Download - Bali 3 Pura Ulun Danu1



The Bratan volcanic complex is cut by a

11 x 6 km wide caldera (also known as

Catur or Tjatur caldera or the Buyan-

Bratan volcanic complex) in north-

central Bali and contains three caldera

lakes - Danau Tamblimgam, Danau

Buyan, and Danau Bratan.

Several post-caldera strato-volcanoes

straddle its southern rim; the largest

post-caldera cone, Batukau, is 10 km to

the SW. The cones are well-formed, but

covered with thick soils and vegetation;

they are thought to have been inactive

for hundreds or thousands of years.

The largest post-caldera cone is

Gunung Batukau (2276 m)

Complexul vulcanic Bratan, cu un crater

larg de 11 x 6 km, situat în nordul părţii

centrale a insulei, cuprinde trei lacuri -

Danau Tamblimgam, Danau Buyan, şi

Danau Bratan.

Se văd mai mulţi stratovulcani formaţi

postcaldera (Caldera înseamna

depresiune creată de o erupţie

vulcanică) cu conurile bine formate, dar

acoperite cu vegetaţie, inactive timp de

sute sau mii de ani. Cel mai mare con

post-caldera este Gunung Batukau

(2276 m)

The tropical trees are fertile

growing in this forest that

makes it an ideal habitat of

monkeys and other animals. All

monkeys living in this forest

are chummy and tame with

human being.

Contribuind la fertilitatea mare

a solului de natură vulcanică,

copacii fac din această pădure

tropicală un habitat ideal

pentru maimuţe şi alte animale.

Toate maimuţele care trăiesc

în această pădure sunt

deosebit de prietenoase şi


The lake Bratan is 1200 meters

above sea level which makes

the temperature nice and cool.

Ulun Danu temple is one of the

most popular tour visit. The

location is on the west bank of

lake Bratan. The name Ulun

Danu, literally means ―the

beginning of the lake" But this

might not to claim that the site is

the beginning of a lake. It tends

to indicate that everything that

exists around the lake will have

the orientation to the temple site,

and cleanliness around the area

must be continuously kept.

Altitudinea de 1200 m a lacului

Bratan asigură o răcoare


Complexul de temple Ulun Danu

situat pe malul vestic al lacului

este o destinaţie turistică majoră.

Numele Ulun Danu, literalmente

înseamnă „începutul lacului"

indicând faptul că tot ceea ce

există în jurul lacului va avea

orientarea spre templu iar

curăţenia în jurul zonei trebuie

să fie în permanenţă păstrată.

The whole complex is consist

of 4 units each dedicated to

spirit of Lingga Petak, and

shrines to worship god.

Întregul complex Ulun Danu

de pe malul lacului Bratan

este format din patru temple

distincte, fiecare dedicat

spiritului lui Lingga Petak, şi

având altare dedicate zeilor

Unlike the common towering

indoor Indian Hindu temple,

puras are designed as an

open air place of worship

within enclosed walls,

connected with a series of

intricately decorated gates

between its compounds.

Spre deosebire de fastuoasele

interioare ale templelor

hinduse indiene, pura (templul

balinez) este conceput ca un

loc de cult în aer liber, în

interiorul unor incinte închise

cu ziduri, incinte legate între

ele printr-o serie de porţi

admirabil decorate

Shrines of Teratai Bang

It is also called Pura Penataran

Agung. This complex is consist

of 3 yards as the common

structure of temple in Bali.

Here 22 shrines and pavilions

standing for various dedication.

From the name of spirits

worshipped here there are very

clear the mixed spirits between

ancestor's spirits and the

worship of the god power.

Situat pe malul lacului, Templul

Teratai Bang, cunoscut şi sub

numele de Pura Penataran

Agung, este un complex format

din trei incinte, conform structurii

tipice a templelor din Bali şi

cuprinde 22 de altare si

pavilioane cu consacrări diferite.

Chiar şi din numele zeităţilor

cărora le sunt închinate ne dăm

seama de amestecul între

spiritele strămoşilor şi cele ale


This walled compounds

contains several shrines, meru

(towers), and bale (pavilions).

In the middle zone of the

temple, where the activity of

adherents takes place, several

pavilions are built, such as the

bale kulkul (wooden Slit drum

tower), bale gong (gamelan


Incintele împrejmuite ale

Templului Teratai Bang,

(cunoscut şi sub numele de

Pura Penataran Agung),

cuprind mai multe altare,

respectiv Meru (pagode-turn),

şi Bale (pavilioane).

În zona de mijloc a templului

(a doua curte), unde se

desfăşoară activităţile

adepţilor, au fost construite

mai multe pavilioane, cum ar fi

Bale Kulkul (pavilionul

adăpostind toba cu rol de

clopotniţă) sau Bale gong

(pavilionul pentru orchestră –


A gamelan is a musical

ensemble from Indonesia,

typically from the islands of

Bali or Java, featuring a

variety of instruments such as

metallophones, xylophones,

drums and gongs; bamboo

flutes, bowed and plucked

strings. Vocalists may also be

included. The term refers

more to the set of instruments

than to the players of those

instruments. A gamelan is a

set of instruments as a distinct

entity, built and tuned to stay

together — instruments from

different gamelan are

generally not interchangeable.

