Download - Carmel Pine Cone, December 20, 1917

Page 1: Carmel Pine Cone, December 20, 1917

=s> ZfyeYear, $ 1 . 5 o ISSUED EUERY THURSDAY cbe Copy,5cenrs

DEC. 2 0 , 1917 C A R M E L -B Y -T H E -S E A . CAL, VOL. I l l , NO. 4 7N o w U n d er f l u . 1. Lei pal

C on tro l 9ine DieThe Carmel F ire D epart­

ment, a volunteer organization, which for the past two yours has been operating under S late and county authority , is now a municipal organization.

, At a special m eeting of the city Board of T rustees the offer of the Fire D epartm ent to tu rn over to the city its equipment, firehouse and mem­bership was accepted. The election of officers of the de­partm ent will remain in the control of the members, of which there are thirty-five.

Trustee D. VV. W. Johnson is Commissioner of Fire and Police.

I t is planned to move the firehouse to t-he rear of the City Hall and to build an ad­dition thereto.

W i t h A g e

C om es K n o w le d g e

T h is bank is 11 years

old, during each suc­

cessive year it has

learned the needs of

the people of this city

and vicinity, and ca­

tered to them , thus be­

com ing more useful

to F irm s, M erchants,

and Farm ers yearly. Your A ccount Invited

FirstN ationa l

A nother Carmei boy joins the colors. Donald Hale has en l’sfed in “ Gas and F lam e ''; Division, U. S. Engineers.

Doctor and Mrs. Peake are spending a few weeks a t Santa Cruz. They will re tu rn to San ! Jose.

John M cC o rm ack , (lie tenor. | has given a hundred thousand; dollars to the Red Cross, and is now planning an Atlantic-) to-Pacific money raising con-' cert tour.

In discussing the desirabil­ity of country school consoli­dation, County S uperin tenden t; George Schultzberg says: “The little red school house is a thing of the past. We are in th e : gasoline age; carry the child-; ren to the school center in auto busses. ”

If your business is in Carmel have your P rin ting done at the! Pine Cone Press.

Pine Inn will serve a special Xmas dinner a t 6 p.m. next Tuesday. Reservations made ahead will be appreciated. $1 per cover. adv

Ney Otis, Probation Officer, has purchased the Lewie Lewis place. The family will spend week-ends here.

Mrs. A ugust Englund went to the city last week to visit her son, who recently enlisted in the Navy.

S. J. W yatt and family will leave tomorrow morning in their j i t for Fresno and vicin­ity. They will be away about two weeks.

Ambrose Patterson, since his coming here, has completed a num ber of Carmel canvases. These, together with several of his Honolulu pictures, will be placed on exhibition at tge Blue Bird for ten days, begin­ning tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrow is the shortest jdav of the year; the sun rises a t 7:10 and sets a t 4:46. Satur­day is the first day of W inter.

Nine days remain to pay your municipal taxes. A fter that 10 per cent will be tacked on to your bill. Do it now.

In reporting the death of Miss E. I. Fulton’s m other in last week’s Pine Cone, the name of deceased was given as Mrs. Peters. It should have) been Mrs. Mary Jane Fulton.

Carmel Highlands Inn w ill, serve a Christm as Day dinner} a t 1 o'clock. Those desiring to arrange for transportation or reservations may do so a t Pine Inn. ?1 per plate. adv

Our former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch II. Lewis, are here from "’Milad City, Idaho. As yet they have no definite plans for the future.

R o o ted B lack b erry V ines for sale; 10c. each, $1 dozen. 1 Apply Pine Cone off. adv j

“ We’ve been in th irty -four i S tates since leaving New York, j and Carmel-by-the-Sea is the) first place we have wanted to ; stop.” Thus rem arks C. L. Spencer, new spaper man, who) with his wife has rented the) Gray bungalow.

“ Great Expectations. ” Rev- W aller G. Moffat is looking) forward with joy to the fo r th ­coming visit of his mother, j who is a resident of Grand Rapids, Mich. She will reach; here about January 10.

