Download - Are you a Patriot or a Loyalist?. Boston, 1770 Massacre! The pamphlet hanging on a sign below the old “Join or Die” sign tells you of the King Street.


Are you a Patriot or a Loyalist?

Boston, 1770

Massacre! The pamphlet hanging on a sign below the old “Join or Die” sign tells you of the King Street shootings, where British Soldiers killed six civilians. The Sons of Liberty say it was murder. Those loyal to the British (loyalists) say it was self-defense.

Both want your help. You are going to have to pick sides. Will you stay loyal to the King, or join the Sons of Liberty?

King of England Sons of Liberty

3 You may not always approve of what the Sons of Liberty do, but then you don’t like the fact that British Soldiers have opened fire on people in your city.

You hear through some friends that if you’re interested in joining the Sons of Liberty, you have to go to a Pub on the lower east side and meet with a guy named “Joe.”

The Pub is dirty, and the patrons don’t look very nice, but you find Joe sitting at the end of the bar. The two of you talk for awhile and he decides you can join. He wants to know if you are interested in learning to fight, or if you would rather support the troops.

Fight! Help.


After a few days, you meet at a secret barn at the edge of Boston. You meet the rest of the gang and start training on how to fight. How to shoot, how to use a bayonet, how to club, how to march.

You go out with other Sons and spot a couple of English soldiers standing and waiting by a Church. You could easily overpower them and rid Boston of two more “lobsters.”

Fight! Not this time.


The four of you lay out a plan and sneak the British Soldiers away. You feel bad about killing people, but this is war, and better them than you.

Killing can be hard, and you know you’ll have to do more. Do you want to keep going, or is this too hard for you?

Stay Go Home


A couple of years pass with few incidents. You train, but mostly you just help out and meet up with your friends as you work your job.

Suddenly, a rider passes by your shop as you are on your way home and shouts down to you “The Redcoats march on Concord!”

You know that there are weapons for the Massachusetts Militia stored there. You know you should get going, but should you ride to Concord or cut off the British in a town along the way called Lexington?

Lexington Concord

7You ride through the night, taking the backroads to

avoid the “Lobsters” and make it by sunrise to Concord. The Militia is already assembled and the British have beaten you there. They are searching through the city for weapons. The Militia has stood back and is waiting peacefully. You learn that the Redcoats have already fought some Militia in Lexington and beat them.

You’re waiting with the other Colonials when a shot goes off. Next thing you know, the Redcoats form up and start firing at you! You load and fire back. After several minutes, you and the Militia start killing a lot of Redcoats. They fall back and start running for the end of town.

Will you chase them or stay here?

Chase Stay


Through the day, you and your friends chase the Lobsters down the road, back through Lexington and all the way down to Boston. You rush out, shoot at the Redcoats then hide back in the woods, picking off soldiers at different times. The Redcoats are angry and shouting at you, but they’re also scared of you.

You just helped Massachusetts win the first battle of a war! The Redcoats have returned to their base, and you and the Militia won’t ever let them come back out from Boston.



You don’t mind war, but you don’t like the idea of actually killing people (or getting killed, yourself, for that matter!).

You become a messenger with the Sons of Liberty. You train in how to fight and keep a weapon with you, but mostly, you take messages from Boston to Concord, New York, and Philadelphia and back.

You get a choice, though, would you rather continue to work here in Massachusetts or travel down to New York?

Mass. New York.


You convince the others not to kill the soldiers. You just don’t think it should have gone that far.

The Sons of Liberty are angry with you, though. Very angry. You joined them to fight the British, and now you won’t fight. They ask you if you really want to be with them or not.

Yes. No, I changed my mind.


The guilt of killing the soldier eats at you. Did they really deserve to die?

You meet with the Sons of Liberty over the next few years, but you have to decide quickly if you want to continue to fight and kill, or if you would rather sit on the sidelines and watch the upcoming battles.

Fight! No.


You arrive just before the Redcoats come around the bend and stand with the Lexington Militia. You are not organized, and the Captain of the Militia tells you to not fire, no matter the circumstances. You’re just seeing if you can stop them.

