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Page 1: 6 way Teachers can Motivate  to Slow Learners

6 Ways Teachers can Motivate Slow Learners

“Einstein, Thomas Edison and Winston Churchill were slow learners in their

childhood, but inspite of this The world applauds them for their immense

contribution to society in the fields of science, literature and politics!”

Page 2: 6 way Teachers can Motivate  to Slow Learners

Students with a low intelligence quotient whose learning skills develop at a slower rate as compared to that of other learners of their age are categorized as slow learners. Unlike normal students, they require more time and resources to grasp a particular lesson.This happens since their thinking skills are a bit delayed that prevents them from following their lessons effectively.


Page 3: 6 way Teachers can Motivate  to Slow Learners

You can give them at least ten minutes extra time as they try to read a comprehension passage than what is permitted in the school curriculum. Consult the school principal and arrange for additional learning sessions for such students after school hours, if needed.

Giving them more time

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Define each of the terms in the simplest manner and continue explaining till the lessons are completely clear to your pupils. To ask your students to identify keywords in your instructions.

Explain as directly as possible

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This would enable them to concentrate on their studies and finish their pending assignments on time. So teachers must provide them with a homework planner to schedule their homework and even classroom assignments.

Help them to be more organized

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you must organize certain games or events that would help them imbibe social skills and at the same time break the monotony. Sometimes peers have a positive impact on these kinds of learners.

Make your lessons interesting