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Page 1: Chapter 1 Origination and Social Structure of Early Cities I. Urban Development versus Urbanization: the definition II. The Earliest Cities in History.

Chapter 1 Origination and Social Structure of Early CitiesI. Urban Development versus Urbanization: the definitionII. The Earliest Cities in HistoryIII. Social Structure and Function of Pre-industrial European CitiesIV. Early Developments in AmericaV. Industrialization and UrbanizationVI. Cities in Ancient ChinaVII. Summary

Page 2: Chapter 1 Origination and Social Structure of Early Cities I. Urban Development versus Urbanization: the definition II. The Earliest Cities in History.

Key terms or wordsBossism (10) 老板政治 The domination of a political organization by a boss.Asia Minor (10) 小亚细亚 A peninsula of western Asia between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.Fertile Crescent (10) “ 肥沃新月”地带 新月沃地(地区) Region, Middle East. The term describes a crescent-shaped area of fertile land, probably more agriculturally productive in antiquity than it is today.Harappa (10) 哈拉帕 One of the earliest cities in

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Ancient IndiaMohenjo-Daro (10) 莫恒卓 · 达罗 One of the earliest cities in Ancient IndiaA grid road system 网格式道路系统Citadel (10) 城堡 A fortress in a commanding position in or near a city. Key terms or wordsThebes (11) 西比斯 ( 底比斯,埃及尼罗河畔的古城 )Memphis (11) 孟斐斯 ( 古埃及城市,废墟在今开罗之南 )Meso-America(n) (11) 中美洲 A region extending south and east from central MexicoCity state (12) 城邦 城市国家

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Dark age (13) 黑暗时代 1. the period in European history from about a.d. 476 to about 1000. 2. the whole of the Middle Ages, from about a.d. 476 to the Renaissance.lineage group (15) 直系(血亲)群体polis (15) 城邦 A city-state of ancient Greece. Key terms or wordsconfederacy of clans (15) 部落联盟Ascribed status (16) 先赋地位(身份)Achieved status (16) 自致地位(身份)Landed nobility (16) 土地贵族 nobility who owns land:

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Integrating mechanism (17) 整合机制Guilds (23) 行会 An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards.Frontier (26) 边疆 areas of the Midwest and westFall Line ( 27 )瀑布线 boundary between an upland region and a coastal plain across which rivers from the upland region drop to the plain as falls or rapids.Charlemagne (31) 查理曼大帝 I. Growth of Cities versus Urbanization: the definitionHow to explain the two concepts, urban development and urbanization?  

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Growth of Cities versus UrbanizationGrowth of Cities: Urban Development.  Urbanization is synonym as Urban Development to certain extent. Urbanization: the concentration of humanity into cities. Urbanization is a population process through which percentages of people shift their residences from rural to urban areas. Growth of Cities versus Urbanization

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========================= Growth of Cities


Period 5,500 years 200 years

 Growth speed slow fast

 Time relations with before after


major characteristic population growth changes of social structure

and subsistence technology


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Three urban revolutions The first urban revolution occurred about 12,000 years ago with the emergence of permanent settlements. Three factors are important as preconditions of cities--a favorable ecology, an advanced technology, and a material surplus. The second urban revolution was under way by 1750, triggered by the Industrial Revolution. Industrial European cities emerged as a result of the increasing commerce created by the bourgeoisie, or affluent middle class.

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A third urban revolution began about 1950 in low-income countries . In 1950, about 25 percent of the people in low-income countries lived in cities; by the year 2005 this figure will be expected to exceed 50 percent.II. The Earliest Cities in HistoryWhen, where, how and why did the first cities originated or developed? (P10-L) 

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The first city in the world Harappa ( 哈拉帕 ) and Mohenjo-Daro (莫恒卓 ·达罗) the earliest cities in Ancient India ( P10 )2000 B.C. Thebes (西比斯或底比斯) and Memphis ( 孟斐斯 ) the earliest cities of Egypt. (P11) 3000 B.C. Jericho (杰里科 ) just north of the Dead Sea, coming into existence about 8000 B.C.E. The first city is argued to have been Jericho, which dates back some 10,000 years, was home to only around 600.

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By 4000 B.C.E. there were several cities within the Fertile Crescent in present day Iraq and along the Nile in Egypt. Cities emerged independently in at least three other areas of the world--in present-day Pakistan (about 2500 B.C.E.), in China (about 2000 B.C.E.), and in Central and South America (about 1500 B.C.E.) (Chapter 22) 

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The earliest cities in Ancient India 据考古学家们发掘,作为印度史前文明的曙光,最远可上溯到新石器时代后期,即铜器与铜石并用时代。它包括旁遮普省的哈拉帕 (Harappa) 和信德省的莫恒卓 · 达罗 (Mohenjo-Daro) ,这些地区现属巴基斯坦。经过对莫恒卓 · 达罗的三个古城遗址的发掘,发现其历史分期为上下数层。历史最早的一层约当于公元前 3300 年,其次是约公元前 3000 年,最晚的一层约公元前 2700 年。从遗址地基的坚固性,建筑规则的整齐性来判断,证明在公元前 3000多年前,古城的居民已经组成了自己有条理的生活区。那时,不仅渔、农、饲养业发达,还有相当规模的手工业,如织布、制陶等。足见古代印度土著的审美天赋是早熟的。

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Largest Cities Through HistorySee Textbook P20-21 Lecture NotesSeveral criteria involved in selection of the city site (p15)a. it had to have good water supply;b. it had to be defensible;c. the territory around it had to support urban center. 

