AIVE.Rti8ER. - ·...

.. " ) \ . " '-......r-- VOLU14E ·. Advertisements. Advertisements. . QUEEN THOMPSON'S Insurance Compa,ny M ed i·9al Hall. CuiT.u.-£2, 000, Ot>O Sterling. ---- QU.EEN INSURANCE BUILf.I NG, LIVERPOOL, - AND- QUEEN INSUR4NCEDUILDINGS, uO GR4CEOHUROEI S'.PR.EET, L ONDON. Al\NUAL REPORT £be R eports an.! A ccounts for tbc y ear lSid, prosenttl<! to t bo Sbaroholdons ut tbu Annual ou Tucsday,27Lh 1879, o lt BumarJ l· hli,Jo 'Aiq., 11huwe J, iu tho Di\ •illeJ•ol uno.l n..nus at the wuctlour of Ia 1 1(!1 · cout . wu o.lcclotred, .£1 1,035 bcin:; cu.r- i uJ fJ rwarol. FIRE BU.\ NCH, T hnt tho p,., ll niums for 18 7R, a fLor uoouctin;; R o·illlllll"ltnCCS, Lo £45G,:!H, lleiug an oi o ver t ho P•-c•niuru Income uf JSii; ano.l tho Losses co , GG I, being 55. 16 per ceut. on tllo ol th e Y car. IN THE Lil<' E That Now lltul bcon · iaoncu fo r ; auol that thu Lif o Fund, uy "o.IJitiuus to it as tho re sult of the ycar'4 utK'mtions now repr011or . tw Gi .9 pur cent. of tlw " "tire lll't Prcllliurus n -.:< ·i,·od uu u\·o ry Policy in force. Tho su rplus b:1lunco in th e }o'i rc Ac- cuun t W d:f bhu wu to Lo (> UL ot wl. oi ch .C :!lJ, UOI) """8 •p('rupo it· t <.•l to !::haspt."ll:it: t. to .£ I IO,UOU t ooul wo tlo th o 1:<' - a,•n 'll Fun u oano.l C<Oro IC o.l fun\":lfU UUI). ..___ ESTABLISHED 1855. Juat n!OOived I tbe Sp ring'a Stool.: of N EW GOODS! IS{OA.lwnya on band-a full eupply of l\lEUI C INlCS, DRUG!:>, TOILET A HJ>!CLE::S, &c. · , W"Pnr ti cular ntt4lntion paid to P:ftE. SOHIPTIONS. W bolcsnlo ngent for J ohnaton 'a Fluid beef. Tho following 1\ro some of tho principal it tllll Fn1it &1lt, Q o1inino Wino K.;atiug'11 lr.eect P owd cra Thoultts'a ElecttiO OU fuy Itluo, Beuuno, RisingSun Blacklead Nixel11 Bll\Cklead, Challloia Ski.oa Bronr.e, Golll Leat.f, Bn11111"ick Bla ck Eln.stic Iuolia' RubboL· V 11rniah for Harnou, Bnaaa Clothes Brushea, H a od Brushes Nail d o. TD'ltb do. Sbo l\· ing do. Breast .Relievers <::..sto r Oil vor gallon, do. inboUJoa Cu nr t Ploustc r, Colo.l . Orea m C'..W Li ,·or Oil per gallon do. ia b::ltUea DreRS. Cumbs, Fine Canary SeOO Concou t rat.OO Lye, Bottle Corka Crcum of 'fiLrtar, Eueruaa O l] oorine Fu rniture Puli•h,Olur, Gu m•nabic, H oner F..OOing B o tllee, B reut 01u.ue. Bo nnrt Coagutine, l..t,m. Poe! Limo Juice, L iquoricx', .!\Juchine Oil .!11 ncil.. Nipple! for Feeding BotUes Oil, Red ami Y: e ll"w Ochres Dry Prtinu.- a ll s hades, Pipo Clay Pull Uoxeo and Puff s, Pink Root f" U:\US. Pumice Stone, Roein. Sal. PaunelfiL Capit&l l'aid up .... .. .. .... .. . .£180,033 Sol h•d Oil rer do. in boUlelj licucl'1ll ltoscr.u Fu uJ ... .. . ... 170,tl00 s .. lt110f Lemou, Soll tpetro,&J.IIitx Powder f•ru r uuo.l for uuearocd l' reouiuws Ho, WO Gnm Sbclluc, Sn uff Be.llll, C 1 u til o Son.p cameJ fo r wnr<.l . .. I 1, 03. '1 Life .\ ccuooul: \tioo f uuJ ... Thomps\)n'a Motllow Sol!.)• ,\ uuulty · 1 Bro wn Wilul110r do. Glycerine do. _ C.truonat.. of Soda, C ryat>tl :3pirit.a of Turp e nti ne, Spa luiugs Gl ue SpongNI, Tuule, llaLber'a Plu.atens A IOOQk'a P orou s Plllllter, T>u·t.nric Acid of Lemon, Tootb Powirer& P llllto Coral Varniab, Coperaa ExLNot of Logweotl, . Gronod do. A d11ms' I ndian&! vo, \V daoo'a&holedion .Ura. Alle.n'a Uuir lieatel'1!r , \ uo:o;oy lietoural for A. '!' . UttrSDALE, ll "rtx.r (;n.oo. R. & <.:u. , St . l'ie rre. 27. 187!1. Northefn Assurance Company . t"Olt \ _ FXR.:E d3 L:I:FEl Stg. l'lUmlUllS. . .•... .•.. ......• .t40S,COO L fFI:: 1\o 157,t00 .l'J::KLST ••.•.•••••.•. .• ••• •••..•..• .lOl ,UO<. HI!!AD OFFICES : LoMDOlC-l Moorgato S ued A unou!J--3 King Street. Ayer'a Cherry Pootoral, Ayer'a San111par· Rad"fay'a Roeolvoot} British Oil Lilla do. Ready Relief. Cecbp011 Bro""" ' aBronchi<alTrooboe, Flonda '\Vat er Brown' s Chlorodioe, Ayer'a Hair Vigor, Cllildren'aTeetbing Rinr,FA P eppermint l:(on rya Odoioll'i Magoosa Hdlo way'a Holloway' s Pilla s, do. Norton' do. Paraon!,i do Ayor'a do Morriton'a do Radwa )' a do do J ohWJOD\ 1 _Anodyne do Loaeap do Worm Tablet., M11.1tang Li nime nt Wood.ill'• 'Worm . Louogee · McLean'• Vermifuge, Mediouaoontum Morehead's lfagnetio Pluter In. ,ur!ln ceolfectedon Proportpo New. P oor man'• Friend, :Rotb'11 Poison f ouo(iland at CurrontliAtea of Pr e:. Ru..U:$alve, Spirit. Flaab oium. Sberitlan'a Ooodi"on Powdef Proap04t uaoe . -Forme :ppllcat!oll B.immel'• Limo Juice and for Fire and Lifo ln8 ee and alJ A lr.rr uaort!lleot o( Rimra11l 'e perfume other [nf .-l rmabon ca be obt&iued at Bioglotone Go)den Eye Ointment the Oftiee of Wil.ona Cherry Br.llam, Violet Powder A. 0. II AYWARD1 do St . Job11·e, Areat fo r Nlld ' Winalon o. · Guardian & LfFE Assll.mnce Comp'ny OJ' LONDON. .- UTABLIS.B'ED 1821. / - . Su ucaram CunAL ... ... . .. ,£1,000,000 Btl TerrAl. llrna'l"q) Ji'tnrDI UP. . ' W4&DS Of •••••••• J,76(),00C) 11 AxlfUU! IJICOX& UPWJ.ADI 0. 860,000 " Tob&oco, P en kniT• Paper Eunlopee Paa, Paaoila WritJDt and Karldq Inu Tobaooo Poncb-, O.mel Hair Pencil11 Sealing Wu, Oigara Amilioo in &d. UROCERIES: Groetl PeM (or.DDed), Sweo' Corn, OU'ft!ll (bo&Ued), Oipn, Cigare&t.e Corned Beer-t and tlb. Una. Beat Oroand.Cotl'ee, S.go ' Barle1 . Candied OitroD PeW, Pla• 'BeMnota do. Lemoo do. do. Oraqe do. &Wei l l'ndlil . ... Jam1,Jem.., Marmalade,O.uned Oyltera Mlll; Preeo"eCI Bed · Palle\'Yed lit Bo \\_ llfi PM&ed ' o&W Beet Oona :rloar, sp., Obmamen o.rro-r a..clt PlekJ., Br.aoea Corde Powda', Tb,.e. .... I .. Joraaa, ....,_,Table VbMpr,Natmep .•.. aMI-'•..._ . ... ..,, . ..., . ... . AIVE.Rti8ER. \ HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLA:ND, SAT-URDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1882. . . :Advertisements. Hurrah for the Grrutt A mP. ri and Short Line Route I BUDDON'S CLOTHING HAll. U T HF.JlEAS tbe Subscriber flada it im- f l po¥iblc to coatinue . buaiaeaa under •he preteD' credit ayatem, ho le t bercfo YC to &dqpt a Strict Cashl3usiness CLOTffES and t:rimmed to at t bo fo llowing prieta: ..( OVER-COAl'S ....... ... ...... .. .... t b.60 Fine FROCK COJ\ TS ..... ••..•.•••• 6.00 TWEED SKIRT COATS .. . ...... MO SAC COATS ... .... ... .. ... ...... . ... 4.110 PANTS $1.60, V ES' I'S$l.:ICI ... ... S.CO SAO COAT, PANTS& VEST . .. 7.00 W Rilla 1011' wiUl all Clotbea. .8 FS&Uaf aclloo guaraot.eed or t b. o wooey ref unded. ' .C. BUDDON! Apt:il 8. lugaiaa.laraaila. -AT- Parsons's Furniturt Store · The Subacribera thaoklnl for put (&yoore beg Co ioMm&te to the pnblic generally that be }"!low olfer for aale- 108 BEDSTEADS aV 2/ oad opwe.rds. S d o•. LOUNGES at}l7J6 ud upward& 4 doz. Toilei TABLES at 7/ e.nd upwarda 'dQ'l.W ASHSTANDSat 1} and upward 12 doz. CBAl.RS-C&oe aeat and C01111Doa 1 Walout l'arlor SUIT . OY&l, Jlouoc! e.nd Kitc boo TABLES. Cbe.mbor b"tlita, Whe.t oo&.e. Window Polee and Cor nice s. Aad 'a lot of OBROJ.tOS e.nd . J.UOTuRES. RUSTIC !'Hmea, Pi Moaldlng, &o. W FRA.M.ES ID&de to Mder. No• . so. A. & &. PARSONS. '. L .. ... ... We, tho uqditniigaod Ele<:tora of the of Harbor Grace. eaconrapd by the many oYidoacea of tbo aacccq atUlndiog your put Legim &i ve career. e.nd realuiag the Deceteity tbat e aiat.a, et tbll on'Ucal period io tbo eouotry'e ll iltor1, for tbo curciee of p radeoce and diaoret.loa ia tho electiou or a Legislature for tbo ruaa&l,!eweut of ita air&ira, earneatly re<JUCI& that yon will apio &!low yoaraelvcs to bo put i.a aQmioat.ioo u our Repreaentativea io tho next Goooral Aaaomb1y. We ban beheld with QU?h U tiafacti?a and wilL fetlioga of bopofulnoaa lhu policy or Progreaa purauod by tbe r.reaeat Go\·ornmco t- policy generally recognized io &bis CO· lightened ap u being eeaential to tho moral &nd int.eroata of e ve ry eouot ry, a ud one wi.Uch, tbough eotramwollod by lUI uorCMOul\blo oppOllitiou and. a or leaa amount of oa&ur&l prejadloe apiaat innovation, yet bu &I ready furolahed ua with maoy earueata of fature i mpronmeot aaa proapority. Tho advantagea or IOIDCI of tbeao latter iJ. ia ocedleaa to do more Lion, v1x.,tho aeon rio:,: lor N.,,.foundle.od of a aa&iafactoiy proportion uf th o Fishery Award ; tbe or our Trel\ty Right.; tho late ao&t lo- mont of the •oxed French Shore Q • IC&tiou, sucuriug to Lhe ioh•bitaota of th:l& lo oalitylho impor tant privilege io &ho Lej,oillatuN, aud to llritiab aobjeota the to dere.lop & o bc!lillt'ed to be rich iu ,Agri cult u...t aud l\liue r&l HeaolltCU; tho li bcral;tl aod adnnoe progre11 eviocell in thol policy of 1- 'og- A.Iarw aud Ligb t- llouso Ereclioa; &he con,·eui!loce.a from Tulcgraphic ; e.nd tho ia- e•timablo adY1U114iel Of tho iotroduCti00 1 U(lOD favorable tOrWS 1 Of Railway& throughout tbo country. The mere meotloo of lheao, however, by way of gmtefnl romembre.noe, ia aoficieot for ua, as we ourael rca l.bat tho intelligence of tbia Diatriot is oaufileiea& to reoog olte tl•o proapecti ro bleaaios:a by which, & brough the m, the futuro of our Ial&nd will b4J We would,howovor ,o.lwclla litlfo Jl'l rticularly npob tho lut-oamed-tho Hail waya. Wa feel a pardonabld pride in the recollection of tho epoci&l eJf orta made by tb i& l>i•trict in auppor' ol the iatroductioo of roeMurea for tbo conatruetion of the Lioo oow bciag built., aud folly concur ia the desirability of catabliahiog 'he Line" allo, aad agree witb tbo Ierma tbua fe.r coucodod by tbc Govciruwoot with a Yil!w to Ita oom- pletioo, recogawog i.a th010 meaaures tbo opouiog up of eaaeaUal avenuea to nried ia- duatriea a uu improYecl coadi riooa. W c cons;ratalatc oureelvca t h&t upoo tbeao roo 10 faithfull,. repreteolod tba Yiowa of this District, and 10 ful ly interpreted i&.e rb1! 1 :- 1Dp. \V o would bore record our licarty approv..t or tho sm:a llytbe GoY· oromoat that no l!:adoraatiooof Benda or fnrtb er Legialativo aid will be &hia Colony, oither Jo tho "Nowfouodlaod," or tho" Short LiLo" Railway Colllp&ay la or- der to tbo CO.(ll:(>lo,tiou of their expreaaed projeota, aad capocially u reprda money, graa&, guarantee, or of n ,oda. Ia again tolioitiog your viJuablu sorvicea "-' RopreaeataUyea, we deem it o..- duly lhna pl&iuly to make ll:oown our nowa apon tl1o foregoing9ueatioaa; and we u uohoai- tatiJJgly oapreaa our oouOdeuce t.bat you will, if ol e-:ted, faithfully a upport tbem in tho Legia tature, abould it becowo ncooaaary. Aa a P ialrict, apart fro•n feeliog proud of tho import4nt aurport aBordod by our Re· preaeutati Yes to the abore general policy or pro,Rt'llll. wo have oeoao to "coogratu.lato our- aehea npoo tbo oxperi cncu hue marked the reco rd of your of roptUOotatioo, in & be ahapo of IOC&l improvomcots : tbe U <! &rly apptOI\Chiog ra&li:.alioa of tba& long- needed I:' oat Office auirablo to our iuveasing buaiaeaa ; Lho me.ny proofs of your care and iowrcat, experienced by iDl h ridual mombe•e uf this Coustitucocy io oi r- cuwaiADccs of •liatreaa io .. to their prdcarinus aud haurd?ua avoc:a&ioa ; our gea- eml protperitJ' as 11 l!oop:c ; 1\nd upou spirit of unity :lnd good-will cbaracteriziog the iutllrcourae, social aud commMcinl, of 1111 creed11 aod claaaca of thia commuoitl "ilh O. '\Ch o1her : no doubt, iu 11 meAauro to thllt poliov of just aud iiDp .. too l ,.._ cogoitlou of 1!11>..,_ a<JYOO&tod uda--1 by tbo huo \I Ul llooor to aupport . . · Conceroiulo: tbo of Co:- rEDEn. \TI O !'I, wo will uot offend by alluding to it aerioutly, except to 1111 thM iu our view tbc pnaent Go, · orumeot hM abundaatly e rl deuood 1bui r faill,fulneaa t.o tho plcdgo tb e anbjeot would not bo roited by them u ntil denl&udltd by the people themaelrea :11 the rolla. 'We regret · tbAL aoy opposition, Ia order to aocom!Jiilh 1ta ouda, would be 10 M to oodeuor to e sbu01e this long--buried bug-be:lr, with which to pervert the and iuOucuce tho action ol t he, perforCO!, wore uai ufonood aud uoooligl,teued 1Uiads or remo!Jir Diatricllt. : iu you for p341 aerviCOl!J, we b0g to MY that abould you acoode lD thie ou r requeat. iu ..:aiu allordiug us your offices u Hopreeontativea, wo plodgo you to uao our outiro iul}uouoe e.nd hearty auppor1 to sec ure your iu Nove1ober next. 'Vo have t 'lo honor to be, Gentl emen, yo11 r obowoot ae naota, Rev. J . M. Noel ltev. A. Rev W C. Shoara J ohn Madaoc\: R. S, Muon, 1::. W. Qu iutin Capt laMe ll.utlutt C. L. Kenoedy Jaba Richa rds \V. II. Thompson Mcrcdr of Goorse James Liodaay Capt. J. C. Heate r, Pa trick WAiah Jan1M L.P reullergut J ohn Hopo Andrew Rutherford J olla Spenoo. sr. P araooa J. F. Apeoy A. ' .l '. Dry adl\lo ll obe rt Laboy Walch Capt. Robert Goaee T. M. Cl\lros ll cnry Hi.acock 1l rnard PI\I'IOoa 'fhomaa R o111, ar Patrick Farrell J ubn Richarda ltic bard l.Ahcy Charles Brel\ker 1 John Barry, Patrick Pend er John. StraLhn> Tbomaa Chandler Capt. J ohn Ryaa ll oha Sbuto J erewi..'\b Hattery T. R. Uollioa llicbard Marahall William Collins J a10ea Wall F. W. Golo.lor William Paraoaa J ames Grllham T obias Wllbbor Joaathan Georgo Charlea Bradbury .l'amoe Bra dbu ry RicbaroJ M. J Flyoo George Browo ar Frederick Jlr o•a J oho LJ> . ncb Solomon Shef.pud Edgar Dnia W. fl. Hilliard John N. Aab Moaea Niobe u James Gordon J oha 'faflor WilliAm llrowa Edward CAllahan Patrick Cody Gcorgo f reach De.niel lo'letcber Maa.rice l'o!ll"er Joho Cody Rl o!J:ud Da.ltoo Hrieo Jamu Warren 'Michael Keboo James Q uirk Ml\ ttbow Mnrtia !,'. H. Archibald Jamu Walab Jobo Mackey Uhaa. H. Warroa Robert Courage F.dward Hluoa Micbael M11lc:ahcy P11t rick Cody Lapr'enc.o l:tyao ar M\rtJO tee Pe ter Dw,.or Mi c bMl Cody Dillie! McCarthy WO!iai:o Mosdale J o!ln Noel Darth. Sbockrue Sa.muol J)awa CApt Goorgo Pike J onathl\0 Noel J oho Frod Noe l . .Y4mu Jaac Mercer of Bco W illlam Noel John Flyon D. J. Gre co Nathaniel Jillard Joe. DreYer of Fred. Capt. Tborooy Ell Mercer of B. C. John Jitlard Eliel ·Uroyer Samuel Parmlter J . J . Calpio George MA\Lnsoo Tbola DroYer of Tboa Jooatbaa BradbUtJ Steplieu Paraoaa SaJDuel Ko lgb& Archibald DreYer Edward Vau J ob JarCiiot Ollarloa F'nlacb Archibald Young William Buqcl&rke, R; H. Te.ylor St t-phen Groeole.nd Joho S. Ma rtio Michael Kee fe AAriah Dawe Iaac Badooo\: Alb(lrL lliahop CO&rlea Rawk iaa WiJijam Fraeer CharleeCalpla Hicha rd Mercer William Warren WUII!UO Churchill Miclwl DOran 'l'bomu Sberpo Dand Barrett of D•d E lijah Dawo John Smaloomb J ooea Natb. Barrett Eli Dawo St.muel Gluby J oseph Mereer Henry Barret' Capt. B . W. TboiD01 Patrick De.eronx George L:Lodrlgbao Lon Barrett of Abm Je&JJ Sclilly Jam., Hutohluga Thomu DtOYor J ob a Bal'feltof J ac.ob Edward Para ooa I>ooll Shea Ju Yoa ag otGeorge lolatb. BarrettofJohu J obo G"reooland Ell Martia John YouDff of Wm Dand Barrett of Nath Thomu Daweoo Hobert &doock Capt. Gto. l'areoaa Jobo Barrett of J100b M. Cbiabolm John 0. Sheppard AJobroee Pike · J100b Smitb CbarJea Moroer Edward Cr.Yo <Jeorp Jeffrey Rye.n Cap'- Joo. WUiiui Earfo W. Br.nbolMDtw Goe10 Uapt ')'m Stop beo Mercer , ThO P ' Dl Jolao M. Cleary DaWIOa Tbomu GadeD Frit&G Jobn P. Sbeppud 1-,trfclt JI)Atrion · Goorp Her.tOI'. Na&baaW a- Steplleo Daweon JUl .. Bat.ebi!IP Jobll·SOJaaoor Dilola W Wb S&eob• lilllOtltllp ' Joo Jotaph DaluOJ O.e 1 Georre WD&m H,afchloll SolOGIOD o- Sb of JohD O.Orae Bul.ahi.,a A bald ! iat.eblop Jo"a woNWJ W NOMworihy Moeoa Go.e of Wm Staph"eo Heory Bro- · Viscellaneous: (roa roc IWlDOa 'l'BE SIUPW'RlWX. Tho dawo o' er Ulo broad, bl uo AU•tio 1.1 breaking; · Tho black p&ll of night baa been lifted away; Tho ac:a gleama aa br ight, ea lf heart. were uot achi og For tho forma that lio cold "ueatl.L ita aunligbtod_apra1. Aao.l with nowy aai1a apread, like a ic:agull in mo\loo, Uer keel KarCOly tOuching the billowy f oam, · A naacl. apeoda on o'er tho fathoml eaa towarda au blo la tho --;cal toward& her h0100. J T'o1e tonga of her crew o'er tho blao w · oa are carried ; '.l'ho1r hoarta ...0 aa light, u thla aummer dawo'a am1Jo j Too long, ab I too long In a atraoae Jaad they'ya wried, .Hut they now ooe.r tho cli!la of their own OllUYO ialo. 'l'bo moroGg goea bf, but tbo noligbtatill liogera, A nd e.nd gleama, on tho ere• or carh waYe, . Tbo' the wild tempoat. ahrieka, nod, ia creon. swollen auger, Tho wnca 'tOIUld 'bo veaael'a prow br.tUe and ran, I The ..Uon1 aUillinr; their l oved ialllJJd II nearer, · Tho' tho worda of tbeir eboi'U& are loat io tbo wiod, The y bted not tho atorm ; for 'f i\h 'ftaiooa, tar dearer, . Of h.o me &ad of kiudrod, thei r burta are entwined. Tho aoa bu gono dowt1 1 but at111 onward they wreatle, Tho at.roag light or bopo in the ir hoarta yo& uaqueoctl uel, Tho' they bear but the roa.r of tho sea ' rouod their naael, Aod ace but their torn sails i.a OCCilJJ foam drenched. Then a iahtfllll comflll down o'er tbo wbilo, eeothi og ocoan ; Tho aailora' glad ohorua Ill husbod on lho deep- All hope bu gone by- ' oeatb t ho wavoa ceuoleaa motion, · In deat.h'a icy &lumber ere lollf they aha! I aleep. Ooe al:triok of deapalt, l.brongb the tempeat goet awoepiog, Ooo wild pnyer to Heav'o-the atrugalc ia o'or- To-lllorrow, at homo, there'll be moumiag e.nd For tboao wbq aball C.OIDO to thAt h0111e neyor more•. O' er broad, blue Atlantic oaco more mora Ia ahioiag, Aod the bright, Ul!acb'roaa waton are rippling on ; Tho cloudaof lut night abow their " aih'ry liolng," B•t tho ahlp from tho oce:t.D farner ia go no. FIDE LIS, Barber Graoe, Oot. 9, 1882. Humbugged Again. I IIAW 10 much 111id a boat t ho merits o( Hop Bi tton, e.nd my wife who wu alwa ys doctoaioi, and oo'fllr well , te&aed me ao ur- gi!Dtly to ttet bet 101110. I concl aded to be humbQG1!CI eplD ; &Dd I am alad I did, for iJil- &baa wo mo4tlia u• of the Blttera my wil e waa cared ud hart remained eo for eigbtoeo mootba. aloee. I lito auob bam- bugg\Qg.-H, T., St. Paal .- Pioneu Prt.. Pounw.L io the lotereat of t be New Par&y-wu held Ia the Towa Halllut efttlloa. After a few reowb froiD llae Cb&lrmao, Mr. R. C. a-u, tho roeeU111 wu eddrea.ed by M- F. Dowdeo e.nd R. Wiotoo, tbo IaUer one of tbo New Party Calldl· datea for UUa diatrict. Aa ooo w<HllciiUp· poae they apolte lo deroptory terDM of Cit• tala aotiooa of &be Gonnamoo' of which U1ey tb-l'fea not nry .,a appoet' - ed to'be R&DachauppOrtora. 'I'be IPOIIkera pareood a &rain ol &bolllb& o oerta1o aab· JMtll, wbloh han been torn paic:M down a good IIIUI7 &laMa tbroqb the oolamoa oL lbek orpo, &he .. e.nd wblob oooeaqnaD&lr fell. "fl&t." oo the eon or &be aodleDoe wlilob •u ool ourilrowded. Tbe ' f..UU, fll the IDOOliDJf IMCIIed to fnor r-1 BepiMelltaUt'oa.-Ttoi/iilrgoU &a. Oct. · U. NUHBEB.85 LAllrD AlfD 'rli[BD, Sll.ametul and :ralwOO'll ot &he lf- Parly iA GreeD Bay. ' We obee"e by onr able c.outclllporary t.h 11DiJU..gou Su, that tho McNeUt lo' are code:\Youriag to prejudice apioat t.ho Govemmoat. Candid&tea by fabo repre· eeot.atioaa lhe b.oi e.nll \Imber. Tboy &re teUiuf tho people Lh&t. tho Yr&J Colll paoy t.akiog all the lnd &nd timber, 10 that "no IDI\11 will bo able 10 cnt 1\ atick of wood Ol'\Pbk'\io M nero of l 10d." There 1.1 uotbiog aurpriaiog in tho tion of av.cb f&laebooda, &ftcr preYioua per- formaocea bt t bo amo p&rtlCL T hey to I! Uil ud deceiYo tho people for own coda, ud will atop at , Tho mn who betio•ea thia talc muat be very ailople indeed. What ia thu true at.ato of tho 'fbo R&ii••Y Act expreasly prondea that dne reeer.-..tiooa wll bo made of timber e.nd lud for &U !ahory e.nd for poblic parp.JU of nory kind. No po&.e, lhorefore, ol l&od to tbo &ail•e.y Compuy C&O toucll tboao wlli ch are ,_"eel, by Gonromoo'- for tho poaa ol tbo flaborin. :U. ia lmpouiWe 4.bat thelatoreata of Lhe filborieae&n bo ln&orfer· ed witb lo aay ahapo. Tho gTOe8 ablurdi ty or tho whole thing appears wh en wo alAte that tbo aa"oyon1 are simply runnlo,t meridian Uua for tla pu"(>>M of layiag 0! l&ndl in towaabipt ariel aeouoaa, u 1.1 al,..,- dune lo &lie Unltacl Statu and Ce.nad& with wild l&nda, wbiob they ooo1d be &!lotted or diapoaed of in aay way, u no bcuod&riea could bo l&id dowo, 'fbo r&llway -,illoroea tbo Ei- plolta RiYor &boYo Gre.nd F&lla, which 'ia 6Jteen miles from iho .Bay of Exploit-. Did any ftaherma.n ever go op ao fa.r to cut tiiOOd &ny purpose? • \'{o rathor t think not. Tho com pe.ny'a l&na& will bll .ulotted &long the line »f nill"'ay ; e.nd goYeromeot will hold nory alteraato block. 'l' tl\ko up l&nd euopt aloag tho liao of raUriy would of OfllrM bo utterly uae l-. Boule· moot would bo lme011ible. Both tho rov- oramoa& a nd &he 'rt.Uway comp&oy will we.nt to ao&tlo tho OQ.U.OUJ ; e.nd fM that will offer &hue blocb of l&od; tor ' cul- tural or lumber ing purJ.>OOCS. at a Ye Y low aow ill' no 1n t he United alualj! all t be linea of rJlltrlQ" '.fhua every ouo ao dillpoted cau obWn u much land aa be may dealre, a mtre tri ft o ; or II ho want. to lumber, ho can •b· lAin e.ny qiiAilhty be way require of ltimbn land s, on fair terllll. Be will then !lifO a legru tiUo to auoh tho bouadariea ot wh.ich will be dolioed ; and be will ba"tll the railway, witbia euy distaooe ol it- , for tbo cooveyr.noe of pr odnee OT til markd, either at St. Jobo'a in oa .o dl· rection, or in t be miotog retloo oa other. Tho wbolo coaat ry will 6. opuo4 up for olfQrta. 1\llto&d of belllf, u at pt"eMIIt, a thai ao, ·u ·ea&a pootitc-lto, a nd which We aak &be peop!AI otGroeo aider tbeao p1&iA simple . "'"&laa-e.od '"' 11ro facta, not frauda. 'file re:tway. wiU p u• them ID poaaeaa!OO, oll&oda DOW th8J c:aoaot reach, e.nd of timber wlllob ia ro,da; or burned becau•o no ooo caa 4:(\1110 within maay milea 9( iL-M tTCUf'¥. fbe people of lht. cooatPJ liM• They dedue by their of Dr. Tbomu' Eolectrio 011, &llat tbt.y beJine It tO be liD ar\lolo of lfODlliOO mlf!t, to tho cure of rbaa madlm, u welt .. !f"- licna tbo paiaa Of fractiUOI and d ialoo&t.i0111 ext.eroal iujariea, coroa, bu.oiGoa, piles, e.nd oLher maladiea, 1s TiltS TO& B!ltl 01' Till! WfiOU: IIAntr. ! -Londun, Oct. 8.-Tbero ia a YCry mocla Clllmcr feeling throusbout on tho wbelo Egyptiaa q uestion, and it is prob&ble that upon maio llauea Eogl&nd w1ll oot preauma too muob. Aa It oow loolta It ia a troubleaomo and tbe.oklua job from be8inniu!{ to eod If Egypt P.V• for tho WV ll Will 001110 iD i"'&I. part OUt Of lht poeltet.a of &gliah holdera O( £cptl&n M• curiUea. '.!'be eaa&l will be ool1 nry .little boUer io potat of odotrol and aecurity. 'fbare wtll reaaaio oo alJ ald111 little but ex- uperat.ioo of aplrit and dlaappointmeoc. 'I'be Ia teat H'huta of tho .:oat or tbe Ia -Bia tho Adlllinll uat.r ot &he Got'enullt.a'- lo Cooocll, bu beoil pl-cl to ap. poiot BeY'd Cutlea Ladner, to be a Mtlllber of die Boat4. of Directors for tho C.bcoeer Hetbodlal UramiD&r Sohool, la plaoe of BeYcl 0.0,.. BoJ4. ltb the Dia· W& 1 a11o, a.rd If OD%1 Law II, o1 Bear&'• Cooteat. to be a Member of 4be NtlllodiU Board of Edaor.tito few ttaora ia place ot a• ..a Georae Palae, left is- triet 1 a1lo, Herd J: J. Ma...Oa, o 'nU Co•e, to be a 1De111ber or llle Bob't D'ame Bay &,lathodlat Bor.rd of Educa...,a. Ill plaoe of RH'cl Cbu. 11,.,.. lett the Coun. try. . I:Mcret&rJ'• Qlllo, 171h October, F•uiut liiNit' ex. cbaope reoel•ed per uuul, we were lllncll graliBed to oblene, tbat yielclol, cereal Of'OII't eapeei&lly wheat, hu ,aaore lfllletali.Y aboadaal &htOqbonl Ull'tocl lor llae .,... 1111011 7 y- prwiou. 'rbe paele.l qf oplolou on tbo pert or &bt Ame oao rqar.t to lilt nptrabllDdaal 'YI.eld 1 OOmiMCitDtlltOD tbt OIMir&liQGI, to Ule OODDI•· f :==:::clepreaiatioa lD 'I'be ' ntull to :llfllltllr.llf

