fruit diet, many of those

    involved in cancer research are also recommending the antioxidant vitamins, folic acid (cervical

    cancer), and calcium (colon and rectal cancer). If we fall victim to these diseases, our twilight years

    will not be pleasant.

    Anything we can possibly do now to avoid these chronic degenerative diseases should

    certainly be taken into serious consideration. ln many cases adding food supplements in addition to

    our healthy diet can help protect us from some of the dread diseases we mistakenly blame on age


    Our most common causes of death such as cardiovascular disease and cancer do not occur

    overnight. They are the result of a lifetime of poor lifestyle choices. The effects of low levels of

    nutrient intake often do not manifest themselves until later in life. The eases we see as we age did

    not develop overnight. They are diseases of youth that finally manifest themselves when we get

    older. It makes good sense to begin to take precautions this very day. ln summary, inferior nutrition

    will give you inferior health. Optimal nutrition will give you a good chance of optimal health.


    I really want to hammer home the point of the poor quality which exists in much of

    supplement industry. I mentioned it earlier, but care in the purchasing of food supplements is

    vitally important. There has been a tremendous boom in the food supplement industry in the last

    few years. Various companies have sprouted up everywhere making food supplements a very big

    industry indeed. This massive growth has created some real problems for the consumer. New

    companies seem to spring up daily, each slickly advertising some "pill" with various claims of

    effectiveness. An old, axiom still applies today-"Let the buyer beware."

    1.11 THE SALES PITCHThere are basically two major outlets for food supplements and information concerning

    supplements, health food stores and persontoperson sales. Many of these food supplement

    businesses are multi-level sales companies. Most of these new companies offer a ground floor

    opportunity" in one of two areas. First, there is the "magic money machine" marketing plan which

    captures the attention of those who believe they can get wealthy quickly with little effort. Second,

    there is some magical, newly discovered health benefit like a weight loss gimmick that promises a

    fantastic body in an extremely short period of time. Generally, they have pictures which are

    accompanied by phrases like: "Lose weight while you sleep, or No hunger pangs, etc. The

    majority of Americans are overweight, and this newly discovered magic weight loss appeals to a
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    number of people. Others offer stress relief, prevention of aging and other unproven and

    misleading claims. These companies obviously have little regarded for truth and integrity. These

    same health claims can be found on many products in health food stores as well. The point is to be

    very aware that there is much hype involved in the promotion of various nutritional products.

    Lets take a closer look at some of the more common claims and some of the items in the productsother than nutrients.



    Many companies plaster the words "All Natural" all over their product bottles. In truth no

    supplements are all natural because there is no true definition for "all natural."

    At this time there are no definitive laws governing the use of the term "natural." could hold

    a real rose in one hand and one made from paper in the other and call them both "all natural"

    because the paper rose had its beginnings in wood pulp. Strange, isnt it?


    In todays society, words like natural" are vastly over-used "Natural" is the current food

    supplement merchandisers "buzz word." There are many products labelled "all natural." But, as we

    saw earlier, this word has no real working legal definition. The labels on some are bound stalks of

    grain . . . sunshine on a clear stream . . . fresh fruit and vegetable... all accompanied by the word


    There is usually no way for the consumer to be absolutely sure something is what it says it is.

    An honest company will tell it like it is. If some of the products are made from natures building

    blocks, they will say so. Others, not so honest, will hide behind deceitful labels promotion literature.


    Once something is removed from its natural growing state, few things are truly "all natural." l

    believe we would all agree that a carrot growing in the ground is all natural. Suppose we remove

    our natural carrot from the ground with a mechanical picker, wash with high pressure water,remove the green part by machine, mechanically peel, chop, blanch, add sugar and preservatives,

    then can and send it to our supermarket. At some point in all of this, I believe our carrot ceases to

    be all natural.

    One company claims to have taken nine different raw vegetables and grains and put them

    into a capsule. They call this product "an all-natural, whole food supplement? Do l you really

    believe nine vegetables and grains can be processed to the extent that they fit into a capsule and

    still are "all natural" in any stretch of the imagination? In the next section lets do two things. One,

    lets attempt to come up with a working description of how a good food supplement should bemade and why. And two, lets develop a definition `of "natural" we can work with. As we have seen,
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    "all natural" should refer only to something like a carrot growing in t he ground. Lets drop the "all"

    and develop a definition of "natural" so far as food supplements are concerned.


    If you recall from Chapter One, I have six reasons for endorsing the Shaklee Corporation.The first two reasons have to do with their philosophy of product development and production.

    ONE- The products are in harmony with nature

    TWO: The products are created by created by nature and perfected by science

    You will see both of these reasons developed in this section. But first lets define a natural



    It is concentrated from a quality natural source. The goal is to produce a supplement that is

    easily available to our bodies. A natural source contains co-factors that come with the nutrient in

    nature. For instance, some co-factors that are usually found with vitamin C are the bioflavonoids.

