Download - · pi~~CCS wilr bo closed a.t this Uilicc until ... i-~ Kin~: Struct. j rn~ure.ncocffoct('dOn

Page 1: · pi~~CCS wilr bo closed a.t this Uilicc until ... i-~ Kin~: Struct. j rn~ure.ncocffoct('dOn

• . .


Advertisements. Advertisements. -~~~·~ -.... -.........._ ....... ___ ,, ____ ....... _

Post Office Notice \"~- . ;

Tho ?l.laila for tho un,lcrDinntioued pi~~CCS wilr bo closed a.t this Uilicc u ntil t'urthor no£rce :-

ForSt J ohn'e, Llrigu.a ami lh~· Robert.\ - :\lo,.,hye :unf W uJucaJ:ly$ a:. a..w. &llll 1-'ritlays aL 9.55 a .m.

For Carboueu,~orth Shore (Concopticm llay) and $outh Sido Trinity ll:ly-:\loo­day- aud WoducsJI\ya ILt l!.bj a..m., &nd 'J.'hu ndAya aL 2 p m.

1-'or Upper Island (.;ove and South Sitlo - \\' .:doUIIda)'ll aud Se.turdaya at lU .a. rn.

For Spaoiards ll&y-Tu.:adnys :1~ S a.m. IUid Saturdllya a~ 9 n.tu

For ~~~- Harbor-every :s&tordlly at !) B.IU.

(Qr Trinitoy. l-ll~liu aud llooaviau­e,·c ry :\l.ond&y at 8.65. F<~r Northern IJi.nrict {por /'/oJru) \'UL

::it Jotau'1--ou Srn. Hth 1\nd ;ilatJuly. 14tlt .~nd tllt.b Aug., l lth and ::!5 th Sept., !ltlt aod !:ltd Oct .. 6t b aud :!Otb :S ov., a~ d A.m.

f or Wtatward por ('urllt& vias~. J obu's -I :lth "ud 27tlo J ul_v. I Oth •nd :lith .\Dill., 7dt .•uu :!In Sc1JL, :a!t anJ I ~tb O cL, :!o•l J b!lt '"d 30 th Nov .. 9.5[• :> m ,

For Laur .. tlor-.l nly !lth tU :! r .m . . 17th l\tttl 3ldt , I ~til :.ud :!::!th ,\ Ull\.., lltb ~pt .. 1\t :; " ....

.'l.Ula f•>r F:nrop,'-'lrJ, 1 :• lt nn•l 22n.t J uly 14tu :1nJ ~ ' ili An g .. lltb anJ :I• a:. S.:vt., 9tit nuo.l :l:!n.l ~)ct., Gth nnJ rbth :-io,· .. a~ " :\. 111 .

Fur Ooroituun of CsntWA., United State~ "udWe.~ ln.ties~lutb nnd :!ltlr J uly 7th ;urd :!let An~;t .. 4tb aoJ l::!lb , :Jotl, ltit.h auJ ;jiJtu l.lllt., Gu. auJ :!Uth .\ O\'. , 11t

l!nru. '11HI. o rlko wd l be opeu onul 8 p.Ul. oo

e•eoin~.. prcn ou" to ' '"''c•:Hch nf ~: :Jr"J i)U3.0 :lu.l :\uu!riC-.1.11 IUJ.i l J , r,H I!YI I ~ o f

IU•lO\' Y urJen,, ..!.:_.; , aud ou or t\cr ~IIi l•o aMucU ttu t.!J.., &.Juruaue~"~ thu Lurul,; uru dr~t· pnt<"hcd. !'oct U11icr. 1 ! .rio" 1 ;r~c~. '

J un-.1 :, ~:. ,..., , ~

New Books, &c., FtJI: S .\ U: BY

JOHN F. HIGGINS, 1\t blc<~, Cl•un.h S··rncc·•.

l 'r>ro r 'n•l Jl ,·•u o lluokR, :">t: rvu·~· or :'-Oil I/ ~ .~., l'b uu.:ht.1.

l.r••r ,ry ~uJ ~ c .• .,ul Buub, llirtb.t .. y , .,, j 101 h~r t ;_,,r ...

. \ ~~~~ •• ~t·n""r"': a, .. borlm~nc. vt

StatiORtry & Fancy Goods. Inc I i . ----BAZAAR. Tilt: l'~thnltr I .I\· I: ... vr ' ' arl;oot' l\ r int.en .

to hol•t :\ H t/ ur. t. t,\ t ;\u~·cmhl"r. ioa t ~ e p t'"JI"~"~ ,,f r h .. th;.!' ~ ~. h· l.' t .lntd iu buih.l t rt g L\ ne• Chnr..:tl lll :htLl l11WU.

'· .. ouibutl••ns 10 c-_\:'\h. fau..:\· Brtf'lt· ... & o ~ r. l ~~~ t haultfu1 1y rco~tvcJ u)· tl>U f<~rlow u.: L H i h•tt;

~liM,\ . M,.C,.rth v, ~~ Mi • • hmcll 1\clly, :Ol r& IJ J .llrodld.uro: " ' " T . Uro ••uc, ~~''· .1. Uul;ndly, ·;\tr,, T . l.cnry. ~ ( ,., J . Kc11c:\1ly, ~I ns. J . ~Mkey, ~l ro. ~. llaunll'ln, ~l r •· ~1. Fnbcy, ~lr • . J . KOJnucoly, j \lr~ J. (,o ff, Mtu )I.E. ) lcC:\ttby I ~Ira. M. Kane.

Carbouear . • l<:nt> I. I · 'l:l.


•r ut~ LAUH.:.') OF frm~ ALT.\H • ;). ca; rY. Uri:,rua.~ · hold a ~·ancy

Fatr anti UUMr in No,rtuhe oex~ to IL,· atat iu raii.iog Cund4 k!r lho c 11 New Catllolio (.;burch iu tha~ &CO.

DQPations and aublleription in Money, Gootla or i"&nc:y Artioi<MI will b rateCully recei•ed b1 tho Co\lorring·limfa, 'lfho aro au~oriud to collect Cor tbe 13me ·-Mia JULie 'farab .iAi &rde, MrL . J. Nowlan, l\lrl.. \ , loot., Mra. J . Sullhan, Mra. T. Keongb

Northern Assurance Company.


CAPrr.\L-£J,ooo,ooo Stg.

FIRE PHE)UullS ..... ..... .. ...... £4.03,(00 L l .l-'1!. clo .......... ....... 157,( 00 ~TJ::l:.LS'f ...... ... .................. 101,00<

H~AU O~FIC~~S: Losoos-1 Moo)'jfllto Street _.. AutltDI:l:::i-~ Kin~: Struct . j

rn~ure.ncocffoct('dOn Proporty ID NO\\'· touncl land n t CurrcntHe.t oa of Pru. r:.ium.

Prospoctu so~.-formP of Applicntion for l:'iro and Li fe l n ;IU ran.:o allll t\11 other IttfMUJilltOD cttll4bo obta.iued nl tbo (J ffico of

A . ll. 11.\.Y \\'AHD St. J oh11'1. A~;cnt lor l'Cu

QUEEN Insurance Comllany C .APrT AL-£2,000,oeo Sterling.

~U I~E:-f 1 :-.'~UJUN ,I-: D U IJ..T.ING, LIVERPOOL I

-·ASD-Ql'F:F:~ r~ ·· t;i! .\~OEBU JLDINOS,

\.ill lj J\,\1'!-:CillJitCH ;:)'fH.b:l::T, 1.11~ l>uN.

r\\' 1::\TY - FI H~T A:\:\ UAL HEPORT

r h·t H··t••JI "' Cttlll A ccount~ l<o r .the y•·ur I, 1-,. proo~O tt t\.'\lto t lt t' ~h .. rehvldl'r~ t l th•• ;\nuu"l .'.t ,· .. liu:.;.'m Tut~~<l .. y,:!itlt -'l.ty, I i ~ . nt wln.-lt H•·rn:tro l If nil. r:~<h pl't!JitJ,.J, blt •o\\' "ol. in tire l>a•·irl t• t•.l 1111d

&nu11 ut lht• r.11•· ~o!:c•~ltllr of I ~ !" ''' ,;,•ttl. WU h lh'C:~"IcJ , £ l !,(JJ ,j l.ciu0 CUI'

rt l·'-l lnrwartt

Fl ::1: !: IU NCII, Th:1t d ... l'rrtulttut~ for 11'7S, nf~<'r

tl,·ductt:'-! Ht· il.!"lttra~act·s. antHtU' \,~t t, fi :) .j , ~; ~. j ,~' tt lL,: .lll lU~tC.I !:!O u{ ~·5,:J!} l

,.,.,.r th•·l'rcmHttll lucol.lhl vf I ' 77 , lllhl tit•• L"•s••• t •> £~!•1.661, hninc ~.:0. 1 6 1JOr ~-..·u t. "" tJ,c l ' r<'ntinms o t ~be Y cnr.

l x TilE I.l F E DEPARniE~T.

Tlrnt ~ ···.v Pulic•11•" lr~td lwun i ~;.~ued lo r .C ::!~::!. I :'."• ; ottul t hut tho Ltfo Fund, uy tltl;l ,., .. l t tlutt~ rnatln t(l it ns tho T'CJ; ttlt nl t iro ) Otu ·'• vpcr .niond no w rtpre!«'r.tH G7.9 per c••ttl. ui ll"' tl tlliru Uf't I'n:miutuH I'COI.'i vt>J ou t·vcry policy iu force.

Tho iu rplns bal"nc•• in the Firo Ac-­cottt tt "'"s Hlo.! W II t o lr!' .£ 107./i!l!l, out ol wlr 1<:h .C:!U/luU Wl\8 "Pl'roprit>.t~l to . 'u•t"'IIMI' • cc.,unt , r:oi~ing tbut Account to.£ l41),1)t)U and u .. tkiug wiLit tllo Ito· servo Funu r.nJ Balunoo carried forwnrd .£H. ovo.

FU:\OS. <.:apitlll !'Aid up ........... ... ... £1 !!0 ,086 Genurlll ltc.Jcrvo Fun<l ... ... ... I iO,VUO f iru ~ uuu fur unearn!'tl l'rl'ntitttn8 U O,OUO Bnlnnco cttcrrt~tl forward ... l-1,035 l.tfe Accumulation Fund... 300,819 ,\ uooi ty l'WJd.. . .. . ... ... 11,55!)

• £ 1l1G,428

SDlON 1)0:\0V A~, GenOI'l\l A~tout for NOd

Sun. ,\ or.NTR · A. T . DltYSllALR

llnrbor (jmec. R. O'SUEEllAr\ & Co. ,

SL Pierro. Deo. 21, 1879.

M!'l. E. SbeehiUl, Mra. '1'. Knauagh

Mia M. Keoush. Guardl. an llrigttl, J uno 27, 1883.

. FIRE &; LlFE

Bargalia. Bargaias. Assura,nce Comp'ny TheSabeorlberelb&olful forp1.1L fnoun / OF' LONDON.

beg to iotim&t:ct f.O tbo publlcgeuet&tl:r tll&t they oow olfer for ute-= · ' 106 BEDS'fE.\DS at l2ltod up.,arde. •

S doa. LOUNGt:S a.t.27fG a.od uptrarde. 4 dos. Toile' TABr;v..-;u 7/torJd or•ar• 4 doa W 48BBTANDtf Ill. '1/ aud n,e•ard.

11 doll. CRAIBS-Cr.oe _, ud Oommoo i Waloal Pulor ~UJT.

0ftl, Rellod aod ]\iC.Cheo TABLES. Chamber t:lall.t, Wh~nott. ~ Wiodo" Polea aod Ooroicea. '

• A11d a' tot of CHROKOS a.acl PIC'I:ORES.• RUSTIC

Framu, Plctare Mollldiog, &c. V .F'RAK.ES mld• ·to


1900:op Beward 1


Suo,sctttBro l!ArtTAL ...... ... £2,000,CKiO' ... TOTAL •Nu.ll'r't.o •Fusus ur- · ·

w.uws 0' ................... 2,760,000 .. AN~U&LI.NCOJUt UPWJJIDS or' 850,000 ,. ·

The J•GUARDL\N" being a fir'lt,..cll.ll , .Engl_!,b,ln.suraoi:o Company, olfen all thote adniltaaea mOlt deairabiQ to lnaaren, Tis., UDdoubted etabillt11 f11vorable terma aod p rompt aau.temoo~ of claimt ro, 1011

!'be UDderatjtlled. haYing boh ~pjKiioted A,po' for~ ewfouudl&od il pN~ to -~ eue Pollcieupi01~ l oaa by i'lre. ••

I J A.l1ES 8. WINTER, St, J olua'a.

JOSEPH GfJDDEN, .,_· '8ab-Ap•'-Bt. Gnee,

St. John's Marbltt Works -o-




RBEUMiTISM~ 1/eul'tllgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,

Bael:aclte, Soren11ss of tho ChtJit~ Gout, QuinsJ, Scl'e Throat, Swell·

/4191 and Spt'ainl, Burns a.nd · 8caldz, Gcn_eNll Bodi!J 1 Pams,

Toofl.·, Eal' thld Het~daohe, Frorfed f ~et and Earl, and all othel'

Pain.1 a.nd Aches. Jlo l'I._,.,.Uaa oo outb oqll&l• !tr. J•"'• O<•

w • ..,,.,, • .,,..._, oi.,Jll• &D4 <~p E>.t•n o.l 1\..:r~r. A llial ..,tafu bet ch• -"""tl•ot• ttl~l~r < • tt.y ct :.0 Cnta. ud •"'-'7 ..,. onC.rt"l wu.b polo""' boN cl> .. p twd pwttlto p...,._t of , .. cWtniL

l>lroc:l - Ia ~ ... l.o.nno(t'OO. BOLD Il Y ALL DRUGGISTS U1> DSA.LEE.a

111 I!S.DIOI!il:. A. VOGE!.ER. & CO ••

Jlol<lonor•, MrL , U. G. .A.

CHEAP BOOKS Sl:r.Lr. 'iG t~nEu FmsT CosT.

A (;031 PLJ::TE aet of llnlwcr L\' t ton'! ~v·tcla-:?."t~•ola-handsomdy.Lvuud

itt <''vth . l'ubliJlted Gt :t:, doLi ; ofTen:r! M :./.'< .tols

vibbon't ( Edw:\rcl) fli•tory of tbo -r)c. clin<' 1\nrl E ·,.!I of the R oman Empire, with ~otes b)' b.,. , II. II. )! ilnoan. A complete I nt!cx or ~~~" wbolo .,., or I:. G yola., S.GU ccttta.

(.;arlylo's ( J homne) H iatory of Frederick thl' o...,al- ti vola. l'ublisln:d at 12 dol• i &I' ll at I ij tl .lis.

T he \\'~~.t ,rr1cy ~ovcls, lty Sir W. Scott. A nth or'~ cc ,t,jre edition ; complc to in 4 volt!. 5.~0 -<·0'Ilt~.

T h rough •b e Dnrk C,..ntinont-tho Sonrco o( the ~ ila - Around tho Great LAkes of Equatorml , Vrica-nod Down tho Li•·iog· atono River to t ho Atlaatio O ecau, lly M. StAnley. 'I'wo voiR io one. JrJape .. od II· lustrntlona. l'ubli~bed at 6 50 cents, Cull leather : off ~red nt 3.25 c:cala. and 3.60 cte.

MllCIIulny' a lliat.ory oC England-~ vole in 2. 3.2(1 o ~al<l.

The G rea t Speeches and Orations oC D11oie l Wobt •tor, witb no Eaaay on W cbate r ns a Maatar of Eng lish atylo, by E:. W. \Vhipplo-1' "o vole. SO ceot.a. .

lliatory of EngltUJd in the 18th Century. by W E L ~c"y, M A-Vola 1 and 2. Sceood Edition. 7.20 ecoLe ; pnblilbud nt ~1511 s tg.

Tbu Ri•o o C the Datc:h Republic, by John L Motl.c>y-1 vol. 2.60 c:cnla.

Solf.Aid C 'ye lop:cdill, fo r Slodeota, by 1(, S Bum. 2.75 ceot.a.

l'bc Lllllt J-ooroal1 of David Lh·ingatou in Central .AfriCII, by .Horn.:o Wollor F R.G S-2.2.5 CODla.

'fltomne Ca1 lylo; a History o! the Fins~ Fortr Yeua or hia Life, by J A Froude-2 vola tn 1. , l < lol.

Life and Lt tlora oC T..ord Mncn11lay, by G Otto Tron lyau, M P-2 •oiAI. 2.Sn eta.

CIIJlada uotl or tho Admiui1lrat.ion o( tho Earl of Dummo. by Georgo Stewart, jr. S dole.

J . F. ClUSllOLM. St. J obo'a. .April 27.


·· It~~· . ' ....... ~--., D&.~t!Jtno ~P:o!oiOTIOS~~~ chiaf'or ifo

Dublin police bu been re'ti;;d, &D.d CQJeC De~ctll'e l\laloou bu boon appointed to aueeecd hiw. 'l 'bo oppointmeo' ia looked upon u a reward· ror IIU. aemc:o.a 11\,,tbo 11rrcst nod proeocutiou of t ho Phau:lix ~rk ruurlforora.

'!'be fWifar Grand Jury on tho 17tb ult, r eported finding uo billn:;oiust IJr. Law1on on ei~hu eh11rro of murder o'i' proe'uring abortioo. J'udgo 'fho01paoo immedintoly

.-ordered the At.tornoy-Gener:ll to i .. ue a W&rrut for l>r. L:lWiiOn's 11rre.n 00 toO llU•

Miscellaneous. (Fr-om 1114 Ptopk, !A>udun, Oct. 21.)

The G~t FUhori., Ex­hibiUon.

Tho Minis te r oC Marine, PD.ri.t, nllUda tbe Shaw tlifficolty u aeuJed._} Mr. Shn'V will rec~ivu nn iodsmuii.y o( Clp,OOO freoc:11 Cor the losac' sueltlinod in Madlgli!IC&r, aD\l tho Fruoclt Minister of F oreign. Alfairs \Till 11ddrtu to tbc Ur:tiah

1 ForulJ!a Ufiico 11

le tter regrettiug tho occorreoct

A u ndditioo to Ctul~lo litJ1'11turc ia c:t­JWC: tcd. An acqUllintlluco will io tbo h~~obi~ of eeodiag him new books aod ~3l,'ll: iues cnnt!\iniog orticl4!11 whiob be lhoatcht mi!:ht iotcrc5t him. CBrlyle reluroed ' lbew \Titb nouotnliou~. It ia propoa~d to publi1b " !Ill ·

lcctiou ol tbuee brief bnl poiutcu edticism~.

Tcnoy•on'u arrangemont' 'lfilb .MC1m11. Kegatt, l'l\ul, Trench & Co, Cor tb' pui.Jlle:~.­tloo of his "'orlur eomos to au end \'lith t bo present y~nr. nod will oot be renewed. Mnc:mil!Au ~~ Co. will iu futun bo tho l"urea~·a pnrli.!thcrs. T cnnyaoo recoivod under hill nrr:\ncemeo~ with t he form.:r pub1iahora .£·1,000 a yea:.

A PASTORAL BT Mor. McCAI\11.-Cardinal l'tleCabo bM iuuet.l & p1.1toral 1:1yfug th11t owiog to the jbuice• add gootl teDAe of OlodOnt 8tl\Ul5UICU ID&l\Y o( fon:ncr cdueatioua1 griennce!J bnl'o been redreuo'd, but mucb rewllioe to bo dbu~. · tie anya he doed not uk for bi1 peoplo tbo afi.t:ltRst privilege M Rl,'lliust otbors, but only oqunl·

thority oC tho <.:orooor's terdic:t.

Tho Quarterly lku~'" coulai03 an impor · liD' p:tper by Lord Sali&bnry, in which hu reviews tho anecesaivc cotH-cnions mttotlc to lrolnnd by vanot:a llritialr l'.1rlinmenltl iu 178~. 18:!9 and 1 I. lli1 conclusiou i" that 'it i~ ll dia!;mcoful r~curd.~ltowio:; tbn~ tbc ~1•irit o£ dOtDoOrliCY M< nhYII,Vd C:Otllrol h:u tbo relatiotl:l bch•eeu Enst,.nd lllld lr~l:>od. W . ll:-l..,'tZicr, ll:r\liff, (.;c. , JklleYillo, writua. " I ll 11d J)r T homL\!1' gc1, •• mc Oil tho I hii\'C over used in mr stahl.!. I lmvu o~ed it lor bruilles, 8C~tchM, "ind puffs nml eut3; aod itt ov.,ry c:l.~ it !(l\VC tlto b~~t s.:~tiA!Aation. Wo ~tl it as a hou~hol.t r , fur col<.l.s, buru8, &a., and it iii a porfcct 1-'-'ttacea. It \Till rewove <Y!\r l.d by pMin~ tberu dowu .auJ :!pplyiug It OeeMiOullllf."

BA!>O: OF i\'ISSII'£0-Activo mon.snroa a rc beiog talc en iu counect.iott "iili t.l111 oa­tallli.Bhutcot of t ltd propoacd Uauk of Win· uip.~g by Enghsh n:td loc:>l CApitalisltl. The dmft of tbo chM:or , propo~cJ 1.0 bu submit · tetlnocl pll&4od 1\t tbu 1u:xt mcoliu:c of t he F.,durnl l:'arliamcnt, waa I!Cut to EogllUid reeootiJ for the Appr0\'111 of iutero~~tod partipe t boro. l'he e:~pital stock of tho b,,uk i11 fixud u £1 ,000,000 atcrliug, or $5,000,000.

ll'eoblc LnW03.


Ia 1pitc ol tho \'Utne.a of our {mporio.l ' "'·'Y nud ~Ito uuivortnl rausc or <~or polittCI'l a111l commercial iuwroiltl, our uuiun~l io~obrity aaacr ts ite.:IC io tho wonderful igoor:.pc>J " biob exult! uvun amoo~r the .:duc.Lted middlu c:ll14:1ca on O:tlttora COil·

c:erninl( our owu cul <ari~U~-tbeir extent, c:lun~t e. ,::~o:.,rraphy, cntur:tl nml cont~uorc:i&l rc\oUrc.:~. poJiulatioo, j:OYoruurcnt , nod M · pirntious,nno.l of no co luuy ,._"' tht.l be moro tru ly said th:m of ~owfouut.I I:Hftl . ou r oldtlst !\nd J!_c!\r~ll t-!or 1~ wu <l iacovered<iP 1·i!l7, aud iR only I ,GIO miles di.Jt:\ut from t ltu coa~l of l rull\lld. E xclut.lin:;: t bo l.:~btndor tcrrit.orr. wit!. 11 co:~:~~ ltuo vi uea rly 1,000 onile~~ which I.Jol ouH~ to it, tho aolony o( :-lcwfounu!:llld , tlao only onu, on tho North A ruoric:.n co~onl oat iucladcd in lbo Domintoo of <.: adll. h:lll no nr~:1 of •12,000 equnro mil~e. :ID :1 CO:l.!lt lioo or 0\'0r 2 000 ttlllell~tlon;; which :uo tho ~:rnnd~t 6dhin.c !;round~ io t bo world, especinlly ns re~rd• coo t.i1bories, for t ho tnL:o oC ' be ~ewf;uorl· lanJcra alone oo their fllutou• c:od·baok.~ :~nm~ca from threo to four tim~& In ll'ois;bt tbllt of tbu l-1!ot..uand othor Norto watora. Tbo fiab , too, aro larger, Cntler, and in eYe f)' way fiuor, and commnod th., highest prices i11 tbu markcltl of ~ 'World, 311 t ho ~cw­fouodlnodera aud Canadil\o• ticr.bapa e•eo &Urptt.M t be Scotch in t be c:ar iog of codfiah, and tho prupnration of cod oil aud cod­liver oil, t wo othor at:lp!es in 'lflticb New:.

it} :~ uti jo~ticu.

