Download - Announcements B3 November 5th

Page 1: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: none.

Assignments Due Today: Read Chapter 5 Section 2

Announcements: none.

Announcements B3 November 5th

Page 2: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Who lives in a better place?

Get together with another partnership.

Together you will discuss and answer the following questions. Which natural disasters are likely to happen in your locations

(fires, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, droughts, famine, etc.)? Which location is better equipped to deal with these natural

disasters, or is less likely to have the natural disasters?

While discussing, have one group member act as scribe. The scribe will write down the pros and cons of living in each location (this should fill ½ a page).

The group will decide which location is superior when it comes to natural disasters.

Page 3: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Who lives in a better place?

Now you will discuss and answer the following questions. Which location has a climate more easily

adaptable for humans? Is it easier or less expensive to live in your location than the other one? Which location is more hospitable?

The scribe will write down the pros and cons of living in each location (should be ½ page).

The group will decide which location is better when it comes to hospitability.

Page 4: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Peer Evaluation

On the piece of paper I handed to you, you will write a score, out of 10 points grading each of the members of your group.

Give them a grade based on how much he or she contributed to group discussion, cooperated and stayed on task.

Do not show your group members how you scored them.

Page 5: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: Where Would You Live?

Assignments Due Today: Read Chapter 6 Section 3

Announcements: State/Province Presentation Due Nov. 14th ,Unit Test Nov 16th.

Announcements A3 November 8th

Page 6: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Current Events

Summarize How does it connect to one of the 5 themes of

Geography? How does it connect to what we are currently

learning in geography?

Students will take down notes on the current events. What is the event? How is it connected to what we are learning in


Page 7: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Culture & Lifestyles in Canada & the US

As “nations of immigrants” the US & Canada are a blend of many people with diverse perspectives and experiences that are shaped by their unique cultural values.

Page 8: Announcements  B3 November 5th

“Nation of Immigrants”

“Store Owners [on Third Avenue] are often Asian. Corner groceries are run by families from the Dominican Republic…Arabs operate the candy stores…Koreans run vegetable stands…[Near 118th Street] Robert Kosches finished talking in Spanish to a young couple…’My grandfather, who came from Austria, started this [furniture] business,’ he said, switching to English…”---Jere Van Dyk, “Growing Up in East Harlem”

Page 9: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Diversity in Our Communities

Diversity surrounds us everywhere. Thai restaurant down

my street. A family displays a

Swiss flag in the window of their home.

A “R U LDS 2?” bumper sticker on neighbors’ cars

A Greek Orthodox church.

Billboards in Spanish. Scottish Festival.

Identify examples of cultural diversity that exist in your community.

Think about different languages, religions, and ethnic foods.

List 12 examples.

Video Clip

Page 10: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: Where Would You Live?

Assignments Due: none.

Announcements: State/Province Presentations due Nov. 14th, Unit test Nov. 16th.

Homework: Chapter 6 worksheets.

In Review

Page 11: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: Where Would You Live?

Assignments Due Today: Read Chapter 6 Section 3

Announcements: State/Province Presentation Due Nov. 15th, Unit Test Nov 19th.

Announcements B3 November 9th

Page 12: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Current Events

Summarize How does it connect to one of the 5 themes of

Geography? How does it connect to what we are currently

learning in geography?

Students will take down notes on the current events. What is the event? How is it connected to what we are learning in


Page 13: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Culture & Lifestyles in Canada & the US

As “nations of immigrants” the US & Canada are a blend of many people with diverse perspectives and experiences that are shaped by their unique cultural values.

Page 14: Announcements  B3 November 5th

“Nation of Immigrants”

“Store Owners [on Third Avenue] are often Asian. Corner groceries are run by families from the Dominican Republic…Arabs operate the candy stores…Koreans run vegetable stands…[Near 118th Street] Robert Kosches finished talking in Spanish to a young couple…’My grandfather, who came from Austria, started this [furniture] business,’ he said, switching to English…”---Jere Van Dyk, “Growing Up in East Harlem”

Page 15: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Diversity in Our Communities

Diversity surrounds us everywhere. Thai restaurant down

my street. A family displays a

Swiss flag in the window of their home.

A “R U LDS 2?” bumper sticker on neighbors’ cars

A Greek Orthodox church.

Billboards in Spanish. Scottish Festival.

Identify examples of cultural diversity that exist in your community.

Think about different languages, religions, and ethnic foods.

List 12 examples.

Video Clip

Page 16: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: Where Would You Live?

Assignments Due: none.

Announcements: State/Province Presentations due Nov. 14th, Unit test Nov. 16th.

Homework: Chapter 6 worksheets.

In Review

Page 17: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Warm-up Chapter 9 Section 1

1. Why is Latin American considered a region?

2. Who were the 3 great civilizations of Latin America before European settlers came?

3. In migrating north, where do most Latin American immigrants move?

4. What is the process called where lack of farming land drives people to migrate to the city?

Page 18: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: Read Chapter 9 Section 1

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Dec. 3rd.

