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Apartheid is a phenomenon that could be defined as a practice of racial segregation, which gives the separate development of two or more groups. In this unequal relationship, it benefices a group, and the other undergoes the process. The intended purpose of this discriminatory policy is purely economic. White groups manage the economic and political power, and for the proper development of the system, they subject black people. We consider that the end of apartheid was a matter more economic than racial. Apartheid has always functioned as a way to maximize profits at labor discipline and wages through repression carried out by the state. Racial discrimination in South Africa provided the ideological underpinnings of capitalist development. In this sense, the apartheid ensured control of all spheres of life of non-whites, which allowed better manipulation. This control corresponds precisely to the needs of capitalism. Therefore, while the apartheid program that responds to the interests of white sectors who control the state, highlights the ideological base in which capitalism relations are carried out. Nowadays, the constitution that came into force in 1999, denies any form of discrimination based on race, gender or age, and it abolishes the death penalty. But actually there are still differences. The actual unemployment rate is 35%. Which means that these people can not pay taxes and the government has less money to invest in improving the social condition of the country. But this resistance to paying tax burdens became institutionalized during the crisis of the 1980s, so it would not be a new phenomenon. Moreover, most of Mandela election promises were not put into practice, and those that were embodied in the practice were made to a very low level. The unemployment rate results in a high crime rate. Crime reached very high numbers, the current condition of social insecurity in South Africa is more than disturbing, and should be understood as the result of the oppressive policies of apartheid, which excluded socially, economically and politically to the black population creating a situation of social anger reflected in all spheres of life. On the other hand, posters of "white only" have been removed from public places, and blacks, in theory, can go to places that were previously exclusive to white, which is a big step. But the black population still lives in the ghettos, where they follow the poor living conditions, without electricity, water, sewerage and cleaning and proper waste collection. This results in the spread of diseases such as AIDS, which threatens to lower life expectancy of 60 to 40 years by 2020. Furthermore, poor educational background makes a bad qualification of black population and is too difficult to face the capitalist labor market, a phenomenon that has not changed. But the point is that, in this way, it is drafted as cheap labor. So, is the driving force of the South African economy, and at very low cost. And it is for this reason that no one cares that black people live a comfortable life. The abolition of apartheid meant the rise of the black population to political power, thanks to the multi-racial elections held in 1994, but social problems continue because you can not change abruptly racist ideology deeply rooted in the population. Resistors and resentments are too strong to raise output which would provide viable answers to the lifes of the native population.