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  • 7/29/2019 50521624 Introduction of Marketing




    Marketing is the process of performing market research, selling products

    and/or services to customers and promoting them via advertising tofurther enhance sales. It generates the strategy that underlies sales

    techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is

    an integrated process through which companies build strong customer

    relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves.

    Marketing is used to identify the customer, to satisfy the customer, and

    to keep the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it

    can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major

    components of business management. Marketing evolved to meet the

    stasis in developing new markets caused by mature markets and

    overcapacities in the last 2-3 centuries.The adoption of marketing

    strategies requires businesses to shift their focus from production to the

    perceived needs and wants of their customers as the means of staying


    The term marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals

    depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets anddelivering the desired satisfactions. It proposes that in order to satisfy its

    organizational objectives, an organization should anticipate the needs

    and wants of consumers and satisfy these more effectively than

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    Direct marketing is a form of advertising that reaches its audiencewithout using traditional formal channels of advertising, such as TV,

    newspapers or radio. Businesses communicate straight to the consumer

    with advertising techniques such as fliers, catalogue distribution,

    promotional letters, and street advertising.

    Direct Advertising is a sub-discipline and type of marketing. There are

    two main definitional characteristics which distinguish it from other

    types of marketing. The first is that it sends its message directly toconsumers, without the use of intervening commercial communication

    media. The second characteristic is the core principle of successful

    Advertising driving a specific "call to action." This aspect of direct

    marketing involves an emphasis on trackable, measurable, positive

    responses from consumers (known simply as "response" in the industry)

    regardless of medium.

    If the advertisement asks the prospect to take a specific action, for

    instance call a free phone number or visit a Web site, then the effort is

    considered to be direct response advertising.

    Direct marketing is predominantly used by small to medium-size

    enterprises with limited advertising budgets that do not have a well-

    recognized brand message. A well-executed direct advertising campaign

    can offer a positive return on investment as the message is not hidden

    with overcomplicated branding. Instead, direct advertising is straight to

    the point; offers a product, service, or event; and explains how to get theoffered product, service, or event.
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    Benefits and drawbacks

    Direct marketing is attractive to many marketers, because in many cases

    its positive effect (but not negative results) can be measured directly. For

    example, if a marketer sends out 1,000 solicitations by mail, and 100

    respond to the promotion, the marketer can say with confidence that

    campaign led directly to 10% direct responses. The number of recipients

    who are offended by junk mail/spam, however, is not easily measured.

    By contrast, measurement of other media must often be indirect, since

    there is no direct response from a consumer. Measurement of results, a

    fundamental element in successful direct marketing, is explored in

    greater detail elsewhere in this article.

    The Internet has made it easier for marketing managers to measure the

    results of a campaign. This is often achieved by using a specific Web site

    landing page directly relating to the promotional material, a call to

    action will ask the consumer to visit the landing page, and the

    effectiveness of the campaign can be measured by taking the number of

    promotional messages distributed (e.g., 1,000) and dividing it by the

    number of responses (people visiting the unique Web site page).

    Another way to measure the results is to compare the projected sales for

    a given term with the actual sales after a direct advertising campaign.

    While many marketers recognize the financial benefits of increasing

    targeted awareness, some direct marketing efforts using particular

    media have been criticized for generating unwanted solicitations, not

    due to the method of communication but because of poorly compiled

    demographic databases, advertisers do not wish to waste money oncommunicating with consumers not interested in their products. For

    example, direct mail that is irrelevant to the recipient is considered "junk

    mail," and unwanted e-mail messages are considered "spam." Some

    consumers are demanding an end to direct marketing for privacy and

    environmental reasons, which direct marketers are able to do to some

    extent by using "opt-out" lists, variable printing, and more-targeted

    mailing lists. In response to consumer demand and increasing business

    pressure to increase the effectiveness of reaching the right consumer
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    with direct marketing, companies specialize in targeted direct

    advertising to great effect, reducing advertising budget waste and

    increasing the effectiveness of delivering a marketing message with

    better geodemography information, delivering the advertising message

    to only the consumers interested in the product, service, or event on

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    Types of Direct Marketing

    1.Internet Marketing :-The Internet has revolutionized direct marketing for promoting the sale

    of products and services to targeted audiences. Access to the Internet

    provides users with services in four basic areas: information,

    entertainment, shopping, and individual and group communication.

