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Instructional Course 202

Arthroscopic Management of Anterior, Posterior, andMultidirectional Shoulder Instability: Pearls and Pitfalls

Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc., Philippe Clavert, M.D., and Jon J. P. Warner, M.D.




rthroscopic treatment of the unstable shoulder hasevolved rapidly and significantly in recent years.

etter understanding of the pathoanatomy, advance-ents in technology, and improved surgical tech-

iques have led to dramatic improvements in out-ome. An arthroscopic approach includes significantdvantages. Arthroscopy provides better identificationf concomitant pathology, lower morbidity, less softissue dissection, maximal preservation of motion,horter surgical time, and improved cosmesis. There isess pain, and many patients have an easier functionalecovery, with greater returns in motion comparedith traditional open techniques. Finally, some of the

nherent risks of open procedures, such as postopera-ive subscapularis rupture, are virtually eliminated.urgeons can now routinely expect results that are at

east comparable, if not better than, those achievedith open techniques.The purpose of this article is to summarize current

pproaches to the arthroscopic treatment of patientsith shoulder instability, including the more complexosterior and multidirectional instability (MDI) pat-erns.


Because the goal of an arthroscopic stabilization isestoration of anatomy, a brief review of the relevantnatomy is included. The glenohumeral joint is inher-ntly unstable, with the large humeral head articulat-

Address correspondence to Jon J. P. Warner, M.D., Harvardhoulder Service, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Massachu-etts General Hospital, 275 Cambridge St, Suite 403A, Boston, MA2114, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]© 2003 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America0749-8063/03/1910-0112$30.00/0


6 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surger

ng with the small and shallow glenoid. Stability de-ends on the soft tissues, which maintain stabilityhile providing for a large range of motion. Thesseous anatomy, capsuloligamentous structures, ro-ator cuff, scapular stabilizers, and biceps tendon playoles in providing stability.1-3 Dynamic stability isrovided by the rotator cuff and biceps tendonshrough a concavity compression effect of the glenoidithin the glenoid socket.3,4 Static stability is pro-ided by the bony anatomy and by the glenohumeraloint capsule and its ligaments.5

The rotator interval, which lies between the su-raspinatus and subscapularis tendons, provides sta-ility against inferior and posterior translations, par-icularly when the arm is adducted and externallyotated.2 This is important in patients with MDI andosterior instability. Evidence suggests that deficien-ies in the rotator interval contribute to instability inatients with excessive inferior or posterior transla-ion.6

Articular version is particularly important in certainnstability patterns such as posterior instability, inhich excessive glenoid retroversion or glenoid hypo-lasia can be a significant contributing factor. Signif-cant bone loss (� 25%) on the glenoid, either devel-pmental or acquired, represents a contraindication ton arthroscopic repair. This can be either from ancute fracture or chronic erosion or rarely from hypo-asia. Burkhart and DeBeer7 studied 194 patients whoad undergone arthroscopic Bankart repair of thehoulder. In patients without bone defects (173 pa-ients), they found a recurrence rate of 4%; in patientsith significant bone defects, they found a recurrence

ate of 67%. In the subset of patients who were contactthletes and had significant bone defects, the recur-ence rate was 87%, whereas contact athletes without

one defects had a recurrence rate of only 6.5%. When

y, Vol 19, No 10 (December, Suppl 1), 2003: pp 86-93

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significant bone loss is noted, an open approach withautogenous bone grafting is recommended.

Posterior shoulder instability remains a more enig-matic condition. It includes posterior dislocation andsubluxation, which are a cause of pain and createsymptoms of instability.8 Posterior inferior capsularlaxity may be associated with a posterior Bankart.9

The posterior Bankart lesion has been described as thedetachment of the posterior labrum and capsule. Thislesion is less frequent than the anterior Bankart lesion.It usually occurs after high-energy extrinsic forcesdirected posteriorly.9

The concept of multidirectional instability was de-scribed by Neer and Foster10 in 1980 as “symptomatichumeral head translation in more than a direction.”The pathoanatomy is caused by a patulous shouldercapsule and deficiency in the rotator interval, whichleads to a significant amount of inferior joint transla-tion. The history and the clinical findings should helpto determine the predominant direction of instability.


