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  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    Considerations for planning and implementing FRT and PRT

    systems in carbon neutral environments

    D. Menichetti1

    and T. van Vuren2

    1Mott MacDonald, now with Union Railway, Makeen Tower (Ajman Bank Bldg.) -

    10th floor, Tourist Club Area, P.O. Box 989, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.; +971 (0)

    5044373412Mott MacDonald, Canterbury House, 85 Newhall Street; Birmingham, B3 1LZ,

    United Kingdom; +44 (0)121 2374004; email: [email protected]


    Masdar City in Abu Dhabi is currently under construction aiming to become the

    worlds most sustainable development embodying the ultimate vision of a carbon

    neutral urban environment. An important consideration in carbon-neutrality is the

    organisation and provision of a transport system that does not rely on the internal

    combustion engine, integrating active modes such as walking with electric transit

    modes that combine capacity and penetration requirements.

    Gaining from practical experience in Masdar City, the aim of this paper is to enhance

    the understanding of transport planning challenges of implementing Freight Rapid

    Transit (FRT) and Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) as key elements in an overall urbantransport system. Whereas current implementations have been short stretches of

    individual line, in Masdar City an integrated MRT, LRT and PRT/FRT system will

    aim to deliver a zero-carbon travel environment.

    Key considerations are the reliance on FRT/PRT (and not on private vehicles),

    system constraints, issues related to specific transport demand segments (e.g.

    disabled, children, etc.) and travel purposes, interactions with the environment

    surrounding the carbon neutral city, community characteristics, changes in behaviour

    involved, and challenges for goods movements and deliveries.

    We also discuss supporting measures for a successful FRT/PRT system, basically

    creating the right environment for such systems to operate, referring back to theircontribution to Masdar Citys aim of carbon neutrality.

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011



    Masdar City in Abu Dhabi (see Figure 1) is currently under construction aiming to

    become the worlds most sustainable development embodying the ultimate vision of

    a carbon neutral urban environment.

    Figure 1. Masdar City (source: Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar))

    A carbon neutral city is powered exclusively by renewable energy sources where

    emissions of greenhouse gases within the city should be reduced to zero. Fossil

    fuelled vehicles, typified by pipeline emissions, would not be employed within the

    carbon neutral perimeter where the streets are narrow by design, well shaded and

    dominated by pedestrians and cyclists.

    Delivering a well-functioning transport system in a built environment typified bythese constraints but also recognising and catering for the transport requirements of a

    modern city centre, challenges the transport planning discipline (see Figure 2)

    How to plan a system able to satisfy the requirements of movingpassengers, freight and waste without the use of private vehicles with the

    minimum impact on inhabitants well-being?

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    How to provide car-like travel (on-demand, private, continuous,seamless, highly accessible, door-to-door or almost) and freight

    deliveries, with equal flexibility, performance, comfort and level of


    Which transport system components would be suitable for suchapplication and how to integrate these with an external car-basedenvironment?

    Figure 2. The transport planning challenge

    As possible replacements for car and van-based services, there are expectations of

    Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) and Freight Rapid Transit (FRT). PRT is an

    innovative sustainable and green transport mode where passengers travel in small,

    fully automated and individually controlled vehicles (or pods). FRT systems use the

    same concept and basic infrastructure with vehicles adapted to transport freight. The

    features of this system make it attractive for existing cities (HAMMERSLEY J.,LOWSON M.andKOREN N.,2010)as a potential replacement of fossil fuelled cars and

    an excellent candidate for being integrated up-front as a key component in the

    transport system of a carbon neutral city.

    Gaining from practical experience in Masdar City, the aim of this paper is to enhance

    the understanding of transport planning challenges of implementing Personal Rapid

    Transit (PRT) and Freight Rapid Transit (FRT) as key elements in an overall urban

    transport system, with wider lessons to learn for any application.


    PRT is a safe, sustainable, green, innovative transport mode characterised by small,

    lightweight, driverless, automatically controlled vehicles (seating 2 to 6 passengers)

    operating between off-line stations in a network of interconnected, small, and

    exclusive guide-ways (see Figure 3).

    + =

    Peacefulnessof an old village

    All the activities of amodern city centre

    Carbon neutral

    21st century city


  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    Figure 3. The Masdar City PRT

    (Courtesy of 2getthere)

    Guide-ways can be elevated, at grade or in tunnels as long as they are safely

    segregated from other traffic and pedestrians. Flexible switching along the guide-

    ways allows PRT systems to operate as networks, rather than a collection of

    independent lines.

