Download - B~QMarketing battles take place in the mind of a cmumet or prospect. ... tried to go into &e rural market. But their campaim ... awake throughout night Vicks Vaporub was a solution

Page 1: B~QMarketing battles take place in the mind of a cmumet or prospect. ... tried to go into &e rural market. But their campaim ... awake throughout night Vicks Vaporub was a solution

Brad M a t e l?mWion, Y a w mi Rubbm Rrt. Ltd, India


Any twllad p b is dl my comrdwitb the b P a a d h e r J t h * A ~ ~ f p a r a m d l o r s , w b i c k b a s o o k ~ ~ @lst a se4 of boashah& to navigate a braad's direction mwmb th largo( wrdiwm, Till cb the emphasis has been to l o o k f m m t b ~ ~ a a d t o ~ t i a n t h e b & %!I in# the gmqwd was of b hwm r a t i d , The driw ~ b o e a t o m a p C f # ~ s p e s n d l i k e w i m d ~ r e bspaclag dtkbmd vii&vb aLhcrbtan6s. T h w e r e &empis to & s a s &s brsnd's value by sl Brrrndt Valuator IBAV3 techiqw la gaues tb ;mpecl of mapping d positagnbga~intotbspsylebtdttPetqetdim~b.Tb~ msuit m i d wcmbmd on i m p a and sol so m t d oftbe ~ W i t k e d ~ t h a k u m a a r n i n d . % p & i u m with l h i r w a s t b w h i l e t b e ~ w m b r o n d s w h i c b ~ ~ l y s ~ t h e a e w m ~ ~ ~ f a i l o d o ~ ~ ~ t $ t W@ uudbtc~ and nugwous a#erapb haw b#n mm¶e to put & k b r a a d i n t t r s b m i n a n d b o b q t t ~ i n t h e m i n d f o t a pdtm d e u k h . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 5 to w W e r a o l w ofpplevhrouldmsttbwqadrPrtisrsnwould~t themto W e and dm &mate utitity of cartlmttnidn LhEW+

lh~ pocbnlqw io ar~sasa the M t b of h e hrend f m m l b b r a a d i n g ~ f ~ 9 w a s d l v s r y A n e w b p r o d u d a m d n o t b r a a d s ~ m o m i m a o s t r p l t , ~ m i n f * t ~ p t r ~ ~ ~ b ~ @ k h ~ d a d r d t b

WlYa Qlm 8 W& db&. But *B why, bmds a e c ~ ~ tht hmd it h he b a n ~~; it is hdtd hm* a Wbnging task to ~ ~ p s l P r s w a f ~ p I u s s a a d h u m a n ~ ~ urltLihtiw

. . l a a s b n t ~ . l h r i n & o f t b b c q s i s @ y t 6m-d~ Ib . tm&utrd i rx .d u n ~ t b e i r . ~ t o ~ p e h d t b k a s t o w h e t b a p d d a r b d d b ~ f w t b e ~ eCT-M~tiw~rfhabrand.

M r i w P ~ ~ ~ - ~ - p q d d o g y a f t t # c a ~ p p n l a t i o n ~ d ~ ~ ~ o n w o u l d b e ~ m ~ o f t h i s i n ~ b S m ! # ~ t w r b e n ~ ~ ~ t h a t ~ s o h i & & a t $ s i d e a ~ d ~ d d ~ t I y b ~ giverr adcmmprmti&m. Tbs o& d n h n b Wwith tltin p m b f t o ~ t b e ~ p t w ~ a t y ~ i s ~ hmnatlmhd r a d W ~ ~ 4 I w ~ w h e n a ~ ~ wmmuaidop t show to a t q z ~ nldkm- It i s possible &at . e a e 8 o E t t r e ~ ~ W l ~ ~ t ~ a f t b e . . ~ n a d u n l o t d i # h ~ ~ d ~ b r s a d . ~ i t i s ~ t k ~ w h y d w h i G h Q p p o o t d t b

L .

cmmmdmhm bssa mjoysd b y t h o ~ ~ d k w , fais

equally importsat s tinderstand fi* a p a n i c k mmmunica&im I I R ~ mt b m ~ able to imfzrtef rnajoriv of the Wct d e n c e . M y m a r c h wiU delve daep i ~ t o tbe buman ~sychofogy to ufldmtmd b e diffemnt w i e m r s or fhe brain, b-rna& I& me6 of tk nmmm, s y m j m ~ md h e dif%xW bnnonal &ons in tha mind wd the b d y for which sat d &dus ~ d d b6 g s p l d . The Fhdhgs would w o r e Id to an un- of not only Ceeliags and trrach,paiPts bnt dm the scimkific mthado lw related lo bornom aually M m Lhe hump bndy and mind IO ifio aotions in the bady fbr he hdy to react ia a sd pnttcm. So the undmtmh8 of hormonal flow in be duo to a mt t t o f u h s would b th fmt approach d w d *

My paper would Wp inves- the ptrt Mmed W of d o n s l a t a c m in * a humm pafiolagv xight f i m the time of birth md fd out tk pogsUt h d u s far which the partiGulat @ a h frm k m ~ h d . Tho reason of his rype of to dmxwm h c cmoljamd ckttw dPLdd to Werent bxa& tmd Itud out the pm-mistig e m o h s and fe~liggs so tha a @cuL ~ ~ h o n can jus~ Iriggm ihe pre matpicd e m o h Tbis hown emaliw, would dm act f a r to qister th.e bmd in mind, padwing gbnilar d s d w d is m t d q inids a similar f o k r in the brain. So a pre exidin8 f01dar in rhe br$in has bepzl tapped by e &Kemt W of dimdus h o w to the miad. So molher folder wddhat be butamhr$ran$ wptuld beput io &a same foldm wilh a W~~8atSmg s b d a s , (Es. Fwd inmts a s m ~ y ~ m ~ s t n l d b ~ t h e ~ t h l L 1 p l a s ~ c s c m & ~