    The bioflavonoids help the body to utilize vitamin C more efficiently. lf these are lost in processing,

    they are added back during production to maintain natures harmony. Employing some very

    sophisticated technology, Shaklee makes every attempt to produce a supplement remaining in

    harmony with nature. This phrase means that the supplement is readily available for your body to

    absorb and use. Another term is bioavailable.

    Sometimes natural substances are combined with modified nutrients to make the primary

    nutrient even more available to the body. An example would be the combining of a mineral with a

    protein, an organic acid, or amino acid to help it be even more available to the body. Another

    example would be adding a biochemical that helps a tablet to disintegrate more quickly. This is

    where the phrase created by nature and perfected by science" fits perfectly.

    Shaklee makes every effort to maintain its products as natural as possible. At the same time

    when solid research and technology offer a way to make a nutrient even more available for

    absorption and utilization, Shaklee will incorporate this science to make an even better product.


    We sometimes get so taken by a product that has "all natural" plastered all over its label

    that we forget to read the rest of the label. Lets look at a few things to be sure to avoid. None of

    these should be in any good product. Usually they are used to save the company money at your

    expense. There are alternatives available for each of the problem ingredients listed below but they

    do cost more.
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    I have yet to meet anyone who has a deficiency of an artificial colour such as FD&C Red No.

    40 or FD&C Blue No. 2. Why colour the product? What colour was it in the first place? What are

    they hiding? It would seem obvious not to have an artificial colour in a food supplement, but the

    following popular brands do: Centrum, One- A-Day, Theragran-M, and Myadec.


    One vitamin that is better absorbed and utilized in the natural form is vitamin E. Vitamin E

    (alpha tocopherol) preceded by "l" or "dl" is synthetic. Only the "d" is natural. The natural form of

    vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) is the one to use. Science has proven better usage of d-alpha

    tocopherol. The only reason to use the synthetic form is that it is cheaper. Youll be surprised at

    some who use it. Myadec uses a synthetic E and so does Theragran-M. One cannot tell about One-

    A-Day, the label just lists "vitamin E."


    The government has warned us not to take these supplements due to the possibility of high

    lead content. We do not need a lead supplement!


    Who is deficient in artificial flavours? There are many naturally occurring flavours. The only

    reason to use an artificial flavour is to save money. Natural flavours cost a little more.


    Why in the world would some want to supplement with something like saccharin when the

    label says: "Use of this product may be hazardous to your health. This product contains saccharin

    which has been determined to cause cancer in laboratory animaIs."

    Moreover, the product should contain no artificial preservatives, harsh binders or fillers that might

    hinder absorption. No potentially toxic solvents should be used in extraction, and tablet coatings

    should be selected for best utilization.

    I could go on, but the point is dont get so focused on the "all natural" concept or the size of

    the company that you forget what else might be in the tablet or capsule.


    The chemical name for natural vitamin E is d-alpha tocopherol. Most companies just list this single

    vitamin on their vitamin E label. From what we said above you might assume this is a good product,

    but vitamin E her? occurs alone in nature. It occurs in a "family of tocopherols. We are familiar

    with the B complex. Well, there is also an E complex. To date we have discovered nine members of

    this complex. They are named by the Greek alphabet . . . alpha, beta, gamma, etc. This is natures
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    complex, and any vitamin E we take should contain this whole family of nutrients for maximum

    benefits to our health and well-being. This is especially true if you are taking levels around 400 IU

    which is recommended in order to attain antioxidant benefits. Science is not entirely sure just

    exactly how all of the members of the E complex work, but nature put them there for a purpose. By

    not taking the whole complex we could- easily be missing out on some as yet unidentified benefitsfound in the natural E complex. Look for ai vitamin E in harmony with nature such as that produced

    by the Shaklee Corporation. Here is a quote from the label: "Shaklee Vitamin E comes from natural

    vegetable sources. Natural vegetable sources provide the entire spectrum of all known vitamin E

    forms . . . ." Furthermore, mountains of research have shown that the mineral selenium works with

    vitamin E to make it much more effective. Selenium and E synergize one another. The selenium

    content of food varies widely depending on the soil content where the food was grown. Shaklee

    takes no chances. They add selenium to the vitamin E supplement, a clear example of "created by

    nature, perfected by science." This is a good example of using natures building blocks to develop

    an even more effective supplement.

    Shaklees closet attentionto current science, product development and quality never ceases

    to amaze me.

    The purpose of this book is to prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt why I consider

    Shaklee the best family of food supplements on the market today. The proof begins with what

    would seem like an obvious question and answer. The question: Do your supplements disintegrate.

    in time to be absorbed properly? The answer: Maybe. We will pursue this in the next chapter.