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Architecture and the decoration of the built environment (P10) a. a wallb. a grid road system consisted with major blocks and alleysc. a citadel or large raised square, (which was about fifty feet high)d. public buildings including a bathhouse, temple, and a building probably for study.e. a central square containing religious and governmental buildings 

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III. Social structure and Function of Pre-industrial European Cities1. The General Social Features of Pre-industrial Cities What were these cities like? (Textbook Pp17-18)2. Some Factors or Forms of Civil Society in Early Development of European Cities.1. Social structure or characteristicsa. domination of religion;b. division of labors;c. formation of classes;d. dwelling separation of different classes;e. economic and cultural functions. (P18)

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2. Some Factors or Forms of Civil Society in Early Development of European CitiesA. City State ( 12, 14 )B. Guilds ( 23 )C. Religion ( 16 )D. Family ( P16 )Class Discussion: What is civil society? Pre-industrial European Cities City-state (城邦) An independent political unit consisting of a city and surrounding countryside.

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Municipality ( 市政体 ) 1. A political unit, such as a city, town, or village, incorporated for local self-government. 2. A body of officials appointed to manage the affairs of a local political unit. Civil Society (公民社会) The sphere of social life that is separate from the intimate bonds of family and autonomous from regulation and scrutiny of the state. 

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City StateIn ancient Greece, Italy, and Medieval Europe, an independent political unit consisting of a city and surrounding countryside. The first city-states were in Sumer (苏美尔 ), but they reached their peak in Greece. From the beginning of Greek history to its climax in the 5th and 4th cent. B.C., the Greeks were organized into city-states, of which there were several hundred. The first Italian city-states were Greek colonies. Later Etruscan and native city-states emerged, including Rome. After the fall of the

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Roman Empire, many Italian cities (e.g., Florence, Genoa, Venice) were city-states until the 19th cent., as were such N German cities as Bremen and Hamburg. The Greek word polis meant both city and city-state. Since the city-state was independent, different states—and the same state at different times—had a variety of governments, ranging from absolute monarchy to pure democracy. Only citizens participated in the government of the city-state, and citizenship was limited to those born of citizen parents. In the classical era, a large proportion of the

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city-state’s population consisted of slaves. Participation by citizens in government was often limited by class distinctions. The government usually consisted of an assembly and council; the former predominated in democracies, the latter in oligarchies. Although the various city-states combined into religious or military federations, most did not endure for long in Greece, leaving it open to foreign attack by large centralized states to which it

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eventually submitted. See G. Glotz, The Greek City and Its Institutions (ed. by N. Mallinson, 1930, repr. 1969); V. Ehrenberg, The Greek State (2d rev. ed. 1969, repr. 1972). 希腊城邦 poleis , city-states of ancient Greece 城邦或称城市国家,是在一定历史条件下由原始公社演化而来的一种公民集体。一般情况下,一个城邦包括城市和乡村两部分。很大一批城邦是由原有城邦派出的移民建立的。  城邦的面积和居民 所有希腊城邦都是小国。处于鼎盛时期的斯巴达是当时希腊首屈一指的大国,也只拥有约 8400平方公里土地。 

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希腊城邦的居民按照政治地位可以分为 3 大类 :①拥有公民权因而能够参加政治活动的自由人。②没有公民权的自由人。他们或是来自外邦的移民(例如雅典的“异邦人”),或是由于特定的历史原因而与当权的公民集体处于不平等地位者(例如斯巴达的 “边民”)。③处于被剥削、奴役地位的奴隶。奴隶多系非希腊人,但也有一部分是希腊人,例如斯巴达的“黑劳士”。  城邦设有职业官吏组成的官僚机构和向公民征收直接税的常设财政机构。一般说来,每个城邦都有 3种政治机构:由成年男子构成的公民大会、议事会(如斯巴达的长老会议、雅典的五百人会议)和经选举产生的

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(或至少需得到公民大会确认的)公职人员,首先是负责军事指挥的公职人员。在希腊城邦的历史上有过君主制,也有过具有个人独裁色彩的僭主政治;但在城邦制度发达时期,以共和政体居多。  作为经济、政治、社会、意识形态统一体的城邦的产生和发展,对古代希腊的历史有着深刻的影响。希腊文化,无论是文学艺术,还是哲学、伦理学、政治学和宗教等,无不打上城邦制度的深刻印记。(廖学盛)引自《中国大百科全书》外国历史卷

