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    Alternative Research Designs

    When the usual crap just isnWhen the usual crap just isnt goodt good


    Alternative Research Designs

    I. Quasi-ExperimentsI. Quasi-Experiments

    II. Single Group DesignsII. Single Group Designs

    III. Case StudiesIII. Case Studies

    I. Quasi-Experiments

    A. When true experiments cannot be conductedA. When true experiments cannot be conducted

    - naturally occurring events- naturally occurring events

    - limited pool of participants- limited pool of participants

    B. When possible use true experimental designsB. When possible use true experimental designs

    to prevent threats to validity:to prevent threats to validity:

    e.g., pre-test, post-test with a control groupe.g., pre-test, post-test with a control group

    Solomon-four groups designSolomon-four groups design

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    C. The trade-off between internal

    and external validity

    High Internal


    High External





















    D. Quasi-Experimental Designs(in increasing levels of internal validity)

    1. Single Pretest-Posttest design:1. Single Pretest-Posttest design:


    O= ObservationO= Observation

    XX= Experimental Manipulation= Experimental Manipulation

    Example: Quaker OatmealExample: Quaker Oatmeal

    Worst possible designWorst possible design

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    D. Quasi-Experimental Designs(in increasing levels of internal validity)

    2. Interrupted Time Series:2. Interrupted Time Series:


    Use this when you donUse this when you dont have complete controlt have complete control

    over when the manipulation occurs.over when the manipulation occurs.

    Example: boxing and homicide ratesExample: boxing and homicide rates

    D. Quasi-Experimental Designs(in increasing levels of internal validity)

    3. Random time series3. Random time series


    Example: Diet and CholesterolExample: Diet and Cholesterol

    Time of manipulation randomly determined

    Diet Example








    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12




    Start Program

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    D. Quasi-Experimental Designs(in increasing levels of internal validity)

    4. Nonequivalent Control Group (before-after)4. Nonequivalent Control Group (before-after)


    Experimental:Experimental: OO11 X OX O22 OO11-O-O22

    Control:Control: OO11 OO22 OO11-O-O22

    Example: Diet and CholesterolExample: Diet and Cholesterol

    Example: Nonequivalent Control

    Group (before-after)HyggeHygge, Evans, &, Evans, & BullingerBullinger(2002)(2002)

    Investigating cognitive abilities in children (n= 326)Investigating cognitive abilities in children (n= 326)before and after the opening of the new Munichbefore and after the opening of the new MunichAirport.Airport.

    Experimental GroupExperimental Group:: children who were (old airport),children who were (old airport),or would be (new airport) exposed to aircraft noiseor would be (new airport) exposed to aircraft noise(p. 469).(p. 469).

    Control GroupControl Group:: matched with their respectivematched with their respective

    experimental groups on the basis ofexperimental groups on the basis ofsociodemographicsociodemographic characteristics.characteristics.

    Number of errors on the reading word list in each of

    the groups before and after the airport opened

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    II. Single Group Designs

    A. Reversal Designs: ABABA. Reversal Designs: ABAB

    A: baseline periodA: baseline period

    B: treatment periodB: treatment period

    1) treatments must have1) treatments must have locallocal effectseffects

    2) rules out history, maturation, testing, and2) rules out history, maturation, testing, and

    instrumentation threats to validity.instrumentation threats to validity.

    Example: Kirby & Shields (1972)Example: Kirby & Shields (1972)

    Example: Kirby & Shields (1972)

    Subject: 13 year old boySubject: 13 year old boy

    Design: ABABDesign: ABAB

    A: worksheet collected, graded, and returnedA: worksheet collected, graded, and returned

    toe following daytoe following day

    B: when student finished, he took hisB: when student finished, he took his

    worksheet to the instructor who immediatelyworksheet to the instructor who immediately

    graded it, and then praised his performance.graded it, and then praised his performance.