Louis J. Stellman, w riter, and Mrs. Stellman, a rtis t and writer, who were here in the summer of 1916, are again with us for a brief visit. They a r­rived last Saturday, and have taken a Carmelo ave. cottage.

Householders Help Hoover! j Sign the Pledge.



Cordially invites Residents and visitors in Carmel and vicinity to view Exhibition of his

H o n o lu lu a n d Carrne l P a i n t i n g s

a t the Blue Bird December 21 to 31

D ay -lig h t H igh and T id e s a t C arm el


Dec. 2 0 212223242526

Low 9:4ti a

11 :04 a1 2 :16 p

I :17 p2 : 1 2 p3:01 p —0.7 | 3 :46 p — 1.0)

Ft. 'H igh 2 . 2 I 3:

-0 .3

4 :57

6 :53 7 :39 8:26

F t. p 4.2 p 3.8 a — a — a 6 3 a 6 4 a 6 4


Under U. S. Govern­ment Supervision

Shop early and judiciously. I L s

POINT LOBOSa b a i .o n e

D elicious and A ppetiz ing Ask Your Grocer for It

49er £ent JntereatPaid on S a v in g s A ccou n ts by th e •

M onterey S a v in g s B an k

B a n k of M onterey M onterey S a v . B ankSam e BUI’g Sam e M aiiagem ’t

s t o r a g e — Trunks, packed goods, su it cases, small a r ti­cles stored. Inquire Pine Cone office.

Page 2: Carmel Pine Cone, December 20, 1917

T e n D o l la r sWill place a gift in your

home for the entire family

Make this a Piano Christmas

We offer the following new instrum ents:

B re w s te r , u p r i g h t , o » k , $275 N o rm a n d ie “ “ $300 ^H a m lin •• $300 ;E ll in g to n “ w a l n u t $375 |$ 1 0 d o w n , $ 6 m o n t h }

No I n t e r e s t

Palace Drug Co.Monterey

Phone 40 Phone 55

I q t e r ^ t i r ^ j - l a p p e i ) i r ) < $ 5CHURCH NOTICES

Christian Science Services

Sunday, I I A . to . Sunday School, 9 A 'J A . At.


Mrs. Harry Decker, who has 1 been in San Francisco for the ]! past two weeks, is expected j

i j home for Christmas.$1.50 pays for the Pine Cone j

for a year. Send it to a rela- W ednesday Eve. Service, 8 o’clock 1 tive or a friend for a Xmas Residence of W. P. Silva I K i f t .

C orrectionChristm as dinner a t P ine will be a t 1 p.m. A t th e Highlands Inn the C h rist­mas dinner will be a t 6:30 p.m .; $1.50 a cover.

D e c e p t io nT h o s e who wish to subscribe S a ity tS ^ p iS ( ;0 p a !

j to the local Syrian and Armen- SEHVICK AT 4 P.M. e v e r y S u n d a y ,

ian relief fund may do so a t e x c e p t s e c o n d s u n d a y i n m o n t h , j the Pine Cone office. Money w h e n s e r v i c e i s h e l d , a t f t a . m . will be received and receipt Sunday School 10 A .U .issued. Subscription blanks - p p « M nrirA T d » >for regular monthly d o n a tio n s.WALTER G .M O l-FA l. R e , lor

I may also be obtained.Miss Jud ith Joy arrived on I F o r R e f i t Cottage

Monday from Portland. Ore. of four roomsShe will spend t h e holidays "oath, and kitchenette; electric

; with Mrs. Ju lia Da B arre and lights anh fireplace; Box 238, of camouflage we’vo seen a lot.

“ Camouflage, why, w hat is th a t? ” A sks M iss Salina Spreckels.

“ 1 h a t ’s w h e n you spread .the p a i n t on th ic k

T o c o v e r u p th e freckles.— M em phis Com m ercial A p p ea l

“ Oh, is th a t so?” replied th e dam e, Her eyes a m erry tw inkla:

“ For if it is, righ t here and now I ’ll hide this brand new w rin k le .”