    Online channels can eliminate geographic considerations. With this

    capability people around the world have the same access as the person

    across the street. Many businesses that can sell their products andservices through downloading or can economically ship those products

    have discovered an entirely new way to market.

    The Internet makes direct marketing easier, more targeted, more flexible,

    more responsive, more affordable, and potentially more profitable than

    ever. Virtually every business should seriously consider the Internet as a

    part of their marketing mix and determine if it is a viable fit for direct


    2.Face-to-Face Selling :-The most traditional direct marketing involves the in-house sales force

    personally contacting potential and established consumers. Examples of

    organizations that use face-to-face selling include Mary Kay, Avon and


    3.Direct mail :-Direct mail is described as sending information about a special offer,

    product or sale announcement, service reminder, or other type of

    communication to a person at a particular street of electronic address.

    Historically direct mail has existed in the form of printed materials, but

    CDs, audio tapes, video tapes, fax mail, email and voice mail are also

    used in direct mail campaigns. For example, America Onlineexperienced a highly successful campaign through mailing out CD-

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    ROMs to prospective customers. Direct mail permits high target-market

    selectivity; it can be personalized, it is flexible, and it allows early testing

    and response measurement to take place. A highly selective and

    accurate mailing lists often determines the success of direct mail efforts

    to enhance response rates and control costs.

    4.Catalogs :-Product catalogs are another version of direct mail where the catalogs

    are the communication tool. The most common use of this approach

    involves featuring a variety of products that target the needs of a specific

    audience who have shown a propensity to order from catalogs. An

    increasing number of business-to-business marketers are sending

    catalogs on CD-ROM to prospects and customers. The average U.S.

    household receives more than 50 catalogs each year ranging from

    general merchandise (Spiegel and J.C. Penny) to specialty goods (Pottery

    Barn and PC Connection).

    5.Telemarketing :-The process of contacting people on a qualified list to sell services overthe phone has grown in popularity to the point that the average

    household receives 19 telemarketing calls each year. Successful

    telemarketing campaigns depend on a good calling list, an effective

    script and contact structure, and well trained people that are

    compensated and rewarded for making calls that result in sales. The

    telecommunications industry including AT&T, MCI/WorldCom and

    Sprint has used telemarketing extensively to attempt to increase their

    market share.

    6.Direct-response Advertising :-Direct-response advertising is communicating with potential buyers

    through television, radio, magazines, and newspapers. The prospective

    consumer watches, hears, or reads about the product or service and

    initiates a call to a toll-free number to place their order. Television, for

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    example, offers a wide range of exposure, from a 30-second commercial

    to a 60-minute infomercial.

    7.Kiosk Marketing :-Customer order machines, versus vending machines that actually

    provide products, are another form of direct marketing. Examples of

    kiosks range from computer terminals in Eddie Bauer stores so

    customers can order from the entire line of products not available in the

    retail store to Florsheim Shoe Company kiosks placed in airports for

    home or office delivery. Your banks automatic teller machines (ATMs)

    placed in convenient and high traffic areas are another example of kiosk

    marketing. A combination of these direct marketing techniques may

    offer the optimal revenue generation solution.

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    Online marketing is the term denoted to the definition, A marketing

    tactics which controls all of its operation through internet and websitesis referred as Online Marketing.

    Online marketing provide an opportunity to consider if you are

    interested in starting an online business that will enable you to work

    from home.

    This marketing basically works on different niches and by niches I mean

    different areas where we can apply online marketing techniques. Somepeople also refer it as Internet marketing.

    Online marketing, specially & specifically paid placement and search

    engine optimization, have a proven an excellent track record providing

    companies the highest returns of any vehicle in their marketing mix.

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    Benefits of Online Marketing For Consumers &


    Benefits to Consumers:

    1.Convenient :customers can shop 24 hours a day from anywhere without going to the

    store physically.

    2. Immediate :

    consumers can interact with the seller's site to find the information,

    products, or services they desire, then order or download them on the


    3.Interactive Ads or Marketing Campaigns:Using advertising that engages potential customers is key in todays fast

    paced, little time consumer shopping space. One benefit to eCommerce

    marketing is the merchants ability to develop and improve a number of

    interactive advertising or marketing campaigns designed to reach out

    and engage shoppers. Videos, flash, presentations, graphics, moving

    animations. They can all be used as interactive devices to help entice

    shoppers to drop in and shop around for the products or services

    offered. Interactive ads and applications on the Web are predicted toreach new heights as technology improves.

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    Benefits to Companies:

    1.Customer Relationship Building :companies can interact with customers to learn more about theirneeds and to build customer databases.

