Download - Developing a social media policy presentation

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Miriam Brosseau

Associate Director of Network


The Jewish Education Project and

Darim Online/See3

Developing a Social Media Policy

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Our Goals for Today

• To introduce the concept and importance of

a social media policy for your school

• To provide a framework and tangible

takeaways for hosting this conversation in

your school

Note: While we will explore important issues,

this is NOT the time to decide on particular

policies for your setting.

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Social Organizations

[It doesn't work to] “Just take our organization

and add some Internet."

-Clay Shirky

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Strategy vs. Policy

How to Get There


How to Be on the Way

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The Value of a Social Media Policy



...and iterate with the seasons

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Elements of the Policy Workbook

• What does a SMP

mean to you?

• Organizational

Values in SM

• SM Roles

• What Should You

Say Online

• Monitoring Policy

• Responding to

Negative Comments

• Responding to



• Privacy and


• Copyright and


• Personal and


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Gathering Your Team

Whose voices should be represented?

How? At what point in the process?

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Existing Policies & Permissions

How can/should they be integrated?

What are your existing policies?

Where is the overlap?

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Voice, Vision, and Values Online

Your policy can be more than a list

of "Thou shalt nots..."

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Translating Values Online

Value How can we embody this value online?



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Translating Values Online

Value How can we embody this value online?



• Asking questions (demonstrating our own


• Showing the students' journeys of Jewish

discovery through pictures, videos, quotes, etc.

• Talking about the value of curiosity and discovery

in education

• Sharing photos and asking friends/followers to

"find" things in them (encouraging others to be

curious and discover)

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Pause...Before You Post

• What three

questions should

you ask yourself

before posting?

• How can your

values, mission,

vision, or voice

guide those


Put a pause between

your fingers and the


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Responding - The Good, Bad, & Ugly

What are the implications for different kinds of

responses, no response, deleting, reporting?

How would this comment affect the community?

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Inside & Out: Community Guidelines

Define the boundaries

of your sandbox...

What are the expectations for

"playing" in your space?

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How much of the chatter will you

actively listen to?

Where is your



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Personal and/or Professional


• Personal posts

• Personal time

• Personal spaces

• Professional posts

• Professional time

• Professional (official)


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Next Steps

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Thank You!

Questions? Comments? Kvetches?

Keep in touch!

[email protected]
