Download - APPROVED Date //-/9--/ - Multicultural 22, 2015.pdf · Board Posting - October 10/1 9 ... Approved Board Minutes & Attachments-October


APPROVED Date //-/9--/ Multicultural Academy Board of Directors

Regular Meeting Minutes

October 22, 2015

6:00 pm

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p. m. at 5550 Platt Road, Ann Arbor.

II. Roll Call


Dr. Samaha-President

Shafik Khalil-Vice President

Dr. Robert McTyre-Director

Jeff Jones-Treasurer

Absent Excused

Rick DeBacker

Also Present:

LaTasha Mitchell-Board Recorder

Pat Eggleston-Principal

Pat Victor-Bay Mills

Steve Scheel-Croskey Lanni

Yasser Farha-Public

Mike Lusardi-Dickenson Wright

Felicia Adams-GPS

Terry Farha-UMC

Angie Luck-UMC

Dennis Theis-Maner Costerisan

Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Dr. Robert McTyre and second by Shafik Khalil that the agenda for the regular board meeting be approved.

The motion passed unanimously.

III. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Shafik Khalil that the minutes be approved and second by Dr. McTyre.

The motion passed unanimously.

IV. Correspondence



A. UMC Report

Epicenter All documents have been submitted as required.

Compliance Calendar

10/15 10/12 Board Agenda — October ( 5 Business Days Before Meeting) Board Posting - October 10/1 9/22 Bloodborne Pathogens Training-Agenda and Proof of Attendance or Learn Port Documentation

10/1 9/16

Pest Control Compliance (See User's Manual for Details) 10/1 9/15

DS-4898 Preliminary Pupil Membership Count (during first three years of existence and when adding a grade)

10/1 NA

Annual Nonprofit Corporation Update 10/1 10/1

MEGS Protective Eyewear Certification 10/1 8/19

MEGS Constitution Day Certification 10/1 8/19

MEGS Constitution Day Certification 10/1 8/19

SE 4094 Transportation Expenditure Report (if required) 10/15 9/15

First Quarter Financial Statement 10/31 10.20

Proposed Board Minutes & Attachments-October(8 Business Days After Approved)


Approved Board Minutes & Attachments-Sept. (5 Business Days After Approved)


Board Agenda — November ( 5 Business Days Before Meeting) 11/12

Board Posting - November 11/1

Audited Financial Statement and Management Letter (include A 133 if



FID Report to CEPI and BMCC ( or as scheduled by MDE) 11/15

MSDS Fall DS 4061, including MI-CIS for Special Education 11/15

■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■

General Fund Purchases $72,336.00

Cash Flow $6,400.00

Payroll Escrow $10 ,000.00

Board Member Application Documents for January Appointment(s) 11/30 Boards' Response to Auditors Management Letter (if needed) 11/30 Proposed Board Minutes & Attachments-November(8 Business Days After Approved) Approved Board Minutes & Attachments-October (5 Business Days After Approved)

Purchase Orders Meetings took place with Crosky & Lanni to review all purchase orders and payroll along with updates for GSRP


HR/MA Personnel Changes Substitute bus driver has been hired.

Grants Expenditure

Grant Name Expenditures Revenue Current/Pending GSRP $12,603.61 $12,603.61 Deposited MA Lunch $262.80 $262.80 Deposited MDE Lunch $5,719.75 $5,719.75 Deposited Title IA $9,327.00 $9,327.00 Deposited Title IIA NA NA NA CAFCP NA NA NA IDEA NA NA NA


Bus Insurance Claim $1318.03 $1318.03 Deposited

Premium Assignment Refund

$1,032.01 Deposited

Follett Books 419.34 Deposited

General Fund Purchase Order Expenditures

Dated Bank Statements on Cash Flow / Payroll Escrow

Payable / Receivable Accounts

• • • •

Pending Amounts Account Payable $79,719.31

Pending Amounts Account Receivable $91,000.00

Insurance •

Name Date Paid Health Insurance 9/28/2015 Life Insurance 10/10/2015 General Liability / Bus Insurance 9/17/2015 Workman's Compensation 10/31/2015

Financial Audits

Name of Audit Date Occurring



B. Principal's Report

Progress Reports: Distributed Friday, October 16 th Reflects progress for first 5 weeks

Global Psychology Services (GPS): • Global Psychology Services (GPS) — provides academic and support services • Professional development, curriculum support, mentoring, academic interventions

NWEA Fall Assessment Cycle: • Measures academic growth for the school year • Students in grades Young 5 — 8 were assessed in reading and math • Students are expected to attain one year of academic growth in each area • NWEA Goals, grade level and individual results shared with students and parents • Academic interventions target deficient areas • Skills Navigator target skill gaps for improvement • Students will receive certificates of recognition and participate in an assembly

NWEA Historical Data: • Average number of students that meet NWEA grade level target in schools is 50% — 55% • Factors that influence outcomes include Special Education Students (SES) and English Language

Learners (ELL)

Subgroup Demographic Data

ELL (English Language Special Education Learner)

2014/2015 35% 2014/2015 14% 2015/2016 35% 2015/2016 10%

• Students that met their projected grade level growth during the school year:

School Year Math Reading

2012/2013 55% 58%

2013/2014 66% 62%

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■


a •




• 2014/2015, Seventy-seven (77) students in cohort group • Percentage of cohort students that met projected NWEA Growth Target in Reading and Math:





Reading Math







MCA Strategies for Academic Improvement:

Partnership with GPS: To provide ongoing professional development, mentoring and support throughout the school year

Alignment of Educational Program: Total alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessments

Morning Meeting: At the onset of each school day, students engage in math talks, sharing learning strategies, engaging in reflective journaling, participate in learning and styles inventorying.

