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Page 1: Bringing the World to UNO: Global Learning & Engagement Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) SACSCOC Committee Presentation.

Bringing the World to UNO:Global Learning & Engagement

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

SACSCOC Committee Presentation

Page 2: Bringing the World to UNO: Global Learning & Engagement Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) SACSCOC Committee Presentation.

Topic Selection

• Involved faculty, staff and students

• Utilized a web survey and multiple meetings

• Identified a small number of potential topics

• Used a survey to narrow the field to 3 topics

• Received input to use the QEP to revise the core curriculum

• Two topics combined by the President and Committee based on input received

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Global Learning

and Engagement

Aligns with International

Programs, Resources, and


Aligns with Existing Service Learning


Supports Curriculum Change in Core

(General Education) & Specialized

(Major) Levels of Study

Indicated as a Need by NSSE, Student Assessment and

Survey Data

AACU High-Impact Educational


Prioritized Topic by Students & Faculty

Aligns with UNO Mission

Supports UNO 2020 Strategic Plan

Figure 1: Factors Supporting Selection of QEP Topic

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Why the QEP is important to students

• Global and intercultural knowledge is necessary for success in a global economy.

• Effective communication with members of other cultures and groups is an important skill for the workplace.

• Solving problems based on the perspectives of other groups and cultures is another important skill.

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Informing the QEP Design

Professional literature

• Role of global education

• 2012 ACE report

• Curriculum redesign

• Extracurricular initiatives

• Faculty support and development

• Assessment models

Other QEPs

• Appalachian State University

• Kennesaw State University

• University of Florida

• Florida International University

• University of Texas - Tyler

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Knowledge• Students identify, describe, and explain global and intercultural conditions

and interdependencies.

• Students make informed critical assessments of global events, processes, trends and issues and convey the interconnectedness of political, economic and environmental systems.

Skills• Students analyze, interpret, and evaluate global and intercultural issues

via engagement strategies including the use of information technologies.

• Students demonstrate an ability to communicate and interact effectively with members of other cultures.

Attitudes• Students reflect upon and integrate global learning and engagement


• Students recognize and appreciate cultural diversity and multiple world views.

Figure 2: Bringing the World to UNOStudent Learning Outcomes

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Global Learning & Engagement


International Programs

Service Learning Program

1. Identify courses that include specific content, requirements, and/or opportunities.

2. Work with Office of Registrar to code identified courses in catalog.

3. Establish levels of student recognition for achieving specified levels of service learning or global learning/engagement.

4. Market opportunities for global learning/engagement and service learning to UNO students, faculty and community.

Study Abroad

International Service Learning

Figure 3: Activities Collaboratively Supported byQEP and Service Learning Program

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Three main components of the QEP

Curriculum• Embedding global learning and engagement activities within general

education (core) coursework

• Embedding global learning and engagement activities within courses in the major

• Work will initially focus on five majors (one per college)

Co-Curricular Activities• Campus activities and organizations

• Community activities and organizations

• Building on international activities and organizations already identified by faculty and staff

Assessment• Direct and indirect assessments

• Use of assessment data to improve effectiveness and efficiency of QEP activities

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• Direct and Indirect Measures

• 4 rubrics (from AACU Value)

• Global Perspectives Inventory

• University of Florida Survey on Communication

• Used in both general education (Core) and major requirement coursework

• Data used by Committee to identify positive practices and changes needed

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Project Phases


“Gear-Up” Year

Year 1 (2016-17)• 2 content areas (biology, English

composition) of general education (core) curriculum

Year 2 (2017-18)• All content areas of general education

(core) curriculum

Year 3 (2018-19)• Major requirement coursework in 5

majors (1 per college)

Year 4 (2019-20)• Expansion to other majors based on


Year 5 (2020-21)• Sustainability Plan

Page 11: Bringing the World to UNO: Global Learning & Engagement Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) SACSCOC Committee Presentation.

Initiative 1: Curriculum Enhancement

• Action 1.1: Infuse global learning opportunities within the general education (core) curriculum.

• Action 1.2: Support targeted degree programs to serve as models of global learning.

• Action 1.3: Expand curriculum enhancement activities to other degree programs.

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Initial Majors

• COBA – B.S. Management

• COEHD – B.S. Elementary Education

• COE – B.S. Civil Engineering

• COLA – B.A. International Studies

• COS – B.S. Earth And Environmental Sciences

Page 13: Bringing the World to UNO: Global Learning & Engagement Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) SACSCOC Committee Presentation.

Initiative 2: Incentivize Participation

• Action 2.1: Provide incentives for faculty to address Global Learning and Engagement learning outcomes.

• Action 2.2: Create and institutionalize a Global Learning Certificate to recognize student learning and accomplishments.

• Action 2.3: Provide administrative incentives by increasing enrollment in Global Learning/Engagement courses.

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Initiative 3: Institutionalize Process

• Action 3.1: Create and institutionalize a repository of global learning practices to support improved teaching and learning.