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Democratic Factors in European Cities City-states of ancient Greece, the origin of municipality and civil society “Democratic Rule” : Citizens have the right of suffrage. (P16) Religion: provided the major justification for authority. (P16) Castle: Merchants were allowed to build walls outside the castles for their own protection thereby gaining a degree of partial autonomy (P31) Guilds: not just a type of formal labor organization but a political power. (P23, 31) 

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Organizational structure and social functions of Guilds (P23 、 31)Workman organized themselves into guildsCraftsman regulated their membersSet quality restrictionsProvided a form of social security for their familyWere source of political and economic power 

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IV. Early Developments in America1. Historical development (1) City Formation and City Form in America ( physical structures) (2) Urban Society: Lives in the City (social structure)2. Regional development3. Technical development4. Structural change Historical Development City Formation and City Form in America (physical structures) 

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A. the Colonial City (Era) 1607-1776 Colonial Outposts Dock, Warehouse, Counting House, Shop, the Puritan village; the colonial urban network; land use and planning in colonial cities B. the Commercial City (Era) 1776-1820 Grids, Graveyards, C. the Industrial City (Era) 1820-1920, Factory Towns and Company Towns; Streetcar Suburbs Slums; Parks, Boulevards, skyscrapers, slums and suburbs; the urban network in the Hoosier state (Indiana State). 

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Historical developmentUrban Society: Lives in the City (social structure)a. the Colonial City 1607-1776 population; class structure and mobility; earning a living; making a home; city “services”; maintenance of public orderb. the Commercial City (1776-1820)c. the Industrial City 1820-1870-1920, population; immigration at high tide; bosses, machines, and reformers; slums and suburbs; social and geographic mobility; work and leisure “Middletown” population; impact of immigration; politics and government; slavery in the cities; extension of city services; the image of the city 

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Regional Developmenta. New Englandb. Frontier cityc. Sunbelt Cities: Sun Belt vs. Snow BeltV. Industrialization and Urbanization: Urban America Technical Development Structural Change Technical Developmenta. Walking Cityb. Transformation to Streetcar City 1865-1917 the first transportation revolutionc. Streetcar City to Automobile City 1920 to Present the second transportation revolution 

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Structural Changea. Port cityb. Satellite Cities, Factory Towns and Company Townsc. The Metropolitan City: Standard Metropolitan Regionc. Global city VI. Cities in Ancient China1. City: Wall and Market:2. Early Urbanization: China3. The Ancient Capitals4. Historical and cultural cities 

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City: Chinese MeaningsFigure 1. Yi, the ancient word for city, in its archaic and modem forms. City: Wall and MarketIn Chinese language, “city”( 城市 ) is consisted of two words, “ 城”( Central city surrounded with walls and moat (city wall. great wall and “long city”) and “ 市” (marketplace) . Ancient Chinese City had surrounding walls and moat on four sides of the city; every side had a city gate. The city gate of the south side was usually a main (and formal) gate. In the ancient city, had ruling organization and marketplace. As the growth of the population, the old city was surrounded by more houses and residents. That means ancient Chinese city is like European city, mainly a political city.

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2. Early Urbanization: China(1) Origination of the cities: Urbanization began in China around the Yellow River(2) Physical structure(3) Social structure Ideal City Plan in Ancient ChinaPhysical structure: wall, moat, temple, pavilion, palace. Buildings for political, religious and commercial target 

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3. The Ancient Capitals The four ancient capital Luoyang, Xi’an, Nanjing, Beijing The six ancient capitals Luoyang, Xi’an, Kaifeng, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Beijing The seven ancient capitals Anyang, Luoyang, Xi’an, Kaifeng, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Beijing 

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4. Historical and cultural cities(1) The three Chinese historical cities as World Heritage sites a. Old Town of Lijiang b. Ancient City of Ping Yao c. Classical Gardens of Suzhou (d) Zhouzhuang (2) Ancient Cities in Shandong a. Linzi b. Jinan 

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VII. Summary1 、 Urban Development versus Urbanization: the definition一般而言,城市化与城市发展是同义词。但工业化前后的城市化有明显不同的性质和特点。因此学术界也常将工业革命以后的城市发展进程称为“城市化”,以区别于工业革命以前的城市增长模式。2 、 The Earliest Cities in History除了澳大利亚土著群体外,世界各地人类早期文明发展过程中都出现过城市形态。城市在物质空间结构和社会结构方面不同于农业居住村落。

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3 、 Pre-industrial European Cities (Cities in ancient and Medieval Europe) 早期欧洲国家中的“城邦”是由城市及其周边地区构成的独立政治单位。它对现代(后来)西方城市政治体制(市政体)以及“市民社会”结构产生深远的影响。4 、 Early Developments in America 美国城市经历了殖民地城市、贸易城市、商业城市、工业城市等不同历史阶段,并出现了特大城市和大都市区等空间形态。5 、 Cities in Ancient China 中国最早的城市出现在黄河流域,同其他国家的地区一样,中国的城市也是社会分化和技术手段发展到一定水平的产物。