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Enrollment # 01-122081-063

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of Master of Business





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First of all I am thankful to “ALMIGHTY ALLAH”. Who gave me the strength, patience,

courage and enthusiasm needed to write and complete this report, then to my friends

who assisted me in this effort and we worked daylong to accomplish this assignment and

to my parents who supported me financially and encouraged me morally. I have a debt of

gratitude to all my teachers who taught me throughout my academic career.

It was pleasure for me to be sent to The PTCL Headquarters G-8/4, Islamabad. I am very

thankful to the honorable internship incharge. I learnt a lot from this training program

and this would guide me a lot while selecting my career. I also know how to face the

problems and how to find out the ways for their solutions.

The preparation of this report was the massive undertaking but the highly competent and

experienced employee of PTCL Mr. Asad Qadeer and Mam Sumaira, provided me with all

Assistance, information, Advice and suggestion that I needed which contributed

importantly to this report.


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This report is dedicated to:



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It is the requirement of the university for the MBA degree to complete a eight week

internship program. After completion of the internship, the students have to submit a

written report to the department.

The purpose of this study is to get experience of the real life finance practices in order to

bridge the gap between the theoretical and the practical approaches and to gather the

knowledge of the different aspects of this vast field of profession. Besides, this report also

aims to inculcate amongst the students the method of collecting relevant material and

shaping it in the forms of formal report writing.

This report provides information about the main functions and operations of Pakistan

Telecommunication Company Limited. All the information is gathered during on the job

training in Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. The information contained in

this report was mainly collected from two departments, i.e. Budgeting & International


During my internship at PTCL, I experienced a positive and cooperative environment

which helped me in my learning. Not only I learned different finance practices but also I

came to know that how to behave and talk with seniors, juniors and peers. I have

described my experience in detail in the 3rd chapter.

The problem I found at the PTCL is that they don’t treat their customers that well and new

services like PTCL broadband is not still producing satisfactory results. Management is

confused how to get maximum benefit and keep on introducing and eliminating their

services and packages. During the first nine months of financial year 2007-08, total

revenue of the company was Rs. 44.0 billion, showing a decline of 9% compared with Rs.

48.5 Billion of the same period last year. However, revenue performance has shown a

consistent growing trend from quarter to quarter during the current fiscal year. The

operating expenses increased to Rs. 56.9 billion from 33.7 billion only because of VSS cost


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impact. As a result, there was an operating loss of Rs. 13.0 billion. The non-operating

income increased by 11% to Rs.3.4 billion. The Company suffered a loss before tax of Rs.

10.0 billion for the nine month period ended 31st March, 2008. There is a net gain in the

provision for tax amounting to Rs. 3.4 billion which reduced the net loss to Rs. 6.6 billion.

The consolidated results of PTCL group showed a better picture as the net loss before tax

amounting to Rs. 8.3 billion was less due to positive contribution of Ufone. Excluding VSS

impact, the group would have shown a profit before tax of Rs. 14.9 billion. Moreover

reference matters more then skills and qualities of an employee. Promotion is done on

the basis of seniority and experience. It is briefly discussed in 4th chapter.

The efforts should be made that PTCL be made independent in its internal matters and

ministry of communication may give only guidelines. The officers must be trained to

adopt the company culture, soft spoken, good relations with customers and target

oriented. Finance and Marketing officers and Engineers may be sending to international

seminars/workshops to get knowledge of new technique and procedures. Promotion

should be made on the basis of performance rather than seniority.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................................iiiDEDICATION......................................................................................................................ivEXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................vTABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................viiLIST OF TABLE..................................................................................................................ixINTRODUCTION:.................................................................................................................1

HISTORY OF TELECOMMUNICATION.......................................................................1EARLY TELECOMMUNICATIONS...........................................................................1

INTRODUCTION OF THE HOST ORGANIZATION....................................................2COMPANY PROFILE.......................................................................................................2

PRODUCTS & SERVICES...................................................................................................8VALUE ADDED SERVICES............................................................................................8

QUALITY OF SERVICE..............................................................................................9NEW PROJECTS AND SERVICES IN PIPELINE......................................................9

COMPANY ANALYSIS:....................................................................................................10SWOT ANALYSIS OF PTCL.........................................................................................10


FINALCIAL ANALYSIS....................................................................................................16LIQUIDITY ANALYSIS.................................................................................................20

ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE TURNOVER..................................................................20ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE TURNOVER IN DAYS.................................................20WORKING CAPITAL.................................................................................................21CURRENT RATIO AND ACID- TEST RATIO.........................................................21CASH RATIO..............................................................................................................21SALES TO WORKING CAPITAL.............................................................................21

PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS.......................................................................................21TOTAL ASSET TURN OVER RATIO.......................................................................22DUPONT RETURN ON ASSETS...............................................................................22OPERATING INCOME MARGIN (PERCENT)........................................................22OPERATING ASSET TURN OVER..........................................................................22RETURN ON OPERATING ASSET (PERCENT).....................................................23RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) (PERCENT).....................................................23RETURN ON TOTAL EQUITY (PERCENT)............................................................23

INVESTOR ANALYSIS.................................................................................................24DEGREE OF FINANCIAL LEVERAGE (TIMES)....................................................24

RATIO’S..........................................................................................................................24LONG TERM DEBT PAYING ABILITY......................................................................25

WORKING EXPERIENCES...............................................................................................27LEARNING IN PTCL AS A INTERNEE.......................................................................27

STRUCTURE OF BUDGET DEPARTMENT...........................................................27WORKING...................................................................................................................28DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES..........................................................................28


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FINANCE DEPARTMENT.............................................................................................29BUDGET DEPARTMENT..............................................................................................31

RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................................35CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................36REFRENCES.......................................................................................................................37ONLINE REFERENCES.....................................................................................................38APPENDIX-A......................................................................................................................39


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1. RATIO ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………….17


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The history of telecommunication began with the use of smoke signals and drums in

Africa, the Americas and parts of Asia. In the 1790s the first fixed semaphore systems

emerged in Europe however it was not until the 1830s that electrical telecommunication

systems started to appear. This article details the history of telecommunication and the

individuals who helped make telecommunication systems what they are today.

History of telecommunication is an important part of the larger history of communication


Early telecommunications included smoke signals and drums. Drums were used by natives

in Africa, New Guinea and South America, and smoke signals in North America and China.

