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CHAPTER 28 The Cold War

Returns—and Ends

©2006 PEARSON EDUCATION, INC. Publishing as Longman Publishers


1979 U.S. Embassy in Tehran taken by Islamic militants

Sandinista rebels overthrow Somoza in Nicaragua

Three Mile Island accident

1980 Ronald Reagan wins presidency

1981 Congress passes Reagan’s tax laws

Sandra Day O’Connor nominated to the Supreme Court

U.S. warplanes shoot down Libyan jets

Anwar Sadat assassinated

1982 Boland Amendments

1983 HIV virus identified

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1985 Gorbachev becomes head of Soviet Communist part

1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident

America bombs Tripoli in

1987 October: Stock Market crash

Gay Rights March in Washington

1988 American warship accidentally shoots down Iranian airliner

Pro-Iranian agents bomb Pan-Am flight 109

George H. W. Bush elected president

1989 U.S. troops invade Panama

1991 January: Gulf War begins after invasion of Kuwait by Iraq

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Anticommunism RevisedRepublican Rule at HomeCultural ConflictThe End of the Cold War

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ANTICOMMUNISM REVISED Iran and AfghanistanThe Conservative Victory of 1980Renewing the Cold War

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Trouble Spots in the Middle East, 1979-1993

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IranJanuary 1979: Revolution in Iran deposes

ShahRuhollah Khomeini creates a theocratic state based on Islamic

law and abhorrence of western valuesU.S. Embassy overtaken and American hostages takenMilitants demand return of the Shah to stand trialAbortive rescue attempt, Vance resignation, neglected

reelection campaign

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7 weeks after Iranian hostage situation, Russian troops invaded Afghanistan in order to support the pro-Soviet government against Islamic fighters.

President Carter halted most trade with Soviets, withdrew from SALT II, and boycotted 1980 Olympics.

“Carter Doctrine”: preserve the status quo in the Persian Gulf region.

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The Conservative Victory of 1980

Ronald Reagan elected president. Conservative, former movie starCampaigned on ideas of military might,

unlimited consumption, economic growth, and anti-government

Republicans won the Senate

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Renewing the Cold War

UN Ambassador Kirkpatrick’s theory of authoritarian versus totalitarian nationsReagan rejects détente and denounces the “evil

empire”Pentagon budget grows 40% from 1980 to 1984

Lebanon: 241 U.S. Marines lost to suicide bomber

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Sandanistas overthrew Somoza in 1979.CIA-created “Contras” waged war on new

government in Managua40,000 Nicaraguans, mainly civilians, died.Congress passed the Boland Amendments

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“Reaganomics” and the Assault on Welfare

An Embattled EnvironmentA Society Divided

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“Reaganomics” and the Assault on Welfare

Congress passes Reagan’s tax laws Cutting federal income tax by 25% over 3 years Top individual rate drops from 70% to 28% Corporate, capital gains, inheritance taxes cut

Military spending increasesWelfare programs loose fundingFederal government responsibilities taken up by the

statesInflation is cut by money policies of the Federal

Reserve Board

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An Embattled Environment

Reagan administration policies favored big business and private enterprisesFederal lands opened for commercial useGorsuch (EPA), Burford (BLM), Crowell (FS)

rewrote regulations favoring private enterprisesJames Watt: extremist conservative with extremist

ideas and little regard for the environment. Resigned in 1983.

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Federally Owned Lands in the West (as percentage of a state’s total lands)

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A Society Divided 1980: CEO’s salary 40 times that of worker 1989: CEO’s salary 93 times that of worker Net worth of 400 richest Americans tripled Wealthiest 1% of Americans possessed more assets than bottom

90%” “Casino Economy” of mergers, consolidations, insider trading,

buyouts Middle class: factory shutdowns, layoffs Unions: lose members of manufacturing base and lost members

because of anti-union sentiment

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Distribution of Wealth and Income

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The Rise of the Religious RightDissenters Push BackThe New Immigration

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The Rise of the Religious Right

By 1980, Christian fundamentalists made up 20% of population.

Republican, conservative views, supported ReaganOpposed women’s right to choose, gay rightsSupported school prayerAnti-feminist viewsPromoted sexual abstinenceSupported “war on drugs”

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Dissenters Push Back

Environmental activistsPeace activists, anti-nuclearRacial justice activists

Anti-apartheid in South Africa

Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rainbow CoalitionGay rights advocates

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The New Immigration

6 million legal immigrants in 1980s40% from Asia: China, Philippines,

Korea50% from Latin America and

Caribbean: MexicoWork: farms, domestic servants,

janitors, gardeners

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From Cold War to DétenteThe Iran-Contra ScandalA Global Police?

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From Cold War to Détente

Internal Soviet politics ended the Cold War Gorbachev warned of becoming a desolate Soviet economy with missiles The U.S.S.R’s occupation of Afghanistan Chernobyl nuclear plant accident Glasnost (greater political liberty) and perestroika (economic

restructuring includes private enterprises

Reagan and Gorbachev Reagan supported Gorbachev’s attempts at change Strategic Defense Initiative (Reagan planned to share with Soviets) 1986: Reykjavik, Iceland summit Intermediate Nuclear Force treaty

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The Iran-Contra Scandal

Reagan approved illegal sale of U.S. arms to Iran in return for the freeing of hostages in Lebanon.

Oliver North and the National Security Council diverted profits from Iran’s money to the Contras.

The Boland Amendments restricted aid, directly or indirectly, to the Contras.

Congressional investigation, Justice Department independent prosecutor.

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A Global Police?

George H. W. Bush elected president in 1988.Home: Appointment of Clarence Thomas to the

U.S. Supreme Court.

Foreign: The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin WallInvasion of Panama and arrest of Noriega for drug traffickingGulf War

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The Soviet Bloc Dissolves