— Columbus E nquirer-Sun

Miss N ina Joy. Carmel. ‘chick-V ic to r, E d iso n , A o n o ra , a n d

C o lu m b ia m a c h in e s E A SY T E R O S

But m erely wish to say,----------------------------------------------------- Though ancient dames like

Buy a W ar sav ings stam p or p Comforatably en.” dreesa T hrift stamp. Help your I U I r v . '- I lL fu rn jshed cot- T h ey se ldom dance that w ay .country and help yourself. | lage fr r win ter use; with or i —Birmingham A g e -H e r a ld

Xmas cards and g ifts for without garage, $20 or $25. a cam ou flage w ho m a k e s u s s w e a rthe holidays are now 011 sale a t ; inquire Fowler, last house is Grandpa Grabbentote,the Blue Bird Tea Hoorn, adv north on Monte Verde st. Who th in k s i t ’s fo o lin g fo lk s to w ear

_______________ __ _________________________ A youthful pm rhback cost. ---------------- ------------------------------ I ? , . , . C « 1 x x PerfectionO il - Y o u n g s t o w n T e le g r a m

Has Been Prom oted La Pla>’a N ew s iSotes Heater. *2.75; » , « .I ld > U t t l l r i u m u i t u ___ a jso Q1J coo liels> lamps, and In i>aragrai>hers’ capers,! • m ftUntwn Tnnil!«>/t O f D in/\ 1 a • 11 4511 •

Mrs. Luther Farrington and Sam ;

Priva c” Duveneck

C am p Lew is, W ash ., Dee. 12— Illu s tra tiv e of the ty p e of m en, who, when w ar was decla red , sac­rificed positions pay iu g thousands of dollars to “ corue th ro u g h '’ for the ir coun try , is th e discovery m ade last week th a t P rivate E m 's t D uveneck of headquarters com pany here, left 1 1 position as an inventor w ith the W estinghouse E lectric Co., w ith a salary attached to it which would necessitate his pay in g a handsom e incom e tax were he receiving it.

S ergean t D uveneck— for he was prom oted to th a t position as soon as his worth becam e kuown—also holds a m aster's degree from the engineering school a t H arvard , as well as th a t of bachelor of science from the sam e institu tion . F or m any years lie has been an in ­structor in electrical eng ineering a t the university aud has devoted nearly every liour b u t those actu ally required in sleep in m aking scieulific researches in electricilv . R ecently he lived pt C arm el b r ­ibe-Sea.

W hen Sergeant Duveueck first arrived here it gradually becam e known th a t he was " h a n d y ” with tools. T here was a grow ing de m aud for a barber chair. H aving been here bu t a tew days there were no fuuds available iu the com pany exchequer for th e p u r chase of one. Private Duveneck heard of th e lack of a chair aud his na tu ra l inventiveness came to the front, w ith the result th a t he built one from scrap lum ber a id with no tools except a ham m er, saw aud square. I t lias all the facilities of any chair to be found iu the best shop on M arket stree t, w ith lhe exception of leather upholstery , aud th e m em bers of headquarters com pany jvoint to it w ith lig b tfu l p ride iu the ability of oue of the ir m en to rise to au em ergency

It was not long after the high- priced W estinghouse iuveutor had tu rn ed h it ta len ts toward th e a it

Farrington, with Mrs. Richmond Mayosmith, are motoring to R ed­lands to spend Christmas with rela- j tives. They hope to return beiore the heavy rains set in.

La Playa evenings have been made exceedingly pleasant by the kindness of Mrs. V. M ott Porter, reading aloud, before our large fire­place.

T he interior of the log cabin will Boon be remodelled and consist of a livingroom, bedroom and bathroom. T here will be a stone chimney aud fireplace, done in "B en ’s” inim­itable manner.

