Download - 2015 June/July Broadcaster Newsletter

Page 1: 2015 June/July Broadcaster Newsletter

First Presbyterian Church

1702 Iowa StreetDavenport, Iowa 52803


June/July 2015 g A Monthly Publication of The First Presbyterian Church g Volume 44, No. 6

First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g


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Celebrating twenty-five years of musical excellence and spiritual nurturing with a farewell reception honoring Steve Jobman

Steven R. JobmanMinister of Music (1990-2015)

Photo printed with permission, courtesy of the Dispatch/Argus/

VBC NeedsYou!

Meet the Mt. Everest ChallengeVacation Bible Camp NEEDS YOU!

Dates: June 15-19, 2015VBC: 9:30 AM-12:15 PM

Lunch: 12:15 PM TO 12:30 PM

Our 2015 Vacation Bible Camp is “EVEREST” and registration forms are available in the back of the Sanctuary, and in the church office, for youthfrom preschool through 6th grade. Everyone is welcome to join the fun, soinvite your friends and neighbors to “EvErEst - Conquering Challengeswith God’s Mighty Power!”

Volunteers are still needed. It will be the week of June 15-19 from 9:30 AM

to 12:15 PM, and lunch will be served each day from 12:15 to12:30 PM.VBC decorating will take place on Sunday, June 14, after the church picnic at 11:00 AM. Anyone who wants to help with this would be mostwelcomed! Please contact Director of Christian Education, Tiffany Horvath (horvath@fpcdavenport; 563-326-1691), if you can volunteer.

In an April 27, 2015, letter written to the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Steve Jobman shared, “ByGod’s grace, I have served as the Minister of Music of First Presbyterian Church, Davenport, Iowa, for twenty-fivewonderful years. I will be eternally grateful for the privilege of ministering in God’s name side by side with youfrom 1990-2015. During these years we have shared many great joys and also profound sorrows. I have been immeasurably blessed by sharing my life with each one of you, many for an entire quarter of a century.”

One of the hallmarks of the 175 year legacy of First Presbyterian Church is its reverence for and valuation of therole music plays in making our faith journey genuine. Countless men, women, and children received their spiritualfoundation and musical inspiration here at FPC; and, Steve has been the instrument for this nurturing path that somany have taken.

We will celebrate his ministry at a Farewell Celebration on Sunday, June 7, with a worship service at 10:00 AM, followed by a reception beginning at 12:00 nOOn at the Outing Club (2109 Brady Street, Davenport). There will be a light lunch and the program will begin at 1:30 PM. Please RSVP by visiting the church website ( The cost is $10 per person, reservations must be made before 12:00 noon on Tuesday,June 2. A purse is also being collected for Steve as a thank you for his service to FPC. If you wish to contribute,please note “Jobman Purse” on the memo line of your check, or make your contribution online under the “SteveJobman Purse” option.

Summer 2015

at FPC!

Page 2: 2015 June/July Broadcaster Newsletter

Get Out & Join Feet First!FPC’s walking fellowship walks for an hour Saturday mornings on the beautiful trails in the Quad Cities. Everyone is welcome to put ontheir walking shoes and join us at 8:00 AM.

June 6 Junge Park (35th St., west of firestation at 35th and Harrison St.,Davenport)

June 13 Credit Island (off River Dr.,meet by the sculptures, Davenport)

June 20 Lagoon at Middle Park (east on Parkway Dr. from 18th St., Bettendorf

June 27 Marquette St. Landing on Mississippi Riverfront (Davenport)

July 4 Feet First will be in recessJuly 11 Eastern Avenue (bike path

parking lot north of 29th St.,Davenport)

July 18 Middle Park Band Shell (23rd St.,south of creek, Bettendorf)

July 25 Feet First will be in recess Aug. 1 Village of East Davenport

Landing (foot of Mound St.)Aug. 8 Duck Creek Park picnic shelter

(enter park from Locust St.,Davenport)

Aug. 15 Junge Park (35th St., west of firestation at 35th and Harrison St.,Davenport)

Aug. 22 Credit Island (off River Dr., meetby the sculptures, Davenport)

Aug. 29 Feet First will be in recess Sep. 5 Leach Park (12th St., at

Mississippi River, Bettendorf) Sep. 12 Eastern Avenue (bike path

parking lot north of 29th St.,Davenport)

Sep. 19 Village of East Davenport Landing (foot of Mound St.)

