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7 Massive Mistakes Most Professional Women Make

That Leave Them Exhausted, Overwhelmed, and Dreading Monday

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1.) Not Self-PromotingPromoting strengths and talents is not bragging, it is using your voice to claim what you can contribute and how you can serve the greater good. Playing by the rules and remaining quiet, may have worked in elementary school, but it won’t help you in your career. When you own your power, you then automatically give others an opening to share their talents and ideas, from which everyone benefits. Stating what you want and what you can offer publicly, is a way of committing to being and fulfilling. Affirming yourself out load is a great way to overcome self-doubt and creating confidence to take action for yourself.

The Confidence


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2.) Focus on Being Liked Over Being Heard

Being “others” focused is all about seeking approval and validation from others. It leads to over committing or saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’ and then resentment follows. You will compromise your truth and voice and your self-worth becomes tied to other people’s perception of you. Anytime you feel you have to choose between being liked or having a voice, you will remain in a sort bondage and not living authentically. Be true to yourself first is required to be respected, even if you may not be the most popular.

“Choose discomfort

over resentment”

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3.) “I am solely responsible for home and family.”Women are the ones that must to drive this change for equality. We have allowed this continued imbalance by telling ourselves that it’s our job, that we are not as important when it comes to career and our own play time. Let go of your way is the right way when it comes to domestic chores and how your child gets dressed, bathed, or fed. Try giving your partner the space to get it done their way and show appreciation and enjoy your extra time. You are not superwoman, so if you want equality in the workplace, create equality on the home front.

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4.) Taking a Masculine ApproachSome women may take a man dressed in drag approach or an alpha female role when it comes to leading. Though this may work for a few, most women will disengage if they believe taking a masculine approach is required to succeed. It feels inauthentic, it’s not natural for most of us and it doesn’t share our true strengths as women – which include: intuition, collaboration, empathy, and compassion. Our greatest strengths and insights lie in our core competencies and being authentic. It is as foundational as physical core strength is to a ballerina. The world needs feminine power to drive change and evolution - it is our opportunity and responsibility to own our power and share it.

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5.) Focus on Proving Competence & Seeking Perfection

Many women focus on proving competence and seeking perfection, instead of taking action and selling their vision. It is a confidence problem. There is no such thing as perfection and there’s no way to grow and learn without risking failure. Thinking and planning without action or implementation is analysis paralysis. Vulnerability is a requirement for creativity and creativity lead to innovation. You might make a mistake or look foolish, but what the hell go for it! Risk nothing, create and change nothing. Getting out of our comfort zone with the willingness to be vulnerable is how to learn, grow and succeed. Stifled and stagnant creativity is a huge energy suck.




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6.) Lack Courage to Take Risks

We all have a doubter, fear, and logic that wants to keep us risk adverse - it’s human nature. The trick is to stay focused on the desired outcome, the positives you bring to any situation, and developing positive self-talk. You can acknowledge doubt and concerns, but don’t allow them to be projected into your dream, desire, or goal. What you focus on grows, so focus your attention on the what you want and have to offer, not where you lack.

I little reminder when feeling fear: most risks in modern day society are not life threatening, so what the hell – Go for it!

So feel the fear and saddle up anyway!

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7.) Don’t Support Other WomenWomen tend to compete, compare, and criticize one another as if there is scarcity or lack. This type of attention is a waste of energy and counter productive in any situation. Not supporting and honoring one another, keeps us oppressed. Women are being called to bond together in a sisterhood to create a great tidal wave of change, by invoking the feminine power to heal our communities, our government, the economy, and the world.

“The world will be saved by the Western woman. “- The Dali Lama

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