    The use of off-line stations (see Figure 4), permits a high throughput of vehicles

    allowing short waiting times in comfortable conditions.

    Figure 4. K-13 PRT Station at Masdar City

    (Courtesy of 2getthere)

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    The infrastructure has the advantage that both guide-ways and stations can be easily

    integrated with buildings reducing access/egress times and visual intrusion. From a

    service point of view, PRT offers the potential of a high frequency, 24/7, congestion

    free, on demand (taxi-like) service with direct origin-destination connections basedon a dense pattern of stations close to activities. In addition, PRT offers levels of

    privacy to the travellers that other public transport system cannot match.

    The concept of PRT is not new and its feasibility has been extensively studied since

    the 1970s. Despite its environmental sustainability and promising performance

    features, the financial and economic cases which have been made for individual

    implementations and the positive responses of interviewed passengers, PRT has

    never taken off. There are a number of reasons, among which the lack of adequate

    control software/hardware, the competition from and continued efficiency

    improvements in cars and traditional public transport modes, the reluctance of many

    decision makers to implement an untested system and the uncertainties around the

    social acceptance of a wholly new and unproven way of travelling.

    However, during 2010 progress has been made with the first examples of small PRT

    systems for public operation (excluding the Morgantown automated tram which

    opened in the 1970s and is still in operation) at Heathrow airport and at MIST 1A in

    Masdar City (which represents the first pilot PRT element aiming to set the scene for

    future extensions of the system to other phases of the city). Nevertheless, we still

    lack an application of PRT in public service within more complex urban contexts

    competing with alternative transport modes, so that the passenger responses to such a

    system are still largely unknown.


    Freight Rapid Transit (FRT) has the same infrastructure and system control

    characteristics of a PRT system but operates with vehicles modified to allow the

    transport of goods or waste (see Figure 5).

    As an example, the FRT vehicles in operation at MIST 1A at Masdar City are flatbed

    vehicles with a loading deck. The size of the deck is around 3860 mm x 1420 mm

    and when empty the loading surface is around 800 mm from the ground. The flatbed

    FRT vehiclesare capable of transporting pallets or containers, but not loose freight.

    The maximum (external) size of a container is of 3600 x 1400 x 2000 mm for an

    internal capacity of about 9.5 m


    ; the weight transport capacity of an FRT is 1500 kgwhich account for a payload of about 1200 kg assuming a weight of 300 kg for a

    steel container. Containers can be specialized for different types of freight and waste.

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    Figure 5. The Masdar FRT

    (Courtesy of 2getthere)


    To provide a valid alternative to private cars, a transit system should deliver a

    comparable quality of service and flexibility, ideally at lower costs (consideringownership and use). A system with the characteristics of PRT combined with the

    software and hardware technologies of today could theoretically achieve this goal

    making it an excellent candidate as a key component for the transport system of

    carbon neutral environments such as Masdar City:

    It is electric and non-polluting (if powered from renewable sources) It is more energyefficient than man-driven systems It is safer and requires less room than man-driven systems It requires less operational manpower than man-driven systems It is congestion free It is iconic and innovative It offers a better level of service than public transport It is more socially acceptable than public transport as a substitute for cars

    Adding the benefits of FRT, which provides a distribution platform that utilises the

    investment in PRT infrastructure, strengthens the case.

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011



    Because of the absence of a real life system in operation in an urban environment, we

    have no alternative but to develop a simulation approach to identify and design out

    any problems related to the reliance on PRT as a substitute for the private car beforeimplementation. This approach has been taken in Masdar City. Gaining from this

    experience, the following sections present a list of practical issues to bear in mind

    when planning and implementing PRT and FRT systems elsewhere.

    The list is not comprehensive but covers what we consider to be the most pressing

    issues and has the general aim to enhance the understanding and awareness of

    transport planning issues when designing PRT or FRT systems aiming to replace

    conventional fossil fuelled road vehicles for passenger and freight movements.

    5.1 Passenger experience and social acceptance

    Until a PRT system will be operating in an urban environment an important unknownfor the potential application is their acceptance by the public. PRT can be interpreted

    as a modern version of the taxi, offering the further advantage of not having to share

    the cabin with an unfamiliar driver, and the drawback that it does not always take

    you exactly to your destination but to a station which will be a certain distance away

    (although less so than for conventional transit systems). However, we would not

    expect PRT to be valued the same as a car there are many other aspects of owning

    and using a car that a PRT cannot emulate.