• Action 3.2 Disseminate student learning outcomes gains internally and externally to increase awareness and promote expanded practice.

• Action 3.3: Utilize Bringing the World to UNO data to promote improved policy and practices to expand global learning efforts.

• Action 3.4: Support systems change efforts to ensure that global learning strategies and initiatives are sustained.

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• Students – Recognition at graduation

• Core Curriculum Faculty – Stipend for course redesign

• Major Requirements Faculty – Stipend for learning community

• Access to technical support from “visiting” faculty

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Building Infrastructure

Creating an electronic repository

• Faculty ideas and successes at course and program levels (vetted through Academic Affairs)

• Student ideas, successes, and perspectives (vetted through Student Government Association)

Holding an annual summit focused on global learning and engagement

• Faculty, staff and student presentations

• Reaching out to others to join the initiative

Shifting management tasks from QEP Implementation Team to other university bodies and structures

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Figure 4: Logic Model for the Quality Enhancement Plan

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Logic Model for the QEP:Rationale

Why is this important?

• Students must be prepared to compete in a global market

• Students must understand their role within an international community

• Students need to be prepared to engage in increasingly diverse communities

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Logic Model for the QEP:Inputs

What are we doing now?

• Curriculum• Global learning content in general education (core) courses• Global learning content in selected academic majors representing

each academic college• Collaboration with community resources with global focus to

support course assignments• Study abroad program

• Co-Curricular• Global learning/engagement activities sponsored by student

organizations• Freshman common read program• International learning community in residence hall

• Budget to support QEP activities• $1,153,233 budgeted over five year implementation period

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Logic Model for the QEP:Activities

What will we do?• Curriculum

• Incorporate global learning/engagement content/activities in general education (core) discipline courses

• Conduct curriculum mapping for coursework in selected majors to enhance global learning/engagement

• Campus Initiatives• Increase service learning opportunities within Study Abroad program• Coordinate student recognition and curriculum development activities with the

Service Learning program

• Co-Curricular• Expand global learning/engagement activities sponsored by Student organizations• Increase international interactions

• Community• Increase collaborative work with community organizations to support global

learning/engagement activities• Increase collaborative work with international organizations to support global

learning/engagement activities

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Logic Model for the QEP:Outputs

What products, events, & services will lead to program outcomes?

• Curriculum Enhancement• Number of general education (core) courses modified to include global

learning/engagement activities• Number of courses in academic majors modified to include global

learning/engagement activities• Number of students by college participating in global learning/engagement courses• Number and type of faculty participating in professional development activities

and learning communities

• Co-Curricular• Number of student organizations sponsoring global learning/engagement activities• Number and demographics of students participating in global learning/engagement


• Community• Number of community organizations supporting global learning/engagement

activities• Number of international organizations supporting global learning/engagement


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Logic Model for the QEP:Outcome

What learning outcomes will be achieved?

• Knowledge• Students identify, describe, and explain global and intercultural conditions

and interdependencies.• Students make informed critical assessments of global events, processes,

trends and issues and convey the interconnectedness of political, economic and environmental systems.

• Skills• Students analyze, interpret, and evaluate global and intercultural issues via

engagement strategies including the use of information technologies.• Students demonstrate an ability to communicate and interact effectively

with members of other cultures.

• Attitudes• Students reflect upon and integrate global learning and engagement

experiences.• Students recognize and appreciate cultural diversity and multiple world


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Projected Numbers of Participating Students

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

General Education Courses

Biology/Composition 300

Art/Biology/Composition/Humanities/Math/Sciences/Social Sciences

900 1,650 2.400 3,150

Major Courses

BS Management 141 253 253

BS Elementary Education 82 117 117

BSCE Civil Engineering 35 105 105

BA International Studies 44 70 70

BS Earth, Environmental Sci 56 102 102

Other Majors 179 323

Total – Major Level Coursework 358 826 970

Grand Total 300 900 2,008 3,226 4,120

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Examples of Input from Student Meetings

• UNO should use this initiative as a marketing tool to attract students

• Globalization of the curriculum is also important from the perspectives of international students

• My most important objective is getting a job – this will help me be more attractive to potential employers

• The QEP Committee should think about how prior military service in foreign countries can give credit toward earning the Global Learning and Engagement Certificate

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“Gear-Up” Year

• Solidify membership of each subcommittee

• Negotiate consulting contract with key consultant

• Identify content consultants for English composition and Biology

• Identify participating faculty

• Begin professional development and course redesign (ENGL 1157 and Freshman Biology sequence)

• Create structures/format for reporting program success/benchmarks

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Sustainability Plan

• Identification/codification of global learning & engagement requirements for general education “core” curriculum

• Identification/codification of global learning & engagement requirements for majors participating in QEP

• Shift in technical support/professional development from external faculty to UNO faculty

• Shift in management of course revision/adoption process from QEP Committee to university structures already in place (e.g., University Courses and Curriculum Committee)