Transcript of AIVE.Rti8ER. - ·...

Page 1: AIVE.Rti8ER. - · Proap04tuaoe.-Forme ~t :ppllcat!oll B.immel'• Limo Juice and $)ly~rioe for Fire and Lifo ln8


" )


. "


VOLU14E ·.

Advertisements. Advertisements. ~ .


Insurance Compa,ny M ed i·9al Hall. CuiT.u.-£2,000, Ot>O Sterling.






£be Reports an.! Accounts for tbc year l Sid, prosenttl<! to t bo Sbaroholdons ut tbu Annual Mcc~ing, ou Tucsday,27Lh ~loty, 1879, olt whi~h BumarJ l·hli,Jo'Aiq., }'rto:~ill.:J, 11huweJ, iu tho Di\•illeJ•ol uno.l n..nus at the roil~ wuctlour of Ia 11(!1· cout. wu o.lcclotred, .£1 1,035 bcin:; cu.r-iuJ fJ rwarol.

FIRE BU.\ NCH, T hnt tho p,.,llniums for 187R, a fLor

uoouctin;; R o·illlllll"ltnCCS, :l~Ollllto<i Lo £45G,:!H, lleiug an iuo~- oi £5,3~1 o ver tho P•-c•niuru Income uf JSii; ano.l tho Losses co .£~M ,GG I, being 55. 16 per ceut. on tllo Prcmi~1us ol the Y car.

IN THE Lil<' E DEPART:ll)::~T.

That Now Pulicit:-o~ lltul bcon· iaoncu for £22~,485 ; auol that thu Lifo Fund, uy ~hu "o.IJitiuus u~otJo to it as tho result of the ycar'4 utK'mtions now Gi .9 pur cent. of tlw ""tire lll' t Prcllliurus n -.:<·i ,·od uu u\·ory Policy in force.

T ho su rplus b:1lunco in the }o'i rc Ac­cuun t W d:f bhu wu to Lo .£ 1 0i .5~~. (> UL ot wl.oich .C :!lJ,UOI) """8 •p('rupo it· t<.•l to !::haspt."ll:it: \ cu-.~nnt, ru i~iue t. .\ ~count to .£ I IO,UOU tooul ouak 11 1~ wo tlo tho 1:<'­a,•n'll Funu oano.l u~t.wcu C<Oro ICo.l fun\":lfU .£~ I , UUI).

..___ ESTABLISHED 1855.

Juat n!OOived I tbe Sp ring'a Stool.: of N EW GOODS!

IS{OA.lwnya on band-a full eupply of l\lEUIC INlCS, DRUG!:>, TOILET A HJ>!CLE::S, &c. · ,

W"Pnrticular ntt4lntion paid to P:ftE. SOHIPTIONS.

W bolcsnlo ngent for J ohnaton'a Fluid beef.

Tho following 1\ro some of tho principal ittllll

Euo·~ Fn1it &1lt, Q o1inino Wino K .;atiug'11 lr.eect P owd cra Thoultts'a ElecttiO OU fuy Itluo, Beuuno, RisingSun Blacklead Nixel11 Bll\Cklead, Challloia Ski.oa Bronr.e, Golll Leat.f, Bn11111"ick Black ~ar's Eln.stic Iuolia'RubboL· V 11rniah for Harnou, Bnaaa ~U.h Clothes Brushea, H aod Brushes Nail do. TD'ltb do. Sbol\· ing do. Breast .Relievers <::..stor Oil vor gallon, do. inboUJoa Cunrt Ploustcr, Colo.l .Oream C'..W Li ,·or O il per gallon do. ia b::ltUea DreRS. Cumbs, Fine Comh~, Canary SeOO Concoutrat.OO Lye, Bottle Corka Crcum of 'fiLrtar, Eueruaa O l]oorine Fu rniture Puli•h,Olur,Gu m•nabic, Honer fnfan~ F..OOing Botllee, Breut 01u.ue. Bonnrt G l u~,Kuy·s Coagutine, l..t,m. Poe! Limo Juice, L iquoricx', .!\Juchine Oil .!11 ncil .. g~>, Nipple! for Feeding BotUes ~cal.lifoot Oil, Red ami Y:ell"w Ochres Dry Prtinu.- all shades, Pipo Clay Pull Uoxeo and Puffs, Pink Root

f" U:\US. Pumice Stone, Roein. Sal. PaunelfiL Capit&l l'aid up ..... . ...... ... .£180,033 Solh•d Oil rer g~o~llon, do. in boUlelj licucl'1ll ltoscr.u FuuJ . .. ... ... 170,tl00 s .. lt110f Lemou, Solltpetro,&J.IIitx Powder f•ru r uuo.l for uuearocd l'reouiuws H o,WO Gnm Sbclluc, Snuff Be.llll, C1u tilo Son.p U.~l~ucu cameJ forwnr<.l . .. I 1,03.'1 Life .\ccuooul:\tioo f uuJ ... 3tk1,81~ Thomps\)n'a Motllow Sol!.)• ,\ uuulty fuu~ ... · 1 i , ~'l!l Brown Wilul110r do. Glycerine do.

_ C.truonat.. of Soda, Wns<1 in~: C ryat>tl £lSIG.~28 :3pirit.a of Turpentine, Spaluiugs Glue

SpongNI, Tuule, llaLber'a Plu.atens A IOOQk'a P orous Plllllter, T>u ·t.nric Acid ~nco of Lemon, Tootb Powirer& P llllto Coral Varniab, Vin~ar, Coperaa ExLNot of Logweotl,.Gronod do. Ad11ms' I ndian&! vo, \V daoo'a&holedion .Ura. Alle.n'a Uuir lieatel'1!r ,


smu~ uo:o;oy A~ lietoural .\~;out. for ~lid

Sun·AGr.~rs : A. '!'. UttrSDALE,

ll"rtx.r (;n.oo. R. u·slli::EUA~ & <.:u.,

St. l'ierre. o~o. 27. 187!1.

Northefn Assurance Company.


\ _FXR.:E d3 L:I:FEl

~ CAPJ1'AL-~3,000,000 Stg.

Fill!'~ l'lUmlUllS. ..•.... •...... .. • .t40S,COO L fFI:: 1\o ··········~ ··· · ·· 157,t00 L~ .l'J::KLST ••.•.•••••.•..•••••••. .•..• .lOl ,UO<.

HI!!AD OFFICES : LoMDOlC-l Moorgato S ued Aunou!J--3 King Street.

Ayer'a Cherry Pootoral, Ayer'a San111par· Rad"fay'a Roeolvoot} British Oil Lilla

do. Ready Relief. Cecbp011 Bro""" ' aBronchi<alTrooboe, Flonda '\Vater Brown's Chlorodioe, Ayer'a Hair Vigor, Cllildren'aTeetbing Rinr,FA P eppermint l:(onrya Odoioll'i Magoosa Hdloway'a ()in~lllilnt, Holloway's Pilla Cockle'~· s, Huo~'a do. Norton' do. Paraon!,i do Ayor'a do Morriton'a do Radwa)'a do Wila:~n'a do J ohWJOD\1 _Anodyne Liimen~ do K$~~ngh Loaeap

do Worm Tablet., M11.1tang L iniment Wood.ill'• 'Worm .Louogee · McLean'• Vermifuge, Mediouaoontum Morehead's lfagnetio Pluter

In.,ur!lnceolfectedon Proportpo New. P oor man'• Friend, :Rotb'11 ~t Poison fouo(iland at CurrontliAtea of Pre:. Ru..U:$alve, Spirit. Flaab oium. Sberitlan'a Ooodi"on Powdef

Proap04tuaoe. -Forme ~t :ppllcat!oll B.immel'• Limo Juice and $)ly~rioe for Fire and Lifo ln8 ee and alJ A lr.rr uaort!lleot o( Rimra11l'e perfume other [nf.-lrmabon ca be obt&iued at Bioglotone Go)den Eye Ointment the Oftiee of Wil.ona Cherry Br.llam, Violet Powder

A. 0 . IIAYWARD1 do 8oo~S1rup St. J ob11·e, Areat for Nlld ' Winalon o. ·

Guardian F'H~E & LfFE

Assll.mnce Comp'ny OJ' LONDON. .-

UTABLIS.B'ED 1821. / - .

Suucaram CunAL ......... ,£1,000,000 Btl TerrAl. llrna'l"q) Ji'tnrDI UP. . '

W4&DS Of ••• ••••• ~ · ·•• •••• • ••• J,76(),00C) 11

AxlfUU! IJICOX& UPWJ.ADI 0. 860,000 "

SID~ Tob&oco, Pi~ P en kniT• Paper Eunlopee Paa, Paaoila WritJDt and Karldq Inu Tobaooo Poncb-, O.mel Hair Pencil11 Sealing Wu, Oigara Amilioo ~101 in &d. ~

UROCERIES: Groetl PeM (or.DDed), Sweo' Corn, OU'ft!ll (bo&Ued), Oipn, Cigare&t.e Corned Beer-t and tlb. Una. Beat Oroand.Cotl'ee, S.go ' ~Pearl Barle1 . Candied OitroD PeW, Pla• 'BeMnota

do. Lemoo do. do. Oraqe do. &Weil l'ndlil . ...

Jam1,Jem.., Marmalade,O.uned Oyltera ~- Mlll; Preeo"eCI Bed · Palle\'Yed lit a~~ Bo\\_llfi PM&ed ' o&W Beet Oona :rloar, ~eppct', sp., Obmamen o.rro-r a..clt Cion~, PlekJ., Br.aoea Corde Powda', Tb,.e. .... I .. Joraaa, ....,_,Table VbMpr,Natmep u.,...~~~ .•.. ~· -~ ~ B'~ aMI-'•..._. ... ..,,. ~

..., ~ • . ... .

AIVE.Rti8ER. \



Hurrah for the Grrutt A and F.nropc~c

Short Line Route I


CLOTHING HAll. U T HF.JlEAS tbe Subscriber flada it im­f l po¥iblc to coatinue. buaiaeaa under

•he preteD' credit ayatem, ho le tbercfoYC ~mpol te4 to &dqpt a

Strict Cashl3usiness CLOTffES o~ade and t:rimmed to o~er

at t bo following prieta: ..( OVER-COAl'S ................. ..... t b.60 Fine FROC K COJ\ TS .....••..•.•••• 6.00 TWEED SKIRT COATS ... ...... MO SAC COATS .... . . . ... ... . ........ ... 4.110 PANTS $1.60, VES'I'S$l.:ICI ...... S.CO SAO COAT, PANTS& VEST ... 7.00 W Rilla 1011' wiUl all Clotbea. .8

FS&Uafaclloo guaraot.eed or t b.o wooey refunded. '

.C. BUDDON! Apt:il 8.

lugaiaa.laraaila. -AT-

Parsons's Furniturt Store· The Subacribera thaoklnl for put (&yoore

beg Co ioMm&te to the pnblic generally that be }"!low olfer for aale- • 108 BEDSTEADS aV 2/ oad opwe.rds.

S do•. LOUNGES at}l7J6 ud upward& 4 doz. Toilei TABLES at 7/ e.nd upwarda 'dQ'l.W ASHSTANDSat 1} and upward

12 doz. CBAl.RS-C&oe aeat and C01111Doa 1 Walout l'arlor SUIT.

OY&l, Jlouoc! e.nd Kitcboo TABLES. Cbe.mbor b"tlita, Whe.too&.e. Window Polee and Cornices.

Aad'a lot of OBROJ.tOS e.nd .J.UOTuRES. RUSTIC

!'Hmea, Moaldlng, &o. W FRA.M.ES ID&de to Mder.

No•. so. A. & &. PARSONS.



. . ... ... O~LEXBN.~

We, tho uqditniigaod Ele<:tora of the Diatric~ of Harbor Grace. eaconrapd by the many oYidoacea of tbo aacccq atUlndiog your put Legim &ive career. e.nd realuiag the Deceteity tbat eaiat.a, et tbll on'Ucal period io tbo eouot ry'e lliltor1, for tbo curciee of pradeoce and diaoret.loa ia tho electiou or a Legislature for tbo ruaa&l,!eweut of ita air&ira, earneatly re<JUCI& that yon will apio &!low yoaraelvcs to bo put i.a aQmioat.ioo u our Repreaentativea io tho next Goooral Aaaomb1y.

We ban beheld with QU?h U tiafacti?a and wilL fetlioga of bopofulnoaa lhu policy or Progreaa purauod by tbe r.reaeat Go\·ornmcot- policy generally recognized io &bis CO· lightened ap u being eeaential to tho moral &nd ma~ri.'ll int.eroata of every eouotry, aud one wi.Uch, tbough eotramwollod by lUI uorCMOul\blo oppOllitiou and. a grca~r or leaa amount of oa&ur&l prejadloe apiaat innovation, yet bu &I ready furolahed ua with maoy earueata of fature impronmeot aaa proapority. T ho advantagea or IOIDCI of tbeao latter iJ. ia ocedleaa to do more than.menLion, v1x.,tho aeon rio:,: lor N.,,.foundle.od of a aa&iafactoiy proportion uf tho Fishery Award ; tbe m31uLcnt~nco or our Trel\ty Right.; tho late ao&tlo­mont of the • oxed French Shore Q •IC&tiou, sucuriug to Lhe ioh•bitaota of th:l& looalitylho important privilege of~Ropreaentatioo io &ho Lej,oillatuN, aud to llritiab aobjeota the ri~:hL to dere.lop & ~~ o bc!lillt'ed to be rich iu ,Agricultu...t aud l\liuer&l HeaolltCU; tho libcral;tl aod adnnoe progre11 eviocell in thol hum~uo policy of 1-'og-A.Iarw aud Ligbt­llouso Ereclioa; &he con,·eui!loce.a oxpericnc~d from T ulcgraphic Ex«~uaiou ; e.nd tho ia­e•timablo adY1U114iel Of tho iotroduCti001 U(lOD favorable tOrWS1 Of Railway& throughout tbo country.

The mere meotloo of lheao, however, by way of gmtefnl romembre.noe, ia aoficieot for ua, as we eoagn~late· ourael rca l.bat tho intelligence of tbia Diatriot is oaufileiea& to reoogolte tl•o proapectiro bleaaios:a by which, &brough them, the futuro of our Ial&nd will b4J cbarac~rirod. We would,howovor,o.lwclla litlfo Jl'lrticularly npob tho lut-oamed-tho Hailwaya. Wa feel a pardonabld pride in the recollection of tho epoci&l eJforta made by tb i& l>i•trict in auppor' ol the iat roductioo of roeMurea for tbo conatruetion of the Lioo oow bciag built., aud folly concur ia the desirability of catabliahiog 'he "Sho~ Line" allo, aad agree witb tbo Ierma tbua fe.r coucodod by tbc Govciruwoot with a Yil!w to Ita oom­pletioo, recogawog i.a th010 meaaures tbo opouiog up of eaaeaUal avenuea to nried ia­duatriea auu improYecl coadiriooa. W c cons;ratalatc oureelvca t h&t upoo tbeao qll~tiooa roo 10 fai thfull,. repreteolod tba Yiowa of this District, and 10 fully interpreted i&.e rb1!1:-1Dp. \V o would bore record our licarty approv..t or tho aaau~acea sm:a llytbe GoY· oromoat that no l!:adoraatiooof Benda or fnrtber Legialativo aid will be gra~~tedoby &hia Colony, oither Jo tho "Nowfouodlaod," or tho" Short LiLo" Railway Colllp&ay la or­der to tbo CO.(ll:(>lo,tiou of their expreaaed projeota, aad capocially u reprda money, graa&, guarantee, or EDdora:~tioa of n ,oda.

Ia again tolioitiog your viJuablu sorvicea "-' RopreaeataUyea, we deem it o..- duly lhna pl&iuly to make ll:oown our nowa apon tl1o foregoing9ueatioaa; and we u uohoai­tatiJJgly oapreaa our oouOdeuce t.bat you will, if ole-:ted, faithfully aupport tbem in tho Legiatature, abould it becowo ncooaaary.

Aa a P ialrict, apart fro•n feeliog proud of tho import4nt aurport aBordod by our Re· preaeutatiYes to the abore general policy or pro,Rt'llll. wo have oeoao to "coogratu.lato our­aehea npoo tbo oxpericncu wbi~b hue marked the record of your ~rm of roptUOotatioo, in &be ahapo of IOC&l improvomcots : tbe U<!&rly apptOI\Chiog ra&li:.alioa of tba& long­needed con~euieueo-a I:' oat Office auirablo to our iuveasing buaiaeaa ; Lho me.ny proofs of your care and iowrcat, experienced by iDlh ridual mombe•e uf this Coustitucocy io oir­cuwaiADccs of •liatreaa io .. id~ut&l to their prdcarinus aud haurd?ua avoc:a&ioa ; our gea­eml protperitJ' as 11 l!oop:c ; 1\nd upou th~t spiri t of unity :lnd good-will cbaracteriziog the iutllrcourae, social aud commMcinl, of 1111 c reed11 aod claaaca of thia commuoitl "ilh O.'\Ch o1her : aUribn~ble, no d oubt, iu 11 meAauro to thllt poliov of just aud iiDp .. too l ,.._ cogoitlou of d.luorni•~UIOl •1!11>..,_ a<JYOO&tod ud•a--1 by tbo OoY~yoq huo \IUl llooor to aupport. . ·

Conceroiulo: tbo aubj~ct of Co:-rEDEn.\TIO!'I, wo will uot offend ~·ou by alluding to it aeriout ly, except to 1111 thM iu our view tbc pnaent Go,·orumeot hM abundaatly erldeuood 1buir faill,fulneaa t.o tho plcdgo lhn~ tbe anbjeot would not bo roited by them until denl&udltd by the people themaelrea :11 the rolla. ' We regret· tbAL aoy opposition, Ia order to aocom!Jiilh 1ta ouda, would be 10 unscru pulou~ M to oodeuor to esbu01e this long--buried bug-be:lr, with which to pervert the juoJ~mcat and iuOucuce tho action ol the, perforCO!, wore uaiufonood aud uoooligl,teued 1Uiads or remo!Jir Diatricllt.

GENTLI:liE~ : iu tbt~olliag you for p341 aerviCOl!J, we b0g to MY that abould you acoode lD thie our requeat. iu ..:aiu allordiug us your offices u Hopreeontativea, wo plodgo you to uao our outiro iul}uouoe e.nd hearty auppor1 to secure your el~ctiou iu Nove1ober next.