    3.1 THE LAW SUIT

    To protect a party, names will be changed in this next story Linda, a businesswoman lived in

    the East, did not drink much milk. So every morning and every night for several years she took

    supplements from Company X which contained calcium, magnesium, and chelated zinc. She heard

    that if calcium fails to disintegrate in vinegar, it probably is not disintegrating in your body. Linda

    was quite angry when she tested her Company X calcium and it totally failed the vinegar test. In late

    1989, she filed suit against Company X for fraud and negligence. Amazingly Linda lost the suit! She

    learned the hard way something that most people are not aware of. Lets look at the law.

    3.2 LEGALLY

    DRUGS come in capsules and tablets. We know that they must be tested for potency and

    that they must disintegrate in a certain period of time. These disintegration standards are set by

    the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) which was charted by Congress to set standards for drugs.

    An uncoated tablet should disintegrate in 30 minutes or less and a coated tablet in 90 minutes or

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    VITAMINS AND MINERALS also come in capsules and tablets. Somehow we just as assume

    they must meet the same legal requirements for disintegration as drugs. This is not true, as Linda

    found out in her law suit against Company X. No law says a vitamin or mineral must disintegrate in

    a given time. They are classified as foods, not drugs.

    Linda lost her case against Company X because Company X was breaking no law, even if

    their supplement never disintegrated.


    We are indebted to Dr. Ralph Shangraw Chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutics at

    the University of Maryland, for the discovery that more supplements than we care to think about

    do not disintegrate in time for proper absorption.

    ln 1986, Dr. Shangraw was experimenting with some commercial calcium tablets. Much to

    his astonishment he found that some tablets took as long as six hours to disintegrate. He was

    alarmed because if a calcium tablet doesnt disintegrate by the time it leaves your stomach, there is

    a good chance that it will not be absorbed into your bloodstream Dr. Shangraw continued to test

    other calcium supplements. Here is what he found. In 1936 more than one-half of the calcium

    supplements on the market failed to disintegrate within in 30 minutes! What was going on? Dr.

    Shangraw found several problems.


    i) Microscopic starch granules are very valuable in helping tablets disintegrate. When the granulesget wet, they expand helping to break the tablet apart. It seems some manufacturers removed the

    starch so they could advertise "contains no starch" on the label.

    ii) Calcium is a very bulky mineral and difficult to compress to a small size. Some companies, either

    to keep the tablets small or to get more calcium into a medium-sized tablet used so much

    compression that the tablet was too dense (like a rock) to disintegrate.

    iii) About the time Shangraw was doing his experiments a drought in Africa made it difficult and

    expensive to obtain acacia gum which is used to hold the tablets together. Many manufacturers did

    not want to pay the higher price, so they switched to a form of acidic gelatin. When this compound

    is mixed with calcium carbonate, something resembling cement is formed. This is an excellent

    example of "all natural". not being good at all. Two all-natural substances were mixed together and

    the results were total failure! All natural does not always mean that it is good.

    iv) if Many companies coat their tablets with shellac which, by the way, is "all natural." It makes the

    tablets shiny and easy to swallow Shellac also gives what food technologists call good "mouth feel"

    to the tablet. A gritty, grainy tablet does not have good mouth feel, but a slick, shellac coated tablet

    does. The problem is that shellac is nearly totally resistant to the penetration of stomach fluids.
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    All we have said thus far has been about calcium supplements, but if the industry is doing such a

    terrible job with calcium, couldnt it be doing the same with other vitamin andmineral preparations?

    Dr. Shangraw has only tested a few of the multi/vitamin-mineral tablets, but of the total he has

    tested an amazing 42 percent took more than one hour to disintegrate! In Dr. Shangrawis opinion a

    multi should disintegrate within 60 minutes or less.


    Most companies do not have their own manufacturing facilities due to the expense involved. They

    rely instead on outside manufacturing companies. This means the seller has no control over the

    manufacturing or quality control. Only some of the better companies manufacture their own


    If you want to start a multi-level vitamin company, all you need is a list of names to contact.

    You can have one of these mass producing companies help you design your label and your own

    unique formulation. You will need some money to pay them up-front because they know the

    death rate of these fly-by-night multi-level companies is quite high.

    Just consider one company in New Jersey which make over 1,500 food supplements. These

    supplements are sold under an amazing 30 to 40 different brand names. The companys technical

    advisor was asked about their disintegration standards. He said the company standard for a multi-vitamin was two hour disintegration. Remember Dr. Shangraw, the expert in the field,

    recommended 60 minute or less for a multi-vitamin. Also remember the USP standard for drug is 30

    minutes for uncoated and 90 minutes for a coated tablet. When asked why this particular company

    did not conform to the USP, their technical advisor just said they were not required to. And that is

    the attitude of most companies.


    Not necessarily so. The FDA doesnt have the manpower to chase after every companyon

    the market. Dr. Shangraw noted that in 1989 the FDA had 12 recalls of defective food supplements.

    One recall involved a number of sub-potent products made by the huge pharmaceutical company

    Eli Lilly. What about Shaklee?


