Download - Application Decisions for the New Millennium? Robert E. Wolf Extension Specialist Agrichemical Technology Biological and Agricultural Engineering Dept.


Application Decisions for the New Millennium?

Robert E. WolfExtension Specialist Agrichemical TechnologyBiological and Agricultural Engineering Dept.

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Changes in the Application Industry! Historically inefficient process Increased cost per acre for crop protection Rates are changing (< an ounce/acre) More pest specific products (foliar) Biotechnology and GMO’s – Issues???? More sophisticated equipment (electronics) $$$

Environmental impact (water and air quality) Drift!!!!!!! Variable rates Site-specific

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

199935 Million



19979 Million

1996-1 Million

R-U Ready Soybean Explosion

Acreage of roundup ready ready (genetically modified) soybeans under cultivation in the United States.

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Application Equipment: Two basic types of application systems:

Liquid (sprayers) Granular

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Equipment cost today?

How much do these machines cost?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Equipment cost today?

How much does this machine cost?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Equipment cost today?

How much do these machines cost?

What are the trends today!

Who should spray?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Decisions about who sprays: Time/busy? Tractor available? Knowledgeable of crop protection

products? Pesticide safety concerns? Pros and cons for custom application vs.

self-application? Technically up to date on sprayers and

the proper application techniques?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Options to consider on a sprayer:

How many acres to spray/acres per hour? What tank capacity and type of tank material? Type and size of pump? What boom width and style? Gallons per acre desired?

Adjustable or fixed axle? Tire style-radial or bias? Boom plumbing options (spacing, nozzle bodies)? Boom controller–how many sections? Controller options-with or without radar? Foam marker, rinse system, batch meter, chemical

inductor, joy stick controller? Water source, tender system and driver?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Sprayer Cost Options: Buy the sprayer outright Leasing programs

$3,000 – $6,000 3-5 years, low interest New or modern system

Partnership purchases(neighbors) Commercial sprayers Scheduling critical

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Cost per acre summary table:

Acres 3,500.00$ 5,500.00$ 6,500.00$ 1000 3.50$ 5.50$ 6.50$ 1500 2.33$ 3.67$ 4.33$ 2000 1.75$ 2.75$ 3.25$ 2500 1.40$ 2.20$ 2.60$ 3000 1.17$ 1.83$ 2.17$ 3500 1.00$ 1.57$ 1.86$ 4000 0.88$ 1.38$ 1.63$ 4500 0.78$ 1.22$ 1.44$ 5000 0.70$ 1.10$ 1.30$

Cost of Lease

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Liquid systems:

What are the considerations? Should you upgrade or start new?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Sprayer Components: Tanks (contamination issues) Pump, Strainers, Agitation Pressure gauge Hoses, Flow control assemblies Electronics: monitors-

computers- controllers (GPS/GIS)

Distribution system Nozzles!!!!!!!!!

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Types of Pumps:

Roller Pump Centrifugal Pump Diaphragm Pump Piston Pump Peristaltic Pump

(Squeeze or hose pump – chemical injection)

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Plumbing Diagram:

What about the cost of the nozzle?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Nozzle Types:

Flat Spray Tips: Extended Range Flat-fan Drift Reduction Flat-fan Turbo Flood Flat-fan Turbo Flat-fan AI Flat-fan TurboDrop

Cone Spray Tips: Raindrop

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Spray Characteristics are Important to Understand:

Demonstrates Turbo Flat vs TurboDrop-5 MPH Wind

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Selecting the proper nozzle:

Legal issues!!Following the label!

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration


Without proper attention to the nozzle, you may end up with a


Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Application is Important:

Many complaints to chemical company representatives involve improper application of chemicals. Improper mixing procedures Travel speed errors Uniformity of coverage Incorrect quantities added to the tank Particle drift Selection and maintenance of nozzles

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Nozzles are important because:

Control the amount – GPA. Determine uniformity of

application. Affects the coverage. Influences the drift potential.