Announcements A3 November 28th

Page 19: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Dominican Republic

Page 20: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Population Patterns

1. Human Characteristics: 539 million in 33 countries

1. A blending of Peoples1. Indigenous

2. Mayan, Aztec, Inca

3. Spanish & Portuguese Explorers

2. Language1. Spanish is primary language

2. Dialects (patois)

3. Native Languages

Page 21: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Population Patterns

2. Where Latin Americans Live: 800 million by 2050

1. South America’s Populated Rim1. Rain forests, deserts & mountains in the interior

2. Most live on the coast

3. Indigenous peoples

4. Brasilia

2. Population Density1. 30, 000 people per square mile (Mexico City)

Page 22: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Population Patterns

3. Migration1. Migrating North

1. United States (CA, NY, IL, FL)

2. Internal Migration1. Urbanization

4. Growth of cities1. Urban Setting

1. Megacities (Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires)

2. Primate cities: dominate country’s economy (Caracas, Venezuela; Santiago, Chile; Havan, Cuba)

2. Urban Challenges1. Migrate to city for better life

2. Increased people on Welfare

3. Families split apart (jobless, homeless, orphans)

Page 23: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Warm-up Chapter 9 Section 1

1. Why is Latin American considered a region?

2. Who were the 3 great civilizations of Latin America before European settlers came?

3. In migrating north, where do most Latin American immigrants move?

4. What is the process called where lack of farming land drives people to migrate to the city?

Page 24: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: Read Chapter 9 Section 1

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Dec. 5th.

Announcements B3 November 29th

Page 25: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Dominican Republic

Page 26: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Population Patterns

1. Human Characteristics: 539 million in 33 countries

1. A blending of Peoples1. Indigenous

2. Mayan, Aztec, Inca

3. Spanish & Portuguese Explorers

2. Language1. Spanish is primary language

2. Dialects (patois)

3. Native Languages

Page 27: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Population Patterns

2. Where Latin Americans Live: 800 million by 2050

1. South America’s Populated Rim1. Rain forests, deserts & mountains in the interior

2. Most live on the coast

3. Indigenous peoples

4. Brasilia

2. Population Density1. 30, 000 people per square mile (Mexico City)

Page 28: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Population Patterns

3. Migration1. Migrating North

1. United States (CA, NY, IL, FL)

2. Internal Migration1. Urbanization

4. Growth of cities1. Urban Setting

1. Megacities (Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires)

2. Primate cities: dominate country’s economy (Caracas, Venezuela; Santiago, Chile; Havan, Cuba)

2. Urban Challenges1. Migrate to city for better life

2. Increased people on Welfare

3. Families split apart (jobless, homeless, orphans)

Page 29: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Reviewing Expectations

Start of Class: In seat before bell rings, quietly working on your

warm-up. This means you have paper out and you are answering the questions.

If there is no warm-up, study from your textbook for the reading quiz.

Warm-ups: You may be called on to answer any of the

questions, so be sure you know the answer. Use your notes, the textbook or quietly discuss it with your neighbor if you need help answering questions.

Page 30: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Reviewing Expectations

Instruction/Lecture/Video Clips Taking notes quietly without talking with your neighbor. Raise your hand if you have a comment or question

(unless directed otherwise). Be engaged with the class and do whatever assignment

or activity we are doing. At any time, you may be called on to answer a question

about something we just discussed.

In class projects/assignments As long as you are working, you may talk quietly with

your neighbors. Stay in your assigned seats (unless directed otherwise).

Page 31: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Reviewing Expectations

Other odds and ends When using markers or colored pencils, be sure to

neatly return them to their boxes. Before leaving class, make sure your desks are

straightened and you have picked up any loose paper or trash near your desk.

Stay positive and find ways to build each other up. If you are absent:

Check the class website Get notes from a classmate Talk with Mr. Pierce to make-up missed


Page 32: Announcements  B3 November 5th


1. Which Native American civilization settled in Central Mexico? South America? On the Yucatan Peninsula?

2. Name 3 foods grown in the Americas that became worldwide favorites.

3. What is the name for a royally appointed official in Latin American territories?

4. Who won freedom for the present-day countries of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia?

Page 33: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: Read Chapter 9 Section 3

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Today!

Announcements A3 December 4th

Page 34: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Current Events

Summarize How does it connect to one of the 5 themes of

Geography? How does it connect to what we are currently

learning in geography?

Students will take down notes on the current events. What is the event? How is it connected to what we are learning in


Page 35: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Geography Quiz Antigua & Barbuda








Costa Rica



Dominican Republic


El Salvador French Guiana












Puerto Rico

St. Kitts & Nevis

St. Lucia

St. Vincent & The Grenadines


Trinidad and Tobago



Virgin Islands.

Page 36: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Warm-up Ch. 9 Sec. 2

1. Which Native American civilization settled in Central Mexico? South America? On the Yucatan Peninsula?

2. Name 3 foods grown in the Americas that became worldwide favorites.

3. What is the name for a royally appointed official in Latin American territories?

4. Who won freedom for the present-day countries of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia?

Page 37: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: Read Chapter 9 Section 3

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Today!