The British march out and stop. Their Colonel tells you to go home and you won’t be hurt. You refuse. The Redcoats arm bayonets and start going forward. Suddenly, a shot is fired out in the air and the Redcoats open fire on you! Everyone turns and runs as several Colonials fall from wounds.

Will you stand and fight or run?

Fight! Run!


Several Colonists were wounded and a couple were killed. You stay behind as most of the militia start chasing the Lobsters down the road towards Boston.

You tend to the wounded and help out however you can. You run some messages back and forth and get water for those guarding the edge of the city.

After a couple of days, you return to Boston where everyone is excited about the Colonial Victory over the Redcoats. You hear about Militia gathering over on Breed’s Hill to start pushing the Redcoats out of Boston. Will you go help?

Yes No

14You continue to run messages down to Sons of

Liberty organizations in New York. One day on the way back to Boston, you hear about a battle in Lexington and Concord. The Colonials defeated the Redcoats in what is now a war between the Colonies and Great Britain. You learn in your messages that Militia are gathering on Breed’s Hill in Boston and the Redcoats are going to try to take the hill.

Do you want to continue running messages, or would you like to go help at Breed’s Hill?

Keep doing this. Go to B. Hill.


You decided to keep sending messages back and forth for the Colonial effort. Now that this is a full-scale war between the Colonies and Britain, you have to be careful. If you get caught with messages, the British will hang you as a spy.

One of your trips leads you to an interesting guy named Benjamin Franklin. He likes to do Science Experiments, including one with lightning. You like to visit him and see Philadelphia.

One day, he has a message that needs to be taken to a man named George Washington. Will you take it?

Yes No


You continue to run many messages, fortunately never getting caught. Finally, after several years, the Colonists win the war against the Redcoats and you stay at home and your shop. You were fortunate to never have been killed, but then, you wonder sometimes if you missed out on something grand.

17You meet with Washington, finding out that

he is now the General of the Colonial Army. He has orders to meet with Colonel Henry Knox and take captured cannons to Dorcester Heights in Boston.

You go along and help, watching as the army places cannons on the hillside and aiming them at the British soldiers, below. The Redcoats leave Boston quickly, knowing they could not take the hill. Boston is now a free city!



Maybe fighting is just not for you. You go home and run your business, listening often to news of encounters between the Redcoats and the Sons of Liberty.

One day, you hear about the Redcoats massing to take a hill from the Colonials over at Breed’s Hill. Do you go to help, or stay?

Fight! Stay


The Redcoats want to run the Colonials and Sons of Liberty out of Boston. They decide to go after the main Militia fortification on Breed’s Hill.

You take position and listen to the steady drumbeat from down the hill as the Redcoats come ashore from their ships and start marching up the hill.

2,000 soldiers are marching at you, and you don’t have enough ammo or gunpowder to kill them all.

Captain Gates rides by telling you to hold your fire. You have to save ammo, so “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”

You hear cannons firing at you and see clouds kick up from the wood and dust as the cannonballs strike nearby.

Do you stay here and fight, or do you want to fall back?

Fight! Fall Back


You take a deep breath, stand over the wall and wait patiently until the lobsters march straight up to the fence. Then, you and the rest of the Militia open fire. You mow down the redcoats like a senseless slaughter.

Again and again they come up the hill, firing at you as you wait until they are in range before firing.

The tenth time you fire, you are hit in the arm and fall back from the wall. The pain is intense, burning. The pain is so bad, you pass out.

Several hours later, you awake with a doctor over you. You’re in a house not far from the battle. The lady of the house is Abigail Adams, and she has helped heal you. You are thankful.

The Battle of Bunker Hill was a loss. However, the Brits lost so many men, it doesn’t really feel like a loss. Will you stay and ready the next fight, or do you want to go home and leave the fighting behind?

Fight! Go Home.


Those cannonballs are too close for comfort and you don’t have enough powder to put up a good fight. You fall back and after a bit, you start hearing the cries of wounded. You rush out and start gathering wounded soldiers and pulling them to a cart that will take them away from the field.