    Nevertheless, in an environment where there is no competition with private cars, like

    Masdar City, the PRT could make its role as a substitute more acceptable and it

    certainly would require (from a passengers perspective) fewer compromises than

    any other public transport or transit solution. As with any public transport system,

    specific local requirements (e.g. the social stratification and separation of the sexes in

    the UAE) may require adaptations of the system that are unnecessary in other regions

    such as Europe or USA, where most of the PRT studies have been undertaken in the

    past. These solutions are already adopted for taxis and can be transferred to PRT, for

    example different types of vehicles for different social classes, separate boarding

    berths at stations etc.

    It is important to remember that these solutions have the drawback of reducing the

    efficiency of the system (more vehicles, longer wait time, higher frequency of empty

    runs, larger stations etc.) so their advantages must be carefully weighted against the

    disadvantages. Asimulation approach will be able to support this.

    Stated preference surveys carried out in Europe (COOK C., 2004) and the USA by

    PRT vendors have shown, in general, very positive reactions from respondents to the

    PRT system. However, these surveys were always carried out on scenarios where

    PRT was providing a service from origin to destination with no transfers to other

    means of transport. In Masdar City an important consideration is that the PRT

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    system would be able to provide a point to point service only for trips wholly within

    the carbon neutral city while those trips with origins inside and destinations

    anywhere outside the City, for example in Abu Dhabi (or vice versa), would require

    at least a transfer from PRT to a mass transit system or to private cars.

    The transfer disutility, although acceptable for commuting, may be more of a

    problem for typical off peak trip purposes such as shopping or in specific situations,

    such as for example:

    When taking the family out (eg. transferring children from a vehicle toanother, etc.)

    For education trips (eg. for children living in Masdar City and studyingoutside, as compared to a school bus)

    For specific transport demand segments (e.g. disabled, elderly people, etc.) bywhom transferring is perceived as a greater obstacle

    We can conceive a situation where people may be willing to abandon the car forinternal trips where the PRT offers a car-like service but might continue to strive for

    car ownership and use for trips with destinations outside the city.

    Other important factors which could jeopardise the PRT passenger experience and its

    social acceptance include:

    The average and maximum walking distances from PRT stations Added delays because of stairs or elevators when the PRT operates on

    elevated tracks or in tunnels

    Levels of crowding at stations General station comfort Ease of use and reliability

    5.2 Reliance on PRT and FRT

    The implementation of PRT and FRT systems as a key component in an urban

    environment is a world first. This exposes the system as a whole to risk, especially in

    the early implementation stages. The reliance on PRT carries risk for a number of

    reasons including, but not to be limited to:

    Capacity might not be adequate PRT vehicles can break down, affecting reliability

    Communication between vehicles and system control may fail Battery operated vehicles may not be able to cope with extended peak hour


    An early accident or failure may cause over reaction and even potentialclosure of the system

    The system is not socially accepted and therefore underused Liability and insurance issues

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    In a city, where the transport system heavily relies on PRT, the consequences could

    be potentially disastrous and it is of paramount importance to carefully mitigate each

    of the risks.

    Finally, PRT, even as a system, does not operate in isolation. Its success depends on

    a successful implementation and integration with other elements of the transport

    system. In Masdar City, for example, this means the external public transport

    infrastructure (Metro and LRT) and the external car parks. It is desirable to plan the

    development so that its full reliance on PRT is gradual, and able to cope with any

    delay in the delivery of the transport infrastructure outside the city.

    5.3 PRT capacity vs demand

    PRT is not a high capacity means of transport. Simulations demonstrate that it

    performs best when trips are distributed over time and space. It is less suitable for

    asymmetric and peak demand, traffic concentrated in corridors and remotely locatedstations. For travel demand with these characteristics, conventional mass transit

    systems (e.g. bus, LRT and automated people movers) would offer a better

    performance. The systems are complementary.