'Vo have t'lo honor to be, Gentlemen, yo11r obowoot aenaota, Rev. J . M. Noel ltev. A. ltD!~! Rev W C. Shoara J ohn Madaoc\: R. S, Muon, 1::. W. Quiutin Capt laMe ll.utlutt C. L. Kenoedy Jaba Richards \V. II. Thompson l:~i Mcrcdr of Goorse James Liodaay Capt. J . C. Heater, Patrick WAiah Jan1M L.Preullergut J ohn Hopo Andrew R utherford J olla Spenoo. s r. M~ P araooa J. F. Apeoy A. '.l'. Dryadl\lo llobert Laboy M~ Walch Capt. Robert Goaee T . M. Cl\lros llcnry Hi.acock 1lrnard PI\I'IOoa 'fhomaa R o111, ar Patrick Farrell J ubn Richarda lticbard l.Ahcy Charles Brel\ker 1 J ohn Barry, Patrick Pender John. StraLhn> Tbomaa Chandler Capt. J ohn Ryaa lloha Sbuto J erewi..'\b Hattery T. R. Uollioa llicbard Marahall William Collins J a10ea Wall F. W. Golo.lor William Paraoaa J ames Grllham T obias Wllbbor Joaathan Georgo Charlea Bradbury .l'amoe Bradbury RicbaroJ ~lackey M. J Flyoo George Browo ar Frederick Jlro•a J oho LJ>. ncb Solomon Shef.pud Edgar Dnia W. fl. Hilliard J ohn N. Aab Moaea Niobe u James Gordon J oha 'faflor WilliAm llrowa Edward CAllahan Patrick Cody Gcorgo f reach De.niel lo'letcber Maa.rice l'o!ll"er Joho Cody Rlo!J:ud Da.ltoo T~omaa Hrieo Jamu Warren 'Michael Keboo James Q uirk Ml\ttbow Mnrtia !,'. H. Archibald Jamu Walab Jobo Mackey Uhaa. H. Warroa Robert Courage F.dward Hluoa Micbael M11lc:ahcy P11trick Cody Lapr'enc.o l:tyao ar M\rtJO tee P eter Dw,.or MicbMl Cody Dillie! McCarthy WO!iai:o Mosdale Cap~EdwardParaooa J o!ln Noel Darth. Sbockrue Sa.muol J)awa CApt Goorgo Pike J onathl\0 Noel J oho Frod Noel C&p,~ . .Y4mu Jaac Mercer of Bco W illlam Noel John Flyon D. J . Greco Nathaniel Jillard Joe. DreYer of Fred. Capt. Tborooy Ell Mercer of B. C . John Jitlard Eliel ·Uroyer Samuel Parmlter J . J . Calpio George MA\Lnsoo Tbola DroYer of Tboa Jooatbaa BradbUtJ Steplieu Paraoaa SaJDuel Kolgb& Archibald DreYer Edward Vau • J ob JarCiiot Ollarloa F'nlacb Archibald Young William Buqcl&rke, R; H. Te.ylor Stt-phen Groeole.nd Joho S. Martio Michael Keefe AAriah Dawe Iaac Badooo\: Alb(lrL lliahop CO&rlea Rawkiaa WiJijam Fraeer CharleeCalpla Hichard Mercer William Warren WUII!UO Churchill Miclwl DOran 'l'bomu Sberpo Dand Barrett of D•d E lijah Dawo John Smaloomb Geo~o J ooea Natb. Barrett Eli Dawo St.muel Gluby J oseph Mereer Henry Barret' Capt. B . W. TboiD01 Patrick De.eronx George L:Lodrlgbao Lon Barrett of Abm Je&JJ Sclilly Jam., Hutohluga Thomu DtOYor J ob a Bal'feltof J ac.ob Edward Paraooa I>ooll Shea Ju Yoaag otGeorge lolatb. BarrettofJohu J obo G"reooland Ell Martia John YouDff of Wm Dand Barrett of Nath Thomu Daweoo Hobert &doock Capt. Gto. l'areoaa Jobo Barrett of J100b M. Cbiabolm John 0 . Sheppard AJobroee Pike · J100b Smitb CbarJea Moroer Edward Cr.Yo <Jeorp Keo~1 Jeffrey Rye.n Cap'- Joo. WUiiui Earfo • W. 0~ Br.nbolMDtw Goe10 Uapt ')'m Stopbeo Mercer , ThO P ' Dl Jolao M. Cleary ~llllaao DaWIOa Tbomu GadeD Frit&G Jobn P . Sbeppud 1-,trfclt JI)Atrion · Goorp Her.tOI'. Na&baaW a-Steplleo Daweon JUl .. Bat.ebi!IP Jobll·SOJaaoor Dilola WWb S&eob• lilllOtltllp ' Joo ~of Jotaph

DaluOJ Rlo\u~Ji O.e 1 Georre Ba~~ WD&m H,afchloll SolOGIOD o-

Sb PRI~ of JohD O.Orae Bul.ahi.,a A bald !iat.eblop Jo"a Sb~~

woNWJ Rl~~of\VID W NOMworihy Moeoa Go.e of Wm Staph"eo B~r Heory Bro-

· Viscellaneous:

(roa roc IWlDOa o~c&ln"AMDW.j 'l'BE SIUPW'RlWX.

Tho dawo o'er Ulo broad, bluo AU•tio 1.1 breaking; ·

Tho black p&ll of night baa been lifted away;

Tho ac:a gleama aa bright, ea lf heart. were uot achiog

For tho forma that lio cold "ueatl.L ita aunligbtod_apra1.

Aao.l with nowy aai1a apread, like a ic:agull in mo\loo,

Uer keel KarCOly tOuching the billowy foam, ·

A naacl. apeoda on o'er tho fathomleaa

s;:~a towarda au blo la tho--;cal toward& her h0100. J

T'o1e tonga of her crew o'er tho blao w · oa are carried ;

'.l'ho1r hoarta ...0 aa light, u thla aummer dawo'a am1Jo j

Too long, ab I too long In a atraoae Jaad they'ya wried,

.Hut they now ooe.r tho cli!la of their own OllU YO ialo.

'l'bo moroGg goea bf, but tbo noligbtatill liogera,

And ~rlittara, e.nd gleama, on tho ere• or carh waYe, .

Tbo' the wild tempoat. ahrieka, nod, ia creon. swollen auger,

Tho wnca 'tOIUld 'bo veaael'a prow br.tUe and ran,


The ..Uon1 aUillinr; their loved ialllJJd II nearer, ·

Tho' tho worda of tbeir eboi'U& are loat io tbo wiod,

They bted not tho atorm ; for 'fi\h 'ftaiooa, tar dearer, .

Of h.ome &ad of kiudrod, their burta are entwined.

Tho aoa bu gono dowt11 but at111 onward they wreatle,

Tho at.roag light or bopo in their hoarta yo& uaqueoctluel,

Tho' they bear but the roa.r of tho sea 'rouod their naael,

Aod ace but their torn sails i.a OCCilJJ foam drenched.

Then a iahtfllll comflll down o'er tbo wbilo, eeothiog ocoan ;

Tho aailora' glad ohorua Ill husbod on lho deep-

All hope bu gone by-'oeatb tho wavoa ceuoleaa motion, ·

In deat.h'a icy &lumber ere lollf they aha! I aleep.

Ooe al:triok of deapalt, l.brongb the tempeat goet awoepiog,

Ooo wild pnyer to Heav'o-the atrugalc ia o'or-

To-lllorrow, at homo, there'll be moumiag e.nd w~ping •

For tboao wbq aball C.OIDO to thAt h0111e neyor more •.

O'er broad, blue Atlantic oaco more mora Ia ahioiag,

Aod the bright, Ul!acb'roaa waton are rippling on ;

Tho cloudaof lut night abow their " aih'ry liolng,"

B•t tho ahlp from tho oce:t.D farner ia go no.

FIDE LIS, Barber Graoe, Oot. 9, 1882.

Humbugged Again. I IIAW 10 much 111id a boat tho merits o(

Hop Bitton, e.nd my wife who wu always doctoaioi, and oo'fllr well, te&aed me ao ur­gi!Dtly to ttet bet 101110. I concladed to be humbQG1!CI eplD ; &Dd I am alad I did, for iJil- &baa wo mo4tlia u• of the Blttera my wile waa cared ud hart remained eo for eigbtoeo mootba. aloee. I lito auob bam­bugg\Qg.-H, T., St. Paal.- Pioneu Prt..

Pounw.L Munlfo.-A_poUtloaliDNtln~r io the lotereat of tbe New Par&y-wu held Ia the Towa Halllut efttlloa. After a few reowb froiD llae Cb&lrmao, Mr. R. C. a-u, tho roeeU111 wu eddrea.ed by M- F. Dowdeo e.nd R. Wiotoo, tbo IaUer bein~t one of tbo New Party Calldl· datea for UUa diatrict. Aa ooo w<HllciiUp· poae they apolte lo deroptory terDM of Cit• tala aotiooa of &be Gonnamoo' of which U1ey tb-l'fea not nry to~. .,a appoet'­ed to'be R&DachauppOrtora. 'I'be IPOIIkera pareood a &rain ol &bolllb& o oerta1o aab· JMtll, wbloh han been torn paic:M down a good IIIUI7 &laMa tbroqb the oolamoa oL lbek orpo, &he BN~Wtg ~ .. e.nd wblob oooeaqnaD&lr fell. "fl&t." oo the eon or &be aodleDoe wlilob •u ool ourilrowded. Tbe' ~raJ f..UU, fll the IDOOliDJf IMCIIed to fnor r-1 BepiMelltaUt'oa.-Ttoi/iilrgoU &a. Oct. ·U.


LAllrD AlfD 'rli[BD,

Sll.ametul ~uda and :ralwOO'll ot &he lf-Parly iA GreeD Bay. '

We obee"e by onr able c.outclllporary t.h 11DiJU..gou Su, that tho McNeUt lo' are code:\Youriag to es~lte prejudice apioat t.ho Govemmoat. Candid&tea by fabo repre· eeot.atioaa r~iog lhe b.oi e.nll \Imber. Tboy &re teUiuf tho people Lh&t. tho lt.i~­Yr&J Colllpaoy t.akiog all the lnd &nd timber, 10 that "no IDI\11 will bo able 10 cnt 1\ atick of wood Ol'\Pbk'\io M nero of l10d." There 1.1 uotbiog aurpriaiog in tho p~palr.'· tion of av.cb f&laebooda, &ftcr preYioua per­formaocea bt tbo amo p&rtlCL T hey wan~ to I!Uil ud deceiYo tho people for Ua~ own coda, ud will atop at ,

Tho mn who betio•ea thia talc muat be very ailople indeed. What ia thu true at.ato of tho c:~~o? 'fbo R&ii••Y Act expreasly prondea that dne reeer.-..tiooa wll bo made of timber e.nd lud for &U !ahory pu~. e.nd for poblic parp.JU of nory kind. No po&.e, lhorefore, ol l&od to tbo &ail•e.y Compuy C&O toucll t boao wllich are ,_"eel, by Gonromoo'- for tho p~tr· poaa ol tbo flaborin . :U. ia lmpouiWe 4.bat thelatoreata of Lhe filborieae&n bo ln&orfer· ed witb lo aay ahapo.

Tho gTOe8 ablurdity or tho whole thing appears when wo alAte that tbo aa"oyon1 are simply runnlo,t meridian Uua for tla pu"(>>M of layiag 0! l&ndl in towaabipt ariel aeouoaa, u 1.1 al,..,- dune lo &lie Unltacl Statu and Ce.nad& with wild l&nda, witho11~ wbiob they ooo1d oo~ be &!lotted or diapoaed of in aay way, u no bcuod&riea could bo l&id dowo, 'fbo r&llway -,illoroea tbo Ei­plolta RiYor &boYo Gre.nd F&lla, which 'ia 6Jteen miles from iho .Bay of Exploit-. Did any ftaherma.n ever go op ao fa.r to cut tiiOOd f~ &ny purpose? • \'{o rathort think not. Tho com pe.ny'a l&na& will bll .ulotted &long the line »f nill"'ay ; e.nd goYeromeot will hold nory alteraato block. 'l'• tl\ko up l&nd euopt aloag tho liao of raUriy would of OfllrM bo utterly uael-. Boule· moot would bo lme011ible. Both tho rov­oramoa& and &he 'rt.Uway comp&oy will we.nt to ao&tlo tho OQ.U.OUJ ; e.nd fM that ~OM will offer &hue blocb of l&od; tor ' cul­tural or lumbering purJ.>OOCS. at a Ye Y low

aow ill'no 1n the United ~tatel alualj! all tbe linea of rJlltrlQ" •

'.fhua every ouo ao dillpoted cau obWn u much land aa be may dealre, to~ a mtre trifto ; or II ho want. to lumber, ho can •b· lAin e.ny qiiAilhty be way require of ltimbn lands, on fair terllll. Be will then !lifO a legru tiUo to auoh ~oda, tho bouadariea ot wh.ich will be dolioed ; and be will ba"tll the railway, witbia euy distaooe ol it-, for tbo cooveyr.noe of prodnee OT tlmbt~ til markd, either at St. Jobo'a in t~ oa.o dl· rection, or in tbe miotog retloo oa ~ho other. Tho wbolo coaatry will 6. opuo4 up for i-,d~Wioua olfQrta. 1\llto&d of belllf, u a t pt"eMIIt, a wi~ thai ao, ·u·ea&a pootitc-lto, and which li~ attt~y ~lea1_

We aak &be peop!AI otGroeo ~tea.~~• aider tbeao p1&iA simple . "'"&laa-e.od '"' 11ro facta, not frauda. 'file re:tway. wiU p u• them ID poaaeaa!OO, oll&oda wlii~ DOW th8J c:aoaot reach, e.nd of timber wlllob ia ro,da; or ~inc burned becau•o no ooo caa 4:(\1110 within maay milea 9( iL-MtTCUf'¥. •

fbe people of lht. cooatPJ liM• ~11a. They dedue by their patro~ of Dr. Tbomu' Eolectrio 011, &llat tbt.y beJine It tO be liD ar\lolo of lfODlliOO mlf!t, to tho cure of rbaamadlm, u welt .. !f"­licna tbo paiaa Of fractiUOI and dialoo&t.i0111 ext.eroal iujariea, coroa, bu.oiGoa, piles, e.nd oLher maladiea, •

1s TiltS TO& B!ltl 01' Till! WfiOU: IIAntr. ! -Londun, Oct. 8.-Tbero ia a YCry mocla Clllmcr feeling throusbout Eoro~ on tho wbelo Egyptiaa q uestion, and it is prob&ble that upon 1\llt~o maio llauea Eogl&nd w1ll oot preauma too muob. Aa It oow loolta It ia a troubleaomo and tbe.oklua job from be8inniu!{ to eod If Egypt P.V• for tho WV ll Will 001110 iD i"'&I. part OUt Of lht poeltet.a of &gliah holdera O( £cptl&n M• curiUea.

'.!'be eaa&l ~ueatioo will be ool1 nry .little boUer io potat of odotrol and aecurity. 'fbare wtll reaaaio oo alJ ald111 little but ex­uperat.ioo of aplrit and dlaappointmeoc.

'I'be Ia teat H'huta of tho .:oat or tbe w~ Ia ·~·~.000. -Bia Boao~ tho Adlllinlluat.r ot &he

Got'enullt.a'- lo Cooocll, bu beoil pl-cl to ap.poiot BeY'd Cutlea Ladner, to be a Mtlllber of die Boat4. of Directors for tho C.bcoeer Hetbodlal UramiD&r Sohool, la plaoe of BeYcl 0.0,.. BoJ4. ltb the Dia· W& 1 a11o, a.rd If OD%1 Law II, o1 Bear&'• Cooteat. to be a Member of 4be NtlllodiU Board of Edaor.tito few ttaora ~ ia place ot a • ..a Georae Palae, left • is­triet 1 a1lo, Herd J: J . Ma...Oa, o 'nU Co•e, to be a 1De111ber or llle Bob't D'ame Bay &,lathodlat Bor.rd of Educa...,a. Ill plaoe of RH'cl Cbu. 11,.,.. lett the Coun. try. .

I:Mcret&rJ'• Qlllo, 171h October, ~882.

F•uiut BauDSTUrrs.-~roui liiNit' ex. cbaope reoel•ed per uuul, we were lllncll graliBed to oblene, tbat ~e yielclol, cereal Of'OII't eapeei&lly wheat, hu b~eo ,aaore lfllletali.Y aboadaal &htOqbonl ~fl Ull'tocl ~ lor llae .,... 1111011 tllul~w 7 y-prwiou. 'rbe paele.l qf oplolou on tbo pert or &bt A me oao p~ wi~ rqar.t to lilt nptrabllDdaal 'YI.eld1 OOmiMCitDtlltOD tbt ~o'tqricaflill&l OIMir&liQGI, re.-oo~ly&ta4Ja to Ule OODDI•·

f :==:::clepreaiatioa lD 'I'be ' ntull IIIIIU.'~r:t to


Page 2: AIVE.Rti8ER. - · Proap04tuaoe.-Forme ~t :ppllcat!oll B.immel'• Limo Juice and $)ly~rioe for Fire and Lifo ln8




... ~t;;.~o~clulr~reaa lleroDd &M\ whleblafOIUWlt.a--I'II.IIIOar. 'l'he• ba\'O ~7 d ..

'fbn .. nd lc .. are tbt '""•' J,.nster.lail ¥L BOODaOli'B ollnclftO noopiM iua canl!l~un, reprd-o'-'-~14 ,.. IM na9i,ceuu11 .. r th• ~or&h 1 ..!.- 1111 hlau u aa ollclal who t.d DO~ aipllled Atla~>ltr 1 1 ~ fllr"'· I tblolc, be Tl.t~ follo.-111~ con ,..nonrtenee hl'taho to sbem IUIJ \o&Mtloa of ft!lllalJIIhlaoffiee. a~t e ,l l • " 0 "*"'I'"'""""' lloOA'· rJaM bM ~·~~ lh" Jlon. J J Roaf- aod \Ybtn -~0 1111Db\a - hit CIOl• Is.!~ oC • ~• 11aO, , uJ 11 they Clln b. llle Go.,ernmen~ lo fe{e~l'o to bla r<.al~t· ' ~~- .. -..Intel aoi'l aotppon.d'' )lr. avol.W bv 1 111f>r0' a ·ullo<rl• cour~e oitlioa of ome11 .- - "' .1\olgbL'a caod.ldatap-e, bo moat n111•mber th11l ttHo tllle hero a;un: rou ..... .;J ....... ly R t<:tm tit r.~sltRAI 's 0Fncc. tbar l.bey bau fre_iOtDdJ ... ured htlll tbaL tb~ "llditloaal dbot•C.C.Ia b•rdly ~ l'oosldor· 51 John't, NOd , j6th Oct. 18S2 tlt&tber dlrect.l.7 nor toJtrecdy bad they 1117 anon tCI ahlp. c•t"'blo ci tu•ltHII( tbree or pollible couuection with tina proceeding t o•or b;~odt:'fli wolc•" chy If •uch " rooiD To Til$ ll011f11' tilt AdiiU•utrntor ~ the Uor- Had Mr. Uogonoo adopted to warda tbcm l&U be follo•r•l, " it nCII the uuperaliYt t ntiiUllt of Nrorf<JufiJIJattd ·- tbo honorable bcanng IDCDIIIbeot on bla. u , t nr. tf uot .. r tL• .uon1o,.nu '"'l>•ged iu ~R,-F1ndlng tbat t be action of tbo Go\'· a member of tb eir Uody, tboy would,doubt.-r :.~ """'"· ' ' ' .. t., vf tbe ..: n•~rumvnts ill · cnuntnt,lo certaao ~at mau.en, bu been leu, liMo felt 01lletl Yt>DD to aatilfy them­•~•"'"'' I, oJ,c rr: '"·to a•c"rt.a• • th~.~o ll'• aucb "''to ru!lke It 1Dip011tble fo r me UJ co- edn.s of Mr. 1\.mgbtYiutoolton. llnd t.o r c · "" ' ""'' u( th~ tv~ m rb ut? orlt• ,. hen opcl"l\te "lib tlll'm hl\tmonlonsly and coo- muul b1111 o f lob• r ulo apply1D(I to official 1 •• •• 11 . or.., '" t.~ 111d oth au•l tf th~\' •c•cnttou~l\', 1 rd pectfully b~~:you to react \' pC1siUooa. Bat '\a Mr. lto,enon prefe rred ' "'"' .t , ""~" I •'"I'• '"lull ''"''" :at • •• ony rUtl(ll'tton at ltcce••er General and an eatlroly oppo1ito cooro.t, theytuLDtfeatly t" ·•~·• · , ' •<' •h. tn.e', t:, nln b til.,~"" :Uembtr of abc .f.xc.:uttvo Council c. owed bl111110 obliptiou, and if tbey uoro ,._.."'"l" 'h·•<' tiJII~<'ra. I" •u • oh lci.t o. l'hc cu-cttm~tl\uc~• whacb bafo led to my content to bo only, u bo 111ya, "apMhollo". )"'"''~" "~" , '" tl" ll11u.b l•r Atn,ut.1.o dt oJ:on., brtdOJ tlo~ae - !lboo\ b~ caodtuat.uro, t ho repr03eb 11 mtltl llaYJ tn o1•" • a•un " '"'"' C"VuiJ lo110t\ d .. - ltancf"cnmmed t he poblu: accooo\a 10 illdHd, from o ne wbo had compelled t bem t t •·u•u• t he " ' ' c: \ \ nL ~'~ ' " ..... thtr ,\n~1Ut lui, I found tbat a • try lar;:o to ~prd luamovcmoote tYtlh deep diatruaL o l~h. or rl y t ' " Jsu~:• rut ' ' l" " , .. u '" ouunt at nee•• of the S!10,1)00 pro• tried RelpocUog tho lanJ compena.'\ttoo P"1" lC<I"' lli~Dil•4'•1 •• • »l:tt at I "" fu·l h)' the lllltoto for p:oywoot or c:ompcn!IAliOn m,ott In n OCII:I o r S!X),OOO pro'tided by tho •1 "J lu " I'" HI • .. 1 ~d~•urr, cu;a_;}.(rn to pcrwne wbo1o b ed• wora tJaltea nnller llAihray Colitrac:t. wluch exceu llr Roger­'' o•ltt ll>lole " '~lo tc•l •cr~s t"~f"''!:c or tbf' Jtl\olw"y Act, had boon dra\'l'n by the aoo di810JtODIIOUII7 pule u tho chtcf oauae , , ~··tt. ln et<ltr •Yt~tlarr 111u J m_.r nf Arbltratono a~o1eJ bl' thll Gove rnment, of his re~tgnallon, I regret to feel obhgod

' • •• 1 t~oo '"~' ,, ~r '""c:1 o r "'tli ,.,ch :tncfii' 1o payment oTilio :\"nr\Iiwlthout to bold blaatatameotl on tbuuabjcct to be v her ,, ~,q •h. l. t , tu fo.;, " t\ 1loe I oH 1 tbu L%ecm1r11 koowle<4,"ll or, l:lOQIIOII 1t 111 tbo tni\ID untrne llu o.dmtla that ••hoo uo•uuua~l"l' "''I 111~ ~rc~tdt "'·'l~nc< 1'",'115 true llio F;:uectt o h~'aue.ollld In th~ Ito I of~ hero a.u the 22ud .\ugtUt.)lo knew 1 i)1t,, •oo ~r~ "' tloc on~rc• cof r"r' n~.:h· p:>jtu~ot of aaum ~der 1 !!0.0!10 OYer tho that tbere were • o•crpa)tuenta to tho ._.,n t u r u d:fic ~ut oil ~e· .. ho tuty t.a•e aupulateJ S90 000, \ 113 an ruh ~nee to the t\tnount or I71,GGC Tb9o FJmoota were .t1ar.a .,r t !l" •t.-.:k uf " t-..s<~lnl{ •e&~~ol I Rdh'lby ,Company. for tb6 aettlom.ent of nL•IIu ••lib th~ Mteot o f btuualf and h11 It tb• rdure tlor~ uo~ urr tl 1\ucruns: 'o'''' clntrua for property tu Cooceptloo collugut.. Uo ronnd h Lhen qutlo pa.•­t lat the, track "here th~ leu~ ' " '- II liAy, wll•ch were :\<tumed to be 1ma!l and blo to co-opor11te wuh loll eolluguea, w1tb ,nC\>DDterrJ 11 the .... r.~t. anJ ' bere eapablu or easy acttleoocot , but p ruumtrg at ltMt aec111in.: 1 h11nnooy and eooaclclltl· t hue I I DO fog th<'ft! IS nbtoJJUI<IJ UO UpOn tblJ QOIIICOt, tbC a rbltl11t01'11, Without OUIDOIS." ::).) uudiatu rbed WU IUI IICntO Of ,lf,uger w a !irat elau stum'llup 1f tht~ or· Esvcalt'te Mnctton <Ire,. lo tho amount pi honor tbo.t he, whoo 11buut to lean for ,ftnar) 't~llllucc an•l t\tteullon ue escrcuetl 871 liGO O\'tr the ont:m&l $?0 000 C•nt.d~~o, propoaoJ a11J recet\'Cd o. p:11d &p· \\' a ltAVe load 00 RO\'ernmcut IUf\ C~ or lhll Oo t ho 22od An,.:•tat.. before 1&11'101! St.. poontmeot to aej(utustu Wttb t ho Canadt~D liu11 Stream for tbu Jut t •vtotl \'tlll1i h : l oho • upon public .. oo\ printo bn•on.:u. I Go•orament ~~g~~mat tbutr loteo-11 not tunf', c:oo11Jvrulg t be unporttoeo of 1 r<~o:o tDJI Coloot3l !:;ecrelllry rPqoe.liog hoo t o aubJCCt Ne•foondlsod bontn!,'& to tlu4 4rr.ffic but ern 1-~ugl,nd 1\UU Am~"'~· I Lom to J~nal\nd from the IWiwaT Compsoy retoi~C:IluD In ~b., Dununton. Thos wu t hat the t wo couutnes co ope~d ,lu a• 1 r., .. ym~nt or the ~tanount tn exctJS' ef'$90 no abst.nto~ or:tttol\, Involving no couatdera· C\lrtrun•ng tb~ !units of these foi& in rb11 leo I 0?0, ,..bit:IJ d~,e (;on•vaoy aboJ~Id, .-cq;o· .l· non of party luyalt,!r. aud no obJocuon wu ruontha, ao th:.t a t lc~tlt tha et~<~t~rn ~JIO lnl: tu tte " c t be o bhgcd to rep-ty forlltrtt'lt ~'!sed to h111 prllp6AI 1 1'ofcr to tt aololy colllJ be mad" wtth ftlmntt " ~•UIIDIY of I Qn my {eturn, (rum Hahfu, l foJlnJ to Abo..-. tlu•t ncrth~r In• hooor nor con· .,., 0 ,Juoll ti1C1n and tbon• who pttf,rre f tho that the '~tm'lont or moolev nduneed l)y'tbo aoteooe ~oow a11y stratn then ro~&r.!tng • 1\ nam a oct o£ eleu "~"ther to t ha one. or I Goverompnt ~o tho IU•IWJlf Co•nfll\111 bad wtolauoo of pnuaplu nnd duty,"l11tbou~th two b uodretl mil~• t hM c:ouhl be "'"ed "> •ncrc,~ed to «~ '11'1.000. and t baL fuhher tbe $90 600 couopeWI!Iuou h..'\d beuo c"<ceeu· ruou1uo: tl e mk of eocoontcrtn,.: fog ruhtht • c:bunJ tlccadod bad yet to bo aettled ed by "aom wttb1u fd !H \) of•t to wbtch hare tbe ctri&ID kDO\\ led c.: !'!tar IUllUUUity T he (;o!OIIIAI ~~cl'.tllr,rloformed 1110 tb:\t It hu IlOilO jtf'OWD r t htnlt t ho lufereaoo from 1t '"u ou l) ll q nnl on nf Ulklii iZ tloe ot wa• t he opmtoo Clf ::i1r W Wtlt\!WI), usufiicusotly clau - tb•t 1f on bis retnnt Ionge: dtataocc?-lJorpus J ! onllo'y Jlngu I{ C \I G~ tb:\t the SIOO,OQO depoaotcd by frOID Caoada, IJtl b:sd found tho Bay d11 v,t tho COIIlJ\-111' ft.~ al!ennty fo r tbo,t oomple· Verd C&Adidature aa open and easy aa bo

uon of thetr fODt,ract, wat a lttlfiCidot dwrad. Mr ~non, who uw ou reuoo A Prt.cueal Met.hod for Pr.-ventluc the 1ocul'lty to the Coloov for the teflllymenl to wttbdf'!lw lro'lrl tho l::secut••o 111 AIII(Ui t