Sep. 26 Marquette St Landing on Mississippi Riverfront (Davenport)

Celebrating Creation & Blessing of the Animals - Sunday, July 12, 8:30 AMBring your pet—large or small, all are welcome!—to the 8:30 AM outdoor worship service. There will beunique music, prayers for creation, and a special blessing for each pet. The Blessing of the Animalsis an ancient custom associated with St. Francis of Assisi. Always at home in the company of thedisadvantaged and the dispossessed, Francis recognized the Divine Spark in the beauty ofcreation, in the love of the companionship of animals, and in the poor; all of this has madehim one of the most admired monks and mystics in the history of the Church. Pet photoswill be taken following the service. Donations will be accepted for the Scott County Humane Society. Items needed include: dry or canned dog & cat food, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, laundry detergent, pump hand soaps, and office supplies.

Bix Race Party Offers Fun and Fellowship for All! Saturday, July 26, 7:00-11:00 AMGrab a lawn chair, grab friends and loved ones, and join your First Church friends in the excitement ofanother Bix race morning! This year, the Bix Race Party is Saturday, July 26, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AMon the Kirkwood Boulevard lawn.

Bix Jazz Service - Sunday, August 2, 8:30 & 10:30 AMBix Liturgy services are often a fun and interesting “first introduction” to First Presbyterian Church. Many guests return to worship throughout the year. Please take this opportunity to volunteer and make someone’s first impressionof FPC a positive one. “Ask Me!” volunteers are asked to sign up for one of two shifts, 7:30-8:30 AM, or 9:30-10:30 AM.Those able to donate three dozen homemade cookies or wanting to help host the fellowship reception following eachservice, should contact a member of the Congregation Development & Fellowship Committee for more information.

Annual All Church Picnic - Sunday, June 14, 11:00 AMWith the congregation’s support, dedication, love, and many volunteer hours, the Deacons have been able to minister toour brothers and sisters in need through local, national, and global projects. The Deacons thank you from the bottom oftheir collective hearts! To celebrate, the congregation is invited to the AnnualAll Church Picnic, June 14, at 11:00 AM. All the food will be provided (hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, baked beans, salads, chips, beverages,and desserts). There is no cost to you! If you wish to contribute, please bringtwo non-perishable food items for the Sacred Heart Food Pantry so that “they may eat just as we eat.” There will be games for the kids and plenty offellowship for the adults. Please join your church friends for food, fellowship,and fun at the Annual All Church Picnic.

Battle Hymn Sunday - Sunday, June 28, 10:00 AMThe Sanctuary Choir, the Celebration Singers, and anyone else who wants to join, will sing the famed “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” on Sunday, June 28, for the 10:00 AM service of worship. We will meet at 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary. Anyone and everyone in high school and older, who isavailable to sing is welcome to join us. If you can be here, WE nEED YOU!

What’s Happening this Summer!


Rededication of the Kildalton CrossSunday, June 14, following the 10:00 AM service

Don Hultgren carved theFPC Kildalton Crosswhich was originally installed in 2004.

Mark Meinert began thecross restoration projectin 2014 and this worktook over 100 hours.

The Celtic Cross has become the symbol ofCeltic spirituality - of its affirming spirit, itsregard for learning, its practice of prayerfulliving, its tradition of hospitality, its joy inmusic and poetry, and its reverence for allcreation. Don Hultgren estimated that theoriginal carving, staining, and gluing of thiswork took over 400 hours to complete.

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June will be a VERY busy month for Christian Education! We have amission trip to attend, Vacation Bible Camp to arrange and staff and volunteer for, and Steveto kidnap and hide in a basement and remember to feed Biaggi’s to at least once a week.

Re-Member Mission Trip: Ten members of FPC will be gone the entire first week ofJune for a mission trip to Re-Member in South Dakota. We would like to ask that you pleasekeep the following individuals in your prayers this month as we travel and work together:

Pendeza Etandu, Elisabeth Riedesel, Carly Miller, Emma Saskowski, Claire Eppel,Aly Cuppy, Cresa Wilson, Juleann Miller, and Pam Paulsen

Where’s Tiffany? Like last summer, Tiffany will be taking the month of July off tospend time with her family and do some community volunteer work with other organizations.We have had an amazing year at FPC, and look forward to an equally amazing 2015-2016year of Christian Education! She’ll see you in August!