Although good surgical technique is obviously akey to success, patient selection is probably the singlemost important predictor of outcome. A well-per-formed arthroscopic procedure in the wrong patient orfor the wrong diagnosis is likely to fail. In addition toconsidering the goals of the individual patient, thesurgeon must also make the correct diagnosis andperform the appropriate surgical intervention.

Although arthroscopic techniques can now be ap-plied to most types of instability, certain subsets ofpatients are still better treated through traditional opentechniques.11 Arthroscopic repair is still contraindi-cated in patients with significant glenoid or humeralbone loss,12 in patients with humeral avulsions of theglenohumeral ligaments,13 and in those with capsulardeficiency or insufficiency, such as in revision set-tings.14


A careful history and physical examination willprovide information about the onset, direction, degree,duration, frequency of symptoms, and previous surgi-cal treatment. Determining the presence of a traumaticcause will provide clues about the pathoanatomy thatcan be expected. Arm position, at the time of theinitial injury and during symptoms, can help differen-tiate the direction of the instability.

The natural history of anterior glenohumeral insta-

bility is directly related to patient age and activitylevels. For young patients and those in contact sports,the risk of recurrence approaches 90% to 95%.15 Suchpatients are particularly suited to arthroscopic repairbecause of the tissue quality. Also, a voluntary com-ponent of the instability must be determined.

Patients with recurrent posterior instability or MDIfor whom nonsurgical treatment has failed are alsoexcellent candidates for arthroscopic management.The primary indication for surgery, in case of poste-rior or MDI, is persistent shoulder pain that has notresponded to a minimum 6 months nonoperative pro-gram that included avoidance of painful activities,nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and ahome physical therapy program designed to improveshoulder strength. Less than 20% of patients withposterior or MDI need surgery.16-19

Physical Examination

The most common symptoms are pain, weakness,and mechanical symptoms such as catching. The pres-ence of hyperlaxity in the contralateral shoulder andelbows and the patient’s ability to bring the thumb tothe forearm may signify a syndrome of generalizedligamentous laxity. This may sometime represent afamilial predisposition to MDI.

Provocative testing, such as the apprehension signor the jerk test (painful posterior translation of theglenohumeral joint in internal rotation), can be virtu-ally diagnostic for anterior or posterior shoulder insta-bility, respectively.20 Also, the apprehension and re-location tests may confirm the diagnosis. Inferiorlaxity should be assessed with a sulcus sign, in neutraland in external rotation. Although the degree of anormal sulcus sign is quite variable, a painful sulcussign or a sulcus sign that reproduces symptoms sug-gests inferior instability or MDI. Furthermore, a largesulcus sign that persists when the adducted arm isexternally rotated suggests insufficiency of the rotatorinterval capsular region, which is structurally repre-sented by the superior and middle glenohumeral lig-aments as well as the coracohumeral ligament.

Careful motor and sensory evaluation of the axillarynerve should be performed to exclude an injury. Inolder patients, weakness may indicate a rotator cufftear. The presence of muscle atrophy should be noted.


Radiographic evaluation should include plain radio-graphs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or com-puted tomography (CT) with contrast can show labral


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tears, capsular injuries, or bony deficiencies. Patientswith concomitant glenoid fractures, large Hill-Sach’slesions, or bony erosions are not candidates for anarthroscopic repair.

