Download - Customer Feedback

Page 1: Customer Feedback

Name of Customer:




_______________________________ ______________________________

May we request you to spare few of your valuable moments for filling up following points to help KEPL serve you better :Please answer the question below by using these number values to rate your answer 1.= Very Poor / Strongly Disagree2 = Poor / Disagree3 = Average / Not sure4 = Good / Agree5 = Excellent / Strongly Agree

TOPIC 1 2 3 4 5

How was the enquiry attended

Was Quotation In order

Was Delivery On- Time

How were dispatch details communicatedWhether Goods were Received in sound formWas Quality of Goods Satisfactory

How was our response to your communicationHow would you rate your overall

Page 2: Customer Feedback


Any Comments or Suggestions : ____________________________________





Designation :