Download - Abstract Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D. · 2018. 10. 15. · = Abstract = A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung,

Page 1: Abstract Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D. · 2018. 10. 15. · = Abstract = A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung,

= Abstract =

A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants

Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D.

Department of Surgery, Hanyang University, College of Medicine

Seoul, Korea

Of 72 patients with vitelline duct and vessel remnants, 45 (62.5 %) had sympto­matic lesions. The mean age of the patients was 27.9 months. Males predominat­ed (4.6 : 1). There were 22 cases of Meckel's diverticulum, 6 of Meckel's diver­ticulum attatched to the umbilicus with a fibrous band, 6 cases of patent vitel­line duct, 5 cases of vitelline artery remnants as a fibrous band and 2 cases each of umbilical sinus and polyp, and vitelline cyst. Twenty-three patients (51 %) presented with intestinal obstruction, 6(13 %) with rectal bleeding, 4(9 %) with perforated Meckel's diverticulum, 5 with intestinal juice drainage through umbilicus, 5 with umbilical lesions, 1 with abdominal mass, and 1 with sepsis. In­testinal obstruction due to fibrous band developed during infancy(average age; 4.6 months). Seventeen asymptomatic Meckel's diverticulum, 8 obliterated vitelline artery remnants and 1 vitelline vein remnant as fibrous band, and 1 vitelline cyst were found incidentally at laparotomy. About 82 % of the complicated Meckel's diverticulum presented in infants and children less than 4 years of age.

Index Words: Vitelline duct remnant, Omphalomesenteric duct remnant, Vitelline artery rem­

nant, Vitelline vein remnant

'd~'ct~ ~:§j-~% '?1 ~ "5"H:- Ell °r~ ~jAJ:Ul2f~ ~ Ell ).~71 ~15~7'TOJ1 J1j1~£loj, Soderlund1=- 01 cHi :1J~3j'tl ~~ ~:1J°1 :1J A1£l1=- B7-l1OJ1 u:j-c.j­

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- 27-

Page 2: Abstract Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D. · 2018. 10. 15. · = Abstract = A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung,

Table 1. Demogrphy of 72 Cases of the Vitelline Duct and Artery Remnants

Age(month) Symptomatic Asymptomatic


Under 1 8

1 to 24 15

25 to 48 7

Over 49 7

Total 37

~ ~~..Q.s. yi' ~ -'f-~<5"] ~7,1"8 27aj].9] ~o}~

r1P'J..Q.5!.., 61 ~.9] ~~7.1 '3<1 <lJ,+~, ~.9]~-3j ~

7,1, S:3J~2.1 7,:lJ..}~:i!} ~% ~~J-3j..Q.5!.. ~~, .Jl~


AllAJ{}~-B- '3<1 ~-B- ~*O]AJO] ~~ 72ajl.9] ~

o} ~ ';:f1..=j{}.9] ~""~tll%~ 3: 15!.. ';:fo}oJ]--'l ~~

q. 01 ~ ~AJ ~~..Q.5!.. Yi'~ ~.g. ~o}~ 45aj]

(62.5 %)~..Q.t9, ';:fO}7} 37aj], a:jO}7} 8aj]5!.. ';:fL=j

tll~ 4,6:1 omq. -'f-~<5"] ~7,1"8 27aj] ~ ';:fo}~

17aj]5!.. ';:fl..=jtl]-i::- 1.7:15!.. ';:fo}oJVi -'f-A~]i5}~q. ~

~~..Q.5!.. ~AJ% t.+E.}'iR ~0}~.9] ~"5-lf-±~ A~~

3~-!f-El 14A~] 107R-%l7J}7.] qOJi5}~..Q.t9, na-rr~"5

~ 27.97R-%l (SD=38.1) 0mq. 0] ~ 2A~1 0]i5}7}

64 %.9] 1fls:.~ Ji!..~..Q.t9, 4A~] 01i5}.9] ~o}oJl--'l

84 % 5!.. r11-!f--lf- ~ ~}7.1 i5}~ qUI 1, 2).