Spt'O!\d of Itl!ectioue Dae~N in of the large aJvl\uCe• l~:lt t he (>bftmln~r.l on th\0 ICOro o f uod11u )l.'\YillODI.a, could Eousoaolda ""~ ma•lo to the Comp~"Y !lnd tu the lb~a lal\vO " W.rmo)n•onaly ftlld cnnactcnuouely"

J f a/...-o.'lt Jlcuan .If D • in I/ era d n( l/tn1 lo aboenc" or t ho P remle'l' he. th• Uo1ouonl • oltt<lnred thu nddlllou•l few t hOUL'\DU dol-r";:or I~U ynra pat! I hn•." ~en Cli'Ct"l- --.,e.-ttLn- d - cllned to make tho dernbd I Lua,subsoqneu th ""I" uded

m.ouug ,.itb :> 11111<'!" nt~~ ot qu~t:tn for . h..- rcpa) on.,oL J ho ,:: rounds o( ~t r lto;:orson 8 tiS tiS· 11urno: uf eutft!l p"'X sc.,:lt~.•tnn 1 dop,b.· \\ ttb great. rupee~ lor Str \\ olham • fuuon wn . .., tbo llnAacbl upect of tbc caao t bcna wr""·"' elf ., oJ "' l bHc been lto~al o~inlon 1 c::snnot 1ee ho...,... 8t"CIIr ty Uante IDunlhs llt.:o, wero amply lutlictcoL a ble to

11et po•lttv.:lr •'~''uablo re~ulta, 1 depoatted br a eoutrAOtor lor thu ._.,._nple 1 flo knew lh~~ 111 mnltDjt tOUlJ'IOr:.ry nd­

u kc t bc hborty <Jf pn~•cnllng 11 1hnplo all uon of ti IO'ork c:tu <be regArde:l t(s a uneea for luntl co mpeouuou, tbo Go,•e rn-1118. to tbe profu1ooo fo • t '•-\r t rt~l ~ly s.eo:unty fo r money whtch tho employ- meut ollly dtd wbat tloe law n.quued them p lan eoowtt 11mplyth filt<":'lllll tho MIDD!- er m"y adnnee to tho coot nootor , over to do, wit.b tloo) contltulln th&t tbe esc:eu pbero wbtch t~u rrounda thl' p~11e :1 t throu:h Rnd ,.)),,..o tho c ontract 'P"OO ~( .the upou ~U.OOO ahould be forthw tth rOJllltd to a carbohl.<'<l o r o therw,.e do 11 lcCI'\nt ab~et work H th•~ &tiv .. ncu o r money u aecnr- them Ito,.. was tins o~oeM to lootVIl been of muaha, wbtcb ts cloacly ••eli..: I .,ver tbu cd r., t~ e $100 •~} t tbrn lbe MCur.ty ucemalnea? It would oot beeo rea· door-f"'m.:a of the room tn "h ~h th~ fu r cotmp1Giton "ht, h the Culony •• IUjl- aonablu or eoonnrcn~ to m:.l:r ronnal tie· 1>1\lteot hes. J ol...-e all unn- , ··5~n •,nr J)'l'D•I In htwc rnn~ be weAit.,ne I to tbecs· rn.1ndaon tho Houlway Company, from tlay wall by tad:tDI! tbo olt.- '\lt ' I • ~I; knl of lb'lt 11.-J~I\t'IC' l'hu t,o\trnment., In to day o r Wtl'~ to Wtoek lUI a"l\rdl bee:srne fnuoe, betto ou, to'> an ... 4 ~a. I e ond the moat funrAble pornt of YtbWt " percut- due It "P~.uod to be mora l•o lho order tloor wbtcu II ouoved (o· IO!(r~u ll:ll t. r•M I ttnsrthe !Lulwlly CClmpAny to drt\• a:;ntnat of IUOh lnulMCIIOOI to de:\1 Wllk th~ C!llh: I protect by tAckta~l; l\ aanllar wb~e· •c" u tht aec.mty for oompletton whtoh theY hl\ve u thl\t of a ruumag aco:ount. a•t•l duler liP· tho tov do .. u thr luc:.. elda •~ rft r P • ,. t t n Alt~3•lr depo11t~d I o my mtn•t' It •~ a phoalton for rc tmbu~meol 1111 tbl' totnl tlve feot uf t!Jo noor 111Ls fl o~rtn ~lo tl I cl~•r "'"'"11~ 11 ~>{ r ro n'!'l ftle ar11l d •" on the I or an AJ>fltulnD:\10 anu1 eoul.l be tldmed, 11 !11:\du longenoofh to h•wsr rln ~" tu • ~ 1 t~rt oftbui •O•trn nl " loauchlll cou~~ JH'\IVIJ.c•l ufcCio~rauth ttth!Uecnrtuea for 1~­frawo, ud fall 10 folda to the IJ..anr "' " r" I Cl\noot he :1 ~pns r t n. p~r•r I P.'\\"IDOot l'eru ful111nd undoubted. M~l\11· 1~ 11 not ttcltetl By keep nil a•rb a <I •d I ,\ "~ther mn•ter I tO"' r11fer to 1• lh!'fi\Ct, "lute &.bu (;oJmttan\ were DCitotie tl of the epnoklcd with a aobtton o t c~rb >he aco1 - I ,...,, kno '" th11 I purpovotl the tuaw•~ l oYr r· t•~ywenl• aut tlo•t they wnul<l IJu ro:-1 j1eDorall,r :.eo" two ! .. "'" "' "" ' '""" -nr • l•cttl\n bec~ml11:1 ~ e.•n-iuhte lor nn f11r • 'l''"~ I '" rcfuorl llu• the ( oO\ UriiiiiOIIt other r:hable dlltDft'c ftnt fit otl All or uear m~r d t•«ICt 111 lh• ' ' ' \ < r !1 " hldo I ru· I fuel 1\l•nrcd " ' ") wtll bu Pl'ej)\T0\1 t.> au"-' tr all or tbll a:r of the tnl~r•~d tr>\•r.l .. I pr .. •e ••e·l (r;:om 18"1 I • 1"71:1 \l y cOII@l I ·~·lll :t• t ho ~Cc·•~nt ·~ a•lj tile I, "b~·· lhu tilte~~~ tbrouwn " ua..uu "btch a: e1n1 1 • ..; ae• m the 1 x• .:-oHI\ e •~ct~ IIWI\rO ot my I dcml\uJ ior rr: ~ymuut wtll of cu m1o be dutroy the iofcc 100 tn '" p•">l>.•20 \lore 1 ,,,t' r lc I CAod t 1:\t ,,... f.,r tho~ llootro:t; but m 1lu onr tbe fiatcr act'a t,, ruoral dft>C"l r •• I ' ~ 1 \\I h •ll<l •m• I .. .,-ntl\nd aequotiiii:CIICt }Jr Ro~:~I'I'IOD ref era to n Ill tO conYt1'113-bappcnl tha.t lutrlld <l8 lUll) '''~ blO:~ . ,, n >! II ~ Cron·a lidO' \lr \hchscl 1\ual(h t, 110 I Ill whtch 1 lpD~O or 1\11 O)liOlOII of Str are very rar 1 1auJ t1 "' ~ ~:re,t d:ua.ler " ' 1 " d • rl: '" ohc llnor•l or \\ v-k• U theo. b•- \\ olha'll \\ lute"I\J M to tho o~uffict~ooy or proltU~ ·~urrjo or thll "··~ .... e ,. pnu:tte~l ~ r "' II . det•Mtnre fr In\ S • .lnhn'l tlp• iy IDO SIIJII,WV dc po11t in tho Untou Haol< 11.!1 remon •J lodc•d t ho wbol" looua.~o'•' I r-...,f, , -.. ,f • n ' " <"nil on •o oppooe one 111 t b •t ~~·nruy fnr th ... e xtta outJ.-y 011 a~<artls. are remu~ t hat tbere • 11 s?anetht'l.! ' J ~· r; ~nrl retsiuon.: h., II"'"'"" •ppcAMI \\ bM L &~1 ,1 " ""' that t he ~ecunttca Wtl flO~ wlthou to a•oldcd. Ul cour;.e t he e<rr~< ' " b " " the Al\IIChon anti l upport uf anr sen til•• one tncludeJ. w..,n•, in Sir \\ tl· m ua: 111 • ca oot t<J :o.llo~ an) tlri 11: tt> "" C" 1. ' •• ou h • C'\n•luhtore ham a ovuolo n m ore t ha11 i! o!Uctcllt .o cover re<nored fro the tO•'" tn a con<.! r •n w I ll•v ".t '~·"" '' ' to th••e <"orcum•Uinoe• - the lt:\btltty tu q ue,., n "lr Ro~tersoJn <arry 111'e p n11un nltl.uut. ' t t> 11•• '~'"'" n: I, "' nl Ill) cojloaoeuca 10 m•on bu :\Wnru •hatthr~ ""-" oH> ne" opiUto n

Aft11r a fatr t rt!\l of 1oany .-~~I'll I nm ~hi ~ I rn.- '" 11 ht •r•• ,., I to <he ompocsobtluv of - he hall often hMrtl It befor e and be to st.a'to UlU, 10 ll lilt or abo II f>l) r l\•e• rtr'>nO:thn.: 111\' f'r lll•'lplh 1\0d COPVIOIIOII~ knoWS tbl\t It '""" tbotretl by :Str \ Vtlliltw a clrvfully o!Mto~rret! 1 b•ve anece• ded 111 •II

1 " ath tl u " tl<ll l v t th. l ' re uoer :\ttd ht~ Go v ltrotber counCtllnrs 'l ho I')UeAtto n then

bu~ two, to coohntnl: tll11 tnfectt?n M enn . rncneu ~ o n the"" ()Otnl<. I htt't• OC'Cit ru· arona what are thc.te s~curttits llDd ,.~, tag1oo to the patient first all3~k <d l u • oe ll11e1~n .IJ c~n>pdi~J ro ~""' tD) preeent tlo they repment-? ' l loe ltA1Iwsy proMTtY t wo IDI'IDCel or fatl uro [ b:\tl 1\bunt!:o. ::~ . C OliN.. ', hu CO!I~ '()YCr One Molhon l>ullars atiJ 11.11 enJence tlut tho qu~rAotollu lfU gro>,. l) 1 I '""' "ld tlt~t so r~r as I &m I'Onccroed, valuo "beu1r: AUJliDCUicd e'tcry dny wtth Deglected "' b\"!1•1 'lf till~ ' '"f>!lrltr.cnt I I~AVIIIIVCry. '"" proArcD o r the work. tbe uxp~>olllturo

Dr F A S mh!t bad tb~ ktn•lneu to rt tha\q "' tn\Ho hr 111y ~necM~r l wroto a IJ.:tnl: 1\\ the rate o r fifty thoaJnnd dollar• ll port t o me a molt intu~•tonJ: teH of tht• •loch l<tH•r to th" Col ••u~ l ::.ecrclllr- :.oJ month ' l lol11 provorty. wtth tbc Bank do­matbotl wblcb occurred "' hr& o" n h:\11.!• he,: to roler h n to tlu§ lt!lttl r o f ~"pi~M - pu11t, t~lo11blo for lliJ tldllotlt of tho l tltti­IMt wlater In ao 111\lltnuon wboch tbc u o n tf ' ''u ~ u ld •tndl) cowmuotl::\1~ to w11y Coo1p..n7 fbu Go~~rnmeot bJ\vt not d octor wat attendto~: profes-~ool1lly a c•a.. tum Itt cool t.a. p11rtcd wiLb thetr r•~:bt to the lanll-uo

well-mlrked acarlattnll b l'( Ice Dill Ill •he 1 bav he honor IO rom~ln, Sir, your fl#h~ or way llu yo~ been l~plly cildod to dat of acorn of yoo n~; c:holtl ren wbo mo t olJ \h~nt aod bulllbls urnut, tbu c.>mpat~y h 0311 h1trdly be neceuar,r

alept ao the .. ard T be c.'\le wu remo• e-1 • ~ arjfue forthet" to demonnrate tile "-boo· to tbe oune • r oom 1\nd rbere quar:utth1etl J~)IU J ll<rOiilt.SON dt\al proleoLtOII eatabh1bod tn tb11luge aod by me&JII ol the filreo, according to the uluable property ror tho proaoo~ eompsro.-metbod Ja.cnbed abol't 1uo c:oat!CClueccc ' S tcrli:TART 5 OFrrC£ ti•ely amaJl cl&lro upon tho Railway Uom-wu that not aootlaer cue occQrn:J 10 St. John a, 18th October. 183"2 pany •be lo1thonon Oo otbcr occMions Tu 1/,, llooor S.r F.ll T C.tkT1:11, K C Jl G Tbe faott abo 'to uated .eem to contato 11 wba,. the u sual mod.u o f i aol~uou Admo1utraLor co:nplete Jti41\6C31tOD o f tbe ooa.r10 adopted wero alone adopted the Ptne treutuuon b7 &be (io.,ernment tn relauoo to tho10

'..._ bad bHo • .-opt "'tb tpiJeonio force Dr ~Lu I T PLCAS:: Y oun lloson,- mi\Uora 10 wh)ob .rr Ro~lf119.11 preteoda to Swttb eapre-d to me hls belief, found"d I have the honor to aekno•lot"l!jtO tho rc· 100 ·• a vlol&ttOW. or prlnotplo and d ru y" on uperience, lbU Without tho mrtbod oeipt of 1\ of tbe 16t.h IOIIIans, from lie ;flu. lltbtok, been uofortollate In tbo utotloued In tbe case reportatl he would tbc lion Uoae..ou, adllrt!llletl• to you cllcloe o f !a prettooe wlucb TOYtllla 10 d•­hAu bad 1enrtll of euu m '\ fru1 ntcht.. resornH•I! hll poll\don of RoQtkl!l' Oeue~ol ttbOII)' ~he we mott.e• of hie •e•era oco

'1 b .. atmplnt way to •ptblilo the ehaet nnd hlelnber of tbe t::uoadve Cdcrncll, " f•l frvm bta'uaoclateat~ tbo Goyoroment. u w vour tbo~ tlltonfectmnt-IOiutton 1n 11 dat 'Lat.log reaaona " blah, beuy1, " lla-.e wsill! 1 1 hue. &c. diah, and dips hl\lr bru~l, ttl tt and wub It lmpo .. ible for him to c:cr~rate har- £ D :siiEA1 Col. S.c. thl1 thtOW tbe Jlqaitl OHr tbe filter DlODIOUI Iy or CODICi611UOU8ly'1 with .hil COl• I

LordD~lD. lea~uu. I ·

1 may&SIIITe roar lloaor h~ eo11U$1UCI (TO Tilt &DOORS O,F nllt li:V£~11\0 lUCCUUT)

are oo' aurprited •~ Mr. Ro!tOf'IIO"'• rOiut- D 5 "~"b t r tb ntmo"' llud ra tber wanda; t.bftt ~ 11unl0 1;.0 f un, ~~-~ egro" ory

0 0 oppon-..., ~11.14 of' tho Go•eroment ta, we are to bo

tllllat ,.,., due to tlietD and to htm~elf h- d dra;,tged toto CoQ.fodenanoo not promptlfd bun to tcndur h a: 4UI e&rlier date • • Wbo Lheo tblolt; you are tlio men tbey

Mr ftotrenon all t l;etl tlra~ his preeont jla,o MtiLtiD 10100 bf lb6 a .. ~ICia to a vert C:Ooi'M! hu beeu adopted, 6nt bt>eaaao ho tlto .c;tllllll !'1? I ,.ould oot b~ a par(y to o•erp~~,rmoutt ~llde ~(r •S'fiiPOElf R'>~or.t t., Coofodorate In oompcnll&tlon fdr land tt\lten onduJ llle Mr A IJ W MtNctr,\'• do ltailway Aa, aod llt<Xt becau11 \h Mu:hael Mt' Roaan W.t jrlos, do Kn14ur. of U.e Boafll or Worka, "appeara ' Mr €tll11!.a•~wruxo,~ do to obtain the unctiba ;and •apport of h1t ! 1M~ W , lJ ~tc, · d., coUHstn .. '" oppollofr l~lm u caodtdat• ror • Mrl'F.I.rlll Wamlf , t do Lhe dl.lltr.ct of JJa~~>ciJI \'~r...l'' JD eoaaidtr· Mr 1. J ..-RoGiiatolf, r'do log ~.reuooa, lwtU reYetllll ilr. Ro,rt.. ··~lr r;•J.I'~-~ .?~ , "'

1 1oo'a caol\itrotcU'fO &tuaa..:.o.a• · aod' plAce , u11 •"':!" le-r 9r ~New r.rt7

,...- .,. wti bh IOOta'• II be bro~&rt:I-•• ro-uapdlod bltn to restp-,.11 u.e ouclia.;. &oro.... o r'la •1 ~'I. a a f erata ud

D r. \Ttl OF l UI \ t:nl Ill:\ l>t:A" CLUnT -On h 1t ~ oltml:\y morn ins: tbe , . cnel'l\ll e U t no lc~!) bre,\1"'' ' '"~ llliU 1\t h t<l ~ rl11.u how" 111 \\oil en ll:\y, " ' ' mg ~"'""" 1 thll f'!lltt:\rch!ll ~~~o o r ne~rly nuluty yeMB. Ua """ nntho or Wod llrd, antllirs' c.•me to IbiS country ~one lift~· Je<\111 a:;ll IJ\ the d\yl or Dr C\lltn tho thi• l Cathohc Ut~hop of ~cwfonndltuo ,J I 'us Ions: ~en~& of r r11r11 Dean Ulearr 'r~n~ ! t e' o proestl~ dtiU O:ll of tht' IUIUIOO, flrs~ a• lthOD IJ I!or­bllr whoro 10 tho at~t" of the country 11.1

th'\t t me Without t O:\ I~ or 1\11~ ra~lhttU or tr.l\ el, l1l& IOISIIOilaTY 11\bO IU : O•d 1\ti~Uo l ed Wtlh con•ti\Ol h'tnf•bl11 1\ll(t' pnUIIOIII From l itton Jl ftrbor be l'f~S ill <OU MIC or 111ne ruuoovo:rl to Wot'~'lll ll"y wlatre bll h1i atnc.o reatJeJ M PM~Ir "" I a 1 ,. h•cla (l&rl'\h aev.Jral baoolaumt oLur. ho' :> ~oov~ut, and VArtOUI aclooola aUtllt Ius :t.c~l in tho etuae of llehjl1on and J::ducahoo. h tD:IJ bo wllh the utmo•t troth th&~ be h:sd til an u ­traortltoary t.ltg~apmt or adf aacn6co And or Jev<rhou to hiCa,\c~d C311tog Evon til btt ad't&JJCCd 7tars/ labor11 a nti totle t ha• mtttbl lla~o ·daunt~ yoon~:er me-. aeerood to cOttt bun no cftor~ Md were undorbidn

"wtth nnfruhng ela:rtty whenever r~hg1oo o r chanty appcl\led to tb" la·~:e-he3rt~d and ruoa~ &eRloua pr1~l Dnrtcg tloo \,.o or tbroo > 0 11or1 bi&liuhh and 11tren~tl1 ykld­ed tu natural dcC\l• and b ts fatutliar pre. unco wa'l nuuert from lltnon:;at hw broUter prtCAll l\lld bra bcut or l~y fne nds 1U St.. John a-he wu uoablo to luvo bt& p.nah 1\nd for acme runntba wat oonlined to bt.s houae J t wu tberefo·n ,.tthont aurpriae, tlauugh wtth groat and aiocero reara t, &bat.. tbo newa of bta deat :t was beAn! bero 011 Jut Saturtley.

Yt'llterdfJ tho Biabop of St. Jobo'a whh leYOrll or bia pnotll lofl town far Wltl­l\ay to P..1 tbe lat trib11te o( nepoaUul nffcctroo to th~lr deet'ued frlaad u d co­wo rker aod tooller Requtnm M111aod oOlco for b" et.:ln:\1 re~10. Tho UeoeYolen~ 1rrah Soct~ty, of wlncb he waa an old lllllat·

ber, al~ pr~~Ceedoll to W1deu Bay to' ]oio in rho fu nel'lll procc:aaioo Ue ••II be wd to rt lts:tbero til II morruog, IQ bJ• own pariah Cborcb, aur{buntled by bw aorro.,ina floc it. -Nfl..V., Oct. 2J ' ·

' " the lorectrouod tttu. wlatell ne6ollbtedly • .of T JL. ~· •

o1 Mr. Kmgb~ qb J \a atteodaita otr. waa • ' warm Coo ~te oot.U abotU a CtiUIIIIIDC~a. 1 reca(OIIO ~ •~IIW· ol IJIODtb ego, wllen bill ftieada~ ID rafle h i ol ,.,,_ It " the cry. atr ll~ellraud R.. Wlatoll' wrn

t 0 polll 011 tl,.._r of the Board 1 of Edttoro o ( Co~rstloo papera Bowriaa Wnrlta bootoq a rtntl-.odla.. of • alem~er and Grine repttMa&ed f.wo 'Conrederat. nf lbe ~l.~utl•e. bul Mr. lloanoo'e own eta.bliabmeat.a. \Vattou wua Oonrlldera•• hoe of coodue& llariar lad &o .a. abnJiy, -b i¥ dot d f "'-'- ol t..&.ati In 1869, bu' waa n'-ted:- -Aad ftotenoo

e pn•t 0 uy • .,.wl ov,-oa. , alao ..... llrotlf &,-;,roderau, b•• WIIID h iw ootOr!oaa thu d l&ll aa•tae.r :r

be atle!lded ·follucal • 0011 oboeoriltM bela uow. Sacb Ia tlo8.W.DGJ. r h--'11 •L "WOo, ~ ~ otllaf' a-...1. oOIIIpo. .... or porpoaes,o - tyto ... e oaiiclftlatea Ia ihe Go~;:;;;en. - lateru~?

lhlll be ott ooe or _,.. of lb-. ab. S.itb llcKa7, Mr. Joba, Hr. ~MMDI !IN th• Gon:r~~..-a t.o wlllola F. Wlaw.:, lbree Aat.I· Coafllders• wbo IOD&ed C.O 'Hi -nett whbeta& del- '""....,...for the ... ..-. na., bUD, and •••/:.::: Ia J•J•rioala ........ 1ocnr .. bo ,.Mnoel -... Mr. A. lio~»L Uleeot,.._._...,.,...... M. 1 ~a cws. .Daw. hi• of Wa auea--. 1M .... mMthp. ..,..1a U.. ~Coaflllar· el •liMa 10011 plaoe ~ abo oudhWII lor U.. Gcw-................ :::iHit'-:i'!~s=~:-lr (011f ...