Although the arthroscope can be used for diagnosticpurposes, we prefer to identify coexisting pathology(rotator cuff tears), the degree of capsular laxity, andthe extent of labral pathology preoperatively so thatthe appropriate surgical procedure can be selected andplanned. Recent studies show MRI arthrography to behighly sensitive and specific for detecting capsulola-bral lesions.21,22 CT is preferred if osseous pathologyis suspected. CT is particularly helpful in the evalua-tion of glenoid retroversion in patients with posteriorinstability. CT arthrography can also be used to showchondral erosion, labral detachment, or excessive cap-sular redundancy.23,24



The general surgical principles are to restore thelabrum to its anatomic attachment and to reestablishthe appropriate tension in the inferior glenohumeralligament complex and capsule. Cadaveric studies haveshown that both the labrum and capsule must beinjured for a dislocation to occur.25 If the labrum istorn (Bankart or posterior Bankart), it should be re-paired anatomically to the rim of the glenoid. Capsularlaxity can be addressed by a superior and medial shiftof the capsule. Plication can be used to increase thetension in the capsule and decrease the laxity. Insituations in which labral tears are not present and theprincipal pathology is redundant capsule, a plicationshould be performed on the appropriate side of thejoint to decrease the capsular volume and preventtranslation. In patients with MDI, the plication isperformed inferiorly, posteriorly, and anteriorly. Therotator interval should always be closed in patientswith MDI or posterior instability.

Associated injuries to the rotator cuff or superiorlabrum should be repaired surgically. In the rare in-stances in which midcapsular ruptures of the gleno-humeral capsule or avulsions of the humeral insertionof the glenohumeral ligaments are encountered, con-version to open repair should be considered.

Anesthesia and Positioning

Interscalene regional nerve blocks improve earlypostoperative pain relief and decrease narcotic re-quirements. Either the beach chair or lateral decubitus

position may be used. The beach chair position isefficient and allows easy conversion to an open ap-proach should that be needed. Although regional an-esthesia is better tolerated in the beach chair position,access to the inferior capsule may be limited com-pared with the lateral decubitus position. The authorsprefer beach chair for traumatic anterior instabilitysurgery.

Lateral decubitus is preferred for patients with MDIor posterior instability because this position easesaccess to the axillary pouch and posterior capsulebecause of the lateral traction that is applied. Thepatient is positioned on a long beanbag, and the arm isheld in an arm-traction device with 20° of abductionand 20° of extension. A direct lateral traction to theproximal humerus is also applied with 2 to 5 kg oftraction.

Examination Under Anesthesia

Examination of the glenohumeral joint with the armin various degrees of abduction and external rotationallows the examiner to assess the degree and directionof glenohumeral laxity. Side-to-side comparisons canbe particularly helpful in patients with subtle instabil-ity patterns or for those with global laxity. Laxity isgraded as Grade 1� (translation to the glenoid rim),Grade 2� (translation over the glenoid rim with spon-taneous reduction), and Grade 3� (dislocation thatdoes not spontaneously reduce). Grades 2� and 3�are always considered abnormal. Patients may havepatholaxity in more than one direction.

The sulcus sign is measured by applying an inferiorforce to the adducted arm (Fig 1). The arm should beplaced in internal and external rotation. The sulcus is

FIGURE 1. Examination under anesthesia: sulcus sign.


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quantified by the distance between the lateral borderof the acromion and humeral head. This test evaluatesthe rotator interval and inferior capsule. A sulcus signgreater that 1 cm indicates a significant inferior com-ponent to the instability pattern, and a sulcus sign thatdoes not decrease when the arm is externally rotatedsignifies a deficiency in the rotator interval region.The examination under anesthesia should confirm thepreoperative diagnosis that was established through acareful history, physical examination, and imagingstudies.

PortalsAnterior Instability: Two anterior portals (supe-

rior and inferior) are established using an “outside-in”technique with a spinal needle. These portals functionas utility portals for instrument passage, glenoid prep-aration, suture management, and knot tying. It is im-portant to separate these anterior cannulas widely sothat access in the joint is not a problem. The secondcannula is placed as low as possible in the rotatorinterval typically entering just superior to the subscap-ularis tendon and is usually placed a centimeter infe-rior and lateral to the palpable coracoid process so thatit enters the joint aiming slightly lateral to medial. Thefirst anchor is placed at the 5-o’clock position with theproper medial orientation. Alternatively, a trans-sub-scapularis approach can be used to improve inferioraccess.