    NBCs popular "Today Show" had a "disintegration derby" featuring five leading brands of

    multi-vitamins. Shaklees multi-vitamin, Vita-Lea, won by a mile, disintegrating in only 17 minutes.

    The other four ranged from 50 minutes to an astounding 240 minutes!
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    A 17 minute disintegration time is fantastic for a product of this type! I have seen similar

    disintegration tests on 19 popular multis. Shaklee beat them all! The times ranged from 17 minutes

    to a high of 270 minutes.

    One aspect I like about the "Today Show" experiment is the fact that it was an

    "independent" study. It was someone else testing the product and not a particular company telling

    you what they have determined about their own product.

    All of Shaklees tableted products easily meet Dr. Shangraws recommendations for

    disintegration. This is one reason I endorse_Shak1ee products. They disintegrate in adequate time

    for absorption.


    The main reason I endorse this company is that their studies have been accepted for

    publication in top scientific journals. I want you to fully understand what it means to have an article

    accepted for publication in a recognized scientific journal. This to me is the real Shaklee difference.

    This published research totally sets Shaklee apart from the rest of the field. This is the very ultimate




    Some companies will claim to have done research on their product, but when the evidence

    is examined closely, we find it is a study of two people that lasted three days. lf published, it was

    done in a journal or magazine unrecognized by the scientific community at large. Proper studies

    should be of an adequate sampling of people, done long enough for the data to be relevant, closely

    controlled, and presented at a recognized scientific meeting or published in an authoritative

    scientific journal.


    Because they carry such weight, scientific and medical journals have an enormous

    responsibility. Every article must be as accurate as modern science allows. The methods used inclinical studies and statistical analysis of the results must be state-ofthe-art. Peoples lives and

    the future of nutrition and medical science depend on it.

    Accuracy is assured by an involved process known as peer review Peer review distinguishes

    a professional scientific journal from other publications. It means experts (peers) on the subject in

    question review all submitted material. A journal that uses peer review to scrutinize potential

    articles is called a refereed journal. Most refereed journals are listed in the Index Medicus,

    published by the National Library of Medicine. .
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    Most journals have substantial resources to help sift out the bad and choose from the best

    and most important manuscripts submitted to them. Their consultant files hold the names of top

    experts in numerous scientific disciplines to help guide them in manuscript review and selection.

    These peer review consultants are extremely qualified in their given fields. For example, a

    referee for a nutrition article would have to be a member of the American Society for Clinical

    Nutrition and be recognized as an expert in nutrition research. Each consultant must also have a

    record of achievement that indicates he or she is proficient in evaluating research done by others.

    4.4 HOW IT WORKS

    This is the basic flow (see Figure 2)

    Figure 2

    I do some research, write up the study and send it to the journal. The in-house editors are

    all members of my profession (this is often called the refereed step) and they may reject it at this

    step. lf they think it is a good article, it will be sent to peer review. if it makes it by this step and is

    accepted for publication, my study faces another formidable test. Anyone in my field should be able

    to duplicate my study and get the same results. Some professionals who do not like to do original

    research delight in taking apart the research of others. This gets them mentioned in a peer

    reviewed journal. Finally there is general acceptance.


    To show how difficult it is to get an article published, lets use the Journal of the AmericanMedical Association (JAMA) as an example.
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    In one year JAMA received 3,446 manuscripts for consideration, according to a recent JAMA

    editorial on its peer review process.

    The manuscripts were divided into 27 categories and sent to one of the journals in-house

    editors. Fifty-four percent of the manuscripts were rejected at that level. The remaining 46 percent

    were sent for outside peer review. Most were screened by two reviewers, some by four or more

    before a decision was made. Ultimately only 18 percent of the submitted manuscripts were

    accepted for publication. This work involved a total of 1,575 peer reviewers from JAMAspanel of


    Also remember, after the article is published, it is then open to the criticism of the entire

    scientific community.

    Every refereed journal uses similar procedures to screen manuscripts. To have an article

    make it into print in one of these journals is a tremendous honour for the authors.

    Now read this carefully. The Shaklee Corporation is the ONLY nutritional company with

    which I am familiar that consistently has articles by its scientific staff (concerning the actual

    products being sold) accepted for publication by these prestigious refereed journals. As we

    mentioned earlier, in the last 10 years alone more than 60 research abstracts and articles have

    been published in major scientific journals throughout the world. Over $100 million dollars have

    been spent proving basically one thing: the products get absorbed quite well.

    This valid research accepted for publication in prestigious scientific journals is the main

    reason I endorse the nutritional products of the Shaklee Corporation. Shaklee has brought

    supplementation into the realm of verifiable responsible science.

    The last pages of this book contain a sample listing of some of the published articles and



    That is, I admit, a strange heading, but when I type "idiot" on my computer I get what I call

    the "idiot letter."