modeds. w&& would wt rn r id fdr tbe f d poli~h of the bmodiag mlntion. There wuld be thm t ~ ~ e g of morsels: STEP, VA?% & SEC m&1. Tha STEP nkdd wwkl QI#I& of bid, Ta~bkgiae& - i d wd Polilienl m p ~ a Thin is wwiroume~t un&c individuds h d g their pgychologg. right from V i . Tge VASE w YWiW, Availability, Sgrict & Eoonwnipd mdd wbuld w14 the b d st&htrs in the m*. Hwo mode& wgmhg brand h s a l t k t l d a l s o b ~ i n ~ F ~ r k S E C a r ~ . hotion and ccasbwmw wdddoal with hovwdl E o o l o f t k & ~ a s i . ~ * h ~ t i o n d d r ~ t a c a D d w rt

whbk S o t h e m & l s ~ l l t d h % t ~ W a r ~ t k ~ ~ h t s l ~ m c l ~ ~ ~ d c o m m i c a c i o a t o twchthobtrms~soul.

~ ~ & ~ ~ f r w ~ r l b o a t ~ & , w b i m 1 ~ e p a s i d o r s d i n m y d F ~ , ~ ~ ~ t h ~ s t a b o e c r o d l b d a e d . ~ , b h o ~ e n d & af d i m t bomonw d ilts sbuInstrr which h w ~ a c n m i t k ~ n ~ t u b e i r ~ . ~ , ! b ~ b a s i o f m l i n g f ~ ~ ~ ~ t n ~ ~ b e ~ ~ e s m h ~ s t o w h y ~ n e h f ~ w ~ ~ i r ~ d a a d

fading wi& pmp" s th t la l~~ Fin&, &e mode48 would w i d e a ~~BLR tunk on Ihe &ts of wnumuidop1 ofl b a n pyokhgy. ?%is twmlcb would t l r t n e c l r r i p t b e b r m d w l h a p o e m t i d l e w s ~ y d ~ w h i c b w o l t I d h t h e m ~ r o , $ m ~ ~ ~ d driw its wrty to k human &&gy so tb am, &tbn aad dmid action is mid. This holistic temarcb would thsn b m a s e M i c bm of W hm&g m ~ u h s forbbrand -nmd b r a a d ~ o f t b ( ? u t u m .

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Marketing battles take place in the mind of a cmumet or prospect. That's where you win. That's where you lose.'' Jack Trout, Big Brands, B ~ Q Trrruble " Can we make the humsn brain tu respond ta an advertiser's desire?" This was the fw thing that came to my mind w h we were doing a campaign on Reet coconut oiI. Tke baseline was "The nose bows" . All what we were trying to communiate to the target audience was that the h h a n nose wwld idente the purify of the cmonui oil by the smell of Beet -nut oil. But the cmpaiw failed. The consumers were circumqmctive that the cmmut oil would smell once it is applied un the Imr. Reet coc~nut oil is me such campa~gn of the many ~ampaigns that get bombed d e n the brain does not respond to the way advedsm want. it to mspand. This psrticdar problem makes advertisers think about the way they can effectively communicate to the audience so that the desired result is achieved.

The fight for market share is utmost in the minds of the marketing managers. But for &ertisers it is the mind share thi they want to m u p y . They want Q occupy as much mind space as possible and give their brand the monapaly status. This implies that the millions of brads that are b m h d e d in tha mind ham h i r effativeness under dueat. Them are m e basic processes that should work effectively: m e is to i W u c e the brand m the mind, make a permanent effect on the mind and the mums should give the response to ha baly as h i r e d by the advertiser.

From the time of our buth, t k e are numerous e x t m d stimuli that &ape our mind. Every day we work with the permutation and cumbination of different such stimuli that we internalize as well as from the responses we get hpl the external environment, There are positive arid negative responses. lf we get a positive response, we move ahad with it; if the response is negative, we either change our mil of thought or a d y s e the negative thought. On the contrary, we a h nmt either positively or negativdy to the extend environment, So every stimuli gets registered in our mind either as a p i t i v e or n e ~ t i v e stimuli, Such stmuli are basidly the result of numecws trends present in a +dar smi*.

B.ands: wolrrim on tightropes JA me site a few examples of brands,

which have failed to creaie an impressiw in the Indian consumerist mind- and then site a few other

brands which have created a strong impression in the Indian minds* First of all, let me start with some . brands, which have reached the nrsal market and how the consumers reacted to such brands. Henkel Spic, a G m a n detergmt major, came up with a brand called Hmko detergent. They thought it wodd b a huge success When the brand was intmd-4 it wmt well m all over the country except in th villages of Mahamshtra. The reason for this was H e d o i~ Marathi means "I don't want it". Hence the b m d failed in tbe Mabarashtra villages WB launched thew washing machine and tried to go into &e rural market. But their campaim remained unsuccessful in the villages of PunPunjab. The nual comufnm took it to be the churning machines for their lassi which the communication and mechanism was mt meant for, When Asian Paints came into the d market with their imctor- enamelled paint, it was again misunderstood. It was thought that as cattle are their property and it has to be distinguished. So they painted the h m s of their cadc to identify one from the ohm. When the Iodex h d came into being. it was tested in the rural market. It was thought as a relief for pain of all purpbses. So the d wmum& thought that when their cade wem suffering from pain, they started rubbing lodex on their hind Although therr usage i n d and the sales but the communi~atiun for sustainable brand equity decreasd