}Pltoto languid. ttr~•omo aons.1tioua caaa- touodl:~nd reigns aoprume. Tbs products ifll; you to Ccul IC:Irccl ~· nblo to bono your oC tho cod fishery ioc:ludo ~bo dried codfish feet; tha~ : onataot •lrnm that is l.!lkiug from lor export; tho commou cod oil, used obioC-

---- your system all i~ cluticity i dri• ing the ly iu G reat Brit.tin, wburo it is Cou11d 11tc Spectator bou pobliabed a 9hort nnd I.Jlo~w fN ttt your. cheeks; tu:.~ ~attnual particulllrly rnlu&i.Jlll to the le11thor <!reucr ;

.,.,.,~. nent IJO~IIt ou .. llud.Jha," !i;:nad str!l.m upon your '1'1141 lorcu.routlortng y<~u t hu rdiued or wedioin11l cod-liver oil ric:b in •· A. C . Benaon, A•lrlingtou l'ar~.<.:ro.)'doo." irri table 1wd tr.:dul. can CA~~ily lio ~<•tau• <J 1 toditlcK :.ud phosph:~M ; t!::e roi• o;po~tod o r counc. .. blhor t$ not lo be hold by tho oae o( lb:lt m:u• c:lo.u T'\!UIIlll)'. !lop I ior bllits Ill the &IU'diuu li•berius; tbo ofhl ttnd t Cllpoosillle for bi6 sou'il opinions; bn~ i~ Uitlcl'l. lrru:{ttlnr~tie1 !\ad o bstr.lctioas or bou.a, \Vhich nre made by et~~tnin~. dryio~, \Vtll c~r!A t tt ly 1)\! tnkun 1\:J ll sl,n ol t bu you~ d)'Stolll ar.> Nltc•·~d .at once,. " .'''" tho 1\od :.:;":m!in.:, into & 1111\nure cqui,·:~leut fu timcu II 1100 or tho Arc:hhtBhop or opCCt:ll c.ttl31) of [ICriOJIC'\l p3tn l!l per- vnluo to Pcru~i:~n 1;11 .. '\nO, wluc!J, by tho <.:antt•rbttry ~!tould publi.l~ a., roo Y!'n!~l in m~c~ntly .•c.movetl. ~\'II: you beeJ t hill :'- way, is .on I~ fi4h partially di!;e,tco.l by bird~ ; vludic~tfo t . n£ !\ " h•ubuo" reli~bo tl::t rl Cw; .'\ w .. :d.•y ,\ •:11,.. t ltc ftw tmmtog bltvldcr, or • aound,' rnllde dl'>'::huo j.bAl. Jltulrlba b , .. .,f( '. ioto isit..; ln•'; and the IODI!U~ll u bicb are

.. u .. tt.t o nly • t tbo llrr...tooll cf tbo tbNce." Tue M.\~11011A <l L"nJin!..-!luAine~s in deltcnt" nrt:C:cs of foo•l. Indeed. no p:\rt ---- ) l.oni:ob • l\u 1 l\ 1! :-i•H tl,.\·,·, .. : i..1 ~:v,·ly of tin• uobl•! fi oh i~ valu··lcM or tt<u l~~~. M

l'nnroS!II Rtfutt)f~ . BY TilT. CZ.\1: ,-;St. bu~ .tc\Jily t .. l!ytn~ fro 11 :h11 llhoc.: 1t •X · <l•~o the hu.•d ts O:\tun, PtttrAhurg,t:c/ 1 6:-lttenn:IO!\o<:«foll:.:ttl-~ fll'_rieuccd l:ut "'"•h'r aod ~ t <nlti\Ot. All l • wnn ur<' . c r. M ttt l'ior"'ny.t:s.:dnrt.xcd ly ili"t t~u C::D~ ";•II 'lhorlly iustntlt.c uura· th '\t iJ reqtur ... l 11 ,1 .v ;., ca;.,!ul ma:-t,;:o·

1 ."ttb ' '' ' ".~".J to recti, cow:~ wttlt, s~ M ~

croue •e.or~>t d to t bo Hu••flm l wily ~ur· 019 ,1t. .\luo iot thdr !,&;He to <:row ricu mcre<ue t•wtr mtlk. Cod 11 very n ch to viet!. It i3 PJao ! t.'lted U(lOO authori~y tlrr.t 1\ ill ntl: bu .,0 Ji 1ulc to urr U\' ovcr tmJin" krentinl', of "·!Jiob it containa tbrco parts in bo ... m is:!uo an t-tlict in reforo"cc to the ~nJ will oJ t J 1v.:n. tl.cir fitt:l ;td nl r1Mourc:~ 1,0041, 11 lnri(Cr portion beef. !\ud only nff~i1'11 o.C tho J~w~ rc~llltog in Ru~~i!\, from lcjji limnto hu~lilU-"~ to i r111ul~o itt exceedoc} ~y tht~ flc~h of tbc conrmou fowl· wbtch '"U pl,.c:e tbe.m ~~ n be ttor fooht~g l(lCCtllllth'u ~lltub:in~. Tho ubolo outlool.: and, .IIJ! tt 11 C'l8tcr to c:ttrA.:t !ror? cod, :.od botll _all rogarda t betr C:lltZ~D!bip Bnti bu~1- 0! ono.:>ur:)t.;injl, a ud ;he futnru i~ bngbt thll lt ~h tnfi111 tuly cheapur, kr~11Uuu. can be oou tolo~a_L'I nud to " gNAt cuooL rcad~r with pr<~tui•u of .it.,1v lr in1pr.lfCntcot 111 all maoofacturod from cot.l more cutly and tbem lesa ltablu to the murJurou4 ot~ck s buocbc! of t rotlo.- :t'i1mipr!J C"rmuercial. c:ben\,ly Utnn from any other aoorce of to" bioh tboy bavll beoo aubjcc:tod frotn tbe --- - aupp y. Knt..1'ioe, iu fact, i• prell.\blJ l ower elaases or ltuu ians (.Uriug tho ptut t .ord Cmrru.rvon bl\ll 1\;:ree<l t.n head a desLiood in the near future to bo AS iwport· y ear. syodicat.l Cor tlt~ purpose of purcbn~~ing a.a not an agent io medicine 111 eod·liver o1L

immense tract of land 10 \\'eneru Austrn- Alt.boul)h the cod f11boriea of ~cwfouodlaod Jia. A large portiou or thi• lllod will bo 11re by far tho moa~ importaut, ateragiog io IW!igood to iwmigriiUI.II wtro iu rolorn Cor valno tbrco-fourtbe of tho eutiro tiaberi(JI lbuir labor will reocivu a.:eds :1nd implo- retorn, tho berriog, aeal, ulmou, aod milnts. T ho syndiClltll •viii tnke n morrgctg, loblltc r fisher ies aro abo very valuable and ou tbo lrtnd crop of ea~ aottlor, :~nd wi I ox~osiYe, u aro tbo iudtUiriua 11r iaiug aecopt a yearly aum ~111irist tho mor~o !rom aud depcudool ou t bem. Tho ontil i ~ is lifted ett~iroly. When tbie bM UOTI\f:C number o( sc&la ~ken on the bcou accompl~hed tho tenao~ ,.ill bo oo· ioo fioiW. oo tbo nortb.out coae~ ADd iu t l:o titled to tho absoluto owaorahip in foe Gulf of St, Lawrence, ia -l..'lG,4.13, valued nt aimpl~ of tho property which ho ltl\3 by hls £213,!1:17, t bo produola including the aldns ofrorla nado to pay Cor it.clf. Lord <.:ar- liDd oil, arc both cxt>Orted to Grt'nl llritniu, o:~rYOn ox[lr0&3C.II unboundocl bopo in tho~ tbe lattorboiog largely used io tbc illumina­suecu' or Lho ~~ehooo~ . a ud lolicvM that i' tioo vf co:\1 mioe>~, :.nd in tbc mauufac­willnfrorJ great r tliot to t ho pooror agri. ~nre or tb • fin or soaps and caodlea. T ho

STANLEY t~ .1\PRICA.-A IcHor reoeivod in lloaton from Mr. Henry ll . S~olnr, dat.ed J uly H . at S14uloypool, Congo ruter, say~: "!;incelarrivedou tlto Cont:o lu~ December 1 bavo been up 111 br u tbc F:q_olltor, and ea~hliabod two Ill oro &Lations, and besides diacovering llDOthor l:.ko•, Mant uwba, bavo explored for a baodred miles lho riror koowo oo my map u llcelcmbu, but which i.11 really l'ttalunda. lt is !l of tbeliu oC t bo Arhoa.:ae and nry aa\<lgllblo. 'l'bo biK str~am ll'b'ich 1 expect m oat 'drniu t ho l tHgOl~ part oC tho South Congo basin must bo bigbor up. H Miog b.leowo better 11cqoaio\4d wi~ t be couotrJ, I am alruok witb \ho deo&e popu· lation or t ho eq:tatori:.l pArt of the bruin, which, i( uniform throogbout, would give 49,1)()0,000. l'be number of produc:tt and tbe or t he people :u-o likewise romark&bl o. Gums, rubber, iYory, camphor wood !lnd 11 boat of ot.ber thioga would rc· p11y trllol portlltioo, croll by tho rcry expen­alvo wodo Qt J>r.!&cot iu uao. 'l'be people are b<i ... tre ora, nod aro, for Ahica.ns, very cotupriaiog and iod11.1triooa." Mr. S~olcy tulls oC bia modla\ioo botwoeo

tril;Jel which " 0r11 at 11'1lr, and wbon pe• co wu brougbt a boot by lob e!lor ta tbey olccted him " Ft.thor aod Mothor" oC their eottotry, a diatiuotion be receive•! from another lribo. Mr. Sttolo1 'lf&ll in. good beahh.

cullor:ll clll&'l~:t. chief centrM of tho bcr ring fisheries 11ro __ __ Lnbn1dor , Uouno Uay, !lay of b lllndl, St.

M L'l' IllS ~hTCli.-AnderilOU tbo wiUird mot a Scotc:hruao who etolo a mnrc:b ou bim afte r tho following pMtoro. Enter Scotchman- • l 8-1J, nre you l 'rofeuor Aodor.on '!' 1 Yes, air, a t your servieu, ' ; Wecl, you're:. 8UJMt mno, llDJ l'ut sum­thin' at n trick, too, you L;uor..' · Ab, in­deed. 110d wht\t trick• MC you up tu air ?' &akod l ho l'ro!llll!lor, amused a t t bo eunple fellow. • Weol, 1 e:~n t~~ku 11 abillint: and chllngo it into 11 gold piece.' • O b, tbnL's a mere sldght·of. ruuul trick ; I Cl\u do tlt:.t t.oo.' • No, you can't. l'u liko to ~uc )'OU

try.' 'Woll, bold out your lwtd with a altilliog hl it. 'l'bil ia your abilliog is i\ ?' • Sore it'a oolbio1: clso.' • Uold oo to it t ight, Presto ! ebllor;re. Now, opou your hand.' Seolty oponcd hi~ fuat, ~toed tltero wu a ~told aoverel~o on bia ralm. • W ecl, you did it, I .dec:larll ; mucb obloogod to you I' and the Scotchman tutoed to go out• • Stay,' uid tbo Pro£caaor, • JOU lllliY lea~e my .ovoreigo.' • Yeure! wuo 't tha~ my ahilling. and didn't yo• tum i~ into t bia 'ere yollo", oh? Gooa-byo !' And u h11 teh tbe rooot bo ., ... besrd to uy-• I guO. there llio't aoylhio.: greou 11bou~ tbi4 eb.ild. • · ·

Georgo·a ll~y. and For~nne B:~y. 'fho avera.;c nltuJ ia £121.~6 1 : thAt or the clmon "nd lobaters c:r.:portod being .£t::i, · Sa.'i, and £ 21.,70[1 res pectively. 'rho couu· t rius to which lbo bulk of tho fialt ia e:~.port· ed-thc a \·ern,"'' ~'1\luc of tho cxporla boini £1 ,b!li,771> out of a total nvorngo aunual fithc rie.ll nluo of £.1.S.IG,ll8 - are tho Uoit<!d Kin:;Jom, Unu i l, l'ortu~,~t. S~io, t ho U uited Statca, italy, Spani.h aud Uruisb W~t Indict, anJ t!Jo Uoutinion of CM:to.ln : tho prutlucta of tho aealnnd flsbe riUII beln~: aeM nlmo~t exc:lWih•oly to tho United Kingdom, aod herrings cbi~Oy to Cao11d11 nnd tho Uoit.:tl StAtes. Abottt 52.MO per80ns ore employ1.1d in flabing aod curio& 6sb, oC whom "bout 80,000 are llblo· bodied ti.shormeo. 'l11e ialaod' bu vcfy valuable 1\1\d utooah·o •qiuerl11 ru ourc\111, 1pecimous of which 11r0 exblbitcd , CO(I[lOt', lc.'\d, oiclc4!1, magnetic lrou, argootiferoos galo1111, mau~neae, coal. and gypaam, all good, lllld .omo of uoeptloll&lly blgb qn:.lity, onl1 receo~ly protpected; ao.d wMo rAilway, n~w in coo~trucUoo ia 6oislted ~ewfoundla11d will lAke a leadin.: place amonl: miueral eoulltrics. Her agrieultorel rnource.s, too, are greater. ani! lrer chmato far finer nod bO&Itbier thao it· gcuomlly


aoimal-tho whales, •eail. cod, IINCitoNI, herring, bll.litmt:"- llltke,- IID&.'"att.::•liiOb. lt~mlly crowd tl.em &t cerl:aio wa• .ad la certain plt.c:ea: •11d uC the A'I'Ode leU &bu portion in uhieh the ie1 cnrreot froar tbo nor th tneeltl the w11rm Gulf StreJUD frocn tho Gulf oC Mexico. ~nown l\lt.ho grut Cor; baok of Nuwfouudl.lnd, owiasc to Lbe ml.aW canted lty the • meeting oC tbe wa~erw.' il that o[ all o thera wbich aeom1 bu• to ault th(l eulllltitutloo aod habita of t be c:Ocl. 'l'bo Arctic eurroot '"eepa from ~he Ice !&dell Spitsber~o~cn acaa rouod C11pe Farewell .,acl 'outh G reoolaud, rues oortb to Capo York . "hue i ~ troQJs to wee~ m1ogliu~ witt. thu icy r iver which cowea frotD the tl.r~tic ruo:ions thrvugb Davi1' Stl'lit, aod ill no w defloe1od t.o t ::o .outh, whcro,rocciving acco"'iona from llttdton's Stnlit, i ~ rnal•e• Blon~: t be J.~~bmdor aud ~ow[ouo.Jiaud co1HI1, till it cnc:ouotors the wllrm wateril o r Lito Gulf S trenm mo•·iog eaatwarde. Hero i~ ia tli•idod' into two great brencbea, one of \rbich wedges ite~II between tho COM! 1\1\d tho Gulf s~reom, wbilo the other, it wa11 pro,•cd IJy tho l11to Admiral Sir Ed"'ml Belch er, who toolc ac:euruto tbermomotric ol.scrvution.s, ah<>vt.s in aoutc plllccs u nJcr Lllc v.·arm oectUl

ri\·er, whilo iu others, atrango to aa1, the 'vur01 . wutor ahooUI under tt.u cold stroaw, althoush bot wator is lighter thlln cold. Sir Etlward Uolcltcr showcd toe his original obtcr va-

' tioll8 some ycum befot e his d eath, au<t tho accurucy of his work BS nn hytJro­gmpber and mllrioe survoJor i& cow4ci­c rcd un impc.cbabto: b ia now called tho LllbNdor current, aod it.s nrua aou~b­wurd¥ oa t iro North AUtorican coast is ono h ugo lecding aotl spuwriing gtound for lito deep sen commorciltl lUbes, part• ly on account of its temperature, more, porhlll'l, beet\ us, tbo currents bring witl:t them an Hnf:tiling ami suporubund11nt ~upply of Lite food on which thoy thrive, for tho Arctic seas and tho gront icy ri1·crs tbey J)OUr out teem with minuto forms of life , and nro as vnriously 11nd chnructAlriaticnlly cvloured Ly tbcm as tho wnrm watAl.s of tho t rO(>ics an<l G ull Strf.'ltm. A picoo ol g;t ll:tO immcm· ed iu tllcso wnt.crsltecomcs ruvidly CO:lt. cd with fi lms of browu, ~::~n, or yel­lowish·rcu , nccortling to tho color of tho water and ~Ito or~;anic form~J iL conL"tiM, nod tlt();lo liltna aprcuu 01cr 100,000 squtlrc miles of surfuce, provi•ling sus. teuanco for fish nml fowl, to My uothiog of wbale11 n11tl other mnrino fauna • Cod spawn flo:1t.s ncnr tho sorfaeo and thotc pa.'ISCS through it.a variom1 d001clop· mcot.a t ill it is h"t!lltcd-in aixtoondttJII. Tbc malo &h when apuwning 11wima Lo· low tho fumale, and t)lo milt being · lightor ~Liltl thu wntor llo'\t.s to tho Rurtnco nncl impregnates t bo acporat~ ova on it.s paaa"gc, ouctly \he op1K18ito of what taltea Vli\CO with the tal moa. tribe. The young eod growa into " codling nbout n foot long in its lint yMr, And gocs into deeper water whet.1 awut six montlts old. Tbe s ubmariM piKins off tho N e wfoundland aboros, where U1o best tish aro tt.lten, nro not, 1\3 wtw lon g tboo~ht, mAllei of lltliid brou:;:ht by the Uuli S t ronm nntl St-. L:lwt'Qnce, but form n rocky submarino plntc.tu, which dips S)•lth·oMterly to • grunt dopth, lil.:o ~ho 11idc of a moun• tniu. Tho fiBbing ;::rounds nro aotoc 200 miles long by about acvcnty Lro:uJ, and lltis • coJ tucnd<>,..... biUI looon lishe,• for nearly 40Ct • ycaot by largo fioot.1 from wllny n rttious without any np· p.trenL l.lcereAse in producti\'Cn081. ' l'hoso fish taken on d tc ll"nks are larger nnu bettor lhtln tboso from t lto Lnbl&~ d or COilS~; 1\n U \'(liii(;C or thirty Laolt cod, wltcn d1·iod, ml\ku t' quiut.:tl ( ll2lbL) Tho pt·i~ is higher; nnd till lntoly natur.

o.s wrll as fishormcu thought that l>nnk nnd 11horo coo woro of d ifl'er­

ont spuica· &ra, however, hna 11hown tlu\t thoy nro identical ; foocl aod local­ity having t bo d ifl'o.rcoco. The eodfillh ll(lpe4fl on lite oout.a about June l11t, <trnwn ~ho1~ by ioetino~, o t• ruoro protnbly follow in:; its food,. -.rhioh is dcpondcnt on•the teotporoLuru of tho Wl\tOr, t&nd the ~riot} of it.s 11ppoaranCO

. • • ~ - .-- t oo"n. 'fbe fol'l, •ealaltioa, luthlll'l We.(Molli[tal .w;illt..).cooo• u one of coil6ab, cod tud cod liter aot.l s.­

tb!l groau:•~ me.o C&o&'clt. baa c•er produeod . oll1, etulfud bird&, aod fllh • ici bottle!!, \he, ,miUIOO&f1 Dr. Mack&,,· or Formoaai · ·~llo~ an~ : ,IC&)ing lwple1UODII,Cl<ltd­bora io the Highland 1eitlemon~ ·ol Zorri, ~. ~ .• uhtb~ted ,are of tho fio~u. aa ill OxfQrd co'uo~j, OutaHo. Tltie in~n h1.1 u~rideooed by the oam'ber or honon New­f&e:Od alone whole cltie~(uU of n 11ini ooe~ fol.tndlaod baa .COred here. Cotbwercia11J, ml• a.od ib hi• ori pro~r atreos;;tb, eo far tb~ coJ. r. tqo lriog of fbhes<n tbJ Nortb u baiD&o flll'GO)' f oe&, ia rapitlly lal:ioa A!nerican oout, u iho berrin:: ia lo our (IOUOIIIOQ O( th&t gre.a.t island in• the nllmO 8001. If the borrlUft Ia the I f>O!OJ: IIWI'I

of \bo Lortl of Hoata. W e ba•e t.o thank mnuoo, ' t ho cod. lilA)' falrl.y claiot io ~hi1 Mr. Croll ro/ tho baehlt:oC.Cb of bit taoot.· • ~ccf.' '!be outrienl- nlae of a pon )or .., wblcb l1 u ' IDiloh A a eohamn atl'orda cOd 11 aboo& oloo .. feot'h. of &bat of a uu!1 room for, but tbe detalla of 'hie Cbrietian of leao bl..-ef. No" ll taku &L leu lrre.e dario&, aa mod~ltlJ Ill ~ forth by him on h~ ~uoda of freeb C()d to mo~lt:o 0011 poe •I of Yiait to thi.laotlutrya year or t"O&g'01 COli- d r1 cod, t bC ltUtrien' viJ.lue of \"~ltlt it, ttio epllodu u aod 1.11 heroic u b~wuver, 'dimlaiahod to tbo I.IJhltt& of, are to IJO fo nud lo tbp COIIQUCit or Mnico P.+rbapJJ, lfteDtY 1,)41r bini- by tbe PN•'th of by Cona. We dru &\teutioo to h jna~ ~llluc aua cunna , 110 &hat lo t'futrleot DOW beoaue tho worlt iA arowint: f~, &Dd v. l po A pollbd ol dry cod III&J be ta.lton &I lo brt•r WQI'd• eloquao& qblety thtooa.ah the e!ttlit&lotol of two arut ooe.tblrd 11011cicla dM mip&1 !aob \boy mtotlou anct'&bt, ui· of lu~ri. A• tlry CQd ..-a be ~eo& ioto dn• ia.tbilltT. of tbe writer _, h._d tim to otar mark1!ta,to ~11 rc~ilai thret~l)Ctl ptr •1 mort, 0 • Maeb1 ltM l.llled lii. ltfltjfo poan<J, 11nrl 'Wi\1 lt~p ,aod fOr ID!Iil1 laod lor two tlton-.ut.l "'"' baodn~~ll clolian olea.r lb&t It II u · oiiMp ,.,ct

Vl\rllll in difl'\!rcut. loa.liti6!1 as &o anpporL tho l"twt· propoeiuon, for ~hey do n ot npt)C'.At ~11 :Nor~b r.brad.or for neArly two moll tlul l.t.ur: Th~ earlie r they &(IJ~ar tho Iunger ia th" period .durint: whinh the flahi"¥ is et.rrled oA in a gi veo pl11eo,' ~-~ it 1s pt'Ob.llle that ' the "acl~oola .. mitt"'~ from• Ute lleep · w11te r "ih~er . foodina gTOund• to \ nearcet. eoaet.. aud ag-io trom codt into dlll!p water, 110 tb~&t thto "IObool" is inlli0ronooe &o tho cou~ it fre,qn~tr. ' Thull lh11 ~lung 011 'tho Nowfql\udftt\ ~ 00l\$t lut.thL~n~ ,143 dtP, ~inUiNt on . tbo .bt ~ un•; on SOulla L¥r•cfo~, -'ibl..f· llt!' ' llll d ll)'ll, ~WJiOC on 20tb OC Juuo; tu\cl on North Labrador filt.J-'W. f rl"YIL. bfginoing on the :l~ of Jol1. t!Jo IJeftotifnl Arotio atnelt., or 01~u 1

(O•R..,.W <Vclicur), lu!ralcLi Lbo a~IL .>C the ood, wbieh tollon aad. • Jlri!J11 u110u tbe ooan~eta roUii4lnl ·~· llllltltlll llTOund &l•• h1land, UM .a~ vl wltiuh tbey INk to apt&Wil OD, ....... tbtt1 oootW111· for • a -ot .. ,.. when tJMr ~rlili!JIJ' fo\0 lobo

W ot'COt ~ OIJU~ •• ODCIL €aaaclk •11 a 1 U f a brltlltJiy ean pot ... •U.fJ thlt model& nlqlliR 'l"(llaOu' feet lor tpe_&b ot ae ~ ".tolcla;r tha• IlK! llu • IeMier able 10 F ~~t&lllft! a ~a'teeeo, • tiUr\Y•Ilt lil ud ~ ~ ~ 10 ~adele• I.! id~ Ia nter b.jfore

il!li~~~~~~~;j'-~C'tlletnadoa u;.' ......... oat I• to wlliotl aDid -~~~"' tllcll'Niib~ bat nd •laWa ~:be .-ahA111j!d "' OMIOl OUntl?tAI c1e~ w • wort Ub

jha lllttDIMI'1

ht . (ollond lq "• llll'la ...........

Page 2: · pi~~CCS wilr bo closed a.t this Uilicc until ... i-~ Kin~: Struct. j rn~ure.ncocffoct('dOn

p=:· -~· . . s

~Lb a amall ~iue may fl ll a amall boat l:l ao hour or eo. l'boull\llda of cartloaJa 110 ueed for muUJ:1kbY Lhe fannen, who Dis: them with e&itb "\and put, aod iL ia

!.buy are noL cured like sardiooa, excel in deiiC.~y of lln•our.

•we·wfcluuadiJ,nd IDi~tht ruin th11 French ~de, aa aho could geL refioeol­oi! from tho Southern StateL


~Ye .~fanbarh -AND-

c qf!?_KP1/0N /JAY AD VER'l'JSK,.R.

' S11'1J{;';>A Y, NOVEMBI!:U. 10, ts83. the CA~hn leaoro, about the begiou· Tu& R.\tL\VAY.-Owing t.o tho fnvor~

of ·Auguat, aqnada or l!tdo 6ah appear ablo WC:\thcr prevniliost during tho pns t myriAd~, ud the cod gorge themeeh ea wool.:: t ho woe k o f r ful way colllltruct ion

aoetr ; aro follo wc:d by tho herring, • 1 wh1ch appear on the eceno at the c ud of M thll H111 bor Ornco cod h:u~ ~i,·c• Sep\ecn~r, and io .thoar turo pay toll to qnito Ru •m loctus sm oo our 11\St roport. tho r•n•oaio~t mawa of tho omoiv~rous cod , Ove r IICVOn m tles o f tho hnc ~~oro II'>"' -which are ahuoAt obtirely captured by J,bc grnde<i, and t ho mila IRu.l an d tho rond band boolc aoa line, although t ho ICiliO, b.J IMteU for a distanco of n m ilo rmd a (lllnet, cod-trap, aod bultow, or long hoe, quurUlr-f roJm the " Ptpo Track" to aro a llueed,and l.he best bait 11 tho c:apohn ::-iorthcrn Brook. Tho s trong s ub.,tan· The 0011 do aot b1to ao weU when n ry fa~. aor do !.hey t~k.o well wben apaw111og, eo ttn l br~<l,;<' H\•'u uin:; lU IS b rook will bo thAt the boolc aod hne rocu do beat whe ll oomple~oUl by tlai~ ('Ytlnlllj; 'rhc s truc-• t.ho cod 111 le:tn auri hun~:ry. W hen lhc t u ro ·rests on n nms:~t•u s tono-piiUit.cred fisborm:\n s bo~t With thu dny'a W:\11 15 feet l•igh Tho R!l"ll of. t ho reachu t ho • srAge,' a ron~:n cnYcro<Yplat· britlgo ' " 30 feet long, t ho b r ttlt,'O tt.soll l onn ptllj~cun;; 0\'l)r the wator, t.ho liab aro ln.Jn~ 2:! r.•ot.