The Redcoats are getting slaughtered, but they keep coming and the Colonials don’t have enough ammo to finish them. It will be a loss. You go with the horsecarts and help tend to the wounded. They take you to a farm where a lady named Abigail Adams helps you tend to the wounded.

The Loss is hard, but the Redcoats paid dearly for their “victory.” Do you want to stay and keep fighting, or are you ready to go home?

Fight! Go home.


Several weeks pass. They’re talking about having the militia fall back to Lexington, as you just don’t have the weapons to take on and beat the Redcoats.

A new General, appointed by the Continental Congress shows up. His name is George Washington, he’s from Virginia and fought for the British in the French and Indian War. He seems good, but what he could possibly do to win the battle is beyond you.

Suddenly, a Colonel shows up with tons of cannons. He brought them from New York. You move the Cannons to a hill called Dorcester Heights and place them over the city. The British have no choice but to fall back or get completely destroyed.

Without even firing a shot, you and your militia have freed Boston!



You’ve had enough of this war. You go home.

Over the years, you hear about the victories of the Continental Army. First they take Boston, then Yorktown. Valley Forge and Charleston, then finally, they defeat the British Forces, and you find yourself living in an American Country, not a British Country.


You stay with the Colonial Army, serving under General Washington. There are hard times like Valley Forge, where you don’t have shoes and have to walk through the snow. Then, there are the good times like the Crossing of the Delaware on Christmas, when you attack the Hessian Soldiers working for the British and score a massive Victory.

Finally, in the end, you carry an American Flag in Philadelphia as the British leave the continent and the Colonies of America become the United States of America.


You go to work for a man named Paul Revere. He seems like a good guy. You help set up a complicated method of communicating. One thing you’re told is to take lanterns up the North Church. If you see Redcoats going across the land, you should hang one lantern. If you see Redcoats going across the sea, you should hang two lanterns.

One night, you spot Redcoats going out to sea to head towards Lexington. You hang two lanterns and then head after them. You realize, you have no choice, you have to help them fight in Lexington.


26You want to stay away from

trouble, but one day, you see a soldier standing guard in front of the courthouse. He’s tired and not paying attention to the two rough-looking guys standing over by the corner getting ready to attack.

You could stop them. Will you yell something?

Yes. No.


You yelled out at the soldier and warned him just as the Sons of Liberty were about to attack. The two men are stopped and arrested.

You saved a life, but now, the Sons of Liberty see you as an enemy. You’ll have to be careful.

The soldiers you save are very thankful. They ask you if you’d be interested in joining the army.

Yes. No.


Over the next few years, you train with the Redcoats in how to be a professional soldier. They give you a beautiful new uniform. You join their ranks and help them patrol Boston. One day, you receive orders to move on Concord where a stash of weapons has been discovered.

You march over night with your unit and when you come to a town called Lexington, you come across several Minutemen standing in the way on the road. What do you do?

Attack! Talk with them


An officer goes forward to talk to the colonists when a shot rings out. You quickly raise your rifle and fire at the colonists, killing one. The Colonials run away, though several are injured and arrested.



You get to Concord and find a small Militia waiting for you. They stay back out of the way as you and your men search the town for weapons. You come across a single cannon hidden in a barn. You could call out and have it taken, or you could just ignore it and leave it for these people to defend themselves. What do you do?

Take it. Leave it.


You call to some other soldiers and start to pull the cannon when you hear a musket shot in the distance. You and your men turn to the sound. Do you go and help out and attack, or do you fall back to the front of the city?

Attack! Fall Back.


You hurry out and find your place in line. The Militia are disorganized, but there are enough of them that they are putting up a good fight. Many other redcoats go down and you see the line break and fall back.

Do you fall back with the soldiers, or do you stand your ground?

Fight! Fall Back.


You fall back with your allies, loading and firing as you hurry along the dirt road back to Lexington. Every time you stop, you come under attack by the Colonial Soldiers.

The entire 20 miles back to Boston you are shot at every mile. Your officers are killed, several of your friends are killed, you get hit once, but the musket ball just grazes you, so you’re okay. You finally make it back to Boston, completely out of breath, exhausted, but alive.

