Download - CVProf TJM · 2019-06-11 · CURRICULUM VITAE TEBOGO JOB MOKGORO Mokgoro is an Administrative Advisor, responsible mainly

Page 1: CVProf TJM · 2019-06-11 · CURRICULUM VITAE TEBOGO JOB MOKGORO Mokgoro is an Administrative Advisor, responsible mainly

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Mokgoro is an Administrative Advisor, responsible mainly for the School of Governance in the North West Provincial Administration, with an outstanding history of service in South Africa that closely aligns with fundamentals of a developmental state. With a Masters and Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration from the University of Toledo, Job served with the University of Bophuthatswana for 10 years, before becoming a senior lecturer at the University of the Western Cape. He has had short-term teaching assignments at the Universities of Fort Hare, Pretoria and Witwatersrand Since 1994, he has played a significant role in the transformation of South Africa. In January 1994 he moved to the Development Bank of Southern Africa, where he was the Associate Director of the Centre for Policy Analysis and Information. In April 1994 he became the first Director-General of the North West Province where he managed a R7 billion budget and was tasked with rationalising and integrating three government administrations into one North West Province. From the end of 1999 until January 2003, Job served as the Director-General of the South African Management Development Institute. Since then, until January 2006, he has been the Managing Member of Job Mokgoro Consulting where he has focused on issues of public policy, local government development, intergovernmental relations, and institutional transformation. Between 2016 and 2010, he served as MD of ECIAfrica, an international company, focusing on economic development, development finance and governance. Thereafter he reverted to Job Mokgoro Consulting. In 2014, Job was invited by the newly elected Premier of the North West to assist in the restructuring process, and establishment of a school of governance Job has published widely in the areas of public management, public policy, and public-sector transformation.


Administrative Advisor, North West Government ( June 2014- Managing Member, Job Mokgoro Consulting CC. (January 2010 –June 2014) Managing Director, ECIAfrica Consulting (Pty) Ltd. (February 2006 – January 2010)


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ECIAfrica is a multidisciplinary consulting practice providing technical services and economicdevelopment solutions to businesses, governments, resource managers, and communitiesthroughoutSouthandsouthernAfrica.AstheManagingDirector,JobwasresponsibleforensuringtheachievementofECIAfrica’sstrategicgrowthandbusinessobjectives.

Managing Member Job Mokgoro Consulting CC. (January 2003 – January 2006) Job performed both general management and technical assistance duties in his self-namedconsultingfirm.Relevantshort-termconsultanciesthatheundertookinclude:

North West Provincial Government, Office of the Premier Facilitated and advised on the merger of two directorates.

Wits, Public and Development Management Adjunct Visiting Professor ( 2008-

Teaching various courses to public management graduate students, as well as Members of Provincial Legislatures

Fort Hare University Adjunct Professor (August 2004 - February 2007)

Teaching Intergovernmental Relations in a Masters Programme

Intergovernmental Relations and Co-operative Governance Conference


Provided work session facilitation from a policy perspective.


1. Association of Vice Chancellors of Historically Disadvantaged Tertiary Institutions in South Africa (ASHADI) Conducting strategic planning and developing a business plan to reposition the organisation in the view of tertiary education mergers.

2. Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM) Facilitating Leadership Development for Senior Public Servants in the Common


3. Department for International Development (DFID) Nigeria

Review of reforms at State and Federal Government level of Nigeria.

4. Development Policy Management Forum (DPMF) Developing a strategic network for Management Development Institutes in Anglophone Africa.

5. European Union

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Feasibility study for financing Chapter 9 Institutions (Human Rights Commission, Gender Commission and the Public Protector)

6. Excellante International Facilitating workshops on Performance Management in Government and Talent Management.

7. Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Review of Powers and Functions of Local Government

8. LISHO Events Management Conducting a series of workshops on: Bridging the Gap between Policy Formulation and Policy Implementation.

9. Management College of South Africa (MANCOSA) Performance Management for Managers in Further Education and Training Colleges.

10. Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Reporting on the most recent restructuring of the Public Service; editing a booklet on structures of government; editing a report on Administrative Reforms.

11. The Presidency • Audit of compliance with people centred service delivery (Batho Pele) by

government departments.