Page 3: AIVE.Rti8ER. - · Proap04tuaoe.-Forme ~t :ppllcat!oll B.immel'• Limo Juice and $)ly~rioe for Fire and Lifo ln8

) ~ad auch olher feed u they can pick up in Loc8.l and "oth. er~ te~ _ms. c. c. JAocih. otaio: N .1'~·~ .. or. -· • 0 row Dlf &able lbo .. \be Eaport tho 6etw. iu wlut~:r. In a good rum open C ~ -· _ Tbomu' ~~C::W-..._1 a~ ·'of & bad 8I.c

1,.11tbllc a.IJil~.'ct.A_co~L .. frl!~:"!_ ~, .~:!

abeda ar.: l'repand for tho a&ock io ator~uy -r . .! . f oue or plleeorlr..lJI!iiiW::ii&i 0 ... barittg Y8'11•\ t:fc't. •1~:l u -~ .. it~\• weather. 'l'be onoclt ia eold Cor ~b, on tb" - ':Pile ,.ork.oo &he Carboo.., Braacla.Ma .tried a)DIOSiiY1'7' ~ ~u ~~·~-~~•ar 1 ..,.. 11 ,

1 , •

f arm, oo h.a deli~ory. A grain-farm carri111 ~· ~pWlr-.p~ "-,._ \U.,..t. \ ' Q ff 1 •p11 1~:-" •1"'T:"~':'If • ~I '" 188 · l!t67 atllek enough to eaCUJ.> the atraw of wbea\, On tbt eoU- o'f(r "ii6 mell"lft 1110\11 ° A

0 ~'b .•. ,Jt s ""~ ~ . ,, 1.... l ... ' ;'"" •. . 9 l ~ aod tho coro-atalkp, :(he farm I inepec10d oruployfiCI, while OD ~tad DDJ~-~er tbAo ·~~ f pillf !m \: 'ftb ~~~~!f l88:2 ............ 1f l99 cnnlalued 1000 acnt. ibd bad oao field or 700 lalxlror...,.. .ile.; UliiiJ'•IhGIGi Lho ,!1 ~OOO!p!pll Ma \flP .JiiJLb J,!q,,., .,um;~ .• ~ -n~ IOrl •1..!l.~'!. r' . I 4b.Tsb • • 6()0 acre& cora 70 bnehola &o lbe aero- road. ,- _ • "J · • '• .. ,--u~ ·· ~JJ lv,<•c-tq f..,-;,P..IIO•F.'il",...882 ·: .. •• ·:"" • . qUa total 4~.000 bJiaola.' -..ortb ia tho mmot .,.. .._ .,... ~"1~~ ~ .. F~u .u n:u.o• ta fh&tofltbel'tBaiiMa I .Cioti "Oil,, t,uu.a 188l .... -...... 803

,-bere, ~37,000., 'Iht nle ia. Lbai ono roan, ·~ 4\:QLQ~aa Tot8t ~·~our~ .OIIi-,' Ja. coaeeq1MD14 l ot .U..Ift ; IIJie• · I • a;.l' •·•· ~· 188:? ........... 761 ooo J~lr of bonu, ODO plow, ODCl biU'row, 9.i Cirouil ~it)~ bold!J~~ Qif.'mf! !:\lJood, , ~troiW' falr l&bcl',"JabliaodJGto.1Hic;iq f , • .,.,·,,,.,, IJ , • ! .._ ,I

000 planter ooe cuh1ntor aad reaper bao. aell~t~o ~dilic Jo :fl . .-ca!A II! btu Ndrthrop ll,t.,-..•• \l:e~~tlablo - .Deer .... 1882 .... _., . ..,_ 6lltue.

die bO ac,;_ of coro, •1 l2 mea for t "to ora6le llr: Jaa'\;ii; ~i t t ·Diloo,ery. aod,greal bl_. pori8oJ( b O.od I~• o1 r. '"' J ---V ~ 1

GOO acrta. time required &o plant and bar- met~ Brigua }In We4a01da • Wo JO relax. coo"i•t d bowela. and:ea,..,u.. llu1G .plt(lQ UOl'A'I!ONS.. , . .,.t. 8 ~ontba ; , waget for thla gao~ ia a re tOITJ ~~~ ~'"' DQt tp 1a ~t,iqD &o Jar ,bilioua poiton tro. Ute oiicul.aloa. 1 l&ltteQI. ~~ ""' oir.&.r-l.oc:at • .tbkfiiee.-No, 1. $~.800. 1'be 001t of board for men 11nll tho lprooetwup Lborea'l.bef- our 'ioa<kn. matl01aod blond lmpllrl&.iejl arb al.toldlli.llt• l!le. No. i!, IS. • • 1 borats fl amall at tho pr....ent rate of ho;;t, -- ,oul by, il, di..reeLi.Oirl·rMtorod,,and .~·~• li~llod~t•ibrf~Oan'da "SoperiOJ': Extra, IJ.,ef aoa Rr&ia. Tbtao r~rmeruro becon1iug Loso~ Oat;. H .-r'Ibe DriiU\' ateam~r ~Ill beoollwd i.D thr.r way bt:ila ~~&111 o. li-Ja ~lOI.. [eqoal laa' '7ear'uupekior r ich indeed. Wba~ etewod odd, ,; • as t bat PrnlltJt, Capt. Oaboroe, from New York, '• "' •"' ~ ___ ._ t • l •·•· c to 1 tu.-r•i·5U~ ... ~ow Xork !Utra &ate -2S. 11:;, mannrea were uaud, ,nd in No Eo2laod u borO"b.., BerwioiC. Sbo llllod• 4iight. M..nllfll DtsAm\t.!-!K i>tg'l" CON,t'Oet t. &o S:,&. Gd ~o• York.::;ope.rftlic ·i!&J to tbia ia tbe ohief coat of fumioc. 1 taw io bur:.. broadllido &o thaeaa; wtai ellb i• ruonio~; -'rho tcbood~ &a [;ark ~ -~ ~r;, 1•oJI1la Gw o~• ~ork•No . . .! liuplldiJio., -:!3• 000 county io rowa, t ho fam" or ~olony ~,....'l'be Pr~ left New York on Jobo Mo~b7 of ~eel• ...a dli'!.\9· f rom l ,l:illo W...-Gd., .,, ' · ' • • o r Gonuana, occorying a beh or 8Ct7 OU· September 26th, aad arri'ed at St. J obo'a. 11tfr IIIIChdra wbilal fnod~d at- tlllt·]7lacel~ Ooax· M.r.u. -Yeltow 2U. W,Jajte, 26a. . a.nd acrtl; and will wcnture tho opi i_!lo ~llo.l. , Ocl.obw Srd, •beooo abe prooeeded tho lnet.aot aod bicamti' a loQIJ' Wf'e<!lr. Qn6flt.u.~~)1pur brl-.2& 6d. thA~ J::.ugl.allu. with be~ rourtec~ hun rod oa tho fo~'W~\}e, England. Uofo,_oal.el7 1be , ... ~& th• tltbe' hittob ~lOIIt(£a.\lJ~).per..cwe-1&.1 vu'r• or a;;:t icuhnral lndu• try, c.anool bow . r. , ·witb eqwul bait ouid .. we lea.,n; ~niunl'ed. I ...,. OBoo.o4) pa'flbd.,..J.!I& r .... Qpe a~ro of be r <~tti\ t o excel lh11 farm or SmPrao -N~~l\.e ~s.S. ~~-- Mr. Murplu' badlpreY!oualy b~~· &1.1,He10 ~"'FJ"!~"'~'IIr: · Cali&da,l lld to. la.. Non tu~..- (.:erm:~na, oitber Cor ~hi lily of- _.cops Ciptllia' CCutia, . InmJKo9tr~, :eia &.. 1\llrerer Ia lbil reaf)ect; having loaL ;. ~fl , "' ~l&o 1()t.t.o• Ia lei ' .A111eriuo, !lt to

. or for bo:lltl)' o( lalldscapo. u~><~.:•-' IUt· J obn'a; and tho Sl/iJ."T«lalla, Capt' H'eorf laat)'t&r. . • .. _, ,la ld.n .,_l .. w • " • f\IIIIHI 1\llo.l d iYido 111l ti\UO (~II the BWO, from ~toQ.eio 5" J;oh.Jl'-. arri~ed •. • _._____ , • , . , t~~~~~"t!,.,. .,~ti l 1)1.-.:. 12i'a Gd. EsLra cohi•·atio. ;~ dono l.Jy horaea: which '~Yo · hero to M-r• Jobo ·Muna · \\:" Co.-tho t ,• Bvery ' s · · :ft • ··l'r '• •Jt,;E'rtOIIJ,,-JOC..eo .ll07a6d. "t. ' In 1-'"ns. ~lndee~.l tbo family-«?_n lngc ia tbu CorwQrou&turdf.r aud tho a&~et tbi•p.t.o~q· aolt of . ~ ~~ ~atr -:;;/ ~ \i;t-~9· JBJ•II (P,_ri'll~h&Hlr brl •:l 80t 100.. ' . \. ... : mar\. to r.-W•!IROU, and tb~ Jid strive to ior . Both w• ateaaiera ate taaou 1•1Lb . Tb liD 0° lot Ji J.0

'l(,na u.r~ ~~L -~~Ln~•~)J.-ROt lmp1rial lion : .12a 6d. cx.'\•1 iu driving l u town for auppli~s B~ tho "pro .. laiona, par t of wbloh wu Iande\! llt' ~'\.. II -~ IITO&L rta d •0 q11,b'f'l ~tf 1~t Mot.ASSES-pert piiDq : litUCondo, 2. 6d

b h ' I a \\' .l uhn'a.. 'l'bll SS. Co~A~r•, Ciipt. Barr.,., nr e . mercy . u 00! mpp_ • to ~f , tn- •a ·), 7d _ •• • -


bet 411 call .&.he ~lentioo ol tbeir o~•roQI trieada aad onetome,.. to thoir larae

aod nried SLook o(

:rfe~1, ·Goo·d-lately r tceived. • l lt.ri.og IJ.,cn booj!bt moat Dd•antajfeootly our patrona can. rd7 on ~~ Yaluet iu I!JI tbc depart.moull with lo• 'JlMIM!L

·st~pl.e G-oods of all IOr ta.

Caliooee, Shirtiop, Flannels, Blanke ting Blaukott, Wlnceye--pl.oin 11nd rnney '

·tibeo\luga. 'FAooy Re~:a~lM, Olotb, 'fwoeda. &o. &e. &c •


Anti Rheumatic Flannel in Scarlot.,;d Wbito.

F-ANCY . GOODS ston:a, o r to c ore - many nH cs •uy. " Li.Julwiro :~rri'ed bero Lrom Sydo.o1 ~~ aorl!'e~log .or hta ptopT~-'b! 8t~t~1i ·.thf1Jl., ~~I Svo \T: (neB ned) -per c1!t4u to 43a Gd. maJo tho a.cqnaiot.anco or fnrcnenl wortll oip'ht. . . 0 aa.u~~-· atoreTuOQit ... ~ ~ '}l ~Y~-P.~t'r,Y ' • l:oFV~E~r u,.E\()d. 0 lL In g reat varioty. ttfly tboull3.od dol:ars. ~:ulo "' lo:u t_hau :?0 Tho bri~ (J f" OulUJII" Cllpt. • -y•An l'•oau~D Sucil ,ISoa the l>a~o-KI lor m,l\ilo ti,y Tomt;, Xltlribf •ctured)-""r :b. 11 Gd . N.ow Mnotlea--.plo.ndi!l n loe, Now l.:Lcea .)'l.':>ra. P oor pooplo are uokoown, c.tcopt :P · r • • ua "" • erry ul& & n to · 1 01, ,.. !\ F ,, F for tbo gre" curae- ewery 11\AD and wou111n And tho &ar~•rentlno Floro, Capt. James . · . • 0

; ~ ~ ~1P .a rn ' UOIIDAO perowt. 85&. \ ·· 'cw lowers, -'ow eaLhera. Sew Frioges find all tho employmeot tbe1r hBnda can l'ito, alao arn,.ed to the DIDO firm dorinr roatantly, 11 ~aell both lnteto~l 1 and , ex- SAt.T (VII"C!ii),~l'fl' hhd. ~- ~llW Druu lliteriala and TrirumiJagt. J o, at good wegeL \Veatern _lifo ~s t he ••ook-tho ono from Uri•tol .and lb<. tero, .. lly, and 18 or all u(bor 1* 1" • rowodru - <.'um. :lolit-.,al,l()cc: 24. ::Sew l eo-wool &1oarca, T iea, Scarfa and

0 0 tho jump-ovoo dooblo-q o.1o:k u ot.bcr frow Sydoey. ' tho oldest aud btu. · l

1 •· ' . Cloud~ in 1;1"1:1\t \'llriety.

t~o alow. 'fo-day, primenlt to-morrow. w ' 1

: .a. D~ATliS. X e.,. K id Glo\"CII ·l.olN:k and coloured.

1 •~re or Carma, witb atoroa, cburob, aud ·n ,c E:l~ctiona for tho diatricll of Bonoo Tnc l !lt.A:ID's PoTAto CnoP.-Priooe Ed- ~uw Jlillbl.lttll, ~ew H11c~

5~bouls. Io wa bu nino million dollars llnd W bitll & ya ~od St.GI!Orgu"s took placo wl\l'd laland will ~~ year produ¢!1 ac., I ~~US- On Tbu r~do,, l!tb i u t ., llr. Joba .Uhtut'll, Our Gent's American inv~lltt:o.l in acbcol-bOU$0L The r~pitl fill-u p 011 IMt .':lturdAy. \\'n lire.. yet. Utlalllo to ~tree million llubola or pullltOMI llllllt.Of (tl\llle•l·ttl!lker. rtgtd

09··!'""1'L '· 1" . . . i~ from the oiJ StaUII, (rant Canada, nud anuou nco the COUlploto rotOrtll in either o r wbit~h .uo yet iu t b.· bl.l.i(l!O or mol~llr carib. ..,~~ ~:~.~61~~~~\·~.~;:~~r~,.v.,~ I f lute l)ress S!t.u·ts, CoUCfrS 9· r tes .,,.cry couutn· iu t::urop~. T ho only con1li- tbt!B.: c.-uu; bul t>nou"h is knolfo to allow ·Nol leaa tb~n 2.000.Q!JI>.bo~,llll..,..,lll)ll Orru · l~e~).h'llf hi. ·~·ij.j rrilj'f-lrs. · ·~ drc joaltho Tight thiug--good fit 110 d tluu u£ IICC~plBDCd out welt. i• " 1),fj'r of l:lrs;:e m~jur i c ita fo r the r.ovcrnru~nt candi- morcbt~ut•ll l .- potAtoeS._ whrrh m uat fi uol 1\ ·~ ' .,.. ' t n 1 " low price Wlllillll l:nnd~. \\" e visitetl lbe (:Uitl or 1\ll dAIA!II, Mr. Uoono :IDd :Ur. C:~rty. ~[r. 1::. IU&rket off, lho ulaud;'\ N~~t aiuce l lll'J.i- - . ~ ... '" -~ ••' < - • • •

Eu,:lishm 111• wbit b cl.l. ml'risc~ l :.! 10 ncrcs, l " '1\taon who wl\& l1r. lloooe·a opponent In wlrun lho 1~11!0111\ud ~~ tfOil of potnta.11 • • " ·''·1

. · L'\ O U1t '" " " IL• ltcck wottb ai.xt~uo tbou.,.uo.l dul- tbe intorcJL of Lb~ "oew part1 •· ~rrlvcd . tbo lalaud e~~ productd . wAll n,rYul!t~~ ' · . • • · '· ClOth & T d D rt t l3r6. F.i fl~...,n·y~rw ago, bo aud hi~ youn~: ··~ro 10 100 _cL..r• aincc, app04riog ~~ hiiV\1 hUIUCh a pola&o yio~ld ..... du·~ ·o( lbis ~'!"· ,:..__~~liP NE,YI. wee epa men \\" cl~h wifu w:slktd :100 mil ea. porcbM~J S"·cn up Ius CASO 1\1 bopelosa. It Is a ow ~~~ bee? oroucbaafed ':C till I' fl\rWorL ' l bu PORT OF H.).B.BO:& .,.~· 1:1\n ahow onuanally aood -rnluea ia E • llil) 11ocrca for"" ro!\n)' <lollars, MHI erucl!.'d !\ I ondcr.!loo•l that ~lr W..uoo is !\bout to try 1162~ wtll be larl(dy '" o~~tn. of ~h"L or 1 1 liah, Sootch & Canadian m!lou£1\Cture;: \"uah :uul I \\ it: thvcilirt:!: lfldr chid rnplt., l rur llurwr luc l:. in Tr1uity Bay .... , 'llclr. 1816.- C?larlollclollln Em/lll·ltr. I ' I E:O.II:Ilt O, • \\' b I d ,. d . k \\ :U f~>llh Ill C<)r n ftll ll thu ''irtues or til~> I --- ----. .. I . Qot ~3-1:!~. 0(econlantl, Uoalrea.l •Ia Sr. e QYO Q nq;o lUI Vline atoc 0

, .tow. l found 1\ I;OI)d bonrw. b'm lin I - \\:o s rc indobtcd to a r;icn? fo r. tbe Ia- At tbo m:lrria"o nf Mr.,and :'tfrti. Georcl\ .: J~l ... ,. prnv:a!on•, .tu-Jt>bo ll una .t CJo. LEAn, H E'RWARE s'teo.l• niu~ chiiJ· ~n; a :ir\ twcho )'CJHa ot.l foriDI\IIoo tb:\l 1\t Gm t,_e. Co. YO d'o_ nu~ tho II . . .... ., ' d' • ' ' .. · b"l'·' ~-Ch~rl·f' ~\ . Olutdn. LooytO\>, Drftll)l, rn.,..,.l .1. ~ .- 1 f 1 t 1 L b :\,.rll at ."UoUUt ~u•r1 Jsn, a.. rue r uu • ear~. r , ~ ... ., .. .. • . • ch:uuinc: ~:uoJ . Jun~y bulle r " hach wu Mtor JUri u ast '" Ch. a rt,t tl t:rr " out rcfu8Cd to say "103'' to cbo 4}1o,t~oti 1 'fbe- ! W . ..:. till 1 •r. ll~t....u, Ua•ldock coulo ~o-Pal· to reJect from (otL3diea,Genla, MiAea aod •dliu:; for 3:> c~nla pur pouu~ t : \ O'J oottlc. three ycus u! "8°• dl\Uj:h ter of ~l r. c:corgo ther the wou l•illb~Y-\_~r hu~b~nd.' ' S lit! ... •itll

0 ·•r •~• d.. ~:t .. I•F·•I/ . ', ' Children, and.ol Ent:liJib, Aruericao, (.;ana­

:! Q hn.:•. anJ 7 bors~•,-1\UJ tho owne r• .\vory Of .t bM place, .lud both her b~nJs sbo M·• nO r"oL'DU 1~1 Jul!b 1\ protni•e. :~t'\tl hu ::1- 1, ''"'': rw~.M• "".t•t91h-Jnlau ltcuc &Co. d iJio, aod l'owfooouJaod makea. }.>fiet'l of 1 .,,,,.11t deLl ia u 0 ,).,r t•7o t hoW.\ItJ J ollua: b., tllylntttllBtod b7 "Jug. 1t ~PM'\!1 thu ccncltt•lt•l tb~~ nb bl\rtU 1,;ould be ttont.l '.)y ;,1,- "S.:'C<•tn•ol ... furu, lt.arry. b do-•ln,. h :• . ., he .•x r-cct~ to w1r o out tltLI yesr. l t llu molber o r tba !itt!~ ~irl llt\d 'Je ll her ' . . h , ol\. lcof.t!J, D.h ro, llottob vb Sr. Jubo a, pror l· wbic llro r cry l ow tbi.s aeaann.

II . I h r ~ il 0 ' l .. 1.0 d Olllt:llu,: fc, IIIICC () int.blrtiCu to .. llllti;l\ he r 6loua .t\1-<loi . • I G li rd d p i .

1 • ··~. I 1hr•>t~h )l ie I os.::on, ltno1:<, owl\, ou~u o :' , 1 r HDu 111 or ~r . I gp o•u min.J, ,; .. ylto..v." T wo xcat'll cblps1d 1\0o.l ,, • , OLa.utr n. ·"1

n Ottr roeery, a • wa re a.n .ro• ston )I"""~~'~· " ' """'~'·· llhio, ""tl l'utH\Aylv&· to :ID ~d)otolot;_ 81-'ge. Ou- llll.n !!l~rn .' b" the •l nAull l~tl qneltt lon Gr<t11l n;:;.rlu. Gunrl;·l .,Of&.,l lli,- IW>h•, lll~< ~i<""', SJdDeT, ballut-C. 1.:-_forlcl we aro rteplct a Wlthd tbeb reqnb•remenltall 1,: '· a ll ,:Min ,.111J .. ~At 1,.0 ,t 1d n1(" ~t:atu. fu.tnd t lt l\l B pr..: It \d entcro. l bc r d-..·~:lltus;. ortl~rcd H.s wlfu 10 (rv a <:hldcu ior ,!inuor. " \\ !:.~.,. -: {""· . ': n uur cu~ omcrs an ~ ere t ey w tl ,, l'·rtl,.n• ( cAt b oil 11:~ ,, Sl&ki are :un.l }11\J U va;;uly altBclce~l ~er htth: ,1 uxh· and •lt\l lllot''\ted on ro:..•tiur.: il. llo! brtt~'l l . 7--1\ C ~It\·~. f~Lru, D..dJ..:l<, do-rut~r- llnJ J\ft Ull~l811.1 lly large, chorco ood Clln!fult.r ,. 1 •• , ••• t. , ... ,! , 1,., -,t...,dJ .... co~tlu :r.nJ ter, wbvm abc h:~u ltf~ sHUn:; oo t!ud!oor , . b · -,. 1 h I '"" .t ~· ... ,.r. 1' 8t'lcct~l S I'U (;K.

• . I £ b d . £ b h J en a·• ~;J. p. nod dcciMW thM I' wo!ll1 Hr.• :Jell: t'••tlu. g,brrt,~olrc, CO<Ilbb &otl btr· IJ. ' ·-'~"'• .1 .. I 1;1 u ·' f.,t. \\' · .:>. "'11•1 11 plcc\1 ° r.::. 10 one 0 ~r an1 1• Oo" h•·r untoi w u oe 1•.-•l b hu shot aud · rUtl)-rllobll U u llll .s, !Co. . , " '" woultl tljte~i:~lly Cllll olleotioo to

· wlo1cb tlte r&vcnon• l.Jrlito ltnd c:Hun ncat lv , 1• 1 1 • • • ·our NJ.::\\' SE.\ SON. · ll I tl l I I ba il I ., ~· " 1 ·~" .IHII. ' ¥

1'01.10 1:: COU:ilT. ~It~ ~i~~l:tl:~~~!:!;l;~j~v~"..5:ru Oll~l~j~ •t'·f .. -._v___ •I 'r • I P&noo~rs. ,

I• . II , Jl(l- .- 1 . 11 . TIT l~u,l~•l to: :>ud bv r . .,.t accuuut1 a;, ;o l hou~ts ROI,t/lr,\t·~ 1)\f' tl~ST ,-,. a 1'.1 1.&.--Rh~u- P.- f'l~r. rrvr oh" ·.:Surlk Oa1-..... \"e"'-,rrnRt: 1~ '"·' \ 1 1



·!' · C: •1111 v~ry lo..-, w:U yot on :r. Catr tn•)'" t';,. In<< It> 1 • •• • nHtQh.t- h is .. ~ l1• •"'Ill' J 1ffi - ~ .li iJ,. l"r"l. ~'17! Oo.lda"'_l:. I p ,...J.eatt- lUu ~"1 RI>H . ~t. ~ I -. " ' '" •• • .. r... 1\f• ., wards rccO\'cry. • I ~ul t 10 J r· •• r .lh tu · ·blell or t\a, .... ut~· ia lltrcll. llot!'•'!tt•~-H!'~· Ur,.. o .. , ..... Ot.-•·

It •111 ,. - It uut.: wh .. ,· 1n d oar:.:•' u l a ltur.e ---- ~1"1 -~·t i"" . :u ~·t([•rer, bulll lbli rgoor/IOC\1 ~··.1:-:Ur. ~J.:.>.~ Ia :.t, t;Johy- llra. Dr<tno,~, Lnol ,.,rr.n c .\ lutuuhln• lrw I .IJ. •lt:tr :•··1· • ~ • . ,, ' f U I . .1. H<.i• • i\ hllq. ,iTro•o, . lll~ara. .F.>roluw. I .

I> . 1 •1 . 1 J .. \ 1 · 1 J I \\ lltCK Oi' t tU; ~::). "lh:t~r.~ ~··. trl'-' o., t,l·l ,.r I ol 0""3! » rtltll<tul~ll b11 1 Mur1ohc- ' t"\l~lln - l tu CtJ11110r~ Lillie liAr

" 1 •. n• '""- run. . ''"'"" '" ' ' . • .• !i .. fl /. 13.-"-•r .'r.a! 11"-A -~ ~ ._, U._Jd. ',!:·~ ... Yi!ltq . • Od CUre ft iiiUOoie~lf'~, I - ll r. :.~~rltlt', ·1'111 eo:...:..M~. O"llaN. 'fl""rJ-nll·l 1!1• :, tr.e 1 • .1-.l n'

11 '1\ 1 ti . . •• •• • 1 , . 1- ,.._., no clilleiplt" • oa hJorrcf 1 ' • • 11\'0u~n~ci ep.,Jmod1 ; pam a. l ulo .. rc.ll tarJ l•tol - llt• ;. ll""~1 Wrr P W IIILAnu aod C<>ndou .

\ '

:.,,·. ~ \. 11 11 1 1

' 1 · !1. , r ,. n.o.t , .,,.1o of 1 uo e> 'ti ·· r• .:tAol o• ~·• ~~IIUtnllth.•Q. after bo•tbin~tti: C' atT~r.\.:.,1 p &rtJ 1111,'T•'JkM;)I.,... ~~~·'· 1111~•

11009rl"t 1~•1"1 !1.