I ptt.chforl:.crl on to 1t onu hy one, wltb a Tho cn,..m o to bo e mployed on tbo work tool called ~ • pew.' & ch 11 t~el:cd by the ,. • cut tbrol\t.' wbo w1th a 6 tt..rp kn1fe of thtl lm•J a r rtV<'• l dunn:; tho wcok I n aenrs at a etrolte th~ a tt.'\cbmcou between otder to furm; h tt 'll'lth tho neccs.'<.lr}' tho 11111 oovona And thu belly, a nd m~ertln~t WI\ \.or, Mr. Lynch, tho ac t t\'0 Blii>Orin•

• b11 bi<Ulo iu tho opeuang, 1<11111 thu ud ly to u~mlcnt of tho \V1~tor Corup:m y, hiCI ~ow t ba vout. llo now tUl\kc~ " cu t on 111111)0 puch 1\rr.tngcmt!n l:J nc:lt t he P tp<> each 11do of t bo hnaJ, R~ tho buo or Lho Truc k roaJ, that a oopious~u11ply of altull , uJ psues tho 6eh to tho ' beador ' tho fluid 18 0~,.. availlllllo fot' 1180 I t 18 who Olttri\Cta.Jbo hver, wh1ch ho d rop< 1nto a buc,kot to ,\In wade tuLD cod -hver o1l, t.o l,o hoped tbnt the Wc1Hhc r will o.:on­tc:-va olf the liead, remons tho oiio.l. wade LU\110 to romam ill~ orablo t or r:ulwny tnw manure w1tb t.lto hud, &c., cakea o nL oper&tion.s .• t ho tooctnCJ aurt ·, or atr- bladders - --- ---

~~:p::a!i~~ ~: t~,!h:~~~~\~r cu~b~~ Tnt Ftsnr.Rt&s F:xutniTlo~.-We Rro with a ophlllnt: kn1fe along t ho loft o:do or lllt•nu tuJ cbtoo to " Our Own <Jo rres· Ole backbone to tho l!\11, a nd 11'hen 1t 11 pondont" llr. d1o 'f'1sLorws Jo; xhlb lliOII fo r opeo sovena t ho bnckbouo w1tb " ebarp a ~hort Idler on the nlllll<' r ut t ho etrolc" a httlu from 1t.o enrouuty, a.od nwnnls, a • well .1.• fo1 11 , en· 1n••·t'('Sllll!; catohtnl( U1o freed end, lift~ 1t elowly, and cr~h:l em u1e ::-\d \ fi~,11 1 n1 1 Cvn1 t follo• m11 IL w1th h111 kn1fe, d~eta 1~ fro111 1 0

1 ~ tho body Too uh~r uow take• the fioh I n nhl) Willi Oil uy \tr. I'll til I Ill t 10

b~nd 11ntl s.ftc r carefully wMh1n,. awov Lontlon l 'wpk. T ins llrttclu " Ill be t ' too "' j L j

every pMUcl" of b lood , "~lu 1L 1u (HillA on \ fou nd on our tirs~ p.cgo, Luo uLto r " o lhll t1oor of the f~h-hou~~e After reml\lll· bubjum • iog tbe •uual t1mo 1n Mit, 1L 111 L<•lt~o from trr.o)l ot:R OWN c~nm:srosor.:.'T] t bo bear, 'Y:L~brd and Cllmcd to t he • lbke,' •here 1t 11 apreAd out to dr.v. T he f1~ko Ill !AIIdm•, Oct 23rJ, 18.~3 a horuonu.l platform of Slnl\11 pol011 covc rotl Tho lon~: looked for nward~ or t bo J uro ra w1tb apruco bou.::b11 o.u•l • uoported by up- 10 tho •e,cnl soctlon~ of jo'~~bcr1cs Bx · n~:bu, .ao :u to eol\blc thu 1\lr to peuctnW hlblllon bMo nt l ~u~:th !J<!en publtahocl. from bclo• . fbc coda l\re eprcnd on th1a T ho del:>y bu C!\t.,cd mu~b d~t!!.\t:sf:.c tton, to bleanh an the aun 1\lld Air, and requ1re M 31 other EsluhltiOUo-nOt..'\bly :It thnt cooataut atlc ntJou t1ll cured fn dam11 or bdd M r\ motcrdsm dunug tho prei!Cnt '"' '"Y wr!ltb~r. 1\0rl ~~ OIJl:blfllll , the) ~t ro &uwmc: ,-tho awards ITOro maJe known til .!, alon up,..ards, lll &m!lll heap• \ Vbe n 1110 rnuuth~ a~ro L.'tc "~ It 18, tnoy C:\mo t...urou~bly tined thuy arc wb111ob a ud ou t 10 sonJ \'Wbllt or 0 confll.llotl sUite, Blld powdery on tho aurft.ce, w1tb " bloom bleb baa " -"o d~fto ••

II d r I d I rc<}lllro NYIAIOll- w """ - -prma f)'o y co•npoac ,o aa t lUI ge <\line, far o.s pracucablo wllh rcferonco to the and are 6 t to al~o fhey llra now L&ho ~ewfouodlaod (.;our&. You wtll notice to the worcl•anr a ato re. or wb~rf, wbcro tbe lair number of gold medals that bavo thoy are we1l;bed and culled toto four been ... ·arded--gold ouea boilli gtYCD for d•IJ•rent k: uda-mercbaotllble (tho ~.q, Dr Codfish amoo~t~t ot.hen, and for Modi­Madeu·:~o, \\ eaL llld1a ( food fo r Lbe negroea ), 010~1 Cod L••e r 0•1 "" well as Palo Seal &Dd d uo, or brolceo 6ab, "'bleb w11l not and Coanmon Cod 0 11 It ,u11 thoa~:bt JU• ~eep 1f expor~J. and •• for home uo~o dacloua 10 the CMO or lhu 0 1t8 to wako a fbe dn ed ood for S pl\ln, ItAly, the unll or tho .. hole, u.utl thua to chc•' t bc Hru1la, n.oJ other h~t couotnu, 11 paeke~ h •heat ,.,.~ 111 obt.uMblo 3 nd obu l\to d ... by ICTO'II' or bydrllthc ptlWCr IOto ' drum• 1' j b th J t.I:J or liOlall c.uka Wo usunlly bl\\'U It •n tmcu on• IL, m~• a )' o uron~ au o

1: 1 llc 'J h ;\ . ~r..-rpan t ourt to the detn muut o f tho pac agea or In tu ere :lrc m~u' ' • ·n •I'll! rc ute altbou h IL mu• t bo 111\ld Olb~r tood•& of pre-orvlog thiS ml\j;Dihccnt I ~,c c f p r b Is I t It! flah--en.nDlD~. WCL·..,fung, 8CIIOkiOO: fr."z.l t ~ ~ liO• omlllt) n •.: l qua : y WOU prll­ID!io &c., whach I lunu not •iJ~G to Ju l&d •cnlt •n~ <hc~rllcUou Ill mora. - ' t lo .

h e r· • .t lullHJ O h f•OUt)U IICcu 0 C 80 ===..._. _ _,~---""· o•h, "'" '' on II •L llhL.. n.c cro ... u.. 1\0W


lints. 1\nJ the United Stale. bas well Uto produce of t he voyagt, and crodlt the earnod the 48 gold medale for whaling' .arne to tbo lllppliod ; tbl\t .eert.aia herrings IJO&r 611hlng·tacoldo and othor aubjco~ badjbsoo offered which Plaioua' refUJOd to · t'ded · b ' , c) ' l n_- d receive ; aod that Dcfeo~ta au6e~d tnc u lll e~ gmnu up ay • .-ua 1 cWnljJO by bein~ oblig11d ~ aoU (o o~en. 11bmda ~ell With 17, and N ow South The Pl&lntitJ 1oinod luuo uput~t tbeee ~ \Va los WILb 11 golcl modale; N orway pleas, doolod lho eualom and tbe broach. bas 28, and Sweden 'l2. Great Britain Pclt:r DWJ~ wu called f9r' Defoad~nta; co mea prominon~y t.o tho Cront, and bu aod ho depo.ed : " T¥1 19 u brlody u 160 gold modale in all. For the re- they can to the qallllitJ. o r aapp~ea _before m 11indc r Fl'llnee hllB 3 tho NeLhorl•m ds tboy go doWll to Labrador. ~lid tf 1t Ia a (j " 1 I d' • n' 1c s Ch' good fishery they often waat more, aod

, "'rcc~ , n IlL '• , onmRr • tnn. then the eupplier IDAY or·ma not bo ablo 2, H.usau\ 7, Italy 4-, tho Bahnmu 1, and to c ot it. h is tbo custom of tbo Supplier 'J'n~mamn 1 Tbc o f gold modala to ~upply if bo bu.a it o r if ho can ge t at. 1 to be diatributod is 335 fo r all oootribu· ltnowlof1no{cuetom to compel tho Supplier Lora, Tho ailvor and brollZ6 motl~~ols ancl lo talco tho Doaler'e voyago aod to credil diplomiUI aro equally numerous. ln tt at., current prices whether bo waote it or

addition tbora ia a special pril\O lillt of not; h S I• . d ---~.a tb lon • d .I I r I - J O n trapp ~ • IS un en•"""' 0

" tt'>'ar a, anu Rn?,t •cr 0 0 oven sup Supplier flhllll supply Mit for tile •bolo pleruOJll~ry a warda. ec!lllon, prov1ded bo bna tbo or can got

Liat or Awards-Now Coandland It I don't It now that I lhllald bo obliged Go LD ~Eo.u.s FoR to Wto t ho produco of th e voyage s!tor my

Sealing aloamcr Va11guard-F. w Golder. nocouot hnd bcou ~id. It IS often t ho Salted ood6ab-llnn·ey & Co cue t hnt tho Supphor r upa shor~ of ealt. Dry aaltod cod-JOhustoo, Dnlac & Co. He is no t bound to dtetreaa himaolf 1n tho

Ditto -W nn0 , 0 & Co. ov~ut of n l:\rgo voysgo. Louatcra tinnod - W c 'Crcadwoll M":Ancl Bnne .-Tbo Merchant is Nowfoanrllantl Commi.IJ31ou- Coll hvor 01t. hound to supply tbc Ph111te r- wtth Mit aa Cod h Ye r cmulruou. lt~r M hi11 onlera will oxteod. 'Ibe Mcr-l'alo ani 01 t. chi!.nt 19 bound to t..llte tho fiab and hcr-:\lodol of fnctory for manuf~Wtuuu& soa. l 011 ml~3, nccordJil lf to quality. U the Mer-

ch:\nt hn.'l not tho ll.liL 4imacll and bUI or-CoJ Oil fo r Lanning . d c111 on otbcr11 aro refaaad, i t e&lluo t bo :Sen! lea.Lber

SIT.\"Er. Mw.u.~, ~-o r. holpod He Ia bound to pro ride ao far aa "CollocLivo oxblbll of fiallleg bo4U, topes &c. m bia powor 1 d o oot aay thAt If Lbo Mor·

n1tto of rope6. chllllt •• ore pllld his ncoollot, lltd W&llted J' lcklrd hcrnog-Thomti.JJ G rcoo. _ tho bal11.nco of tho •oytlio Ll:to dcalor • oald

Ditto -W Perry & Co. b<> bound to gi\ o it to h1m. It Is a rult DliLo -J. &rU~tt & <.:o . tb&~ tho :\lcrchnnt finds Slllt, 1 am no t

!)('~ trout. tmned, ~pc:~lang of l01a be101: boulld. rm~e·l se.'l otl. Jau.t< f. Kuft ·-l'bo :'derclum\ ie bounrl W:&lr us t us k tn 1~l:.o th'l produe~ of the voy:\go uotll h1s ::icBIO, &c , fn!'ll.. :t.ccount IS pa1d a.t rc~nlnr nc:r.hng pru:ca.

ll~osu: 1\ffD.IUI rot! llu IH uot houud to 1.!\k~ ~:~ur~ than tho l..:Jca nnd cotlon p uoo. •mount of L., Rccoun~ 1f he do~~ uot wsnl :-t •t:JeJ hah •t Tho p <rty eupph• cl •a houwl t o de ll\ or Salmon, llnocd ''"""~~~ toJ P,'\Y h l3 nccvuat. L'bu pro lnco

u sb p~tl o(T m Lb,• oar:w " £ :he Suppl•~• Slrnw P~n l Oil r •• u Uefc nthnt:s Uh)lli•Cl >ol '~oro :h en Collect•~ • ~:r••:b1t m :'listurnl ll •~tor) nec:10D c x•n:Jot'<l , and •~t up not onlv th& a.l l~ll<l FUib or COUltutlrcHtl 'nluo (Gad dz J IT

Dtl'!~l'\1.\~ Fo>lt custom but u.u oxpm<U pronnae ol l 'l!\mtl l'lcklcd bamnga- J>c< i nlchy. Roooul& Co to aupply all t laoy rtquarcd-.,nd tbey

DittO - W. 11 cb uood •hm~<!9 oo thu ~round of th01r llrovrn 10~1 0 11 t:ottwc salt for hcrr111~. ~otl a.l110 tbnt somo

• bom og8 they ofTared, and vrb1cb ba.d been l3..'4idoa tbe!!c RV:!lrds, wo not•ce t hat tra mmed lay Plo.lot•IT'a cooper hAd oot been

\Vilhnru SUlphon & Son, o f Dundee t..'\lton by PlMollff at • \ln:te whell others And N e wfoundland, hR\ 0 boon nw:ar•ltoJ wonlu bnvo t.'\kell tbom M No I , 11nd that <\ s uld !UOOill fo r H nr(lOODS LUid Wh•· l 1\ltcrwnrd• tboy ba.l to aell t hem as No 2

In nnawor to tho Courl, they 11rucl tl at tbcJ mg lns truroont.s U ndot tho hcnJm(( should h:\• c expected lo ;.;e t four tons or o r .. Fts htng bvlll:J, Hopo•s, ' "cl Cl\11\' !lll, MILlO \'iOW of n fnlr IU'I!nlSc •oya,gu. They wo obsen·o that a. ~ol• l mod .. ! h1111 bwn got 2} tons only from ?11\illttlf and t bo r.l!at aws rtled t.o F. W. Golcle r ; (t b t8 Willi, from o Lhe111 whom they ps 1d by 8h1ppmg wo preauate, {or the modo! of tho aeal prodaco Tboy d1d uot pot olf Lboar VO'f­tDJt brig l1tcbdla Ridky) ; anti t hiLL a ~ ia Pb.JUt1ff'a a.aao aa reqaoeted by

silver modal bu boon S"'nt ort to the bl~ho l'l&iotiff 'II'M called, a nd swore that ColoniRI Cord!\;;;e Comptl!ly, T hill Com ho ml'do 00 agrcemenL w1th Defcnd<lntfl, pany b:LS 111!10 boen 8Wilrdcd llllOlhOf th!lt bO WM mcrtly lU!ked to I:IYO &OIUC mod11l (bronzr) ; 1t ia plnccd in tho pub suppil<'a llont ho gl\\'CI s ll tho a:~lt he h~bcd lts t undor tho h~1d111g of " F1~h- could &pAro. T !tnt tb., hemn~ offered iu~"net.s nnd Ltncs in st.ngt'B of pr('p lrf\ wcro not ruarchant11blll '11tnt l ldcod" JIIJ< uou " A goltl moJal w11.11 JHvarJ~ \V th ,l uo t ehcp tbo ~op:;o 10 h1s 11.11mo. nuJ St.ophcn J; Son, a nti n 81h ·er m cdol t.o he hmd to t.~ko" wrat Uo W hunoelf lost

I r d Co f for wnnL of ult In qre.,t~r proportion t hii.O the Grt'<'n snd ' m 111S ' or Oefen•lnnlA 1\11 tho catch wns ll\f),'ll. " Com Is, tlre." T here woro somo other \Yt tneS3e~ oa bo th

Th'l to:al numh~r of nwRrd~ oht.ninetl aide• b v L'llnn<in llntl Xn~ rorm 11:11111 Ill th!! Jfr .fiLl II~ !"i>L<uJt helt! ou lhl~ C\ lclcnc.' Jaifc rent clttss~s 1K I\.~ lo llows _ thM there WM L O obh!;~'LIOD In Ia.,. &riSID!;

aixty yean, aod that tho laod iu d ispute wu not pan of that oonnyed to Pl&iou1f. ~~-tHor tho Plaintiff.

TD QuaEN, \ ~ u. Bipo:ty.

RlCtU.IlDJ o/iu Btm.IR.

Tbe Priaooer ,.as brought up for eon· tence, aod addreuod th Court io m itiga­t ion-tho' principal point ~iog that. hie wife bad 'feh blm, alld although often re­queated to return bad rofuacd to do eo, 4Dd had aoot him a Iotter, oncloaiog tho wed­ding-rin~r, aod say1og abo bad oo lurtbcr claim upon bim.

dent.cneo. Three moo the' Imprisonment. Tho Court then adJOIImed to Moodu.y t.L

10 o'clock. Tbe vrholo of this lhy waa occupied wttb

i111portant Crown buamese, u.nd thoro • oro two Peny Jury P oucla in aUoodaooe.

Thu Hcport of tbia &Od tbe remainder of tho :r crm w1ll appo11r to our liCXt isauo.

By Telegraph. - o--

ltALIPAX, No• 6- F •ft.con Ltvcrpool firmll h:w o lallod, aoJ morn a ro expoctert to

Two hundred nod forty de11tba from cholena have occurred nt i\Iocca.

Wyho & l..ockbead'a Upbohtory ealab· hsllmcot 10 Glugow bu becll biUtlt , lou, two huodrod ood forty tbotiBIDd pounda.

Admir:ll Canrobert brut aaaumed oom­maud of \he f rellcb force at Hanoi. l:io w1ll attaolc Dscu1ms w1tb !1000 mell and thirty OllnDOIII.

lL is roportod that tho retumod MadaJM· ~t~r eovo)'ll hn•c l>coo atn.oglod, a.nd the l'ramo Mnmtcr fiA well.

i<lollnst m I.owlonderry coot1nues ~''' fo-tir~:\t Un t."n la.rgcly rctnforcoA

her Oect 1n Chm~ao ,..:\tent. n.o ,\) oti iUI~ of Lorno J\011 tho Pnnccss

Lou .. u nrr: ' c•l 111 LIYOtpool .)'CitNdtl,\. nod wnre "'elcom•·• t hr Cl v •t; '\Uthorii1C8

!:o ~ •tot •N •·~en l'.'!lll.e8 :uad 1101:'r!l~8 1\t llnnvlll~ \'ar.:. n' <\.&l:t pcmona tvt're shot.

A tor n'\dJ ~~~ ~prmgfield, KAo!IU, dc­atroycd hu ndreds o r bO!Ut'S Fl\0 pcraona wer" k•llod, u .d th11ty wounded.

No\ 7-Th~ trOOi'Miup fl tmalaya arnv­o!d ltero ye~tcr,ltly With a batL>hon o r tbo Royal l nab lt •d~a to t bo ! Ol st, Kop l Muus ter Fua1hera, who so Mlay by t ho otlmo ah1p

Hob:o40o, Ltepublicao, hu beoo olee Led Go,-ernor o f ~ln.aaaehueetu by t .. enty t holllllod Dl!lJOrity o•cr Gencml Butlor, Domocr:tot ?\ow York went Democmhc by 45.000

i\uv 9-\-. .• ~rd&y wu Tb4Dl:Bil1T1Dit Day tbrouKbout t bo Domtllloo ; buaiocaa was unt vorsally IUI!lfllded.

Tho dyoamc~n hue booll releued under wanao~ Cor amaighng, but aro beld for all offence a~iott tbe common law Judge Tbo01paon roqu1rot bat! 10 two 11CCUt1UtR each ol t brco tbo ull\nd dollars fo r each auroLy

C:~ral J~,nra b!lll been recalled by tho Impc n nl Go~eru01en t.

'11ou l\8tlonnl J..e&!:UO denonoc~ Ir1~h cm1~;rnt1on It , 1\;:ltl\to tbo U01teJ State. and C'>uad~ :\g&mot H.

An oxploe1oa hM oceurre•l tn !\foor ficlol Colhory, Accnn~LOn, 130 m1ners llfO bel ow F:fty wore reHeued.

-k CARGO OF CATTLE, &e., arri~ed to M--. Pa\eraon & F01ter oo yeel<lrday mo~. 'l 'be cargo, whicb oooeia&od of 7& b of cat tle, 80 lheep 100 paclr:aaee of ba r, aod' IO boabela of oate, &c., 11'11 eold by pablie aot:Uoo to-day, aod brouabc fair pricoe.

~Daom."'£o.-1'bia momior tb'e bodrof a yonog tJ\10 named Jamoe Dofrey, WN foun d oo tho bottom a abort dt~laoco olf tho public jetty ncar t ho premiael o f C. W. Rota & Co. Tbo u'olortooato man •aa mlaejog aillee Tbarad:ay night. A magis· tuial ioqairy wtll, we boliove, be held.

-A STC'ROIO;:;-,a flsb rare io tbeao waters, can D011' bo 1eon oo opphcatloo to Mr. Golder. It waa brou~tbt t.o thLS port from Labrador by Capt. Tboe. Green, ooe .of whoao dcalera bad found it io h te codLr&p. The flab (wb1cb ia about 7 § feet long) hAs bcou s tuffed by AU. Golder it ia wortlHcotog.

- Tnr. Altlntc • N Ncr & 'I'm~;~: C ollPAST AT TliE F IStftRifS E.'t.mni'TloN -\Ve m~ko witb much plel\!lure tho !lnnonneemont tb!lt oo nccount of rc:U merit for fir~t quaiJty of eottoo not fabrJa~ tbe Lo11don F11hen co Elbib1t1ou awarded to tbe Amen cao N ot Md Twine Co , of Boatoo, a houso well kuowo to tho trade of this Ialllld, it. oo ly gold medal on tblll cootioollt for octuags.

-Four 6t Meaan. Patoraon &' Foater'e French Shoro dealor11 ha•e lately arrand from tha L coaat.-:\lr. S. Spence. 1o tho i''rlrk "f '1Vorlll, bnugiog 2000 qtle. flab , i'llCMrfi. :\lncgr~gor d: D oonan, m tho A M cRae, 1~1tb 900 qtle fish ; 11nd ~lr. W Clupmnu. 11: tho J L V07!tr, with bOO q tla. fi&h, aod tho l'ao~u·, SOO qtls.

- Mr ~oville,Jnsp~ctor of Llj;:ht-IIou~~es, W:\!1 Ill to wn fr~t n "hort umo d unllg the p .. '\5t \ TOOk I l,e l'nnc•r~l oh;ect of Mr N 'a viA t '~"B t • •~ .prct t he IJarbor Gr~re lel~nd La rhtho .• · t'1e founa~houof wh1ch. !IP our rc.1J, ra >t>ll rllm,mhcr, h~tl a ~bort ttmo emc~ foun•l~rcd n.wlly l~ lll probable tbtlt the L lt;ht -bousc wtll b:n o to bo rumov­ed to tho otLcr Ulland.

- Tho ~ S Grunlaud, Capt. CurtUI, a'm vod horo from Labrador on yest crdu.y o.fte rooon, hnvtng on board Mr. McRae's Grarly denlort T ho r,·,.un/aud loft Gtlldy on Mond.oy o~e01og l.o..•l cnlhog tn rout' ot :O.Iuddlo'B Iolond, wluch 'bo loft on W odoeaday morn10{: l:u!t Uo T bnrlld:.y 01gbt. when off Capo llool\vieiA lho Grcn•· land f'lp~nellcod" beavyfblow of •nod from tlae Soul h'liBrd Mr. antl hll'll Mc RAe,throe ch1ldrco. and Mr. E. \V. Tbompaon OIIUe p3a~engors

Francie BruaOeld. •hoee alleced ia· eol•eocy 11'11 NOCDtlJ beard before Bill Lordehlp the Chief Joetioe of the 8apre111e (.lont1, baa btu MDtendd to tl•• monlba' lmprieoomeu~ for ce11&1a fraud oouected thorewith.-TcJttro•.

Tn LOIS OJ' TWO SCUOOIIDI Ia reported by the Altrcury. On t he 10tb ollut111011th, whilo tho aeboooer Mary Jowt wu oa a VOJII.I:O from tho Strait~ where abe had been flabiog, to Little Bay, abe tprang a Jak about ua mUea uortb of Cape Joh11, aod the crew llodiDg It lmpoealble to free her, bad to t&lr:e \o the boat&. Sha bad 160 .ma­t& Ia of fish oa board, which wero not IDIUJ'­ed,aod waa OWlled by a mall named Beuaou. The veael waa inaured to the aatOUIIt of .£1So io the Sr.. J obn'e Mataal.

News waa roeei•Gd iD loWll thil wetl: of the lOBI of tho IOboooer Auil at Salmooler on tbo 21pt of October. She 11'11 owued 'bJ Pol earL .1'. &. L Tesaier, aod illlllNd lD the St, J obo'e Mutual l or £100.

M other Gnavee' W om1 Exterminator bu no equal fo r dcatroyiog •orma in chldreo and sdulll.

Tboa. S.' bm, or E osliogtoo, .,. 1 " I hn.oro rot11oved ton coru [rom m1 ~t with Uolloway'a Corn Care."

A western' paper eaya tbat " by tbJ. time all tlowll eaaLer11 hue gol thei r bo!lMt ban~d up and have l11id ap a aopply of J oluuon'• A nodyll4 Li(limntl." It • oold be a wiae tb1ng fo r pi!ople hereabout& to lay •n t bo :t norlynt It tB tbe moet •aluable h ntmoliL 10 tbe world

\\' W McLollan, Lyo N.S, 111Titee " I WM affi1cted with rboumo.tU!m, end bad j:ITeo Up nil hopes Of ll cure fiy Cb:lliCO I ... , ,. l>r Thomu' ~.electriC 01l recom· m~udod I 1mmedial<lly 11cot (fifty mtles) nnd purchMe<Hour bottle• , and with only two ai'phc:\rioos I rraa aulo to get .uound, 1\Dd Rhhoo,:h l hAve not u•cd one bottle, I am ne:\rly well. T'b ~ o thor three bo~tlea I ll"ve arouod to my u~iRbbont, and 1 haoro had so mnny calla for more, that I fee l bound to rcl•o•e tbe affi•cCcd by writing to you for a aupply " ---c A. Li .. •ngalooo, PiaL 'rille, aaye· " I haore much plc.'\!lura in rccolromendtog Dr. 'fbomm~~' f.clcetnc o.t, from b3viog Ufled it mysolf, and hav1o1: sold at for eomo t1mo Ju my own CNIO f WLII 111\f for It t b<lt i t 18 t he beet p rop.vatton I bavo o•or tried fo r rbeumallam."