    2.Reduce Costs & Increase Efficiency :avoid the expense of maintaining a physical store, costs of rent,

    insurance, and utilities. Digital catalogs cost less to produce than

    printing and mailing paper catalogs.

    3.Greater Flexibility :unlike a paper catalog whose products and prices are fixed until the next

    printing, an online catalog can be adjusted daily or even hourly,

    adapting product availability, prices, and promotions to match changing

    market conditions.

    4.Access to Global Markets :The Internet is a global medium, which allows buyers and sellers to click

    from one country to another in seconds.

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    Four Ways to Conduct Online Marketing :

    1.Creating an Electronic Storefront :companies can buy space on a commercial online service or it can

    open its own Web site. These sites are designed to engage consumer

    interaction that will move them closer to a purchase or other marketing


    2.Placing Ads Online :companies can place online ads in three ways:

    (a) classified ads in special sections of major commercial online services(b) ads in certain Internet newsgroups set up for commercial purposes

    (c) buy online ads that pop up while people are surfing the web. Such

    ads include banner ads, pop-up

    windows, "tickers" (banners moving across screen), and "road-blocks"

    (full-screen ads that users

    must go through to get to other screens they wish to view)

    3.Participating in Internet Forums, Newsgroups, or WebCommunities :

    companies may participate in or sponsor Internet forums, newsgroups,

    and bulletin boards that appeal to specific special interest groups.

    4.Use Online E-mail or Webcasting :companies can send out customer newsletters, special product or

    promotion offers based on customer buying histories. Webcasting or

    "push" programming delivers information of interest to consumers'


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    E-Commerce Domains

    1.BUSINESS TO CONUMERS (B2C):-Now more mainstream and diverse has created new e-commerce

    targeting opportunities Online behavior differs by age.

    Online consumers differ from traditional off-line consumers. Theyinitiate and control the exchange process. Value information

    highly.2.BUSINESS TO BUSINESS(B2B):-B2B sales far exceed B2C sales:-

    B2B sales are estimated to reach $4 trillion in 2005.

    Open trading networks:E-market space bringing sellers and buyers together.

    Private trading networks:-Links sellers with their own trading partners.

    3.CONSUMER TO CONSUMERS (C2C):-C2C web sites help consumers exchange goods or information

    eBay is one example

    Blogs:-Allows interchanges of information for special interest groups

    Highly credible for advertisers.

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    4.CONSUMERS TO BUSINESS(C2B):-Allow consumers to search out sellers, learn about offers, initiate

    purchase, or

    dictate purchase terms. Ex:

    Some sites facilitate the feedback process between customers andcompanies.


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    1.Click-Only-Competitors:-E-tailers, search engines and portals, ISPs, transaction sites, some

    content sites, enabler sites

    2. Lack of planning and research:-Did not develop marketing strategies and spent lavishly off-line on mass

    marketing. Over emphasis on acquisition vs. retention Low margins.

    3.Click-and-Mortar Companies:-Channel conflict was initially a concernE-commerce often created new

    customers, rather than cannibalizing existing ones Many firms now

    enjoy greater success than their click-only competition Trusted brand

    names, greater financial resources, larger customer base, industry

    knowledge, and strong supplier relationships were key advantages.

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    Advantages and Challenges of Online Marketing

    The term online marketing is one that is simply used to define marketing on

    the internet. There are other related terms such as e-marketing and e-commerce that are often used as synonyms, too.

    Online marketing is a very dynamic, fast changing field, and there are many

    advantages and challenges to marketing on the internet.

    One of the great advantages of online marketing involves search engines.

    Only with search engine marketing can you promote your product or service

    directly to people who are actively looking for it!

    Another advantage of online marketing is that it allows you to easily track

    advertising, promotion, and sales. This means several things. First of all, you

    can easily moniter your advertising and focus your efforts on the most

    effective. Secondly, you can easily identify and target specific markets

    individually, resulting in more effective marketing.

    Another advantage to companies is that they are capable of offering bonus

    offers for purchases made online as they spend less overall on their

    marketing. They also use e-newsletters to get new customers and to keep oldcustomers informed and updated on new products and thereby retain their

    customer base. E-newsletters are much less expensive that traditional


    Another important aspect of online marketing is ensuring that the customer is

    always satisfied. This can be a great disadvantage in terms of online

    marketing as there is no in person to person interaction and this can be a

    serious disadvantage. It is crucial to keep customers coming back. It is often

    difficult to facilitate excellent customer communication via the internet, so

    often you will need to utilize offline methods to achieve greater customer


    Online marketing is a great opportunity for most businesses. It is possible to

    start online marketing with simple search engine advertisements and grow

    from there to other concepts such as funnel construction, buzz marketing and

    cool tools. However, it is important to note that there is a lot of competition on

    the internet already and you will have to continue to be up-to-date with yourinformation, services and products.