Although there were campigas, which were inmeted in negative directions, thew were certain g d campaigns, which really touched the Indian cansumen, Bqaj c a m up with a s~ooter and it came up with a Iim *Hamam Bajaj". Lot of consum~~s liked the m p a i g n Hero Honda came up with another successful campaig~ which was a pasport programme and the carnm~dan says "Rishta dil W. Vicks V-b cam6 up wrth a nice campaign of "Rub against cold for child". It was a gmrxsrd problem that a child's cold kept parents awake throughout night Vicks Vaporub was a solution to this problem. Titan was another brad, which came up with a campaign saying " whenever your husband wants to gift you a m e , ask him fw a T M watch". Within an Iodex dcmimted market, M m v came up with a campaign for backache saying "Garmahat leyc, amam dilay", Among the sofi drink companies, Sprite came up with b nice campaim which became; hrghly popular. It s a d "Siddhi Ba& No B&w& kyuh yeah hi "Hindustan mai jam". The brand DM01 was again more appealing jn comp.ison, ta the SavI~n brand bemuse the comtnmication should that only

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tingling senstion of DeUol proved that it was having an effect on the wound, In the petrol pump category, HP has developed "Club H P where the cortlmunlcation says "Achcha lagta hai" which had h e n very popular. Al1 these and much more are the success stories of brands, which had realIy stamped its name in he minds of the consumers. But t h ~ pertinent question here is: why are some brands mccessful and o h unsumessful? How is it that wen after years of brand Iaunch, it is m i v e d that the communication has fded to achieve what it was meant for? M y bmds Eail to provide m impressive solution? Such questions of how and why can wrl y be amwered if we delve deep into the human mind and f~ out the ~ s s i b l e msch i sms that could be tinkled so that m effectwe chemical reaction can take place in the body for it to action what is required by the communication. Afier all, the human mind is the fmd decider, a m k e t space where brands are bought and rejected. So an undtmtmdiig mds to be done as to how brands can be positioned in the brain so that its effectiveness is at its maximum. Let us do an open surgery sf the brain to find out how a brain works and what kind of d o n s takes place when a communication of the brand enters he brain.

It is often seen that w h an advertisement comes a break between an exciting movie or a music program, it is often irritating r h ~ not. Conseguexxtly we surf though other channels and the basic intmtim of advertising to promote a b a d durmg mega smids, films or events get lost. We have to fiad a solution to this and the pandora's box lies in the brain. So let us first study the bmp and sm whether we can fina some cues to our investigation The br;tirt is hasically camposed of two parts: the left brain and the right brain E9(perimmtati~1 has shown that the two d i f f m sides, or hemispheres, af the brain are responsible for different manners of thinking. The following table illustrates the differences between left-brain and riat-bmh thinking:

Right Brais Logical Random StqueIltial Intuitive Rational Holistic Adyt~ca l Synthesizing Objective Subjective Looks at parts Looks at wholes

Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styla af thinking, 8 me, however, ate more whole-brained and equally adept at both modes. In general, schools tend to favour left-brain modes of thinking, while downplaying the right- brain ones. Left-brain scholastic subjects fms on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy. Rtght- brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aahetics, feeling, md creativity. The wet web of the brain has two different parts: neurons and synapses. The main function of the neuron is to carry infomation from om part of the body to d e r through two h i c processes- the e lec~cal and the chemid process. Although the dendrites of some neurons receive informarion from the axioms of other neurons, they are not physically in cpntact with a c h other. There is a v a y mdl gap within the two known as synapse. N m m fire mfmeim by sending chsmids called neuro-msmittm aross synapse. Thew neurotransmitters either excite the receiving neuron to smd out a signal or they inhibit from mdmg out a signal. So the passing of signals depends on the stiQldus that makes the synapse more sensitive to response, Thus our memory is not stored as electrical setting of the neurons, It is embdied chemically in the greater I ikelibood of a particular set of numns reacting to a new sensory input. The power 8f this system 1 ies in its lugh degree of interrelation with many nmlrom able to fransmit messages to many other neutrons, So probably there are nu specific neutron that is associated with a brand say "Tata S h k m " but there is a specific pattern of nmonal activiw, which might spread widely acmss the brain tbat is ~ O C ~ with 'Tata Shakm" and which in tum w e r s other associations; the blue, yellow and md colour, the sbield logo and so on. The neuron. networks are p r o $ r d to be brilliant ~1$ssifiers as it is very essential to clwsify things that surround quickly so that it is easia to gmdise from previous experiences with similar things or situations q d react appropriately. Obviously this h a lot to do with haw advertising is interpreted and how a memory of an motion can be invoked with the communication.

It is now clear that haw 9 brain works and w h t componmts trigger stimulations so the appropriate reactions are possible. Let us now delve dGep into the memory part of tbs brain, whicb is the storage house of dl information. The T h e Memory Storage Systems

In cwitive psychology, mmory is usually divided into three stores: the s a w r y , the &art-

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and the long-team, The progrws of information through these stores is dim r e f e d ta

w I

&raw ~ m o r y l h mny memory retains an exact wpy of what is seen w heard (visual and au$itoty). It only Iam for a few seconds, while some theorize it last only 380 millisamds. It has d i m i t d wpacity . Selective ateention debmines w+t mfomatim moues fmm s t n s s r y memory to short-term m e m o r y .

