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DESIGN INVESTIGATIONMotion Graphics is one of the oldest art forms in exsistence, even from the earliest of civilisations, man has wanted to capture and distill movement in pictorial form. With Advent of an increasingly interactive

society, where everyone is used to being in control of the media they consume, it is only natural for art forms such as motion graphics too take on similar qualitys.For this brief i decided to investigate a sub genre of motion graphics, that of interactive motion design, which once more the realm of conceptual video art, is now becoming more accepted as a profitable form of commercial design. The idea of adding interaction too an animation is not a new idea - As Winsor Mccay had first attempted this with his pioneering animation work in the eary 1900’s, creating animations that appeared to react to his actions, although this was all part of a carefully planned vaudvillien act - however it has only been since the advent of modern computing that the concept has really taken off. Due to fresh nature of the genre its boundarys are yet to be defined, thus different practitioners are approaching it with very different styles.During this project i intend to find out how the convergence of motion graphics with interaction design i affecting what motion graphics is and can be.

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INTIAL RESEARCH- who are the main practitioners in this field?- what defines it from traditional motion graphics?- how has it changed the way the discipline is practised?

Key points:

These are the main questions i will be answering over the course of my investigation, which shuold help structure the conclusion of my invetigation. There will be four main practitioners that i will be investigating are:

-Champagne Valentine: Comprising of Geoffrey Lillemon and Anita Fontaine, the Amsterdam based duo are the most commercially minded of the designers i’m investigateing, with of lot of their work used promotionally for fashion brands.-Vincent Morisset: French canadian pal of Arcade Fire and pioneering ‘web-friendly video director’, Vincent supposedly has the claim of being the creator of the first interactive music video. Vincent’s main focus is on how to incorporate cinematic language into interaction design.-Radical Friend: With work ranging from interactive web-based music video’s too full blown installition’s there work is wide ranging and eclectic.-Gabriel Barcia-Colombo: The least commercial of the people i’m investigating, this installition artist blends the physical with digital to create unique video experiences.

- “Feel the ones and Zero’s” Geoff Lillemon: One of the main the advantages for interactive motion graphics is its ability to draw in the a viewer into the experience, creating a more holistic sensory experience.- Vincent Morriset suggests that medium need’s to move away from a game asthetic and embrace its cinematic routes, which could make for a more involving experience- Vincent also suggest’s that latching on to the next big technology is prehaps not the way to push the medium forward and instead taking the time to learn the exsisting “languages” could be more beneficial

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DESIGN INVESTIGATIONFor the final artifact i was left with the daunting task of having to create a interactive video piece, not something i’m particularly familiar with. In the end i decided to go back to a piece of code i had been working

on earlier in the year, that pulls in tweets form twitter that have a certain hash tag attached to them. Unfortunately i didn’t manage to take it much further, due to certain processing lbraries failling to work on my windows laptop. These technical difficulteys hindered the artifact greatly, the orginal idea of which was to make a mood baromenter, which would reflect the mood of twitter. If people wanted to interact tey simply had to send a tweet with a sad or happy hashtag attached. While i was able to make th idea for the piece forward and backwards based on wether the sad or happy tweets were greater in number, lack of control with the video libraries i was using with processing meant i was unable to take it any further.