Contrary to what one might think, these systems were often used to do more than merely

announce the presence of a camp.

In 1792, a French engineer, Claude Chapel built the first visual telegraphy (or semaphore)

system between Lille and Paris. This was followed by a line from Strasbourg to Paris. In

1794, a Swedish engineer, Abraham Decants built a quite different system from

Stockholm to Drottningholm. As opposed to Chapel’s system which involved pulleys

rotating beams of wood, Edelcrantz's system relied only upon shutters and was therefore

faster. However semaphore as a communication system suffered from the need for skilled

operators and expensive towers often at intervals of only ten to thirty kilometers (six to

nineteen miles). As a result, the last commercial line was abandoned in 1880.





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With employee strength of more than 29,500 and customers less than 6 million, PTCL is

the largest telecommunications provider in Pakistan. The company maintains a leading

position in Pakistan as an infrastructure provider to other telecom operators and

corporate customers of the country. It has the potential to be an instrumental agent in

Pakistan’s economic growth. PTCL has laid an Optical Fiber Access Network in the major

metropolitan centers of Pakistan and local loop services have started to be modernized

and upgraded from copper to an optical network. However, the telecommunications

sector has been deregulated in recent years leading to a production of first domestic and

more recently international cellular phone providers. It is a part of the overall strategy in

the sector to privatize the public monopoly, or what is effectively a natural monopoly.


“To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the

region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders 'value'.”


To achieve that vision PTCL has the following viewpoints.

An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and


An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious.

Services that are based on the most optimum technology.

Quality and Time conscious customer service.

Sustained growth in earnings and profitability.


Professional Integrity


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Customer Satisfaction


Company Loyalty


Telecommunication is older than Pakistan, before the independence of Pakistan this

sector was under the Indian post and telegraph department. Pakistan Telecommunication

Corporation (PTC) set its journey in December 1990, taking over operations and functions

from Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph Department under Pakistan Telecommunication

Corporation Act 1991. This coincided with the Government's competitive policy,

encouraging private sector participation and resulting in award of licenses for cellular,

card-operated payphones, paging and, lately, data communication services. Pursuing a

progressive policy, the Government in 1991, announced its plans to privatize PTCL, and in

1994 issued six million vouchers exchangeable into 600 million shares of the PTCL in two

separate placements. Each had a par value of Rs.10 per share. These vouchers were

converted into PTCL shares in mid-1996. In 1995, Pakistan Telecommunication

(Reorganization) Ordinance formed the basis for PTCL monopoly over basic telephony in

the country. It also paved the way for the establishment of an independent regulatory

regime. The provisions of the Ordinance were lent permanence in October 1996 through

Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Act. The same year, Pakistan

Telecommunication Company Limited was formed and listed on all stock exchanges of

Pakistan. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) was incorporated as a

public limited company, with the objective of providing domestic and international

telecommunication and related services. About 95% of the assets and liabilities of PTC, at

net book value, were transferred to PTCL whereas the remaining 5% assets were vested in

PTA, NTC etc. The vesting of assets to new entities took place with effect from 1st January

1996. PTCL is listed on the Karachi Stock exchange and comprises about 30% of the

weight age of the KSE 100 index. In 1995 under the Chairmanship of Mian Javed, the PTCL

in its first four years installed nearly 2 million telephone lines, about 200 percent increase

in total capacity. Today, the number of working lines has been raised to about 2.82

million. The fixed line telephone density is 2.2 telephones per thousand people, which is


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higher than in some countries of the region. The number of telephone lines is expected to

total nearly 4 million within the next 2 years. In addition PTCL started a very aggressive

roll out of the conversion of the old analog telecom technologies to digital telecom

including installation of Fiber Optic backbone between Karachi and Lahore in the initial

phases. The company is in process of enhancing organizational and business proficiency

through vertical integration and horizontal diversification. At the same time, cross-

national ownerships, operations and partnerships are being evaluated with a view to

developing and diversifying the business.

With employee strength of 29500 and customers less than 6 million, PTCL is the largest

telecommunications provider in Pakistan. PTCL also continues to be the largest CDMA

operator in the country with 0.8 million V-fone customers. The company maintains a

leading position in Pakistan as an infrastructure provider to other telecom operators and

corporate customers of the country. It has the potential to be an instrumental agent in

Pakistan’s economic growth. PTCL has laid an Optical Fiber Access Network in the major

metropolitan centers of Pakistan.


U-fone(Pakistan Telecom Mobile Ltd) a wholly owned subsidiary of PTCL commenced its

operations on 29th January 2001 as a GSM 900 service provider. Since the beginning, it

has expanded its coverage and customer base at a rapid pace and established itself as one

of the leading cellular service providers in Pakistan. U-fone is now considered to be one of

the most active, aggressive and innovative players in the mobile sector of Pakistan. The

growth of the cellular industry is a direct result of the successful execution of the telecom

deregulation and cellular mobile policy by the Ministry of IT and Telecommunications

(MOIT&T) and the support, guidance and timely enforcement of regulatory process by the

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA). U-fone successfully maintains its market

share of 25% by increasing its subs to 18.5 million. During the year, U-fone successfully

completed the launching of sites under Phase V in existing as well as new cities and towns

by investing more than US$ 575 million. This has increased the asset base of U-fone from

rupees 33.5 billion to 55.9 billion. To further enhance the subscriber base and strategically


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position the company in the growing telecom market, U-fone has finalized a network

expansion for Phase VI contract amounting to about US$ 126 Million.

U-fone currently, has network coverage in more than 3,756 locations throughout the

country. U-fone's operational performance has been very encouraging despite hard

competition in Pakistan telecom market, which has led to reduction of prices to bare

minimum level. U-fone managed to improve its revenue and operating profit by 35% and

47% respectively, as compared to the last year through insistent policies and exercising

strict control over expenses.


The growth of the cellular sector in Pakistan can also be attributable to good governance

policies of the government of Pakistan and the Privatization Commission. In April 2006,

Emirates Telecommunication Corporation, which is commonly known as Etisalat, has

assumed management control of Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Ltd – part of

the $2.6bn deal to buy a 26% stake in PTCL. The successful Privatization of PTCL, and

consequently U-fone, is hailed as ushering in a new era for telecommunications in

Pakistan. Now, under the management of Etisalat, U-fone will concentrate on customer

needs and benefits and is more determined than ever to be the leading cellular player in

the market. U-fone has been known for providing superb propositions and quality service

to its customers. With the new expected investment, U-fone can now aggressively expand

its network coverage.

