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Campaign Proposal Product:St Roccos Hospice Target Audience:My target audience are people in the range of 16 to 22 who want to get stylish looking clothes for cheap prices avoiding sometimes expensive shops such as Primark, H&M and Topshop. The gender of my target audience is males. The spending power of my target audience is low. They might have a small part time job to keep them in accommodation and keep them fed but that is about it. This means that they have no money to be able to buy fashionable clothes which are too expensive this is why my adverts will help. Campaign Message:The message of my campaign is to inform the audience of the cheap prices that the charity stop offers whilst still maintaining the cool modern style of todays fashion.Launch Date: 15st of December I chose this date because its just before the beginning of winter. The reason I chose this is because a lot of people want to be buying winter clothes for harsher weather. Schedule of Advertisements:On the 15th of December I will have my landscape advertisements on billboards for 2 weeks.Then on the 29th of December my first portrait advert will be put in select magazines for another 2 weeks.Finally on the 12th of January my last portrait advert will appear in newspapers for the last 2 weeks of my campaign.Location of Advertisements:Advert 1 My Landscape advert will appear on billboards in major cities and shopping centres around these cities, for example I will have billboards in the Trafford centre in Manchester.Advert 2 This portrait advert will appear in national magazines such as: Empire magazine, Top gear and Take a Break magazineAdvert 3 My last portrait advert will appear in a national newspapers such as: The Sun, Daily Star, The Star and The Times Legal Issues:Copyright: Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original piece of work exclusive rights to use it but only for a limited time. This means the creator is eligible for compensation for his work. Good examples of things that are copyrighted are thing like books, films, games, photographs and articles. This applies to my adverts because I must make sure I dont take anybody elses ideas for example I must make sure the photos I take are my own and not taken from the internet. This law also applies because I must make sure nobody else takes my ideas or photos.

Discrimination: The Equality Act 2010, this is the law that applies to characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.This law applies to my adverts because I must make sure that I dont discriminate against any certain group of my audience.

Intellectual property rights: Intellectual property (IP) rights are legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind. Under intellectual property laws, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets rights are legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind. You cannot take credit for other peoples work or discredit them if youre are taking someone elses work you have to include their name and that the idea is not that of your own. This applies to my campaign because I must make sure no logos of brands other than St. Roccos are visible is my adverts because I dont have any rights over these big brand names. To avoid this happening I would have to have my model cover up the logo with his arm for example so the camera does not capture it.Obscenity Law: The Obscene Publications Act 1959 is a law put in place to stop offending others in public through the media for example swearing or nudity in films without the proper rating. There must be no inappropriate hand gestures in my campaign that could offend people and would lead to my advert being banned.

Ethical Issues:Representation: If my campaign was on a much larger scale I would have to take into account race and using different races in my campaign for example If I used a White man in my campaign I would also have to have a coloured man to represent the British society fairly. I must also represent other clothing brands in a fair light, I cant discredit anyone other brands.

Code of Practise:Misleading Advertising 3.3 Marketing communications must not mislead the consumer by omitting material information. They must not mislead by hiding material information or presenting it in an unclear, unintelligible, ambiguous or untimely manner. This applies to my campaign because I must not mislead people with false information or false images. For example it must be made clear that he clothes I use in my campaign look second hand or used, they cant look like they were just bought for the campaign. I must also make sure no brands are showing if theyre I cant just put my charities logo over the top of it this would be false advertisements.

Marketing communications must not contain anything that is likely to cause serious or widespread offence. Particular care must be taken to avoid causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. Compliance will be judged on the context, medium, audience, product and prevailing standards.

Marketing communications may be distasteful without necessarily breaching this rule. Marketers are urged to consider public sensitivities before using potentially offensive material. At no point in my campaign should I offend anyone or any group of people. In my campaign my model must not be doing anything offence or profound. If I was using a female model they must not be showing cleverage as this could offend certain audiences. There can be no swearing at any point in both the advert and the images used this will also cause offence on a wide scale no matter who the audience is.

Marketers must not unfairly portray or refer to anyone in an adverse or offensive way unless that person has given the marketer written permission to allow it. Marketers are urged to obtain written permission before For my campaign I must ask permission of my model if I can use them in my campaign, if I dont have their permission this could result in my advert being taken down. I also cant reveal any private information about the model I use.