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  • Emergency Splinting & Bandaging and Taping TechniquesChapter 7, pp194-199Chapter 11, pp259-279

  • Immediate Treatment of Orthopedic InjuryOne primary goalReduction of swellingPRICEProtectionRestIceCompressionElevation

  • Cold ApplicationDecreases painProduces vasoconstriction Controls hemorrhage and edemaDecreases local cell metabolismDecreases tissues need for oxygenReduces hypoxiaSensations- Cold, burning, aching, numb

  • Emergency SplintingTwo vital principlesSplint from one joint above the fracture to one joint below the fractureSplint the injury in the position it is found

  • SplintsVacuum splintsStyrofoam chips contained inside an airtight cloth, pliable sleeveMolds to shape of injury using a handheld pump to draw out the air from within the sleeveAir splintsExtremity splintingProvides clear view of injury during x-ray

  • SplintingLower limbFractures of knee, thigh, and hip require splinting of all limbsUpper limbShoulder injuries are splinted in a slingElbow injuries must be splinted in the position foundWrist injuries must be splinted in forearm flexion and should include a slingFingers splinted with aluminum splints

  • Splinting

  • Bandaging and TapingProvides compression to minimize swelling in the initial management of injuryReduces the chances of injury by applying tape prophylacticallyProvides additional support to an injured structure

  • Elastic BandagesMost often used for compression for injuriesCan be used to secure dressing for a woundCan also be used for cold applicationCan provide support to injured tissues

  • Technique for applicationAlways begin distally and move proximallyWrap the body part in the position of maximum muscle contraction to ensure unhampered movement and circulationUse a larger number of turns with moderate tension than a limited number of turns and tighterEach turn of the bandage should be overlapped by at least one half to prevent separation of the material (can pinch and irritate skin)

  • Adhesive TapingCommon techniquesArch Great ToeToesAnkle- CLOSED BASKET WEAVEAchilles TendonKneeElbowWristThumbFingers