Cuvântul Gamelan defineşte

orchestrele tradiţionale din

Indonezia. În general cea mai

mare parte a instrumentelor

din componenţa lor sunt

instrumente de percuţie

precum cele asemănătoare

xilofonului/marimbafonului sau

vibrafonului. Uneori în

componenţa acestor orchestre

se găsesc şi cântăreţi

Garden in the middle

enclosure, with the bale kulkul,

or drum tower, where the

ceremonial drum to call

worshippers is kept.

Local ritual leaders consider

that the main shrine is the 7-

roofed meru as the abode of

god Brahma.

Curtea din incinta de mijloc a

Templului Teratai Bang,

(cunoscut şi sub numele de

Pura Penataran Agung), cu

bale Kulkul (pavilionul în care

se păstrează toba de

ceremonie cu care sunt

chemaţi credincioşii)

Liderii religioşi locali consideră

că altarul principal este Meru

cu şapte acoperişuri suprapuse

ridicat pentru adorarea şi

slăvirea lui Brahma.

The existence of Ulun Danu Temple reminds that The Balinese Hindu live

tolerantly with other people outside of Hindu like Buddha. It is signified by the

existence of Buddhist Temple located outside of temple area. This temple

building look very beautiful with Buddha Monk Statues put surround the temple.

Existenţa unui Templu budist situat chiar în apropierea Templului Ulun Danu

confirmă toleranţa balinezilor faţă de alte religii. Statui de călugări budişti

decorează micuţa stupă

Kumbakarna Laga Statue

is located in Eka Karya

Botanical Garden, Bedugul,.

This thing is HUGE – the 3-

story high statue depicts

Kumbakarna Laga in the fight

against the monkey army in

the Hindu Ramayana epic.

Kumbhakarna Laga in the fight

against the monkey army in the

Hindu Ramayana epic.

Armata maimuţelor lui Hanuman, de

care se foloseşte prinţul Rama,

reprezintă componenta benefică a

iluziei cosmice, în vreme ce demonii

imagazinează jumătatea ei malefică

Text : Internet

Pictures: Nicoleta Leu & Internet

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Puspa Winangun-Ensemble instrumental seka joged Meka Sari

Kumbhakarna is a rakshasa, a demon, the brother of Ravana. He plays a part in the RAMAYANA story and he is burned

yearly in effigy during the Ramlila celebration, when the victory of Lord RAMA over the evil demons is remembered.

The story goes that Kumbhakarna was a very powerful demon, and naturally strong. Other demons, rakshasas, acquired

their powers as the result of austerities and boons, but he alone had the natural power to kill any god, man, or being. Once

Kumbakarna was besting INDRA, the king of the gods himself, in battle. Indra, along with other gods, RISHIS, and various

beings went to BRAHMA to ask for aid. Brahma cursed Kumbhakarna at that moment, to sleep forever. Ravana, his brother,

pleaded with Brahma to soften his curse and Brahma then cursed him to sleep for six months at a time, after which he would

voraciously eat for one day, and then would go back to sleep again. This curse was meant to hold him in control so that he

would not conquer all the worlds.

In the RAMAYANA, when the rakshasas have begun their war with RAMA, Lakshmana, and the monkeys, there is a rather

humorous scene that takes place when Ravana tries forcibly to wake Kumbhakarna to fight. They beat him and scrape him in

every way; they have elephants drag him; they beat a thousand drums; and so on, but Kumbhakarna continues to snore.

Finally, hit with trees and doused by thousands of pitchers of water, Kumbharakarna awakes. This done, he is asked to fight

and agrees, but first he must be fed vast wagon loads of food, which he takes whole into his voracious mouth. His endless

hunger sated, he goes into battle. After wreaking havoc, he eventually is slain by Lord Rama himself.

Kumbhakarna was considered a giant, and said to be 420,000 meters tall. Despite of his monstrous size and great hunger, he

was somewhat described of having a good character, though he killed and ate many Hindu monks to show his power only.

When he asked for a boon (blessing) from Brahma, his tongue was tied by goddess Saraswati. So instead of asking

"Indraasan" (seat of Indra), he asked for "Neendrasan" (bed for sleeping). His request was granted. But his brother Ravana

asked Brahma to undo this boon as it was in reality a curse. So Kumbhakarna slept for six months and then woke for one day

only to fall asleep for another six months. However, when he woke up, he ate everything in the vicinity, including humans.

He devastated Rama's army, injured Hanuman, and knocked Sugriva unconscious and took him as a prisoner but was killed

by Rama.