PerformanceAs mobile users in the country have reached over 30 million at a very rapid pace, U-fone

has maintained itself as the 2nd largest cellular operator in Pakistan with a subscriber

base of around 6.8 million and a market share of nearly 28%. U-fone has seen a subscriber

growth rate of over 200% in the last year, and since the start of 2005 U-fone added nearly

5 million subscribers onto its network. Subsequently the growth in subscriber base caused

revenue to be doubled. In the recent year its DSL services are the major contributor in its



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Product and Pricing

Since the recent telecom de-regularization and the issuance of two more GSM licenses,

the Pakistan telecom market has become very competitive and is changing at a very fast

pace. U-fone once again set a trend in the market by introducing simplified tariffs. The

company has two main product lines (prepaid and post paid) for all its valued customers.

To capture every segment of the market, U-fone has further customized its packages.

Postpaid is further differentiated into 4 plans including a very competitive Zero Line Rent

package. U-fone has introduced a very simplified tariff structure for its customers with a

flat rate of Rs. 1/ 30 sec to any operator all over the country. Similarly U-fone has the

most competitive SMS, GPRS and MMS rates having the lowest international SMS rate at

Rs.1.50. These simplified tariff plans and user-friendly packages have greatly helped U-

fone in becoming the fastest growing operator in the country. U-fone understands the

need to communicate effectively and efficiently at all levels of society and its various

products are catering for the needs of the Pakistan corporate market.

International Coverage

U-fone provides International Roaming facility with more than 150 international

operators across 79 countries. U-fone has GPRS roaming agreements with several

international operators and also provides prepaid roaming facility to selective


Network Coverage

U-fone has always believed in a solid commitment to growth, security and reliability.

Therefore, U-fone has always balanced its expansion efforts and quality of service. With a

total current investment of $400 Million, U-fone has network coverage in more than 300

cities and towns and across all major highways of the country. U-fone has been

instrumental in the growth of the cellular market in Pakistan. It is a company committed

to excellence. Under the new vision of Etisalat and with the support and collaboration of

its employees and vendors, U-fone aspires to be the best in the market by offering

customer focused products.


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Historic Background

1947 Posts & Telegraph Dept. established

1962 Pakistan Telegraph & Telephone Dept.

1990-91 Pakistan Telecom Corporation

ALIS: 850,000

Waiting list: 900,000 Expansion Program of 900,000 lines initiated

(500,000 lines by Private Sector Participation

400,000 lines PTC/GOP own resources).

1995 About 5 % of PTC assets transferred to PTA,FAB & NTC.

1996 PTCL Formed listed on all Stock Exchanges of Pakistan

1998 Mobile (U-fone)& Internet(PakNet)subsidiaries established

2000 Telecom Policy Finalized

2003 Telecom Deregulation Policy Announced

2006 Etisalat Takes Over PTCL


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited has monopoly over fixed line voice

telephony expires on 31s1 December 2002 and we do not anticipate any extension.

However, armed with various entry barriers to fixed line telephony, such as large capital

requirements and first mover advantages, we believe Pakistan Telecommunication

Company Limited will not be substantially affected for several years thereafter.. Pakistan

Telecommunication Company Limited has already adopted a flexible approach toward the

private sector and has implemented BOT contracts with private sector participation.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited has latest expansion plans also envisage

private sector participation over the next two years and interest has been solicited for

installation of 270K lines. In effect, the sector is already open to private .sector 7

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participation, though without threatening Pakistan Telecommunication Company's

monopoly as these projects function under Pakistan Telecommunication Company

Limited licenses and may take the form of a flexible service model like franchising, sub-

agency arrangements, and small Build. Own.



Marketing department is providing value added services to its subscribers (both individual

& organizations) and aims at improving its efficiency by offering discounts and other

benefits to its subscribers.

Marketing Department is offering the following value added-services to its subscribers.

Toll Free Numbers.

Universal Access Number.

Digital Facilities. (Call transfer, call transfer on busy, call transfer on no reply, conference call, abbreviated dialing, wake up call, call waiting, hotline)

Domestic and Commercial ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network) Service.

Internet/E-Mail Services.

Digital Leased Lines/Cross Connect.

CLI Service.


High speed computer to computer data communication

Computer based videoconference.

Caller line identification.

Eight times faster than fax transmission.

High quality video communication.8

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PTCL has improved considerably in this area. At present there are much fewer complaints

pertaining to dropping of calls, cross talk and wrong dialing due to achievement of 82%

digitalization of its network but there are still some complaints like late delivery of bills

and excessive billing, poor response from 17, 18, 109 and higher faults. PTCL is taking

following measures to further improve the quality of service:

Upgrade old Outside Plant

Good management of digital transit/local exchanges

Optimize optical fiber links and digital radios

Effective monitoring and fault management

Achieve call completion ratio of 50% inland and 55% on international calls

Improve response time and quality on 17, 18 & 109

Modernize Directory service and distribution

Expand and improve Customer Service Centers

Create customer care culture

Providing diversity on main arteries for National & International circuits including leased lines to mobile operators for interruption free service during breakdown and Universal Access Numbers __ access to mobile networks.


PTCL is also in the process to complete the following projects:

Addition of 300,000 new telephones during 1999-2000.

Replacement of 229,000 EMD lines with Digital lines in 1999-2000.

160,000 Wireless Local Loop Payphones.

Turnkey project for 275,000 lines contract with ZTE-China Wanbao.

Expansion of Internet service - 150,000 new connections.

Quetta-Shikarpur Optic Fibre Cable installation work in progress


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Global Mobile Personal Communication by Satellite (GMPCS)

Voice Messaging Service.

Video Conferencing.

Intelligent Network Platform

Electronics/Radio Based Burglar Alarm System/Service

Prepaid Calling Card Service for NWD Calls

Voice Messaging Service



Strengths are positive internal characteristics that the organization can exploit to

achieve its strategic performance goals.


Biggest Foreign Exchange Earner

PTCL is the biggest source of foreign exchange for Pakistan. It earns a lot of foreign

exchange form its international traffic and interconnect’s revenue.

