Download - 2014 Solder Joint Reliability

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    15.0 Release

    Hari SubramaniamTechnical Services Engineer

    ANSYS, Irvine, [email protected]

    Solder Joint Reliability (SJR) underThermal Cycling

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-2ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20142

    Solder Joint Failure

    CTE mismatchAt Elevated Temperature

    Low CTE

    High CTE

    Undeformed state

    Stiffness mismatch

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-3ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20143

    For most consumer electronics, thermal cycling is the main cause for fatigue Plasticity and Creep causes solder joints in electronics to undergo incremental

    damage with every thermal cycle Each load cycle causes stress damage to solder Damage accumulates over time

    Damage Accumulation

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-4ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20144

    Fracture is typically not modeled explicitly for SJR since this would becomputationally expensive

    Instead, crack size or life are related to other parameters such as plastic work orstrain

    By having ANSYS calculate plastic strain or work, we can relate this to the life ofthe part

    Life Prediction

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-5ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20145

    Utilize constitutive material model Possible inclusion of inelastic, rate-dependent and

    temperature-dependent effects ANAND, Creep Models

    Volume-averaged approach Pick a region and determine a volume-averaged

    quantity for Life calculation

    Predict Life Darveaux, Syed

    Solder Joint Reliability - Workflow

    Possible failure regions. VolumeAveraging done within this toPredict TTF

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-6ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20146

    Plasticity models describe inelastic behavior that develops when the stress levelgoes beyond the yield strength of the material

    Usually, a type of kinematic hardening is suitable for cyclic loading behavior Can be rate-independent or rate-dependent or coupled with creep

    Review of Plasticity

    Yield Strength y

    Elastic Plastic


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    1-7ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20147

    Creep strain is driven by stress and temperature without a distinct yield surface. Usually separated into three regions Primary, Secondary, Tertiary. Solder

    joint reliability is typically interested in secondary creep effects to get stabilizedcycles

    Review of Creep

    Generalized Garofalo (Hyperbolic Sine)

    Combined Time Hardening (Double Power Law)

    ( )[ ] 34

    21 sinh C T C

    cr C eC


    ( ) /T C C

    /T C C C

    cr te C C

    et C











  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-8ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20148

    Popularized by Darveaux and others forsolder joint simulations

    ANAND Model can be thought of as aspecial form of hyperbolic sine law with an

    evolution term s

    Review of ANAND Model

    R. Darveaux, Effect of Simulation Methodology on Solder Joint CrackGrowth Correlation, ECTC 2000

    m RT






    = &

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-9ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 20149

    Inelastic Strain (or sometimes referred to as creep strain or plastic strain) is theirrecoverable strain that develops

    Accumulated inelastic strain is an always increasing quantity Plastic Work (or creep strain energy) is the energy associated with this inelastic


    Volume Averaging technique will be used to reduce the sensitivity to meshing Plastic Work

    Plastic Work and Strain

    Possible failure regions. VolumeAveraging done within this toPredict TTF



    V W W avg

    volumeunit per work PlasticW ....=

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-10ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201410

    Model proposed by Syed et al

    Model proposed by Darveaux et al

    Crack Initiation

    Crack Growth

    Characteristic Life

    Life Prediction Methods

    ( ) 1= acc f W N

    ( ) 1= acc f C N



    avgW K N =



    avgW K dN da =

    dN da

    a N W += 0

    Nf Cycles to FailureC and W Material Parameterseacc Accumulated creep strain per cyclewacc Accumulated creep energy density per cycle

    Here, K 1 through K 4 are material

    parametersa is the joint diameter at the interface(final crack length)

    W is the plastic work per cycle

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-11ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201411

    Geometry Split the solder region for Volumetric Averaging Use DesignModeler, Spaceclaim

    Workflow - Geometry

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-12ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201412

    Input Material properties in the Engineering Data

    Workflow Material Data

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-13ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201413

    Check Connections Contact Create Named Selection

    Named Selection will be used during post-processingfor calculating the volume averaged plastic work

    Apply Thermal condition up to 3 to 4 cycles

    Workflow - Loading

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-14ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201414

    Workflow - Postprocessing APDL Commands are used for volumetric

    averaging and Life calculations

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-15ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201415

    NL-PLWK can be plotted using User-Defined Results

    Workflow - Postprocessing

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-16ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201416

    ANSYS also provides other approaches for failure prediction Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) Fracture Parameter

    J-Integral Calculations [J]

    Stress Intensity Factor [K] Energy Release Rate [G]

    Crack Growth VCCT based crack growth

    APPENDIX Other Methodologies

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-17ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201417

    ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    PSD Cycle Counters

    NarrowBand Only suitable for signals with single frequency content Steinberg Electronics Dirlik First general purpose (wideband) technique LaLanne Military Standard

    APPENDIX Other Methodolgies

  • 8/10/2019 2014 Solder Joint Reliability


    1-18ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.February 23, 2009Inventory #002593

    2011 ANSYS, Inc. October 8, 201418

    Q & A

    Thank you

    Hari [email protected]