. • """' •· I • · •· 1·' "' • 1 ll II . ) "1'1"--•lr ~~= ~L !P. •q-~~- ev. l r. ~mpl~. . 1 . t ,,,. ,, tnlu<r,..r .; ,,, t"t .. ruu1• M tho wrcoiC. '"" I " " rm u t wat~r. 11 ""'"Y a ( " l''"eu t ' fi,;. .-. 1.··· 1:atl , .•• r ,; • Sull't • •t , . . , , "I . ·- .... . . I ,. I II .... . , · ·- . ' - · ~ . --~ .. " · "''"•·' ~ .... · ' · 1,.,, , J:u .. : 1 1 11 ~ 1, 1 1 .; .r.!•l! . ., I ~' l""cquuutt;t " • ' · ,.,~for tlw osccptiou- ~IOU u •e tvd ruu""' npo~ l ito B~l, wnt I (',J+I,~. (\,!llla t 111 on· L~lltdcrl~:r. d ar::""-

1 . 1 1 · .• , 1, t nl "'"'"tt hn..,... o. l ~ "~" no• a ll?u l IW<tuiJ 11 uny ptnel ~to :~ud cx" rlll4 t"otb 1 n~r, '"' I ~''" 'fm .11, Ill'~ n&,...he -!lr. t·~·'•· !.APollo C ,. ·•' Ill u•.~" '•' ' " I . '""" 'U<U ' I • .i I\ . ' I I I "'" ~- • • ,..._ 'I' ,. "I ·• · I 11 .'

1 , · · 1 nl\v .: eu;..Apu•. . averal pu:aeru;ur-.,• lr-.IUk l r":n 1\ UL.:: prnp~rtrc• on l O c "eJlor n, - ....... AM'......,..,...a.a ,•. .. r. "'l• uto:::a. \...02Dn~- r.

" 1:1 ll·•' ~ " '•r , - 1 1 n , 1,. .. r~t.l\ 1 ·~ 1 Jo.,, . ., been !Jrvkun Of't ll And ntlo<l bv the ruul LCr v~• wlllcb nrc unc!1tl~· excitl"rl. 111.1! O.·~ IJ\~•f •_!'(~ "~£ Jn • "•HIII:P. 1,: t:ll'·'' 0 Uc L ~~ - ' • . '. ,~,~,y of tlac " · , , , ,._ I hO A t,HUtOftl .. a u(l !""'_" ...... I.IV,.lH U.Ht , ... ,h (\.tH l ... ~t OAtr , , ;..u ~.. ' l ~fj u,~r'llaa, tr~ 14h·\l-r~·L-1JI.1 .. lhalhf r ·

\l''""-1 run · 1 < • (;,. rm'\n cru,.ul• 1\I'O iuYctlll,:o11n11 -r .. o ~··:.r s rcru~. •es I'~•.Jt•~ ... ~ mtnt 'l . te•ub '• ~II'• II' r ,•l(, C'h •t 'r. ll1'. 1 lnrer'11.~J .re ~n•l i 1n b l L; \J :n •IJ L~11 1 a u•) 111 .. I · 1· ••· · f o... \ t\ • 1• "-:oo,, ,.._ ""· '- •..-•t"'.'• '•• " ·- ,.,. . ..,. ., .,... c:I-"L• I 1,, ,, .,At•r<< :~rc ,,.1 uru iu~ to :--; uv· York. to on:: lht o.l1o~a~\• without J~hll t tc'\111\:! tloo ., ..... ~ For I h ill"' ...._ \lr p .. ....,., llr J ob,

\\' lllt'\•u ll~ucl••••· I .J I.' l) ,lo .• rn~- ""~u ~l•·IWIIUUA b.-for~ tJ,., lltl l horm<a. couatltllliou . .-h:,•h lfAI lh~ ine• irnb:o l'1l• )llu ~rcbiln~I, Jvd'C"' ~~·food, wllo ••:•' clultl , tf .... •rt.ol• ("I ., "' 1 ~ .,.,. 1 ' 11"··•··dt \ I 1 1 ··II b · t 1 t aul~ of lho bl •:lin•• mor,•nn · :\n<i culchi· ,P,.t . J' . ..J.;Soutb,)ll•o1"'rab•II,.Ur llt;,u.,nu>ll, I J I t Idol.., I at. • s «u rtl " tntnu' n . UIII • . • 1 1111 wife l'll r !WllourJ 111 .. Ury.Joo A A .. I I ..... l••l o ." ~l t u II ..... 1 I l.l•pruouwcu: I ,.·cJ,,,-~ I)R Sund:>y o•·eniu!t. tb~ llcnltt wu Cllm JlrACIICI) rormeriy a;loptcd in tb i:!Je lrj: ~~~~. 'ur.. Oru:u.rlOU ~11 dtllJ, .u.s' I~ .~ "llh 11111 1 I ~ ~· r. r•lll A•h••re nine bours 1\!tcr""'"· Sbo "' lUI coropl~iut~. 1:c .. 1~.

DIST:-:IC I' C::lU P.T .

1:1 •""'. li t- J~l .. ,, .lll.r., 11\:ss nr. :,, , : • •• \L ll~t! .... ,- ))u.,, • Ur""\'cr t'l

c:. -~ •t 11 l • l! .• \.·uou fur Sf> ~,). l~,Jt..o~··· <>• ·" u~or•l J .;n.""' lur l'i~>~nU\f furS#­caJ l.'vtU. _ ...... ___ _

By Telegraph~ _,._

tblrt\-lh .. lli~ OII t or hertrnaconn.c It --- =~~=~~~r::~~===~== I " clol .:t;C•I tho ~~.\d ... , Deren lbrowu 3:\d T ur. ruot:a:oc P .IB!t :Uonotn~:rc~· K o;f\"tS. • ;r---

t(,., nov• l eult••Llll c:1r~t~-.nc11 anol r~<"'-· - T :11• w,·~po11s n fto)d by the m11 rJ errraoC ' \A/ANTED lcean~.., ltiiWift>&tud h7 those tn obarce.-Ez. l..or•l F r~1leriok ('""eudla" 11M Undvr ~c- '~VI ·•

• rt• ' '\r\' Unrko were fonll!l conce~lt!rt ln the .A Go' o··a· s" E' RJ v· ANT I' '" ' •a. Oct. 18.- Y ..aterdA.r "t four • · rahui-a ol a &l>\ble In lbo f l':u• of a booai bo~

for j!CI\Or&l hOU!!!!Ork. J,iboral wage& w;tl be g i•·on. • 1 •·

Apt~ aL t~is, omcc. P et . 2L

• s i n Half-chcalll11nd Boxu for Family Ilk. G not! q u~liljes, lo w p'rice. , .

O ur Trinity Bay frie nd& ill Ood tho n1no j1enoml ~rtmen~ wilL . ne IIUDo lo" price• Ill o ur brooch eata!Jiialtlntot, Heart"a Cout~rlt.


91- Water Streetr--91 UT. JOXIN'S.

Provision.s -A;-10-



l l•J 1•\\. o .·r :!' - lnrt-ndiar.r !}lft('.Artlo ),,., ... L,·~u C' lteoOIIVely V'"''cd .tllu poorer qu:u tt:"~ ,,( 1 '1\ n"'~ ·' ..!1\ 11 .. t htt•ltord.L

m a hr.:e 1~r~ ot t ho tail of a gro~t cumot longin~: to 1\ m11n 'lfho WM reoo11tly aon­w:u• oL•rrr~.J u•·cr tho •un11nh of tl•e .\ a- touced to ponat ee'rvi tuo.lo , [nr {otimlU!i\in~ dee. Ita ~roat 11rrd all~ery brilltu e: ~lns. Kt-Dny, tho widow of man mur· prc•~ntu I 31 bc~utjfuJ 1

aud impoaiog eig ht. dered i11 t!eoillo- place becauao bo wu ·n 1o an~le which it formed witb 1bo horizoo •nepeeted of l111vin~ ginn luformt~tioo coo-,..., more tb~D four de~; ill .Wrutttlt oem log the monde rs. I t Ia alleged lbi\L '• · · v L was 15 d'octreea. it• ' urradth, llfo •o:ablc,o Kenuy wu the driver of thecario which NOW 'JS ' YOUR ' TJME 11 I y OW width. :13 dt'JtCCc.t; ita rigbt aaoeD&loo, 16 1bo ~~~ .. -..in1 rode nn the nigbt of t '1o mur- 1 .. ,1

' __ • FOo Prices

· .\ .teet' ha1red to <.:ltJatiana pe.-.adea the run.! ,h•t~tcts : thu fear u( Unti.oh anuo :,Jt•IJO ccur t•A 'l 'ti··t..

.\ ,.A,t Circle of in<'••n<llar)· fire's e>eten<l~ from l"tnl tnt! to rJ.,. JI,.Jttc, 1\lld :i~. l'ote MI· bur): 1 .,.~ .. ~· rco.l "llh tile IIDvku. 'J bo firoll an> 1\llrthuto<o.l lu :\ lloih -'4.

'l'bo l rub C:hle£ ~crellry r~por t.ot " ate:~dy improvetnen~ i11 the ret .. uuno bo­t ee1 IAndlorJ.a and teuaoll in lrd Buo.l, io ­timr atioo il ckc~ulnt-.

1'bo ~~teamer IVGJ~tb from n oog Kooi Cor Britiab CoiQJDbia, i1 a total wreck in tho Straill or Fuca, Vancouver'a Ulaod ; all on bo<lrd are l01t .

Ocr. iB.- A woDll\o fired t•ii'-O at K ing Milan or Sen-ia. Sho is tho widow or t ho oJ!leu Markowicb, eE.Ccnted for riot ro ur

-. .._JOAn -eo. A conaP.iraoy baa been diteoY· ered agaloat tho hfo o r tho Ki ng. The cooapiratora intcoded.blowior op the Royal Part-y witb gunpowder were •lling on lho Oanobo. /

A terrible typhoon in ?lfaollla dc.lroyed a large part of tho oity ,an~W"ed Uro. ahippiog. •

Arabi aommone Der-peu a •itlle-. Sm7tb, M.. P . for 'lippenry, UJI tb;,

Nadooal Coororeoce •• a ab&m, a deceit, ud a fraud. aud ita object wu &o get money t.o eappor•lreiiUid't •orat enemy. ~- 25.'-A gru& Ire i.e Jqing in Ulo

l umber yuda of 'St. Pttenbnrg. Tbe ~•he l'ropbet i.e lll&klot alarmiog ~ iD the Sondaa. ' Tbo whole able­bodied poplllatiod; trfib cuuub&l tribe~ from th~lat.rlor, auaokld the £ Gottro· or'eforces. Seveo llattl• •ere fooabt, ~be F..qplu,D lo.- are ola'br thoo&&Dd. ?."be

' re~~~-,.6t or Lbe EoPUaQ armyiOttibtl re· faaellc. Khartoum _..lch Ia no• beaiepd bJ the iAarJeDll, aod Ita eap&ore It dall1 tx• pected. Tile whQJ. of die Soadaa It l01t t.o l!'c1pl. . Fleodllb t.ortuTM "''" iD8ioted 011 «*ptfYII. U I.e ~ ~ the J'.a. l"ropW .W ..... OD Cairo.

' 'nih ... a !Ma,Y aal• Ia EDIJI.alld 1•· 'terclaf; a....._..._. lD &ale CliiiiiAel aocl -..weredro......_

Tiii Ai ~ n..tlar; liP. Olad­..... .-eel feraeeaa-. t.o iDqulre iDL9

l.. o.11(af6pc._.;.... • • I .&iUh ~ for tho Iaa L•o

~-b..-...... . . . . Ocr. ti.-"N GtniiiUr lepft'or • bealda

dc~tr"~•. and ita doc!io&tioh 11orthward, \S de!'. Tbo weapcne foo11d wer• fo11r Jl•i ~c. d - "'" Je,;rcce. lLO lon$tilndocoo1d,not be ~~uor- amo 1nchca lpn,(, •ill• bl..dn tbroo..qtnn~tra Spl~n~ ' Investm.ent ! CASH 'FISH OR Qll

. ed The aky ~m11 buy jaat b tho of an lncb w1do. 'l'bay ne.ul7 new, A'' RAI5AAR ~·11- J behl a t L ittle J . 1 us wall tieing oburved. 1t Ia onlerios: and very ~obarp. ~to$1 are ovi~on~ly ,,i~q'cl.

Lbe -:~uatellktion t:ancer, and •·ery aoon iog kni•·u.. Thoro were diacoloratjous , op · ' B.i.y, rX•m.e-weto ' to ai.J in com - AT-,..iJI bJin tbat o r C.cmini. When it ent.era tbem which, on ch~micalaoal~tio11. p ro•i·. ploting th8 & 0. Ohurcb, lint) al~tp t he · 'fJ' A "'0 tbe cooat.ellatrotl &"aurae U ,..iJI Aflf•ar at od w bna been ml\de b! huiO:Lll ~onll. t D~·-;Ujp~-~od16. o~ \.;f}O .Prie..t, of that R. ~VEY'S. -mldnigbt. It ~tf.bloa t bo oomet ' o 18 11. il hoped 1bat lho a~urJlurera w Y"l be ' p)ace

.-- · cap~"red., Myowlti~ll . '~'· a~d~o~~do~,o!J,.I .. , s~~~nbp,!iq~.~lll. be tbtq)~fu\l.r \Vbat To to'e wetl.-koowe GoodS.::oa- aeno lbo lllrio! r" 1 ~roct~i~"•'ftl 11~ Jar&efl 4111lt an proJ1o rt.ion,

,ritJI.a U)'l ! " ( baYO been troDblod With - · 1 1. >bJ c:ia& (OiloWlllg I .( • 1•. •

DJipepeia alld l.lrer Complaint for O"er 20 ORD~.··no.K AT llntaus- On We~et;ay 1 11 I\I M. w. PRO HAN, DO~Or r~nd" article tbl\t"bu done mil .. lut ( ' t. Luke"• l>fly) being tho day «ppdln~<o I '1tf113: J AS:• wALSH, Jel\l'S, aod [~~o tried many remedies, bot ~ r·· :1

much good aa ' rtbrop & Lytnao'a Vegot· od for thiuolemo liOrvlc .. , quite a. !lumber 1'· '" • · 1' • Ri:v. S: FLYNN", .P.P. able Diaeonry a.nd D yi]Jeptlo Co~." oC lbe Day Clergy aaaombloo.l -,t .BD~U• ! or -:' __ .;..~ -;----....;...' -.,.-------

CunA E. POliTER. tho purpoao of Ukiog parll i.u lbe ~- or ' • • • • • l

Or.linatlon. '.rbe momiolf wai aomewbat tr 1291--WateJ] ·Street-129 --- oloady, bot AJI th• lti iJIO ldrCJ• ou.\" Wf' fho !! 111 Jl r'1f1 I 'p ;:,u;, I!( '' t

0~G1,i~~!:~:!~~';{l1~rt'19~-:fd~f~; Ordin~rion, tlr~. ·•~ lo~katl a little .brlJibte~, ' ti! 3 '" Cll:!T ~· 1!• ~UN?Q•, ·, • ~"' ~ and a larf(~ ooultl'i!~tron were aoon _.L. to· ' ' ~ , 1' •! t,p.U-f-~ · ~· ,

11\'CBI frieoda &o order aoot.her parcel of 11et.ber. "l'ho · ~ithq.Jl aod . .Cler~1 fO~~~ t(t , , .. ·11 ,1 t 1.1 .~ .. ~·) ••h • 11 1 Dr. Thomu' Eclectdc Oil. The laa~ lot I tbe .Paraqoa~~and m"~cbo~ io prJcf,.·p.nal . 1r<7 ""~ ..... ._!'~.,._ ·' got from ~ou ~· been- t4atea i1l 1neral ordor ·t~ &_ Qeo~o·4\ C hurch, and har'Jng ,.~, .,,fl[ •t11J'l"111"1ti!Hr~~~"T •· 11&1111 of r et1ma1iam, hall gh·en t~.liaC whon ent«oli .• tho W ept aoor, · ain~io; " J:ho! B1S dootora' roodicioea ha~e f11iled to bftye "nJ Churob'.i <Jne P ouuclat:Gn ... tl\o ~~·0-e ii'OC!t. Tbe exc, lluot qoalitlea of thla aenlco- coc:menced when '"lU r. Edw.,·j raodloioe aboald be oaadQr knO!I'n, tNt tbo W eary, lltuaent o(lTi~stiCBI!~, 1 millione of auffer~dtroilglaou~ ~e world St. J obu•,;:wu .~tfedl:&i thil'OiN:onat , 1 may benefit by ita, provi~~-~nr7." 11nd tbe - Re~d~. 'F.-- W-. Temple aod (;hart t •

. • .. · E r'lft'at Scnil11 to tho Priett.hootl.• '.:rhe aer." It ia eaid that it:.ia- pl'Opoted tQ eetab· wlce wu 000 &t'\ht>wbliriJHt onrwitolllkd

lith a ataLion of ! thee C.nWilnt St,nal lo IDn~tue. IUid .W.: 6taudfal edillue •u Ser\"lue ai 10mo commanding• pdint •on· complottlyflliMlsJU oili J. " , •I &be ~bot- o r tberJJt':.:Lil~ Y!Pro • S'- <.ltOrR~'II' ll)bntii'Cit tlle 8nl!et0hiNbOI L:~~~~;.,;;.-.:-Tr,.7,-;7.;-o;--;t:--;i-;--.;--:-:-:i+.r-"" ' 1i inwarcl bO .r· ~ · bO • on t.he leland, 'lio4'; 'Churob people ol that-

eac on . ' • m!~ ,_1 f l"t 'pt.ce d-rr• \he bll!beet praile .( Ot' llario nalled, tbedat.e of 4erar.rmll if)J'\~n- loeb' & oo'bh1~dlog wherein tb.,.. \:arJ going y..eJ t.o be ~blecl imoa~~~ t o warablp. • l , ,. 1 , •) • , 1 Oraat Bril&in. To U!ia e.o.d; l>!nin• ·.tRo.Y. Mr .. W.-, Ita "ertn appointed tO' ion GoYenllllell' NDD11t.l1 made • pro- lbe &u\Q Barbor1 lU.ion, alm(dOJ') l or•'l'•'...:'" fM*l t.o Llo1d'a at -Loadan ' to! forward whiob aottJ'-eot.beJfetc.u• ~owayl•t.-' nob reporte, prowidin1 .Ll9yd'r' aerr.1ed ~. pct, 21. ~. l l u ~, u

e-halfiKh oOat r 't . mi':.·ionJ 'Tb I ' I II· ~. o~' 'll·• " .• on • • u ram """ . -,1• I) ~ 11 ~-Ltchu .1n1 ... ~~· JM'OPO'fCOIOil •u favorabl1 ~~~ea,.bq.t. J 111• ·~.. 1 • Wore ecatering ~ootl1 into U. ~r- A•Frotieb pitpee npona. a1 · rDftCIIGID'- 1Jo1d'e ult ~the repqrt.l ~u, olu•••·-•; .. ,&OI.OJ

-1 be forwa~ed for ihre~~ 13011"" on lltbJ•vh -lfilta.ofJ aa trial when, if ealiat&OL«y, .-, will &' flllllllll~~...teb ._ denclt aoooft U..: c6r -ae bt die DoBiinioq .&o tbe . tl..._ Al

1toob • ..._

Qoy~t.. , 1' ia t\A~ ieal'lted oa1ht ... ID•::a:*o:.:,.,nt in tlul ,,..,, ~ •llad lnoe\l.a1 ""'lll.hi,tlf .:.r. d..anD1 w .. ' Uaor: ~.~ ~.-1 ····­t.o &\e


in connection with Christ. Chorcb will be beld in NUVE~t 8EK next.

C ontribution• o r nrticlea o r money will be t.haokfully r.c~~I,:Cd by the followin~: l!'di01 :

. ~ln. )V. T.w.·o~ .,, ll'!'-UU., '' A. Runt~I!FI\I!D, " El.uon,

, .Mrs. 1'. !iA"!I"I: ISS.. J ruy 28,.. l&t.!.

'129- Water,; Street-:-129 a O•, j ~ f I f • •


• I I

i.e oow oiTerina'

Head Oftlce lion~ Capada. 0 •;._.;:_____ ! " I ~ ('I

~ts We · a.nd Accident Dep~. • f' f . , ,

.Authorized Capital ........ .•••. : .. . ~ . .. .......... .. 21000,()90 . Deposited with Receiv~r ~P.ral at Ottawa... 112,000. '• Special De~os_it for~ife Department. .... ~ - - ~··· 561000 •

sm llUGR ALLL'l, Praidtat. BENRY LY~AN, ~., 't'icJ-Prul'iu'*- ~ GERALO E, RAnT, Esq., CtltUal Muup. ' ' '

Honorary Board of Diroctora for St. Jobn'a,w N."W. : , Uos. Mmnos~ 'Sli~A. M.n.A, I J AMt:S UALRO EsQ.,: 1 •

A!Jl t iUan Li11t~ .:iltomt rA, Sl. J olta'1, N.f'. ' GtJtUOl MtfClttt.:AI. ,, 1

TUUS. C LlFT, 1-:sQ, (of Clift, Wood & CO) I EDWIN D U D Ell, EsQ. , Ct~~<rol M trcltoRU. • Cutuol M~ut t S Jtrp. ChtMr.

.M tMIIS. GREE~E & UUNT~G. Solidtou. ,. 1 . ~ TllC!lfAS O OWLE Y, L.R.C.S., Iro!:L~~d, L.K.Q.C.P. Irtlud, A!tdiotd Er:utiMv. _.

,-he eitizens, I nsurince Co:. , bu by far tbe •trongeat and moat.in0aenti3l S toek Lit~ in tJ1o Oo1ol~~ ol <A~ ¥ oeCD by t~o Cornpaoy'a Proepeettn Sheet in tho hl\nda o r jll lf)ca) 1\j{ent. '.t.'Jio Ule Uo· partiDeot 16 apeclally proteeted by11o A~ or tbe Ootniuion l'•rliaweut, (&. S9, Jl""}, Cltap., ~; IIS7Q,) whe.Mby tlte erltlre Capital and. A Aleta of tho Cor•pau1 are .._,.pouti· blu r.or c;taimP agllime the Lifo Branch, t boogl.o t ho flluda o( tbo Life Ooplria:lea' uo apecrally protected 11nd·oxemp1ed ";:ninat any o tbor Joaaea of tl,to Qomi*A1•

l.ifo l'oliey lloldera c.nnot b ill ae·c in t.Loia a Soorco of U11da~tbtell St.ttaatJa. • Prolita are divitkd er~ry fi~e yeal"l Tirirty diC)"a' aro alloweo.l fo r tbc P"1ment of rretnioma. • Allor Three Annual l'aym~:ota bote been ru:\1111, l'oliciea becouto ABSOtiUTELj'

DIDI~PU'I'A8LI-:. , , · LOANS 111ay be effected oo POLIC H:.S after three annllal p~minroL , ;

.a.oomEN"T XN"s·ua AN"d:e:::. : AccidenL [u~nrance m:\y ·al.s~ be e([eelod in tJ.o ClT[Z£~S l NSU!l.A!\fCI:! COU-

P AN¥, ou. applicatiou to tltat Local . 1\ ~:eut . . J , a J

. . The Dir~lon, t htrefore: l hroo11b ita Ge!1eral l lanascr1

hertby t~~lo:c t hi.l ~~.,ll'o+­. t ourty of IA:l liUJl forlb. tbc clauua or t bo . .. Cil•:.n l ot nra:uc .. Com\ .. , ny" to the people of l_brbor Grtlca. wilbout ftArnln~t adurtiecmeutor or o~h~r &uJS~'rftlloua 'l\hrl frcq6tndy dtt-lullve abecltt, kuowiog tbM.Llrll C<lmpany .-;u conrmc n<l itaolf upon ita muri~ to au l ntcr­liJ.,"CD' public ; t uo cb.Aractur aud iotegrily of lll~oy oC its promotert betog'"'elf kttolrn to tho people of this locality. , • ' · '"' · · ;

~ A. T.'DRYa;n:~A~ . Oct. !?8.:!1.;:

Ajf71l for Harbor • Gra.q, N. F. l ' •• ~ 'J.. .11 • ' .,


Farmers and Mbchailios 1 I I I 'II

Provide yourseh·cs with a bottle of PAI N-KILLER at 'this. sea· sou of the year, when summer complaints nre so prevo.lent _; i~ .i~ :a prompt, safe, nnd sure cure. It mny .snvc you ·anys· of stckn~,

,aud you will find it is more YaluabltJ1fhnn.?old. Be sura you buy .the gt:nniuc PERRY .bA VIS' P.t1flV·iilLLER, and take . rlo other ~nixture. -------

CoooOnc, ·0:-.1., Ma~h S, 1880. I hav~ been selling Perry Davia' Pain-Killer ( ur tho p&:!b air; Je&rl, aod' l;ne

nlncb 1•telllluro iu &tBIIug thllt iti 1111lo 1 in that tuno hoe been I&Jl:•r t.bau any other pntent rllellilll\lo th a t ·t 'ha,.o on my ahehu, and ia dto., yoara l , b!Uo no' e" btard a cuato rnc r aay ausht but worJs of the higbcat praiao io .ita faror.. h ia Qn a rlfcle tlt~t lteiUI to baYO eo'lnbined in it nil tltnt fiOCII to make II jifll~/a.u fi rmi/y nttdiciNt, QIUJ

u loog l\5 I ba.vo a t.od atore, P erry Da\'ie l 'aio·li:iller will boJonnd in botb. Yours, t!:o., J. J:: • .liJ:4NNZ:OY.

Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. Price 20c., 25c., nnd GOc. ~r Bottle.

~pL \~ \-~------~~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~ Post Office Notice. J' R.eoe1. ved.

-- -AT-

Mails for Conception Bay c. L. KENNEDY'S . (~:x 11/hombro,)

wrll btl J u patcbed from tbla O ffice. A largo Auortmeol or

ON WEDNES:~:~·;:~~NTRUBSDAYS 8 R u 5 t-:1 E. s~ ,

To HOLyl>OO D · . aonalatlag or: ., '- • Paint, Stove, Serubbing, Cloth, D oat, W in·

T ho flootc of Lb.o s teamer Lady CloM- do", Wlt!IO..-aali, Marking. Tar, Var~ •~ill l.Jo ou · llilb1 Wall, &ab an"d P111l4. • Wt::O~ J.o:Sl)A Y .. (;(lrbonrar, n a rbor Gl'llcc ,:'llftJ !). · • ~olyrood. Bri~t~UIInd !lily Rollerta.