Modern Technology

PTCL is running modern technology to develop its products and services and

improve the quality of services. In this connection it has replaced the old exchanges with

new digital exchanges. It has computerized billing system for domestic landline

customers. Due to this technology thousand of complaints have been reduced. PTCL has

also entered in the business of Mobile phone, internet services, IPTV (PTCL SMART TV). Its

product line is continuously expending. Also it now it has licenses of SMW3 and SMW 4,

two optical fiber cables. Incase one gets disconnected under sea; other can take its load

of traffic.


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Good Will

Good sound image is prolonged through innovation and as long as a company has

well image, its share market will be growing. It should be remembered that even very

good image, starts smelling badly without innovation. PTCL was privatized and its shares

were purchased on higher price because PTCL is the biggest telecom company of Pakistan

and stands among higher ranks of the telecom industry of sub continent region.

Largest Installed Network

PTCL has the largest nationwide installed network infrastructure capability which

includes switching, transmission, fiber optic backbone, co-location and international

capacity. This provides an ample space and unique state to offer these services on turnkey

basis to the upcoming list of carriers including Mobile, WLL (Wireless Local Loop), ISPs

(Internet Service Providers) and Resellers.

OSS (One Stop Shop) Provider

To simplify IPLC ordering and billing, a concept called One Stop Shopping (OSS)

was developed. OSS allows an organization to place a single order with a single carrier for

two private leased circuits for two offices in two different countries. In the past, an

organization had to contact each carrier in each country to order the two circuits, which

included two separated invoices. OSS consolidated the billing for both circuits into a single

invoice, handles all currency issues, and allows the organization to report all problems

from either circuit to one carrier.


Communication Barriers

There is ineffective communication between the higher and lower staff; this is due

to less qualified lower staff. During process of restructuring many new employees with

greater qualifications are recruited. However the lower permanent employees, who

either didn’t take VSS by themselves or VSS was not applicable to them, are having almost


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obsolete skills incapable for re-usage in new structure. The old employees are not

comfortable working with new employees.

Lack of Professional Staff in Region

It is observed the offices PTCL in the region lack professional staff and qualification

and thus they can’t cope with modern and competitive requirements of the market.

Low Employee Work Morale

The morale of older employees is much low. The new employees are really

motivated and are well incorporated into corporate culture. But the old employees are

not motivated to work. The come late to offices, spend most of the time chatting with

colleagues, leaves office early. It is because they consider themselves to be inferior now.

A new young, agile employee of nearly half of their age performs work better then them

and is getting their supervisor praise. They feel that their experience, years of serving to

PTCL and loyalty has gone wasted.

Ambiguity in Strategic Direction

PTCL is doing business very well but only to that extent to which customers

respond. Though company is transforming itself to “Customer Oriented business” and has

declared this year of “Customer Care” but vision is not clearly shred by all. Also it is

thoughtful that a company declares a year of “Customer Care” and its employees are on

strike sitting in a 42 degree Celsius. Though strike issue has been solved but a company

needs a transformation first in its employees. Employee care and customer care should go

side by side. Although PTCL is generating revenue from its value added services but it

doesn’t have any solid financial strategic outline, which can cope the entire complex

financial situation and recovery of bad debts. Also ambiguity exists in implementation

strategic financial plans. Externally PTCL has competitors so it has no benchmark to gauge

financial performance of its different departments with those of competitors.


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Lack of Training Program

There is no proper training program to improve the skill of PTCL employees to

cope with every changing telecommunication sector. Less skilled & inefficient workers are

creating hurdles in its growth. Though 8,931,500 Rs. has been budgeted for training year

2008-2009 but is almost equally distributed among Administration, HRD and finance. No

need based division of budget is done. Training on employee motivation, team building

and about new processes and software are essential.

Essence of Bureaucratic Touch

The organization has transformed to company and emphasis is on corporate

culture but still the classical touch of a bureaucratic organization exists. Especially some of

the officers at the senior or middle management level like to enjoy power in the

bureaucratic style and want to see the acceptance of their command down the order.

The awareness with modern management concept is the part of the “change of

culture” program which has been stated at all management level.


Increasing Awareness Rate

PTCL can show its interest in educating people & increasing literality rate in this

way, PTCL will not only fulfill its social responsibility but will also be able to increase

awareness rate & it will be helpful in the expansion of PTCL

Skillful Human Resources

PTCL can improve the skill of its manpower by providing them the opportunities of

advanced courses that will make them to cope with the ever changing condition in field of


Telecom facilities in the rural areas


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All the value added services and digital facilities are available only in the main

cities of Pakistan like IPTV, DSL etc. PTCL can expand its business by providing value added

telecom facilities in rural areas, which is only possible when adequate planning is done.

Addition to the Product line

Top management of organization can make additions to its existing product line by

providing more services. In this way it can increase its revenue and customer satisfaction.

This requires market research. PTCL has already captured the industry so all kind of the

opportunities are for PTCL till the end of monopoly. PTCL can launch “Wireless Internet

Services” for excelling in telecom sector.

Licensing as a Source of Revenue

Private mobile companies are getting license from PTA, which is a source of

revenue has also launched its own mobile services. New licenses though will reduce

market share for Ufone but will also help in revenue transformation.

IT and Communication: Vehicles of Modern Businesses

PTCL being the biggest telecom operator of the country has huge potential for

growth. Company can expand its services through innovation. The broad band market is

nascent market with very low levels of penetration. The market potential for broadband is

up to 2 million lines and by unique nationwide landline infrastructure PTCL can dominate

this segment.


Unstable Economic and Political Condition of Pakistan

The economic situation of Pakistan is unstable. The unstable economic condition

of Pakistan is a great threat to PTCL. In strong economic conditions, the growth of

business is very frequent. The poor economic conditions increase the inflation rate that

decreases the buying power which is very threatening for PTCL. Also political and

economic instability creates uncertainness. Stock market and shares can sustain bearish

or bullish trend but it cannot tolerate uncertainty. 14

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Decrease in Market Share Due to Competition

Entering into the new era of competition may pose difficulties. Many dissatisfied

customers may shift to those telecom service providers who they think would offer better

services than PTCL, and will increase customer satisfaction. Decrease in market share

would decrease the profitability of PTCL, which will be a real threat in near future. PTCL

broadband is unable to compete with other private DSL’s like Link Dot Net by Orascom

Company limited and Wateen telecom in service quality.