.Mr C. E . R1gg1na, Boam~mllo, wntes . .. A CUitomor who tned 1\ bottle or Nor­throp & LyNan'a Vegotablo UtSCOve ry ~~nys 1lts the beBt lhmg be c •c r u ... d; to quo to b1A own words, ' It JUAt 'eoma to tou..-h tho apot nfft.-cted ' Abo:1t a ytar 1\RO ho hlld !lO a.ttack o f Bthoas fe • er. nnd WM af11ud ho wM 10 fo r "uother, wheo I recommt ndl'rl th18 •-alunblo mediCIUO With such happy results "

Ou thd l etb Oet. at. \\'r1ttlo \ ICAI'Af.\f'• (,. Ia• lml­

l~rd. ~:~tox . Entrland, tbc wifo of rbo !Lev C. f.,•nRAnl Payue, u( • a.nn e 5


There ld uul<hlnt: cqt:al tu )luther I. rue~ cum111~,;· .. , ola,ly •·c Cll"ltmoUA, ~ntl-1~ l\• o rto 1-.... x.t.~: rruwator fo r Jtf.!t ru) m,.; wotl.Lid I tnll'l l ho r~:':u•l Jn t 'to 1nt t.~ reat of • un t:tblo G o lt l ~Jcdala

- -- •• ..:t.t -oc,•n~ - ra b,•r lo.Jo wo ' but, help · , :.ol< e r

Ht>mlulon 17

No" fouuJI~od I•' ~

out or cu~ton1 to cooncua aupph~~& o r to t.ako tho whole voya~e T ha t thoro .., . ., no aort of corL..,mty or umfnr ro1ty o r re:v~on­ahleocSll, •noh a• 13 neocaury lo Att.•:.,•o 1\ b1nJang ~n,tom tmpos n~t a l~al obl~"'uoo , proYcn upon c1 thcr o f t ho J>OIDls an wh1ch a custom ,.,., act up. whl\lcn'l' mu:b t be th c r:cnor:cl rule 10 p!'1\Ct1CO and tho mom! ob·

l he Hntl.'lh , ,,.,mer In• bocnrt from C:t.r· •hiT LO l'ort S.sul. M n k orr Cllpo \' alhnJ, :-pam :}5 r·'MIIln• dro"! ned one 6-'l\'o••l

Tbo ltt>pul>lu:ans camed l'enu•) 1~:<01.'\ ~ cw Y orlr. C1ty and llrooklyn aro both lt epubllcan

T().DA \" S n:LEG RA~I

'foE REI'&lii'TQIIIST FATHERS -Ro•d& J 9f!Opb W lll801. Wtlliam Ruthkc, M1chae l OateA, M1cbaol Burko, Put~r Bauch, Ch:~rles Sm1Lh, J o11oph Kantz, Ow on \\ a lah, Edward Wlegltl-1\ftJVOtl nt s~ J ohn'• 10 the s s Notoa .'\ctltaa oa froao llnh f:u: Oll W odoClldoy l~>~~t. Un Thurstl• y Fntbeno W u•ael 11nd Bnucb croMcd ro llllrbor Grnco rn tbo Ladv Glor<r hAvtng cow11 luther on th• mvilAtloo of 11 .. I..o rd•blp Dr. ~ll\cdonnld. ); ll\ WO lCAtJ1 t he IUteuhon of tbc rt· ~ Rt'll·

tleaJcn to cOn•lu;:t a ma;saon m ri1ifo•rc ut parl3 of Conception, l'nmty. nnd llonn­~••t.n lbys O n y,•otcrabv moru1n,:: Flllhcrtt \\ 1aaol nn<l Hnud• lrrt town - tho formM fo r llo lyr'lo•l nod Harbor ~1 1110, and tho latt.or for l\o rthern lhy ~od llay-de. \ ' c rd!L Tb., Fa thcro, .. o Me tuformed Intend con· ductlll(t 1\ IOIMion Ill C~l.'h Of t he•~> pl~tcea M well M nt K111:::'s Co•o. llonaq eta, 1\nd C:~t.~hnn , ~f:er "h1ch tboy w11l ret urn 11nd hvlt( a m•••ton 1\t Harbor Gravo 11nd Car­bonc:>r 11bout the ond of t.h:d mout h

\ In t hl) !ttb aoat at th,.. rt .. td'1•t("tt d 1L .. • b f'itl••'t4 '"'"lo-.\lr U J fH7.t;Mol•1 -~y lbo lt.,v K. l.o_:an U . \ • Capt J 1'1.u,..J ~r Uo•<'noblno, ~:nf!loo•l. In Joaet l,hz•l•>tb, Jausb~r of t:arl.

v Ft~rwar,t t"tf Cartk'ln&~ r A l tho ' '"'' lou"" ul tbe hri lo • falh.r on Thoro­

-In ... ,. l<th ln•t. bf •h~ I~<>~ n lk>y<l FW~>rrt o l'•ko. •ld .. l """ o C'•1•1 H"honl Pike of S1. Jnbu a, In J~.-le lln nl dau~ut.or nf Mr. Ch•rl•• f'1kl" f'1 tlarb.• r t_;r~~.r~

llolto ... M ~ Corn Cur~ .. I he rn~<l l clue !u I I •.: ' · ~he\ d•J , ..... t•ll ~I" rc:clpts or tho 1\rou~o rewo•e ad kloWI 01 corn• ond "'IU'lll ' · ' h~ I''"· 1: " ' ' I tl~·•t and ltM l~e,•n lh;>loml\.~

at 1, , ( !J . a ,.\ .. tc.; 111 ,,f ,• s:•·untl•ln tram" or Spocl:\1 ~fontioo All s pnnfirr, A J er It S:\n.:t~~an!b :\i''R ~ u , l(' i C.t • t r ~ ... \ ,,&tv •-\ •• • 1\l n )O\\ r:\lC

,, :1

d arectJy s uo! prompt!) \ "'"~lo hv~.:u " II .\no! , •' rL..'\11 1 1t •• \I ell 1l11t ~ho lll'~fanns: pro ,-e ItA ruC: tlt&. \l :t J1 thous.utd>t of I'', 1 ' ~ • _.:k "'auJid ha\ c " i l lC'• :\t n. 8how to "A hlch are yearJy ll.llYed frocu !1\oJ.::~ r Ju't ft.•H n, •. , t h~.; r c u'-'r.:u:" enJ app •UlUCUJ ca.Uh) 40 \1

Tnz St:t'Rf:)l& Cout\T-Mr. Jnsttcc h~:~\lflll' wh1eh wonld ..,nry wtth ctrcum ­~t"o e3. !111 Lor•lllb1p thought clae Pllllll · 11fT hn•l ar: nie•~otly recos:ntx..d t'to a ppro prt'\tlOU to hm ncconM o r H lx\rrel• nr hcrnog to bm :1 hun to t.' l:o thet\3 u ~o I at tho pnc~ wb1ch mu::bt hav~ bueu o':>L..'\ln­cd from othorn M tho t1u1~ , aod on rhc wholo Cll90 fe uod for t b<> l'I~Untdi for $ 14610.

t.ho ex~rCI~ of a. lt ttlr- t tm• ly (';tro• ' l I VtoJI ) L(!fnre t hov P \!HlJ IO

prorerly cle.>noans the •y•tcm t.y tuu ,,." , f i "" \ ml r ,..., ,h,' ' ,,. l •mma<ll'ncr, thu ~m.:dy r, :\ I" ' P:\1 t.• r lt.t t he { vu(cr~nC'l' to morr''",

I w•uch wd l he &.!S mtert.;.iUtl.; ·' "" ha!4 kno \\n At'oh.l th~ harsh. •rru.nt.mi! c r-Jrlnt! com 1 ,baht \' c~n mn.l e Jt tv ,..~\" ~ ::.n 1.C'•·ou nc.

poundl IO,Often 80I1I M p11rl(101.; mool1011o~• 1 uf ' l loU :'\ cwfll~'llJinn,l of l)unJ ' aod correc t the arro~ularllletJ of ~be bo " "" 1 by t.h tO U<!O or \) Or ~ llllb:UI.c J'tll•. whJcn I -- ---1\1'0 1n1ld autJ ).:entle, yu t tbvrou.,: h aod THE INTERNAT I.:>NAL FISHERIES fiGarcbiDS In, 1n !.hear s c!loo I EXHilllTlO~

L'or 1mp•1 •. 1 d--,-- t ( t WM ciO!'.I'.J In J..onJ OJI Otl J "t \\ ",oJncsJay I" rts.J rLC~I ... II)O . 1\D tn YC.. . Or , •

dcblhty from an~ Cdll••·. 1 kn"" vf ~!ltb•n.< ..., ,, l I' to thv dny of 11.< Lf'r·olul\tton oqua.l w ~clio .ora 1{ 1 puptw , 1,J111<'• iu It ' I •JW:lt~.! 1.-.1 nf• '\., I' ' l' llhr ·~ l'' i'r d1recL t:tT,•ct 111 • tr~n~{l,. ""'!: :ho neroou. ' DurU1!,; tlw I ""~ \\ L-ck o f " luch \\ 0 oyste•o rcoJoh llauaL..~blu f<1 r Lhe n>aJvrtly of h t !l 1 r• Jhlll tall <JII'Ul"'r ol 'lallO!d tl1H!U!e.!l. " "-i :l l, ljl)'i lon n,.'lu:; t he •tltontbnr•t

Horse and cattl11 powdrr1 ,r :c n~Jul tPr\t­ed IU'O of IUIIUdnae I\OI\'l\n l&ge hut the I:Lrt::e now aolal ar~ trl\lh, <>DI) one ~1uJ oo w •old tn t!ua eounlr) arc nb•olutcly pure and tboae are Sbondan &.

Potor Kaelfer, HutYI\Io, u ya " I wruo badly batl<ln by a horAe "low d~~s s ;:o. aud •a.t iotlu-:td by a fnoad . ho •utoeuetl tb~ occurrence, to try D r. J!tomu' Jo;clectrac Oil. It rclld•ed the pat~ slmoal ial!ot dl"!e·

• ly , lltd 1n four daya th'._ wound w~JJ~ com· ple\ely buled. N otbwg art~ bettez for freab wound& \ __ _._ I

Faoee aa yello" a. tbat of lho " Ueatbeo Chiaoe," 10 oooeequenco of bile tn tile blood, row fair and wholf!eg_ro't.-Jooktng wbao Nert1uop & Lyruae'a Vo~tt~table Duooo~ery and !fM!At blood por1fler ~d to relu oooatipaled "lR!lrt~rpel the b1houa priaon from the circulatton. Rheu­'ID&UO and blood impurluee are aho dnYoo out by it, digeeUoll tutored, aad the 8Ja14m helle1it.ed in o~ery Waf by ttl IUC.

"11h..:'' ~:u.• Op•'I'U II!.; l O t he t. .. llOrUlOUS t.ur 1\ f

of ~,IJ i'•l. 7 1 1 W 11h tho o xccpt aon of ·' 'tuul t ho whole Rl ln•c lron sccme<l to he 111 t he tlslun~: m<i•.,try ·~elf, ,,,th 11.~ many "l'l 'h mce~ nn•l p ro<luc:s. C:aua,ll\, tho mwd S t.'I.IM Rntl.:-.lo•fouudlr.nd wlll J ouutlllSIJ rii!\P bt•ncfire frout t hLII exhtbl· lion m• tho futuro. Fow m tho o ttl world l>etoro t l· o boldmg of thts e x hl­btLlon hat! any uJRtt o r t bo e xtent of t ho fiHhory produc ts of Amoric:a.."

Tho E xlubttton WM c losed by tho Priooo of Wale-'!. H is R oyal U JghnO'!., sa1d thl\~ t ho Queen rcqucstc•l b1m to express he r hope t hnt tho c xh 1btt1on would . R I.Mt1ng ~nofit t.o tho fiBhmg populllWOn of th.- k1DJ:•lom. Ilo ro· marked thnt af~r Ril l he cxponSM "' nro paid a. u a l surplna would re:ul\tn. wbtcb aboulu ue dovot.od 10 i mpro\·ing t ho wclrarc of Lho fiahcrmon ol tho ooun· try, and tho promot ion of tho intorosts of the !illherie.~. in o rdor tha~ the CAiam~ tt.ies inc tJ en\ to ~horruen'a lives might tbereuy 1>0 allcviat.od. Tbe Prince said ho wn gl~ll!:i6<l ut tH-ing able t.o oontinuo tho work of hta f~tther in gi•'ing o ppor­tunit ies fo r tho peaceful e ruulat.ton of •II o•~aotut, tbu a dav.,rung men' e ntinda from inUJm atiollll l rivalri01, by whic h all .autTe r, to thoeo by whtcb all ga in. lie dutrod til ~~eo in th6ee buildinga a bygiento exiJtbition in 188~, &Dd ODt of the progr0111 of invention in 1885, aDd be propoeod the holding here of a oolo­nlal exhibition in 1J86. Sir W. V . • Haroo!J"t, H om e Secretary, expfe!liOd the tba.nb of the Go\'em~~M~nt to lhe Prinoe fM hit eft'ona on bolaalf ol the exhibitioo.

Tlla 41rARDS OJ' TO& Joaou

Pins~nt pro'•llhnt;-I!Ul !It H nrbor L:racc unttl T ut-sJA v c,·omn~ 1:\, t, t h ll w hole 0 f tho husmcl!S of tbo term !an qng then Lcen tl'" l'ose< l of, 11fte r R ' cry h bortous, n.l thougla not leosthy aes.~1on o f nmc dnys \ Vo plllt>! heforc onr re:\flera to ul\y tho rnthor tmportan~ buamcllll 1\'h tcl. occupted tho att.eution of tho Caurt o n l:)o. t n rd:n· llllttln Inti) hour in tho oven· mg On Turitl.ty nftcrnoou the follow­tog P r t/IOntmcnt W!l! by tbo Grnntl Jury -

l1Ar.110r. G!L\.C£, t Nov. G, 1883 ~

Tho Grnnd J ury lnmeot, equally wub lila Loral<hlp t he llonor:oblfl ~fr Jushco Ptn•~ot ll (.; L.. t bc s.b~cnco fro:n bts plnce o f t ho fnm1hnr fllCo !lnJ fo rm of tbo- late LEWIS \V l'~ll£1l:.t>N, ~ , tbe very efficien t ofliCJ•r wbo h&d ior 110 macy ycara fill ccl t ho unportao l post of Ch1cf C lerk nnd Heg1et.r'!lr o f tlus (.;ourt. The Grand J ury ltc.srt1ly concur w1tJ• Ills Loruahlp io the mu.rl;cd tcallmony wh1ch ho baa boroo to tbe wortb ( pubhoJ as well ll., peraollal), to· gathe r wHh tbo many other estimable qaal1tiea poaened by tbol lat.o deeoascd gelltloman ; a nd tb&y unito io oon• oyiog lo bl8 borel\\•ed family and frienda a siocere oxprCUJon of l.hotr heartfelt sympathy with tbom 111 tbo al81clioo t hrough wh1cb tboy buo ao recently bceu called npoo•to p.'\8!.

T bo GnlDu Jury learn with mach Jl:mtifi­catton of tht1 geooral pro1penty of tho Col· ony, conSCIJUOOL upon tbo bountiful mao· ocr tn whtoh Provtdonco hru blesaod the co11otry in a lltLII etaplo lndnatries durinc t ho put lklSI!On : nnrl t hey rejo1eo .,..,IJI Hia Lordab1p ID thO koowlodgo of tho ftlCt tb&L tbtt towll nnd dteHiet buo bcon n o excep­tion to thUI satiAfaotory eonduJon of atJairL

The Graod J ury boat with much p leaa­ure o f the pt.ify10g deoreuo in tho nuru­berof cbargea for erimioal o lfeocoa broogbt before lho Magialr&tea of the Rarbor Gnco aod Carbonar Polioo Coarte doriug lhe paa~year. Tbla, tboy f~l aaared, wtll be a matl<lr for maob ooogtatulatioo to tho people of both towua:

(For aell llld fellow Jurora) , C. W. !tOSS,


TALBOT,~ 1.\{r W ood lor Plaiohfl Ro~~r. 5 lli E.mcraoo for Dcfeothnt.

T ht3 wu 1\ claim for ~15. wlwh P l:11n · tiff ciD.1otcd w bo d uo t o b1ra aa MMter o f DefcodJ\nt'~ sb1p11 ; 11nd the potut, mamly m~olved woro, whethor ~he PL'l1nlliJ couiJ cl:Um wa>;o~ for :1 puno•l •ladn!( wwch b~ h-.d b~eo ,lulA1oe<.l 10 £ngl~ud, by Dofl'n · dnot d .\,;on~. Wl\ltiOj: for a ll<!"' ah1p an placo of ooo tba~ h:\d b'en lo•t wbilo Plain· tilT Wt\11 lu coOJmo.od of bor : and, 11~oondl y, whotbor h& wM, reaponstblo fll r los• or forty-ooo quma:nla of cotltbh 11.ud to ba.~o been landed ahor t :1~ Ahcanto npon a eugo of 3000 quiot.ala 1b1ppoU by C harterers in Defeod&Qt s n NCI, tllo C~dd" &lk, 11od 'll'ltb whtch Dcfeotl.ont lla.d beon ch!l.fl;ed by tho Sh1ppcn wbo had deducted the amouoL from the fre1ght.

It a ppoarod that t ho CapL,in bad broken bulk 011 tbo '·oyago to Ahcao~ to supply tho ehip's crow with n.,h 10 p l&eo of pork 11.'\td to bo 1nfenor ; a nti tbat !lo bll g l'l'f!ll sway q anotlttes to ofliclAia 1\t 80\'er.ll port.& at whicb t ho VlliSCI hu.d Cl\llecl. l t r~ppo:::r . otl tb!\t t ho dotont1oo In England for wb1ch wnges we ro cii!Jmod occurred 110nto yearo ago, aod that t.hore had beoo :10couota for­nlahed sod aettled am oo, and no auch claim '

Mr. Jwti~ Pimcnl hield that tho Court enuld oot recos:nlzo al&lo olaima aaoh aa UU. last; and. t.bal t ho fair pre.aumptioo waa . that tho Captain llad ~maioed lb " l~upoo'-tion of 86t'(ipr hhnaoU,bt pUing a oew ahlp.

As to the fish abort on CITfO, the Cap· taio bad bouod biiDIIeU by hla Bill of Lad­log t.o tho extent of eeeting the bclrtbeo upon blm of acoouotinr fo r U!e lOBI oo flsla by oatoral OIWMIII, o r from fraad or mal­pncuoo by thoeo for wboae acta the Ship· pera would be roepooatble. Tba' tle Pl&ia&Uf bad eepeclaliJ rabie*d b1111MU to &bla oblip&ioD, bJ a•JtllllllaW, ~ bnlk lD UU. oue, ud liriac adJ ... ol &be e&fiO• 1'111* oa .. , w'IDW eftleeoe 1\ wu probable 10me Joel IDIIJM'" ooollrftd from lhl'biU,. oa thl n,..,e aa it bd af­lienra.nt. done to a~~ emo\ lo elOM: and &bat &altlor the~ 111erclful view of "e oaH Hie Lo would mate Uae Pial atlJf reepoOIIIble f •• 1.- half tla e ahori dall~ery upoo leh a\ AUoaote ; ud be bopod that the ptbalty lhaa moaned would bo 1 waruloa td &be PlalotlJf udell ol.hera lo the aame p<lflidoa to oblerTe oare aod &ood faith Ia cleallna whb carroll• aod property wWa wbWI'- tlaey were eo­trua&ecl.- Tb .. Jaclce .. d be had road lbls a '"'1 dl!looll _. ~ doolde u~a tbe faote, aad tbat. if ehhet tianJ 1wm cH.atll­fted with bll IudP!eat, ~ wo .. d rra•• a role .N&aroable before the &111'11 .J'IIdc­T.W Jr.dpkMI of tAl c::r-t ~ k fur tAr Pl4tllti/Jilt 1M ,_of f96.

Oou1110l for both pirdet exp~ them· •l•• perfaollt•~ whti the deolllila.

&aatT, l Mr. Jloll. f• PlaiDtll. S:.. S p.(eediMia,....

K111g. ua•alan t m~nn~~r or tho \\'moor Aooapola~ HJul<•a~ duupp~Mrti on :O.lontlsy 1111:ht :\11 traco of bun hn3 ht>~n dlM'O, cr· cd It 111 fo:Med lle w:u d ro ..-ncd 111 Co rn · wnl h11 nrcr

J'otlll dcl\tiJ' ty tho :\loor fiohl colliery eXplOSIOn W&JI h i

l1at' llnt1•h l'uhamcot IR prorogued ull I !lth IJ~c:mbur

Tbo Crowo Pnuco o( Ger many v1sit• K1ng A lfllnw of Spam

Jo: lc~co r10L~ 10 ll uullarr on T buroday Th~ re!I~D!\!IOn of the 11-'lhnu ~l1n1~tl'r

~! &urc O'l'cr ccciUIIO"t 'cnl !UT<lH• •• pend10g lt " p:-opoaed to make Lord Loroe \ "tee·

roy of I rrlnnd S1r Anthony Mn•~~;mvo. in opcn1og t be

Qnecnol~ud l'~rh3m~nt. tl,•ciMed tbl\1 the ua.ttcd cxprc&,.on ol tho Colootes would ID· duce the 13·1llah Go~eroUleot to & nctloo thu 1\nui'X..'\tlon of ~c" tiumca

German) double~ her Mtillery forct-a.

Local and other Items. (dPOnmd Il.oz..'\t\r on T uusday next­

To tal A. baunl'noe llt~ll.

-Loott OUT for tho oAon.l di~pl:>y of me· tcors on Tuesday awt Wodouday ooxt.

- Tbc accoad week of N oYcmber, sccord · 1n1e \o Veooor, bnngs nnAblo woatbcr­cold to m1ld , and "bowory

-JudQ"o PiMeo~ lltld tuJ!c left for S t J olul'e t'JO tbc Covo on W ednMdny UJore· lOg. '

-Pf.R..'ICIXAt~Mr JJ\ntCA Monroe , or the r\owfoon<tlautl Hope W~lk, was in LOWll on a abort I'IJI1t dunug lbo P"'' 'IYilolt.

-lololhgt>nco waa roccl•od on l 'bn nday last of tho d03th,et Glugow on t be p revions day, of Mra. J RJ1uell 1'homaoo, eut.or of R. S. MQao, Eeq.

- ..:..piJlsoNAL-Mr. C. X. H obbs, tbo Vico-Preeidont of tho Nowfooodlaod R.&il­'"'Y Coropaoy, wiLb Mr. Danoport. o f !feura. Davenport & Peinoo, are o ow io toWll.

· TIUNis-Tho Rc•<L G. S. Milligan •Ill ~pt our tbaoka for a copy of lho Repor\

the .l'ublio School• of Newfoudl&Dd, under Methoc\ Boarda, &o, for the year eodecl Deoembor a 1st, 1882.

-Til'lliODm or mx or 'ml Cuw of the m . fated brlpoboe Jo~ Rttlt#r buo been piolr:ed ap. 'l"wo of the bodi• ban aot 1'' ~a reconred- boJ aod a ~agar .

On Moodaylut the ba(qoe'oUoo CaNJli11t, Capl Ellie, a'l'rived hare from St.. Joho'e to M011r1. .loh Muoo 6 Co. The Corofi~te bl been chartered by that linn. Darin& the week ahe 11'11 loaded with lllh, ud oo yeeterda71eft for mult:el.

-CUIIOUAil (O.t.TKOLJO) BU441t.-1.'11e Ladioe of t he ROIDao.Cathoflo Bazaar Com­mittee doeiro t.o lotl111at.e that the Baaar in aid of the eroetiou of a new Cbnroh lD Carbooear will be opened lo tha' towtl oo tli&Nonmbttu llaU·p•Ho'~e.

-MISitow•n A.Jnnn11141lT- 8ma aiD eoa.\eotloa wlsb &he abo~e wUl be Ia. tbe )tesboclie' Chrola of \hie p oa ~tiiOft'OW 6udaf by \beJlet,Geo?'V .. 11 LID, ucliM Bet. Oeo. Jkryd atUO p.tL

'!be Aaall&l Mett:IDt wW 1M btlcl•lD tbe CHnh (ll.V.) Oil w-eclDeecJay ..a, 14&1a llllt,. at 1.80 p.& Tbe obalr WUJ be taba ., .. I. ..w,... ...., ..

- Tnr. Scno('lsf H " Ar.t;nc. ' Capt. M SmMt. nrn 1 ~.1 h~ro on Sunday mor nlnl( IMt from 1\raotol to ;\l~111ra John Munn & l'o aft<'r 1111 unn• ullll) rough p:oM."\IfC o f 30 .lnys ·n,o A•cttc e1p~r~eoced • e ry 6tormy w.ather, the wmtla bemg heavy from N N. W , to S \\' UunuJ: t ho pUA!LgC tbe elup h~d " cons1dcrnble port•on of her CIIII \'1\Jt

blo\'i u llw:>y. On l\loodl\y IMt, when 10 l11t 45 30 ~ • loug. 43.'16 W. a henvy ICI\

~track tho sbtp, breskaog tbo for w•rd par t, ~tarttng tho cutwater lrom tho 8tem, open· tng t h" AOM IA or tbo foreeastlo deck, acd t.urslmg out t wo o r t h ree p tcces from t hu bnlw!lr kl<. At I I p m • MOJO day a acn hrolto on t hu At..'\fboA<d qunrtcr, struclt t ho 1 h1p nnd hovo her round on bor b~el ; th e veSIIel nt the tuno Wll8 uud~r n three- reefed JUI\ins:ul,l<o wcr-topl':\11, doulalc-rccfcd tomin-1 ta.y&.'\JI , fo rcstn.yiAil 'l'be nry ben y 11oa and w10d cooUnuccl for 24 hours.

-OIIIT.-Our obituary column to-dav e nnt.o•aa 11 notice of t ho or t bo late t,;"pt lleory W hcls n o l Br•Jlllfl, who d•etl 10 tho Sydney Manne U osp1L&l durmg tbo fira~ wcclc Ill October. Capt W helan, wo underat:\Od, left Carbooear, oo tbe l Otb of Sept. , Ill tho bnl;llnlloo Atlonta, bound to Labmdor IU qu08t or ll c:ltgO Of hc rnog Fa thug, howe\ ur, m b11 purpoKo, ho left for Sydnoy, C B., for 11 load o( conla. On tbo (»Allgo up he WIIS token 1ll, aud llwded at Li~tlo G lt co B3y, btllng placed Ill tho hoSpitAl t here He expired, ho..-ever, 1\ ra w weoka ago E~<rythcug poainblo was dono for b1a l"t'OO\'IIry T he <, wo l~ru. WU SulfetiDf from t ho effeCII of 1\ &eriOUII fall which be bad roce•• ed in Brigus aomo limo ~tgo HIS remn1os ..,o uoderl\tr&lld , w11l be b rought to ~owfoundlaod lor iutormeot.

Capt.. 'l'>bolao bncl boon tt:iiling out o f Ur.gus and thie port for maoy ycsr11 p»t. aod hlll rather uottmely d~ue mil ~ mocb ~grotl<ld. .;

We quolo priooe of tlab 111 follon · Shore L'gc & Med . .Mble ... 26s t.o 26e per qtl

Small Mercbanlflble ... !Os per qtl Madeira . .. ... ........... ! Sa ' Woe~ India ....... .. . .. 161

Straitc Shore cure ... ...... l6e to 11a per q\l Labrado r No 1. .............. 161 to 16e per q tl Cod Oil ......... _ ... _ .. ,, .£81 per too. Cod Liver OU ............... 7a per Imp!. pl. Labrador Borriog, acoord·

loa to quallty ......... .... l61 t.o 1~ per brt -Ou Cowry efto.doy.

EoaLWI.Io aT Atrmoarrr.- Bia R oaor the Admillj,tra«lr baa been pleaaed to rtCO&Ilizo, proriaiooally, Mr. Roben S. MoJin, u Vlce-Collllll at Barbnr Grace, for lhe Kloedom of Portugal. Bls doaor the Adunolatrator baa alao beea pleued w reoorube, prontlooally, Mr. 'l'homu O. D octer, aa Viee-Co111al a' Poco, f:;1'r. JtlD&do•o_ of PorlupL- qarttt..

Qn4WA, ()ar, 81.~.& ooriOIII OIIH II the owoe rablp of that pan of La oppoalt.e Btlleille h,aa arleen out of an ailillioalion to'tbe Departmell' of $be Iote· rfOti for milllos prhiltROt.thmt. The appli­oatloo 11'11 l.rla laade to the Gonm111ea' of !lelrroaodlaod, wblcb decided tha& lilt rt• alo• lo qoel&lou did QO$ belooa to New­lou"dlud.-f Applfoatioa ,.. \boa ~e to Ule Doi!IIDIOII OoYtn11DeR, bat, •l114yfof tbe 111atter, \be Dtputmeat ot tlae b&trior baa lalJed 1o tiD'd lila' \lie Uomln­lea, baa u7 tiU., ud \lie qlllldoa II to ,fu• Gotenmat dote tiUe terrl&ofJ M­loor. Tbe eQIIIIdoa Je Dlllll• ~baa It ..:t be!N to lilt ·ao,ms-• ot Non...,

• ...... odalDa1 ollantr ot .... ~-., ......... DOtOII~ NewBtiliWWiollc Pdue Billard J.-a, .. ..u. tile


A 1 SL l'oul • Cburcb, on Tu....tav e~cnlns= l••t. uy thc llc• J 1! ~uol. J vbD I'•r•ona <o AdelaldO Sonw, both olt hi. town

On 1'u.-..loy lu l, Gtb mat . l>,v the Rov G 1\nyd :Si<'holaa .Pidtll• lo IA"nla l'oylor, 11->th of Moo­quito

On the 6th ln•L. ot St. Th? mu' Chul'<'h. St. John•• bv lh• lie• L1 Iluntleld. AlfrHt IWI•bh••, 10 f: hut>O,lb J ano, only olau~;b<er of ~r (' barlell Du!rnlt, bnlb ol l'oL\llna.

Al !il. 1'1v•m•N Churcb,l'll John'l, by lho Rev A IJ ~· Wt'<•l, Tk<:lor, llr Georgo It l'e•«•', " " 'ro !)am• llay, to Am~llaJ,.aaa ,eld,.l dau0h­lcr nr lho i• IO J .il I.ockyrr J P .. GreeOAponll.

On O,t ~hh, at !he ~l<lhrxlkt Paraoo"!;", t::x ­plniU, by 1ho ltn A IIIII ltr. J obnJS Ourlty ol !.ower lala10d l'ove tn A ooohll Rid cal oJ t:Xploits.