Recently we awoke from a horrible dream. T he wonderful H ighlands Inn —brick! the beautiful Foster house —brick-faced! La Playa rtone pieis, and foundations, of which Mr. Jorgensen was justly proud gone ! gone ! Im agine Carmel thus “ d e ­faced.”

Miss H elen Borden is again at her old table, having qurte recovered from a severe cold

Mrs. Maude Arndt, just returned from San Diego, where she was ex­tensively entertained, has concluded that Northern California offers the best business openings.

R ecent arrivals:San Francisco—Lieut, and Mrs.

C. R. Barney, Geo. Lee, Miss M. Pierson, O. W. Burckhalter.

San Jose —F . W. Angier.Berkeley—Prof and Mrs. J. C.

Chinard, Lucienne Chinard.

H eater, $2.75; also oil cookers, lamps, and four chairs. Inquire a t Pine As w henT ’u k e this, w e fill up space Cone office. F ro m o th e r f e llo w s ' papers.

________ ■■ — I San Francisco Chronicle

X m a s C a n d ie sP u re H o m e - M a d e

I’cr Lb.

Xmas Broken Candy 20c. Xmas Fancy Creams 25c. Xmas French Choc. 50c. Xmas Butterm ilk

Chocolates $1.00 Candy Canes, 5 for 5c

REMEMBER, all home­made. For your bab'.es and children, you need not worry. All pure.

Curtis Carmel Candy Store

Candy by Parcel Post

Our W e e k ly R ecipe

S o u th ern Corn B readTwo eggs, two tablespoonstul oil,

one cupful milk, one cupful corn !| meal one-half cupful flour, two ta-

hlespoonfuls baking powder, one half teaspoonful salt. Separate -the eggs. ; beat the yolks, add the miik, oil, salt and corn meal. Sift the baking j

I [jfcwder with the flour, beat i t into !the other mixture, told in the well |

j (eaten eggs, pour into a shallow hot pan that has been brushed with oil j ,and lake in a moderately quick oven ---- -

3 ( 1 minutes. This may also be baked ; - in gem pans and serve as corn muf J fins or gems.

In o th e r papers—yes, by H eck W e w eek ly read our m a tte r ;

Of cam ouflage they take n o re e k . Else they new w ords w ou ld

scatter. •>

j u s t a r r iv e dFine line of Ladies’ and

Gentlem en’s

w r i s t w a t c h e sGold and Gold filled,S\v iss and Am erican makes, all shapes

and sizesalso—A b a lo n e N o v e l t i e s

Complete line of a r tic le s suitable for g ifts

A sm all deposit Will secure any article desired

Cummings’ Sons218-220 Alvarado S tr e e t

M ontereyO P E N E V E N I N G S , b e . ginning S a tu rd a y , D ec. 15


W atch repairing a lw a y s ? Send in by s tag e d r iv e r:eL 3

of b u ild in g n barber cha ir that the q u a lify ing records were m ade out,iu which the educatiou , form er oe j ------------------------cupatiou and the form er salary of _ ~ „the meu are listed. Then it w as; On Friday, December 28. at seeu th a t D uveneck was one of the 3 p’. m . th e children of AU electrical “ big ui**n” of the couu < Saints Sunday School will hold try aud h is-prom otion to the ser- t h e i r Christm as p a r t v at the geancy followed.—E xam iner. home of Mrs. VV. C. W alts.

[£. H F . C K , M. I).Office a t C a rm e l- b y - th e -S e a

Pharm acy, Carm el, C a l .

K itch en U tensils rnd S to v efor sale. Inquire a t PineCone office.

Page 3: Carmel Pine Cone, December 20, 1917

Larmel Pine ConePU B L IS H E D W E EK L Y

E ST A B L ISH E D FEB R U A R Y , 1915 E n te red a t seaond-e lass m a t te r F eb­ru a ry 10. 1915, a t th e poet office a t C arm el, C alifo rn ia , under th e A et of darcli 3, 1879.