T H OllSOA Y - !Jay HoberG, Brigow, Uoly· rood, Carbonear aod Harbor Groce. Monday, ThcadAy1 Friday and Saturday,

tho o.sual rouLo to 11nd from l'orl ugal l:OYe. Mails will cltno at 9.30 a.m. abarp,

Gouornl P111t Office, Sl Jobo'a,~ Sept. 22', 1882.-.SO. ~

XMAS TREE. T O E poMrmeotion9d CCntMfTTEI!: of

l..adiea .J:lf lle11rL'a Conten~ lntebd holdin~r A X~tt\S 'f.Rr:E .on t he ;!8th ,o r· DECJ:;M8F.R nes. , to ais!at in· Milling fuuda toward11 t ho oomplelion of t he lt. C. C hurch o( !bat pl!lee. All contriba will bo t baokfully .rccoi,.~d ,by tho ' Com· mitten:-M ra. Prurro\no, · I M ra. A tiS'Trn,

.. COCl'.lltD, I .. . \\"JLt.l,\liS, . • Mri~ w .\t.t.o\CE. . -

1Ic::~rt'•Coa1tcf!t, ::i~.t:.. l6. ll .... • •


PHCENIX F.ire · Assuran~e CQrnP.~PY· Lo:unAlln sTBF.ET 11: CllABL.'iG ouons

LONDON • . I ,. '


Page 4: AIVE.Rti8ER. - · Proap04tuaoe.-Forme ~t :ppllcat!oll B.immel'• Limo Juice and $)ly~rioe for Fire and Lifo ln8

) ' \



.. )

"When the Wicked Man:·

CI:JAi>l'ER llL ( Coucl...ttd.)

~ al111~ ~ed ber, by tbe ~addeD Ufo aacl ,...tlt;r· tJII.y broa~b~ ltlto &bo clnt&mr ~ ot air aad eceoe. , ~e alauoetl ap .. &be ridio¢ pu1y went

by. Sb• euppookd they weN froou Llie Hall, and tht fact ha1l Utde lotertal for ber. ¥et the ucn iutl&ll~ ber face bad arowa

A •oi<\ her ; flee frow her prcMnee ; thAt whlt.e ae dea&b ; abe atarted u .ii a pla'Ol· wu AU 1 Uut c:ircutlollauc:d JceiAred all abot bad atruclt her, for, bomdialC down '0 th•~ '0 bv impuaaiblt . 11" could not "ive ~pe&k to tho l!irl by wb~e aido be ro~e, up lois Wrllcy willu1ut d uo ooticci or ~~atia· ~be aew Eu.etaco Keune. bctory "'N!Oto. lie w~a r( fAYorito In tb~ '.l'bo, tbe atiO .. d crr aho gave. at· J•rieh, a favuriw with hi• roclllr, who hoad trac~d hia ooticlt-• . llo l410ked, aud aew ""C'u lul<iatc><l up:~u hiA ah"riug tbo vicarage her. 'W\th llhu, au.t fur ftv., :<'CAN be brut lived 'flle party rode on. Hilary et.a.cgerod ~here buay, happy aud oonteut, Ao<l now bl\clt ~aiu.el the low hedJtt~, Irick aod . cold all utia .,. u oYer, bc:dl.uaos Lbe fatal rpcll of wltb &be euo.Weu tbock of t.bat ooexpectcd A ... ouu,u'a 1"-uo., cowt~ butwoen l.tim meeting. aud ltia work-bet·•re~u t aud his God, The momeota whirletlaloog. Were they lie tolll biu~tc:U bitterly. • ruany or low? She could not tell. Then

or all I r r l.tnw UUl dull, quiok beat of boreu-boofa aoondod I letiO ue tua,'ll, ~wever, '~l"'':lH-.;;::,:: -ono rider this ti1u", aod comiu<>

wu eueudy uncoueoioua. ..ovo r " .,goliata of tuoat peupl.,, &llll 1 0 wu 'DO atrai¥bL towArd berectr. She bad ecarcely much Oli!,'T061.:U with. htr . owu rrow1 to tiwe ~tl!.& that thought, era it wa5 fri~o more c.Uau au occ.uiou gn~ful atiLI11d er Lbe mad, wild joy of 1\11 actual thought c.o tJ1iJI mt.n, wbl)lkl 1if , alt.bougb preaeu aud time il11d plAce, aod earth ood abo Jutew it uot, wu bec<Jwiu pp.:J uv aky, seemed wergod ioto one buy dimoeu, iu her own. • , . out of wboee ehadowa looked back to bar

:)o OIIU ruootb of tbCI..SIUlli'!!r·t~mO ~d OWn the face' of the milD abe Joyed. • on aud IWOther bejjftu, aud M~lfiiD • Ia i~ you- really you?' . to notice. with " paug ahArp AI inward pllin That wu all be uid, having thrown bim-conlJ make i~ chat llilary·a race ~ew self off hia horee li.nd reached ber aide, aod white r ftu•l tbiuoor d."y by day ; that now, ataodiug t.bere bcforo her, hold be r au.-uiah of tho apirit wu pt'Pyiug 00 the banda in his, oull looked dui"U at her faoo 11ceh: thAt, try u Alae mil:ht to fullll l1er with e&jlur, wondering cyca. duti111, to bo cheerful in hia p~"teeoco, the • Yea,' abo &Uawered below her bre:\th. lhl\dnwe of aniT.:riog 11row hetuiur ~Loll more • llow Jill you como .hero ?' diatioct. h wr11o2 his beftrL u be noted it, ~Jlo,.f? 1-'llt.o. I suppose. Good Bel\fcn I and witb all hit kuowludgc of thl\t soul- i hiuk of weetiug you again! J..)o yon aickoeM, thftt rcbulliou uudur aftl ictiou ow what you did to 1.00 by going off like which hill ,lmun d~ily experience of lif~ that? Do you know what you gavu mo to

d d •'- 1 .• b 1· h b --· • b' bear? llow 1 have ecarched for you! Tull a.o U.u l&u Ll\ttg t · 1110• 0 rawu up 11 Uhl, llilary, why you wenl olt in t.bat mva-eaergiea to aooLbo anJ cou1fort her. It wu " terrible work ho~ 1000 fouud, for sorrow luul tcrioua faahion. · Uid you want to r uiu made her recklua and often biller, &od abo youreelf entirely?' t.urued away wllh a abnddor froo1 bia word. · '1-1 hardly know,• abo eaid, f&loUy. of tL poaiblu peace to bto fouud. of .. higher. ' I tu.d au o~:plaoat:lou wit.b your -with pu~r lifu to be liYcd, of thie ....,..0 rltl not Mr. Laughton,' be went on rapidly. • 1 b\sing tbo •·. bo-1111 aad end all,.,.of our· don't IUJ>pOIIC be beliovod mo, but at lout 1 ~nee. - couviuoed him tbat 1, like bi/uaelf, wu

• l am not a good woman,' abe once aid totally ignorant of your whereaboutt, )Ul.l p:.a:iuoatel,y. • Do not preach to moon leu when ho bad ooclud down bo gave out Lhat you wish mo to hate you. I am we.alt r.nd ·you bad go no '0 your 1notber. · 1 have tried aiofol, I know. Yuu cannot tell me thst all aorta of wcana to traco you, aod all iu

. more plainly than 1 tell it to 01yacl£ ; but I nio. And now to tbiok thai, wbeo I lout cannot help it. My lifo bu bt'co unhappy, expected it, 1 ahould have atumbloll acrou altDOe~ alwayL How can I U1iuk it fair or yon bol"' !' jut&, or for the beat, uyoo aey? Ob, it ia Something in the tone. in tbe altered ao euy to talk__, euyl Dut when your maoour, brou.:bt tho blood back to Hillll'ya burt Ia bre-diog. •hen yon loolt out ou cbeakL She reiacd her bead vroodly. life aDd ecc oolbiog but a blllok. bitt.or do- • I left rny huaband boca.ua11 be insulted aolatioo, bow can you t.bink it beat? ,What me.' abe lAid. •1-think be koowa that woll I ful I eay. However ebocktd you 'are. I cuo•Jgb.' am tclliug yoo> the truth, 1 could not • l t waa all my fault,' went ou Euat.aoo deceive you a.oy more thAD 1 could cbenl Reeoo J'.•pidly; ' I hkd no right w draw wyaolf.' . ~ •· • you iaw auoh a IICT'I\pt'. I was aclfi•h ; I

• l koo.l" it ia bani, ~mb1y bard, • he an. forgat myself. I would sho everything iu a were<! ill thM lo* rich .,0 j00 of hia that tho world now to atone for tho wtpog. (;au lympatby filled Yitb 0\'011 !WCOtcr WUiiO I-iJI t.bctO auy WAY ill Wbioh l CIQ he lp t.bao nature bad be.towed. • All lifo is you?' t hat, more or leu.. Out tbo jllliu wouJJ ll ill\ry'a heiU't hnd g rown cnlder sod cold­grow len tharp, bclie'l'o me, if yuu would ~r M bo weut ou. h felt bCGvy aa a etooo bead to tho rod. not reb.ol aw"oel it.' 10 her brcut now. Whero wert~ tho love,

• [t will oner gru• 16111 abarp,' she Mid, lhe ardor, Lbo paaaioo of thia mAO who bad with • auddeo ecb in her throat. • Oocauae k1oelt at her feet a brief while bel ore and I hue d.ooe U.ia, do you not thiuk 1 kw not declared bo could oat li'fo bia hfa without io my beart lougiog, lonaing a1 wny11, chat 1 her? had u<K ?' Ah, tllcre ia n crueller p.."\ln t.bao to lose

• Don't uy tbat, for bc.ueo's sake.' be wbnt wo love by d~l\lh. lt is to etc tlsftt eotrllC\l~d. • You littlu know whM it ia to love iu naked cruel reality, MillS, etrippod me.' of 1be ~:IAmour of rouunct with which \YO

' Becauee you are ao ~ood,' ahc asid 110• h"vu iuv6st.od it--..'lu iJoal no lon~:er, but a cooaciouely. • Ab , y~s ! 1 know it J.wg "+iO. liviug NBiity that mocka 1111 \fills tho a ttri­You bad bet1~r heM ruy coofey 1on,' th~t butes our fl\ucy g""c it ooco, atldo puLa to wen' oo witb auddeo bittc rneM. . Tb., shame all our food beliefs. thooahbl I oure 1 1 · h · Sucb tLn experieuce M this came to !Jiiuv L.- .. - - .... _ .. ! ·~- ~~"..~! . ., .!~."!lv'!:~ ~~''d'G'o"~·.·'"r!.~vca·· 1--•·41 to· · -b-a~r,th"c''!,u .. 'l'l110ah~~ apeak out acem in some w:sy a SKfety-.,alve • .u u ~ •

for my wickcduess. Do you know 1 often had worshippoJ wit b all b~r p;usioc. think of that arrmou ) ou preached the 111'1t at.o hc.ut ; "''" him M be wu, uot 1\S sbo night I went in\0 the church here ; how hBd pictured birn. Tho eacri~co abe ball you poiot.od out tbl\t tbc wickeri, the moat ruad•, t!.o auffcriuguhe had borne, all theae aioful, tho most dcprll•ed mi~bt yet turn \<erl" BS uothiug io CODlJ)I\riaon with that away aod do IYhat ia .. lawful nnd ro.:b1.. • re\'ciAtioq:~ She could a lmost havu IBtt);hvd What would be" lawful and ri{!b t'' for me nt ber own b)iudncea, htr utter folly. U1d to do ? (;au ~ou tell me t.h~t ?' he realize-eYer eo fAintly -whl\l bo h11d

· Yea.' he ~nawered Bimply ; • to ~:o b..'ck bceo \0 her, thia OIJ\O who oo" offered her to yo.Jr b~od, to coof...a your fault-for lhe iuaull Of help, tile pretence Of comrt.•· you have n in fauh, you know-an~i"o aiou for all tbc wrong bo had hiuuel in· your life o ' bravely, uoflinc hins ly for tlictcd ? Love had atolco upon ber un­lluty'a sake.' • aware... In tbe weariness and wrctcl.tcd·

She pauaed auddeoly in the midst or the ness of bur life abe l>nd been bcgutled to cornfield lhrougb which they haJ been .belie\'O iu bappinllllll aucb M bad filled the walking, aud faced biw aa if in utte-r amue- dream• of her girlhood, aucb aa could ue\!or uteDt. vis1t her &{;"in. Aod her lovt-wrong io

• What 1 Do tltat ! Go back to him af- oa.: senao-Ond yet b.:eo a u olirueot holy ~r what he aaid-afte r wh~t he helleYes! and pure, debas.:d by D(l aalfusbol'a vf pu­lalpouiblc I I cou ld not. • sion, deep·rootod &ali fu11 of Lr~, •ad ~Ilia

• You asked ma •bat { ou ough• to do • lu•o was can b.ock at bor fece, with no anwwerod Mr, Eyre, • hno told yo~ . waroin~. with oo subtle ties of excuac. The You p&l'Le~ io hot aogcr- ho misjudge.! blow btt atr&i~ht to tno very roots of her 100, that ta true enough. Hut cao yon natJiro. lt mllde ber hard and cold u iron, blame bitn eo "efJ mucb ? IJe to .. ed yon buC il could not still tbo bitten1ees of •hi\IDO nry dearly once. I know tbllt by wb&t I tLod diaappoiut at, tbe inward agooywbich aw Ia S ... iuerlaod, aod you-you m&rried throbbed io e ry velu. hi wlthou~ .. tbou~ht or ~re, earo only • You t ry klod,' abe aaid, aoswerioi

t of ~i\'e io\lilf~rcoce.' Uf COOII"'e J OU him at 19ri, aud drawing hortelf Up with were aot quite a free •8'=nt in the matter- hearty cc¥tpoauro. • I need no help. I am &bat I kDOw-aod of your aubaequeot mar- very w.:l~&uJ-happy.' ried IUe 1 can •'J ootbiag. It could not • But ~at do you intend-why bue yon ban beeu happy. 1 am ooly too aure; but cbQI4p w ~t like thifl ?' bo aaid aomewbat ron ehould hue rem em beNd th" t you vow- coofu tedly. • Suraly ~a must kuow that a ~truth, aod honor a:~d obcdi~uco to him, po11tiun 110 eqo:YOCILI can ouly produce evil a.od-- . rcaulta in the futuro, If you bad oolytolli

• Ob, for pity's alte. bush!' abe cried me-' -:-......_ wildl). • You talk ae if I were an autooua- 'You r There' wu a eoorn 10 bitteT and

too- naaehiue '0 be re$;ulat.e<l, not a crea. ioten1e in her Yoico that it cat ebort bla tare olllelb aoJ blood, to ful, .and love, •nrda. • WbJ ebonld I hayo wid you &ay-


• aad au!6T. 0 God I If you only fllr one llsior, Mr. Keene? 1 &biltk you ecarcely moeet~t kilew wha' it wu w( love ae 1 know what JOO are ayiog.' ll.uo done, to be tetupt.eVae 1 hue ' Hue yon forgotten ?' hoaid borriodly, been--' , .r · a.od Ilia eyee loolttd ba.ok to here with Lhe

Her Yolee llrol.:e, abe coyercd her face careulog Leodomeea of old. Sbo ahudder­with her bauds a.od abuddercd frow bead w ed, and turned yot paler. foot • Stop !' abe aaid; • the paet Ia onr aod

llr. ~11'8 draw hie breath eharply i ble done witb. Do cot allude w it agalo. faoe are• dtadly whiLe. For ooo eeoood There Ia oo OXCWIO for my folly-for my bla ey011 S..bed ou btr with a ICNk that 1ln. Do not abame roe further atill. Wo woaTd bare betrayed hie a.!Cret ball abe met made, a great mlatake once. ThtLt rou h. But abe did oot, r.nd after an ioetto~e know u well u I. For tbe futuro our lliloDCe .hie' Yolce -ouod colJ &Dd quiet., path• ~ill lie far enough apart.. .From thia efer ae be went oo epealtior. boor, if we meet at aiJ, h moat be u rtna-

' No hotoari" beiDg Is quite capable of &e:-&.' J~ uo&ber,' be laid i41ntly. • None 'Straogere!' he eaid, a.od a momentary ill• are u#!h bot i111perfect, weak, erring ftaab lit ba eyee. 'Ablutd I We CAll ........., lltere, oahn youraelf. .r win nuer be etraagere, yon and I . Were yoa l.7 lio more (1~ &ble eubjeet &o-day. ' I ao1 other womaa ,yoa would ba•e come '0

. ee4m 'D be a! ware J~uriolf yoa., a.ollla- me a.od troated n1o, not made me look Ulte deed h Ia not lliJ wlab, Perhape iu JODr a fool. and placed )'Oureelf in a poeitloo '10

• place [ abouhiMYI aoled jill' &be I&IUO ae equiYocal. Now tbe world aiYOII you aft JOO baft don«, Wleu ltiifw• ?' tlle~JW!i• for doloa wba~ you -Ul '0 haft

HIM lootc.d ap a& blm Lheo, witb jha~ done, &Dd·l - 1 haft no power '0 refute lta loot ,. .. pltli ill her e1ae lila& he 10 acclllt.1101U1 or to ableld yoa..' cl.-led &o 11e. Ue koew the ooa& It A cold aolie came &o her llpe. fore&oW • Yoa aro Indeed moe& aeueroa•.'

• ,...... J91t.' .... manallNd aoltly. aid, • ba& I fall to ... &hac JOD could hue ' Y• • I tbla.k JOII llaft aid eaoqll foy • abielded' 111e uyua aay. Ia a~~y c.,te yon

.....,.. W '"10 ..._ ull Walt ~'er aboald be thukful thA& l ba.H to bear tl)e Jt..' • folly JOD lp8U of aloae ud at m1owo .. P'• h1m her laud, ud be eiMptd I& ooec. Now lthlalt there ia ao farther need

wlda a-ck"friQdlle• •ida DO ootplnl fOY o1 &o dlaoa• tbe aobjeeL WUI )'clu diiDIU Clflller ....... 111M WU &fuvbbiDJ 00& rejola J'Oar frfeoda ?' Be looked b11lll-....,. ...... ~ toDCb. thoroa,tll7 oontued aacl e111barrucaJ.

• Gocl .. .tala JM.' laa ~~odd. ~·· &lie W ba~ a IU&IIp erea&care tlala tNIIWI wu, ..._ ... .,... 1- .,....,. •• Ooocl·hi' be t~L W)7 t.ll ... DO& beta like We etJW .. III'Ybodi IJ.? 'ntt .... rdfty of lfriDJ ap ~..t .._ ~Mel lcwer tloda, aacf ba'1fal w.

Mf Ia ; of~ .......... anclao.e OOM:Itllei, all die ...... ...... ....... .... =..-- .,...,.

reiD&ioed Ia hla ~~~emory ud •prur ap a& I • I am ~ JOG t.o for;in ~~ae Jt 1oa ber preeeoce, \!Ieee feelloga were bat DID.' be •cl,•bambiJ. ••a.oeaoeu& ae tbe faiat !lab& of a d!loa • To foJIIn ,roa I Bat 1& WM I wbo WM ember &bat !ickera into eadd1a 11aaae a& a Ja &1111 wro~, 1 wbo wu 10 (oollala ud bi'Mtb, ud tbeo aiau baolr. to bt.oU.. wicked. • ud explrea. . • Yo11 were '116&:1Uo1 ol tbe aort,' be u-

'fllere ia a wide di!eroace bti ... u a ""reel: • Eye~(U JOG bad '::'J I deee"ed man'• loYa ud a wom&~~'l. ladeed Ia It 1&. I wu " '""" bad li111 • .0 •J'Oil, 1 dUBcult to jutlae of oit.ber, .wl&bot~l a kuow, &lid roo were ao 1ouaa ud beaatl­tboroagh knowledge of i~ nature ud iiloer ful, uct e~ ~ aach templ&tloaeo~ I worltioa-. Eustace· Keene had .. o, mMO\ oould 110~ blliDe 10u taoir bad ·Joe-­w be eeUlab. Be hall beoo prepeted ' to 'l'here, I bu• aeld my ay. I am a toQJh make \be poaiblo &aorillce for the fellow, aod aotjlOOC!atTeolul!iog. &&11 •oman he toYed, bGt abo bad ia11ored bia bygoo .. be' bJ'IODOI, aa wW JOO try to­geoerolll ioteoijon~, aad Pa-d oat of hla foflftt ?' life as euddeoly, u inexplicably, u if 1he She laid ber bud ill hia, aod tbe laiJ'I bad had no plaoe or pan to it. rolled down &be tbia whitt chHb.

Wounded pride, a.oger, jealoaiJ, and •I:JeaYon bl011 7011 for ·yov puecoua iqabimy &o oomprebeud her motivea or bes· patdoo,' lho aid. . ~elf. all these bad worked upon bia aaloro 'I haft fot(bt the flabt out to the biU.r and bie hc.ut, ud common-acnae bad ba4e end.' aid Cbnatopher £yre on~, obUI, bio1 lil~o '0 tho wuoiu~ of prndeoce, and aotomo day, aa be ·atood bilftb a& tbe bad plaood beaido all tho good lhiojp be vicarage ga&at, and wa&DIMd &be 'rolling would have loat, tbo worriee and troublee wheole of. a faa'-diappWflllf cam.,. be would have to encouutor, &be poor from wblob a WOIIIto'• t.ce bad looked frajfilo rowan! <>f .. woiD&Il'l love. .Ooly a on~ iu a laP farewelL •.1\oy ,are reoou­womao aft.or alii Wu tho gamo worth the oilod. 'I'be7 1wnt be bouer frieede lu oaodla.:-tbo toy wort!:s tho coa~ ? In loYo, tbo futuro. He wUI aaderetaad her, u iu any other etuotioo, whoa reaaoo be- a.od abe~ !will he more tot.aDt and gins to arguo agaioat iarpulao, the ' eod_ia patloot 'llrith hill. BaH I doae well? She not far off. aalted what - " lawful aod riabl." ud It

EtUtaoo Keene wu "only 110 ordicuy accmod odly-t.bia, • .•• A. f~ me--' mao; there wu nothing very bad, or vor1 lTil£ &HD.j • good, or voty noble, about him, ae I hAYe 111id before. Only A foolish woman bad glorifloll biro into a horo, and WOI)Ihippod him with all her tender, pas3ioo&t.o, lovsog be"rl.

or conree abo waa !o blame, and of couree abo richly deser'fed all her aufl'lfriu~r, and or courao abo hllll behucd like a perfect Idiot. I a1n not ~kiog her part, or :xc~g_ her for a 1ioale moment, but Alloog as~o nature is WC.'\Ic, noli crriu!t, nod imperfec t., theao miatak"a of acntimen~ aod hnpulto .will wrook and ruin wiYca. We ue not macbiuee w be rogullltt'll and tent to " cer­tain rouli11e or th\lUl;ht r.nd I\Otioo, and tbo undiactpliood, flerr. ptLUiooate cothllftiarl.a -&be poople wbD llraut '0 li'fo tboir livoa, not merely ""''CUIDt, w renl iu ext.temee of joy, anJ driuk the oup of bliaa ae Faw holda it to their &aRer llpa-tbure aru they who will auffer moat., orr moat., a.od per­bape cepent ouoat.

CUAPTJ::H. IV. Thef parted. · Calm and gold-3lnogoly

oalm tudeed-Hilary Langh'Do 'Oak Iller owu way hom~Ani. What had como Lc ber ·~ aho wondered mechani~IJy. A sor~ of ou1nbnoea wu upon ber oow ; ov~y emotion eeo1~od dumb .and pnrnlpcd-lt was A eeu'!Atson ott.orly new and .ut~rly at.moge. She was not Allgry' or ~rrioYcd, or even very much t roublbd; eho ouly felt co_ld ~t.ull pMiive, aa if a !'log race were OYer, A long bAttle wou, and eYeD the coo­aciQoaocae o! vie'Ory wu poworlosa w grati­fy tbc weAl')' conqueror.

Shu walked up the cott.agc-gndeo, and into bor own lit.Ue aittinsr-room, and U.ou became CODJICiOUI or Ito tall, aark fl;,:ure aJ. nociog to meet her.

• I &w 10 lOrry. bot I forgot to toll you t.bia nftcruoou t.hat the choir prnctioo bu bceu po~tpouud till-'

'l'j)e 'i'Ctco hro\e suddenly off. • Good God ! what. hss hBppuqed ?' cried

:llr. J::yrc, atartin)f out or oil s.tlf -oouLrol AI bi:l eyca roeted ou tho whit11 faco, tho at r1111~;e, bll\olc, unseeiug 0.)'<:3.

l)ho put hor !L'\nda to her head in & diu.y, boiYildereli fl!.&hiou, tud a:usk baclt iuto tbo chair by tho window.

I A\.Q ... .. ..... - • •..., •• "" lit • ' UIIIf\1 IIIIU O>At• S

f3Jutly. Th~u n ~bBrp, odd liul., l"u~:h left he r lips. • I have mot. a friend aioco I loft you.' ah01 continued . • It waa a aurprise.'

lie fi\Ced her, bill cold, a~m 1:1\ZC boot on Ler witb 3 001opollio~: foi'C6 tbnt matte her own ans,.,er it.

: Y uo lu\ve eooo tha t msu ?' ito iuterro­gat.ed.

Sbe did not aniwer. but neither did abe deny ao h11 l 'IOk aileoce for cooaeut, ADd \Unl on rApidly.

