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Meherunissa Tariq

I’m an explorer…I seek adventure,

indulge in the moment and love to learn new ways.

I jump into momentsTo surprise myself

Take measured risksTo create meaningful experiences

I open doors and walk uninhibited into someone else’s

home… to a world full of adventurous

opportunities… to experience it as my own…

Traveling for me is not just about seeing new places but immersing in cultural experiences

through the eyes of a native.

I’d rather seek advice about places to explore from coffee shop owners, friendly passer-by’s or a local friend,

than check a travel log for popular tourist destinations.

My home is my pride…It reflects my interests

It’s a place where I contemplate and create It is not only confined to the physical space of my house

but extends to my neighborhood and beyond…

I enjoy meeting new people, From different walks of life.

I cherish being their guide and sharing stories about where I come from.

I open up my home to them because… I want them to live and not only stay

and understand what it is to be part of something bigger than what they know.

We trust and believe in the nomadic human experiences. We transcend boundaries to make different parts of the world our home and

people open up their homes to make us feel part of theirs.

Whether you’re a traveller seeking a place for your upcoming journey or a home dweller who is opening up your personal space to them.

Airbnb fosters this cultural journey by bringing you together from across the world, to establish human bonds beyond the boundaries that divide the world today.





An online home-sharing rental marketplace.

To bring communities closer together.

Through an in-your budget experience to view a destination through the eyes of a local.

Travel Culturists seeking unique experiences while exploring new places. And, Home Natives who seek to fill empty spaces.

Brand LadderVision: Create a world where all 7 Billion people can belong anywhere

Mission: Change the way people travel by providing alternative ways

Positioning: Bringing communities closer together

Role: Be an Agent Collaboration Trust Community Travel

Lens: Belonging Adventure Authenticity