~~<5"] ~7,1"8 27aj](37.5 %)~ Meckel-Y-l 711{l

01 17ajl ~..Q.t9, ~~p,cJ ~%r11 9aj]~ 8aj]-i::- All AJ{}

~-B- %~.9] ~%%01~.Jl 1 ajl~ AllAJ{}~ ~~.9]

Female Male Female

1 9 8

5 5 2

2 0 0

0 3 0

8 17 10

~%%Ol~q, J 9J Al]AJn~-B- '3-~0] 1 ajl~q.

yi'% Ji.i5} 711 "8 .«:l iQl ~~.g. 5:l1 ~Jo 1 7 ajl 5!.. 7}AJ

*~..Q.t9, J q~..Q.5!..~ .!f1~:rr}~01 5ajl. ~~FcJ

~~5:l1~4~~..Q.t9, ~~~Ali~~~, ~~~~,

~~ 7R<lJ""cJ .R~-B-:i!} %Jtl-~ 7S-'f-7} Z{Z{ 3ajl~..Q.

t9, J 9J AJ'F~~, A~l*(omphalocele), ~7S~

l~PJ %Ol~qUl 3). AJ~~~ ~o} 2illloJl--'1 ~ AJ

~~~:i!} .!f--B-i5}711 Meckel-Y-l 711{l01 ~7,1£j~q.

~AJ ~~ ~ t.+E.}'iR Al1AJ{}~-B- ~*%~.9] ~*

-i::- Meckel-Y-1 711 {l 01 28ill](62 %)5!.. 7}AJ *~..Q.

Pi, J qg..Q.5!.. ~~ 7HlolJAcJ AlJAJ{}~-B-0] 6 ill]

(13 % )~q. J 9J Allr11%~, All % (umbilical

sinus), '3<1 AljAJ{}~-B- '3-,%01 Z{Z{ 2illl(4 %)oJl--'l

t.+E.});J;q. All AJ{}~-B- %~.9] ~%%'t! ~%r11 ~ 5

illl(11%)~qOE 4). ~~11 Meckel-Y-l 711{l.9] 1fls:. ~ ~T71{}~ ~.«:l ~0}9J:i!}oJ1J..l }.lis~~ 7R.J;l-i'

~ 2,272illl ~ 45ajJoJl--'1 ~7,1£joj 2 %.9] 1fls:.~


~AJ~~~ 71711-3j AJlEll5:l17} 23ill](51 %)s. 7}

AJ *~..Q.Pi, J q%..Q.5!.. Al1r11-lf-tll (9aj]), ~~ (6

ill]), ~.:g-..Q.s. 't! ~ .J;l-~~ (5 aj]), All r11 i5} <lJoJl--'l

~7.1"8 ~Jlj(1ill]), '3<1 jiJj~~(1ill]).9] tr°l~q. 71

711-3j AJlEll5:l1 ~ Meckel -Y-l 711 {l5!.. 't! ~ ::<J~~ ~ 01

12ajl5!.. 7}::<J *~..Q.t9, ~~}.cJ ~%r115!.. 't!~ AJlEll

Table 2. Age Distribution of Comlications of Meckel's Diverticulum

Age (month) Int, obstruction Bleeding Perforation

Under 1 0 0 0

1 to 24 11

25 to 48 3

Over 49 4

Total 18





- 28-





Total ( %)

O( 0)

15( 53.6)

8( 28.6)

5( 17,8)


Page 3: Abstract Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D. · 2018. 10. 15. · = Abstract = A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung,

Table 3. Associated Diseases of Vitelline Duct and Artery Remnants(N = 27)

No. of diseases

Imperforate anus 7

Gastroschisis 5

Intestinal atresia 4

Patent urachus 3

Annular pancreas 3

Hirschsprung's disease 3

Intestinal malrotation 3

Omphalocele 2

In tussnscepti on 2

Conjoined twin 2

Asplenia syndrome 1