    It is of great importance to understand and evaluate the capacity limits against the

    demand patterns during the evaluation and planning phases. However, PRT capacity

    analysis is not as simple as for conventional public transport as it depends on many

    interacting parameters, such as line-speed, line-frequency, vehicle protection

    systems, station layouts, station operation, boarding behaviour, safety rules and

    empty vehicle management (SCHWEIZER J.,DANESI A.,MANTECCHINI L., TRAVERSI

    E.andCAPRARA A.,2010). As a result, the total PRT system capacity cannot be

    determined by an individual analysis of each element but only when the system is

    comprehensively assessed as a whole (e.g. the capacity of linear infrastructure

    elements depends on the capacity of stations and can only be increased to certain

    limits dictated by the maximum station throughputs, etc.).

    Emerging PRT microsimulators can provide a robust assessment of capacity but they

    are time and resource intensive which is prohibitive during early evaluation or

    planning phases. However, recent advances in static tools for preliminary design

    have lighter implementation (data) requirements and can be used to provide

    preliminary and quick vehicle patronage and system and performance predictions


    Nevertheless, any assessment of capacity cannot be considered comprehensive

    without an evaluation against demand. The determination of overall travel demand,

    its characteristics and spatial and temporal patterns is crucial for the assessment of

    PRT system capacity and cannot be avoided.

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    5.4 Demand estimation

    In existing urban environments travel demand can be observed through surveys, on

    street or within households or places of work. In newly developed cities such as

    Masdar City demand must be synthesised, using relationships observed elsewhere,plus complex modelling approaches embedded in commercial software packages.

    In Masdar City, Mott MacDonald developed a demand model (Figure 6) by adapting

    available modelling tools and integrating them with innovative methods focused on

    system specifics (MENICHETTI D.andVAN VUREN T., 2010).

    Figure 6. Sample output from the Masdar City demand model

    Specifically, this transport demand study provided support to:

    locate potential critical system bottlenecks or local underperformance anddesign them out

    identify where specific segments of demand requires additional serviceswhich the public transport system might not be able to accommodate

    design a transport system with features suitable for the expected demand

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    However, the estimation of demand for a carbon neutral transport system including

    PRT remains challenging (ANDREASSON I., 2010) because of:

    the impossibility to extrapolate or observe travel behaviour, demand patterns,passenger responses in the existing situations

    the paucity in tested modelling tools to cope with the specific PRT systemrequirements

    the need to represent transfers between PRT and other modes (including otherpublic transport, walking, cycling and cars)

    the importance overall of external travel demand compared to moreconventional cities

    The latter point will be discussed next.

    5.5 Interaction with the surrounding environment

    When planning a carbon neutral development and its transportation system, inaddition to the design requirements for the transport system within the city, the

    interface with and impacts on the external transport system also needs to be

    evaluated. A carbon neutral city needs to be accessible from the external world

    which still relies on conventional vehicles. When using these modes to access/egress

    the city, a transfer to the internal green modes is generally necessary to reach the

    final internal destination and transfer facilities (car parking, pick up/drop off points,

    stations etc.) need to be considered more carefully, as part of the integrated system.

    Observed situations in conventional environments have taught us that walking and

    transfers in general are perceived as major components of discomfort of a journey

    and therefore car parks and public transport interchanges need to be considered as

    critical points of the overall system and their design accurately assessed from a

    passenger experience point of view, including any additional travel times incurred at

    these locations.

    5.6 Traffic impact of the development on the surrounding road network

    A carbon neutral development should ideally not just avoid car usage within its

    perimeter but also aim at reductions in car dependency in its surroundings.

    Minimising the impacts of external (road) traffic and of intrusiveness of road

    infrastructure and car parking facilities during each phase of the development

    implementation contribute to the success of a carbon neutral city. Conventional

    vehicular traffic expected to be generated consists mainly of:

    private cars from and to the car parks, and vehicles transporting freight to be transferred from and to FRT at logistic

    points and intermodal stations

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    Although this traffic can be reduced, it cannot be avoided and needs to be managed

    in order to reduce its impacts. Typical management measures could include car park

    allocation and information, car park pricing, dedicated routes for heavy vehicles etc.

    Low emission vehicles could be promoted through pricing measures.

    5.7 Freight movements and deliveries

    A service able to reach every building of a city with deliveries and the collection of

    freight and waste is fundamental in any urban environment. In Masdar City, the

    specific urban architecture typified by narrow roads where the access of conventional

    freight vehicles is neither desirable nor always possible, requires tailored solutions.

    An FRT system can be employed for freight and waste in combination with logistics

    points and intermodal stations located in the vicinity of the city.