Shprbterm memory: Sba-term rnemory (STM) is most o h stored as sounds, especially h recalling words, but may be stored as images. It wofis like RAM memory in computers; provides a work& space, is thought to be 7 bits in lm& that is, w e wmdly d y member 7 item, STM is vulnerable to hkrruph or interference. STM is c h ~ ~ by:

A hitd capacity of up to seven pieces of m b p m h t Wmatioq the brief duration of these itemsMfrom3to20secondsddmayappears to be the primary mechanism ofmemory loss. After e n w q oensosy mmory, a limited amount of infmsltim is trader& into short-term memory. Witbin STM, there are t h e basic om:

Ioanic m m o q - The ability to hold visual images. A c o r n memary - The ability to b i d s w d s . Acoustic memory em be Md longer than iconic manmy. Working memory - An active process to keep it until it is put to use (think, of a

' p h m number y oull t q c a ta pmlf twtil you can did it on the p b ) . Note that the goal is not r d l y to move the informdon from STM to 4TM, but merely the informath to immediate we.

hag-tern memory: T'his is relafrvely permpert storage. Information is stored m tho basis of marring and impwtance. The knowledge we store in LTM d k t s our percqticsns of the world, and influences what information in the environment we attend to. LTM provides the hmework to which we attach new knowldge. It cmtrasts with shclrt- term and perceptual m e m q in that inf6mation can he st& for extended perids of time and the limits of its q a c i t ) ~ are not known. Sc h c m a s are mental models of the world. Information in LTM is stored in interrelated networks of b s e schetnas. These, in turn, f m intricate Imowidge structures. Related schemaa are linked together, and information that activates one schema also activates others that are closety linked Th~s is ~ Q W we recall relevant knowlee when similar infomation is presented. These schmas guide us by diverting oyr attention to relevant information and allow us to disregard what is not important. Sin- LTM storage is orgmm into schema instructional designers should activate exissting scheam Mom p r m t i n g new information. This can be done in a variety of ways, including gmphic organizers, curiosity arousing questima, movies and so on. LTM atsa has a strwg i d m w an perception through top-down processing - our prior knowledge affects how we perceive sensoxy information Our expectations reg* a particular sensory experience Mmce how we i n w e t it. This is how we develop bias. Also, most optical illusions take advantage of tbis fact. We can now fmd a direction as to what could b dona to m s t attmtion during a commercd b m k . There is a very common experience that during such commercial breaks, audience tends do something else till, tbeir favowite is back. If they are enquired

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whether they are watching television, they may say t h y don't watch the advertisements during br&.

But if they are asked if they had noticed the Airtel advertisement during that tweak, they may be honest enough to say that they have head the jingle or has just peeped at that moment for the advertisement, What made them do so? This system of the brain is known as the "Supervisory AWoning System" which rnonitots the ambient influences even when a person is not giving proper attention to it. As soon as it finds something relevant to crate stimulus, it puts the neurons to action and the person gets th feel d it and diverts his attention towards For advertisers, it is very necessary to find out which kind of communidons can be mah so that the supervisory attmioning system cam be iinflueaced. Then only even during a commercial break, a person's attention can be diverted to view the particular advertisement. Hence we have answered one question as to where advertisers 4 to influence to draw the audienue to their communicati~n during commercial breaks. But: the q w t i ~ n of how to achieve it still remains obscure.

THE MIND: Some of the salient features af the minds

are tkat thq am limited, their p c q t i o n s are selective, then is a physiological limitation to processing stimuli, a dramatic difference is needed fox the b m Q to establish th,mselves in crowded categories. So t h ~ dd3icUrQ remains as how muJl of the masage ~ e t s through the clutter. The mind, by nature, is vay insure, The mind is both motid and dmd, purchasing decisions am really not known and for recall there are times when the mind remembers thrsgs that no longer exist. What CQIIGIUS~W can we draw from these themi&? During a recent study it was asked to the audience if they knew the c m t tag h e for United Airlines. They mmmdhgly respanded with "Fly the

Friendly Skies!" When 1 pointed out h t United changed its tag in 1997 to nRising" and again izl 2004 to "Its Time to Fly," they were astonished. Dapite the millions of dollam United spent on this ad campaign, lhe audim~e only recalled something that didn't exist. When c l d k g your W pusitis* strategy, you may want to consik your previous message layering activities and determine if your new value proposition enhances w W i c t s in the minds of your intended audience. Wow let's rum to a technique to d y s e brand perceptions. Due to the shear volume of messagm we munte r on a daily basis, the human mind c d t kgin to eape with mterprc$ing them dl. Trout nates some statistics: Humans tolerate constant daily electronit bombardment, printed knowledge doubles every four to five years, 4 , M books are published around the wwld every day. Tbe World Wide Web gows by 1,M0,000 pages each day. You've watched 140,600 TY commercial 4 the age 18.

Humarn radrrr: The commnka~on d d To better understand the procas of

preference, let's first look at a basic communications model. Tbe five components of this mcdel wte sender, m e d i m filter, receiver, and feedback. On a dady basis, we at.e exposed to massages (sender/medium) via our radio, tebisi 0%

billboards, Internet, md, and word-af-mouth Althpugh these messages arc pervasive, we continually screen out (perceptual screen] or ignore cont~nt that has little M no relevance to us. All messagm we coded pktems and sensations - mlourq sounds, odours, shapes, etc. Those rnwsages deemed recognizable, or a basis for a relationship, am decoded and e e d in our memory (filterkcreen), A s u c ~ l cmergenm between mder and receiver will result in some type of response to a brand's compelling message fedback.

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pW=r=--I. I Stmd mmeu h w l q - t m have to bs a w i w d . First o P a what is the utility memory are connected through a series of n m k af the product fw which the brand has to be

mMorksa An example could be all the launched? Secondly who we its p d Y b cammer9t 'om ycru might have with the word & and what is tb level of their undmmdhg? ks-inclldm& caffee, rich aromq relaxin& m d l y what sort of segment do they fall into?

sofa earth tones, e&. As p m m d by 5hula and F d y what would be the USP or the unique "This n& and cometion prwss, c&ed positioning strategy of the M? Fifthly, who are

& activation, makes every penon diffemnt9* the competitors md wbat errr their positions? ( S w h d Cmmmicatims Campips, Sixthly, what is the marketing uadetgm 1W). Since we all We. Werent expriences, by the company to l a d the product so that he d o r m , and dationships, this supports a brmdiag campaigns can be devdopsd M i n g l y ' i d m $ that the mqmer, not;& argmhtion, Finally, what would be the brand vision b o y s heband. vis-a-vip other bran& in the s m c categay?