Diaphragmatic hernia 1

Wilms' tumor 1

Umbilical hernia 1

Renal agenesis 1

Spina bifida 1

Sl17} 1l?l1(711~4 ~~'8 '1l%rJl 611], /\lP<J~~-B­

% ~ 9.J ~%% 5?l1) ~ q . 01 % 2 ?l1 011 Arc <:1. ;~.J.l'c] '1l%rJl~ Aj{l.Q.~ ~A~~ AJ~~Ziom.Q.uj, 1?l1 ~ '~PJ Y11~PJOm.:lL y.Dl7,1 8?l1~ <:1.~:FC] '1l%rJl 011 9.J~ AJ-B-9.J ~~omq, 711113j AJ]!j1 Sl1~ 2A-11

u1'D:011 Al 70 %(l6?lD9.J 'it~ 01-¥1:%% '!;!'~.Q.uj,

!1ait ~'i5.g- 25.47B-%HSD =35,2)019iq. AJiEl1s:~9.J

.<f:l,{}01 /\PJ~~-B- %~9.J <:1.{i/'c] )iH;-J:H~~ ~~

7cl-'i'-011Al~ !1ait~'i5°1 4.67~-%l..£ '7t~.Q.y., 01011 tl1i;~ AJ%rJl7} Meckel ""1 711~4 %~s:1ol y.E.}\:!: 7cl-'i'-011Al~ !1ait~'i5°1 47.57~-%l.~ l!1{:! 'it~q.

6?l19.J Meckel ""1 711~~~~ ~1(1. :E.~ <:1.~1(1.%

"r±~ Y1.<f:lt}~q . Y1.<f:l cJ- A1 !1ait ~~±7.1~ 8.0gm/dl(SD=2.0)~.Q.uj, J1r71~AJ 4?l1011 Al 2-3 :§:j.9-1 AJ ~ ~ 9.J ~ ~ 01 'U 9i q. 6?l1 % 5?l1 011 Ai ~ 99mTc-pertechnetate ~ 01 % ~ Meckel ""1 711 {l "rAr ~ {llj01 7Pg-t}S3,q. y.uj7.1 lal1011Ale 99mTc_ pertechnetate "rA}9.} 3j ~T"rAHAl .2.f- %/,c] 01 9iq. T~ ~ ~?o1{lAVJ 4?l101H °1±),c] ~{l~ ~?01 01 '!;!'~.Q.uj, 01 % 1?l1 011),1 01 ±),c] ~11 AJ~?o1

01 %~s:19iqOI 5). ~7,r%9.J !1ait ~~.g- 25.7 7~-%l.(SD=13.3)019i.Q.uj, 3?lj(50 %)0111.1 2,J,11 01

AJ019iq. Meckel ""1 711 {l:t! --t'- 4?l1 % T~-'8 {l Bo 1 7} '0 ~

li:l 247~-%l.'8 \fore Y1.<f:l l\::!Zi :u~3jCj ~% ~ ~1(1.9.J 471~01 'U9i.Q.uj, Y1.<f:l l~Zi¥-Ele <:1.~

1(1., T£., ~%, ~ ~~±7.1 7.5 gm/dl9.J ~~±z:! % .!;!.O:j MeckeW1 711~9.J :t!--t'-.Q.~ Cj~ ~~~%

9.J{ltr~q. T~Zi {lB01 01 f-ol 7,17,1 \?i~ti 3?l1 % 1?l1 ~ Y1.<f:l 57~ -%l. Zi ~~3j Cj ~%.Q.~ qJ.<f:l 7.1

Table 4. Type of Symptomatic Vitelline Duct Remnants

Vitelline duct remnant

Meckel's diverticulum

leading point of intussusception


diverticulitis with perforation

Diverticulum attached to the umbilicus with band

Patent omphalomesenteric duct

Umbilical polyp

Vitelline cyst

Umbilical sinus

Vitelline artery remnant as band

Vitelline vein remnant as band


- 29-

No of cases














Page 4: Abstract Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D. · 2018. 10. 15. · = Abstract = A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung,