Here are some tentative save-the-dates for your calendar:September 13: Sunday School Curriculum Open HouseSeptember 16: First day of Kirkwood Club/Ice Cream SocialSeptember 20: First day of Sunday SchoolSeptember 20: First day of Middle School and High School Youth Groups: Pizza Party/Ice

Cream SocialOctober 4: Tiffany’s Birthday (oh—how did that get in here?)

Tiffany’s Epiphanies: I’d tell you a chemistry joke, but I wouldn’t get a reaction.The First Presbyterian Church 2015 Confirmation Class of nathanBawden, Cole Cameron, Pendeza Etandu, Lydia Ferris, AllysonGrothusen, Lauren Kress, Abby Saskowski, Sara-Beth Trauffer,James Riedesel, Kelley Wohlers, and Maximilian Yates want to extend a HUGE “Thank You” to Glen and Diane Roebuck, andMike and Amy Saskowski, for being such amazing Confirmationteachers this year. From making sandwiches while blindfolded, to creating churches out of toothpicks and marshmallows, to memorizing The Lord’s Prayer and just listening, these four teachers have had an impact on these youth that will extend throughtheir entire lives.

CEFY (Christian Education & Fellowship for Youth)

It’s Summer Musikgarten! Bring your babies and toddlers (infants through 3 ½ years) and come and join us for a summer of fun and music-making together. We’ll be meeting Sunday mornings, June 14 through August 30, from 9:15-9:45 AMin the parlor. Friends and family are welcome, so if you have summer visitors with little ones, bring them along!

Library Updates The following books have been added to the library section “Relationships and Parenting.” They were recommended byDerek Ball, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a member of our congregation.1-2-3 Magic by Phelen:

Great book on parenting especially for parents with younger children.The Five Love Languages by Chapman:

Premise is that there are five primary ways to communicate and receive love and if you aren’t loving your spouse in their language, they won’t receive the messageregardless of your intent.

After the Affair by Abrams-Spring:Balanced in its approach so couples can read it together. Looks at the context of the affair in addition to the actual affair and what couples can do to both heal and reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence.

Rebuilding by Fisher:Looks at divorce through the lens of grief. Helps the reader understand where theyare in the process and how to handle each stage effectively. Recommended for anyone going through a divorce.

NEW! Search the library online! You can now search the church library contents from the church website! Go to the Resources pull-down menu to “Library,” there you can search a variety of methods such as author, title, subject, keyword. So, go ‘check it out!’

Page 4: 2015 June/July Broadcaster Newsletter

Grant Funds Available TheDeacons’ Endowment FundThe Deacons’ Endowment Fund (DEF) was established to help groups and organizationswithin the First Presbyterian Church community that are developing new missionand outreach programs by providing seedmoney in the form of matching grants.

What is the Deacons’ Endowment Fund?These funds are awarded for the purpose of helping to establish new mission, outreach, pastoral care, and spiritual development programs within our church community.

What type of grant is available? The DEFgrants are designated to help defray the start-upcost of new projects or programs according to guidelines established by the Board of Deacons.

► Programs or projects need to be of an ongoing nature rather than a one-timeevent.

► Any money that is awarded is in the formof a matching grant. In other words, fundingfrom other sources should be part of the initial planning process.

► The maximum grant that can be awarded is$5,000.

Who can apply? Grants can provide fundingto any organization or group within the FPCcommunity that is trying to start a new missionor outreach program or project within thechurch community.

How does one go about applying for a grant?Each group, individual, or organization shouldestablish a projected budget for the program, create a description of the programgoals as well as an outline of how those goalswill be achieved, and an organizational structure. These are critical elements of theprocess. A grant application form must then becompleted and submitted for consideration bythe Board of Deacons. The grant applicationprocess will be open for the period May 15 -July 15, 2015.

If you have questions about DEF grants or applications, information is available through the church office, at the Welcome Desk, theDeacons’ Corner, the church’s website, or from Linda Larson([email protected], 563-332-7703).

Prayer Shawl Ministry - Tuesday, June 9, 6:30 PMAnyone with an interest in knitting or crocheting a shawl is invited to make a shawl and drop it off with Christian Education Director Tiffany Horvath. The group meets monthly to socialize while we create. Ournext meeting is June 9 at 6:30 PM, at the home of Karla Jones, 3458 Overland Drive, Bettendorf, Iowa. Can’tmeet? Feel free to contribute shawls anyway. For more information, contact Tiffany Horvath ([email protected]) or nancy Foster ([email protected], 563-391-4622).