W. L. O V E R ST R E E T , E d ito r an d P u b lish e r

C A R M EL-B Y -TH E-SEA , CAL. D E C E M B E R 2 0 , 181 7

Official P ap e r of th e C ity

WEEKLY GREETINGIn stea d o f peace, I w a s to partici­

pa te in Toa", in stead o f the sw e e tn e s s o f hom e, I w a s to become a w anderer on the fa ce o f the earth: bu t I h a v e fe l t th a t a great oromotion cam e to m e w h e n I w a s counted tvo r th y to be a tvorker in the organ ised crogade fo r " God a n d H om e and NatCbe L an d . ” — Frances E . Willard.

To all, the Pine Cone extends the season’s greetings.

■ Overseas M essage | Paris, Nov. 28.—Here

on this trem endous er- ' rand, fa r f r o m the ; Christm as joys a t home,

I“ we shall be cheered to the task th a t is before

= us by your s treng th and j by your patience. Your 7 will and ours m ust join I to fortify us in the sac-




The Pine Cone Job Printing De­partment Is Well Equipped

lo Do Business Printing, Stationery, Etc.

i rifices we m ust make | and the blood we m ust I give to the end t h a t

| there m a y be restored 1 Peace on earth , Good-

I will to men.Pershing


| J . M. C U L B E R T S O N gIDA A. JO H N S O N

S T U D I O |1 O c e a n A v e n u e n e x t L ib r a r y = i O pen to visitors on S a tl ir - | d a y a f te rn o o n s or by a p p ’t £ P h o n e 602 J -I |iiiiinumomiimuoiiimiMiiou'iiiiiiiiiniimiimiiDmiiiiiiiiic


Dec. 22—A California story, ‘‘The Heir to the H oorah.”

Dec. 29—M arguerite Clarke i iin ‘‘Miss George W ashington”

K nown by Their InitialsA discussion \f as s ta rted in the

E astern new spapers uot long ago by th e assertion of a lecturer th a t Theodore Roosevelt was the only inau widely known by his in itia ls .

L e tte r w riters speedily rem itldeu th a t lecturer of G eorge A ugusta Sala, who becam e a world figure in journalism while w riting over his iu itia ls ; aud of the literary essay­ist, G eorge W R ussell, better knowu as “ A .E .” than by his own name.

A ll the world th a t reads newspa- papers knows th a t “ Tay P a y ” is editor T . P . O ’Gouuor. We have also “ F .P . A .,” whose popularity is baseti upon his daily colum n of w it, and who is now C ap t. F ra n k ­lin P . Adams. U . S. A. F or more than fifty year W illiam W inter wrote d ram atic criticism s which were signed sim ply “ W .” .G eorge Bernard Shaw is about as well known as " G .B .S .” as by his fu l l name.

T h e P in e C o n e h a s a w e lle q u ip p e d jo b p r i n t i n g p la n t .P r ic e s a r e fair.

L E I B I G ’S





Gold Medal B U T T E R 2 lbs $1.05

Fresh ranch EG O S the doz. 60c. j

A P P L E S for cooking the box 60c.

Cluster R A ISIN Sthe lb 1 0 c.

H U B B A R D SQ U A SHeach 15.

1917 pack A S P A R A G U S T I P S tin 28c.

Ripe sugar P E A R Sthe lb 5c.

NOTICE IS HEREBY G IV EN to j a ll T ax P ay e rs o f th e C ity of Car- j m el-by-thc-S ea, a m unicipal corpor­a tio n , th a t a ll m unicipal tax es levied b y and fo r said c ity fo r th e cu rren t

' fiscal y ea r of 1917 w ill be due and payab le on M onday, th e 22nd d ay of October, 1917, and w ill be delinquen t

| on M onday, th e 31st d ay of Decem ­ber, 1917, a t s ix (6<00) o’clock P . M. U nless said tax es a re pa id p rio r there to , ten per cent w ill be added to th e am o u n t thereo f as a p en a lty

j fo r such delinquency.All (axes due sa id c ity m ay be

paid a t th e office of th e T ax Collec­to r of said C ity in the C ity H all in sa id C ity on every day , except S u n ­days and holidays, betw een the hours of 10 to 12 o’clock, A. M., and 1 to 3 o’clock, P . M.