- ~o}.2j~ : ~14 'tl ~11 I 199B\1 -

Table 5. Clinical Features of Bleeding Meckel's diverticulum

No. of Sex Age RI cases scan

1 F 11m + 2 F 1yr4m + 3 F lyr4m + 4 M 2yr6m

5 F 3yrlm + 6 M 3yrBm +

Hgb(fm/ dl







Previous bleeding episodes







Histologic findings





RI scan: 99"'Tc-pertechnetate scan, G: Gastric mucosa, P: Pancreatic tissue

li 1il'.g. J1}7j~0] ~~ ~o}£., t.Jl~ 7~{!.!f-E~ ~

,A~~ {}~~ *~ ~ t.Jl~ 3~{!.!jLE~ *.!f-.ll}loJ, ~

£, ~ ~~o] ~~ ~~ t.Jl~ + ,A]"5~~ BJA}~"§{

~ {lA}AJ o}l:l],AJ ,AJiIfl11l :±.7,j ~ ..!i!-~..Q..uj *~78

73j, ~~, ~ Jflli %91 *l2}~ ~,\~] ~ .!to:j g i:f 7~*~+ ~~¥l Meckel~ ill 11. g ~7,j%}~q. t+

o-J-,,] 2 ill] 'F 1 ill]~ ,AJ'F{l~..Q..£. ~ Jt! 1il'.Jl l:l}c.j % 78* 1 ~ ~ 7-l]4r~ ~ *~~ ~~ol ~~ ,AJ~~

91 {l %}oJl %i:f 'T~% A]"5~ %}O:j Meckel~] iI]l1. ~

~~ ~7,j%}~tt. ::L .2:j 1ill]~ t.Jl~ ra-Al {l~ -9-

%~.!jL91 *~ ~ ~%, ~~o] ~~ ~~¥l ~'T%

7]~ 91{l%}oJ] 7H*+ {lJt!¥l 78-9-~qOI 6).

Meckel~l iI]l1.~~ ~0}91 ~"'S.g. 1ill]~ ~].2:j%}.Jl

487~~ 0l%} $1..Q..uj, *.!jLllJloJ, *~ ~ *~7J73j%

91 *l2}~91 ~AJol t+E}\:! +.!jLE~ 'T~ol o]-y-~

-"17]7J}-"1 ~tr 2.3~9.l -"1~71{}01 ~~q.

~{! 7H BJAJ ~] ,AJ{}l2}~,c: 6ill]£. .5'..-¥- ~,A~ \To}

~q. 5illl~ ~,AJ9.l ~~(prolapse)ol ~~..Q..uj,

0] 'F 1ill]~ t.Jl~ tlA] lljj~~91 :±,7,j~ .!t~q.

y.o-J-"] 1ill]~ ~lt:ll ~,AJ~ %1fl'~~ ~]t:ll~l:l]7} ~

~ T~£oa~% Al"5J%}~q. 917H~ ¥l ~lt:ll%~

\To}£} 97H~ ¥l ~l% \To}oJ1Ai ~ °1:±.,A.3 ~~l2}£

73jol ~~q.

~],AJ{}l2}~ \t~ 101l~ 847n~¥l \To}£. ~,A~Al

.!f-E~ A-1Ai'8"] -"}4~ ~]t:ll%}BJoJ]A, ~-"l~~ ~~~

9-:±'£. 'T~'8"}~~ 78-9-~q. t+o-J-"l 101]~ 37H~

¥l \To}£. \t~91 ~~..Q..£. *l2}~ ~ ~..Q..3'iq.

%- 4501]9.l Meckel~] ill 11. 'F 'F.Jol-~~ 0] ~ ~ ~

2801]£} -9-~'8"] ~7,j¥l 1701]'F £73j~c.j {lA}~~

91 ~~ol 7}'o%}~~ 78-9-~ Z}Z} 2501l£} 15 ill] 0]

~q. o]:±.),J ~~l2}~6J,c: ~AJ~~O] ~~ -;roJ]A,

901](36 %), -9-'?j'8"] ~7,j~~~ -;roJ]A, 1011(7 %)

£. t+E}~q. ~.v1 °l:±.,AJ ~],AJ£6J,c: -¥- -;roJ]A, z}

Z} 101]1Q %1fl'~~ t+E}~..Q..uj, t!~..Q..£. y.E}\:!

784-~ ~~q. 9 ill] 91 ~AJ~~-;roJ1A, ~~ (n=6)

~ ,AJJlj111l (n=18)7} Z}Z} 4illl, ,AJ~~(n=4)0] 1

ill]£. y.Ej-~q.

"EIl 0}9.l ~AJ ~78'F J:jJ,A~71 29-£} 49- )..}o]oJl \:!