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    Challenges to Direct Marketing

    Direct marketing requires careful planning, analysis and alertness in

    order to make it a success rather than frustrating the potentialcustomers. There are even many people who consider direct marketing

    to be a marketing strategy that would work out the negative way and

    spoil the brand name. However, that cannot be true as there are several

    businesses who have succeeded by direct marketing.

    There are many challenges in direct marketing that the business owner

    needs to handle with caution and ensure that the customers do not get

    frustrated or irritated by the way you approach them. This is quite

    common in direct marketing, as no customer would want the marketer

    to target him or her personally and try to market something new. The

    situation would be totally different if the same product or service is

    presented to customers who are in need of the service or to someone

    who is looking for them. So, the secret lies in identifying the right group

    that would be interested in your products or services when you talk to

    them about your business. In order to be successful in direct marketing,

    you would certainly have to spend enough time in building a databaseof customers who would be interested in your service or products. Any

    marketing strategy would be useful and would make sense only when it

    results in sales or improvement in business. Similarly, direct marketing

    would also be helpful only when it is practiced with an accurately

    targeted group. Blindly contacting anyone and talking about your

    services would spoil your reputation and would irritate the customers.

    Though database generation is definitely not a simple task, a little more

    effort and time would help you generate a list quickly. Alternatively,

    you can also purchase contact lists from various database generation

    companies and start your direct marketing campaign. However, care

    needs to be taken in this regard as in many cases the database might

    contain contact details that are outdated. You can find the right

    company that has experience and reputation in database generation and

    purchase the list from them as cheap lists might go to waste and spoil

    your business reputation.

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    The approach that you use to contact your customers is also important

    as this would be the first meeting or discussion that your company

    would be having with them and this is what would help you to impress

    them. Therefore, any mode you use, whether it be a phone call or a

    personal meeting or an email, it should be well organized and

    appealing. You should already be prepared for the discussion and

    should have answers for all those questions that the customers might

    raise during the discussion. All possible questions should be predicted

    and the answers for them should also be ready. Preparation of a

    professional script would help for personal meetings and phone calls.

    You can even have an email template drafted for direct marketing

    through emails. However, a few things that would make the email lookpersonalized and customized should be changed before sending it


    Contacting the customers can either be done directly by you or can be

    outsourced to other third party companies who have experience in

    direct marketing and dealing with customers without any problem.

    However, both the company and the sales representatives who deal with

    your customers should be experienced in handling direct marketing

    calls and with different types of customers. Their approach should be

    professional and they should have answers for all the questions possible.

    For this, you should first have these call agents educated on the various

    services and / or products that you sell. They should also know about

    your experience in the field, the quality of service or products, cost,

    guarantee if any and so on. The main thing in dealing with customers in

    direct marketing is that the information you give should be accurate and

    promises or assurance that you make should be true. Any fake promisesand assurance would certainly spoil the reputation of your business and

    the customers would no longer trust you and your business. Finding the

    right call agents would be a great challenge and training them to talk

    about your company would definitely be a tough job.

    Once you are prepared and finished with all these preliminary

    arrangements, you can start calling or mailing your targeted customers

    by yourself or using call agents from other companies. Whatever the

    case, care should be taken to see whether it is the right time to contact

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    the customers. For example, customers would not be interested in

    talking to a marketing person and in receiving a marketing mail when

    they are on vacation or during the weekends. Therefore, such private

    timings can be avoided and customers contacted during the weekdays.

    This would reduce a lot of disorder and would help them to keep your

    customers cool without frustrating them. After the initial discussion, if

    you are asked to contact at a particular time of the day, after a week or

    whenever it might be, remember to do it promptly and do not disturb

    them before that.

    Maintaining a tracking system that would remind you about the timing

    of returning calls would also help in building a good opinion about your

    punctuality and business amongst your customers. Direct marketing can

    generate more leads and end up as successful sales if only these few

    challenges in direct marketing are handled with care and thought. A

    professional touch in every step that you take in direct marketing would

    be the best way to go about it.