D ated th is 11th d ay of October,1917.

AUG. ENGLUND,T ax C ollector of th e C ity

of C arm el-by-the-Sea.

For Rent§™INTiPEW R IT E R ; i n g o o d co u d itio u ; reasonab le; will deliver. P ineC one office.

N ext Wednesday evening, a t P ine Inn, S t . A nne's Guild will give a card party. 25c., including refreshm entts.

Your winter Wood supply

P I N E -Pitch Stove Fireplace

O A K —Stove RootsFireplace

Ed. RomandiaC A R M E L

Fire D ep artm en t D rillTo fam iliarize them selves in

the mechanism and handling of tlm old and the recently purcha’sed fire fighting appar­atus, and to test the hydrants and water pressure, a num ber of fire departm ent m em bers turned out Sunday morning.

The 300 fee t of new hose was brought into use, and is now drying out, suspended from tali pine tree a t the cor­ner of Ocean ave. and Dolores street. Firem an W aterbury went nearly to the top o f— not over—the tree.


] C f l R j V l E HI B y - th e - S e a


| Glass-bottom Boats.s| L ibrary and Readingroom

Fishing and Swimming in the Carmel River.

Public Tennis Court

Visit tbe historic MissionGood Moving P icture

show every Saturday evening.

Picnic a t Pebble Beach, Point Lobos, Carmel Highlands.

Visit the Forest Theatre

Bowling Alley

Beautiful Walks, Drives

M arm alade— Good, Excell­ent, Delicious. The L. R. L. brand Orange, and Orange and G rapefruit Marmalade at F. S. Schw eninger’s Groc’y. adv

The U. S. Government has purchased 50,000 roils Pioneer Flaxine Roofing. Ben Leidig, local distributor. adv

Page 4: Carmel Pine Cone, December 20, 1917

i Mai! Order Concerns Do Not Help Your Community


W i n C a rm el R e s id e n t s ? Are So Bus>

We venture the assertion J that, for its population, Car- = mel-by-Ihe-Sea has more or- = ganizations—social, fraternal, | municipal, religious, musical, f dramatic, artistic, w elfare— 11 than any similar community. I

Herewith is a list of the T active bodies:

Boys’ Club *School Board C. U. I. Club Sanitary Board Manzanita Club Carmel L ibrary Camp Fire Girls Carmel O rchestra Board of Trustees

Board of Health Carmel F ire Departm ent.

S tar Theatre Club Young Men’s Club Red Cross Chapter Forest T heatre Society W estern Drama Society Christian Science Society Belgian Relief Committee Carmel Missionary Society Modern Woodmen of Amer. Carpenters and Joiners Local Carmel Club of A rts and

Crafts.Sections—Art, Dramatic,

Civic, C rafts, Literacy, Music, Audubon.

Methodist Episcopal(Carmei) Church.

Carmel Church League

I Sch w en in ger ’sG R O C E R Y

Best Goods j Fresh Goods J R ight PricesFree A u to D e liv ery

Carmel Drug StoreHas a fine line of

CLO CKSAlso S t a t io n e r y , T o i le t A r t ic le s ,


; I l l l t U l

Bena 11 d R u bber

I S u n d r ie s[ | C o lu m b ia G ra p h o p h o n e and ■« ■ R eco rd s fo r Sale

C h u r ch P r o g r a m

For Information

As to Property

In and About

C A R M E LA D D I t l i S S

C a r m e l D e v e lo p m e n t

C o m p a n y


jiiiiiuifwaniiiiiniiiiwiiuiP rop er ty T r a n s a c t io n s

Deed: John G. Howard toMary R. Howard. Lots 1 to 13.15, 17, 20, Rlcck 146, Add. No 2. Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Decree of D istrib.: E late of Wm, MacDonald, deceased,to Alice b. MacDonald. Lots m̂ . « uu*— ; — ceeus oi m e suie tu mvn18. 20, 21. 22, 24. 26, Block 69, Christm as service. The C h ris t- , COunty will he retained to pro- Carmel City. *"*-------‘“I’ho • i - , - . -»--------- £