Posterior Instability and MDI: A posterior ar-throscopic portal is used for the arthroscope. Theposterior portal needs to be more lateral than usual toallow better access to the posterior glenoid rim andposterior inferior capsule. An anterior portal is placedlateral and superior to the coracoid process and usedfor instrumentation and for outflow. The shift beginsat the 6-o’clock position.

Capsulolabral Repair with Suture Anchors

For a capsulabral repair with suture anchors, the 30°arthroscope should be placed in the posterior viewingportal. It can also be placed in the anterosuperiorportal (“bird’s eye” portal) to view the anterior la-brum. Working instruments can then be placed in theanteroinferior portal. In some instances, it is helpful touse a 70° arthroscope to visualize the glenoid rimwhile mobilizing the capsulolabral sleeve. The infe-rior glenohumeral ligament complex is mobilizedfrom the glenoid neck as far inferiorly as the 6-o’clockposition using electrocautery or a small elevator. Thecapsulolabral sleeve must be mobilized until it can beshifted superiorly and laterally onto the glenoid rim.

The release should proceed until the muscle fibers ofthe underlying subscapularis are seen. Next, theglenoid neck is decorticated with a motorized shaverto facilitate healing of the repaired labrum and cap-sule.

Anchors are placed on the articular rim through theanterior-inferior cannula at an angle that avoids artic-ular penetration. They should not be placed inadver-tently along the medial scapular neck. Anchor place-ment should proceed from inferior to superior. Theanchor should be assessed for security and the suturefor slideability.

The labrum is repaired and the capsule is shifted.The authors prefer to use a shuttling device for passingsutures because it is gentler and more adaptable thandirect suture passage. If a suture shuttle device orpunch device (Caspari punch, Linvatec, Largo, FL) isused, then a shuttle relay (Linvatec) or monofilamentsuture is placed through the device and retrieved outof the superior cannula. The suture limb that exits theanterosuperior cannula is the suture that will ulti-mately pass through the soft tissue and becomes the“post” suture down which the sliding arthroscopicknot will move. It is preferable to have the knot on thesoft tissue capsulolabral side of the repair. Standardarthroscopic sliding knots are then tied. The knot iscut leaving a 3- to 4-mm tail. These steps are repeatedfor each subsequent anchor.

Capsular Plication

Capsular plication is used to tension the capsule inpatients with redundant or lax capsules. Patients withMDI or atraumatic anterior or posterior instability arecandidates for this technique (Fig 2).

For posterior instability and MDI, the joint is visu-alized to the anterior cannula, while the posteriorportal is used for instrumentation. Using the motor-ized shaver on reverse without suction, the posteriorcapsule is abraded to promote healing. The shift be-gins at the 6-o’clock position. Using an angled shut-tling instrument, the capsule is grasped and the sharptip of the instrument is passed through it and throughthe labrum. The shift begins about 1.5 cm lateral to theglenoid rim. A monofilament suture or a shuttle relay(Linvatec) is then passed through the tissue, and a No.2 braided nonabsorbable suture (Ethibond, Ethicon,Sommerville, NJ), is passed through the labrum andthe capsule. A sliding, locking knot is used to fold thecapsule over itself. The same steps are repeated at the7-, 8-, and 9-o’clock positions to complete the inferiorand posterior shifts. After the posterior capsulorraphy,


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the capsular shift is repeated at the 5- and 4-o’clockpositions to tighten the anteroinferior capsule (Figs 3and 4).

In case of presence of a posterior Bankart, the lesionis released as described for the anterior instability.With the use of the motorized shaver, the glenoid rimis abraded. Drill holes are made on the edge of theglenoid rim through the posterior portal. The anchorsare inserted through the posterior portal. The samesteps as described above are repeated to tension theposterior capsule to superiorly to the 9-o’clock posi-tion. The complete repair is assessed from both theanterior and the posterior portals.