~'-8-0] J:jJo}91 'F,AJ9.l {l.!jLoJ] ~~~~ \:!~oJJAi

"EIl 0}£. oa 0J:~ ~i:f%}~ ~~ ~1,AJ{}l2}~014 %}uj,

o]~ "EIl1fl'0] ~,AJ~~ 'iJ~ 59-oj]).., 72f=- )..}o]oJ] ~]

Table 6. Clinical Features of Perforated Meckel's Diverticulum

No. of Sex Age Chief complaints Preop. diagnosis Gastric cases mucosa

1 M 2yr Pain, melena Ruptured MD + 2 M 2yr4m Distension Panperitonitis

3 M 2yr9m Distension, vomiting Intestinal obstruction

4 M 14yrl0m Pain, fever Appendicitis

MD:Meckel's diverticulum

- 30-

Page 5: Abstract Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D. · 2018. 10. 15. · = Abstract = A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung,

r11-¥-.!f1 £-¥-El !Il] ~ 7} A]3}s:J oj :}.7-J ~..Q..£ ~ i;~ t}

cj ~"5"]uj 0]!4 %1(}s:Joj 'd%'"3- ~~s:. %A]oJ] ~

§j-"5"}71] ¥lcj-. APJn~ %UJl.g. AJ7-Jn~ %~.9.J UJ

Ii:!: ~7.]£ ~ ?'oJ 0] ~AR"5"}uj, uJIi:!:~7-J~ 0J1?1% 7.]

tf A~]7-Jn~~~ u:J-ct "1"i;~~cj-. O]~ 'd%'"3-0] A}

ct~ ~oJ]s:. 1fA]%'?l ~AR"5"}cj "EllA~7] 8"1"oJ] ~§j­

~cj-. ~Jtl Al]7-Jn~~ ?8 ~.g. 'd%'"3-oJJAl 7] A] t}cj

"Ell O}~ ?8 UJl %..Q..£ '?j ~s:J ~J:~l. 0] ~ ;}l]7-J5q (pan­

creatic bud) '3J n5q (liver bud) 7} A~ 7-J1l'oJ] u:J-ct

?8~%JI} ~C1s:jJI. ~-¥-~ {Jo]7.]7-J A~] 3~~~ AJ

tlJoJ]Al n{t~7-1]~ '?j~s:Juj "EllA~ 7 ] 27H~uJoJ] A}

ct7.]71] ¥l cj-. .:<::.%71] -'f-~ A~]7-J Zl: ~ ~ % ~ JI} ~-¥­

Al]7-Jn~~ ?8~.g. ~A~~oJls:. ~%r11£ 'J0} 7-J!Ill

~~ %~"5"}711¥lcj-56. 1959\1 Soderlundl~ o]cl

~ !Il] ~ JI}?8 ~ °VJoJl u:J-ct '?l T ~ Q{ 2 % oJJAl

Al]7-Jn~~ !Ill ~71 ~ % .1i. '?l cj-JI. .li!.JI."5"}~..Q..uj, .5E

~ 01 ~~% MeckeB<l 711~, All7-Jn~~ '"3-~, ~

%r11, A~lr11%~, All%, ~{l, 7HtlJ-A~ A~l7-Jn~~~ 6

7}7.1£ ~*t}~cj-. 01 % Meckel~] 711~01 Q{ 65

%£ 7}7-J ~"5"}uj, ~%r11-i::- Q{ 11 %~ .li!.01JI. ~

{l, 7RBJ-A~ A~]7-Jn~~o] 7}7-J.:<::.{t ?;i..Q..£ ~21~

CUcj-. i'!:- '?jToJ1Al~ Meckel~l 711~0] 70 %(28

illl), ~{l, 7HtlJ-A~ All7-Jn~~ol 15 % (6illl), A~l7-J

n~~ ~~A~ AJ%r117} 15 %(6illl)~..Q..uj, ;;\\l7-Jn

~~ 'ct~JI} %%01 =r cj-g 'i?..Q..£ Q{n~ ~}ol~

.li!.°1JI. CUcj-. '?jT7.}~oJl u:J-ct cj-:}. ~}ol ~

Meckel~] 711~.g. 4.2 %-39 %oJ1 Al ~AJ~~O] tf