Also in mobile sector the share of Ufone has decreased due to entry of China

Mobile and Telenor and it can further decrease if more companies will enter.

Increased Competition and Turnover

Due to emergence of bulk of WLL, ISP’s, Mobile companies and WLL operators,

company would have to compete for quality human capital also. Though the pay structure

has greatly improved after privatization of PTCL, but as new employees are on contract so

company should provide competitive pays to its employees. Other wise the human capital

trained and developed by PTCL would be captured by bulk of other telecom industry



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All the ratios are calculated on the basis of financial statements prepared till this

quarter i.e. 9 months period. It is because the audit in company was still in process by the

external auditors, KPMG Taseer & Hadi, so after audit the financial statements will be

published. The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with the

requirements of the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 ''Interim Financial


The condensed interim financial information is unaudited and is being submitted

to the shareholders as required by Section 245 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and

the listing regulations of the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges (Pakistan

Telecommunication Limited, 2008).

Income tax expense is recognized based on management's best estimate of the

weighted average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year.

The calculation however in some ratios is done on previous year data also, where

quarterly ratios were meaningless.


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Year ended

June 30   2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004




Gross Margin


Profit Margin) % 18.15 24.67 26.33 34.5 41.63 51.37

Pre Tax

Margin (EBIT

Margin) % 25.2 -5.45 34.13 39.43 45.5 53.94

Net Margin % 15.45 -4.25 22.01 26.16 30.46 35.73


Return on


Assets % 10.96 -3.34 18.76 25.53 34.83 38.46


Turnover TIMES 4.9 2.35 48.86 4.76 5.35 5.14

Return on

Equity % 9.28 -2.17 14.45 20.22 25.45 28.2


Ratio Analysis of PTCL

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Debt: Equity RATIO 16.48 15.85 14.86 14.86 13.87 13.87

Leverage % 35.66 27.48 27.92 31.28 25.65 23.91

Time Interest

Earned Times 15.43 -5.26 46.54 92.07 86.35 64.34


Current Times 1.5 1.81 2.19 1.66 1.89 2078

Quick Times Times 1.36 1.58 2.03 1.54 1.13 2.67


Earnings per

share (pre tax) Rs. 2.75 -0.88 4.66 6.07 7.71 8.5

Earnings per

share Rs. 1.79 -0.55 3.07 4.07 5.22 5.72

Breakup value

per share Rs. 19.49 19.19 21.75 20.68 19.61 21.31

Payout Ratio

(after tax) % 83.6 0 65.22 122.73 38.34 87.42

Market Price

to Breakup

Value times 0.88 2.01 2.62 1.96 3.58 1.97

Dividend per

share Rs. 1.5 0 2 5 2 5


Page 29: Arslan Ptcl Report

Market value

per share (as

on June 30) Rs. 17.24 38.64 57 40.6 70.25 42.15


Capitalization Rs.(m)











Revenue Rs.(m)







Profit/ (loss)

before Tax Rs.(m)







Profit/ (loss)

after Tax Rs.(m)








declared Rs.(m)









Paid up Share

Capital Rs.(m)







Reserves Rs.(m)








Page 30: Arslan Ptcl Report


Equity Rs.(m)







Current Assets Rs.(m)







Non Current

Liabilities Rs.(m)








ALIS (000) * NOS








Employee NOS









This shows that the number of days for the receivable outstanding have increased,

which indicates that in 2007 PTCL has 86 days for the receiving back their receivables

from its customers and in 2008 there is an increase of 14 days because in 2008 days sales

in receivables has increased to almost 101 days. This is a not positive sign.


The turnover ratio of 2008 has decreased which is a not good sign because it

shows that the chances of getting back receivables have decreased. It shows greater

amount of sales is in receivables and has not yet been recovered.


It indicates that the number of days of the chance of getting back the receivables has

decreased as compare to 2007.


Page 31: Arslan Ptcl Report


A decrease in the amount of working capital in 2008 shows that it is a

deteriorated situation of the company, which shows that it will be difficult for company

to be able to borrow on short notice.


This indicates that in 2007 the company had a high ability to meet its current

liabilities out of its assets as compare to year 2008.


There is a decrease in 2008 in cash ratio, which shows that the company is not

having enough cash to its best advantage. As it is less then 1 and current liabilities have

increased also so the overall cash ratio is not satisfactory. It can become difficult for

company to meet its immediate cash needs. The greater the cash ratio, the greater it is

better for company to meet its short term immediate expenses.


In year 2008 the sale to working capital ratio has deteriorated as compared to

year 2007, which indicates that company is overcapitalizing its assets. It means that PTCL

is able to generate enough sales to meet its obligations. This on one end is a positive sign

also that assets are properly utilized. But at the same time it shows that working capital

is not invested in assts till this quarter.


Ratio for this period cannot be calculated as company is in loss till this quarter.

This ratio expresses the relationship between net profit after tax and sales. This ratio is

the measure of all profitability. It also tells us that how much the company is saving after

deducting all the expenses from sales. Net profit margin ratio is also known as return on

sales. Higher the net profit ratio, higher the profitability of business. Profitability of a firm

is continuously deteriorating for 2007 which has deteriorated even more over the year it

is because company sales have been increased however the increase in operating income


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was less then increase in net sales. The expenses of company has also increased a lot due

to VSS cost and the company is in loss till this period. There is a catch here that the

company though has earned greater revenue for these nine period but has shown this

revenue as a usage of VSS cost.


This ratio indicates that how well the company has used its total assets in

generating sales. This ratio measures the activity of assets and the ability of the firm to

generate sales through the use of assets. If both of these have been well managed then

the sales would go up or vice versa. Higher ratio is better for business. But due to

increased amount of assets and less increase in sales as compared to increase in assets

the company total asset turnover ratio has decreased.


The core idea behind this ratio is that both Net Profit margin & Total Asset

Turnover have a direct impact on the return on assets ratio (ROA). When these ratios are

reviewed together it is called DUPONT return on assets. A high profit margin means a high

profit per 1Rs of sales. Higher ratio is better for company. The company is lacking behind

as compare to last year as both net profit margin and total asset turnover has decreased.