Women of Hope Bible StudyWednesdays, June 10, 24, July 8 & 22, 10:00 AMThe Women of Hope Bible Study meets every other Wednesday in Von Maur Hall at10:00 AM. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Rev. Kristy Parker (563-590-3071).

Prayer Vigil for Victims of ViolenceSundays, June 28 & July 26, 7:00 PMJoin with fellow Christians from our PUnCH churches for a prayer vigil at FirstPres., June 28 & July 26, from 7:00-7:30 PM. Please meet at the porte cochere entrance by the west parking lot. We will pray for people in our country, and for families and friends who are victims of violence. Let us pray for God’s healing forvictims, and let us bear witness to the senseless violence in our country.

Little Dresses for Africa Sewing Party - Sunday, June 28, 11:00 AMOur next sewing “Party” for the Little Dresses for Africa is June 28, in Fellowship Hall from11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. All sewers who would like to sew some simple dresses and shorts can join us at the “party.” The dresses and shorts are sent to the children in Africa,Guatemala, Cambodia, Haiti and in the U.S., Appalachia and South Dakota. We will have snacks and drinks available. Please bring your own sewing machines and invite anyone else you know that would like to participate. If you have any questions about this outreach project, please call Roen Paulsen (563-355-3165).

One Day at First Presbyterian Church Project -- share your story!We are collecting short narratives from church members singling out one day never to be forgotten by thatchurch member. Church member submissions will potentially be included in our book! Blank forms are available in the church office and at the Welcome Desk. Linda Meadors, Heritage Committee Chairperson,shares her one day memory as an example:

“the one day in my First Presbyterian Church life which I will never forget was september 11, 2001. I washome alone when I learned of the tragedy in New York City, Washington, D.C., and the hijacked flights.After calling my family members who all live out of town, I immediately drove to the church to seek comfort from our clergy and other members. A special worship service was organized for the eveningand I felt God’s presence as we tried to understand what had occurred and what the future might bring.”

NOTE: You may also email your “One Day at FPC” memory to Carolyn Draper-Math ([email protected]).

Adopt a Flower BedThe Landscaping Committee, often called “The On Bended Knee Committee,” is looking for volunteers to adoptone of the nine flower beds surrounding the church. The adoption would involve spring clean-up, mulching (paidfor by the Landscape Committee), weeding during the growing season, and fall clean-up. A knowledgeablechurch member would be available for consulting on any specific questions regarding pruning, weeding, etc.The committee is also looking for one individual to keep the outdoor planters filled with seasonal materials.Here is a chance to use your creative side! Please contact the church’s Finance & FacilitiesManager, Shannon Gruhlke ([email protected]; 563-326-1691) if you are interested in volunteering for this ministry.

Caring for Self and Others


Page 5: 2015 June/July Broadcaster Newsletter

The Broadcaster:This newsletter is a monthly publication ofFirst Presbyterian Church of Davenport, IA

First Presbyterian Church Staff:The Rev. Richard MillerPastor The Rev. Sue HowesAssociate Pastor EmeritaThe Rev. Kristy ParkerParish AssociateSteven R. Jobman Minister of MusicTiffany HorvathDirector of Christian EducationAhreum Han CongdonPrincipal Organist & Assistant Director of MusicLinda Bengfort*Assistant Choral Director & AccompanistAdam Page*Youth & Instrumental Music LeaderShannon M. Gruhlke, CMFinance & Facilities ManagerLauren Browne/Kirstin Marriott*Accounting AssistantDiane PumphreyOffice & Communications ManagerTammy MayhewMembership & Pastoral Care CoordinatorRebecca MuhammadAdministrative CoordinatorKerri Peterson*Wedding CoordinatorJessie Munn*Nursery CoordinatorGeorgia RobertsCustodianDave SpauldingCustodian Kevin Wilson* Custodian Chad Dean* Custodian * Part-time employeeFirst Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa StreetDavenport, Iowa 52803

Phone: 563-326-1691 Fax: 563-326-5416

Handicapped Services: First Church ishandicapped accessible via the elevator entrances on the west side of the building.

Childcare: nurseries for infants throughfour-year-olds are provided in the FolwellEducation Center (3rd floor of the ChristianEducation Building) during Sunday services.


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Need to Know What’s Happening & When? Check out the calendar page on the church website, where you will find all of the latest information on what’s happening at the church. Simply follow the links or go directly to:

Please share your Viewpoint! The Church Government & Personnel Committee is interestedin your viewpoint. How do you think things are going at First Pres.? Have you observed something that othersmight have missed? Please feel free to express a joy or concern and share your viewpoint by filling out a Viewpoint card and dropping it in the locked Viewpoint Box on the Welcome Desk. All viewpoints will be keptconfidential and will only be viewed by the Church Government & Personnel Committee.