Rotator Interval Closure

If after repair of the labrum and inferior and middleglenohumeral ligaments, the shoulder shows persis-tent inferior or inferoposterior translation, rotator in-terval closure is performed. The authors close therotator interval in all patients with MDI or posteriorinstability.

The arthroscope is inserted posteriorly to visualizethe rotator interval. The arm should be placed inexternal rotation and a curved shuttling device (Spec-trum, Linvatec, Largo, FL), suture hook, spinal nee-dle, or penetrating instrument (Penetrator, Arthrex,Naples, FL) is placed directly through the anterosu-perior cannula or percutaneously through the portalwithout the cannula. The instrument is then advancedthrough the robust capsular tissue immediately supe-rior to the subscapularis tendon. The suture or shuttleis then advanced into the joint. The cannula is backed

out of the joint, and the penetrating instrument is thenpassed through the strong tissue just anterior to thesupraspinatus tendon. The suture or shuttle is thengrasped. Both suture limbs are then retrieved out theanterosuperior cannula. A crochet hook can help inthis retrieval. The sutures are then tied blindly andextra-articularly. Additional sutures may be added asneeded (Fig 5).

Thermal Capsulorraphy

Thermal capsulorrhaphy has been used as an ad-junct to tighten the capsule for persistent capsularlaxity. Unfortunately, peer reviewed literature advo-cating its routine use is limited. Initial excitement for

FIGURE 2. Redundant posterior capsule.

FIGURE 3. Anterior capsular shift.

FIGURE 4. Posterior capsular shift.


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this technique has been tempered as several serieshave documented unacceptably high failure rates (DFD’Alesandro, JP Bradley, Unpublished data, 2000; TJNoonan, KK Briggs, RJ Hawkinis, Unpublished data,2000; DF D’Alessandro, JP Bradley, PM Connor,Personal communication, 2001). If one chooses to usethermal energy for a lax capsule, it should be appliedafter all anchors have been placed and all knots havebeen tied. Shrinking before suture placement increasesthe level of difficulty in assessing, approximating, andrepairing the soft tissue to the glenoid rim.

Either a monopolar radiofrequency device or a bi-polar radiofrequency device can be used. To date, noprospective randomized comparisons of either devicehave been performed. Thus, the technique of thermaltreatment of the capsule remains empiric. A grid-likeor “cornrow” pattern is preferred, as this theoreticallymaintains normal areas of the capsule between ther-mally treated areas allowing viable cells to repopulatethermally-modified areas. Results have been variableand less favorable than those achieved with traditionalopen results. With these data in mind and and withbetter suture techniques, the authors of this articlefavor suture plication techniques for excessive capsu-lar laxity.


Postoperative rehabilitation after arthroscopicshoulder stabilization is similar to that after opensurgery. Immobilization is required for 4 to 6 weeks,depending on the quality of the repair and the insta-bility pattern treated. Isometrics and gentle pendulumexercises may begin immediately. In most cases, ac-

tive forward elevation may begin after the first 2 to 3weeks. At 4 weeks, external rotation may be permittedto 30° to 40°. At 4 to 6 weeks, rotation limits aregradually extended, and at 8 to 10 weeks progressivestrengthening begins. Return to sport occurs at 18 to36 weeks.

Patients with posterior instability or MDI are placedin a gunslinger brace to maintain the arm in neutralrotation and 20° abduction. The arm stays in a gun-slinger brace for 6 weeks. During the next 6 weeks,active range of motion is allowed only for daily livingactivities. After 12 weeks, strengthening is started,and progresses under the supervision of a physicaltherapist. Contact and collision sports are allowedafter 6 months.


Arthroscopic treatment of glenohumeral instabilityhas evolved rapidly over the past few years. Betterunderstanding of the pathoanatomy, advances in sur-gical technique, and improved technology now makeit possible to have success treating patients with alltypes of shoulder instability. In most recent series, theresults of arthroscopic treatment equal or exceed theresults of open series (Table 1).