This ratio helps in determining the ability of the management in the running

business. It indicates the efficiency of the management. Operating profit shows that what

actually is left behind after deducting all direct & indirect expenses from operations.

Those expenses and incomes which has no direct relation with the operations but which

do happen will be deducted after operating profit giving the net profit before tax and

eventually net profit after tax. Higher ratio is better for company. It cannot be calculated

for this period because operating loss is occurring due high amount of operating costs

involving bad debts and VSS cost and company has deteriorated position over the

previous year end also.


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The ratio measures the ability of operating assets to generate sales. Higher the

ratio is better for company. It means sales of the company has increased in greater

amount as compared to increase in operating assets which have also increased. However

it has decreased in case of PTCL due less amount of operating assets. Company has

greater investments in capital work in progress.


Operating Assets Exclude Construction Work In Progress from property, plant and

equipment and added current assets in it. Investments and other long term assets are not

included in operating assets. Those assets are included which has a direct relation with

operations of a business. Higher return is better for company. The company position has

deteriorated as compared to the last year; it is because the increase in company

investments in capital works in progress and intangibles (Logo and patent of PTCL).


This ratio determines the total income or the return that is earned by all the

providers of the capital (debt or equity). It is used for the evaluation of enterprise

performance and earning performance of the firm. Further it measures the ability of the

firm to reward those who provide long term funds and to attract the providers of future

funds. Higher the ratio, the better it is. The company is lacking behind as compare to last

year because company equity has increased due to the increase in reserves however the

operating income increase is not sufficient to offset it.


This ratio measures the profit earned by the share holders on their invested

amount in the company. It measures the return on common shareholders, preferred

shareholders and reserves also. Dividends are deducted because its redeemable

preferred-stock which is included in the debt and not the equity so if there is any dividend

that is to be paid on it then that should be deducted from net profit so that the net figure

can be taken which is available to the total equity holders. Higher the ratio, the better it

is. The company is lacking behind as compare to last year because company first of all is


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going in loss for this year. Also the dividends paid are increased in order to have stable

market price of share in stock exchange.



The degree of financial leverage represents the benefits earned from the funds

borrowed. If firm earns more then the funds borrowed then it is beneficial for them. The

DFL of the company has increased over the year slightly from 2006 to 2007, which shows

that company was effectively managing its borrowed funds and was able to generate

good earnings on it. However till these 9 month period, company is unable to sustain its

position and due to increased expenses is going in loss. So company is risky to invest in

and for the same reason company may would have difficulties in further borrowing of

funds from financial institutions.



EPS of the company is continuously decreasing over the years. So it shows that the

decreased earnings of the company have deteriorated it and the existing owners of the

company has earned lesser over the years. The number of shares has remained same but

earnings have been converted into loss, almost this year.


The P/E ratio of the company tells the increase in earnings translated into the

market price of the shares determined by demand and supply in the market. The P/E ratio

has increased over the year in 2007 which shows that market demand of the company

shares has increased (price on 30 June 50.48 Rs. as compared to 40.8 on 30 June 2006)

and the investors were interested to purchase the shares of the company due to its

increased performance. But due to VSS, many diverse restructuring reforms and large

amount of Bad Debts company share price is continuously decreasing in stock market to

almost 30.59 Rs.


Page 35: Arslan Ptcl Report


The amount of stockholder equity contributable to each shareholder has

decreased over the year which is a negative sign. The market value of stock is greater

then the book value and is a good sign but it is due to so much fluctuation and uncertainty

in stock market. Company management though has promised great potential and image

building in eyes of investors.


The dividend payout ratio of the company has reduced over the year. This shows

that company is paying fewer dividends. The reason being the company is the retaining

more of the income for future purposes and to have cost effective processes.


Dividend yield of the company has decreased over the year. This shows that

company is paying fewer dividends and also the market price per share of the company

has decreased. This shows that company is reinvesting its earnings and company is losing

its credibility in eyes of investors mainly due to uncertainty and restructuring. Current

retained earnings will result in future capital gains for long term investors.



It indicates the firm’s long term debt paying ability. It indicates the percentage of

assets financed by creditors. From the perspective of long term debt paying ability, the

lower this ratio the better the company’s position is and as per International Standards it

should always be less then 35 %. It tells us the company has 32.2% liability against 100%

assets. Previously it was 27.4 % against 100% assets. This shows that company position

has deteriorated as large amount of assets are financed by the creditors and debts are

increasing. Company is losing its strength to take additional debts day by day.


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It compares the outsider’s funds / total debt with the share holder’s funds / share

holders Equity. It fulfills the same objective of debt ratio. This ratio indicates us that which

external party finances the assets up to what extent. From the perspective of long term

debt paying ability, the lower the ratio is the better the company’s debt paying position.

However the higher ratio indicates the increased amount of debts. The amount of

liabilities have increased by not a large amount but employee retirement benefits have

tremendously increased to 16,018,903 on March 31, 2008 Rs. from 12,289,626Rs. on

March 31, 2007. Also the inappropriate profit has tremendously decreased causing

shareholder equity to decline.


This ratio determines the long term debt paying ability of a company. It also

indicates that how well creditors are protected in case of the firm’s insolvency. It is a

more conservative ratio than either the debt ratio or debt to equity ratio. From the

perspective of long term debt paying ability, the lower this ratio the better the company’s

position is. The higher ratio of PTCL indicates its poor condition. It is due to the increase in

liabilities over the year and decrease in unappropriated profit of the company.

So overall the position of company is not very hopeful from financial perspective.

The reason being the great structural changes and restructuring. Once restructuring will

be completed the financial position will be reinstated as additional costs will decrease.

During the first nine months of financial year 2007-08, total revenue of the company was

Rs. 44.0 billion, showing a decline of 9% compared with Rs. 48.5 billion of the same

periods last year. However, revenue performance has shown a consistent growing trend

from quarter to quarter during the current fiscal year. The operating expenses increased

to Rs. 56.9 billion from 33.7 billion only because of VSS cost impact. As a result, there was

an operating loss of Rs. 13.0 billion. The non-operating income increased by 11% to Rs.3.4

billion. The Company suffered a loss before tax of Rs. 10.0 billion for the nine month

period ended 31st March, 2008. There is a net gain in the provision for tax amounting to

Rs. 3.4 billion which reduced the net loss to Rs. 6.6 billion. The consolidated results of

PTCL group showed a better picture as the net loss before tax amounting to Rs. 8.3 billion


Page 37: Arslan Ptcl Report

was less due to positive contribution of Ufone. Excluding VSS impact, the group would

have shown a profit before tax of Rs. 14.9 billion.