Underlying rhea basic qmtions, them wads be an attempt to f k d out Hrhst would be the Q j v k force

From brain to bralrdiap of dm b d and to forecast possible o h 1 a &at It is well established that the journey of a may arise in its journey. When we talk of %tho

product through its brand depends on the taste buds & i v i n g f m ~ ~ o f a b m & w e t s n d t o ~ of the brain. The chemicals that create arousal are &mill pammtm, which are fhe drbitlg elmmts. serotonh, scetylchbline, dopamine, norepinephrine, These indude choice of b t a p t a u d i m w b and histamine. The amygdala, vmtrornedial h d s We MTV, Bb 18 Md m uppr had; p r e f r d cortex give rise to lower order and higher c h o h of the product or &ws Hrhece h d s Like order d o n s respectively in the brains and the Mow, bttol pr-; choice of pricing where b m d s need to choose which one to affect ts trigger b d like N& am3 VId- m d a a flame and tbe &sired reaction. Whether a communication is f~ c h o i ~ a f d i s t t l i o n m r k w?&rk bmds powerful wugh to stimulate ?he newons and the lib S t d a r d CMered EW$ H ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~

whether fie brain stores the created s niche market. communication in its primary or secandary memay, short-term or long-term mernopy is a B m d f d t i a n h ~ matter of con- Now advertisers know where to put their communication an8 what to influence A strong brand positim means the brand Their major challenging job is now to understand has a unique, edible, su-1% and vdued place

how to Muence a chemical reaction in the mhd so in the wshmw's airxi. It molvbs around a h 4 t that a desired response is arrived at. In order to that helps your p d w t or sevim stand apart from understand this, let us now investigate as to what the corspetifion." h t t h v & h H d h d are the ways in which a brand gets positioned in the Mamt&t?- minds of the consumers. A brand is a cluster of ~~~ seek to &&$I d ~ j m t strategic cultural ideas, which has to be used as a brand perceptions based m &mall7 &ren me& t o ~ l to shape the human mmd. So whenem a brand ad gods. In Jack T W s 'book "Diffarefftatu or bas to be launched, t b m are s e v d basic questions Die,'. he v t s e v i b - hat his theories

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on consumer behavior and interpetdon Although these concepts rn self-evident on the surface, organizations tend to ignore these butab le laws in hir daily branding activities. Durvlg the product lifecycle of the brand, different stages am encountered: the infant swe, the growth stage, the maturity stage and finally the decline stage. Depending on the stage at which the brand is positioned, it w~uld be decided whether the band would go for a brand extension, line extension, sub banding, range branding, umbrella branding and endorsed branding. A p t from these strategies, the advertiser has to keep in mind the market s h e of his brand and find out whether brand CamibelIiation is taking place. mever a h d has to be devdoped, it has to 'gmdd~escalate from its core formula to know how, interest and f d I y h e brand philosophy. Every advertiser tries to plan its brand through the marketing mix, the 4 Fs: product, price, place, and promotion so that the brand can be enriched. The h d asset evaluator has to be measured to find out how much the target audience vdue the particular brand, Likewise, brand input multiplier would evaluate the ratio of the market share of the b m d with respect to the amount that has been spmt on advertising, These instruments would also suggest as to what is the position of the h d , the future strategies, where to spend haw much and ultimately where to draw the line.

Brand Molecule "The functional, emotional, and social

dimensions of the jobs that customers need to get done constitute the circumstam;es in which thqr buy ." Dr. Clayton Christensen, fie Innovator's Soitlfion

A brand molecule, according to Hill and Lederm, is the process of idmtrfying all assochti~ns commed to your brand. In addition to understanding the type of connections, you ned to evaluate the importance of each associatim and how much weight it carris independently. By unfolding a brand m o l d e , tbe organization is able to view all possible conn&ons, either positive or negaiive, in its current state. By virtue of this mlysis, you can achevt greater clarity and bight into your positioning or rs-branding process. The McDonalds brand molecule, as p~rlrayd in this pictarid, illuminates the basic construm of thts process. Key elements of this model include: linking all btand associatiom, the importance of wh, and how they relate to each other. Once accomplished., you can kegin the process of removing those associations that no longer 'fit" and adding new ident$lers in their pletce. T h ~ s prccess provides the manager with an opportunity to view the entire brand and affect change in a stmtegic mannert,

A d-world example of this process was tbe recant transformation of Cadillac. In the late 80s md early 908, shies for this brand were declining due to Bumpem a d Japanae penetration into the 1- car mark& To merse this erosion, the

Cadillac group lrvested in the brad molecule analysis to reinvent bth the deslgn a d market preference. This brand was meticulously assessed, dhstmbled, mssmbhd, and re-posi t id in the late 1990s from mefhitlg grandpa drove into a

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fast, m y , and desirable product. Taday, you know when a Caddy commercial is playing when you hear Led Zeppelin's "been a long time" blaring b u g h thu speakers.

Bmnd equity

Underlying aft the nitty-gritty of brand evduatiorl is the swch for finding ae brand equity of a brand. Brand equity has the totality of brand pmqt icm kc ludq the total quality of the product services, f m c i a l performance, customer loyalty, sitisfaction and overall esteem towards the brand. ~ h d Equity is influenced by ali non-image factors as well as the market vdue of the bmd, This value is ascertained by the cost base4 price based and cbnsumer based methods. Once the brand equity is developed, half the mind ba#le is won. So it is neceswq to find out how brand equity can be dyeloped by stimulating the neurons. So all questions trigger to om direction: What biggers the neurons and how can it be triggered?

Braad loyalty "You leacd that customer Loyalty is

neither m g i c nor tactic; rather, it i the ultimate objective and meaning of brand equity, Brand loyalty is brand equity." Day] Travis, Emutional Branding.