    Example: Kirby & Shields (1972)

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    II. Single Group Designs

    A. Reversal Designs (cont.)A. Reversal Designs (cont.)



    AB ----AB ----

    II. Single Group Designs

    B. Multiple-Baseline Designs:B. Multiple-Baseline Designs:

    use when the initial state cannot be recovereduse when the initial state cannot be recovered

    1) Choose 2 or more:1) Choose 2 or more:

    settings, behaviors, materials . . .settings, behaviors, materials . . .

    2) Insert manipulation in each setting at different times2) Insert manipulation in each setting at different times

    Example: structured lessons and contingent free timeExample: structured lessons and contingent free time

    (Long & Williams, 1973)(Long & Williams, 1973)

    (Long & Williams, 1973)

    Compared the influence of structured lessons,Compared the influence of structured lessons,

    and group contingent free time.and group contingent free time.

    Participants: n = 32 African AmericanParticipants: n = 32 African Americans enrolleds enrolled

    in 7th grade in a metropolitan area ofin 7th grade in a metropolitan area of


    Used two classes in a multiple baseline designUsed two classes in a multiple baseline design

    first math, then geography.first math, then geography.

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    Nomothetic research


    1) individual differences treated as error1) individual differences treated as error

    2) grouped data may obscure psychological2) grouped data may obscure psychologicalprocesses.processes.

    Example: primary images in flashbulb memoriesExample: primary images in flashbulb memories

    Question: What is your most memorable image fromQuestion: What is your most memorable image fromthe 9/11 attacks?the 9/11 attacks?


    0. 1

    0. 2

    0. 3

    0. 4

    0. 5

    0. 6

    P la ne s C ra shi ng B ui ld in gsCo l l a p s i n g People Jum ping O th e rs

    I m a g e


    S e p t e m b e rNovember On lyN o v e m b e r \ S e p t e m b e r

    These results suggests that people haveThese results suggests that people haveremarkable stable memories for the events.remarkable stable memories for the events.

    But, what happens if we look at individualBut, what happens if we look at individualparticipants consistency in reporting overparticipants consistency in reporting overtime?time?

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    Consistency in primary images

    across a two month delay.

    Consistent 22%Consistent 22%

    More Specific 15%More Specific 15%

    More General 27%More General 27%

    Inconsistent 33 %Inconsistent 33 %

    Clearly, grouped data can be misleading!Clearly, grouped data can be misleading!

    Ideographic Research

    GoalGoal: to understand an individual: to understand an individual

    MethodsMethods: case studies: case studies

    Emphasis on the uniqueness of the individualEmphasis on the uniqueness of the individual

    DrawbackDrawback: what can case studies tell us about: what can case studies tell us about

    psychological processes inpsychological processes in others?others?

    ShontzShontz (1965, p. 236)(1965, p. 236)

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    A chemist who wishes to study the properties of aA chemist who wishes to study the properties of a

    compound or element need not concern himself withcompound or element need not concern himself with

    the number of samples of the substance on which histhe number of samples of the substance on which his

    tests are run, as long as he is certain that he knowstests are run, as long as he is certain that he knowsthe identity of the particular material on which he isthe identity of the particular material on which he is

    working and as long as his procedures are explicitworking and as long as his procedures are explicit

    and carefully followed . By the same token, aand carefully followed . By the same token, a

    psychologist who wishes to study an importantpsychologist who wishes to study an important

    personality process, such as anxiety, need notpersonality process, such as anxiety, need not

    concern himself greatly with the size of his sample,concern himself greatly with the size of his sample,

    provided that his subject is appropriately selectedprovided that his subject is appropriately selected

    and that he has procedures that enable him toand that he has procedures that enable him to

    recognize (that is, measure) anxiety when it occursrecognize (that is, measure) anxiety when it occurs

    in the person he is the person he is investigating.

    B. Case Study as Evidence

    1) Confirmatory Evidence1) Confirmatory Evidence

    case study can provide confirmation of morecase study can provide confirmation of more

    systematic research, providing convergingsystematic research, providing converging


    Example: H.M. and the role of the hippocampusExample: H.M. and the role of the hippocampus

    in memory.