Daily 5: Research based structure for students in grades K — 5 focusing on student literacy, learning and motivation designed to challenge and encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and behavior.

Café: A system for grades 4 — 8 that help students understand and master the four key components of successful reading: Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary.

Differentiation: Instruction is tailored to meet the needs of the student

MTSS (Multi-tiered Support System): Framework in which students are identified and grouped homogenously for academic interventions (Title 1 and RTI)

MCA School-wide Lesson Plan: Lesson plan formatted and aligned to learning targets

Curriculum/Data Night: • Thursday, November 12 m 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

• Share information and activities on best practices, curriculum, assessments and character building program

Food Gatherers Food Pantry: • Distribution today • Fruit, vegetables, bread and other items to families • Scheduled distributions monthly on 4th Thursday

Upcoming Professional Development: • Professional Development, V2 day on Friday, November 61"

• Provided by GPS

• Focus "Learning Targets" and "Differentiation" • Students will be dismissed at 11:30 am

Bay Mills Leaders Conference • Leaders Conference held in Brimley, MI • Monday, October 5th and Tuesday, October 6th • Facilitated a round table discussion on the Teacher Evaluation Process • Conference provided a great learning experience

Petty Cash Reconciliations: • Reconciliation not needed within past month

C. Student Affairs

Discipline and Behavior Expectations New Student Behavior Initiative • Review of present procedure with GPS Behavior Specialist • Collaborative meetings with Behavior Specialist and Dean of Students • Collaborative meetings with classroom teachers regarding process • Staff Training • Focus on enforcement of the "Code of Conduct" with • Introduction to students during assemblies on October 29 m • Introduction to parents in parent letter and during presentation on Curriculum Data Night

Transportation • Currently working with the Transportation Department to ensure that students are practicing safe

behaviors on the bus. A school bus safety code of conduct has been established and has gone home with students. All students are to have a signed copy on file at the Academy.

Emergency Drills • We are on schedule with the emergency drills a fire drill took place 10/19/15.

Assemblies • Behavior assemblies are scheduled for this month. Cyber-bullying assemblies have been

scheduled for November 2015 in partnership with Pittsfield Township.

Board Minutes On Website

The Board minutes and agendas are currently up to date on the school website.

D. GSRP Program/Parents Relations

a. We are still in need of two teachers. b. The program is currently enrolled at 31 students, we are fully enrolled. One child

dropped due to a change in his parents schedule. We currently have one opening.

Events c. Staff will attend an all-day training at the WISD on Friday, October 16th. d. We have had two parents events in the classrooms;

I Parent/Child Social-Emotional Activity II Breakfast With My Buddy

Building Safety and Security

Financial items invoiced and recovery dates for the month e. 2015-2016 Budget and Contract was submitted to the WISD today. f. The final 2014-2015 Budget Reimbursement is due October 30, 2015.

E. GPS GPS — Multicultural Academy Special Education Report for Period Ending October 15, 2015

Subject: Monthly Status Report Activities Planned for Last Period

• 9/22/15 Scheduled bi-weekly meetings with school principal; distributed test kits to

• (two) resource teachers; trained teachers on proper administration and scoring of test for baseline

PLAAFP data. Submitted Special Education Spreadsheet to

• Anthony.

• 9/30/15 Identified 18 students with lEPs and convened 2 annuals to maintain compliance.

• 9/30/15 Met with Principal Eggleston for bi-monthly meeting regarding SE services provided and

to address any concerns.

• 9/30/15 Provided psychological services for two students (in lieu of Ms. Kennedy) during the

month of September.

• 10/6/15 Met with special education team re: compliance; SE team met with parent per parent

request — REED convened for speech evaluation.

• 10/14/15 Consulted with administration and resource teacher regarding students.

• 10/15/15 Met with Principal Eggleston for bi-monthly meeting regarding SE services provided

and to address any concerns.

V. Financial Report The Financial report was led in review by Steve Scheel. A copy of The Monthly Financial Report was provided to the board for review. The board accepted the financial report as is.

VI. CAO Report: The CAO informed the board of a local churches request to rent the Academy three days per week. He board will review the request and make a determination.

VII. Public Comments None.

VIII. Board Comments None.

IX. Scheduled/ New Business 1. Purchase of Building Update: Mike Lusardi of Dickenson Wright informed the board that the

purchase agreement for the building has been signed. 90% of the process involved in the sale of he building is complete. The closing date is projected for November 16, 2015.

2. 2014-2015 Financial Audit: Dennis Theis of Maner Costerisan led the board in review of the financial audit for year ended June 30, 2015. A report was compiled which included the audited report of financial statements of governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of Multicultural Academy.

3. 2015-2016 Budget: There will be a budget review on November 9, 2015.

4. Completion of Property and Building Improvements: All property and building improvements have been completed. Several renovations have been done on the interior and surrounding property.

5. Completion of School Zoning on Platt Rd.: The township has received the request for the school zoning designation on Platt rd. in front of the Academy. The implementation is in process.

6. Official Intent Resolution: A motion was made by Shafik Khalil and second by Dr. Robert McTyre, that the Official Intent Resolution be approved. The board moved to adopt the resolution. 4 Ays no Nays. The resolution was declared and adopted.

7. Bond Resolution: A motion was made by Jeff Jones to approve the bond resolution and second by Shafik Khalil that the Bond Resolution be approved. The board moved to adopt the resolution. 4 Ays, no Nays. The resolution was declared and adopted.

- Confirmation of Next Meeting

November 19 th 2015 at 4:00pm

1. Adjournment

Jeff Jones made a motion to adjourn. Shafik Khalil second.

Date: 9//

Approved by the Board of Directors at its fj

, , L';‘‘ .-;1 .3- meeting.

Board Secretary

;,II /OP/5 Date