At 1' omnl<l, On lAtin, CllOa<la, on IU<' t ;lb Oct., al tho r~•idonce of the brldr'• motbt r , hy tbft Rav. ll u~h J ohnpnn, )I A . 1111. ('Ollar n f 1he •trlm­t•>llloa ll olb<ltllol (lborch, Mr Wllll•m P f , l~·m"ler, youa,....t oon uf lhu lat~ CopL. WIIIL. lloLOI.Ir r , 1<> ll laa Sabra J.l . \VIlllama, late ol lloolrML

Oo 1 be 16th Oct., al fioly T rinity Chareh, DromplOD, by tbo Re• J IL lJ~t.>ro. lteclor ol Slinfolol ,l:! uuu , &Nil~ b7 the Rot', W , Covlug• IOD Vicar of nrorupiOD, AllOO Cooper Key,llbyt.l Artlll•ry, eldMl """of Allmlral Sir Aolley Coop~ or 1\ey G C.fl" ta Eilhb F rance-, l ooogeal daugb<er of W1lllam B J.laro, Eaq , of I Ooalow Squa re, Solltb Kaoaiagtca.


Drowned, .-r T rlfl"o'IC!f 011 tb~ ~lh aiL.. l'•pl Henry llowdeo, a oaiiTO of Aobbortoa, DoYon, l;abu nd, ·~NI 0? J\'&rl.

Dro......a, oa tho 30th olt., llr, y .,..... ltobert.., • ~Utho ol Dril;UA Coi>Q<lpUon l lay, asod SJ , .....

fu lho Hydcey Uu lne Roeplbl. oo tho -oll . Capt IJ~ory Wholon. of Brlc;u1.

On Saootoy 1&31, al Glugow, S<lolland, lfr. Wolllom \\ ' b•l&llcy, a osUvo~ nf lldloboq;h, bul lo10 of I'll J obu·a.

:& Sll!P NEWIL ....


a:NTaaJID... • No• 5-.&.rdlo, Smart, Drll10l, Mnaa

a: Oo. 8-Anbur. B&Uoy, Brldpwator, lumber-Q. W.

llDa & Co. !loa ole Lau, H~ :Woatr•l, Pl"'villon- 0 . 1.

OrMn. , OLUUD.

6- AII• lryrldt, Oalllu, Sydoay, bemac-W DoU.

8-88 llact11f, D,we, SydDey, ballaat-Patenon a: r oeur.

Oaralloo, EIIC., Napltl, flab -..Job• Moo a .t Co 88 c-modoro, &ny, SydHy. ballaaL-<Io.

Port of -o&:rbonear.

Page 3: · pi~~CCS wilr bo closed a.t this Uilicc until ... i-~ Kin~: Struct. j rn~ure.ncocffoct('dOn


New Advertisem-ents. ¥ew Advertisements. '


-01:!' - .


AZ AA R ... ... · T :a: E

~opened in tile Total Abstino:ico Citizens Insurance Co. of Ganada. -HAlL. AUTUMN & FALL

GooDs No oth•r t:GU~plalnu an 10 lu~ to their:' at~ N~l~Qeoall'oc:Ung lljc lhroa\ and hmp:

I --linll on-

a fternoon next aL tbo Sign of tbo H ead Office .... .............. Montreal, Canada.

13th inat., at 4 o'clock, when n great variety of HENRY LYMA:i'\. E"'J. .. Prt'liiucnt. ANDREW ALL\~, E"'h Vico-Prosidont Now in Stock all the leading G-o 1den.. Lto n. ..

IIOMIO Ultled •llh by lbO ~Orll)' ol llllfer· en •• Th• c<nlih or 'ooUI, .rcaa1ttnc JIC!rbap. from a t r1Giag or IUICOOXIOU u• poea:ro, Ia oi&.IU\ but lho bellot>lac oC alal&l Jlcltn-. Ana'• (io,;nay l'ICI'OAAL bM well p<O\"cn tu 'tllk.'\C)'In a tony,._,.. fiN wllh throe; :uulluo;<IJ--,IUI41boolif1. ukoa ltl.Jl a:ua vllhou~~la)'. tJ

I & fancy ARTICLES cEIL\LD E. HART, & 'I·· lit!nrr.\llluuagor

will bo olfcred for Sl\lo. l!onorary Directors for .St J t•im's, .:..\~f7d. : PATE NT MEDICINES. l11\\'iull received t.l oli~cry of moe~ of our


Various Departments 1110 now ul'loto wilb n FliLL Ll:\ E of

A Tc:rrll:l" c->urt• CuN'd. "Ia 15$1 J took • ~ .. ,....,.,Ill, ·•bleb all'«~

mr IQCP. l bad • t• rrlhle raultb a cd 1~ ntth' &tter ntt:bt ' ltbout •ltrp . 'iii!> cfoc1.orw p•o mo ap. 1 Lri • .J A \1. 11'11 Cn& .. ll\: I'tro--1"0&41., wbJeb rcllere l ruy ht"'!", lndoc~tl l leep and ali'""IOII me the I"CCIl ~ry fO<" lb.; re<-OYery " ' ' " [ Plrenjlth. lly tbe <Oc>Unued oao of 1-'la 'F I"tOr-" •· "' J>enaa­r ''Dt curo 1l'1'.f t!feet"•l. f tun no"' t:: yea,. o:-1. bAle alkl beany, nll•l "'" oatlrl\ed )'Oilr C •st :.RuT }-';c:TORAJ~ a~: tnf>. · ,

DlU6SI ON-on Tncsda§, 10 cent~!. Sir A!fBROSF. SH l·:A, K..C.:\1.0., lli<•n. A. ;\i. :'IL\.CK .\ Y. tb!J fc.Uowin.g 0 ,·cnings cbihlrcn J AMES Bail!D, E.''l·· . Sup~ :\ n~lo·A Ulcric.\U Tt•le~n\ph Co. t>o admitted a\ 1J8 1f-priC<'. t :•·nrr:tl M~rcbant, 'l'II V~. CJ ,fr'T, l·:•q., O r nernl l\lnrcb:mt

Warnrr's 811fc Kidney and Lh·nr C uro Eno's Fruit

. Cil rnto of lllttge..,in, Cayrnne;f'a Pcpprrmint Lozl•ugull, Gin:;cr Lozenges Sa\•ory Jllld Mooru'11 .Food Staple and Fancy GOODS, Mu rmy'11 Fluid :'lfAgncai."l ED\11~ lJUDEH. ESih McrC'h.llltnnd Ship·Ownor.

b L t S I I ~[•'!'.'li'R . GltEBNB .t- BUI\Tl~G, Solicitom, e e or 0 a I THO . • TIOWLK'L, L.R.O.S. & J, .K.Q.O.P. (I rcln•tol), Mcd. l~:<nt!linl'l', St. J ohn'u

\\'yoth':~ Drd Iron. nn~ Win!.l Nortbt op & Lyman'~; V cgetllblo Ditoo•r.ry

1lu do Qnini!lo· Wine)

~hl'pJ • ''I P rrpntcd Coco'\nn t Ot~.lfs ~·oot J~Jlly, N cu vc'li F nod Cnnncd Pineapple, l.imo J nico

cnrufully selcctoil :1nn ndf:1Dlll.gc<HioiJ bought, ooollistin;:: in p~rt of : 1!(11\ H'l: f' ,u T:lll:tOTU:D.'•,, Vt. , JuJ7l6, ~~ '

and immtdiott po.U(nio• git·m, \\" . .\1. AJ.Lr\....~. L.1:.c. P. k L.R. '.S. (Ellin }. [('fl. Ex .. m i n"r, ll ·.r iJOr GrHco. -A NEW- A. T. DRY::ifJ.\ LE, E o' l·· (•'ot:uy Public, cLc.,) Agcn~ fvr Uaruur Orncc.

:llolher Gra-;e~· ' Vurm ExtermiJ1r.tor Knllogg's A sthma Hr·mc-!y

Cnnnod 0\·,.tors, 0 nnncd l'c.1chl!s Woodili'IIB!Ik ing l'u wdcr

IAdica', Milt ca' And Childruo'll

MANTLES AND..VLS1'ERS. 'CI'oul'- -A Jlfttl.ber'a Tribatct.

Yorkshire R"liRh \Vo~l'l!tershirc R.'\tt~"!! T>rit<l Sll'' uo·y, Drit.'•l 8<\l!C

do. C:t!.llrrh &tuff ll:~tonmn'r D r-opl! HOUSE, Authorist•d Cnpit..'ll.. ..... .. ...... . ................ . .... ........ $':..000,000

Deposi:cd w!th CHn:tdinn G('\'<!rnmc·nt :tt Oanwa. . . .. . . I I ::!.000 Tenement&. oitu:\t.o on t.he <.:nrbou·

nrar the lt. C. spcctnl Deposit for Lil•· Dcp:ti·tmcmt. .. . ... .. . .. .. . .... .. . . .)!), lr.)(l

nalfy'11 E:i ~ ir, Tfop B itt,ra Dr. \Y:dk..r'ti \'i'lc'Jo::l ~ ili!'~crs B ollo"·oy 's Col'n Cure Putnam's Corn Ext ractor Outt."l P11rohn T ooth Stop1•ing K eating's I nsect Powder

p,;,. J i\li.nt, Dri,.J Thp•·t Vin~:~r in J.!ottl\'11

F low""'· Feather<~. PJ.tmcs, ~hltOM, . La~a. 1-':ill in~ Frinl(e1, ll~aitho. '1 il·rt, Silk11. SMm~. \·clv~tq in gl't'M Y11.riety. Col"'e ta, H O-<il•ry. ( ;lovci-l(ood 11nd cbc~p Wool Sqcnr~a,1 l\lull'a; 'l'ippeiil to •uK a ll

.. '1\'blto in 1..11<! • nuntrr w t •tnu.r mylllllo boy, thrM 7.,.,.. .,1.1, .. 1\0 t t k<m lllvltb c rour; 11 ·~•uurol u tr I•• vnul.J dlo from 1Uanru· l~tlr.o. •Jne <If t ho f:.mlty '~"ltd tbo u.o of .\VItll'l (;UI:Illt>' J 'xM'Ol"..\ 1., n botll~ Of wblch 'lfU ol••r• k•N In 1Joo hoau. TblcJ Wtlo t.rlu.t tn eu<&JI awl lreqaant d_., &fto.l W <>ar <IOU~;ht to ' """ t hAn ltalf o.n hoar tbo little po.Ucnt .,.. .. , lt..-1Jolos; ts•lly. Tbe cSot,­tDr Wd thAt t ho t;nJ:>lftY I 'J<~"ffJu.L b~d. "''"-"'my •larllo;r'• IUc. Caa you 'll'oudot U oar ptltu.Jc~ !lln<:<>rcly rou,..,

l'ickij tJu'u Wnllhin!;: Crystal p:UUCB. J)&l'ticulan ;apply to • J AMES PARSO~S. The Citizens Insurance Co. QQfi'ee anJ Millt P 1\llte

CocOA 11nd Milk do lOtf ( ' Vc &ro Rholl"ing !\ nico range o! NJU~ J-~ttx.t. O• nnT:' l e.l Well. l:!lllh SL, ~eW' York. ~!ay IG, tA1.

Pork, &c. Gnt.t:t Pm:ua Tiflsuo, f.)il~l S'lk N orth rop & r,yuum'R Emulsion W i ls.) nR ~ IM''lJ IIII;!Ii:u . Rli:tir

Rott. &. C<~J. l\S~t Pa•t,. H nrrops T.tntn C:lnz:.-. ~pirit 'Finqk;, Infantll Hair Urnshcs, Cluthl'il llruRhc.~


DRESS COODS " I hue no•d AVY.u'll CIIU&Y PCC'roRAL

l o n•r fo mll r ror •.o•oral yean, lllkl <l<> nut ):.,ItA~<> to pron<>uneo It tlli- mooat t1l'ectw ~ri';,d.'Y ! (lr NU~b.o aDd wit j~ ~~:.~

n!Ct'i.,tcf, and for 1&11' cb~np, ex Bon~~ l.a.u d.irecl from Moutrenl :

Haq hy far t.Jte .STRONGEST ST OCK LIST of Pny othor C''Jmf'"'"Y in tho P o­rnin iou of Cnnt~~i,.. 'fbc Ll FE:: lJEPA RT\1 E'<T io: HPE ' I ,, I.L \" l•t-otccLcrl by an of tho Domininn Pnrh"m<'r l ( ~···· :>!t Vic .. t'ha J•· ;,,;, J -.j(: ). whl'rr.hy th J l'nt iro " Ar iTAL nnrl AS 'ET . .; oft iH· f'unit•'ny a rr Hl·::.;p , ) ~;:;lll!.t: f•>r daim~ a;. .. •in:~L tiw I.! FE BBA~CJI, tl:011;;h tlu: t u nds of t t><• I.U'I•: DEI;'Al{'l'.UI·: ::0\'1' nrc s pc•<'iull.v <!:o;,•mpt•" l nnJ prot('<:t 4<d agains~ •wy •>tl~t• r ln:.~·!>l of tho <.:ontp:.ny.

A ycr'!l :').lni.<J'' " illn, l"utnct 's Emuls ion olo \Jhc t r> Pt'ct<lml

::-lllill\nd'footlt d n. ~LilTing do. H air Drn•h"~. l'o•ml' t.i quu

at uopiUJ\IIy j(Ood vnluc.

Finge ring W ools-r:ood quality :'\ad cl!eap· or tb:>n O'l"er .

1.ak5 CryJLal, lflnn., Mueb 13, ltSZ.

"I aofl'erl!d f~>rel~ht yo..n from llrilnchltn, a.nd after tryhljC mtt.n~ n '"ruc:(Uu wUh l~ •no-900 BAR'rtELS Pictco·~ Gol;lcn :.Ucclicnl Disco\·c ry Drc·~mg CumhK. F . .'J'. CA>mbs

erior Ex. Flour, LlJo' l,: POI..I \JY l!UL!>EB:-> .\It: ~l .. rc·l,,· doubh· R~cnrcd. F LH!:iT- b\' tbn

1'0\Jltin~d G oq •r.m.o•nt •l··pos'X.._: . . EC' t 1:\ DbY ~ -hy th~ '"'tire AS.'>l-:1.';:; of' tbe 'othor cJc•l"lrtn•••n t.s M \\'t-11 as tl:l'l WEA LTHY ::iTUCK Ll :-:iT which m'IY be scon in . the h.mds of its !.t WA!. .\ • .J::-•~ .

do P orgati,·c P ellets · llo X 1\l!fll I nji'CtOnt

\ Vnwrproof N ursiug Aprons

W11x Tapcn~. Smr ll int; Bottles H.immcll'~ Liml' .Jiiie<~ & Gh-corioo

Jo. T oil r>L Yin('gnr · 'Our ARSorttucnt of

Ladies Kid. :BOOTS

~~·P~a~'[:" by t o.'J:::::~!~~~~!a, 31!•1·· Apr!!~. I~ e!.

' ' I <&nnot "'1 enough In JO"a!Jo ol A Tl!ll'8 Cnt!M.ll,. l•t:CTon .• u ... ~U('va ng u l do 'h"t. but f•tr ttl 011) t oboultlloa~; lllDGO hll•o <llod

" ., Kerosene OI L.

II. L . COOK, M.D., SupL of A!trn,·ic.,-- r. :r~ · D··partnuml. ~"' . :1 3 .... \.


do Sj"Jn;;c P.c; 1 F11llowN' (\ll:t}"'lUUd ~:rup Pow: is l,'s !·• .iu :-ih' " •IUJUU's T H lcin:; P nwtl.:rl l{u i,!Jor Tui,i::~ i,w · F··•·,lo·n; Ayrr'11 llnir \' ig 11 , Bw !:11111

.\ llol!l3 I jt,,,ltll'<'r. \ !ti ! d'~ Tru=s<'s Adults' Trur•·'•, :>.t · ~ u·.l':t l .iuimt:o• Cui,·cr~'s C.ultoJ:: r !:! ~:lf• , f?t: !i ~.::'~ r:•, rtlo

Adot.ll':lcls l ' lu t.o P o"-rl" r <.:oucuut t'>l ><~ i LyP, Sc~ntcd ~o.'lp9 ~l i~··• l Pont'l - ill llbTins 1 i ,,:l , ·r. :'i~ntl'\

I ; ... J uul )' di<•W n ,·, Dn:llRr \' •mihh li• ,,. i·:u;;l i~h C'orn' Vnrnihh - I Ga l Tt us ~.oLinW•Ju<l ~c .. in, \\·nlnut ~tnh. , .'.l oliiOj..,UI)' <J , . 0 1k du. il•m:iu,uuJ l:.t:hlj', e,til rip<~

Always Oil hauu n l nrg t: Stot:k of

toobraccA ,IJ m:y lc~ nnrl price«, wl.alu our Ci <:thJrnl Atuurta:. :ot of

Leatherware iuclu.1.:6 Jo:n~li~h. ,\ m~dr.'li.J. c~ ll :tdino out.!


frotn1un~r t rouble.. Jt.. DlU.ODOlf." Palc.-J.Ilo, '1"4XI1.'~, Apr ll ~. ; ',882.

};o cue of an lllfoetton b f lho tbrwt or lru>;:t ubt< •hlch c~DI)t)t bo tn~lyrclle"'d by l bo ......, ilf A n m'e Cm:&J< l' PI:CT011At., no•l tt 'Crill aJorov• t-urc wbcu t'.llc dlluao II n~t .Jre.-.dy ~>;:yond tho oont<ol • \! ::oJJc.IDo.

rttCPAl!.KD n1'

Dr. J . C. Ayor & Co., LowcJJ rMass.­SoW by ~u orou~~u.

TIIOS. ~I 'MtnmO & Co .. Wholesale Accul<!. St. John'~.

D :r. GR~EN I ~~ . .,~:.~L ~!:-~,.;! ACCO'iJlTT BOOKS mas-~ a t d s . i Retreat Cottage, Ju-;t recc: iYcd """''1\'N r~r !' :-: ij,rrr,.,, ' · n r . .rl nf I r~.· '·"' " ·•• . ·~ i loy L· ,,.,, \\". Ell I, .. •::· A Inrg·e Assortment

Toilot Requisitos, Perfumes. Dyes, Cigars Cigarett~s.

and TWEED SUITS, -rd-the Ladles

~Pcrs11 a al c: :1tion g iw·n to Prescriptions and accur· :1.t1 ly pr~· p:lrcol wi th p<lr~.: drug: .

Dtngonal n.ntl l 'hin 'l'ho &ptPmhcr Port of tbo

Goats & Reefers, !~o~~~=~c~!~~~~,t~U~i~~~ <JUr :::.;or t .. r .1. ., •. : _ C)F-' ) 1 1 PI · J . F. C lliSllOLM.

, Ul H~W ru:•J I, . . nr '..t ,. ., .... , r . i,

' ' !1 . J\ ' o l:r. fl . l' . : : · ,. ;· : • .,.~ IH .. \t> ~.l' , .,t .. , ... r :yl· •

' "' .A I :Fl.. I I>

1r 1 ' r l 1 · : , u<~ · · ·.· . ,, ' ·: · ·~ '.:. .t. "'l , , .. .. . ft'COUNT & MErflORn.~!DUM

I . i:.~ I 0 ,--("\ . ! / I s I

1 "'h'Ooa ""' , "' St. Jot.o'a, Sept. :!0.

. • .. I . . ' t



.. \

'·'' . , , !'

,. ,.. ··r ' I ........

:,· .. ..

Pants ~,~~' Vests, F_i_s_h_e_r_i_e_s __ _

Pants & Vests RPECL\LNOTICE . ' --

no~.-~·s SUir:-11.1;:_ ''rr: h:wo incrrn..,,J our 1111\Chinery f o r D ..... . the proolllr tion o r heM')' T rnt• nntl

. u I I \_.1 IV\ I ;

\ . . , . . : ... , '··. I ' i. l .. F\' ~·: i .. 1 ·• p 1 , · ( ( I

., I



t l • • 'l ' 1

' ' II l • • '( 1 ' '. ..: '/ ~ I r • ~ d• J ,-._ , ,_ -3 11.U:l;"'~~&i A& I*@'* A>.~ i u u_ll etyJe& :i.tUtl ,.; .f. ,•~ . !'1. f ul: T!lHt;C or \\'b ic h

· I ' , .. ,. ·I •· ' ... i I . j '\, . ..,:, i:-\- IC LH1 GH ~...., • we llh,ny~ l.; .:cp.

~rit:c ~ cttm~:s. :u..J bel! tu Mllu rc our fric oul~ nt till' l •l.1nd. th:\t it I• our purpJso to nectpt no order that wo cnnnot executo iu sc:uon for low frci:;ltt, (erul.)

A:.lEKIC:A~ l\ 1-: r k 1'\VI~E Co., lloatoo.

S . : · ~ ·, · ·· .... · ·· · ; · ,,,, .. ! ·: I JL5 "to Q:.:i -:oer oon1;. LO~er I O ttr ~{t:ADY-:\~J>F:"AHT:\11:::\T I " ..... '''" ' .• " 11 . ! .. ' • :~ 'II .. ·,,·,·.. To mariners. - r cr lr. fl\n l·,- r v · .;t•'"' r ~ r ·n .• t I . :· I ' dll ,- l l . :. · . I I . I I··· '! II" ···l ·v ~I')Ct.'\ill.8 t\ full H!l.nco o ( l' \"crylltOio) io tiJ:\.t

v~i~~e nn~LOI; ""'0 I J, : ) • ,..: I . "" '#' . I than the sama GOODS can be imported for. lwe.

I '\' ') (i I S ... i W hite Dr~~~~ 'Int . • 1 i ' ·•: ·,·. 1 ) .\ : ·t \ ' • .,, I, · ' · , • ' ·

~L f'F. :\EI .t ')\' ,\;. r " . .': .• \{ 1.. •. • •. • Bll] R.l~l:n3 (Grrcn ), I'c.wt. Cc ocop- = ·· "" It ·~ uuJorc:llllnc;:. Ti~J. :-:r .I ":"~- ~ t L r· ·. i l • t '. '"n lS!lJ. 11 k d f F !)e n rft4. Hrncca.

' 1. .·;· : . ·1 > .u;· 111 ;>; n rt h. We aro n ow showine: a in s o urnitur e n l)n t . ::Or .. &c.

r_r~::a-.~' cni , I) · ~ ~-~I L ;: t ·. ;~ ; .... I '•" I•' ' I '·' ' \\' P-:. and Boddinf,';' at the above Low Prices. J illard Brothers. II "'I'\ ]1-') will~~ d~~p!ltcbcu from tho 1;. , ; :.· 1: ". , ., T IJ'.\'1 .1: !.:w hrr n :l (;,·nort\1 !'u•t Ollico until cloao of

- Tt ' I ' "' • ~- . . ,, ~ 1 .... ; ·· r•:. ''" .-.!,. h. " : :-n '' ' " · Sttpt. 2·"'· t' rf' \ ' CJr. t\.11 foliO \\ ~: -I i 'iyii ~ P} I ~ ~"' 'f' ~ - ~ : ' ~ • . ·. ~ ,, .... . '•· , .• ,,_, _.. ! .• · ~ ·· · ,.... Tl ere is no n:!'l.m.m t' aU C~1~:not par ticipate ·-·------- --- f ;,. J: .ui•nr t :ruo! nnol c~rbonr:~.r, Vii\

.\H.BO H. c i ·~ .\. { . t:. i ·:L.l. ...... .l..;. ·: ..... •1 .~ .,! I .• 1. • • . ; 1'· .J , '. : ; I; I: I . I.) • oil i' ,.,J J I . .: :·\ io i ~J · in the improvement jJJ. house fn r n i3h .. ing now be-l' l•'OH. ~.;;_\.LE. ; ~~';,~ ~~.~~·~· ' o \' C, Tuco.del~', T huredoy ood

;~:\~~ ,;,,:'f .'·!":~.~: ·: :· ~·:.;. ~: ,.:·,, I 1 ' "

1~·1~.~r~ ·1·~ 1 ,.' · ••• .· ,.; · ~· ', .'r.:·:~~ ; .· .:;· :.~~;·.'.·::\ . :~,\ ' !~~.:~:~~~~ I so n1)I~ :-~1·on L in our l slr..nd Eomo. A Cottage pi A ~.5 Q 1 t: ~~~ . r;:~:;~/_~~ .. ~;~~;~~~- ~~~ 1.~~?~~~/c-

···~~~ at.~ . ... I ~ ! • • ;. ' '!!" I ,, , •..••• ,., . 'l o.ll:'\1'1 ' '"''"" 1 Comfort anti Beauty comb ined w5t11 Economy . " e l'<;i ' Jour l'ortu.::\ ' (< V( , !'Nry week '1"Y· ·.t: s I oHr: .. Ln J l,.,"'t , . ... . tl·f"t r ' \kll,.ll' i~ ~'" '(" 11l•'\l u · .:- t ··~ · 111 ( ,J J \ l" • •.. • , .. l. I ) I l •t··t l rl •' • • i U'l' r>.J. ' t . () r lic r, w:th ,, ~11)~· · l r lJr l!l rtrt., ('ont\·u t., 'lucsJny :'\Od l'~turs-·t h~·fure ~u rcl.: !il nc · '~·.,h,·rc. 1 10 t ::'t•nn ,• 11~ ' · ,.~ t •··"··' ·· 1 .. . ,,, "" ,, 1:- r · tr I' ··r JJ • aac. o n <i ~.y. ·~-- ., '" "'"''~ ' ' "")'\! 11\~ ia ll lcl"""' · ··l •'l'i ' , ~ l: . · : ·o.; . ... 1: ' , .. ,.. .. .... ll_ 't' t• t!.~prn. i ;•:ti\TL: • ·· FtunituromanufJ.c~uredi~tiliS countryhas Mnr uo rer.:l at ' llao M rmnn 'rurl\oo.yJ'!\'c : l iat ric~.Turr.d:tyl\lld . "" '·'"'""It lcuu :!•"': " 'ni I ::>~ ~- ,: 3 I . !:Jl .... l .l :-. o ): t. ~ ' · .• . ' .i. I :;,• , .. .! """ I .. I • • • •• ' ·"~ , ,, • 1' 1 \\ L . ~h th •·· not to stand the eftccts of ~l :.30a-voyag·e which "PP!ic:lt iun t.> j) ·' · l'l.'c';\:\ . ~!\\U~U:l)'. ~o·l!fort'\h't . ;t· • b•n l· k rr f •·• .• J j h t' t wu O' tt4'r ont:a v. i. l 1 . , ._ t' f' th } r nr ~· t\rt :t ~\lp of 'Trtnity ll~y. 1\nd

f:n o t~~ !r~m :t'l tr £ :). ) ' ! • I: \ I .... . I ,\ " II'·!• . r: :o!lq,l) ' ,l s ... ~ . . , . • l.ow ,. ;, ,\.(!. 111•1 u .. r. ··ntrr nllr, io llliuu must more or oss injure S w 'O::J.t; n 0 e g u e Sr rt. :!:! : ~.mth Side <Jf;,;,•ti! t:S ll1y, CVNY Tuea-frorn !:. ,; tot-: . Ht t I . , •• : ~ r .. It ·, ! ~ ) t"i ' ~ '}:! ·lrA wit h ti.H ;"\• )\~ ' ' P""'; ,. ~. , .~ ... . l ;~ann.:: ~- r:. -t joints, &c. - - ---- I Ul'\~. T ot>le• i r<JUI .~ ' · ;, -->• I • I ' I... . " ' . • llw k, ··"'""'": • 'II, r. : :._· . • r •u· : h. r ,. .. r . ~. il l U\•1<'0. C..8...B-:D. I· i ' ,) r ll"_rbor :0.1:'\.in. on :-.lonclny, W cdae&-Ahlu from II ' ,,, I : ... ! ·:·· ~ . . . ,'· I . t' .v l e ,.., ,. . ·:I r I to<: •·r .• r ... " ! •• ;, rnnt t iJ rt•d 3ll •i w '11 G ,, 11 d ""'' on I F rtday. \ II\ l l u.ymod. l ~bl c>s frorul,•itt : ll, '\I!Jl d t ' l· .•· ..... .. " ' 'llt.C'f. ···!. ·. ·. ' , ,.,,., .. , kut•l·. l\\'rrr~·l.llld GWl guar ant eeour --o~~s as w e mae GEO w~BBER ! rorl'rlty llnri t'l r, ll~yllulls, f~.:rrylnoi.