• Facilitating War on Poverty Workshop

12. Gauteng Department of Transport Part of a team reviewing transformation of Public Works and Roads in Gauteng.

13. KwaZulu Natal Province

• Review existing policies within the department, ensure that they comply with legislation and develop policies that will support strategic objectives, outputs and overall strategic plan

• Advising on the establishment of an academy for staff development and training; advising, designing and delivering Leadership Development Programme for Heads of Departments. Assisted with policy development in the Department of Transport.

• Advising the Head of Strategic Planning and Monitoring

• Developing a Road Safety Strategy for the Province

14. North West Province

• Human Resource Development Strategy for the entire province.

• Coordinating Applied Policy Research

• Facilitating Provincial government Lekgotla

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• Facilitating the development of a Strategic Plan for the Department of Economic Development (North West Province)

15. Limpopo

• Developed a business plan for the Learning Academy

• Facilitated HoD strategic planning

• Facilitated Office of the Premier strategic planning

• Facilitated Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism strategy

• Facilitated the restructuring of the Department of Local Government and Housing

• Developed a Management and Leadership Development Programme, which was accredited by the University of Limpopo

16. Graduate Institute of Management Science (GIBS) • Participated in the needs analysis for a Leadership development Programme for

Gauteng Government

17. Eastern Cape Department of Transport

• Lead consultant in Departmental strategy review


• Facilitating strategic planning, 2011, 2012

19. TEBA Bank

• Research on access to income for clients of TEBA bank as part of the bank’s Corporate Social Investment.

20. Department for International Development (DFID) Nigeria/ Nigerian Government Review the current government reforms in Nigeria and design for a public service delivery programme for Nigeria. The consultancy covered a review of the existing studies on service delivery in Nigeria, an outline a map of service provision, conducting an audit of service delivery in Nigeria and producing a draft roadmap for future implementation.

21. Minister of Public Service and Administration

• Head of a task Team appointed to design a National School of Government

Director-General, South African Management Development Institute (November 1999 to January 2003)

The South African Management Development Institute (SAMDI) is a government instituteresponsible for the development ofmanagers in the public service. As the Director-General, Joboversawastaffcomplementof140people,andhewasresponsibleforprovidingleadershipintheprovisionoftraininganddevelopmentservicestonationalandprovincialdepartmentsonasupplyand demand basis. This involved interpretation of government’s policy and strategy on humanresource development, engaging with departments to determine their needs, andmarketing theservicesprovidedbySAMDI.

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Director-General, North West Provincial Government, (April 1994 to October 1999) Job was installed as Acting Director-General from April 1994 to January 1995, and was initiallyresponsibleforstabilisingaturbulentpoliticalenvironmentintheformerBophuthatswana(todayalargepartoftheNorthWestProvince).Subsequenttothis,Jobledtheprocessofrationalisingandintegratingthreeadministrationsfromformergeo-politicalentitiesintooneintegratedNorthWestProvincialgovernmentadministration. Thisprocessof integration involved the re-configurationofhuman resource, financial management, IT and procurement systems, in line with the newconstitutionaldispensationandwithgenerallyacceptedbestpractice.Aftertherationalisationwascomplete, Job leda civil service complementof 70000people. From thatpoint Job’s taskswereconsolidation, improvementand focusingon servicedelivery. Theprovincial administrationhadaannualbudgetofR7billionandcoveredageographicalareawithover3.5millioninhabitants,

AssociateDirector,DevelopmentBankof SouthernAfrica (DBSA),Centre forPolicyAnalysisandInformation,(January1994toMarch1994)

Conducted policy research and analysis on programmes implemented by the DBSA on behalf ofclientdepartments,especiallyatprovinciallevel,inordertomaximisesuccessfulimplementationoftheprogrammes.

Incidental Freelance Consulting (1992 – 1993) Technical Task Team Member, Commission on the Demarcation and Delimitation of Regions, (May - October 1993)

Conductedasocio-economicanalysis inorder toadvise theCommissionondemarcationanddelimitationofprovinces/regions. Theculminationof thisexercisewas theestablishmentofthenineSouthAfricanprovincesasweknowthemtoday.

Consultant, Lingelethu West City Council, Cape Town, (1993)


Consultant, World Bank (June/July 1992)

This entailed a determination of the state of local government with a specific focus on the financial implications of uplifting depressed municipalities. This exercise informed a new local government dispensation.