So, what constitutes brand loyalty? According to Bluemer and Kastsper, brand layalty implies that consumers bind themselves to products ar services as a result of a deep5eated commitment. To exemplify this point, they rendered a distinction be- repeat: pmhases and actual brand 1~ydQ. In their published research, they assert that a repeat purchase behaviour *is the actual re-buying of zt

brand" whereas loyalty inc1udes "antecedents" or a mnl fac t w.czrrring before the hhviour. B I m e r and Kasper Mer delineate brand loyalty into "ous" and "truen loyalty. Spurious loydty exhibits the following attributes: Biased, bebavioud response* which is expressed over time by some decision-making unit, with respect to one w more alternate braads as a function of inertia. Tnle brand loyalty includes the above, but replaces with a psychological prwss resulting in brand comtnitme~ (Ref: J o d pf ~ n o m i c P s y o h o l ~ , V O ~ ~ ~ T ~ Q 16, Issue 2, July 1 W5). W drives brand loyalty? The psychology behind human behrrviour as it pertains to brand selmtian can be both rudimentary &d complicated # the same time. We will explore this co~lfldnun by investigating noted authors' insight into tbe

realm of brand preference, By unveiling current research and opinions of expmts, w convergence of idealoges will advocate techniques in order to deepen c i m t and potential relationships. Methods will be introduced which evoke the use of wr five senses to evaluate, develop, and drive a deeply rooted brand preferemu.

Calou r psychology aflecting brands

Colour PsychoIogy Cdour psychology s t u d i s the affects of

colows on how we feel (yello~happy), and what we asmiate with certain eolow (black4mth) W d m g on our culture.The science behind the psychology of colour is still new, but k stsuang to &fie haw mlour impacts our bodies, affsctixlg wr a p w s , d f d m e and energy levels.

Colour= llght = energy How can a wlour acmdly fled us? Fkst

we have to lo& at wbat a wlwr is made of light,A colour is a lightwave which travels to ywr lye, then sends an electrid mesage to your brain whch interpret them rts "Mue" m b~yelloW-Since lqht is just energy, and c o l a is light, eolomr i s a form eC energy, a wave that hits you right between the eyes h shulates your hh md @mts your mind and your body.1n One study, some subjects were able to distinguish a prbcular colour blin&Ided, just by touchg a colour with tbeir fingmtips.We um colours to des- our lmdws: the red "power tie'' of Prime Ministen and Ps&dents, black robs of judges .We use calm to show allegiance. ln West Bet@, In& football club East Bangal is known by their distincth red and yellow colour while Mohon Bagan is known by their maroon and green c d w . A m c smgm in bright blue scrubs with yellow polk& says "frkmdly", and puts her young patien& at -A politician's black wit, wbite shirt and navy tie sends "cwsmativ&' and " p w e W . Ushg coiour to a f b t mmd. haterim deignen affect papie's moods through the ~1~ &osa for walls aod fuhbgs.Advertim are

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masters of calaur. Red fbr wx appeal in h q s like lip&&, soda. Black for manly things like

watches, m v e , m again Pink for girl$ toys. Waur and communicating ywrr brand

Ttae psydbgy of colw branding is utilised to mmmunimte a busines personali@ and approach, creak a mood, appal to the target audience, distinguish the website from its ~~npetitors and draw attention Colours to promote a business brad, to get the right mesaw amxis to its target market.

Branding in the brab From our above investigation fist into the

baain arid then kt0 h brand, we mn easily derive certain cues that would e b c e us to &empt to find the sem& password of the humm mind, which is the utmost dastimtion of t h ~ xaearch. From the baht, we k m that the newom synapses am the major in€luemms of human action. Wa also how that supemisury attentionmy systpm rwds fo be t q p l to induce the conmumcation wen if the mind is out of focus. F T ~ he b d m g point af view, the h i d equity weds to be developed a d a unique positioning mtew n d s to be mined ria b t it muts t~ sol&m to some c~mplerx human prob1ms. Every product and thus every bmd is a solution to orre w the @her human problems. This ib why all p r o d m and brand- am existmt md will eonthe to exist, The f& is to establish who wodd provide the best possible solution. For this endeavour, we need find out the cognitrve psychology that brand plmers use to map the perceptual space in the mind. The cognitive map of the individual is the idea that each brand mupies a particular point or space in the, individual cmmmsr's mind, a p o d that is de te rmid by that cclfisumer's perception of he brand in qumtion and in its &&on to &w brands. 'ha spatial &smct &ween the ~ n t s in that cmmmc~'s mind reflects the subject's perception of similarity 0s . . * -ty b a n product and h d s . For example d m Mggi noodles were l a d e d in Mi, it k a m e an overnight success. The m n be& th& it f w d a strong vacant position and o o m m m as "god to eat, fast ro wk" anytime m w k . b t the red challenge l i e as to hm we can gain the space of the mind. To buy the mind spa- thm are mikm of communication and U * - ~ w 1 8 ~ b ~ r n ~

m m bmd clutter to the dmdy cluttered -. The dvdsing need now i to cmte a ~ s p m a m o n g t h e c @ m u m ~ ~ ~ r t n d t o r n t t k e €imYmm@rt&b. &'hchall*fias- fbm

visibility to comfwtability. One 'thing is absduty dear that the unique positioning strategy needs to be urzderiaken and differentiation is a branding DNA.

Solutions: the psycbo-bramdiag modeis Let us now put the though& into some

mod~ls to gut some channelised solutions and ultimately derive at the cracking tool that would have an impact on the Indian consumerist mind.

The STEP model In order to develop the comfort zone &at

we have discus4 d i m , the profile consumm have to IN stratified and Rave to be passed through the STEP model. The STEP model includes, Wlal, Tectinologiml, Economical and Political. These are the extwnal influences that the profile consumers have hem conditioned with in their years of mental: development. So this model would Plrst give an idea -ding the liking factor of the targat consumers. The reason being hat as the brain has developed, there were such strong e x t d influences that have been a part of the gt%e of the consumm. Positionmg the brand iato the comfort zone of the cornmen is to make a match h e e n the consumer DNA with the brand DNA. Once this is achieved, Ihe consumer does not need to remember tb brand m I y . It becomes a part Of his life atxi hence he lives with the h d .