q'dcj-JI. .1i.JI."5"}JI. CUcj-1.3'. i'!:- '?jToJ1 Al Meckel

~l 711~.9.J lfls:.~ 2 %~..Q..uj, 01 % ~AJ% tfq'iR

illl~ 62 %£M1 Vane%3~ 39 %.1i.cj- ~'U"cj-. 01

~ Vane%30] ,(!-B'"~ 1:l}!4 {fo] ~AJ~ ~~idol

-'f-'?j"5"1 ~z:!s:j ~ lfls:.7} ~~ A~ '?l ~7.} ~ All ~ t}

~7] u:]J{t'?l ?;i..Q..£ A~Zf¥!.cj-.

Moore7oJl ~"5"}1?1 ~AJO] id~ All7-Jn~~ 7]~

.9.J ~A~1:l]%.g. 'JL1011 Al ~cj-JI. .1i.JI.t}JI.,

~ AJO] CU ~ ~ -'f-oJ] Ai ~ 'JAoJ] Ai ~cj-JI. tm cj-.

Soderlund8s:. ~AJol CU~ ~-'f- 'JL1l:l17} 7: 1£

tfq'J~ .li!.JI.~ 1:l} CU..Q..uj, ~AJO] id~ ~-'f-011Al

~ ~~ 1:l]%£ ~z:!s:j~cj-JI. "5"mcj-. i'!:- '?jToJ1 Al

-i::- 'iPJo 1 CU ~ ~ -'f- 'Jo }oJJAl -'f-A11"5"} 711 tf q;J..Q..

uj(4.6:1), ~AJol id~ ~-'f-oJ1Als:. 'JO}7} cjo}.li!.

cj- 5:i5- ~.g. ?;i(1.7:1)..Q..£ 5:A}s:J~cj-.

Vane%3.g. A~l7-Jn~~ 7 1~.9.J %AJ..Q..£ ~~

(48), !Ill~ (28), %~(4), A~lr11~l:l] (4)'i?..Q..£ .1i.

JI.tmcj-. St- Vil%9.g. 7}7-J ~~ ~~'5'..Q..£ 7-J!Il]

~(42 %)~ .1i.JI."5"}~~J:~1. =r ~'?l..Q..£~ ~{l,

(41 %)0] 7}7-J ~'U"..Q..uj, =r!lf01l 7-J'5'-"J'5'(39 %)

JI} 7-J%:3} , *7Jt.J1 ~7-J, l:l1 ~ ~ (kinking)%Ol~..Q..

uj, =r cj-%..Q..£ ~~ ~~'5'..Q..£~ 7-J~~(38

% ), 711 ~ ~ (14 %), A~l r11 ~:}. (umbilical lesion)

(6 %)'i?..Q..£ .1i.JI.t}~cj-. Soltero'g's:. 7-J!Il1~~

7}7-J ~~ ~~'5'..Q..£ .1i.JI."5"mcj-. i'!:- '?jToJ1Al~

7-J!Il1~7} 50 %(23illl)£ 7}7-J ~~ lfls:.~ .1i.~..Q..

uj, ::J. cj-g..Q..£ A~1r11~l:l1%(10illl. 21 %), 7-J~~

(6illl, 13 %), ~..::g.(5illl. 11 %)'i?0]~cj-. =rcltf

7-J!Ill~~ ~'?l..Q..£ Meckel~] 711~01 Al~-¥-7} ¥l

;<J%~~o] 12ill1(52 %)£ ~.g. lfls:.~ ~}7.]"5"}~

cj-. 01 %l0.g. Meckel~l 711~~ ~~'5'..Q..£ ~~ol

7}7-J ~'U"..Q..uj, 711~.9.J ~..::g.JI} 7-J!Ill~.9.J 'i?..Q..£ tf

q;Jc} JI. .li!.JI."5"}~ ct.

~~% "1":}.£ t.J1~~ ~0}oJ1Al 7.}A1]~ ~~%

-",H4~ Meckel~] 71]{l~ ~~% ~1l~ Y CU~..Q.. uj, 0lcl~ ~-'f-oJ1Al 99mTc-pertechnetate "1"A}~

% 0l%"5"}cj ~li:!:oJ1 s:.%o] s:J~cj-. 0lcl~ "1"A}~

~ Sfakianakis%"ol 90 %O]AJ~ ?8~s:.~ .1i.'?l

cj-JI. .1i.JI."5"}~..Q..uj, Kusumoto%12.g. ~7.}~ ~AJ

JI} "1"A}~% o]%"5"}cj 88 %.9.J y~{l, ~t!%% .li!.

~cj-JI. ~JH}~cj-. i'!:- '?jToJ1 Al ~~~.9.J 99mTc_

pertechnetate "1"A}~ ~ 0l%~ ~t!%.g. 83 %~

cj-. Kusumoto%12.g. ~~01~.9.J ~~~.9.J ~-'f-oJl