    However, this system presents a number of challenges to be addressed. One of the

    biggest is represented by the capacity limitations of individual FRT vehicles which

    can only handle small to medium size goods but cannot cater for big size deliveries.Another issue is that like PRT, FRT vehicles move goods from a station to another,

    hence they cannot perform a door to door delivery service and the final journey leg

    (from the station to the final destination) needs to be handled by a different means of

    transport. Finally, if the FRT stations are in a tunnel or elevated, goods will need to

    be transferred using a system able to operate between the different city layers.

    Hazardous goods pose an additional problem.

    5.8 Integration between FRT and PRT

    FRT vehicles can operate on dedicated infrastructure or share it with PRT vehicles.

    When sharing the same PRT infrastructure, the FRT vehicle cannot exceed the

    dimensions of a PRT vehicle. On the other hand, building separate FRT

    infrastructure would imply extra cost but could allow the use of bigger vehicles along

    with reduced capacity constraints. Such a dual system might also provide an

    alternative should one of the components fail completely.

    Nevertheless, to reduce costs and maximise efficiency, it seems reasonable to operate

    FRT vehicles in circulation on a single shared network with PRT. In this scenario,

    the only drawback is that the FRT vehicles in circulation may reduce the PRT

    capacity. This can be minimised by careful scheduling of freight and waste activities

    in the off-peak periods.

    5.9 Integration with other transport modes

    PRT systems are heavily automated and must be segregated from any other traffic,

    pedestrians or animals and cannot be crossed in any way during operations. This

    makes solutions at ground level difficult as grade separated infrastructure would need

    to be provided at every crossing point.

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    This limitation makes PRT in elevation or in a tunnel typically the preferred solution

    with the advantage of ease of network design but with the disadvantage of creating a

    basically continuous multi-layered transport system across the city, with vertical

    obstacles part of most journeys (see Figure 7).

    Figure 7. The multi-layered transport concept of Masdar City

    (source 2009, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) PJSC/Foster+Partners)


    When planning a transport system for a carbon neutral city, there are two questionsthat need to be answered:

    is there enough capacity in the internal transport systems to cope with thedemand?, and

    is there enough capacity in the external transport systems to cope withdemand?

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    To answer these questions (and as discussed earlier), it is necessary to employ

    modelling techniques to predict the travel demand and compare it with the transport

    capacity for each mode of travel. This analysis needs to be undertaken not only for

    the full built out scenario but also at other relevant points in time during itsimplementation (e.g. at the end of each development phase). If PRT does not have

    sufficient capacity, then either demand must be reduced, or extra capacity must be

    provided. Without one or both of these measures there will be delays and queuing.

    In the following sections we discuss what we consider are important considerations

    and supporting measures for a successful PRT and FRT system, basically creating

    the right environment for the successful performance of such systems, contributing to

    Masdar Citys aim of carbon neutrality.

    6.1 Ensure balanced land-use and promote self containment

    Demand analysis undertaken in Masdar City for city wide future PRT scenariosshowed that PRT would be approaching its capacity during peak hours. This effect

    was driven mainly by large passenger demand flows concentrated in limited time

    periods and in a limited number of corridors. The main cause was an unbalanced land

    use distribution: the number of workers in Masdar City was far higher than the

    planned resident population. This resulted in a large number of workers commuting

    to and from Masdar City from outside locations and, in turn, placed a large and

    imbalanced demand on the internal transport system and especially on some

    interchanges to PRT remotely located near the city perimeter and on few corridors

    connecting these stations to the city centre where most of the commercial activities

    are planned.

    As discussed earlier, PRT systems underperform with asymmetric demands, high

    demand peaks and remote station locations. By implementing measures to reduce the

    severity of each of these three factors, the PRT performance and efficiency would

    certainly increase.

    A first measure to reduce external transport demand is to increase the residential

    population within Masdar City. This would provide greater opportunity for people to

    live and work within Masdar City, greatly reducing the number of external trips.

    This would be at the cost of increasing the number of internal trips, but as these will

    be carbon-neutral, and shorter than external trips, this should add to the sustainability

    of Masdar City. A second measure to reduce travel to and from Masdar City would

    be to reduce the overall employment to levels matching the working age population(although of course this would not reduce commuting to zero, due to skills

    differences between the resident population and the available jobs). A third measure

    would be to redistribute the land-use to reduce the distances between the most

    important activities, hence reducing the need for using PRT and contemporarily

    increasing walking and cycling (e.g. car parks and bus, taxi and school bus stops as

    close as possible to key plots, etc.). A fourth measure would be to maximise the

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    citys self-containment by implementing policies aiming to ensure that residents

    actually work in Masdar City (company housing, balanced job type opportunities,

    adequate number and type of schools for all pupils etc.)

