Download - Community green renewable energy coop for SE London- introduction

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SELCE: South East London Community Energy

A new sustainable energy initiative

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Our Mission

We believe that communities, regardless of financial

resources, should have access to the benefits of

affordable low carbon technologies. We collaborate

with local residents, businesses and organisations to

reduce fuel poverty, and develop financially, socially

and environmentally sustainable projects which

increase energy efficiency, produce local renewable

energy and accelerate the transition to a low carbon

energy generation system

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Our Aims

• To generate renewable and affordable energy in SE London that will mitigate climate change accelerate the transition to zero-carbon, decentralised, electricity system

• To build an economically sustainable business model that has a core focus on social responsibility and affordable energy provision.

• To provide tangible improvements to the financial situation of those living in fuel poverty in SE London.

• To give organisations that provide valued community services in SE London access to affordable, renewable energy - thereby reducing the burden of escalating energy costs.

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EnergySE London raise funds from investors through a Community Share


These generate solar electricity

This is used to provide free electricity for school/

community venue

Any surplus electricity is exported to the national grid


How it works

This is used to purchase solar panels to go on the roofs of our

‘partners’ (schools or community venues)

A government subsidy known as the Feed in Tariff is paid to

EnergySE London for every unit of electricity generated (regardless of whether it is used by the school/ community venue. An additional payment is made to every unit

exported to the gridThis is used to repay investors

plus a small dividend, for maintenance of solar panels and to create a fund for tackling fuel

poverty in SE London

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• Solar panels on many of the roofs of Loughborough Estate

• Raised approx. £180,000 in investment

• Investors received a 3% return on their investment (plus 50% tax relief)

• Profits used to increase the energy efficiency of houses on the estate through draft busting work and education (people need to spend less to keep their homes warm)

• Provided young people with skills and paid work experience opportunities in solar installation

• 60 tonnes of Greenhouse gas emissions avoided

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• Solar panels on the roofs of 3 community centres in Bristol

• Raised approx. £127,000 in investment from 150 people

• Investors received a 4% return on their investment

• Profits used to increase the energy efficiency work with the community

• 25 tonnes of Greenhouse gas emissions avoided inn the first year


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• Raised £625,000 in investment

• Put solar panels on the roofs of six schools in Surrey with a combined generation capacity of 238.09kW.

Each of the Schools gets:

• renewable energy free of charge or heavily discounted to the school

• carbon emissions reduced by about 20 tonnes per year per school

• an educational package to explain and monitor the renewable energy

• generated a surplus of £3,000 for distribution between our six members schools and total financial benefits for our schools of over £20,000


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Meet the Team of DirectorsDr Giovanna Speciale: Director (The Community Development Expert) * 14 years experience in the community sector: Worked for ARVAC (The Association for Research in the Voluntary and

Community sector) and ran Community Research Consultancy, managed projects on behalf of Groundwork London

* Expert in evidence based practice but also a qualified IAP2 Participation Practitioner.

* M.Sc .in Energy Policy for Sustainability at the University of Sussex

Alex Hartley: Director (The Sustainability Professional): * 14 of experience in managing sustainability initiatives at senior level in business and the third sector.

* Developed programmes to tackle fuel poverty Presented to PRASEG (Parliamentary Renewable And Sustainable Energy Group) at the House of Commons

* trained facilitator for Carbon Conversations..

Rowan Parkhouse: Dirctor (The Financial Whizz): * Background in energy-related finance and is currently working as a Commercial Analyst

* MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London.

* Experience in financial modelling and forecasting, policy analysis, and operational strategy

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Sergio Olivares: Director (The Font of all Cooperative Knowledge): * Sergio has worked in the Third Sector since 1982 focused on developing alternative economic systems and

democratically run enterprises.

* Works for Greenwich CDA:

* Supported many local co-operatives and social enterprises and represented Third Sector interests.

Sylvie Wynn: Director (The PV Techie) * M.Sc. In Environmental Engineering from Cardiff University

* Worked in the renewable energy industry for the last 6 years,

* Currently an engineer at a solar PV company where she specifies systems, designs products, trains installers

Camilla Berens: Director (The Communications Expert): * Journalist has written for The Guardian, The Independent and the New Statesman on issues relating to

climate change and protest movements.

* Taken part in campaign against motorway and aviation expansion. Co-ordinator of the Stop New Nuclear Alliance, runs Greenpeace’s Greenwich and Lewisham active supporters’ group.

Adam Pope: Director (The Sustainable Buildings Specialist) * Degree in Architectural Technology.

* Worked in schemes mitigating fuel poverty for the last 7 years. Currently working for a Lewisham Housing Association as the Sustainable Homes Project Manager.

* Roles include developing sustainable policies, mitigating fuel poverty issues, auditing properties for energy efficiency and implementing energy efficiency schemes.

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Progress to Date• We held a very successful public meeting.

• Formed a management committee

• We developed an organisational mission statement and set of aims.

• Registered as an IPS for the Benefit of the Community

• GCDA have generously provided office and meeting space

• First partner Mulgrave School in Greenwich

• Developed a model business plan

• Developed a communications strategy and tools

• Developed a fundraising strategy

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Feasibility Study to assess the generation capacity of your roof

Business Plan

Community Share Offer to raise funds

Contracts with Roof Owners

The Process Going Forward

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Tender for installers

Training for local people? Installation

Identify New Sites

Pay investors dividends (and possibly arrange for use of profits for Fuel Poverty work)

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Sources of Advice and Funding

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‘Added value’ work with Schools

• Currently discussing ‘added value’ work with Mulgrave School. This would be a grant funded project tackling fuel poverty amongst families of pupils identified by the school

• Briefly discussed ‘solar apprentice’ work: recruitment of paid apprentices to help with the installation

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The Energy Café Idea• Based on Wadebridge Renewable Energy

Network (WREN) • Given a shop by the council staffed by

volunteers• From here, they provide energy efficiency

and renewable generation advice.• 1500kWp of solar installed• 55 RHI installations• 110 CERT funded loft insulation/cavity

wall installations• WREN earns commission -> £10,000 fund

generated for community projects

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Potential partners involvement

• What sits do you have access to that we could look at for solar or other renewable energy generation?

• What other partners do you work with that may find us interesting or useful?

• What networks are you involved with to help as spread the word as we need sites, volunteers, supporters & one day investors!

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