Ai y~{l, ~t! A~..::g.~% 11 %£ .li!.JI."5"}~..Q..uj,

Llidtke%1 3.g. Meckel~l 711~.9.J y~{l, ~ 1i:!:%01

4 %£ nH-'f- ,;;!-cj-JI. "5"mcj-. °1~ Meckel~l 711{l%

~1l'~ All7-Jn~~ {}*olAJ~ ~t!oJ1 ~.g. oj21%

01 CU%% .1i.cj ~cj-. i'!:- '?jToJJAls:. ~~ ~ ;;\\] ~~

Meckel~] 711~.9.J y~{l, ~t!%.g. 4.5 %£ ~.;:-~

~-'f-!4 ~ ~}o]-i::- id~cj-.

Yamaguchi%14.g. {l, Meckel~] 711~~A}.9.J 9.1

%, Mcparland%IS.g. 10 %, St-Vil%9.g. 28 %01]

Ai O]:}.A~ .!f11l~5:~01 ~z:!s:J~cj-JI. "5"}~..Q..uj,

Leijonmarck%16.g. %AJ~~ol CU-i::- ~-'f-oJ1Al~

3~40%~~ ~z:!¥!'cj-JI. ~~JI. ~~% ~..Q..~

- 31-

Page 6: Abstract Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung, M.D. · 2018. 10. 15. · = Abstract = A clinical Study of Vitelline Duct and Vessel Remnants Jae Young Choi, M.D., Poong Man Jung,

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~q. ~1..jjoJ]Ai:::: 1973';1 ~ % 1al]' 7~ .!2..JI.o]211

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qJI. -8l$;t.2-uj, ~A}~~ Agr;l% T15r7] !f13l1Ai~

800r;l~ ~AoJ]Ai Mecke\ .;.\] 71]{J% ~]7-13l10~ ~q

JI 15r$;tq. Ltidtke%'3.g. Mecke\.;.\] 71]{J~ ~~]4-

9-.£ ~Ag£1:::: ~~~2. 9-~4- 7.J%:3}0]uj :J. Jti

s:.:::: 8 % $;t q JI .!2..JI.15r$;t q. :J.~ ?~ 4- '7t 2. ~

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q. rr}c.]-Ai ~~~o] y.El-\! ? ~~ !f1~r'tl 2A~]

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2. .3j g ~o] ~qJI iimq. ~~ 0] %I0.g. ~~~

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Ai 75 % g ~r.:A]ii}JI 2A~] O]AJ~ ~AoJ]Ai::::

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5:15}uj, ';:}0}7r 88 %0]E...£ ?~4- o]~~% JIa:j

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~3!}OJ] ~15l-~ Meckel.;.\] 71]{J~ ~t!l~o] 2A~] 0]

~OJ]Al 53.6 %, 4A~] o]~OJ]Al 82.2 %7r ~Ag15l-$;t

.2-uj , =;15] ~'€l.~ ~ oj]oJ]Ai 4A~] o]~oJ] ~Agiil-$;t

q. Ad~.g. 71]{J~'€l.0] 4:2£ e:jol-oJ] ~~.2-uj, 71]

{J{ii'-.g. ~ oj]oJ]Ai \l-ol-$;tq. rr}c.]-Ai 4A~] o]~~

~ 7.}oJ] Ai Ad ~ oj] Bll] ~ 0] Meckel.;.\] ll] {! ~ oj]l'IJ

.3j ~An~g A]?;~15}:::: 510] y.El-\! 9- ~:::: ~t!l~

% ~~ 9- ~% 51.2-£ Agz{~q.

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