Budget Department: I have worked in this department under the supervision of, Assistant

Manager Budget Finance, Sir Amir.



Page 38: Arslan Ptcl Report


Assistance in preparation, documentation and filing of annual budget

Preparation of budget input form

Preparation of monthly variance report

Maintenance of petty cash using SAP

Preparation of budget input form

Maintenance of petty cash

Maintaining data

Analyzing the demand

File management

Preparation of reports regarding incoming projects through capital budgeting techniques


I joined PTCL as an internee, so I have to perform different duties to assist my advisors

and office staff. I was working under the supervision of two persons at the time. First one

is the Finance Manager and the second person was the Finance Executive.


The Finance Manager assigned me duty of managing the files. File management includes;

Maintaining the arrangement of files

Filing the new vouchers in the file of current month

Providing the required vouchers from files to the Finance Manager and

Finance Executive.


Internship is the first step for every student to enter into the world of practical life.

Educational life and practical life has a lot of differences but academic life is the base for


Page 39: Arslan Ptcl Report

the practical life. According to my experience internship is the best way to enter into the

practical life. During internship, students can learn a lot which is more than that they can

learn from books.

Internship has given a great boost to my knowledge, confidence and experience. It gave

me an opportunity to learn in the following areas;

The internship gave me chance to meet with different type of people which

have different types of thoughts, behaviors and actions. These people were

my colleagues, the customers, senior officers, mentors, members of other

departments and higher management of PTCL

When I met with so many types of people, which gave me a big chance to

learn more about the behavior of people.

The internship increased the level of my confidence and communication

skills as I had to meet so many people and faces them and had to

communicate with them on different matters.

This also increased the exposure of my thoughts. During my study period, I

was just like to think within the study material approach, but the practical

experience gave my mind new ways that I could not think in the study life.

I learned the actual implementation of the accounting, finance and mathematics in the

real practical life


Finance department of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (Headquarter) is

coordinating the activities of its sub departments i.e. Budget, Revenue and Tariff.

Budget department has three branches i.e.

1. Preparation

2. Distribution


Page 40: Arslan Ptcl Report

3. Ceiling

Preparation branch prepares the budget for the coming financial year. Distribution

branch is responsible for allotment of funds to different regions according to their

requirements. Before issuing ceiling it sees how much cash is available in the account of

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited in National Bank of Pakistan.

Revenue department is responsible for collection from its customers. Some customers

with huge amount of dues outstanding can't pay their bills immediately after a specified

time limit, list of defaulters is sent to billing and recovering branch (B &R). Revenue

department also sends its daily reports to B & R branch about how much amount it has

collected among the bills issued to customers.

Tariff department is responsible for setting the charges/rates of domestic as well as

international calls. Among domestic calls, there are local calls and long distance calls.

Local call charges are usually fixed and are for the calls with in the same city. Long

distance charges vary from city to city depending upon the distance between the cities.

Tariffs are usually modified at the beginning of each financial year. There is wide

difference between local call charges and long distance charges Pakistan

Telecommunication Company Limited is adopting the policy of reducing this difference so

it is gradually increases the local charges while making reduction in long distance charges.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited has made concerted efforts to

collect arrears of dues from its customer. A special task force was constituted for this

purpose and the name of defaulters was published in the newspapers to help recovery.

The main reason for the increase in the amount of default, however, is that the efforts

for recovery starts only after the default has already occupied and the remedy lies in a

major shift in the credit policy of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. Pakistan

Telecommunication Company' Limited is considering advance collection, which is already

the practice followed by mobile phone companies.


Page 41: Arslan Ptcl Report


In Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited the Budget Department is a sub

department of finance department of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. It is

responsible for optimal estimates of budget for Pakistan Telecommunication Company's

main head of Accounts and its allocation to particular regions of Pakistan

Telecommunication Company Limited.

There are three branches of budget department:

1. Preparation Branch. (Budget-1)

2. Distribution Branch. (Budget-11)

3. Ceiling Branch.


Preparation Branch is responsible for the preparation of budget for all the main heads of

Accounts of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. Preparation Branch makes

the budget in a realistic manner then its work is finished. For the realistic preparation of

budget for the main heads of Accounts, Preparation Branch has to see the past record. It

has to observe the historical revenue and expenses. It has also takes into account the

inflation rate for the year. Assuming the inflation rate to be constant for the coming

year, preparation Branch notices any development or expansion in the region, and then

it -has to increase the budget for that main head of Account. If preparation notices

recruitment of more employees for a particular region, then it has to increase the

budget for Account of staff salaries and allowances. If expenses of staff like stationary,

ink files etc. increase then preparation branch has to increase the Account of staff


If increase in inflation rate is expected in the just coming years but no

development or expansion is expected then preparation branch will increase the budget

for that main heads of Accounts. -But only takes into account the effect of inflation.

Preparation Branch not only prepares the budget for the expenditure of different


Page 42: Arslan Ptcl Report

heads of Accounts but also makes an estimate of budget for the company for the next

coming year. While preparing the budget branch revenue, preparation branch has some

assets like installation fee and line rent from where revenue is fixed. Preparation branch

has separate heads of accounts for telephone traffic receipts and telegraph traffic

receipts, miscellaneous telephone & telegraph receipts and joint telephone & telegraph

receipts. Having separate accounts of revenue, preparation branch doesn't feel difficulty

of preparing budget for revenue of the next coming year.


When preparation branch completes the process of preparing the budget then starts the

work of distribution department. The Function of distribution branch is to allocate the

budget to the particular head of account of each region. Distribution branch keeps a small

portion of budget as reserve for contingent and unexpected events and allocates the

entire remaining budget to the particular head of account; this grant is called AFG.

Distribution branch, at the end of each month, analyses the monthly expenditure of

different heads of accounts like conveyance allowance, out door treatment allowance,

have constant or fixed expenditure each month, so their analysis is quite easy. At the

beginning of year, expenditures are higher than ordinary expenditures in the remaining

period. Some heads of accounts have low expenditure slightly increases and after six or

seven months it begins to decrease. Distribution branch observes the monthly

expenditure of each and every head of account and after six months if expenditure is

more than expected then central audit verifies it that why it has been increased. Some

time, more expenditure is required in a region because of starting or development or

unexpected inauguration of project. So distribution branch allows the allocation of more

expenditure is necessary and is doesn’t exceed the need.