Find First Presbyterian Church on FACEBOOK, then “like us!”That’s right! Find out all the latest FPC news on the church’s Facebook page. Follow the link on the church web page at, or go directly to pages/First-Presbyterian-Church-Davenport-Iowa/

Do you love to see pictures of recent church events? “Yes, I want to see more!” Then visit the church’s Facebookpage were you can see all of the most recent pictures to “like” and to “share”!

Member News - The congregation marks the following occasions in the lives of those who make up our community.

Births: Daniel (Yoo-Jin) Eugene Congdon, (son of todd and Ahreum Han Congdon) - May 6, 2015; Ethan Flynn Dahlstrom (son ofDavid Dahlstrom and Cherie Gere-Dahlstrom) - May 11, 2015

New Member: Kathryn Knox - April 20, 2015

Confirmed into Membership: nathan Bawden, Cole Cameron, Pendeza Etandu, Lydia Ferris, Allyson Grothusen, Lauren Kress,Abby Saskowski, Sara Trauffer, James Riedesel, Kelley Wohlers, and Maximilian Yates

Make a Note of it...4Summer Church Office Hours: The church office will be open Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The

church office will close at 12:30 PM on Fridays from June 12 through August 14, 2015. The church office will be closed on Friday, July 3, in observance of Independence Day.

4 Summer Newsletter Schedule:As a cost-saving measure, this is a combined June/July issue of the Broadcaster.Articles for the August newsletter need to be submitted to Diane Pumphrey ([email protected]) by July 15.

Financial Summary for the month of April 2015

April 2015

April 2015

April 2014

April 2014

Actual Budget Actual Budget

General Income 101,858 84,005 79,289 83,516

Custodial Accounts Income 11,223 - 91,882

General Expenses 75,839 80,002 89,623 91,794

Custodial Accounts Expenses 11,223 - 91,882 -

Surplus (Deficit) 26,019 4.003 (10,334) (8,278)

2015 YTD

2015 YTD

2014 YTD

2014 YTD

Actual Budget Actual Budget

General Income 377,192 352,177 340,340 332,764

Custodial Accounts Income 41,264 - 139,292 -

General Expenses 319,734 331,945 321,860 324,073

Custodial Accounts Expenses 41,264 - 139,292 -

Surplus (Deficit) 57,458 20,232 18,480 8,691

Don’t Let Your Pledge Take a Summer VacationThe lazy days of summer are here. Summerinvites us to rest, relax, and re-create ourselves. This time of year finds most ofus very active and frequently gone for several weeks at a time, or maybe severalweekends at a time. Even though you maybe planning on being away, the church’s financial obligations continue during thesummer months. We simply ask that youkeep your pledge current. There are a number of ways you can maintain yourpledge this summer: set up a monthly automatic deduction from your bank account; set up monthly credit card payments; mail checks in to the Finance Office; or pre-pay your summer giving. We appreciate your ongoing and timely giving of your pledges and offerings. This makesall the difference and is good stewardship.

First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g

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First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa StreetDavenport, IA 52803-4315



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Have you moved? Do you have a NewPhone Number or EmailAddress?We need your help to keep the church’smembership records current and accurate.It is important to let the church office knowif you change your home address, emailaddress, cell phone, or if you replace yourland line with a cell phone number. Pleasecontact the church office if you no longerwish to receive this newsletter. Contact usat [email protected]; 563-326-1691.We appreciate receiving notice from you inan effort to save resources.

Summer Worship Times June 7 - 10:00 AM (one service only, followed by the Farewell Celebration Honoring Steve Jobman at 12:00 NOON, at the Outing Club - RSVP on the website at:

June 14 - 10:00 AM (one service only, followed by the Kildalton Cross Rededication and All Church Picnic)

June 21 through September 6 - 8:30 AM (outdoors, weather permitting) & 10:00 AM (in the Sanctuary)

August 2 - Bix Sunday services 8:30 & 10:30 AM (both services in the Sanctuary)

Childcare is available for all services, in the nursery on the third floor of the Christian Education Building.

Summer Church Office HoursJune 12 through August 14, 2015: The church office will be open Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 AM

to 4:30 PM. The church office will close at 12:30 PM on Fridays.

First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g