    6.2 Complementary measures to PRT systems

    If complementary transport is needed to supplement PRT, then it would ideally be

    some form of mass mover compatible with the largely pedestrian environment and

    able to absorb part of the peak demands relieving PRT vehicular traffic movements

    on specific corridors.

    Providing such a complementary transport system has the added advantage of

    allowing PRT implementation strategies to be staged with other, more established

    means of transport. This will alleviate the risks related to social acceptance and

    system reliance.

    a) Increase walking

    The simplest and possibly most cost-effective solution to reducing demand for PRT

    is to encourage people to walk more. This may be by making it possible to walk

    further, or it may be by reducing the distance walked, e.g. by locating car parks

    nearer to destinations, and jobs and schools nearer to homes. The best way to reduce

    walk trip lengths is to review the land use distributions.

    b) Group Rapid Transit (GRT)

    Because of the on demand operation and privacy aspects of the PRT system, most

    PRT vehicles are expected to carry only one or two persons, even in the peak

    periods. If occupancy could be increased this would increase system capacitysignificantly. In principle, four-seat PRT vehicles could carry up to six people, with

    two standing.

    To increase the occupancy of PRT vehicles, passengers could be pre-grouped before

    getting in the vehicle, or station bays would need to be assigned to specific

    destinations, like a bus station. People would then go to the bay serving their

    destination, and only when a vehicle is full it would depart.

    It would then travel directly to a destination and the control system would optimise

    the order in which different stations were called at. Each passenger would still be

    dropped at their chosen station. This would reduce the number of vehicles travelling

    through the system, but would increase travel times and provide a slightly lower

    quality of travel for commuters, as they might have to stop a few times before their

    own destination is reached and share their vehicle. However, this solution can

    increase the capacity substantially at the cost of a slight reduction in quality of

    service during peak hours. This is not unreasonable and generally accepted in most


  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    Given the short average journey times on PRT this could provide extra capacity at

    minimal extra cost. The extra cost would be for upgrading the control system and

    stations to manage group travel.

    A further enhancement might be to add higher capacity vehicles, taking say eight or

    ten people, but this would increase the infrastructure cost of the system. Another

    possible option to increase occupancy could be platooning some of the PRT vehicles

    to form small trains again serving fixed routes, however with the disadvantage of

    requiring different station arrangements and also losing some of the most distinctive

    features of the PRT system.

    c) Extension of Light Rail Transit (LRT)

    Masdar City has currently a planned LRT route running diagonally through the citysquare with four stations along its route. In the longer term, the LRT network within

    Masdar City could be extended to provide a denser coverage of the city. One way ofdoing this could be to add a second line, possibly as a loop.

    LRT systems are powered by electricity and can penetrate the perimeter of carbonneutral cities. They work most efficiently with high demand along a long thincorridor and can effectively support the PRT system by absorbing the in-commutingdemand from outside the city to high volume attractors within. The disadvantages ofthese systems are the rather high costs and the requirement of larger right-of-ways.On the other hand, they present the advantage of sharing space with pedestrians.

    d) Direct bus service penetrating the city

    As previously discussed, most of the travellers arriving at Masdar City are expected

    to transfer to PRT to complete their journey to their internal destinations. The rest

    will be able to walk to their destination directly after leaving the external transport

    mode. If PRT cannot cope with this demand, then an alternative form of transport is

    needed. One solution would be for zero-emissions buses arriving at Masdar City to

    enter and drop passengers within the city. They could also pick up car travellers who

    have parked in the external car parks.