    You see, I used to argue with companies about how their products were made, who made

    them, natural vs synthetic, preservatives, colours, useless non-nutrient elements in the product and

    so on. These arguments could take months in the mail. Now I dont argue; I justsend the "idiot"

    letter and wait for the reply I have sent many many letters, but never have I received any valid


    Here is what I write.


    Dear Sirs,
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    I am extremely interested in (name of product). I have just one request. Please send me a

    complete bibliography of all of your research that has been accepted for publication in refereed or

    peer reviewed professional journals. This should be published research done by scientists employed

    by you or those on your advisory board concerning work on the actual products you are selling.


    (Your name)

    You see, how it is processed . . . hot, cold, water, extract, or whatever makes no difference

    at all if they have no proof that the product gets into your system for utilization. You could make

    the finest nutritionally-loaded tablet the world has ever seen, but if you coat it with "all natural"

    shellac, it will never disintegrate nor be absorbed.


    I began all of this discussion by saying there are six reasons I endorse Shaklee products.

    i) The products are in harmony with nature.ii) The products are created by nature and perfected by science.iii) They disintegrate in adequate time for absorption.iv) The excellence of the Shaklee Corporation is widely recognizedv) Absorption is Shaklees studies have been accepted for publication in noted scientific journals.

    Through the course of this book I have attempted to explain these reasons as clearly as possible.

    4.8 WHERE TO NOW?

    Up to this point we have discussed the profile of a quality product and the importance of

    tablet disintegration. We have also looked at the tremendous Shaklee difference: having their

    research accepted for publication in recognized scientific journals. Now lets take alook at product

    development and testing.


    5.1 Development

    The worst situation is the one most common: a multilevel company started by "Joe Blow"

    who orders his products from some vitamin factory that produces for 40 or 50 other "Joe Blows."

    There is no control by Joes "fast-sell, money-generating, ground-floor, Opportunity Company.You

    really take a risk dealing with a company selling a nutrition product when they do not have hands-

    on control over quality, disintegration times, testing and such.

    There are many other problems in the nutrition market. Some of the big areas of concern

    have to do with "secret formulas, magical herbs, and special computer studies." Many companies
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    make some extravagant claims in their literature. One company, still on the market, claimed they

    had secret knowledge of herbs long used but only recently rediscovered by their founder. Another

    company which as of this date has filed for bankruptcy, claimed it had access by computer to all the

    nutrition knowledge in the world. Further, it had distilled all that knowledge down to a few solid

    facts, and these facts, were presented in their products.

    Lets examine the proof of these claims. The first company producing the herb compounds

    pointed to evidence of curing power in Oriental literature. This literature does support their claims,

    but there is a glaring problem. The Oriental herbs mentioned in the literature were used in

    concentrations hundreds of times more potent than those suggested by the company.

    The other company which used the computer data said they planned to publish research as

    their consumers used the products and reports came in. ln other words, if you took their product,

    you would be the guinea pig!


    There are three basic steps in product development and scientific research. They are in order of

    usage: literature, laboratory, and clinical (or human) studies. These three are the classic steps in all

    scientific proof. They are the entire basis of scientific honesty and credibility. Follow now as we go

    through each step as a way of introduction. Then we will develop an actual product following the



    This is the logical beginning of all valid research. We need to find out what has already been

    done in the field of our particular interest.

    A study of this sort would include a thorough investigation of books, journals, transcripts

    from meetings and a review of computer data bases. In many instances personal conversations

    with leading scientists in our particular field may be beneficial. This could provide us with data not

    even as yet published. This search would also include information from conferences both national

    and international.

    If we are doing this research to bring out a new food supplement, some questions of the

    literature will be: What-does this nutrient do for our health orwell-being? Is there a need for this

    supplement at this time? Has this supplement been produced before and how was it done? All of

    the biochemistry, physiology, and interaction with other nutrients need to be ascertained.

    With some of these answers in hand, we then move to the laboratory for "test tube" studies.


    In laboratory studies we begin to develop and handle the actual product. Various methods

    of concentrating the nutrients from a number of raw materials are tested. We are looking for the

    ideal raw materials. Some of the possible problems for which we must test the product seldom
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    occur to most of us. For instance, suppose we want to put the material in a gelatin capsule. One

    very important consideration is whether or not the nutrient we are developing will dissolve the

    capsule! That could be rather embarrassing. As the final answers come in during the laboratory

    phase, a mini-production line is set up to determine if problems exist from the raw material to

    bottled nutrient.

    Most companies do some research in step one, literature review and many stop right there.

    Some do a little laboratory research, but as a rule they lack the sophisticated equipment and

    technology to do laboratory research justice.

    The next step is most vital; it is the cutting edge in good quality research.