Rev. Stephen C. Thomas an ­nounces services a t the Metho- ______ . . ~giiTViMdist Chureli as follows: Next! Don’t Forget Xmas Seals Saturday the Sunday School: Everyone should buy them,will hold a Christm as party , js a C hristm as duty. This and on Sunday m orning a t 9:45 year 75 per cen ̂ Gf the pro-

Lots there will be a Sunday School)caeds of the sale in Monterey


P a r a m o u n t P ic tu r e s E v e r y W e e k

Saturday, Dec. 22

“ The Heir tothe Hoorah’’

Free to everybody: A Candy Cane

--------------------- w u i i t j w m r e w u n ^mas sermon will be 011 I he vi(]e fun(js for the em ploym entSignificance of the Incarna- 0f a g rad uate nurse for thetion. There will be a special public schoolsprogram music.

of vocal and violin

Our MoneyNovember report of County'

| Auditor A. G. W inckler and |Armenian and Syrian Relief j Treasurer Jam es Taylor shows

Committee I the following am ounts on hand: jP ro testan t Episcopal

Saints) Church.St. A nne’s Guild

( All Sunset school bonds, *293.77;Carmelo road fund, $99.87; Sanitary expense. *989.86; Sanitary bond, *1634.05.



For Job P rin ting Pine Cone

Carmel Highlands Stage

Leaves H ighlands—8:00 a.m . for r armel

10:30 a.m. for Carmel and Monterey

4:30 p.m. for Carmel and Monterey

Leave Carmel for H igh­lands— 9:00 a.m.

Leave Monterev 12:00 m. and 6:C0 p.m. stopping a t Carmel

F ire : Carmel io H ighlands. 25c.H ighlands to M onterey. 50c.

P ackages called fo r and delivered,10c.

Special Day a n d N ight Tri- s by A rrangem ent.

C arm el,B ooking O ffice a t D eve l­opm ent Co. O ffice

Purchase the seals a t— Pine Cone office.Carmel D rug Store. Carmel News Co.Red Cross headquarters.

s 1,11 1,11 f

! R E H O V A L N O T IC E |

| W ood B ros. B u tch er S h o p |Z h a s m oved to i t s n e w =

p lace of b u s in e s s a t 3 0 6 J1 A lv a ra d o S tr e e t , t w o I

doors n orth of th e B a n k jo f i'lo n terey . =

W e h a v e o n e o f t h e jn e a te s t sh o p s in C a li- |fo rn ia . T h e C a r m e l \p u b l i c i s c o r d ia l ly I n - ■v ited to in sp e c t i t . j

\ \ ood B ros. M o n te r e y I

The Carmel Missionary So­ciety will m eet next Wednes­day a t the home of Mrs. T. A- Pudan. Mrs. Wyman is in charge of the program, the subject b ing “ Moslemism.” All are invited.

* iMMnauiiiiiuiMjKiaiaiiiLnMwaioininiiiiicYMMiiMiioiiMiMsuanMQanauoMMtKiMHiu \1 id-Nigllt Servicea t All S a in ts C h u r t

Au innovation in Carmel w j be the m id-night com m unii I and prayer service a t All Sain 011 Christm as Eve. S hou ld tl

j carol singers m ake their usu rounds this year, it is planui

j to have them v is it l a s t tl church and join the servic

; There w ill be another servi< I a t 9 o’clock C h ris tm as m o r ing.

A leaky roof is a joy forever— notP a p er roofs need p a in t r ig h t n o w

We have the reliable Pabco Paint, and can put it on, too

I Wyatt’s Little Hardware Store I - 1