Michael Kiomall Loyalist CollegeTranscript

Ji!,*^ Loyalist Gollese Fn L rr -3 Wallbridge-Loyalist Roaci, P.O.Box 42oo x' .I;tsC l ---F --- ' Belleville ON KBN5Bg < l--al V l.n ( -trr7 't ' f'L ,+ r o\\-,, UNOFFICIAI, Student: Michael James Kiomal l lssued To: Mi chae 1 Jame s Ki oma 1 I 2A Briardale Blvd Trentoil, ON KBV 5P9 Canada Course Level: Credit Degrees Awarded OnEario College Diploma 08-JUN-2012 Ehrs z 7 0 . 50 GPA-Hrs t 't 0. 00 QPt,s . 6260. 00 GPA: 89 .42 Primary Degree Major : Chemical Eng Technicidn Degrees Awarded Ont,ario Col lege Adv Diploma 07 -JIJIJ- 2 01,3 Ehrs: 117 . 50 GPA-Hrs: 11-4. 00 QPts: 10152 . 00 GPA: 89 . 05 Primary Degree Maj or : Chemical Eng Technology SIJBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R INSTITUTION CREDIT: Term: Fa}l 201.0 Chemical Eng Technician BIOS 1000 Biology L BIOS 1007 Foundat,ion Skills in CHEM 1000 General Chemlstry L CHEM 1001 Organic ChemisEry 1 COMM 1.03 5 Communicat ions L MATH 1,003 Mathematics 1 Term: Ehrs; 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 1-5.00 3.00 91 273,04 Science 2.00 85 I72.00 3 .00 98 294. OA 2 .00 98 196 .00 2 .00 83 166.00 3 .00 94 282 . AQ QPt,s: 1383.00 GPA: 92.20 Term: Wint,er 2011 Chemical Eng Technician BIOS 1001 Int,roduct ion to Microbiology 2 .00 88 175 . 00 BIOS 1004 Industrial Processes CHEM L002 Organic Chemistry 2 CHEM 1"003 General Chemistry 2 3.00 94 282.00 4.00 96 384.00 5.00 95 570.00 MATH 1004 Mathematics 2/CompuEer Apps 4.00 95 380.00 PLAC L008 CLAB Placement (One Week) 0.00 F 0.00 Term: Ehrs: 19.00 GPA-Hrs: 19.00 QPts: 1792 .00 GPA: 94.31 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTINUED ON NEXT COLLIMN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Not considered olficial without Seal and Registrar's signature. See Referse for Grading System. TRANSCRIPT OF ACADEMIC RECORD Page: 1 SIJBJ NQ. lD: 500079356 lssued: 29-MAy-2013 Level: Credit COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R Instit,ut ion Inf ormat.ion cont inued: Term: FaII 2011" Chemical Eng Technician BIOS 2 000 Microbiology CHEM 2000 Analytical Chemistry L CHEM 2 0 01- Inst rumentat ion 1- Theory CHEM 2 0'06 I nst rument, at i on 1 Lab MATH 2A02 Data Analysis 1 Term: Ehrs : 18 . 00 GPA-Hrs : 18 . 00 QPts : Term: Winter 2012 Chemical Eng Technician CHEM 2OQ2 Inst,rumentat ion 2 CHEM 2003 Chemical Engineering CHEM 2004 Polyrner Chemi st ry CHEM 2005 Analytical ChemisLry 2 PLAC 2021 Placement Term: Ehrs: 18.00 GPA-Hrs: 18.00 QPt,s: Term: Spring 2CIt2 Chemical Eng Technician PLAC 202I Placement (One Week) Term: Ehrs: 0.50 GPA-Hrs: 0.00 QPts: Dean's List Term: Fal1 2012 Chemical Eng Technology BIOS 3000 Biochemistry CHEM 3001 Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 3002 Organic Chem - Chromatography CHEM 3003 Analyt.ical Inst,rumentation MATH 3000 Data Analysis 2 Term: Ehrs : 22 . Q0 GPA-Hrs : 22 . Q0 QPt s : ***************rr***** CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 3 .00 80 240.00 4 .00 90 350.00 3.00 86 258.00 3.00 81 243.00 5.00 84 420.00 1521.00 GPA: 84,50 5.00 87 435.00 5 .00 86 430. Q0 3.00 88 264.A0 5.00 87 435.00 3.00 I/'I 0,00 1564.00 GPA: 86. BB 0.50 P 0.00 0.00 GPA: 0.00 5.00 91 4s5.00 4.00 87 348.00 3.00 84 252.00 5.00 94 470.00 5 , 00 84 420.00 1945.00 GPA: 88.40 * **** ** *tr * * ** * ** * * * * Director,Student Enrolment Services,Laura Naumann

Transcript of Michael Kiomall Loyalist CollegeTranscript

Ji!,*^ Loyalist GolleseFn L rr

-3 Wallbridge-Loyalist Roaci, P.O. Box 42oox' . I ; tsCl

- - -F- - - ' Bellevil le ON KBN 5Bg< l--al V l.n

( - t r r7 ' t

' f'L ,+ r o\\-,,


Student: Michael James Kiomal l

lssued To: Mi chae 1 Jame s Ki oma 1 I2A Br iardale BlvdTrentoi l , ON KBV 5P9Canada