    Does this companys product get absorbed by the human body and can you prove that? You see, if

    we have proof of absorption then the disintegration question is answered. It must disintegrate to

    be absorbed. An even deeper question is this: Can you prove these facts before an often doubting

    scientific community? I know of only one company that consistently performs valid, honest,

    complete clinical (human) testing. That company is the Shaklee Corporation. In a few pages clinical

    testing will be covered in more detail. It is the most important consideration in choosing a food



    Now that we have outlined the basics of research, lets take one of Shaklees products fromidea to finished product. This will give you an idea of the excellence of Shaklee research, product

    development and production. For our example letstake Shaklees Beta Carotenesupplement. We

    will go as nearly as possible in a step-by-step fashion.


    Beta carotene began to appear in the news regularly as more and more reports were issued

    suggesting it might have some benefit in preventing certain health problems. So, first they had to

    search the literature thoroughly for the studies regarding beta carotene and problems thought to

    be caused due to low levels of this particular antioxidant nutrient. They had to be absolutely sure

    the evidence in the literature supported the claims. As they examined study after study, the

    epidemiological evidence became very clear that a real relationship existed between low beta

    carotene levels and the development of some forms of cancers, heart disease and possibly other

    chronic degenerative diseases.

    The next step was to determine if there was a need for beta carotene in America today. The

    question to answer was this: "Do Americans get enough beta carotene from their usual diets, or is

    there possibly a need for a beta carotene supplement?"
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    Shaklee selected two groups of test subjects. Both groups were placed on a low-carotene

    diet until their carotene blood levels began to drop. Then one- group was given carrots and the

    other group Shaklee Beta Carotene. Much to the scientists amazement, Shaklee beta carotene

    raised blood levels better than the carrots. Now the product was ready for the market. So far as I

    know, Shaklee has the only clinically tested beta carotene on the market today. This study was so

    well done that it was selected for presentation in a prestigious or scientific publication.1

    1 C. D. Jensen, T.S. Patterson, G. A. Spiller, J. HTWhittam and J. Scala, "Repletion and Depletion of Serum

    Alpha A and Beta Crotene in Humans With Carrots and an Algae-derived Supplement? Acta Vitaminologica et


    Please bear in mind that no curative or prevention claim is made concerning Shaklee Beta

    Carotene in this study. The clinical proof presented is that the beta carotene actually gets into the

    blood and in good concentration; It is obvious that if it gets into the blood-stream, then it will do

    whatever beta carotene is supposed to do in the body That is why published proof of absorption is

    so vitally important.


    Do you remember our discussion on this key area? Drugs must be proven to work before

    they are released on the market, not so with food supplements which also come in capsules and

    tablets. Nutrients are foods, not drugs. However, by law if the nutrient is on the label, it should be

    in the capsule or tablet, but NO law says it must be absorbed or utilized by your body at all!

    The Shaklee Corporation is the only company I know of to do clinical testing consistently on

    their products to prove absorption. Further, it is the 0nb company I know of to have the results of

    these studies accepted and published in recognized-scientific journals.


    Shaklee excels in science which is why I endorse that company. Without the science I would Shaklee

    with such confidence.

    The Forrest C. Shaklee Research Center in Hayward, California, has been conducting

    research and developing superior products since it opened in1971. This is a very large facility with

    over 52,600 square feet of research laboratories.

    There is a staff of over 60 specialists including nutritionists, biochemists, dietitians, food

    scientists, microbiologists, engineers, chemists, packaging engineers, technicians, and research


    Their instrumentation surpasses that of many major university nutrition research

    laboratories. Consider some of this advanced instrumentation: scanning electron microscope,atomic absorption spectrophotometer, high performance liquid chromatograph, and automated
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    analytical instruments to measure multiple samples simultaneously. We have mentioned the

    prestigious Scientific Advisory Board. These nationally recognized physicians and scientists provide

    unsurpassed expertise in product development and design. In addition, new nutrition product

    concepts are evaluated by independent research scientists from such well known institutions as

    Scripps Clinic, the University of California at San Diego, Yale University, Stanford University, andof Texas. Then, independent clinical studies on products are conducted by leading universities,

    including Harvard University, the Francisco, and The University of Texas.

    In the last 10 years alone more than 60 solid research abstracts and articles have been

    published in major scientific journals throughout the world. To date, the Shaklee Corporation has

    spent over $100 million basically proving one thing, the products get absorbed into the


    5.9 MOVING ON

    We have looked at the remarkable science and technology in Shaklee; now lets look at their

    involvement in other activities. These include the environment, world class events, the Scientific

    Advisory Board and much more.



    Because they are en widely recognized for their participation in on-going research and for

    the superiority of their products, they are often called upon for consultation in world-class events.

    Consider the following:

    6.1.1 THE U.S. SRI TEAM

    In 1981 the U.S. Ski Team (from this team Olympic skiers are chosen to represent the

    United States) asked Shaklee to become their nutritional consultant. Shaklee developed a diet and

    controlled plan of supplementation that helped these champions do their best in Olympic

    competition. Did it work? In 1984 the team won more medals than any other country!

