Download - CIS212_005_016_200802_sop

  • 7/27/2019 CIS212_005_016_200802_sop


    Student Opinion Poll Results, Fall 2007

    Course: CIS212005016, SYSTEM MODELING THEORY

    Instructor: DORMISHIAN, JOHN S


    Survey Items Mean1

    Percent ofRespondents

    Strongly Agreeing

    Number ofValid


    PART A

    Instructor clearly informed students of course objectives 3.12 35.3% 17

    Instructor clearly explained theoretical concepts in course 2.78 22.2% 18

    Class presentations explained course contents effectively 2.78 22.2% 18

    Instructor answered questions effectively 3.11 38.9% 18

    Instructor used instructional technology effectively 3.00 35.3% 17Real-world projects and examples were used effectively 2.81 31.3% 16Sufficient reading and assignments to master material 3.39 61.1% 18Grading of students' work was done in a timely manner 3.17 38.9% 18Instructor was available outside the classroom 3.19 37.5% 16Instructor was prepared and organized for class 3.25 37.5% 16Instructor was enthusiastic about teaching course material 3.27 46.7% 15Instructor consistently treated students with respect 3.50 50.0% 16Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher 3.00 35.3% 17

    Average Score (Part A i tems only) 3.102



    PART B

    Course syllabus stated learning objectives clearly 3.06 33.3% 18Textbook(s) helped to understand course material 2.50 22.2% 18Course was intellectually challenging and stimulating 3.29 22.2% 18Course improved my knowledge and understanding of subject 3.11 38.9% 18Felt academically prepared to take course 3.00 35.3% 17Felt prepared to take more advanced courses in subject 2.88 35.3% 17Total Number of Students Responding 19

    Percentage of Enrollees Responding 65.5%

    1Arithmetic mean score of item on a scale from one (strongly disagree) to four (strongly agree).

    2Weighted average of all Part A item scores, on a scale from one (strongly disagree) to four (strongly agree).

    3Weighted percentage of respondents strongly agreeing for all Part A items.

  • 7/27/2019 CIS212_005_016_200802_sop