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

1. Control the Amount applied:

Nozzle Flow Rate is affected by:

Orifice size Pressure Solution


Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Rated Pressure =40 psi for most nozzle types10 psi for turbo flood nozzles


Stainless Steel Insert Orifice

Trade Name

Fan angle and flow rate-orifice size

Extended Range

VisiFlo Color Coding


Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Typical nozzle numbering systemExtended-range


XR 11004 XR Extended-range

110 110 degree fan angle

04 0.4 GPM @ 40 psi

Even flat-fan –(Band applications)

8002E E Even spray pattern

80 80 degree fan angle

02 0.2 GPM @ 40 psi

Turbo flood -(small capacity)

TF- 4 TF Turbo flood

4 .4 GPM @ 10 psi

Turbo flood –(Floater capacity)

QCTF - 40

QCTF Quick attach turbo flood

40 4.0 GPM @ 10 psi

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Nozzle Selection Chart:

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Nozzle Selection Chart: Turbo Flood

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16





Hard Stainless








Percent increase in nozzle flow rateFlat-fan spray nozzles after 40 hour test

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

2. Set up for Uniformity

Goal is to put the material on evenly from nozzle to nozzle, end of boom to end of boom, and across the entire field.

20-inch spacing requires 17-19” above target for 50-60% overlap.

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

3. Will determine coverage: Need knowledge of the product being

used. Systemic Contact

What is the target? Soil grass broadleaf (smooth, hairy, waxy)

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

4. Will affect drift: Movement of spray

particles off-target. Creating smaller

spray drops will result in increased drift.

Is it Coverage vs Drift?

What is the answer?

$64 Million Question?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Calibration/Nozzle Selection

What is the first step? Use label to select the

application volume product rate

Choose an appropriate travel speed Effective width of application

nozzle spacing Calculate GPM – Flow rate per nozzle Select the correct size of nozzle!

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration





Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration




Ok, now I remember!Ok, now I


Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Nozzle size - Variables

Nozzle flow rate (GPM) Ground speed (MPH) Effective sprayed width (W) Application rate (GPA)

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Application Rate Equation



Equation # 1

Calculates for application rate Represents total amount

applied for an acre

Calculates for application rate Represents total amount

applied for an acre

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Flow Rate Equation



Equation # 2

Calculates for amount of flow from one nozzle

Represents the size of nozzle to put on the sprayer

Calculates for amount of flow from one nozzle

Represents the size of nozzle to put on the sprayer

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

GPA = ______________________GPM = ______________________MPH = ______________________W = ______________________

5940 = a constant to convert gallons per minute, miles per hour, and inches to gallons per acre

miles per hour

nozzle spacing - inches


gallons per acregallons per minute

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

1. Nozzle Flow Rate - Gallons Per Minute (GPM)

To double the nozzle output, the pressure must increase times

2. Ground speed - Miles Per Hour (MPH)

Doubling the ground speed reduces GPA rate by___ 3. Effective Sprayed Width (W) (Nozzle spacing, band width, number of nozzles on drop)

Doubling the effective sprayed width per nozzle decreases the application rate by .





Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Electronics/Rate Controllers

How does your system work when speed changes?

Is it pressure based? What is the effect of

going slower? What is the effect of

going faster?

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

• You want to broadcast a foliar herbicide at 12 GPA traveling 12 MPH using extended range flat-fan nozzles on 20-inch spacing.

• Use equation to calculate for flow rate?

GPM Example

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

GPA Example Solution

GPM=? GPA=? MPH=? W=?

GPM=? GPA=12 MPH=12 W=20



Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

GPM Example Solution






Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Selecting the proper nozzle….

Page 51 TeeJet Catalog

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Calculate GPM (formula) Look under ‘Capacity of

1 nozzle in GPM’ column Match to pressure-psi Choose the size needed Operate at given

pressure and speed used in formula to achieve GPA

Selecting the proper nozzle….


Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Electronics/Rate Controllers

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration


Speed(MPH)Distance(ft) x 60

Time(seconds) x 88

(1 MPH = 88 Feet traveled in 60 seconds)

Measure the ground speed in an area similar to the conditions of the area to be sprayed!

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

A. Surface Tension

B. Density

C. Viscosity

Effects droplet size, not flow

Weight/unit volume density - flow rate decreases

Resistance to flow

Spray Solution Characteristics

Crop Protection Equipment and Calibration

Spraying Solutions other that water:28% CONVERSION – see page 124, SS

28% = _______ lbs/gal

Specific Gravity =Weight of 28%/gal divided byweight of water/gal