l'ables fr•.m ill{ kJ ::•ls . : L! .! .. I I ·: . ..;,;rc T!w n•. '. .. "''' \ \\' w ! !- •. · o 10 rc :lr "' t ioc as t.hoso ma.d.e either in England or the United ... • r- ' I! \\'tl null Cnt•r Hnc~. every !"ndl\y. t and MM!>Io · 'op T:\hl~1 I? ' t" r.n • Hrorr r··,•' I r 1 '' " ''r 1, llllt <·.J " ! ill•. 8 ... +- For T OJittlil, J, :!l,•!!r · ~<·e. ll olyrpoJ. S'\l-

R.oan<iTAhiCfllift.o40, l:x!· :~.\(' 1' l 'u .1 '· ·" : ·•1•nn, ~-· ' '" :l . ,~S . l)j'll] ('('~].~r ~ mon;cr.C:r~.tnoul Ll: : lo J'bcr nti!l,<'\'l ry Perfom~n aod Cane Se:11. f./6 1.0 fl; ~una· •. l'ru>•lnt•·q, ~prniu• >~Il l l.l rni•r s · ,.. 1883 ~ ll " · ' • \\' ~ '!"~'<>•y nrai Frioh~· . untill(tth Novum-

&: Cane Seat Rocking 101 to :! I f T t.u ., xr··ri~ncc <>f ,.,,uy Y<'llnl h~s n>rul" .1. o. 1' · · Buy where yo•t ('llll do so Lhc e:. ! 'C:~t. hut J ,cfo~·; yr-u o rclcr Wa ""er S""re"'t T"Y" • •• Gr~ce h ·r. :\uti ou : n Jny ouiy to the euJ n! tho IUid Sin,.le ll.'lclt Sl•iodlc Cltot1'3, 3f ~linard'~ l.initneur tho moH "'r· nn<l k · · f t k c} t ] _ '-' 11

"' • ..I:1.X ycnr. and lif., ~ffectivo cura.liTo &4tCDt fo r man anc\ bcut P oint Ln llnyo, St. Mr.ry'a Dny. w e ns lUI lllSIJ~o:Ct.On o ourS oc - pattl'rll:; :m S )' e~. .July • . For ::it. l\lary''· on r,ch WedncMI~y nn-

tb ld ~ " ., . 1' 1 · · Lntitud•1 41i0 l•l ' 20'' North. · 1 " I F ' rl I I v,.., <.:b.Urs 12/ f. t~ 50/ o wor ••M o~er ~oown. ru.touf e .m1- ' 111 15t 1 i'.OV~Ul •cr; n "Y a tor t iO 111-r -J 1 1' d b l 'dd •• · 1 Lonmtut.le !iS' :If.' 40" W~•t.. ,_... """ ~........,.. E I' rl r Col.$ nod C ra.dlu ment HLS rl.' •e~~ more e< rt en ""PP o!, ~ · ~ ~~- rh·nl of og ••h ~lail t o tn c year.

Sofas, ~·oot S£1•. t.ralf•l more fri~:b lfu l WOIID c l~. llncl 1'1\V~ I A JWtl:-l l l IHOS TO W E lt h:~o~ been Sh ow Rooms - - - - Duckworth Street. I -- F or h lu \'nlcn, St. Kynms, rara.rlioe, PicturM. l3. t/lt~re •a iul\bl.· li.-es tbnn :Ul ot.lccr LtoimonUI, creatud ntJ l l. i ~ l'omt. :>n " ·bi"h. At 11u !'levn- F""ctOI'Y _ _ _ _ _ _ Forest Road, St. John's ~ J OH. N· Clt.Sl~''r, Oderm. Fl>~t I Rlaods, nnd llnrio, via l'l:.-. ........ a,... u I (' ) "l 1'1 I t :on ofJ: j fcct ahn'l''! tio~levt-.c!lhf' iC:I,IL a. - :t.. .... D~ . , ...• r . I r A . aa d <.:a.oterbur}' ,••r•lil. " •. r.f. r~n•. 11'~11-. ~.n• r enllo. nn .. rtu tty ~ tcr 1\rrl<"l'\ o mcncnn

~ II ll• · 1· 11 J L: ' (' FIXEil WIIT lE Lf(;!l 1" '"II bo<it· • • •1 ·1 ·• · II. · 'J d -• Tube., Oacketll, Trua ..., . .,3 '" :.111 1.1 c:>o ~n . ·m llf< R coon. T "I & Cl th ,, "' . nnu vo:> unn, on" on ny ..,ter nr-

l'ictarel f ramt'd to order ltintlfl. 1(, ~torerl murc I•C<•olo 10 t heir :.t. ni_~:hd)·. from ~~~n~t .t.o ~no rise: it will Nfi d It:" 't & M I d. g Co -- al or 0 Jer, li\·~1 <>I J.:n,:lboh ~I nil. ooe; come all, and aoe for r. our· nlltuml ai ~:ht tllnn l\IIY oth~ r l.iouncnl enr ollut~l~n~ the ."'ho!o honzon ~CC\'11'1\Fd, .""d .. r urn I u re ou In . ' F or Hcd lsll\nd. l ::\11\~ r~IRnd. IJnrbor

eeJ,.ea.,£1 , offered to tlw puhli t:. Tber~ i~ ·nl) nc!:e, be ,.,~tbh; ~ mtl~s m. cleu woo~ her. 11Je Water Street, Hr. Gr ace llu!i .. tt, Sound ldlftnd. llnr"""<>· nnd Mt!m -:'i.ll-l'artilll sni.,ing in towo by ~rn- pam or 8waug lh,t :.t innrd'" LioiiJit!nt :>,,pl\ratu.s ts U toptnc, o r tho Mtxth order, G. H. & C. E. A.RCRIBALD, Manager s, ~lcrco, ,.i~ l'lncc:nHin, o" Friday after llr-and af~rooon ll'lliDI, " bo are C:rei'l roua ~ill noll\ll . '\1<'. ft ub•lnn or r uro. 1 W'ltb" ~t nglo ar~'l\ud burner. Oct 'Z7 gDirrctly opposite' Mc~~r!l. Pnternou & r ivnl of En~:li'h Mnil.

their pic tu res takeo. can he 1\0- l trNAitD'S I.L\ 1.\1 1::1''1' hM hccnmo n '11ttJ Tower is pllinteflllltcml\loly red 11ud · .FCI!tcr'a. Aug. ·1. ~~n~will :\IPo be mftde np for trMs-ftr.•rnoclat~~ by lt.cpplng -itrt&-P-.1\._RS~.~<:i houo~bnl c\ woro 111 <:nn, dn. 1\tHI without j "'hit<!. in. horizontl\1 b" n.dll, tbrc~ red l\nd mi.u~ion ~l~nlnt·r <'nch nltemRitl l\lonrisy,

l'OtiH.AP RIC R00!-1~, overr urni- RdYerti.Cn~. it hn.s bc romo ,, Univcrs.'l l.iui· two '"hote. A Wood Sto re wtlh " n~l ~ nfle r :.rriv:o of :\!ails froru the United Kiog -

m<'o~on1t~ o"·unwri l•. roof isRttnchcrl tothoTowl'r,nod tberod p RSON ' PILLS ~ - ··~ d u~;;:':,~t~~~n~o&mC~nl.ile prcwiae3 F or l n tcru~ll'Mu•. Cnu~:;h~ .. \ Alhm". etc .. nod wbit.e bund• uo cun1i nucu 11round it.. " A .~ ~A'IJ~~;:::)~l'JZ~'£ . ~~~ ~LsQ· o;~~r F <'rrylnurl nn!l nt'nowallltcrnlltoly;

A. & E PARSO'..TC' t.llku hnlf tcNOp<>onful in syrup or A\I'COiuuetl (Dr orde r,) _ (/j ~~ V.J.V• Tn•pv«•·.v. 't.. MMy'• ""d P lllccnt ill al-l • ' .HoJ. w:ucr I n Nil c~••• it iij bNtor to WMIO tho M. T . KNlOIIT. tc••••lt•h ; ~t . J ~,wr~nCl'. St. l'icrro. For-

Liull~r ot nnol l;·,thc "' " I rnb v.•cll. For l\UV For 8cr.raary /J()(Ird ~'I IV orb. ~ lll W ~ tnn~ ~u:t G mud H.I!IL: nltrnutll•ly: Jlarbor Spra.:nc,Sll'l\in~. •>r Swdlon~«. Cuu. Chnfl'~. llo"d of Wor~~· Olllcc. ~ ~ ./:/:!a JI..U llrilun. G:.ulloiP, null c: .... 11~ .lan·oia llltcr-PI ayi ng· c ar.d s, or llruise~ Oil IIOI"'II'I$ tl· •~ LiuitOCDl i.8 quiw s~. Jobu'a, ::\e,Yiouorl laod, MAKE RIOH BLOOD, . \ nntcly: lld lor<>;o Mil );t, ,Jac.qnee slt.ornatc- . iodillpcnlliltle. Uctnbcr :lotl, l i\H3. lru. 20 lr ; Huruco. l .i lllo 1:11y, 'oilo, HCfl)

2 /8 to 8 / d P ks As a !~A Tit JtE<;TO JH: R it hM no cqo,.l , - - - - - .....m ,.,mt>lctclycla.n;o t.hebloocl lo Ulbenl.lte • J'>Mit) ln 'J.IU-It)oaU>o.- AD)' per- lllanchc. :'IDd Cbann~l. oz ac . it rcm~Cll all t.lullt 1\11<1 t.I:IDtlrn!i from th·J FIsH ERIES, 1 ~83 liOn wloo wUl ullo 1 PlU .,...,. Jllcbt b'om l l.n u ...... u . ma:r be teetorod &o """''

11 J\nd ,MOIIIhly. frOIII :\lunnay, 2tat ~by. ac~lp, cools t~o•l rcfre•hctJ the !Jca tL Aud h .....Xc.h, If 11\Jch 0 U>ln,c: bo poulbl"' l"orC'Ilrln# l'" mcl<>Oomplal.nta u. ..... rtlll ba.,. oe fo r Jl:\y SL Geofj;o, 13"1 of blaods. llUd

?tl. FENELON & -Co., for ntrvouw people it Ia 1\ perf•·-~ aoot!Jer, OQW>l- I'h7t.1d.ane "-" thom l.n l.bolr pnoctloo. Sold • ...,,.1>~"'• 0" •eut 117 mall n. J.lonno lll\y.

St J h , lllwaya mviug a good ninbt.s rut to tbo Wo offer t{) th'l t mdo, for " ' inte r work olr;t>Uett.ooM~t:unp.t. lkn4 cor eln:tllar. J , 8. JOIINSON Zk oo., 8 08TO!C, lV.SS. ,;lao. <>n Mondny !\her 1\mYIII o l Moil • 0 n s. .,. .. for l<'itl:cnncn to rig,

ulllr. ' 10 0 ·,000 lbs Deat Gr&do DIPHTHERIA CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS frrm Unitc•i 1\ in~;dom. Uno of the frl'CO\L arlnnt.\I!M of Minl\rd'a . :ri.t:..~~~~i:~!.~'!!.~':!i~ For u~v-de-\'<'nl 1\nd Olrl ~arlicao al-


Liniment 11, it iK perl~etly clll:lo.t' will AMERICAN COTTON ...,.. ruee _.,., or wo. ta""""a.lloo 1.1\os w~u .... tt'rtUllt·ly ': frinity, Calt~llma. Dooavi8tA,

,000 R_e_ ward. . notiWU U.o finllllt piceeollincn or . olor Set"ne & Cod Trap Nent'ng :.=:~J:L.~ JJoo't 01

1&1 • • -t. !\ in~; '• C0\'1!, Grt···n,[lOocl. F uszn, 'J'willin -ell'k,&atin,orany o~!.oer fabri.:. . • , JOHIIliSON'S ANOD\INE LINin.aENT <,.,.'".:f"ls ro:;!",.'•c""u~ f."'l l·· KrpJoiiJO, Littlo Hiy ltl•nd1, Little

tl:rBEilE.AS lt hai been reprellljltod ~~ RTry tbia ' grelc3t fl~tec.orn41 Mfd . E~:erolldl (ill ollrtll 100 muhu It' ide,) N~~-llclnLan~~t,JI~UJ""""'~Ioi...,.:;:•.Uod.trrO!claf::'wb.;:fll'll: .,.;;: ll•y. Dc:~t'a Cov~:, Till Co,e, lllod Nipper'• t.b Ad · ill aC:Cn flbe eruedy . .,ves o •• yonr rH!n ..... an d 1 . 1 • ~ T d So' CIIJ<.aW)il>otllDai...,.,Chi'C!fdoDI~Ol-~<Jl7Kntn1'·Uial.,_li_.,KtCow1,.,.."' .. ·"'"-ut atoe IIMhnr,

II 11\1° r r 0 acqnaintaneiie jus~ ILl! yon fiod it 1 - u.~e ~xc 1191re 1 ~~ o mp lln 100 l!~lno i>NII.<u~~ell&t.L 1tolrlarU7WII.,.. ~lbi _.."" "''· & Joonotow A oo..uon.,.. w.u.. MRill will h<' clostd at 8 a . m., 1barp. for loof,tta,.;.,tlt.. tbal on lbo eoren1og of &m:r- l'l' CU'ltES. l!Jtbenes of tbo Otu StJ\tcs. ~ lat. NS LAY Nortlll~m and wc~tcro St~t.1oers: &l 9. se.,

lon.,eomo PenonokPe.r\Ou.t TOOTH ACtiE like 8 flub·. I Woa<lvi~ 21 tbreA~ for the bolC.Orn of ~ ... ~i~~~~ :.=~= ..... MAKE HE STR~CTLY PURE. !or 11u other roulttll. , or s:= :a.p~e:~ ~~ R:::.; EARACII ~. Fivo DroDS rtopa it ioatanUy. TN!/:, l8 ~brud for llde8. 11.nd l 6 tbreac\ -- ~-~>- tt. -·· -~ M11ile from tloo Unitell Kingdom Are ei-

.M • Mo da • p d NRURA LGI A in~iclo fi"" mtootf!L !or eadere • on auounl o r the hard ~~ervi~ .~'=. "'r,=.;:'~YIII~M:o~qllb8Mri411110<1Do!!""" l'owc~e:L ll<l=.lltUl>'l>- Bannlo .. to t.ho Mollt Do.Hcnto. OJorl to arrh·o .eoch a lternate 'J'aeAday near trripn a, at o y• oo ' I:J ICK Ht:A0.\.(}11 gin thi rty ~teconds. th~ bot~m~ arc •objected. to, a banl ll\ld n.t to~ plid~ aeu • ..,...._,,._..,lllllll_...._..~ c.~ • OO...IIDaOII • .~~.~a. ~o~ from II RiifAX on Wedtlttday of the

tbe liYt~~ of Penolll, &Od ~ DIAitltHC};A Bnrl SU~IMER 0 0 M- twUitJ Will st., lld tha chafe o! roclt be~ ~· j • I n Conaumptive Caso9 ro l~•lflg week. omee open nery Thee-fOr:' the ptupoee of upeott.illg 0 PLA (.~1' from 1 l.o a boul'll. A~ prOjlfiM to •upply n 1!3lf~f11Ctory II r. \llllil 6 p. lU .. for R tgfSITI\tiOIJ u d

Clt.JUJ.Erl:i and PAL;s in tho STO.:\U..Cll net tin~ for the Iahnd.t, auy IIU8Jl~ondr"m • 0

""' , ~ I t apbroac:hcuo ncar 114t>t~e!6e th"t "Ninety ~ue of Mnnl'y'Ordel'll. Gonnlmeo\ql"cr ae.-IW'GI'd to ODO d'oeo 8\opllt. ' lntelllge'!~lbhenner that prot.n110 improTO• OAT .T. db •s :m a'"l191; B..eoe:i ved hoper ccot. aru ptlr11lDncutly co rod ll<lltro L(ttel'll. Nowl(llll't'nl, or otlo~r } I ail mat.-

0'1' Penoae. DOl<W:fc ta.oaetaal SOAL'DS aod .UUR.N8 u qoio'klruyon oonta, <~nil bo.l.baodully recerred.. 60.000 !; · the directiota :>ro atrictly cornpliell .vi! h. tcr, 1,ol!tudnfwr the time named for olOIIin~t' .. ..,nn•• .... who &ball '*"neb ofO'riDatioD 0 11 tr it -... lbs. bfl~ qual1ty ~too I'at.en' Laid Seloe Tllll A eplendlrt Auorttuent of G. B . D . ancl There~ no cbe~ical cJr ot hor iollrcdien'- .,iJl rem&lh in ~be offi<:ull"'il followioJr d •T

'leed to the arre .. aud 'con'rietlotl of HlleQ~TIS~fin CrJ m 1 da• to 2 ·~u 1'willQ, 6. 9, 1!.', 16, 81 21, !U, ~7, S~ aod Splendid~S . ~t other brllllda of to barm th11 yoong or old. of .t-tcb. J>orao•tt~ wlllhll)• to forward Penoo or P e i'IOIII 'Wbo ba'le coou11ltted - " .tO thread • ··~ ..... lt ne cr fail&. Try i~ for 1117 pain.ful " • • p• eorr~tpeoden~ are ;,c:o01mended to ~ • ~:::; 'lri.ll be paid on COU· COOl~ ;t =:. ~~!/~~~- g eo.~ton ul~b ~~;hemp -or- I Briar Root I pes, :: =~::~~u~~IU1~0 'F~ :;c~~~u.\J!llt, .. \hl a nl• cullot be a..,.n-

:' =e;;der or Olaa~. And 8"fbe poblio 1\le caotiooe\1 ID Mkln~r for 1: :: :: ~ :: Briar Pipes, with horr llncl Amber monthp.iec•. 'With . S ..... [J) n"(' A r (. l>RUGGlSl'S. lfmailt dr)DOlllniYt hs'l ha• for'cl.lpltch· ltli.lulrd'a L&almto~ to '" that the Dtalt Ia 18 ., .. 86 .. Ambers, 1

1 l!l.tld wltboa• au~ v "' , log on tb~ ''"' and ... , ...IMd lqr alotl~. Hnndw:wf Dona.r, · oolhela()cl &Dd take oo o~r. . ,.. mak Amber ScreWS, Rowoey'• Oil l'alata. fa tnbu. all colon. - - tb'*! for dilen~na n..e" will bt--forn..-. ~-..-y--'\'1&8 Uiforail.doa .. F~ Ale (whol•l• aod ~) bJ oOOllbrl. U:,::ltt!! " .. ltrp • no:,; Tobacoo ~ouch.;..s Sy~more w ond Palet~ll. c ... ,ODI. Perry pavi.t <t· &1l <t Lawrenr:e, lmmedfa~lyafter ~ of~ ' ' r · .....,... W H TbomJliOD and Geo- Webber, 1 ~ !fa* 61, qttlct 111 ar ' r o J'.ed. Obalk Pcnolla. Lop) ~- · • IIOL R A GJ;NTS. · " completed.

:p:.:::.~...:·~~!u1 qrlat*, n~ G~; G J ~IOCkl,bm. <'btd 9"'~w'C.:N lfET .. TWINE CoM j 8bee& ADd: (.icaen.l c~ or tbe Labrador :AI. 0 .N T R ~ A L . General 1'-' O .. C"*. ~ ctra..w. Qarboaeu ~ l'boa AUianlci 6 Co Sept 8. lfn~~ton . cout, N11M.l9. S&.. Joba .. i · ~ ..... 181'$, S · 1 (J' ..... ud M. (J(auoa, ~ ~~- . ; Tbe NaRLlcal AlOWIIO rort&$4. . ----· lob... m.otecl.lJY • ....,.. Jhion~7-fo.&'l J . F, OBl&ll:>l~lf, . lO to 111. \\•lit J~Ok &fn ,..., .. to 0tte ol VDqaeeUG.W,. Ulelleet-FOlL'a-P ... ~ ...-..:-._ w. J. NELSON & ao., <ll701r1H Pilldu AlllllD• Blloltioa.- th. .rolu•·· llllportddj 8!a.:kilq{ aud forfeit,, if aalae II flhl.\. \ilscwrit•" AuW .. ,....,. ...... ~ D~Wpw....,&& Nos•"""- • , ' ' nouq•111 Chell" aqd bl~br. ! ~lreet, bt. lolia'e · ·

. .

So-pt. S.

Post Office Notice.


. ~ .' . ..

Page 4: · pi~~CCS wilr bo closed a.t this Uilicc until ... i-~ Kin~: Struct. j rn~ure.ncocffoct('dOn

: TilE IIl~l~llQl{ Gl~ .-\CE Sfi ... \.l. T DA1 ' D. ~~ln;:is:ce=~~a=n:y:.==~~~==~~~~~.~~~:::====~========================================~==~==~~=====e==========~==============~~

------~· g~sturo " illo •rLich lli · l = • ·--~---"'" up Ius hatiJ. • rLiu "luddcolyl,elJ f I •


AUTUMN w o oDs. ,_ • 1- it a r.~nro 111

CUAl''l't::n XX.XIl atrao~:e tbin~: that t wo aiatcru bould diller Advertisements. _ you rae!( ?' hu. aslrotl at yota h&,o mado • ao groatl,-that. one should llo 10 noblo:, ------~····~~·,, __

Th •:....In lh" """""" l:'olo • ~u . I' d. .or Two more weeki paaed, aud b~ that 10 full 0 •ell· .. criOc:... and thnt tbo other v.------,,: ;~.~i;~:,'~:,: "'~:~ ..... CI'M, IJA.II. ' • ~Ill 0

!o, lllo,• repli tiruo hlarlill Jtny ball I:TOWD warmly a~ aliould leuo ber fnthh and go away nev FatheR. Wilds' 1t""" '"" lbt/r ~i~rr .,&:'uu.J our •..Je, • '!'hen 1 do uo t .old Sir uebod to tho wao whom be would call with a atr&Ogtr I Uo ndwrcd Uettio .[\, ,

mau 1 "8?~lo kno•• '?·ouog Uleo.' Mnrtio bhuaelf Wl\l ill- oaoro tbfn nor. . ' I EXPERIENCE .