    Electric buses are flexible and routes can be changed easily as the city continues todevelop. They are established technology, and zero-emission hydrogen fuel-cellpowered buses are available, although expensive at present. They are able to absorbcommuting peak demand, hence reducing the pressure on the PRT system. The useof electric buses could also be a good and flexible interim solution until the externalpublic transport system (ie. Metro, LRT) serving the city would become operational.

    e) E-cars

    There are two forms of e-cars:

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    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    e-taxis, which are manually driven zero-emission taxis, and e-cars, which are automatically controlled in areas where the control system

    is provided

    The latter are very similar to PRT in that they can be called up and discarded at theend of the journey, and stored automatically in a parking space somewhere until

    required. E-cars can be privately owned, or made available through a car club or car

    hire system. The disadvantage of e-cars is that the system, with equal provision of

    infrastructure, would have much less capacity compared to a PRT system and that e-

    cars would contribute little to reducing PRT demand, as their main use would be for

    trips outside the city. However, e-cars have the clear advantage of the opportunity to

    be driven outside Masdar City with no transfers.

    f) Scheduling freight deliveries

    When sharing the same infrastructure, FRT vehicles contribute to congestion and

    therefore reduce the system capacity of the PRT system for transporting passengers.However, typically, passenger demand is concentrated during specific peak hours. A

    transport system designed to cater for the peak will have spare capacity available

    during off peaks hours. While the PRT system needs to provide a 24/7 service on

    demand, freight and waste deliveries/collections can be scheduled during specific

    time bands avoiding this traffic during peak hours and therefore increasing the

    system efficiency.

    g) Complementing vehicles for special or big size freight deliveries

    One of the main issues of FRT vehicles is the impossibility to perform big size

    deliveries because of their capacity constraints. A possible solution would be to

    provide physical corridors to allow bigger zero emission vehicles to penetrate thecity including electric buses. These dedicated routes could also be used by waste

    collection vehicles and would also be able to accommodate emergency vehicles.

    In a car free environment it is not desirable having big vehicles running around the

    city. However, the circulation of these vehicles can be managed (e.g. circulation only

    during night hours) minimising the impact on the Masdar City living environment.

    Complementing the FRT system in this way would overcome the vehicles capacity

    limitations and also reduce the risks related to the full reliance on the FRT system for

    freight transport.


    The challenge for a zero emission transport system for a carbon neutral city is to

    deliver a well-functioning and socially accepted service in a built environment with

    strong constraints but also recognising and catering for the transport requirements of

    a modern and vibrant urban centre.

  • 8/6/2019 Considerations for Planning and Implementing FRT and PRT Systems in Carbon Neutral Environments, APS-ATS 201


    Menichetti, Van Vuren

    APM-ATS, 13th

    International Conference, Paris, France, May 22-26, 2011


    Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) has system characteristics suitable for such an

    application and, from a passengers prospective, is certainly a more acceptable

    substitute to private (combustion engine powered) cars than conventional mass

    public transport systems. Freight Rapid Transit (FRT), integrated with PRT, can beutilised for the waste and freight deliveries/collections within the city, using the same


    The implementation in Masdar City of these systems city-wide in an urban

    environment is a first and there are uncertainties, for example the social acceptance

    and the performances of PRT and FRT in a complex network, rather than a single

    line. Reliance on PRT and FRT also encounters a number of possible physical

    constraints. In the absence of existing real life systems in operation in urban

    environments which could be used in planning, a simulation approach is required to

    identify and design out any problems related to the role of PRT as a substitute for the

    private car.

    PRT capacity analysis against demand teaches that asymmetric demand concentrated

    in peaks and over corridors, as well as remotely positioned stations have a

    detrimental impact on system performances while the system performs more

    efficiently with medium demands spread over space and over time. Trips with

    origins within the city and destinations outside (and vice versa) require transfer to

    other means of transport. The design and performance of transfer facilities plays a

    fundamental role in efficiency and the way passengers experience PRT.

    Creating an environment characterised by balanced land uses and high levels of self

    containment in combination with the provision of complementary transport systems

    relieving PRT from peak demands, and with policies and designs aiming to increase

    walking and cycling, can substantially improve the performance of a PRT/FRT

    system in a zero carbon environment. Simulation of the system in all its stages of

    evolution, recognising the importance of interaction with the outside world, will

    reduce the risks related to such an innovative system, hence contributing to the

    success of a carbon neutral development, such as at Masdar City.


    The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily

    reflect the views of either Mott MacDonald, Union Railway or the Abu Dhabi Future

    Energy Company (Masdar).

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    Menichetti, Van Vuren




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    7. SCHWEIZER J.,DANESI A.,MANTECCHINI L., TRAVERSI E.andCAPRARA A.(2010) Towards a PRT capacity manual, PRT@LHR 2010 Conference, 21



    September 2010, London Heathrow Airport

    8. See (last accessed December 2010)9. See (last accessed December 2010)10. See (last accessed December 2010)