    Debbie Armstrong won the gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. Here are her comments on the

    role Shaklee played in that Olympiad: "After I won the gold, I realized what an important part

    Shaklee had played in it all. And it wasnt just me. Shaklee had been advising the whole team on

    nutrition, and 84 was our best Olympics ever.


    In addition to being the Official Nutrition Consultation to the U.S. Ski Team for eight years,

    Shaklee works with other U.S. Federate Teams and athletes.
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    During the past decade, here are examples of teams and individuals that have relied on

    Shaklee nutrition to help them attain athletic excellence:

    United States Biathlon Team United States Womens Volleyball Team United States Luge Team United States Yachting Team Scott Johnson/ Gold Medal Gymnastics Rick Schroeder/ Gold Medal Swimming

    Shaklee nutritionists often work hand-in-hand with these elite athletes to help them achieve

    their peak performance.


    ln nine days, three minutes, and 44 seconds, aviation history was made. Dick Rutan and

    Jeana Yeager completed a remarkable 25,000 mile flightcircling the globe without landing or re-

    fuelling. The Voyager crew chose Shaklee as their Official Nutrition Consultant. Shaklee products

    gave the Voyager pilots the top-flight nutrition they needed to meet the physically demanding

    challenge of circling the earth nonstop.

    6.1.4 MT. EVEREST

    Shaklee was chosen as Nutrition Consultant for four Mount Everest expeditions. Their

    nutrition plans and products made it possible for a group of climbers to reach the top without theusual devastating weight loss; one climber even gained weight? American climbers reached the

    summit while maintaining their weight, strength, and energy, something never before achieved.

    One climb included the first American to reach the top without the use of supplemental oxygen.

    Harold Knutson, a member of the American Everest West Expedition, made these comments:

    "Everest is the lodestone in high-altitude climbing, the ultimate height. When l knew l was going on

    this expedition, l asked Shaklee about some nutrition problems. Shaklee was doing some analysis

    on high-altitude weight loss, a serious problem for Everest expeditions? The advice given by

    Shaklee obviously did the trick.

    6.1.5 POLE TO POLE

    Will Steger led the Steger International Polar Expedition into 55 days of temperatures at 60

    degrees below zero. This extreme Arctic cold, coupled with unusual exertion places enormous

    physical demands on the members of the Polar Expedition. Thats why Will Steger asked Shaklee to

    be the Official Nutrition Consultant for the team. Together, Steger and Shaklee nutritionists

    developed a diet beyond traditional explorers staples, including Vita-Lea Multivitamin and Multi-

    mineral Supplement to provide a solid nutritional base. Shaklee products are created to meet

    dietary challenges-both extraordinary and every day.
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    I call this pole to pole because besides being the first crossing of Antarctica (South Pole) by

    dog sled, Steger also lead the first American team since Admiral Peary to reach the North Pole by

    dog sled. This was unassisted, with no airdrops! In 1995, Will Steger led a 2,500 mile dog sled and

    canoe expedition across the frozen Arctic from Russia to Canada via the North Pole. In addition to

    relying on Shaklee products as part of their life-sustaining supplies, Shaklee provided nutritionalconsultation and research to help the explorers create the perfect Arctic diet. This unusual

    expedition was featured on the "Good Morning America" TV program.

    6.1.6 TEAM SHAKLEE

    This bicycle racing team has developed over the past few years into a formidable racing

    powerhouse and one of the top mens and womens cycling teams in America. Among the 10 men

    and five women, there are six current national champions, seven medalists in the 1993 National

    Championships, seven 1993 World Championship qualifiers and one 1993 World Champion.

    Consider these accomplishments:

    500+ Race Victories 30+ National Championships Two 1995 Pan Am Games Gold Medals Tour DuPont Stage Winner World Records Four 1992 Olympic Team MembersThe team credits hard training, determination, and Shaklee nutrition for giving them the

    winning edge. They are an on-going, rolling sports laboratory for testing Shaklee sports, nutrition



    This set the world record for human-powered flight. A man pushed bicycle-type pedals to

    keep a propeller going and the plane aloft for 72 miles between the Greek Islands of Crete and

    Santorini. This was truly an amazing feat of human endurance. The physical exertion was equal to

    running three marathons back-to-back. The Daedalus Project was designed and run by United

    Technologies Corp., Shaklee Corporation, NHT NASA, The Smithsonian Institution and several

    agencies of the Greek government. Shaklees job was to produce a drink that could supply

    replacement for loss of fluid, energy and electrolytes. Shaklee worked with selected world class

    athletes as they trained and developed the drink. The chosen pilot was carefully monitored during

    the flight.

    Here are the results: He drank nearly four quarts of Performance, his blood glucose was

    constant, he never felt significant fatigue, his electrolytes remained in a normal range and his

    weight loss was minimal showing he was well hydrated. The pilots only source of fluid, electrolytes

    and energy replacement was Performance-by the Shaklee Corporation. A lot of companies make
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    claims, some hire sports figures to tout their products and some give free products to teams to get

    their name on the water can. The Shaklee difference is that they prove their products work.