Announcements B3 December 5th

Page 38: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Geography Quiz Antigua & Barbuda








Costa Rica



Dominican Republic


El Salvador French Guiana












Puerto Rico

St. Kitts & Nevis

St. Lucia

St. Vincent & The Grenadines


Trinidad and Tobago



Virgin Islands.

Page 39: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Warm-up Ch. 10 Sec. 1

Using Chapter 10 Sec. 1 answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between a campesino and a latifundia?

2. What agreement has boosted Mexico’s economy and created jobs?

3. Which hurricane devastated the banana crops in Honduras?

4. What is a developing country?

Page 40: Announcements  B3 November 5th


Use chapter 9 to answer the following questions.

1. What is a governing official appointed by the king during Spanish colonial rule of Latin America called?

2. What is syncretism?

3. What is the difference between a glyph and a mural?

4. What are chinampas?

5. Which was the first Latin American country to gain independence?

6. Who was Diego Rivera?

Page 41: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: none.

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Retakes, Respect in the Classroom

Announcements A3 December 10th

Page 42: Announcements  B3 November 5th


SWBAT choose an aspect of Latin American culture in and

prepare to present on it in order to appreciate Latin American


Page 43: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Current Events

Summarize How does it connect to one of the 5 themes of

Geography? How does it connect to what we are currently

learning in geography?

Students will take down notes on the current events. What is the event? How is it connected to what we are learning in


Page 44: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Latin American Cultures

What is culture? It refers to the beliefs, customs, values, practices and rituals shared by a group of people.

You will give a 2-4 minute presentation on an aspect of Latin American culture.

This will be worth 50 points.

We will be working on this during the next 2 classes.

Page 45: Announcements  B3 November 5th


Use chapter 9 to answer the following questions.

1. What is a governing official appointed by the king during Spanish colonial rule of Latin America called?

2. What is syncretism?

3. What is the difference between a glyph and a mural?

4. What are chinampas?

5. Which was the first Latin American country to gain independence?

6. Who was Diego Rivera?

Page 46: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: none.

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Retakes, Respect in the Classroom

Announcements B3 December 11th

Page 47: Announcements  B3 November 5th


SWBAT choose an aspect of Latin American culture in and

prepare to present on it in order to appreciate Latin American


Page 48: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Current Events

Summarize How does it connect to one of the 5 themes of

Geography? How does it connect to what we are currently

learning in geography?

Students will take down notes on the current events. What is the event? How is it connected to what we are learning in


Page 49: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Latin American Cultures

What is culture? It refers to the beliefs, customs, values, practices and rituals shared by a group of people.

You will give a 2-4 minute presentation on an aspect of Latin American culture.

This will be worth 50 points.

We will be working on this during the next 2 classes.

Page 50: Announcements  B3 November 5th


Use chapter 8 & 9 to answer the following questions.

1. What is a primate city?

2. Which areas of Latin America are most affected by volcanoes?

3. What are maquiladoras?

4. What is the altiplano?

5. What mountain range runs along the western edge of South America?

6. People in Latin America are primarily descendants of which 3 groups of people?

Page 51: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: none.

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Retakes, LA Presentations Friday.

Announcements A3 December 12th

Page 52: Announcements  B3 November 5th


SWBAT choose an aspect of Latin American culture in and

prepare to present on it in order to appreciate Latin American


Page 53: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Current Events

Summarize How does it connect to one of the 5 themes of

Geography? How does it connect to what we are currently

learning in geography?

Students will take down notes on the current events. What is the event? How is it connected to what we are learning in


Page 54: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Cultural Presentation Rubric

Presentation is at least 2 minutes long and does not exceed 4 minutes.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Presentation provides sufficient clarity about the history and cultural significance of the topic.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Topic is narrowed to a unique aspect of a particular culture.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Shows evidence that great effort was put into research and the presentation.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Presentation includes a video clip, audio clip, image, or example of the selected topic.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Page 55: Announcements  B3 November 5th


Use chapter 8 & 9 to answer the following questions.

1. What is a primate city?

2. Which areas of Latin America are most affected by volcanoes?

3. What are maquiladoras?

4. What is the altiplano?

5. What mountain range runs along the western edge of South America?

6. People in Latin America are primarily descendants of which 3 groups of people?

Page 56: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Late Assignments: state/province presentations

Assignments Due Today: none.

Announcements: Latin American Geography Quiz Retakes, LA Presentations Monday.

Announcements B3 December 13th

Page 57: Announcements  B3 November 5th


SWBAT choose an aspect of Latin American culture in and

prepare to present on it in order to appreciate Latin American


Page 58: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Current Events

Summarize How does it connect to one of the 5 themes of

Geography? How does it connect to what we are currently

learning in geography?

Students will take down notes on the current events. What is the event? How is it connected to what we are learning in


Page 59: Announcements  B3 November 5th

Cultural Presentation Rubric

Presentation is at least 2 minutes long and does not exceed 4 minutes.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Presentation provides sufficient clarity about the history and cultural significance of the topic.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Topic is narrowed to a unique aspect of a particular culture.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Shows evidence that great effort was put into research and the presentation.

0 2 4 6 8 10

Presentation includes a video clip, audio clip, image, or example of the selected topic.

0 2 4 6 8 10