The VASE model For the smooth recognition and recall of a

bmd it is not only nec- to make the brand more visible by constantly bornbardaq it with communications a d promotions. Etaher I would propose a. VASE model, which should be f~llowed for any brand, The VASE model says: Visible, Available, Service and Economical, all are the essential segments for the smooth joumey of the brand. If visibility is absent, then consmars do not h e a clear understanding of the brand. If availability is Mf then consumers may damand and seek but ultimately get to the most available brand. I f the sewice is not g d , b n cunsmm would not go for repeat p u r c b . Finally, if the product is not momical then the consumers may fail to find the value price ratio positive. So all the four wts are equally important for consumers to have a constant reference to a particular brand d thus increase the brand equity.

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The SEC model The SEC model according to me, is the

most effective model for any psycho bran- solutions. This model, I believe, would Q to d o c k the branding problms faced by advertisers relating to brand clutter, effective branding reactions and ather such related problems as this model would give an indepth analysis as to how brands can stimulate the neurons of the brain and according pmduce the desired result. The SEC model can b divided into three parts: Sensation, Emotion and Consciousness. Any communication input that passes satisfactorily through these three sages will most likely emerge with the best result, Let us now derive tbe model and h d out how it works as a panacsa for all branding solutims

Seasation "Almost our entire understanding of the

world is experienced through our senses." Martin Lin&om, Tbe most innovative brand research lte encountered m n t l y was derived f m Lindstrom and hs "Brand Sense" concept. A precursor to his theoty lies in three componerrts, and when combined, builds both loyalty and what ha terms "mash ability." The constucts of his theory reside in the following:

Senmy handing stimulates your relationship with the brand Allows emotionat response to dominate our rationale thinking Ofiers different dimensions of a smgle brand

God: StTong,pitive,loyal bondbetween brand and consumer so the consumer will turn to brand repeatedly Ultimate Gortl: Emotional engagement, match between percept idreality

Tfie essence of Lindstrom's work lies in what he terms the 'Six Sensory Steps." These indude (1) sensory audit, (2) brand staging, (3) brand drama, (4) h d signature, ( 5 ) implementation, and (6) evaluation. Through this discovery method, an organization can unved aspects of ~ t s current offering or new avenues to exploit. This prwss, according to the author, will enhance brand loyalty and deepen existing relationships.

Since hs article can't possibly delve intQ all six steps, a cursory view of a few elements of this proms is provided next, Lindstrorn's approach to brand loyalty stems from the llse of our five senses. In order to understand any brand, a sensory audit must be conducted to assess the brand's leveraging of sensory touch paints. This involves exminmg a brand's stimdi, enhancement, and bonding capabilities. Lindstrm's point is simply the m a sensory components, the stronger the foundation of your brand.

Another area discusssd is the synergy across senwry touch points, Lindstrom suggests we use many senses when evaluating our smoundirrgq including brands. Retumiag to the Starbucks example, one could view an encounter with h s rotailer in this manner:

Visual Unique logo on buildmg, cups, and bags

VjsuaVAuditdry Uniform and mitamer ap~woach Vis~AudttorylTouch Interior aesthetms (sofa, C O ~ ~ , wdl paper, music) Smel VTaste Pistinct aroma of freshly ground coffee

When snslyzing y w brand, haw strong are the links between each of your sensory toucb paints? How i n t e r d m are they? In the beginning of this article we mentioned Lindstmm's tern 'smashability." This simply m m w how indewdent m h sensory aspect is and what is its ability to stand on its own? If ym removed the Starbucks logo from the building, wwld you still h o w the brand?

Let w now concentrate on the five senses: sigh, hearing, smell, W e , touch. Apart from this, tfiere are Kinesthesia and Symslhsia.

Sight: The eye is the organ of v ~ i m li has a complex stmcture consisting of a transparent lens that f m w light on the retina. The brain combines the input of our two eyes into a & b d i m e n s i d image. h addition, eum though the image on the retina is upside-down because of the

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focusing actam of the lens, the brain ~ompcnsrttts a d provides the right-side-up perception. So the v i d image is created in the mind. Every attmtive image creates a folder in the brain.

Hewing: The ear is the organ of heamg, The outer em trarlsmitS vibrations to the inncr ear through a e e s of small bones. The innu ear, react to the v W i o n s and transmit impulses to the brain via the auditory nerve. The brain combin~s thc input of our two ears to determine the Man and distance of sounds. Tme: The receptors for taste, m114 taste bud? are situated chiefly in the tongue. At the h e of each taste bud them is a nerve that sends the sensations to the brain. The sense of taste functions in csordhrion with the s e m of smell. The number of taste buds vsries substantially from individd to individud, but grmm numbas increase sensitivity.

SmII= The nose is the organ responsible for tbe sense of smell. The cavity of fha nose is lined with mucous m m ~ that have smell receptars connected to the olfactory nerve. The small ra~epto~ interact with the molucules of these vapors and transmit the sensations to the hain. Ttae some of touch is drstributed throughout the M y , Nerve endings in tbe skin and other parts of the body trtn;nsmit d m to the brain.

K i d & : precise awareness of muscle and joint mvement that allows w to coordinate our muscles when we walk, talk, a d use our hands. It is the m e of kinesthesia that enables w to touch the tip of our nose with out. eyes closed or to know which p t of the body we should scratch when we itch.