    I mentioned earlier that many nutrition companies farm out their production to outside vitaminand mineral factories. ln so doing they lose control of the day-to-day operations of manufacturing.

    Shaklee does not do that by any stretch of the imagination. Shaklee owns and operates the largest

    and most advanced nutritional supplement manufacturing facility in the world. The 300,000 square

    foot Norman, Oklahoma, Plant is a model for the industry. The plant cost $45 million to develop

    and build.

    It takes over 145 employees, including skilled chemists, biologists, engineers and technicians,

    to produce nutritional products that meet exacting Shaklee standards.

    The company is committed to unique products in harmony with nature. They use no

    artificial colours, preservatives, sweeteners or flavours. This is important in our over chemicalized

    society. They also conduct no animal testing.

    Quality is most important when it comes to our health. As many as 63,000 laboratory tests

    for quality are performed on Shaklee nutritional products and ingredients in a single year. Shaklee

    has a unique, computerized quality control system. Over 260 separate quality tests are done on a

    single Shaklee product. Even the raw materials are carefully tested. Over 175 tests are done on the

    quality of some raw materials. As opposed to some companies who "farm out" their production to

    another manufacturer, the Shaklee scientific team watches over the quality of every nutritional

    product every day.


    Shaklee is extremely committed to preserving our environment and has been recognized for

    its effort. In 1990 Shaklee received Family Circle magazines award as one of the nations10 most

    environmentally conscious companies. I think its amazing that Shaklee was chosen as one of the 10

    out of the tens of thousands of corporations in America.

    Only seven corporations were named as Official Sponsors of the 20th Anniversary of Earth

    Day in 1990. Shaklee was one of the seven to be selected.

    Shaklee is involved in an on-going partnership with the Costeau Society to educate young

    people about the environment. Shaklee Household Products are used on the Cousteau Societys

    environmental research ships, Calypso and Alcyon.

    And finally, Shaklees Environmental Packaging Task Force continually reviews all new

    packaging materials for environmental impact. Some companies talk about how they are helping

    the environment, but the Shaklee Corporation has been recognized by independent outside

    evaluators for its contributions to environmental concerns.
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    September 24, 1981, was the unofficial start of the Shaklee Scientific Advisory Board. This

    was an extremely important day in the history of Shaklee Corporation. They had just begun their

    role as Official Nutrition Consultant to the United States Team. And on this day they inaugurated

    their first scientific symposium, "Nutritional Determinants in Athletic Performance," a two-day

    event co-sponsored with Stanford University Heart Disease Prevention Program and the American

    College of Sports Medicine. It was a very productive two days, and the published book of

    symposium proceedings has since become a reference source for medical journals such as The

    Physician and Sports Medicine. The relationship developed between Shaklee Corporation and the

    prominent scientists who attended the symposium became an on-going relationship. In 1982

    several members of the group helped design and formulate Shaklee Slim Plan Drink Mix. Then in

    1983, it was suggested that these scientific advisors who had been meeting with Shaklee on an

    informal basis organize themselves into Shaklees Scientific Advisory Board. Since that t ime theBoard has met regularly to fulfil its objectives. In addition, each member continues to work with

    Shaklee on an individual basis in his specific area of expertise. This nationally recognized group of

    physicians and scientists provides unsurpassed expertise in nutrition, biochemistry, cardiovascular

    health, biomechanics, and sports medicine.

    A Scientific Advisory Board of this calibre and expertise is most unique among the food

    supplement companies. These scientists do not merely offer their names, credentials, and pictures.

    This is a hard-working group whose impressive knowledge and experience benefit you directly in

    the form of peerless products and programs. Here is just a sampling of the members: Paul Saltman,

    Ph.D., Professor of Biology, University of California, San Diego; William Haskell, Ph.D., Professor of

    Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Stanford University School of Medicine; Myron Winick, M.D.,

    Professor of Nutrition, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Charles Dillman,

    Ph.D., Deputy Executive Director of Programs, U.S. Olympic Committee; Peter Sacks, M.D., Director,

    Bariatric Program of the Division of General Internal Medicine, Scripps Clinical Medical Group, Inc.;

    Julian Spallholz,. Ph.D, Professor, Texas Tech University argl Texas Tech University Health Sciences

    Center; James Whittam, Ph.D. Senior Vice-President, Science and Technology, Shaklee Corporation.

    The other members are of equal scientific calibre to those listed here. This Board is a truly

    remarkable assembly of nutritional knowledge.


    I trust that by now that you have come to the same conclusions I reached when searching

    for the best nutritional products company on the market. Shaklee is indisputably the most

    outstanding company in the nutrition field in America today. Their research and consistent

    publication are unparalleled in the industry.

    I feel confident in recommending Shaklee to my patients and friends without any

    reservations, and I hope from reading this book you feel the same way.