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8 Storyboard Style Drawings For Photoshoots

This is a full close up shot of a whole face including hair. This is an image I would use on the front cover of the whole magazine A4 page. The eyes of the person would be placed just under the masthead of the magazine the colour of the eyes and the makeup combined would glow enough the capture in the eye of the reader, make them interested in the magazine. The hair and makeup would also make the artist look pretty in order to make the female readers envious and then male reader attentive.

This long shot give the viewer a chance to see the whole artist, this would be taken as a photo shoot with a white background. It's would attract more female readers has more of the fashion is involved. The clothing would be linked perfectly to the Indie Rock music and festival clothing such as high waisted shorts and colourful tops.

This stage photograph shoes the Indie Rock artist in their best light and in action on stage. This is linked directly to the genre if my magazine as they would be performing Indie Rock music. This reaction would be fantastic from the crowd therefore making the image look just that bit better. This would also make readers and viewers looking at the magazine attracted to the good artist as they would be envious of the crowd and would want to be there themselves.

On the contents page this is my first image I would use. This is a whole image of a famous Indie Rock band that I would use. This image would then link to an article that I would use as a cover line in the magazine. This would be indicated in one of the corners. This image would be taken as an ordinary everyday photograph taken

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On the contents page this is my first image I would use. This is a whole image of a famous Indie Rock band that I would use. This image would then link to an article that I would use as a cover line in the magazine. This would be indicated in one of the corners. This image would be taken as an ordinary everyday photograph taken

This contents page image would be made in a photography studio this would have no background. It would use props with real modelling poses so the artist looks professional. This is just an example I have if a female artist sat on a music speaker, rather provocatively. This pose looks classy yet sexy so both the female and male audience would be attracted to this image. The clothing would be linked to Indie Rock however a celebrity class to look expensive but still casual enough to fit to the genre, as Indie Rock music is aimed at a younger audience it can’t be too overworked, and not out of place.

This is a fun image that I would use as a long shot of a band and they would be doing something fun to make them look attractive to the reader this pose would make the artist or band look casual as though in the norm of everyday people having fun. This image also makes them look very relaxed making the whole magazine have a great relaxing feel to

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This is a fun image that I would use as a long shot of a band and they would be doing something fun to make them look attractive to the reader this pose would make the artist or band look casual as though in the norm of everyday people having fun. This image also makes them look very relaxed making the whole magazine have a great relaxing feel to

This would be used as a large or small image on a double page spread this shows the artist or band in their best light at a gig or festivals. The reader would be attracted to this image as they would be envious of the crowd; wanting to be there. This photo would also look professional and fit perfectly in the genre of the magazine. Live action gets the audience excited about festivals they may be going to in the summer this would also link to an article with the backstage gossip and relevant information.

This is my final image I would possibly use of a band in a studio session producing their music. The images are interesting, linking with the style of the magazine of the magazine as well as making them interesting for the audience to look at and read about at the same time.