Design Portfolio

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life changing nutritionlife

changing nutrition


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Photoshopphoto restoration

book cover

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[email protected]

dorrine mendozadesign. social media. journalism. @assignmentdesk1

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Website where users create and customize pro�les with photos, videos, and information about themselves. Friends can browse the pro�les and write messages on their "wall" or send private

messages. Privacy settings are determined by the user.

User name:Password: social networking


A business-oriented social networking site mainly used for professional networking. Users create pro�les

and make connections with other professionals to create networks.

User name:Password: social networking


Photo and video management and sharing website widely used by bloggers as a repository.

Users can also organize and comment on each other’s albums.

User name:Password: social networking


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Content: The web is richly layered with user-generated content. Your product or service has an online reputation and if you’re not managing it, competitors are. Since 80 percent of consumers research purchases online before visiting a store, wouldn’t it be beneficial to meet them there? Participating in relevant discussions through blogs and networks help you reach out and connect.

Context: What image currently exists on the web about your service, product or reputation? Are you able to provide context to manage that im-age? First help people find you, then give them a reason to connect.

Connections: People are natural community builders. Give them reasons to be interested in you and a way to connect. Having the right tools allows you to plan and manage these connections with potential for meaningful growth.

Community: Once the community takes shape, what role will you play in its growth? What does being an effective online leader take? AT&T created separate blogs, Twitter accounts and YouTube channels for its employees, customers and contributors. Anything is possible.

Basic Ingredients*

*from the free e-book, “Let’s Talk, Social Media for Small Business,” by John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing

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Reading the directions, or recipe, is the first step in any successful venture.

Following that up by combining the correct ingredients in strategic amounts, then

allowing it to take shape at the perfect temperature takes practice, patience

and occasionally, a little guidance. There may be exotic substitutions,

or a need for new equipment. That’s where a meeting with a

social media coach can be benefi-cial. We specialize in giving every

client the knowledge they need to get started with confidence. cake.

doesn’tgive you

Reading Social media 101

a recipe

[email protected]

twitter: @assignmentdesk1

dorrine mendozacontent designer

2171 haller streetsan diego, ca 92104

for more information, contact:

Lesson #1 forsweet success

dorrine [email protected]

619.339.4827twitter@assignmentdesk1 & linkedin

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[email protected]://



• NewsBrowse,AfterEffects,Illustrator• MACandPCplatforms• Skype,microwaveandsatellitelive


• Twitter,RSS,FacebookLinkedIn,Blogging,Podcasting

• CMSContentManagementSoftware• Digitalandanalogtransmission

PROFESSIONALEXPERIENCEKNSD,SanDiego,CA 2000‐2008NBCownedandoperatedstationreachingmorethanonemillionhouseholds.DMA27AssignmentManager(2005‐2008)Managedfiveassignmenteditors.Ledmorningmeetings,planneddailyandfuturecoverage.Assignedandresearchedstories.Technicalexpertiseinmicrowaveandsatelliteliveshotsandfeeds.Developedrelationshipswithpublicinformation,governmentandlawenforcementofficials.Hiredandtrainedstaff.

• Coordinatedstaffanddirectedcoverageformultipledailydeadlines.Implementedcreativeproblemresolutionwhenlackofresources,timeconstraintsormultiplelocationswereinvolved

• ImplementedTwitterintostationsocialmediaandmarketingplanresultinginsignificantincreaseduniquewebpagevisits

• AwardedmultipleOvationsforleadership,teamworkandgeneralexcellenceinexecutingcoveragefor2003and2007wildfires,AngelFire,LaJollalandslide,2008fatalsharkattackandothers.

• 2007BestNewscastEmmyforwildfirecoverage• Reducedemployeecomplaintsandincreasedemployeeparticipationofnewstation

softwareprogramsthroughtrainingandcoachingAssignmentEditor(2000–2005) • PromotedtoAssignmentDeskManagerin2005

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DorrineMendoza Page2619‐339‐4827THEDAILYCALIFORNIAN,ElCajon,CA1999‐2000DailynewspapercoveringEastSanDiegocounty.Regionalcirculation10,000Reporter

• Producedmultipledailynewsstoriesondeadline.Assignedcoverageof14schooldistricts,twomunicipalitiesandbreakingnews.

• Examinedcitybudgetsandagendasforstories.• Identifiedandresearchedimportantissues.• Pre‐emptedtheSanDiegoUnion‐TribuneonmanyEastSanDiegocountybeatstories.


• Increasedcirculationby3,000andadrevenuesby35percentbyredesigningtheweeklymagazine.

• Managedplanningandproductionofthenewspaper'sfirstsummerguide• Awarded1998APME(AssociatedPressManagingEditors)firstplaceawardsforfeaturewriting

andenterprisereporting.Non‐metrocategoryTHESANDIEGOUNION‐TRIBUNE,SanDiego,CA 1995‐1997300,000circulationdaily.10DMA.CopleyPress.NewsAssistantAdministrativeandsupportdutiesforstaffandmanagement.CompileddatafornewsroomprojectsandcoverageincludingHeaven'sGate,GOPNationalConventionandFormerPresidentClinton'sUCSDaddress.

• ReportedforNightandDay,FamilyTiesandMetrosections• Participatedinredesign,communityoutreachcommittees• Ledoutreachworkshopsforcommunityorganizations








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