At the end of each financial year, allotted budget and the actual expenditure are

compared. If actual expenditure is less than allotment then there is saving to the

company so no action is taken. If actual expenditure is slightly more than allotment, then

it is unfavorable variance. If that increase in expenditure is fair, then it is accepted. If it is

permanent, then increase is made in budget for the next coming year. If actual

expenditure significantly exceeds the allotted budget then the case is given to the internal


Page 43: Arslan Ptcl Report

audit for the finding the reasons of that significant increase in expenditure without any


The effective control of distribution branch depends on judging the fairness of any

unexpected event and estimation of the fair expenditure for allotment.


Ceiling branch issues funds for each head of account of each region. Hence,

ceiling branch is responsible for issuing the allocated funds by the distribution branch.

Ceiling branch issues funds to each region on monthly basis to certain head of

accounts. As head of account, for the whole year so ceiling branch divides the allotment

by 12 to make rough estimate for the monthly expenditure. Ceiling is issued to the DDO

of each region who is only responsible for drawing and disbursement of funds for each

head of account for his region.

Ceiling branch analyzes the expenditure of each head of account at the end of

each month. Ceiling branch make sure that expenditure for a particular head doesn't

increase beyond the ceiling issued (on monthly basis) with out any sound reason. Ceiling

branch like distribution branch also keeps some reserves for unexpected or unhappy

events while issuing the Ceiling to each region.

Ceiling for staff salaries and allowances are fixed, while ceiling for staff expenses,

maintenance and petty work, office contingencies (utilities, communication, printing

etc.) vary because these charges are not fixed. Ceiling branch has the daily record of

collection of revenue from customers and daily issuing of ceiling to different regions. By

continuously keeping and examining the record, the ceiling branch can see that how

much revenue has been collected and how much funds (ceiling) have been issued to

different regions All the revenue, which is collected by different banks from customers of

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, finally comes into National Bank of

Pakistan, who acts on behalf of the company and in which company has its account.

Ceiling branch daily examines the collection of revenue in National Bank of Pakistan and

issue ceiling to different regions from that revenue. Company has also maintained

retained earning and reserves for contingencies. But some times, revenue collected from


Page 44: Arslan Ptcl Report

customer is not sufficient to issue ceiling. Funds which to be issued are more than funds

available, so ceiling branch has to borrow running finance to issue funds to different

regions. Interest is paid on running finance and when enough revenue comes into

account, amount of running finance is automatically deducted by National Bank of


Main heads that are used in issuing funds are:




General provident fund.

Miscellaneous. (Education grant)


Page 45: Arslan Ptcl Report


The efforts should be made that PTCL be an independent organization in its

internal matters; ministry of communication may give only guidelines.

The officer may be trained to adopt the company culture, soft spoken, good

relations with customers and target oriented.

There should be full-fledged marketing department, which should be under

chairman PTCL.

Top management divisional engineers in the field to be business and target

oriented through short courses of marketing and finance.

Finance and Marketing officers and Engineers may be sending to international

seminars/workshops to get knowledge of new technique and procedures.

There should be effective human resource department in order to get right people

on the right job.

Promotion should be made on the basis of performance rather than seniority.


Page 46: Arslan Ptcl Report


PTCL land line phone and wireless system is the best option among all the companies and

reason being that it’s a well established company, there are more chances to learn as

compare to a newly emerged company. While among the preceding companies, some has

government touch in its management style and some companies were at sluggish phase.

Management is well defined at PTCL. Rules are specified and implemented on all the

employees regardless of their designation. There is homogeny in all regulation aspects.

There are a time to time motivational rewards, increments and acknowledgment.


Page 47: Arslan Ptcl Report


Abbasi, F. A. (2008). Data Billing and Payments: Orientation report. Unpublished

manuscript, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, Islamabad,

International Revenue Department.

Ali, S. F. (2005). Training report. Unpublished manuscript, Pakistan Telecommunication

Company Limited, Islamabad, Accounts Section.

Anonymous (2000). Billing and Receivables-International business. Annexure- Accounting

entries, p.iii.

Anonymous (2000). Billing and Receivables-International business. Follow up actions for

overdue balances, c.6.2, p.19.

Anonymous (2000). Billing and Receivables-International business. Bad debts and write-

offs, c.7, p.22.

Jabeen, A. (2008). Orientation report. Unpublished manuscript, Pakistan

Telecommunication Company Limited, Islamabad, Advisory Section.

Sumaira khan (2007) Financial Specialist, Capital Budgeting

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, Islamabad.

M.Fahim Tariq (1986) Accounts Officer, Ceiling/Treasury

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, Islamabad.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, (2008). Third Quarter Report. Islamabad,


Analysis of financial statements by

Fundamentals of financial management by Van Horne


Page 48: Arslan Ptcl Report



Page 49: Arslan Ptcl Report



Chairman PTCL Board

Mr. Hifz-Ur-Rehman

Secretary IT&T, Ministry of Information


Government of Pakistan,


Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Abdulrahim Abdulla Abdulrahim Al


Etisalat International Pakistan L.L.C

Executive Vice President Contracts &


Etisalat, UAE.

Secretary, Ministry of Finance

Mr. Ahmad Waqar

Secretary, Ministry of Finance

Government of Pakistan,


Chief Human Resource Officer

Mr. Abdulaziz Ahmed Saleh Ahmed Al


Etisalat, UAE

Member (Telecom), Ministry of

Information Technology

Mr. Noor-ud-Din Baqai

Government of Pakistan,


Executive Vice President Engineering

Mr. Fadhil Mohamed Erhama Al Ansari



Ambassador, Embassy of Pakistan General Manager, Northern Emirates


Page 50: Arslan Ptcl Report

Mr. Ahsanullah Khan

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Mr. Abdulaziz Hamad Omran Taryam

Etisalat, UAE

General Manager

Dr. Ahmed Al Jarwan

Real Estate

Etisalat, UAE

Company Secretary

Ms. Farah Qamar

PTCL Headquarters, Islamabad