It takes a few months, but you heal, and receive orders to lead your men to a place in Boston called “Breed’s Hill.” The let you decide what wave you are going to go after the Colonial Militia at the top of the hill.

1st Wave 2nd Wave 3rd Wave


The Colonials have a great position to fire down on you. You watch as the first wave moves towards the hill, and gets completely mowed down. All in the first division are dead.

Then, the second wave goes up the hill. Most of the soldiers are killed, as well. For some reason, the Colonials keep waiting until the Redcoats are right on top of them before firing. It’s devastating. Many of the 2nd Division survive, but fall back.

Now, you lead the third division up the hill. You fire as you go and keep yelling at your men to hold the line as you march up Breed’s Hill. Men on your left and right fall, but you and your force are finally able to storm the fort and capture many of the Colonials inside. The hill is yours, but you are injured, shot through the arm.

You have watched many die. You are worn out. But the war is not over. Do you want to keep on fighting, or would you like to retire?

Fight! Retire.


You listen as Redcoat cannonballs fly over your head at the fort. You bravely march forward, firing continuously at the rebels, but for some reason they don’t fire back. Are they giving up? Finally, when you’re about 50 feet away, the stand and fire, ripping through your line and hitting you.

You feel fire in your chest as you fall back to the ground, eyes to the sky.

You die a hero to the crown.


You fall back to your company headquarters to talk to your commanders when word comes down that the Colonials have brought cannons from somewhere else. They have them sitting on Dorcester Heights, a series of hills looking over the city. If you try to move on them, they will destroy you and your whole army. Orders come down to withdraw from the entire city.

Are you going to stay in the city, or fall back with the army?

Stay Go.


You decide to stay in Boston. It is your home, after all.

After a few days, the Sons of Liberty find you at your home, drag you out into the streets and hang you for being a traitor.

38You fall back with the soldiers and regroup south with General Cornwallis’s men in the south. You fight in South Carolina, but come across a unit with the Colonial Militia they call “The Swamp Fox.”

You are attacked and killed, your body is never found in the South Carolina swamps.


You watch as the Sons of Liberty attack the soldier and carry away his dead body.

As horrifying as the sight is, this is war. Have you reconsidered joining the Sons of Liberty, or do you wish to stay loyal with the British?

Sons of Liberty British


One way to get rid of the anger of the Sons of Liberty is to join them. Interested?

Yes. No.


Would you be interested in being pretending to join the Sons of Liberty, but you actually tell the British what they are doing? (a spy)

Yes. No.


You go home. You’ve seen enough and done enough in your life. You decide to focus on your business. You witness in your life, however, a change in the country. You go from having British Flags hanging on the corner to American Flags. From British Redcoats to American Militia in the countryside. You know peace.


As time goes on, you get in good with the Sons of Liberty and learn a lot about them. From time to time, you pass along information to British Soldiers.

One big thing you learn is that the Colonials are hiding a stock of weapons in a town called Concord to the north. Do you tell the British about this, or do you decide you’ve had enough?

Tell them. Go home.


You tell the British Soldiers about the weapons. They have you go with them. On the way, you stop at a town called Lexington, where Colonials are blocking the way. A fight breaks out and you see Colonials shot down.

Have you seen enough? Are you ready to quit, or do you want to keep going?

Run. Fight!


You take off down the road, but you are quickly captured. The Sons of Liberty recognize you and now know you are a spy.

They don’t even bother giving you a trial, they just go ahead and hang you.


Since you are with the British, you have no choice but to fight. You get drafted into the army and are told you have to help fight. They give you a red coat, a rifle and order you in line.



The colonists have a right to defend themselves, especially from Indians. Maybe they’re right about things? Maybe you could join them? Or you could be happy where you are.

Join the Militia Stay loyal


You rush away from the gunfire, headed back towards Boston. The entire way back down the 20 mile trip, you come under fire from Militia. You survive, but just barely. You’re exhausted from the fighting.



You stand your ground and fight bravely, but are quickly overcome and shot. You die a true patriot.