    Milner et al. (1968):

    subject H. M.subject H. M.

    temporal lobe andtemporal lobe and hippocampalhippocampal damaged indamaged in

    treatment of epileptic seizures.treatment of epileptic seizures.

    normal I.Qnormal I.Q

    normal digit spannormal digit span

    profoundprofound antrogradeantrograde amnesia (failure to learnamnesia (failure to learn

    new information)new information)

    Interpretation: No transfer from STS to LTSInterpretation: No transfer from STS to LTS

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    B. Case Study as Evidence

    2. Disconfirmation of a General Law2. Disconfirmation of a General Law

    Necessary and/or Sufficient CausesNecessary and/or Sufficient Causes

    Nature of the theoryNature of the theory DisconfirmationDisconfirmation

    A sufficient cause of BA sufficient cause of B A& not BA& not B

    A is necessary cause of BA is necessary cause of B B & not AB & not A

    Contributory causesContributory causes cannot be disconfirmedcannot be disconfirmed

    with case studieswith case studies

    Case studies and disconfirmation

    Example 1: Motor Theory of speech perceptionExample 1: Motor Theory of speech perception

    Speech Motor

    programsyntax meaning

    Motor Program (A) is necessary for deriving meaning (B)

    Case studies and disconfirmation

    LennebergLenneberg (1962)(1962)

    case study of an 8 year old boycase study of an 8 year old boy

    1) lacked motor shills for speech1) lacked motor shills for speech

    (no motor program)(no motor program)

    2) could understand and follow simple2) could understand and follow simple


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    Case studies and disconfirmation

    Example 2: Flashbulb memory hypothesisExample 2: Flashbulb memory hypothesis

    Brown &Brown & KulickKulick(1977) unexpected events(1977) unexpected events

    that trigger a strong emotional response evokethat trigger a strong emotional response evoke

    aa special mechanismspecial mechanism that leads to thethat leads to the

    storage of vivid and detailed recollections ofstorage of vivid and detailed recollections of

    the circumstances surrounding the experience.the circumstances surrounding the experience.

    Strong emotion (A) is a sufficient cause of vividStrong emotion (A) is a sufficient cause of vivid

    and detailed recollections (B)and detailed recollections (B)

    Example 2: Flashbulb memory hypothesis


    McCloskey,McCloskey, WibleWible, & Cohen (1988), & Cohen (1988)

    Flashbulb memory and theFlashbulb memory and the ChallengerChallengerexplosionexplosion

    Susan . . . Stated that she was eating lunch in theSusan . . . Stated that she was eating lunch in the

    cafeteria with John, Beth, and Jennifer . . . However,cafeteria with John, Beth, and Jennifer . . . However,

    Tim . . . Stated that he was eating with John when heTim . . . Stated that he was eating with John when he

    learned of the explosion, but did not rememberlearned of the explosion, but did not remember

    Susan, Beth, or Jennifer being there. BethSusan, Beth, or Jennifer being there. Beth

    recollected that she was elsewhere at lunch the dayrecollected that she was elsewhere at lunch the day

    (p. 175).(p. 175).

    C. Descriptive Uses of Case Studies

    1. Provide a prototypical example:1. Provide a prototypical example:

    e.g.,e.g., The Three Faces of EveThe Three Faces of Eve

    2. Provide a detailed account of a rare or2. Provide a detailed account of a rare or

    unusual phenomenonunusual phenomenon

    e.g.,e.g., LauriaLauria The Mind of theThe Mind of the MnemonistMnemonist

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    C. Descriptive Uses of Case Studies

    3. Demonstrate important methods or3. Demonstrate important methods or


    e.g., description of a behavior modificatione.g., description of a behavior modification

    treatment of an autistic childtreatment of an autistic child

    4. As a source of hypotheses4. As a source of hypotheses

    e.g., Jean Piagete.g., Jean Piagets works work


    1 Alternative research designs can provide1 Alternative research designs can provide

    important informationimportant information

    quasi-experimental, smallquasi-experimental, small nn, case studies, case studies

    2. But, they have clear limitations2. But, they have clear limitations

    3. Researchers should use the best designs3. Researchers should use the best designs

    possible, minimizing alternative explanationspossible, minimizing alternative explanations