Patient selection remains critical to the ultimatesuccess. Patient selection involves careful diagnosticevaluation and selection of the appropriate surgicaltreatment. The other key variable is the surgical tech-nique. All pathology should be addressed appropri-ately at the time of surgery. The pathoanatomy isvariable and involves soft tissue and bony structures.Failure to recognize significant bone loss will lead topoor results with high recurrence rates. Experienceand practice will help surgeons improve outcomes.

The principal goals of the surgery are to restore thelabrum and to tension the capsule. The surgical pro-cedure selected should match the pattern of instabilityand the pathoanatomy that is encountered. Direct re-

FIGURE 5. Rotator interval closure.

TABLE 1. Comparisons Between Arthroscopic (A) andOpen (O) Stabilization


No. ofPatients


MeanFollow-up(mo) A/O

Recurrence(%) A/O

Field (1999)36 50/50 33/30 8/0Cole (1999)37 37/22 52/55 16/9Steinbeck (1998)38 30/32 36/40 17/5Guanche (1996)39 25/12 27/25 33/8Geiger (1993)40 16/18 23/34 43/0


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pair of the capsule and labrum, plication of the cap-sule, and closure of the rotator interval can all beaccomplished with the arthroscopic techniques de-scribed in this article. For patients with either anterioror posterior capsulolabral disruptions, the authors pre-fer the arthroscopic suture anchor techniques becausethey best restore the anatomy and most closely dupli-cate the traditional open Bankart repair. For patientswith MDI or capsular redundancy without a Bankartlesion, capsulorraphy with suture plication is pre-ferred.

Arthroscopic methods of treatment of posterior in-stability include capsular plication, capulolabral re-pair, and thermal shrinkage.9,26,27 The best resultsseem to be with a labral repair and some degree ofcapsulorrhaphy.26 For patients with MDI or posteriorinstability, the authors recommend the use of posteriorand anterior portals and the lateral decubitus positionso that the surgeon will have good access to theaxillary pouch and to the posterior capsule. The pos-terior portal also permits the proper angle for insertionof anchors in the glenoid rim. Results of posteriorarthroscopic stabilization reported varied from 75%8

to 84%28 good and excellent results. For voluntaryposterior instability, surgical treatment remains con-troversial. Recurrence after soft tissue procedures hasbeen reported to vary from 0% (0 of 15) for Neer andFoster10 to 72% (18 of 25 patients) for Hurley et al.18

Most advocate nonsurgical treatment as the mainstayof treatment.

Multidirectional instability may involve a variety ofanatomic lesions and as such there is great interest inthe arthroscopic treatment of MDI. Few articles deal-ing with MDI have been published. Neer and Foster10

first reported their experience with an open techniquein 1980. In that series, 36 patients were treated with aninferior capsular shift with no recurrences. Cooper andBrems29 reported an 86% success rate after the openprocedure for MDI. Recently, McIntyre et al.8 re-ported their results with arthroscopic treatment in 19patients, with 18 good or excellent results. Gartsmanet al.30 also reported on 47 patients with 94% good orexcellent results. Repair of the rotator interval is anessential element of the surgical treatment.

Thermal shrinkage of capsular tissues has been ad-vocated as a means to address the capsular redun-dancy. There are however limits to the amount ofcapsular shortening that can occur. The heat can sig-nificantly denature collagen, leading to possible cap-sular rupture, and always leads to cell death.31 Ther-mal capsuloraphy has variable published results, withfailure rates as low as 4% for Lyons et al.32 to 60% for

D’Alessendro et al.33 The authors have found thedirect visual response at the time of arthroscopy, andthe clinical results of thermal capsulorraphy to beunpredictable. Furthermore, capsular insufficiencymay be present in up to 33% after a laser energycapsuloraphy.34 For these reasons, this technique is nolonger use by the authors.

Postoperative rehabilitation does not vary signifi-cantly from that after traditional open techniques andsoft tissue healing still takes many weeks to mature.Obviously, excessive early stress on the repair canlead to early failure. If the principles described in thisarticle are followed, excellent results can be expectedin the majority of patients.


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