Course Level : Credi t

Degrees Awarded OnEario Col lege Diploma 08-JUN-2012

Ehrs z 7 0 . 50 GPA-Hrs t ' t 0. 00 QPt,s . 6260. 00 GPA: 89 .42

Primary Degree

Major : Chemical Eng Technic idn

Degrees Awarded Ont,ar io Col lege Adv Diploma 07 -JIJIJ- 2 01,3

Ehrs: 117 . 50 GPA-Hrs: 11-4 . 00 QPts: 10152 . 00 GPA: 89 . 05

Primary Degree

Maj or : Chemical Eng Technology



Term: Fa} l 201.0

Chemical Eng Technic ian

BIOS 1000 Biology L

BIOS 1007 Foundat, ion Ski l ls in

CHEM 1000 General Chemlstry L

CHEM 1001 Organic ChemisEry 1

COMM 1.03 5 Communicat ions L

MATH 1,003 Mathematics 1

Term: Ehrs; 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 1-5.00

3.00 91 273,04

Science 2.00 85 I72.00

3 .00 98 294. OA

2 .00 98 196 .00

2 .00 83 166.00

3 .00 94 282 . AQ

QPt,s: 1383.00 GPA: 92.20

Term: Wint,er 2011Chemical Eng Technic ian

BIOS 1001 Int , roduct ion to Microbiology 2 .00 88 175 . 00

BIOS 1004 Industr ia l Processes

CHEM L002 Organic Chemistry 2

CHEM 1"003 General Chemistry 2

3.00 94 282.00

4.00 96 384.00

5.00 95 570.00

MATH 1004 Mathematics 2/CompuEer Apps 4.00 95 380.00

PLAC L008 CLAB Placement (One Week) 0.00 F 0.00

Term: Ehrs: 19.00 GPA-Hrs: 19.00 QPts: 1792 .00 GPA: 94.31

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTINUED ON NEXT COLLIMN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Not considered olficial without Seal and Registrar's signature.See Referse for Grading System.


Page: 1


lD: 500079356

lssued: 29-MAy-2013Level: Credit


Inst i t ,ut ion Inf ormat. ion cont inued:

Term: FaII 2011"

Chemical Eng Technic ian

BIOS 2 000 Microbiology

CHEM 2000 Analyt ical Chemistry L

CHEM 2 0 01- Inst rumentat ion 1- Theory

CHEM 2 0'0 6 I nst rument, at i on 1 Lab

MATH 2A02 Data Analysis 1

Term: Ehrs : 18 . 00 GPA-Hrs : 18 . 00 QPts :

Term: Winter 2012

Chemical Eng Technic ian

CHEM 2OQ2 Inst , rumentat ion 2

CHEM 2003 Chemical Engineer ing

CHEM 2004 Polyrner Chemi st ry

CHEM 2005 Analyt ical ChemisLry 2

PLAC 2021 Placement

Term: Ehrs: 18.00 GPA-Hrs: 18.00 QPt,s:

Term: Spr ing 2CIt2

Chemical Eng Technic ian

PLAC 202I Placement (One Week)

Term: Ehrs: 0.50 GPA-Hrs: 0.00 QPts:Dean's List

Term: Fal1 2012

Chemical Eng Technology

BIOS 3000 Biochemistry

CHEM 3001 Inorganic Chemistry

CHEM 3002 Organic Chem - Chromatography

CHEM 3003 Analyt . ical Inst , rumentat ion

MATH 3000 Data Analysis 2

Term: Ehrs : 22 . Q0 GPA-Hrs : 22 . Q0 QPt s :

***************rr***** CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

3 .00 80 240.004 .00 90 350.003.00 86 258.003.00 81 243.005.00 84 420.00

1521.00 GPA: 84,50

5.00 87 435.00

5 .00 86 430. Q0

3.00 88 264.A0

5.00 87 435.00

3.00 I / ' I 0,00

1564.00 GPA: 86. BB

0.50 P 0.00

0.00 GPA: 0.00

5.00 91 4s5.00

4.00 87 348.00

3.00 84 252.00

5.00 94 470.00

5 , 00 84 420.00

1945.00 GPA: 88.40

* **** ** * t r * * ** * ** * * * *

Director, Student Enrolment Services, Laura Naumann

Loyalist GollegeWalfbridge-Loyalist Road, P.O. Box 4290Belleville ON K8N 5Bg

$tudent: Michael James Kiomal l



fnsEituLion lnformat ion cont inued: ,

Term ; Wint, er 2 01- 3

Chemical Eng Technotrogy

BIOS 3001 ExtracLion Technology

BIOS 3004 Good Manufactur ing Pract , ices

CHEM 3000 Food Chemistry

CHEM 3 0 04 Phys i ca ] Chemi s'f ry

CHEM 3006 Organic Chem - Spectroscopy

CHEM 3007 Radiochemist , ry

PLAC 3005 CHEM Placemenb (One Week)

Term; Ehrs r 25 . 00 GPA-Hrs: 22 . QQ QPts :

Dean's List

Earned Hrs GPA Hrs

TOTAL INSTITI, ITION 117.50 114.00

5.00 91 455,003.00 92 276.005,00 92 460.003 , 00 80 240.003.00 90 270.0Q3.00 82 246.003.00 P 0.00

1947.00 GPA: 88,50

1r-4.00 10152.0 89.05TRANSCRIPT * * ** :k***** ****** * * * *** *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * ,r lr * TRANSCRIPT TOTALS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Point, s GPA

10r-52.0 89.05

OVERALL ]. ].7 . 5 O*************rr***** i r** END OF

Not considered oflicial without Seal and Registrar's signature.See Reverse for Grading System.


Page: z

lD: 500079356

lssuedi 29*MAy-2013Level i Credit

ft^ryDirector, $tudent Enrolment $ervices, Laura Naumann