.,_, Tl!"'mnun'lahuo lhA! In lt~l,l are l\ ~rai~:bt.for: en~1" 1 ... 1 h 1 it. A& a has bcalth \flU fut fililiu11; And ho clung w • S ho bu an angehc f11ce aod no ary •u lht•or wkla ow..., t ablu · Ut ' ( 1\rl,, hon~• .o )'OU · you thill younger 01311, 10 full of het~lth , geJic: IIAlUrC. 1 be aJj.· tO hamaelf. ' it i.a Tbe lteY. z. 1' • Wildt, w~ll·known ~UJ' !),,,,.., ;~:~";::.· nC • :.·

1 " <'OioreJ UllcUcopo itb ~ · it:.OJ.~~. ~:>ruh: ooo A. 1\ml b~uor- ;treostb, nod YiiAlity-ooly 11 cbanc:o ao· uot often that tbe twp 10 toset.her .• b :~~-~~:~.,~:7 J\:~::~,~~;~.~~orL~:

'lll.t._.,.,.r.J ~!~,."' •.. ~:""'"' r••orr le """ 1,-vld, UCIIorAtioua ol :U ''0 ~b' or lboao llll.tnca ')Ulliutnncc, but ouo of tbo fuw tioa .that llo remembered th'e atory Ol,'llin "' eo ~ 1 v u ....... aco.J puuud. tbeir fellow-men t'~ wh .f b..orno by ooauy l.ounud hiou t o Ute oator world. Mo!u bAd ho aaw Leah. So rerfectly uneonacioua ]l[u,..cbiUCtla Supremo ;-"'"

1' '""


,.' I f"'io m ah~ wr..,.lo lh.t ~mwn Th., flrat tinao t ' 0 oJ havo li'IOd upoo forj!9ttuu hiw ; be "itl bitterly that lhoy Will bo thn abo WM 't bo boroioo of i~ AI ~o;;o;,~b $/,,' Nrttt )'art-, }fnr I&, 1~

"'•1• uti, "'••tn ob 1 looketl lil;o &n an~"' no~ wiah to know it. blld not eveu waited no til ho wu d~Ad. that bo tbougbt to bimlsell bow gnodly llra.tiLI.J. c. .lYt:ll .\ C11 L(;eut!nucn : \\'lj~r• al • ., IPY .,..,.,,,..,7~'~r""" 1.,'' 1 • r•len•ln .. glow, tlo not tellauu ' " yuu 1 tbout;bt y.ou ~ow tbAt hia healtb aod etrcogth b.1d left Lenh would b!IYo acted ill t he cirowuat.all· Lan wlnlt r I Wll.• truu led with • ,,_,

v aliu ·' lt ,. lwt " v" lttblui bamor rJI'oclhlll u ~''"""" ne~..r.; loolu... uw'\ aou of you. • .ocr.t.. H you aru uac:, him, now tb!\t his gr:lud aonorou11 voice cotlad c:u; l!o felt auro tbu eho too would buo oooro ooroc:IAIIJ "'Y uaobo, wblclr lldlod ""

' It lhllll b ; it woo1ld apoil my opiu· 110 lou~;rr decl11im lt.a tUI\jluifkooL J~ouo· gouo to ber fct.ther'l .s.ido and havo atood tawlersbty at lllih• . ..oo ltlln><d ao tuur.-Oaail. • If ciat iooa, aow thllt tho iuoc r fire b:.d ~uro~d by bio1 o~lllt tho wbol11 -world. :!.:.:~~~.~~·:4.~":'~ ~uJI'~!r"~~"f fAwoua, 1 " M you will,' laughed Sir out, and in tho 1uoken eye~ tho ligbt of \\'boo hD ailed again at tho coltas;e. ..,,. .. o MUrrb an•l <"'lllrTbal cougb; .:I -· · ner I d 11 uot~ka any n:1mo eotbuaiasru abono oo wore, bo wau forgot- .Martio was vory ill, aud H ottle io gre:1t ~~l'i'':::U,..'::o~r·K'~wl:~ ·~-.~·u~a~u: oC

• loln wUI d iacloao it w you; if uo~ ton by tho thouaaod11 wbom bu b:.d lod; dilllreas. Sbo looked to bim mo ro beautcful Ann·•\RJLI..A, by ol»uu:lou oC baud• oot ono cued wbmt hlld or biw, tb:~o ovcr,ber bluo eyes filled with tears, bor ~~lr~~·;.::e"t ~..,!rot.!.':.,J~'i:'"t.'r !1: tbat . 11ot caro for a titlo tb.l~ ba.a been nod, but for tho faithful lo•·o Bud ecr· loYcly fnco 10 full or I!Drrow and coonp.'lll· abo••nam•-.l dloorden. NJ aJ•pellw too-au· .d fTOal father to eon l like a oamu vice or bi• do~btor, ho roun b:~v,• died. Aio:t. llu w:~tobed her propuiu~: wicb deft pro<•J Almon from tho llnl .s-. Alter

bu h.on fairly o:o.rued. Straugo to In t beaa dAJ• wucb of his prido hod lei~ llogcra all that Mart.!D ncedod. llo thought :,~.!J~ ~~· ;,~011~0:tof"''~rl:._~~'ot~h: 1:"'~ -wil11 wu prouder of her grand ot.l hhn, an•l tbeao were timce ••hen bi.a oyce of 1ho beaT)' buN:leo !Aid upon thoao young ,..,ju .Jturpe:ut<l. My c~IArr~ aud .OIIltb

.lltllo tllao of aoythin~: olao. lt w&~~ •chod for ooo glimouo of Leall. 'l'hoo, lbouldora, and bo WQoderod aaaiu at the • ero a1au clli'(!J "' tho ""'uo mu.t~~, '""' b .L ul l 'k ,,. ,.- d h ony ~Dtrlll b""llh ~;re~IIT lwpi'O\'t!d, nuUt

~In t at abo ... o d lllll'ry a man 1 o eittiog moodily wal(:hio~ tbe au, bo woula he:~rtlea:tneu of tbo 'liater who cool II. YO It Ia 00., ozcdl~nt. 1 fN:I " bon.ltr<l per b:lt.' ask bimaelf if Ito b:ul really eunod hor, nod ldt iL all for her to be&r. lli.a bcnrt want ~•.o' auouaer, a~o.t 1 a&trlbuto tbuo rnulta

·.;ir B.wl bo~hou«bt hi111aoll tllat tbo if llenon had hc.'fd bia ovil wiab. out to ber, as be beUt Yod, in aimplo pity. t' ~..:;"~1 .. 'l'J. ~~u~'d!;!:;: • ..!b!~ Uul:c bod dMircd bi1n, ahoul.t loe uvor UlAko Uno day Sir l.laaiJ, comiu~t earlier than H W'U aucb a banlllfo. ' """ bl-' ..._..s .. :too o•or dertted. l 1001t

.AO&k' ; ' tbo al!'lu:.intauco of Mattia ltAf, oo~ to utual in tho moroin~J, fouud bimeitting by • 1 wisb,' bo Aid, apprli&chiog her, ' that ~o 1~:":1/ t.:":'ll~"'i" .. ~~~~:. . .s.l,1,~~ .dot 'meotiou hia nallle. t bo iYf C:(l\'Ortd wall, his face buriad iu bia I conld do aomethioe for JOIL' th ... ~ racu' "' JOur .... ntce, bcptna weir

•If you call mo • Gleo,'' he aaid, • I haoda Wboo bo n iiM!d It to )(teet bim, • You hue douo a «fe&t deal for mo.' &be publh:attou may"" 1{00(1. abal\ nudcnotaod: aud tb&L oamo will do aa ·L B •-• 1 11 d · b · 1r b • b ' I Youno r.,por:t!ully, z. P. WILDt." wo aronet IIW' {JlAIUiy t 10 traou of toara. rep 0 , Wit ll QOIC rig t IIIli O. Tbo abo<O ltut&Deo II bot ono of tho tnaDJ'

•L ~•t>ftlf' ooro well aa allY other.' A& usual, Mart so WM C)'Gic:\1, oTeu a bout • llno 1 ? What i& \t, Alia Uottlo r• ~'""'"' c:omllla 10 oo.r uou ... • bleb pro•o • l bopo,' lltliJ ;\urtia la.alf aav~~:ely, 'ltha~ bimeelf. • Yoa ban ginn mo comfort bt apuk- lbe perteot ..U.ptablliiJ at Avo·• sua.a..

you aru oot A )'OIIog duko io di.a¥uaae.' · 1 am Yery rueful-looking P.'lriot thi1 iug 10 kiudly. uJUa.u. 10 u.u curo of ,n diiOUOI arlaluz . 1 au1 quito eure of tbat,' repliod Sir moroiug,' be uid. • l hn(l bc~o ill ;~ll • If 1 know bow to giYo you corolort.' frocn tmpuro or tu,vo•orl.tho<! blood, LUd a

Uuil, lau~:hin". ' I t.lll ooitber dull:o nor n1g bt., aod I am alooe.' ._~id Sir U:uil quickly, • 1 would uk fo r no- vealtaoOGJ <ltalltr.


B. !l.. BUV!tWOOD~ Hairdresser.

ShAving~! li&ir-Outtins Boom - AT-

364.Water St., St . '"John's Jaly 14.--!lm.

One Dose Relieves ! One Bottle Cures !



Consumption, CougiiS, Colds, AND ALL DIS&.Ut:S OF TilE

CHEST AND LUNGS. "Tbia medicine La competed of the

cboicen b:llaama; and, in doaea or two tea· apoo nf•als taken oc:c:ttionally, ie eminently adapted for tho prt«~~li&n as well u the c otN of tho abo•e coroplalnta. No bouao· bold lbo'¥d there£ oro bo w ithQut a bottle.''

Pntl' .lRt.D BY


Advertisements. ------.Q:OUBEHOLD WORDS t

Pills & Ointm·ent. Purity ot :Blood Xaaential to B Mlt.h,

Strenet)l, l!olld LciiiJf Lifo.

Oat ·o~oth 1 Lov..- •·• lfac..­

l.ame. Nur nt.Art "'

IJor bi,

. 'd!lfillr~b• Ita wo.tar• • bolted earl.'' Sir Duil r:laqccd round. thing bctl(:r . 1 caunot tell you how eorry A ' S 'II ' it would bo ht.rd W"Ork to bllto you; • Whero i.a Miaa ltay ?' ho a.slrcd. J aau to 't ee you 10 sorely triod. Let ru.c yer S 8fS8p8rl 8

ol'!t.'E--'Joo OC:N!Oil, but I ebould bate Jllll if you wuo,' "id ' ~y da~~Jtllter i.a alwl\ra busied nbout tift t lont bcl\'fy tn.y for yon. Tbo~ little elanKJ,enrtoh .. ,IUid nrugthr"'thablooJ. .• 4!' the suo. Marlio. IIOIDcthing or other : abu hu no~ wucb tiouo while ban de of you no \fOro oonr mado for ••tm11I:Uo. tbo acl.loo of Ill• a1o01ow:t. aud

Fr, m that tiruo bo alway• callod Sir to giV"O to u10• It WM diiJor~nt once. b!lrd work liko tbi&.' boulo, ao.l 1~ruby aAblea U>o orol<'ru 10

(An«iatc oft~ J•narnaacrwlical &citfy.Eng.)

At bia Laborato ry. Little IJ:\y lalaoda, Nowfoundlaod.

aurpaaa all other Mocliciuea Cor Purify· iog tho Blood ; they' are anilable Cor ull WJ a domeatic and household remedy lor toll oiaorde re of STOMA CB, LIVF.R, KIDNF.VS an<' BOWELS. Tn Congrstinn nnd OU.truction~ ol every kind tht•yquickly re movu tlo e cauae, ao' ittconstipntion and disordered condition o~ the &wets, tbq act 1\11 a cJeall4illg

Oh. Oepor1 l'bJ



.t:IS'&I=u ';.~hi b~tbo bit llaail 'Glen;' and "'bou llottio 1pl)k0 or SiT Suit rclt iudi~toaot. Ho kne w th~t. ' l thiuk,' abe Mid, •mlliDg tbrough her nol>t an.l o•e~mo lbo att&<>kl of tJI :kn-/ ... biou it -wu aa ' :\lr. Gleo.' no matter where !lottie migh~ be. abc •'WI •· ar• , tio~' you would h.: 1\lll Uoed t.o 1100 1oM• Dlffli.Jtl, Bnrptioaa q{ lito Slu, /!kw-

Wholecle A~:ents Ill ~t. J ohn'a-T . Me· ~lurdo & Co. , and J . T . o·~tara, uq.

Snb·A~;onte-ln all outharhora, J uly 14.

aperient. , Fo r D ebilitnte<l ConKtilutiona 1nd all

lo,ema le Complaints thc~o.e Pills are nn.o lur1~:.\SIIC• I-thry corre..:t oil 1a rt>gulariLie» nnJ \Vco~knclibt::l Crow -vbutcver caua• a rining.

h oftoo h&)Jpeoed that whoa bo called a~ - .,. f b' d f 1 "' .., '""''"''• Ca~arrlo. G<t~tral DcbUirr, aurl all nor tog or 110 IJI or nu one e te. how oluch what ,.00 ell my" little while tho eot«~>o bo foun..t ll oc.tio al boroo alooo: • 1 · h· L • b ' d · 1 1 'I' • dbordcl"l rd..Wog from ~r or .OrTuplo.l

- • 10"· ll e:ll '\UIOI Y· ' 1 I&L ·' Ill& h11uda" c:u1 do between aewin,. 1\Dd wriliu.:. ~· - • . .... atowata•· of tbo i .. aod tben they Wkod togotber by tho iY)' Ray i ou all b 1 1 b " ......... ~ - •· d I• '- __.. g •cs Y cr._ awe. c.vo u~ \'Cr h aeoms tu ruo they tmvol waoy milo• u cb I'REl'Aili!O nv GENERAL

Assurance C'm :pa,ny A~ma I whY oo""""

UWbuaD l.bol 'o••ko lhJ!Oft'.llJI gloJ ; ~Uo 'lri•od a.o.J I by lolf •uooy DOo.tD,

A....., !Gno llo,., wild aDd ... d !

coTere wa •· acoo "dl\l\ghter 10 tl~voted.' day.· 'Kuowiug you hue ma•lo aoch a diffor- , Sbo is •cry good.' bo allowed ; aod then

11 Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., lowoll, Mass.

euco io our li,.ca,' ebe a;Uil t.o bi10 ono b dd d b tl , 1 bad b da b ~1r llMil atood by quito hl'lple"'l!. e SoiJ bJ all llru~~:~;t. ... ; 11rteo $1, .ts botllc:a moruin~:. 1 ' :\ly fatber aco.:ms eo much ::on:e.'a rup 1• aoot cr u.; • uw hnw ruJXiou&l\od dio~ trcl!llc li 11 • 1110 WM. fur~ better lor it. You cbecr bi1n, and ~;ivc h ec~mc•l 'lil tboullh aomo irreaistiblo And hu thou::ht w1tlo loitteroeu or the ~ist"r him b:lck ~•ao of tho old. firo wluch b-d power furc:e• l biou t.o talk uf Lf:3b. It wu who h"d ldt her. ~oructl.i n:; 'lf wb!\1 aill · nearly di~-d out. I 1101 :;13 <1 for loia Mku tho liret ti me bo hi\J •vukcu of her •iuc~ thu ell hoa be11.1l wM ehowu in bi4 mtlnnur, 1\n<l t blll yoo liud tiona t<'• •i•it us.' dny abc batl lefl bim, and, li~u pent- UJi iu "omo VIII:Uu way they uo•lorelOO I each

l 'h, ·v., oro • lol a no blt'tl .t'btt~t i· • tho oolor<'d o\uo.leo lo ai"T·

4. llli ,.,_ \'oe k~ ol the ooll ouulb· " .. t ' { C. rOYO ID.J\l i'Uolll for ayo;

' Dd leno the nf~ Jnw alrol~. r hol ··""""" mou ..... J- Ih;o lug lor

po "'••·

• Aro you not 1)11111 ( .>r Any o tbcr reason?' waters aulidcoly let loose, be., tbuuwht• aull otbcr. W11hout worJe lomeahin.; 1us DC·

woallb aad ho aslted ampetu ou~y. ·Are you not fee lings Ill onco found ~cnt. Uu rl)ic froUl knowlud~;c• l hy both-hi~ Aympatby, bcr plcu~d to eeu lou yourself'!' Thoo bo bi3 aca~ aud llrotebed bia arms out toward.\ ~:ntitudo fur it, his kiud ly affec tion, lln<i

'].'b• pa.uaoU.. •111tl tb• c:&re.s Wither o\ ll<l ,._,. otali\llo ~our.

lifo, a cwcm~Nd th~~o'. loo bad ou right to M1 tloo great hc:uio~e ocean. her pleaaurc io it. Aodo word a to b cr. ' 1 beg your pardon,' •1 I .avo never protcodcd to be whl\t poo- Sir liMit did not el:ly looo; ; but



PILLS. Best Purgat ive M edicine curo Constl":/'iJ,-J::.!~~~~~udscbc, au>4

8oltl Oftf)'Whorct. Al\I&J'& n>ll&ble. \

. FIRE AND.'LIFE. EST :\BUSHED A. D. 1 8 3 7.

~lnnds unrh·sllcd foa ~ ~: [t .. it ~ pl11y11 in relie ving, Ji 'bd tbocr-OIIjthly c:urito~; tb o roo.t · te Bora .. nd U l.::rrH, •ntl in Cut' o 'D LEGS u.A o nREL\sTS, oz,p o~J>H Gout, J:tooumntism,• 'ntl ' ia clk-e•lllcd, it Delli 1111 a olmrm'. • 11£AU OFFICE :

103 CA~NUN ::l'l'REE'l', Lo:o:ooN, E.C. ho aai..t gently · • 1 Olpre811 myself badly. plo ca ll tendor hearted. bul my I on• fu r wbeu tio bado lle ttio farewell IOIDP-W hu I mu· ' ia. tb~t I r~aei•~ oooro t.bnt girl w.u de~P!r thou tho 6t'll,' hc·cricd thiug was iu eaelo r,.co wbieh had Qi Tl\U~. :\1 ' :\IUHDO & Co .. plcutKe iu I.. .;u~ :~llowcd to CAll hero tbau - · deer cr and wader thau yonrlur ae:o. !· oeYcr been tbero bll.forc, wme oo" ._,. Wholesale A&co~A. St. John'&

-II~JI;., C.tJU. BT"yarrl.

Capital : £ 1,000,000 Stg llo uufuc:Lurcd only u PTor" BoLLO.: . wAY's F.~tubllllhruon't, I 533, 0 x.~·u nD STltBEl', . LONDON r &md IIOld at ls. I Ad., 211. !)d., ... e., 1 h., :!:?s., 111111 33M, c;c h Jlox 11ntl Pot, aud in (;unoiJu a~ 3G cants , !)0 cenLa, end & 1.50 cen t~, nn•l doc lurgur 8izcs in pro('orlion.


Thty c:r{,. •n ~utr &1•1(' ~~· • '"'"· 1~1••Y IH1f""l \tO"· h.uuo ,.. nh j.;lf"'4f,

T heir ~f'A\'b •rn "--41\' t•r•"l fu an.l whk-,

l)~ h'<.)U Ut, .UI•f -.l f't'"--111'-t , \ b t .... .l~ Thu 5oan1o fe~rW ah•tlu· r U.u' •l n•.;ht

o·~r NCb fa u al.,_.l'"'K Wvw . ~bt• h11d ctaClt foJJ.,_,I Q,,w" r ILl ~• ­

\Vb« .o arl) tlwoau Ureaalt"h u J W :

.,D,. tui I~Jt lhl' rn r{'aU ,( th. \\' · ·-1, H,. 1\ ·'••\ .. ~n."A ILI . 1.1 ~Aid .

1'tu, l u•h •u L. • ' '""' hi• I··~"' I ff'.~l Far I n thf" 1 f" br ... h , ,,.

Tl1" • N ~It· I "'•• •u•· • •• • !, ~:lt ;,c , ll01 h, • " "'" ' u ;,. d 1 ... ol•' lo~'''·

II·· " "''" \. \ •. I I l : ··~ c • .• 4

i\\M-\•• .,.... t ...... .

Jlu \ol'r tpl 1,· • • • I'"' 1 ••• ·: lo & l,r ..... ~ Un • ttl .... • tl 'lri • , ,. "' ~'' 1

,!\Uti .,~,4- • • r , . r tl •n : ' ' .. " ,.._. I U lo·ll \- .~ I -~ "' .~· \\ f l'"' 1 .. r. •'' ,

~lu• 1a•f, .. t un '"' J~_, ~, .. :J • •·r1, T ht;t , .. ~ ul t lut. IA"t , c.,, ., t

A at. , .. r..-.ltb 111. tbf'y ff""tl wU • l', ')'' I H+·r,~•lh 1.h~ •""''" • r . ••r. tt ........

\\' L.,~u vvtt't. • •H.,..:''""I "" 1• u:, l•r"J ""' .4. f t•U" ' ' hOU & oU'I"ht L r'\.'0 '

T b"y t tl,"t • tt l. ~onu'f\!1' •IL 'UJ.I ah" tu. ft . A u I , t"•f"r.t I • a ttl • '-'UK thu lw.arU.. , ...

Alu !.tr " " "'· · h ,, "'"n ' • \ u·l :..••.J.!'b l t.,.;. •.J•l , L uou ::1 ~

-Jf,., 1/cu.aru

I can l>OI!Aib' 'f lP•o.' Sir Uuil thought to hnn11.01f tbat bt Juok. feoliDIC atirrcd each btnrt. Tlo r y lll\id I~ "'""' ' •cia oudden abrupt cbllogu in cd liko ooo of tho !:f;>ud beroca of uld f:OOtl· nil!hl hurriedly with averted fllCO• ;

bia c~unr c thM rnadu her th1n~ 11111ru of with bia tall fi~:ure and m1 a,i\·u he:~d, his but in lleltiu·• bCJ\r~ theru w M " tlm.l of bilo ~r' .li.Jll '""" aho othcr wollO would arrua outs tretched io ap(>eo\liug deap:tir . aoanttbiog lik ~ uew life, a ud in Sir 1\uol-o hue . t h . u.;ht. ll o exh1hitcJ 111 timc:a 1\ • I rMd~ two 1dols,' bo coutiuuud. • Tbe otro.ns:u tulllultuuus bapplno!->3 tbal be cert.•m Jc1>reo ol 141nder ooJS, wbich wouhl first """ rrry wafo-&bo diod; tbll other wM I h:trdiJ uo,lcratoud. '""'""\> lot.: a co:t~oc ru1J jlifll pi1Co to aileoco my .' Lc:&h wondered 010r~ th~n C\"~r at 1 bli" lh~t · ·'""-" ·'l:uo" ~teru. U'd b d' -• ?' ··• s· n · · . ' I a u 1e &31u It ."Liol JliiJ· prll<tC<'Upled Ul:tnner nl her Jo,·cr. W:t• ~: t U.ull """ very k in•l lo the m:tn I· I be thinlrinll nf 1oM! \\'n., !I the fntno~

wr .lm CYerv ouo eiiiU •ccmc•l w hM•o fur- ' :oi o: &bo I• IYOrao than dc:ul-A th.,asand th:.t trc•ubh·d loiln? \\':t~ he rlreounm!! n( tf ,k,cn. ..I ~ brou,:hl hun lll.''""'I'AI•er!l- 11 · I 1 I If 1 IJ tnuea woNu t 11\D • c:l• . cool "ccp t>~~hll•"·' ., The IMt thou.: in tloil " orld tl•lll bo bc:~rd luu1 ~AI rc•• " tlo,.lfe for a p:tr· 1o 1 u~·J~:l r bo\»k lu•' Utd lu··.ltt fur hnn. ~lore o ,.~r aQtnu ;crc"' U Fr'l.V~ CvJkll tuuo: er ~1." w·~,ll ~ l h:L \'0 .-u .. l•t'r"lt.•d ''~ tbat hr

shuul•l he har.l'orr . .. . ,. ,. tl.uot:u:0 of bur loa;:·l.nt ai:.t~ r l h:\J\ un .. ,., )brtiH ! .. )~ ~,J la .H1 l r\:.chl .. ·. h tl I ~ot ll-..1,1! t!o.UJ Su· l hh.! WOtHft.·n n:;h·. 11 -.; .:t -.". h.u l •••l.Jt '\ ,. .. ,, ,( ~~~••'"·-: "UJ•J , .\ J;lrlln ' :\ 0 . !l'hu d csertt:tJ ru-:, t-he Cl\'ll IUC vfi, l l " L 1: • I l:t ~».,I I'" ' . II ~>a• ~ trob~c~ noucb"" yu•t would throw :&w,,y y .. ur vld W J • \Y(.r d t l !t,'\l it.• 'l ut,· ;~ppr•l.Vt-• !. . ~IU\'ett. I ,.woro thnt I " uul~._l Ot \"cr WC'I'l·

· llhr•· " tc.·· :.u -··•..; u ( ,'\ hct~ ID"\11 t u t l.,lllh. r n.\ln l•, bJt, H I Jv oo t "~>c~•k Ill\' ,i ,,· 1 hr ''"o~ I "''Y l • l tl'4 t l!\ 1.:l•t••r lt ~:trt \\ ill l_,rt.· .. •k. l h~ \ C lt.h.H~ ,ht. uf lh r

l~~o lw f1 , . ·' ' it t S HI \U liU '" 'J' "'he: lfOUIJ I lL I IIIJht 1\t-;"IUtH "')' \HJl - JUitU ; _;.uU')L Uo\' ~·~ 1.' I 11 • :cy 1 11 •II ·

.\ ~I ~1.•·• 11 " '· 1.1 '"~kc luJ hc>•i · It o< only u•tnr:\1 tlo:\t ~·nu •buuld thiol: • ~ It \' d I I.. I , I l l hu tr~un,·· l. Jl t) vf ht•r.' n J VIUU I r.luJ H\r, IUt.:.l.

h ' ' .;t· ou~ . .Jrtd "· :'l ' "'I i h:ucc • In• wu.,:,t . ~ \): \' uU J ill o ut L.uv •· " '•i\t ~d.l' el i. I. ua ,. · ·' f.:' "' J v t l\t"r l •1•·J ~1 1lll • h r.; !. ' " Y I t. !'\.1 t.L\!"'-' t ·.• o •huu:htcr•. lj l'ttit!' :utd -u '" ' ' .... ,.., • ~· 1 ,... t •: at n' td\.·,L"' .u ,. n u t t\llutllcr. llcttlu i:i ll lu ·. Ill ;,!' ~(' lt t J,. ,:it I • th~ ,-,- ~ ~' . ,.t. ' .... t r.,. 1'4 ... , l·h Jl,.: th.· l wu otl~t.:r \t )..- :~ ~:•· ui 11. n Lncht. Ll' <4 Utt!tJI.

t ~·· ·a t ' l t•• .... t •• ' " ' IH· , : .1:. u~ t.Jcl.\ctHI tlu." \ .f O ;:1ft t:• l g1rl, \\ l•o w o •d .. l t.H' t• h~cu ;\ pru·

I h ··•: I ' " ' • · Jlhc!eM ~uoun;•t :be ('~uric. .\ly bc:trt wu

. ) . u. I I •'I' I•·~. ln:l,~r ,' llclloo " r:tppc•l " I' ou her. l'copl~ •~y that ~ wu J. i :w .... ~"·r hi ~ . otlY - "" viiU unJ,• r· frtt !ie r fh uuJ J m:t.L:s on filfT,•rcucn 111 tLu fO \'tJ ,.t..,_t,.t• t! \!·h: 1~.t l l\'t ., · .. v \\e ll !a-' \'0>1 do' th:\t Lc Lt&r.l '•i1 c hll1lrcn. Jfow q,\ u he

( r .• lo< ~u·•till~(./ )

T lu .. • rn'•"'t not i.•t:rthl_, tnno,-nlion 111 nC''" l!n11:;n• tu cr•~IUUh! ,,.lhe ~let•\t..!. ' l hu , IJ". l HIS... ui .. !. 'Ul! f~ .l l Uh" of ta • til l!'a:i dt'"'f'r\ , • .,. 1\

111-'C' i:al 1 't"'!:"'l'h for tb~ r, uou ti1 ~t 11 i) IC, CD"i JH.~·~~ ;,t•t'4 li J IIUJ~l •!; t n~•''I\ Ch UO\d 1•11!' " ln•l tn!lt~i tlu: J df t h•n,·c !1•' twc"n th~ "~"' o111l t hu ohl, the t.~>o!uuu •I I•· ""'' thtl uu f c'hiOUilhlc. t he orai•tic IUI.I · 1.' cumnooupl3tt.'. mnr~ tlo~n Aoy ntbcr l'"t ••' tloe cu .. ume, auf! thi~ ,. IJ'Uu nf cloakH 3od OU t l'iii ii U .;~ rnn•o~ CUI A •-II fUJ more ' ~0\1'1\S '


.\ ~o l • II ' I , l.IIO•III•lnt. J ••• o( f~,tb ID h1111 bdp ll ? ') 0 me ,)Q~ Wif.!J lid ,I lll.'l:DifiC\OIIt t·l··• .r•l ~l"tou HAy itup~ri •l t•a~-:1~. tLu 11th~r like a ~:eu:l~ white

A BROKEN WED IN IN It 11 3< IIDJ>05SII•lo •h•t t hc80 l~u~ • h· dor~. l lu•·e•l tbo e'!llll b.:il. 1 wnutcd D G · R G •t·w·~ · .t..,ul•l P~'<• u.ll . .,t,ccd . :\o t :In I , to on~ke "l.~rl)ine to tci\Cb her tu 1;0

Le•h , .. , unrcl\>Ou•l,le. or cipe~tc• l !'>1r amen.: cbu t •C~J•Ic. to te:~cb M I had tau~:ht.

.ll l' III:nnl\ ~1. CLAY.


Sir llaail called <~e•cral twi•A al Hotew~lk and Marttn tuy. whu bad t\ll lo1s lofu lo&ted OYOry ODO wbo coold be 01\IICd ariaiOQr;,loC, took a faoey to him 'Thuy did uoa •~o'~'to in all re-pe<:tl. Sir Baail told hino frankly that he thought 1101011 or bl8 adeu torrible and bideoaa.

lh.ol : o) fnllo\t hur l:kc n • h3•lolW, loul lllou Sho \t:11 lu ~:\Uiiful. eo full or liru 1\Dd olod wonder . "hy hu u~rcr IUiktd loer to sp1rit, " o;roml eoul abiniD!; 111 bcr eye• ! I a« .. mt""Y Lun. told he r •• hBt I w:~utetl. I Mkod her for

· Auoth~r l" n!l Nlonbl~. llui~ ?' sho ~:~id her h fu's acrvioe. Wlut i• tbo eervico of a nno nH;rnlu~. n. he I''''I.!L'll ber ~ ~~ the bu.ll. lrfo wbcu uno lovca A c:auee '! Oo tho ury · 1 ""' aln~ eo l " c •h~ll hue r:\1~: . day tnat I unfoldodmJI'I&ru t.o berA atrao·

· It look• lo ko 11. reto~ord S1r Owl ; but gor c:~.wc CADlO amooget ua-a m~a rulMe d !lc thd uo~ oiler. to rcmaon a' looooo. , to ruy wife. Uu Willi rich-b:t.!l, how 1 b:ltc

. I Will 1:0 With you to tbc park satea, t(J 1p;:£k of !-aod be wanted to adopt ah': ~~1d g~utly. . my cbildrco. 1 rcfu~~ed bi.a offer; be ap·



Sewing M'chines -t::;TII ~:-


Rapidlyt~l..king-t.h~place o!' all ether M.a.clt incs

wherC'7Cl' intro · duced .