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Consultant, World Bank (1992)

Designed a course on Project Management for Local Government, in anticipation of the democratic change in South Africa, to prepare civil society activists who would be expected to take up management and political positions in the new local government system.

Consultant, Cape Town City Council, (1992)

Facilitated strategic planning work sessions for: Efficiency and Effectiveness in Local Government financing. The programme was designed to train senior management and sensitise them to the future financial arrangements in the new local government dispensation.

Part-time Lecturer, University of the Witwatersrand (P&DM) (2008; 2012-13) Teaching a Masters course on Approaches to Development

Facilitating la module on Policy, Politics and Powers for Members of Provincial Legislatures

Part-time Lecturer, University of Fort Hare (2005-2007)

Teaching Leadership and Intergovernmental Relations to Masters Students

Part-time Lecturer, University of Pretoria (2002) Teaching a leadership module based on the Cuban Missile Crisis to Doctoral students Senior Lecturer, University of the Western Cape, (1991 to 1993) Responsible for starting the School of Government – from inception to implementation. Thisinvolved conceptualising, researching, consulting stakeholders on the development of academicprogrammesandfundraising.Job’sresearchandteachingfocuswasonpublicpolicy,publicfinanceandpolicyreforms.

Lecturer & Academic Administrator, University of Bophuthatswana, (1981 to 1991) Teaching in the fields of public policy, public finance and policy reforms. Served as Head ofDepartment for one year. Prior to his lecturing responsibilities, Job was involved with theadministrationofacademicprogrammes,examinations,andadmissions.

Psychological Assessor, Bophelong Psychiatry Hospital, (1977 to 1981) Amemberofamulti-disciplinary team in theClinicalPsychologyUnit. Functionswere toconductinterviewsandapplypsychologicaltests.

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Research Officer, Chamber of Mines, (1975 to 1977) Researchfocussedontheimplicationsofmechanisationonhumanresourcesintheminingindustry.

Teacher, St Boniface High School, Kimberley, (1974 to 1975) Taughtbiology,mathematicsandphysicalscience.







§ Appointed Visiting Professor, Wits University, P& DM ,2008 § Appointed as Adjunct Professor at the Fort Hare Institute of Government, with effect

from 1 January 2004. § Appointed Honorary Professor: School of Public Management and Administration -

University of Pretoria, 2000. § Awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration from the University of

Toledo, 2000. § Appointed member: Advisory Council - Transformation of Sanlam, 2000-2001 § Appointed member: Advisory Council - Leadership Centre, University of Natal, 1999-

2001 § Appointed Professor Extraordinaire - Department of Political Studies, University of

Potchefstroom, 1998. § Appointed Chairperson: Advisory Council - Centre for Regional Development,

University of Potchefstroom, 1995-1998 § Pi Alpha (USA) National Honour Society for Public Affairs and Public Administration.

Qualified for membership after meeting very high eligibility requirements, 1989. § Pi Sigma Alpha member (USA): outstanding academic performance in Political

Science, 1986.

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Board Membership

§ Women Development Business (2000-2005) § VELA VKE Consulting Engineers (Pty Ltd (2004 to date) § Chairperson, University of Limpopo Council (2004-2008) § Non Executive Director, ECIAfrica (2010 -2013) § Non Executive Director and HR Committee member, SEDA (2011 –2013) § Strategy and Organizational Performance Committee member, SEDA § Non Executive Director, Questek (2011-2012) § Non Executive Director, Tshwane Housing Company ( 2012- 2014) § NonExecutive Director, Road Transport Infringement Agency (2014-

PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS Papers and Monographs § The Interaction between Officials and Politicians, 1986. § South African Public Administration beyond Apartheid, 1986. Unpublished terminal MPA

research paper, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA. § A Proposal for the Evaluation of the South African Education Programme, 1986. § Linking Policy, Planning and Budgeting, 1989. § The Post-Colonial African Bureaucracy, 1989. § Towards a More Efficient and Effective Sectoral and Spatial Investment Balance, 1989. § A Contextual Approach to the teaching of Public Administration in a Changing South

Africa, 1991. § Constitutional Alternatives in a Future South Africa and their Implications for

Management Autonomy in State Departments, 1992. § Redistribution through Regional Fiscal Equalisation, 1992. Logopop Conference, Cape