S y a d h d : Some p p b a phenomenon called syndes ia in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another. For example, the hmkg of a sound may result in the sensation of the visualization of a calm, w a shape may be sensed as a mall . All these senses register thgmlves as a folder in the brain through a saies of stimulating mumm. The f~st positioning method of advwtisen shuld be to diffemtiate the brand among any of these senses. These smsm create a miturd stimulus among neurons rUpd if the brand members can understmd the mations of such senses from the profile c0nsuma-s then communication can be p s i tiond in 1 h e with the sensation Zhat has crewtad the most pleasurable experience. Enforcing a mtml reation with eommmimtion would be

nothing less than another good experience with the band and to tbe human psychology, g d experience are always welcome. So the perceptual space already had the folder, no new spa= to march. The conmuncation just created a link betwen tk senmy folder in the brolin and the brad, thereby exclting the neurons in the same way as the previously created p l e d e experienm.

Emotion: One of the prime Mueflcers to any kid of

reactions in the brain is the emotion. It is that touch in the mind which can make or break things Scientist Wurmdt spoke about the three different dimensions of emotions; pfmant/unpleasant, relaxatidtension, cWexcifement. Ekman and Ereisen identified six basic typs of emotions. fear, sadness, anser, happiness, drsgust, surprise. But modehl researchers have found a lot of emotions like humour, love, disgust, him, pain, Ins4 hope wd pride. Such motions create stimulus In the mind and the body reacts d i n g l y . So great communications have been positioned to ~h one emotion and capitalise on it For example the brand Bomf h e is showu to have a granddaughter giving her grandmother Boroline becourse her fed have cuts with winkles. This emotional conuKct of granddaughter-pndrnother touches the h a t The brand Vicks Vaporub came as a solution to those small children who could not sleep at night became of cold and kept heir parenb awake as well. Yicks Vaporub came to relieve those children suffenhg fiom cold as well as their waking p m h . The brand Fevicol has always been known for its hummous communication. It pmetys a crawdd bus where people hangrng ciutside the bus are not falling off bemuse they are stuck witb fevid . The bmd Pepsodent showed mother scoldq t4e child for nut brushing with pepsmknt, So the fa factor is created and the mother child emotion is show cased. Thus every comurrication tends tp touch the soft spot of the human mind. But humans greatly differ h their emotions and it becomes a dauntbq tdc to fd out the motional cluster. The only way ta fmd it is to underst& tht m!atimship of the clustered mulation with themselves and their smundings, tbeir mctims to d f l e m t situations and dthahly touchmg motions which strike them heavily. If such q communication can Ix Iiakred with the striking emdons of the consumers, then the brand equity will be d m c e d .

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Coa~ioasnaa: I t has beeo & f d loosely as a

camtellation of attributes of mind such as subj&tivity, self-awareness, sentience, and the ability to perceive a relationship between onmelf and me's enyironment. It bas been def& from a more biological and c d perspective as the act of atitonomously modulating a#diMlal and computational effort, usually with the goal of obtaining, retaining, or maximizing specific parameters (fd, a safe m ~ e n t , family, mates). Consciousness may involve thoughts, sensations, perceptions, mods, ~modons, dreams, and em awwmtss of s& dthwgb not necessarily ary particular one or combination d these. So the basic premis@: of msci[~usness is the "touching soul" effect where what we think happens, what we want and cannot do happens. Tt is the upicentre of m d activities that gces on in the beam and when a mmmuni~tion tmches ~t, there is no question abut the Eact that the brand will evade all clutters to8 mwge as a predominant brand for a long time. For example the brand Vodaphone when it was cdled Hutch had taunched with a dog rurmjag after a chM. The communication said, "whereever you go, our network fallows you". Its an immediate cannWian with the fact that a dog is man's best &nd and very loyal.

Conclusion In order to understand the pr;yblogy of

bmd p m f m and ultimate b m d choice, we undertook this j m e y by marniing the bmds that have failed md succeeded and tried to find an answer as to what led to me brand's: sue~:ess land the other to fail. To understand this pmbla?~ we delved deep into the hwnm brain to fmd out its mechanism and its organs of influeme Then we portrayed a basic communication model rwd the p r w a s of receivlaglfdwg messages t6 m n t

the fact how a particular communication enters the brain and is comprehended by the brain. Here we found out the action stimulisas af the brain. Our next job was to under-d the branding concept and to review research that sugg~ed a distinction b e e n spt~rious md true brand loyalty. Several misms concerning how a h m d is positioned in the marketplace, revealed the cMlenges with marketing to the human mind. Here we found out where exactly the brand needs to reach, for the Indian consumerist mind to welcome and retain it. At this crossroad, we have the stimulants and the destination AU we needed was a transport to carry the stimulants to its destination. This was possible through thee major models that ultimately became the cracking tool for the Indian consumerist mindset. Firstly, we surveyed research that submits h e essence of brands being connected through our five s a w s . Secondly, we studied the external factors for 'or mmth brand journey. Finally, we gra5pd the h e r d mechanisms that action a h~mm being to make an dtimate brand choice and to live with the brand. The three corn tools, STEP, VASE and SEC spells three distinctive areas' STEP mode1 would make a human mind k recognix its natural comfortabIe environment, VASE model would make the human mind feel at ease and in equity with the brand, ultimately SEC. model wodd make the human mind create a specific desire and stimulate action specific to a particular clutter free brand choice. Thus, these three tools of psycho branding, if judiciously maintmed, wodd I believe in the coming years, not d y k the code cracking tools for the Mian consumeriSt mind but also would aid immensely in the germ of international branding.

Refepancerr W i s h e n Y. (t)DS). N m p q m h in Rural md agtiwltural marketing. Naw Dew. J& Publishing Houss.

Plwis. ( 2 0 . me mid mind. New Dtlhi: Rcspw.

Hdw, Anmd Bhakar. (2007). Flmuhg far poww Jvedning New Delhi: Sage.

! h p @ a , Subrob, (2005), B m d poaEtIwiog. New Dclhi: Tata Macgmw-Hill.