• UM hu dared to follow-to pei"4Ccute-' 'Ob no.' abe inturrupted ha~~tily . 1 h

was quito Mcidonml, l a.saurc J Olt. One of t.h05o ruc~tlio;.-a in which you good people ace tho workicga of Providence nod we bad one4 lise mischief of Fate l' '

' J..)o no• epe&k like that,' be 11\ld roucth ­ly, almoet harshly. • Wiry aro you trill ina with wrong in tbia fool iah 101\noer, af~r \fbat you bue tolll wo .of thia mao:l.ot your own feeling-• .

I dou't·k'no .. that I ha"c told .,.au,' abe went no in tho aemo listleas atransre way. ' Bot. please forget it all, M you might do aoy ot.ber poor penitent'• conleaeioo ~:nrythlog ia at an end. 1-I have eooo the error of my waye.. Are you not glad? Yon ougbt '0 be. I rememl.ler you aaid, • w be a wicked mao turootb away from the iniquity he bath committed;' well would i~ not bold good iu cue or t.h~ 'wicltod womau' alao ?'

A little hyate rical laugh eaoapod her lip•. Tbeo Cbriatopher Eyre "'" only a wbtte still Conn lyio~¢ blulk on tho 'chair. aod tho blood roabed back to bie heerHor au ill­aut of agonized fear- ioat.aat tbe lilto of which bo bad never knowa, aad neYU would know apia in all his life.

E10otiooalud excitable women ~Dot lodull(e in eueb ~ of feeling~ no~ lin tbroogh da,. ud weelta c4 aooh Ia­tooie m..• eu!.,riug u hat\ been Hilary Laugbtoo'a fate, wit.bout Natlll'O uaoLiag eomo payuau~ io return. · ,

Phyaical proatratioo of tbe 11101t abject kind followed the ordeal &brouah wbleh eho bad.. etrunled, ud from which abe bad come ou& an ialloi~ly aaddt.r &Del wiser woman. Haw tho days pueed ud leog&b­eaed into weeu abe oonr kuew. Sho ..,.. Yety ill, bat OYCn Of &bU; ab. WM eoarooJ1 coDIOlo:u, neither ooold abe tell bow, In h~tr laaguor of rctareiag .-o, eho to rocogoizo a faeo aad Yoic:e wbieh abo uonr Utouabt w eee or beer agaia. Wae It reall7 ber h111baod. or wu abe ool7 dreamlaa? TtU. IIWI bad ao pnOa a &ollCb, 10 kind a YOioe. Sbo cooJd no& oo­dentud it Mall T11etJ ber faoolu would aro• buy ud haclia&lao& .,ala. All would beoome darlt and atrange oace tnore.

I& wa qaite dark oae enniar, wbt'n abo -llled M I• '0 wake to full, ..rta OOQ­

eciouao- tibe fel& .anoply weak, bu& cel111 aacl M peue. u ab~ u.t DOt fell lor IIWIJ a ireary Jeer. A fire wu banlac ill &be IILtle &rate, aDcl linfaa &bere '-Ide 1& wae &be -e lbadowj l,are wliloh bad puuled aae buoted ber 10 of&ea •

lmpalaiftl1 ebe rall.:d beraelf aall beld ou' her hadd. • 'Ar~ar, la I& loa?~ •

1 T11ellpre roee ud ca ... toward her. •Y.., Btlary,' aida •o&o.-a .-,. ~biafi' :t;:=.:_lilw be ..... .._~and pier

• How ~ JOG bore P' .abe ultcl, ~ lt. . .

• Mr. BJN IIDt lw ...,. 1ae ....__ '1-apn -.11 .H~1 .I. doD'\ t.o.r llow CO 4ICI 1UK wca.Jcl .... Of

Items. Mr. Glada'Oae is 11ill guarded by .apeoial

officcl"', t•o of '!'ho•n acoompaoy him wbea­I!Yilr ht~ .. atka or riJca ou-. tlitbet'D &bey bave c;uried only botooa, bot now tboy ban been furniabed with rovolyere and twouty rouoda ol ammunition each.

ilAl;l£R(N0 AFTeR TUB "SICtr; KAN'S" Ill· TA11t.-.lU. Atenbony, &pl. ~-The No­Vnlll~ •Y• RDNl&'e fntel'ftlte a P._OitpooOIIIOQt Of &be MttleiDc!Dt of &be .t;gyptlao qaealioa until aft.e.r the partition of Turkey, wbeo En(laod mi&ht barj:.Ua lor prodomioa.oce in Egypt.

lloNoRS AND Rr;wuJr...-Londo~t, Oct. 8. -Penaio111 of tiO,OOO a 1aar, or a lo1op eum or $~.000 each, were o!orod Wolac­ley aod Se.tmour; tber cboeo the ltLtt.!r.

Sir C'.ar~L'a title la aot yetaooounood al­though bo 'is oc,deretood w ban aooepted a peerllJlC. A~ Seymour'lw dec:lioed one

Gm:t::~t Asstm:co tlusr:l.r.-All the Pow~ baYt aaooted '0 tho olaiiDI of GrMOII &o ICDd a 00111miaeioner '0 £a1pt '0 aaailt ia tho deliberation• of the (.;orumi.­aioo to llx UldOIDoitiee for 1nlrenre by borubard10eq& of Ale~attdria. Great Bntaio 'Oak tho iaitlative iA llfiill¥ Groece'a richt w be represoated. ---

Nr.IY STUlGillt> Llm11- Arrenr.meota buo been com\!!-•tod for two lio• o et..eam­ere to run butwcou Boatoo aod Antwerp and Jlio Ja.ouiro. '1"-ey will be run bf the SocietcS l'ostale Fraoaalae de 1',\tlaouque. cetl\tli•bod a year &jlO, undereub.idittt from CAuada aod Brwl for CUT)'log mllile, but eailiug nuder tb6 Freocb Gag. 'l'bo COlD· P'DY has fife new e&.eaolere. ---J os. Reaudio, MD .. Uutl, writea: Dr. Thomaa' ~loctrio Oil comin&D\la a largo and ioeroaaiog .ale which i' richly merit.. l bavo always found h exeeodloliiY bolpful ; I uao it in all - ol rheuiDIUUID, as well as fmctures anti dWooatioDL I mnde u1e of it myself to G;llm tho nalllf of a broken .... & .. ..... ..... -~uoo olloo -fOo" aoa ao , .. o !lAys 1 wM entirely relieved of u.e pain." ---

J OliN UntOirr'.!l • UNPOI'ULAIUTT.-J'~ho Brillbt coutinuea w be attaclted abarply by IOAdiug' ltadie&l Jot~roal~ for declariuff Egyptian war UDJUit aod auo-.,., Tho cauoue ie agaioet him, aad it Ia non aeid that a t tl1o out elect.ioo be will loeo his aeatfor Birmingham. Some papere threaten to druiD him out of the party. It Ia rumor­w in polltie&l cirolee thk~ Mr. Dri1fb& will retire from publio life u &be oloee ol the yeu.

At Mootrul a thief went into tbe hall of a botol wbil11 the boardere wore at euppc=r and pt.betod up all~~ hal.& lie wu mak· iasr bia way out wbea a boarder, a little behind time, came Ia and ulr:ed llim what be wu about. ·• Ob,'' aaye the thief, " I'ou taking &be geotlomen'• batll , aronDd w Le&rY'awgeLatJl~" "\\"ell,"replied tho boarder, " talt-:::;.';:l. &oo." "Cer-tainly,air,''aaid Ute odatioa t.bief tLUd Y&oiabed. .. '

Pro! ... or Simon Neweo111b, of WaehiDif· t.oo, and three other utroaomere ban tail­ed for Lhe Cape bf Good. Hope, wbere they will obNrve &be U.aai& of Venua, oa Do­comber 3. 'A -,ommlaion appointed b7 Coogre• has pabllabed fulllae&roctioue for &bt.S obao"atioo, but t.bey will be fnuod ln­~reetinsr alao by amateur obee"ere aod geoer.&l etudenLa 1De document cootaio., elabora~ rulca for taking phow~;raphe of lbe traaelt- bcelde ~r aa,qeatiooa cm oonec~ obeemQJ. 1'be Mt.ecneol Ia made &ba& a tel01100pe with u •~mre of bat be or eiz iacbee Ia preferab:e for &be neal, ud that &be eJe (.~ieee aboald ban a 111&1• aifriDa po•• of bdw- 150 a.od !0(). It la pcellb~e. therefore, t.bat 111.1107 amateur obee"-and pbo&o;n.pHn cao do cood wort, partlcalatly if ,they follow &be lo­etructiOu beoed b7 the Go~ oom­mlaion.--.BoAo• Ailwrlilu.


Tnc HoLT O.urn.-c.u-o, Ocl. 6-Tb• aooual. ceremony oJ &111 " Hol7 Carpet," wllich wu obeerftd lme yeaterday, waa wi~ by almot* dxt entire popcalatioa, iodlodJ• ~ -Jorh7 of Earos-a reei­.deota, to wbo111 &he n,ht wu a DOYDhf. At aa ead7 hour a !llllpiflooaUJ' cap&riaon­ed oarD01 wu oondactld to &be entnnee of the Abdio Palace. T11e anilllll wu daolted wltb cce&.Jy tapeetri .. &ri111med wltb 101id cold ~d eilYW. Soota alter i&a¥finl tbtft appeered a oa .. ber o1Goftl111Dia' ofBclala, wbo pf'OOMdecl to loa4 " wi• rioh aod lllafrlllloea' uticdee ol • nery deecripUoo. l'betr &he .f(lledi~ ~ fallqwed &7 hla llllaieten, aod a Pf'O-'o• wu fol'llled; \be C!IIOell~dM~- G......aWbllele7, &be Dab'~ Cocuaaqfat, all ....._ •otable• ud pubu lD <Wro food mariy o&ber Eel­llab olllaiale oame •• ._. The J1'09111io.G paaec~ tta,...Ja ... pr{Hipal ..,.., inlcib were &broapd ill tfttl dtreetloo. A. tbt OUDel apptMed &be D&iln bow. tel,~~... tbM &UI-tacle ooUJ "'W Joiw &Dd ciiOIIitoal ed&oille

-... • • r 4

. ue~~ 'n. Naw Yort ~ Loadou c&ll1; 1'· .. -n""

9--. ;;;;J;:::::::w..:----....... ....,.­

•JW ... t.DDOilacemell& of&bt"lltciltu of tbe .LR IAirae ' ftnKl b.f _Uie lrill World'le verr 1 • " ,.aerallr reprdaclu dordlar oonclutn ST TOHN'S proof of &ba IGoO!iWal worlliDR c4 tbe Kll- e l AI · • .eabaWila 1n&(y. The belW II ... ,.-..rona ~ hnltll &lld"bilfoijowOD iateachrork­iac wi&b Liblal.e durilla '-'- adjooned ...-oa of Parliaaaeo& wbleh 18100010 .p.o, GDcler, I~ 18 aoppoaed, a proaaiae of foftber onoe.io111 next year. ne followere ol ~"'" aDcl DU loa ban.-rooly bad d111e &o rally &b-lftl, &lid tbelr fotore co..- II ~·IUIODrtaln. n. probabWI;J', bo•eYW, eeecu • be t!aat, UDder dla double lolu .... of a good banee&-ud-onervetio enforo6-m01Uof&be law, I~laallwill be more~·­~~ for &be DOd few ~oiUIII ,tba.o 1t hu beell. Tbia truce, it 18 upecc;ail, will eo­able ldr. Olade&oue to plllh &broQJ~ &be clo~re. ao tba~ obltructioo in the (io,qe• ol Common.O&¥, be dealt wi&l! tWit· 111ari11 aad 'D make proriaiou for &be PU-·IDDIIt of. EQptlao wac billa. , . f

It Ia no eocret c.IW i& ~in toad~ t,be balk of tbia bill ehall {all upon the ioPO&Pe laX payere; &bore is UkAl):lQ. be a graa.t ouP:ry, but tbo majority9t Yo ton aro cot laltpaJtre, ud t.beywill 1upj,ort Gladatone.

Peoalo01 oftlO,OOO a year or a lump aum Qf 1!60.000 eaclt were offered to Sit Gar­DO& \Volacleyud Admiral Seymour. Tbe7 chON &bo latter. Sir G&n~tl'e title is not yet a.ooouoced, al&boui;h ho Ia uodore'Ood w ban accepted a peerage. Tbo Admire! doclined one.

J ob a lhigb~ cootinuea w bo attacked by IC6ding Radical joumala for declariug tbe Egyptian war UDJUSt aoll unoeeeaasry. - ·n,e caucue ia l$tlliuat bim, and it ia n co aaill at the next eleQtioo be will loae bit ... ~ for Birmin$ham. S.'mto papere threat.oood to dtu111 btm out of the party. h ia rumored In political clrclea lha& UriaM will retire froiD public lif., at the ciON of tho prcaeo\ year. .

Cfbcro ia greltiodlgoAtioo onrcomplaiota made by wouodetl aoldieN who continuo 1o arriYO in traoaports at Porumoutf. aud Sou&bamptoo. Notl1iuamucb woree thau the treatment they b .... e endured could well be hoagiood. Soldiere weredyiog of ne~l~t on the voy~ wit.b wouoda undressed, b.:­~weeo l.tmailia aod Eogla.od, tbeir beda ewanoiog whb the 'fileat nrmio. Ioade­!luate atteudanee, ball food and littld of it, 11 the aubrtaoco of the complain La

1'be lateet estimate of tho cp:rt of tho wllr II 150,000,000.

London journal• compwa of tbo unclean. ly condition of Weatwmia~r Abbey aioc:e UOilll StaDlcJ'a death. The abolition of feec for Yiowtog tbe cbapcla mnkoa tho pro­eeoce of Yiailore diat.-...teful to lho, • tko­daDta, who aro eUJ to consider thll co ming of etraogere a pOTS;1oal affront.


A~ ball-past four ll.lll .. OD October 5th, at NaahYille, Tenn. , B. E. &roard diecover. ed tho ouoleo• of tlse Common'• comet 1eparate lnw throe unequd fragmoota, the larret~ esti:nat.ed at 1~,000 milee in lengt.b­'J.'he apaco between the fnr~:meoLais estimat­ed at 2,000 mila. On tho ptclvioua dAy Mr. Barnard ol*lrvcd tho nuohnta A&.,umo tho form of ., long strip 21,000 •niles iu length aud S,OOO io breadlh.

Prof. Brooke,. of Pl•elps, Y. Y., yMter · dAy momiug di.aooYoreJ tho u ucluus of the oo~a~o.t ~rreatly elo>ojtt\tOO\Iolcllrlv tul\t ill tQ ~ .. u "".r'l. lUll l"'rt.e. a ama cre~l.-alll\ll"d eDYelopc alao being thrown o1J n frout of the bead

1'bo ae~Uoo of the coonet into three p.uta was &iain aeon yeet.or<bJ wouiu1_1 by H. C. llloipe, of ltoche3ter, N. Y. Thi" obae"ation beara out" Ilia theory thnt frng­menta reYolre about tho comraou uf lf!'Vity, alt.orno.~ly closing ""d llllpMiltiog. Tho ltPftralious occur iu periuds of llbout fo.~ur dayt. \

Profe.-or Wilaon, of tho Ciccioaati Ob . eern'Dry. corroborates lbc et<t~meot COli\ · iog t.oru NashYillo of tho !epaflltioa of tbt• nucleus of tl1o comet on 'Chuatllay tporni.ljr into three uuequal ftaqmeota. Ina eati· mate or their eiu &nd distADco apart, agrecll with tbal olado at NashYillo. The tli,turb-

makee no dilforeoco in &be appcnr&nco comet to tho nakod eye.

obecrYiltion of the comet "'tho Naul Obae"atory. Waahipgtoo, U.C .. on Salbr· d.'\y lllOroiog failed to ebow aoy eYidoocc of &be reported eeparation of lho bead into fragmeata. lt """"' diacofiH·ed., ho•oYor. there were illree distinct condensations of ligtsc in the centro or the Ducleua. It ill tbouJ:bt tbeee bue been miatalteo for aopa· rate parta. An enYOlope..or well doOood baod of ligbt oxtt-odiog paniallr aruuoll nucleus bu beeo di3COvered. Tbe nucleus is now C4t.imated at 100 wilea broad.

Obaerntioos of tho comet tho aerue moroinl( by l'rofeaaor Brock• abowed t.bal the recent rlistorbaoce in tbo bead bad eub­eided. Tbo uucleua ja now coode111cd and pe&r·ehaped. Tho tail appeared than UBUal, witb a loog&b of llfty million mil-.

A rimes, Greece, Oct. 11.-nr. Schmidt on October 8&11 dieconl'Od a comet four d..,.eea aoot!lweet of the jlreat cornet, with tllo ame motion in right atceoaion aud decli~&Wa..


R • . HARVEY'S. L ! .. NOTICE I' .,

I 1'~'•: • f

.S~· S. · ~~y ~:~~~yrer WILL CON~ECT WlTH :


Wednestla.y &Thursday of Mch week.


F~e to er from St. Jollll'a by RAil and Stoamor : lOa. aud Ga.

G . MAKlNSO~. Oct. 7.

Trap. and Seine Netting. For Sale to the Trade. 100,000 lbs. Cotton :Suino Bntl TM\p Nett·

iu;r, all bigb gmde, Awuric:us CottoD, (111-tent ll\id.

10,000 lba. Cotton Seiua and Tra~dt­in&\ for ligt.t coc!..,inu to WI() in stre 11; currents, pnt.ent l&ld. J 70 lba. Cotton I'Oettiug ro11kca tl.o amc

me ~etas 100 lba. hmp-it r. licthlcr./ Alll:RICAN ~El' & 1 WI NE\Co.

Dostou. Oct. 7.~m-7;UIItJ 8i.



notify iot.eodiog J::~:hibltors tbftt t ho

Local Exhibition will ~ J..~ld between tho 1st lllld 10th

da,• of March, 188:!. •

liiDILS or ORlFJ'P Tho dl\tc of reception of l\!Qdela ia ex.

tended to any time before lhu 20tb febru­ary oeu.

EJX.:S:XBXT·S. All Samplee, ~pecinwus nud Models to

be atldret~~od w Mr. Jou:~ M~o•ms1 Rod to oe rurwardcd •o tne ~xlllt>ll.iOil 111\l OD the p;emiaea of lli::(IJY SrABII, !::act., up im :!Oth hbrunry.


St. Johu'a, Sepl 2:!.30.8~. Sa:rctary.

CARRIAGES! -WARREN & WHITMAN. All kinde and atyle"e of

·OAR.E:l.:J:4G-ES made to 9rder a.od warrented.

Rep'iaring and Painting goareotaed to sire aatiafaelioo. lJen of ~l'OCK alway• OCl baud.

Second ... Hand Carriages · put io perfect order -tUwaya ou band and for aele cheap.

Carving and Gilding. 17'SIGN-l:'AIN'l'l .NG in all ita breaches.

W$trid attention pAid to ontport ordea­Pricea moder•le.

Will ban aleighe aud oariolee io tlteir proper ltMO&l.

PLAC£ ur UllSISESS-Wator S treet, ucar l(artio'a Urook. · May27.

Harbor Grac:~ Stove Depot -AMD-

Glaa, Tin & Hardware Eetabliehmont.

(To the eaet of M eesra. Jon~ !\I u:rn & Co 'a Mei'C&otilo Promiau.)

C. L. KENNEDY thankful for put fayoure, wbbu to inform tbe inbabit.a.obl of this town and tho ont ­portapnerall.y!Jaat be bae recoutly received ae4 ba4 DOIP lelod7 for inapee~on 'largo Yui1t7of

Stoves! Stoves !.Stoves! with ,II &bo lat.oat lmpro"elllenta-co'ml'ria· Ina Cooklog, Faooy, Fraokllo 'and Hall S.OY"- to!ret.ber wilh GRAT:laod .Fl'1'­'n~G$ofallua.

Alao. a flae • aeaortmeo~ o e nowut ttyllil lD GO'i'liJC GRA'fES (lmUab uJ JUDI~.uL) I •

. Tbe Sabtcnbor baa likewiee l&l'lf011 added to hia former a(ook of · Ena1i.•b H'ARUWARS, GLASS\V.ARE, etc., etc. AmoRoa'D Cat, Wroagb~ aad Fialthia~ NAlt:.S of all ai..., alwaye kepl on band witb Hloaea and &rewa.. Door. and. Cll•• Loeb. I , ·

lll ~lioa to ~e aboft, bo bee'fm re­~ a ll!PRll of P .\ iNli's of ai colon LtNUE!>,..U)L &04 .. /l'URPENrJN£ u w411 U' niAdow G&..ASS (all lbee) 'ud PUTrT. ·~ ' >1"1Ha foltowlta~ artiolft, aad o\laere too .......... tO tpiOlly ........... ,.' ....... ' .. .

Advertisements. ---------------. .HOUSEHOLD WORDS;

'lis & Oin'tment

aurpua all other Meclicinee for lrarifr iog tbo Blood ; they are a nilaLJe fo1 atlas a domestic aud boosehold remedJ for all o~nlers of tbu STOMACH LIVlm, KIDNF.VS antl BOWELS In CongPSt.intl 11nll Obstructions of evel'J kind tht·yquick lyretuO\'C tltc ca~. ant iu Ctllllilipu~ion auu •lieonlered conditio[ of t!•e llowels, tl.toy not M o. clcanainl aperten~.

For Dobilitntc(l Constitution~ and 11.!, F ;)nlulc ComJ•Inints tlt~o Pilla nro un. •ur1>a.'l.'e.l-t1Jcy corre-:•. llll J., regulurit ict nntl \VenknCSII~ f n>m 'Vhllle\·e r cams€ nrilling.

stands unrivYlled for the fncilitr ~t d is· pl .. ya in relieving, bcnling. 11nd tbor­ curitog t ho most iuvctcnte Sor~ ~ond U leers, in of BAD Lb:OS. BAD BREAST~. OLD W OUND ·, Gout, lthcnmntillm, and nJI Skin dis­e•lSeS, iL nets ns a oburtn. )Iut.ufnctured ouly nt Proff'ssor IJ OtLO·

WA Y'11 P~tablit~luucnt, fi~3, OXFOHO STRE.b'1', L ONDO!\, nnd sold Ill h . I Ad , 2~. !ltl. 4>L G 1 h 22s., aud 33.~, eu"ub Box tuui P ol, ;; .. J i~ CtlnacJ,, nt 36 cents, !10 centtt, lUlU ~ 1.!>0 c:ent11, nn•l the largEr siu.s in )'roportiou. [;irC~UTION.-1 hnvo no. Agent io

the Umtud States, nor o.roruy Medicine:! aold there. Purchtu~ere anoultl therefore look to tho La.l;)cl on Pote 1\Ild Boxes II Lhe nddreu ia not 633, Oxford St.reot, London , they IUo epuriou1.

'.nto 1'mdu :\lurks of my snit! .\It di· cinoa Bl"O registered iu Ottaw!l , and a hoc 1\t \Vu~hing~on.

·Si!Jiwl 'l't:OalAS IJOLLOWA Y 633, Uxfort! Street., L<iutlou. l

Dec. l S, HitlO. f


II eariog, and bow to keup it; by Chnrltl U. Uuructt, ~LJ..).

Long !--ife, 11nd bow to reach it ; by U. <.;, H•chl\rd•'lo, M. J..). •

The Su~nmor aud I~ U~aaes; by Ja10ee C. W1laoo, 1\l.U.

I::ytaigbt , ao1d.bow w cure i • ; by GCOf1:eJ. llllrlao, i\1.1.).

fbo'fhroat 11ud \'aice~ b1 S. Salta Cohen l\1.0

Tho W\Dter aod 14 D.-mi,'t!fl; by.l111miltou ~ood,.M.D.

The Mouth tlod tho Teeth; by J, W. Wllltc, l\I.D.,Jl.J).I;;.

Uralu-e&Uu 0Yerwork ; by II. n Wood 1\l. )..). • • •

<;>ur ll~moe ;• b~ Henry llartahoroe, M. lJ. ~ Atr aud ::iea Uatbiog; by Jouu U.

:P:~c.kard, i\1. )..), School and ioduattial llygc11o; bj D. }'.

Lincoln, .1\t.U. IodiJ:CttiO!h-Wbat it is, aad whnt i~ !~Ada

to, a.od a new snuthod of trt·ntin~ h · t.y John fleadoell Gill, M.U., llen:~o.-r Royal*colhtgo Pl•y~ic:iaua, J::diobufl:b

HISTORY: SelecUoJtt from Eoallah llit'Dry; reJected

ftnd t!clited b7 J ohn R1o4ard Groene loLA., LI.-.IJ. '

H istory of Eo~:land in the Ei~:htecoth Cen­tury ; by Willia10 llenry Hart polo Lecky · l!od edition. '

H ietory or Napoleon Uonaparle , reprillled from th e ~'nmily Library illuatntw by Geo Croiltthaok. '

.Gibbcu'e ltomo; edited by MillmlUI. Picturesque t::uropo; ~ Royal Qul)rto Vola

El!!p.otly illnauated. • N cwfouudllllld to Manitoba; ·by W, Fntaer

Hac, · · TbOillM Carlyle : a Ul1tory of tbe flrwt

forty yeare of his lift, lm-18:16 ; by JM. Anthony Froud, M.A., 2 YOla. in oue', ol. Cloth ; cheap odition.

The Prince and tloe .Pauper ; by Mark 'Iwaiu. Cbu,f edition11, Ia., St. aad 6L

· J. E;. CHISHOLM St. Johll'a, Juno' 1:.!. •

Fish.-ries THE Dlaare111 of a Cod-Trap l~ht

STA.tCOARD. 17th S.p'-., lner1 • tar to &lse kind moat ;&pprond of by ex ri­eoced lreppere Ia ttl II coualfJ'. Fiibermeo bi applying to thllif· bome 111ereb&llte ~ procure from ue' d~ of Yariou klode al T.IL\PS. •

,A~ERICAN,NET & TWIN.E Co., • <Y::" ~·:.., . ' ~ noatoo. . .,., p t; l<O.