Town. § The Current Status of Local Government in South Africa, 1992. § Implementing Affirmative Action and Culture Change in the Public Service, 1992. § Policy Management in South Africa: a North West Provincial Perspective, 1997. § Transformation Developments and Research Needs in the North West. § Provincial Experiences in Managing National Policies on the Transformation of the Public

Service, 1998. § Leadership and Transformation in the Public Service, 2000. § Paradigm Shifts in Public Management Training and Development (with specific

reference to Leadership Development), 2000. § Organisation Development: The right approach to Value-adding Interventions, 2000. Publications § Financing Local Government in Bophuthatswana, 1991, Administration Publica, Volume

3 No. 2, pp 50 – 62.

§ Affirmative Action in Public Sector Employment, 1992, Affirmative Action in a new South Africa, Cape Town: Centre for Development Studies.

§ Community Perceptions of Public Administration, 1992, The Mount Grace Papers: The New Public Administration Initiative and the Mount Grace Consultation (Eds. McLennan, A and Fitzgerald, P).

§ Graff, J and Mokgoro, J “Homeland Bureaucracies: Training or Spoiling Grounds?” Die Suid Afrikaner, No. 4 Mei/ Junie 1993, pp 27-28.

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§ Mokgoro, J “Breaking up the Bantustans” Die Suid Afrikaner, Augustus/September 1993, pp 30 – 32.

§ Equity and Efficiency in the Public Service, 1993, Governability During the Transition, Doornfontein: Centre for Policy Studies (Ed. de Villiers, R).

§ Inter-Provincial Fiscal Equalisation: The Role of the Financial and Fiscal Commission, 1994, South Africa, The Challenge of Change, Harare: SAPES (Ed. Maphai, V).

§ Retirement Benefits of Administrators and Politicians, 1994, Governing the Provinces, Doornfontein: Centre for Policy Studies (Eds. Humphries, R and Rapoo, T).

§ Capacity for Governance and Development in South Africa, 1995, Public and Development Management, Belville: School of Public Management (Eds. Meyer, IH, Theron, F and van Rooyen, A).

§ Reincorporation of the TBVC States, 1995, Policies for Public Service Transformation, Cape Town: Juta (Eds. Cloete, F and Mokgoro, J).

§ Implementing Affirmative Action and Culture Change in the Public Service, 1996, Affirmative Action and Transformation, Durban: Indicator Press (Eds. Nzimande, B and Sikhosana, M).

§ Human Resource Development: Delegating the Human Resource Management Function: The case of the South African Public Service, 1996, Challenges in Change, Belville: School of Public Management (Eds. Burger et al).

§ Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: A North West Perspective, 1996, Restructuring the State and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in South Africa, Johannesburg: Friedrich/ Ebert/ Stiftung (Eds. Helmsing, B et al).

§ Centre/ Provincial Intergovernmental Relations in South Africa, 1996, Comparing Brazil and South Africa: Two Transitional States in Political and Economic Perspective, Johannesburg: CPS, FGD and Idesp (Eds. Friedman, S and de Villiers, R).

§ Fiscal Constraints of Human Development: A North West Perspective, 1997, Conflicting Challenges in Development, Pretoria: Development Society of Southern Africa (Eds. Styger, P et al).

§ The Public Service as Promoter and Sustainer of Democracy, 1997, SAIPA, Journal of Public Administration, Volume 3, No. 4, pp 241 – 247.

§ Sub-national Government in South Africa: From Apartheid to Democracy 2000. Applying Public Administration in Development: Guideposts to the Future. London: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (Ed. Collins, C).

§ “Provincial Experiences in Managing National Policies on the Transformation of the Public Service” Public Administration and Development, Volume 20, No. 2 May 2000, pp 141 – 153.

§ “Leadership Means Transformation in the Public services”: Productivity Magazine, February –March 2002 Edition, Page 29 – 32.

§ “Finding An Appropriate Management Approach for Basic Social Services,” Service Delivery Review, Edition 1, 2002, Pages 12 – 16.

§ “Changing The Focus of Public Servants,” Productivity Magazine, June – July 2002 Edition, Pages 25 – 26.

§ “ The role of Leadership in Organisational Responsiveness to Service Delivery” 2004 GMDP Leadership Journal, Vol 1, No 3, October 2004

§ “ Strategic Control of Basic social Services: the Role of Political Leadership” 2005 GMDP Leadership Journal, Vol 1, No 1, March, 2005