2oo,ooo sold. yearly! ' Has more points cf fX ·

cellence than all other Machines com bincd. Liberal Inducement~ to Dcalou.

NE\V HO~IE Sewing Machine Company

30 Union Square, NEW YORK.

lnsumnce• effected on alDIOAt nil kiud• of prop~rty iu ~uwfouudl:1ud lit lowest (JOIIIIbl~ f:liCI.


.\n~. I I.

SnLtr troo:. ~T . Juus·s. . I !l .. ul fi•r .\'r•rjuuml/\.ltttl, E II. TIIU.\I I ':"t\1:\.

Snlt- . ..J!)r:lll fi ,r J/t~r~tr ( ,",cut.

Post-Office N oticc. M .\ll .' prrStel\mcn r,( All.lll L Hh' ,. ,::.

u u u• cthl u r .J ... huan •, clo!k. n l hl l\1'\ d _ .. \•r l ' ulh'll\111~duU1·. i u :,,·ph:tu ltc r , l k t•>h•r. l lwc·· uoltcr, ·' "' ' .1.11. 11!\r). lull nu hu.1r b\.!!Urt: .... , .Ju•.: u f !ih.: ~o th\'t 1&. ~ 1.) \ • u•uhcr on nrr,\al u l :O,l• :\Uh· r 111 t•ort.

t" u r r .. rt•I:,:U, l .uro: •c A:tu .:u.U .\tric:a,on tun,· :~t c•t ~h·.• 1h r 111 l'u rt.

r ur l 't : l t.t i :"!ll1 t.•:t •• w l Douu·~:l'tfl u f t'.LTl •

:ltlA, b.·uf ·'" lu\Ur l•dun· l'uillu.a.: . ,( !'lt.:\tu,•r ll21i..- pt.·t I r.uu,rcil Luh! vi ~l<'.lUltr8

~vill dv'~ .. Lt tu•• lW1t.' ua t:J,•t l u u nt~t& •··J. 'J be J ll'\' tbt JS,M:, 1\rt.• ..: '\}H'CtcJ I•• :'\ffl \'1~

fr• n t I la id l "t 'lbout ~~ or :•, u 'clu '' ou \\ e•tnt:1tl!\y mo r ulot.:• · auJ (nu n l.t ,crp()ul o u J u,•,.dn.\' ..,(l.•rnuu hot or \\' t••lncu.J!\\'d .., ,~o 1l•! 'uyl1un~ ! 'h '\' ' ut t l.,. ~I ul l;._,,,t ff'r Eu,.:J t w l n rrn·lc..' l•durc aun'•l ou tt." \\\·•1· " """"Y· .\lui" Ifill clu3e uu 1!.~ Shop uutur · 111;1 tllo: Pu rl.

·n,c l'ultlac MO rc~ouuucuded to umil clouor CurresrouJoo c:.. either wn.v on tb,• I u,.,,Jny ~•.:u1n~ . tlllice Opt.'U fur Hul(illrn­""" '"'d iMuo of ;\luucy Ordon1 uuul G pm. ~•(.'ry Tucad•y .

G w cml l'o•l Office. t $ t J oho's. ~cpt., I "3.5 Sort. 1~.


TO l\I.A.HJNERS. t\o. 4, 1Sll3.

IV'CAUTION - I have oo Ago11t in t.ho United ee, nor aromyM~clnea nold tbore. P u rc:hnaere •oould therefore look t o tho L nbol ou tbc PotaandBoxoa If Ute nddreaa ie not 633, Ox(ordStreot, London, Lhoy ore apurioua.

Tloc T11ulc ~lurk11 of auy saitl .Mcdi­.:in··~ Oil' rt•;::i~tcrcJ iu Ut t.:&WII, ou1J odso .\ t.. \\.,udlinl:j:u h.

.)i,, ,-/ TU'~IAS 11 \l l.LO WA ~ ·,:;,J, ~hlunl .-lu. •·t. Lumlun. l

IJt·.:. 1 ... ! :-.~·v. f

,_.: ' l loi• crlcl>ral•••l ~h·•haine i• r ecoUJ• C\) oncoulcol by i'l• ) •h·1~u8, :\lonietcos. ~Ill• == ,.IO ~t~Hh..'"i. )\.u ~n..:t•t "l'l Factorlr~. l\"vrk ­::-= ,. l.o J, ... l 'l.ullat.,m ... ~ ~He''" io l i i...S(ll\.:ll-4

tn ttLor t, ::\l•ryl,..jd~·. (' \ CrJWh\!1~ , " 1-u .!::: h."1 ever b••~u 11 .& tra r1l. ctl c.. T.• ~•·t 1-<u l:-.:.\t.Ll". it on ru Dysen-

tery. ('lo .. lrrn. l lo:trriH<'3, Crnoup 1\UII

-~ l't111o in ~h• ...,loon: .. ·h, 1\owcl ( 'oooplaiut, ...r:::l l',u utt•r " t 'uh •. I.IY<r l 'u1U11Ja1DI. lly~· ~ l'•l'~•n c. r ' "'"~··•IIOU , s~dJeu Col<l-, Q5 .-.or~ T hru;u. l '<our.;lu•. &.:. l:acol CJ·

bJ:) tcru:dly. It CU~<·• iiOJol~. Fdoo1, llrui~• . ClJ Cn t• Unru:1, , ·olda. Ot.l ~oru 11ntl ~ i••·•inM, S wulllll!: of t he J oint3. T ooth • actoc. in tlou Face, Neurl\lj;ill aud .~ ltl .. •umMi•m. Chappud !lAuds, Frost-> bittuo Feet, &c. ca

C Th u 1'/JN KILLF.R is eold b.v ~mcoliciuodealoratbroughout •b• wo rltl ~ !:'rico :!Uc., 2ac:. aud 60c. per bottlo. CD c.. NoY.ll.


In ~heop. RussiAan.t Tur.,IJ Blndlnys.

'You will aee.' Martin. 'You will lin louger t han 1 ahall. Wbat 1 now trach abo worltl it will belino aoJ p ractice whoa the atioJios-·ooLlloa are growing our my ,crn.u.'

:;~e al w•y- look~d boaullfn\ lo tho old pealed to th~m. Ab, IJeueo, wbeo 1 tbink fu booned broad brunmod jlarden b,.•, ilia~ of tho aceoo! She the dAugbtor wbomo 1 tbrew a eofl4ooed abado .. on ber face. Ucr loved beet, lert me, a.nd went up to bim, dreu of pslo amber t':'alou~e O\'Or the greou thia atro.nger, And clung to him. • fake me g~ bcel~o ber adworably. away' alou cried. • l bavu beeu praying to

• fbcy ,"'II be lbo hauc~tPmeet .auplo in Il eana t.o eeud me a dcli~eror fro an tbl.

· r "'·o )'CAU "~:u Frcud1 • l n.·&.~nuk~t..i J.:3h

nnl~t COUi t'"1Cf•ltJOU~1 y (..- .t' th\' f t11t rlc\! \'C It wu au F:ol):li•h :t:~lhd1.: IIIVeullu:t nud would 11\'Vcr bo · :\CI!t'IJI<'•I · l .ad1o • who b:~<.l brt u~ht homll d rc,.··• w11h tt . ., ohouSI· OU8 11Jli'Und~gt~ h~d lloOIO I.I~UU om :uod replacc<l. it w:u ... ld, with tbu u•u:\lo1ot."ath · l ike coutinu:~tlooo.. llul tbu Frc1och drc.u­w~kcna o\'er tho ""Ater lctru to hue accopt­od tbo eituation and empbasiud it. 1t 1oM b.!en et.ated many t imes iu tbeae lottel'll that tho ! leevo ie of thc t importance iu g1~ing grnco and diati&~ctioo to 1\ bsud­eomo d 'e&a-t.o the general eoaemble of the liuuro. Thill can bu ecen by 11uy on• who will tako tbo trouble to euady bi.itorical aod utique co.tume, aod it ie one of ~ ee­cret.t of all worueo wbo haTo been eucce ... ful io lllo art. or drCM. Tho • cost '· elene begao itt l~tc.t career about tbirty·fiYo yea" ago aod h11.:1 flll\in· i\l ttrch 10. taiood it.a ucondeucy, with alight -------------

SA:\DY I'OI~T. IJ.\ Y ST. GEOUGE­Latiludu 48~ r>7· 'i7 • Nurth ; 1>::1~ SO· :11· We-i t.

Latest BdlUon hu UA,OOO Yarta. ( :StJOO mum '""" o..oy owor 'I.u~~:l II Iilc0011aly.) Four P .. e8 ~ l"late., 3000 Engruvinp, (neoatlf &hr.._ aJmeo tlw! norub.r loany iKhcr Dlet'rJ al"'roottJoo aBLocrsl'll• teal Dtot:lotoouoy ~l<~nf IJtlef lmpon&D1lo~s.

• Why do you aupp~ tb~t your grne will b4 eo•cred w1th ~liDt;iD¥ ueu.Jca ?' aakod Sir Uuil

· lllartia laugbod a bit r.Uttlo OJnicaJ UDjlb.

• I do not imagincr t hat an ooe IIY­Insr wiU c:aro to plant 6owera tb ro,' be ro­plild.

fbo7 ~ore bot.h at&rtled cry of pain.

' How can you u.y eo, father? _A{ler ~riac yon my life, ~r eball fortet rnu iu death ?'

Sir Buil nner' forgo' Lhe repro.cb in the aweet that qni•ered wiLh paao. Tb11 bl00 efe& had I lttaioed, bunted Olt•

pl\!•ioo. They were a11 three atandior witbio the

prwtty porob when tbi.a cocYonl&tioo took piKe. H1tLio forgo t e•erytbing, except Lhu ber beart waa -wouod..d. Sbe ... eo\ up to her raLbn witb a little cry of outrtced ton, aud poL her arm arouod bi.a 1M"Ck·

• Dear,' alae aid, • I ahould, if I li•e U.e longer, be u f~tl1ful to you io death aa l bull bern in lire.'

• 1 know t hat; you aro a rood obild,' re· epoudod :\l artioL

lie ca~ the lblnior roldeo hair IO'f'• lnrty : bu~ t,.rore bJm roae the brilliant 1- "r tl1e aloiiJ ho ·loved wj,l9 bU. wbolo hNtt. anti wlto bad noonocod bim, and aom.~int of rep~ lmpuieoce came into ble LUIIII,er. 'fbe child who bad rto· auu-.1 l!lw aod bi• ... bit Ill,. and, _.,e mlewloo be bad «i•oo• ber wu 11ial a th-nti timoa d•arer t<> lUartlo 1(41y than tile ohata wbo bad .. ,.ed blm with t.wder, falthl'tl , '*"'ed Inn, &att«fi~ t~l~ Iilli" aoene atrnok Sir

Jlaail rorolbl Jle IUfanlrt(l tbl (laOJhler"l deNtlon ; l.oo ••••' oli•l that houiCI'J' wiet­fnl d~lr Ill her · IAU)or·, face wnn ? Whf •AA pe ' Mt cumforwt bt Lhe aw"~ 1«1'11 of \Ji ~""' ? Wby bad he not tlllcm taw J11 hae •ruM au<llhlu.ltad ller t.en­

En~tl"o": thu Ducbeu remarked, u abe furoi\Ce o f Bre !' Sho went away witb bim csugbt ."alat of tbum rrocu tbo coMcna· aod 1 curaed brr.' ' tory., . , . Aa bo lioiabed •peaking. Ma rtin Ray'a

'Yon wonob_ap beauty, Uuobe.u, lltiJd tbo arma fell oerveleu by bia lido, and bie ~:ny Gonerall~>ugbln~ ~t bor cn~biWJUim bead dropped "JIOO bi•~ breuL

' Wbeo l ae?. ot, •h~ replaed. • Aod t ho otbcr-llettie-wbtlt djd abo LeaL and :Sir Bast I wont th rougb tho do?'

~u.oda t.o tloe gates of tho !'!'.!."· • Ab, ~too-l, faitbfo l llottio! Sho out her . Shall J OU be long, Uaaal. abo uked arma rouad lO:f. ueolr. • 1 will lo•e you :aod

waatfuUy.. . eerve you uoul I die,' •bo aaiJ. And ao wo lie D,..allcod tbd allo dad oot uk wboro be four ato<XI looking at eacb o'tbor. Tbeo

waa ~~~· . tbo otbor two went away. lleltio aod I • No ! I •rn, ,fl.OIDil t.. Southwood. V:nh,' hl\Yo been alouo coer ainto ; wo hue oenr

lle ro~ho:d. I be fact II. 1 b:o~o. mado tbo utte r&d her aiator'a oarllo aioco tbo day abo acquaaounco or a fs~oue old po!1ucao tbore, left 0 1 , and wo lleYor aball. Jf Helllo ever an~ hia ar~;umoote anwreat me. . breathod it., I would eend bor from me.

fbo wo rds co~•.•yed no meaomg to he r. Yet to-day I griovtt that 1 coraod my elden That .tho old pohueao abould be bor fat!1er, child. Wbat do you tbiolr,' added ltart.iu, filAriiD lay, never occurred to be r. after a ebort palllte, • of tho choice my N uer wero tW"o peraooJ ao .a ear a truth daUAbtena mado ?' without _ro•eaUnll h; oonr dcd r.ho point;a • I thiok Mia He ttie ooo or tho moat or tW"O ~avo1 .. eeL ao cloaely, aod then da- dnoted, molt un~tl11h girl in tbo -world,' YOrgo. If abo bad merely u.ld, • W hat &Diwored tbo llaroneL politicao ?' or ' \YbQ ie ~c 'I' be would buo , And wbat do you tbiok of the otber ?' an,wered, • ~latllo Ray, aod wbo cao toll aakod Martin Ra bo w difrereot onaoy h~e• would hue been? • What can f' tbiolt ?' u ltl Sir Raail. She ·~ eullroaaod ao her lour and in • What ooold IDJ IZIID lhinlr of a girl wbo ourytJ•.IIIg 011ncoruiog ba~ ; but 1be .wu deaert.ed Ler far.her and clioga to a atr&O· oo~.cunou1, and ••• not giVe a to queauon- ger?' · ~·ti' bim. _She kuo"! tb.a.t ho waa greatly • You coodoroo ber t.heo ?' qoeeUooed autlreated ao tbe polcdoal atrulaloa or .tbe lltarlio Ray eagerly. day; abe lo:oew alao that bo bopoJ In t1mo • h ie 110~ my p lac:o to jad~re or eondetn to ~roe a at&&elalan ; and r.haL ao old Perbapt abe ooold pol tho matter in a w:y pollucao ebould lnetraot aod , 1!Dt1141 blm which would makoct appear qwto different: 11000\ed to her quito ti&IDJ!I. • h wu .. bot, 10 rar .. 1. ... I •hoold .. tbat atrauj~~~o-decr~e or fnto tbat tll• miD wboro Miu Hettie wu Jiy far' tLe more aoblo or ahe IO'fed wath all ~tr he:ul aho'Uid ha•o tbo two. I ahould &laiuk bor eiat4r Mlflab, m•t aod loa Yo rrown t~roated in r.he father aod certAinl1 waotiog In nobilhy of cb11no· alae baU renounced. . tar-waatlor too lo natonl alfeotioo ir abe

: .1~1,' a~e "id gayly. 'I aball take to could doaort bor father and ellog to« aLrao­l O•lllci. \\'ben you are a groat at.ate~troan, ger • Cl!aoeellor of the Er;<lheqtier! or .Primo •'1 ban neur been tho aaruo IIWl eioco,' ltao~r, you -wlll .wauLa po~ltiCal • •f•: 1 uid Mutin Ray with a 11igh. -lftll i\"11 ~rand d111ner-~ue•, and :='Jolo • I cuuld ltardly huo tbougbt th4 t"o n c r:tbou.1111tn tolling nto hii ,ICCrtl.L ' a!etera' oould b&w<~ differed 10 lln:Atl ,' re· • ' You w~l h&YO to be •err. cletor to do anuked tilr Dull. qoit.e oocooecioo• ~Lby

tlult, Luh, be re~ned lauJbaoff. by hie own wool• bo waa coodemoloa the •I eb"-'1 -.a .... II. Yo11 will- that I alrl bo bad "ked t.o M hl8 wife.'-t.are all pl1111 of &be Yt.rioe• • I abould 1iU to kuow,' laid Alartln Ray, part* lot am nre that I llhall with 11 b141prd f&Oil, if e:1rat;1 ewer really

iuwrruptioDJ iu !nor o f pulled no.t p H (E N I X · ftowiu11' Aod 'angel· sleeves, ever sioc~. , It is ueefu l but commooplnce, lind, if well C •h•ped and room eoou~:b 31lo .. ed at tbo Fire Assurarnce ompany elbow &Dd at tba tlip o( tho 11rm for freo 1uoumout, excclleot for tbo atreot 1\Utl

e•onior: wear . But it is DOt pictureaqno and oot diatioclin. It acqulrea a certaio amount of • etylo, • of a rigid and eouro kiod. by h.iog mouoltd bigb oo thd ebouldor; but it i.a oo•or mado d istinctive or pictorcequo or capable of much nria­tion until fuloeaa io aome -way bM beeo ampar ted to it. This ia ooe of tbo rea· 10oa for tho iotroduetlon of tho lace eleovo for oveoiog wear. aod the get~og rid or Lbe alene altogeLher rrom e•eniog drueu; but tbo lut adrico ia round iru· poesiblo witb the pr-oL f"hio1a of bigb and \'Cry ebort aboaldera.

Tlto noweet alcove couaiata of the ro­vinl of ono that waa nry faablooable rorty yean ago, at a tlmll • epencora• wore in fuhloo, aoa a1ao bnldioe aod bnided embroidery u ornameatatioo. It u ar· nogod aa a eerin of fall• or roftloa, ooo abon anot.'Jer, and t. DOt ooly •a .. coptiolo of graceful aod dinrai8od elf oct, bul adaptt itaolf to the preeeot eot or tbe bodice and adda much ,'o II• diltinctioo. Epaolottee, atalfed ·roul•ux. bow• of rib · boo witb eDdl, ornamenta coonect.ed by oorda • whb otberw opop tbo wlliet., aro all employed t.o decont.O r.he top of tbe aleeYe aad empb&afus the brority of Lbo dbtaoee-three ioobea::tJretween t he top of tho armhole and tbo .~~dio~r collar at tho throat. 'no difBculty ip cutting t. elenD II tO ge~ IUffieieot JeogtJa OYOr tho top of tbe arm to malro IL ouy kd fr~o in moYo­meot : aod t.o do thie it I~ a'Holotely oocet· eary to havo aonto ralact.a. or eouree, l"two ladica aod aom .. ldi"'OIImake,. will hue aa little aa poaeibfe ; othen.. who DDdera&aDd how 10 diapalo or It, Ia)' It in daa,11onal fold• whlelo arD brouJtb\. toae~er

LOllU.:\ltll STREET J: CU.\RI~G CIIO!l.S



J nlon Etlwar<lllu•oll,t::., o.~ llaabDrJ. F.eq Dr<:imuallurlou. t~lll· ~.J>.IIod~n,LIIJ. ll 1'. 'l' be lloo Jan••• B7u0 . "'• J . J,ubbudc, llart., J olon Clulloo,.J-:.Ot. ll. f'. t'. llS. 0. t;. Coope. F."l·· )l .l' Cbu. 1'ho.-. Luc.u.t:tc;. J ohn l;uo\"' Oav11. 1:"'1· Jun. D. llo.:ena. ~:••t · Goo. A. Fuller . t:oq. J nhu ~"'" "" Oaloy.B"I C. &. Goodb.ari,F."l· Cbarln lUna , 'E~. Dudter R. lhuiLil . .E.q IV J . 'CbQrull"'"•

AUDITOHS : Waller Dlrd, Esq. 1 J.ord WnLilrook l'blppa

Joaepb fra nc • Loacbor, l:oq.

,JOIIK J . ULOOUFIELD, &t:rdary. Fa.\NCIS n . lotc DosALD, Auf Secretary.

Ioauraneee agaioet Lou by Fire are ef-fected by tho •

PHffiNIX COUP ANY, 'PO• •nry de.criptlua or·Proporty iu o"ory part of tbo· world, oo the moat fnonblo terms.

Tbo oromptituda and Jibert\lity witb wbicb ill. enpgoroonta are always mot on 'blaCon1pany aro well known, and t ho lm­porl.4oco c:f itt rotation• wilb tbe publio may be ealimatod fro m the fant tha\ aioce itA et~tabliabaneiot. I' baa paid more th&ll 'fW I!:LVE Mlf.l,lO!o?S STERLING io d!Jioloarge of claim• for Loaor by flro.

Rate or premium aud all otbor in forma~ tlOD may be obiAined on arplicatlon to

W . & t7 R .. :NOELL, St..J OIIN''

Agellf j or Ntlf'{nHndlalld

New Photographic Rooms.

A ROUND mo~ TOWEll has been oroctcd ou t his Poiut, on whiclo, "111 elo· vntiou of 3a fc~t Rbo•·~ the lu•el of tho af!l\, o FIXED WHITE LIGHT will be e.t· habited nightly, from auuset tu Huuriao, aud wlticb will allumlorllu thp whol e llorixou, 1\nd which will be • ilfible MYeo roilee in clear wOGtbor. Tho appamtua i.a Dioptric, o f t ho Gth ordor, '¥1th a IIDjliO Arga~d Huroer.

Tho Towe r i8 pnioted, ai\Qro .. toly, r ed and whitt. iu horixoutRI b3oda-three red 1\od thrc~ whllu A W oo•l Storo witb 1\ ll~t roof, on S . • idu tho Tower ia paiutod bwit.o.

No. a. 188:1.

POWLES' JI EAU,TREPASSEY. Tho "Court.eoay Autowatic Wb ietling flnoy" bl\l boon n!placed 'fbo followiog aro the bc&rioga from tho Buoy :

Powka' Head, N . l!:.. diet.ant U milea. Capu 1•1ne, (Lat. <&G" 37• &.1" Norlb

Longitude 65° :w 46" \\'eat.) W. ~S. Freabwater Poiot, S. E. i K Io futuro tbia Buoy wi:t be taken ia at

tbe conlmencemcot or tbe and re­mooredu early In tho Sprlo"aa tbo weather will permit.

Dr order, M. T . KNIGUT,

for Surdarg I.Joord of JVorb.


For One Month Onjy! I

S lui,lC3E R l SEWI~G MACHINES Lockman Band Kao,bino1

Blckforcl KAitUA!r Kacll.lnM I Bareka OlothM Wrinpre

.A.cma Nuhlnr Xacbinea.

o.>~>CC~DlDII li'J 01.) DOJ.C>'l


tS ·-l4e ~ar~or ~met ~ar~


r printlld •ud pobliebod e"ry 8AT1laDAT mOrOiDi OD be~lf e£ t.he Eltat. of the

IAtl ucurDALD Mua,11 by J. F. Muo aUlae " SllUdaNi" Office, Water Stroel, ,..., o! M.eaars. Qolntia'a abop, Uubor Unce, Nowfouodlantl.

Tuxs-TweotyabWilll' peT aoDIIIII-paJ· able hatr.yearlr.

..,., fOf' laer rut ..... .,tlou, Ho .. ~ -••"Jotd on. and •• OW II C'JIIfCIU .... lt.ta ......... u~w

flllke an •Ire for a ata&HtD&n.' Ct.UII eYil ; 1 alto old like to how If thd '11aey bd ratM, aad lbe Jl!dUd beautiful h..ct wiH bud oodor the oontlautd, ba' a P"'•o c~ree t'bac llald upon it?' hat oa. l BMU. -. I bos'e ao&, • aaewe.-.d Sir Baail quletl7 •

oo tho lotide of lht arm toftrd the front. ud are floiehtd wl~ a 1 ro.t141 of alllt o r ribbon. SaUn noll~, the 11e• radii· mer tlke, ricb brocadn and telvetl .Jield

pacefoiiJ w loch ~'!OIIe maoipQlataoo. THE SU~ClUJSER wonltl ~•..&..''oll'J' 'l'he ~d alenea are jbetter adApted to l""'l1.: lace aud thin evelllng .a~.enall-tuU, loti-to to tbe Public ilia' bo baa

oe'atuuia! PlaiUDr -.chin .. BOf' )lachioo Oil, Neodlea and Altaeb· menta for all SE\VlNG MACHINF.S, all redaeed to bottom pricH, for ooo moot.h

Tbil pa~oer l.a on' .._eel t.o ••1 nbecrlber ror a 1• term &haD alx moalh.

'l'IRllS FOR ADV!trrtSJKG-I'irt& idllnion­for three line~ (bnrilr ~) la., , ,. • cnrr addlUqnll~~~t:lcl. Tor .oh ooa­tluuaUoo one· thtl'll"or the ftm eharp. fur .. .: 'l'lle oo& Jladf• Ra7 tllnaed to lllm•ddeotr.

.~&YE!;~~~~~~~;~;J.vl ' ~- 11141,' he lllfd. • that yh wm 111K renal one -nt oC wbac I l.awe told 701L IleuM bellu .. lhall IIJ•• rorpcwo llw ..... S ,J,.. ller atfll to thl•k 1o.'

• I ellall ...,.,. ...- of It,' pNIDilld Sir

8rf. "l:. r:'c!;: ~. a1iil. ... lll!rltlf ..... . wa..

pa~~~and tbo like-bot lqYII7 elrt cte ue opued • produced io embroldn India •llh aad Photographic Gallery DOII'I 'f'tllin~r • .Mid IIIIo 'Ill CaDtml crape, o•erJhe Forollore Sto re or A. ct:. E. I'AR• wlllcb llioda Mictlf •l'fC4117 to eohl7 fall· aon wbere all work wUI be uecated with U,electc. •tfafaetlon. mr --. . •- ....,_ oeplad ancJ rnlarpl. 10 t0 1'-Wftl 1"1' ~'::- .... Gf ........ , Jh.i .. IDf1 6o., 00111W1tl7 OD

=-~-=::~·~~~ .~=IS ' ~ PARSO~S. ·

ODlt ' Tk Si•gtr Mo.ufactrtri"!l Corya•g,

H. F. SUY'l'B, Aflt:ltl', j 17J Water St. , St.. John'a


Wa Aae ol Oci.apeuUoa-Foa'a m~• A11W.. Pua~~~e ....... -